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Consumer Behaviour towards Spencers Retails

Submitted Submitted By: By: Gourab Gourab Bhowal. Bhowal. Roll no. Roll no. :: 09120050009 09120050009 Reg. no.: 091202010016 Reg. no.: 091202010016 Dept.: Dept.: BBA BBA (H) (H) Submitted Submitted To: To: Pro . Pr!"abrata Pro . Pr!"abrata Ban#"opa#h"a". Ban#"opa#h"a". Dr. Dr. B.C.Roy B.C.Roy Engineering Engineering College College..

I take this opportunity to thank Dr. B.C. ROY ENGINEERING COLLEGE, DURGAPUR, for i!in "e an opportunity to prepare this pro#e$t paper on %arketin %ana e"ent, &opi$' CONSUMER RETAILS. &here are peop(e )ho si"p(y inf(uen$e* an* inspire* "e in *oin this pro#e$t stu*y. I a$kno)(e* e "y ratitu*e an* in*e+te*ness to Prof. Priya+rata Ban*yopa*hyay, for ui*in an* he(pin "e in preparin this pro#e$t )ork in a(( possi+(e )ays. I )ant to thank ea$h an* e!ery fa$u(ty "e"+ers an* those )ho ha* +een "y sour$e of $o((e$tin infor"ations throu hout "y pro#e$t )ork. BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS SPENCERS

&hankin You ,Goura+ Bho)a(.



-erita e of .pen$er/s.



Resear$h %etho*o(o y.

0in*in 1 Data Ana(ysis.

%a#or 0in*in s.



Bi+(io raphy.

Consumer Beh !"our is the stu*y of )hen, )hy, ho) an* )here peop(e *o or *o not +uy a pro*u$t. It +(en*s e(e"ents fro" .o$ia(, Persona(, Cu(tura( an* E$ono"i$a(. It atte"pts to un*erstan* the +uyers/ *e$ision "akin pro$ess, +oth in*i!i*ua((y an* in roups. It stu*ies $hara$teristi$s of in*i!i*ua( $onsu"ers su$h as *e"o raphi$s an* +eha!ioura( !aria+(es in an atte"pt to un*erstan* peop(e3s )ants. It a(so tries to assess inf(uen$es on the $onsu"er fro" roups su$h as fa"i(y, frien*s, referen$e roups, an* so$iety in enera(. Consu"er +eha!iour stu*y is +ase* on $onsu"er +uyin +eha!iour, )ith the $usto"er p(ayin the three *istin$t ro(es of user, payer an* +uyer. Re(ationship "arketin is an inf(uentia( asset for $onsu"er +eha!iour ana(ysis as it has a keen interest in the re,*is$o!ery of the true "eanin of "arketin throu h the re,affir"ation of the i"portan$e of the $usto"er or +uyer.

Theor"es o# Consumer Beh !"our$

&here are four theories that e4p(ore the !arious *ri!es, )hi$h i"pe( $onsu"ers to)ar*s their $hoi$e.

So%"o&o'"% & mo(e&s$ Consu"er +eha!ior is *eter"ine* +y so$ia( for$es that a$t upon the".

Person & mo(e&$ 0o$uses on "oti!es for +uyin pro$ess of (earnin .

an* the

Cu&)ur & mo(e&$ Culture refers to the set of values, ideas, and attitudes that are accepted by a homogenous group of people and transmitted to the next generation. Culture determines what people wear, eat, reside and travel.

E%onom"% mo(e&$ 0o$uses on the $onsu"er as a se(f, intereste* uti(ity "a4i "iser, intent on "a4i"i5in en#oy"ent fro" his6her pur$hases.

T*+es o# Consumer ,u*"n' ,eh !"or$

Rou)"ne or Pro'r mme($ -a+itua( pur$hase, (o) in!o(!e"ent +y the +uyer. E. . Pur$hase of *airy pro*u$ts or +ake* foo*s, et$. L"m")e( (e%"s"on m -"n'$ .o"e $onsi*eration an* e!a(uation. E. . pur$hase of $(othes, et$.

E.)ens"!e (e%"s"on m -"n'$ -i h in!o(!e"ent +uyin re7uirin *etai(e* $onsi*eration. E. . Car, -ouse, Persona( $o"puter, et$. Im+u&se ,u*"n'$ Bou ht on i"pu(se )ithout prior thou ht. E. . Pa$ket of $hips, et$.

Wh* Consumer ,eh !"our "s "m+or) n)$

&he "arketin $on$ept stresses that a fir" shou(* $reate a "arketin "i4 that satisfies $usto"ers. &herefore fir"s nee*s to ana(yse )hat, )here, )hen, )hy an* ho) $onsu"er "ake their +uyin *e$ision. Un*erstan*in $onsu"er +eha!iour is essentia( to the *e!e(op"ent of "arketin strate ies, espe$ia((y pri$in , pro*u$t *esi n, se "entation, tar etin , positionin an* pro"otion.

.in$e 89:;, .pen$er/s has +een a part of the In*ian retai( (an*s$ape, ori ina((y o)ne* +y a British ent(e"an < Mr. S+en%er =>ohn ?i((ia" .pen$er, to +e pre$ise@ < it a$7uire* In*ian o)nership in the 8A:Bs, an* +e$a"e part of the RPG Group in 8A9A. In 8AAC, RPG Enterprises (aun$he* D0oo* )or(*E as a #oint !enture )ith -on ,Fon +ase* Dairy 0ar" Internationa(. &he #oint !enture, )hi$h operate* super"arkets un*er the na"e D0oo* )or(*E an* hyper"arkets un*er the na"e DGiantE, )as ter"inate* in GBB:. RPG retaine* H9 of the A; stores it o)ne*. .in$e in$eption .pen$er/s has +een a $onsu"er,$entri$ +ran*, $onstant(y inno!atin , pioneerin for"ats, e!o(!in o!er ti"e +ut a()ays keepin $onsu"er nee*s an* satisfa$tion $enter,sta e. Ba$k in 8AGB, .pen$er/s )ere the first ro$ery $hain in In*ia. In 8A9B, it +e$a"e the first super"arket $hain, an* in GBB8, it intro*u$e* In*ia to the #oys of hyper"arket shoppin .



>ohn ?i((ia" .pen$er an* Char(es Durrant open the first e!er .pen$er store in Chennai.


.pen$er/s +e$o"es the first ro$ery store in In*ia.


.pen$er/s +e$o"es the first super"arket $hain un*er 0oo* ?or(* in In*ia.


/ /

RPG Enterprises +uys a "a#ority stake in .pen$er/s.


.pen$er/s enters into a &e$hno(o y Assistan$e A ree"ent )ith Dairy 0ar" Internationa( -o(*in s Lt*., -on Fon , to set up the 0oo*)or(* $hain of super"arkets in In*ia.


0irst 0oo*)or(* store inau urate* in R A Pura", Chennai, +y %. .. .u++u(aksh"i, reno)ne* Farnati$ "usi$ian.


0irst hyper"arket inau urate* in %usheera+a*, -y*era+a*, +y Frishna Ya*a!, La+or %inister of An*hra Pra*esh.


8BBth 0oo* )or(* store inau urate* in Pon*i$herry.


>oint !enture )ith Dairy 0ar" Internationa( -o(*in s

0irst ne) store un*er the .pen$er/s +ran* na"e inau urate* in ?est %a"+a(a", Chennai.



IC,BBB s7 ft f(a ship store inau urate* at .outh City %a((, 0irst stan*a(one retai( store inau urate* at Ja*o*ara.

/ /

E4$(usi!e tie,up )ith K ; +i((ion ?oo()orths p($, UF, for retai(in their internationa((y a$$(ai"e* toy +ran*, Cha* Ja((ey, an* their La*y+ir* +ran* of ki*s )earL the (atter is ?oo()orth/s first internationa( tie,up in the $hi(*ren/s appare( se "ent.

&ie,up )ith Au Bon Pain, the Boston,+ase* fast $asua( *inin an* +akery $afM $hain ha!in "ore than GBB out(ets in A"eri$a, .outh Forea, &ai)an an* &hai(an*.

A((ian$e )ith Be!er(y -i((s Po(o C(u+ < its first internationa( tie,up in fashion.


/ /

Laun$h of the first e4$(usi!e +ran* out(et of Be!er(ey -i((s Po(o C(u+ in De(hi. Laun$h of Ban a(ore/s first hyper store on ;CBBB s7. ft in Up"arket .ar#apur.

Laun$h of a 8GBBB s7. ft hyper in An*hra Pra*esh ri$h to)n, ?aran a(.

Laun$h of the first $afe an* +akery out(et un*er the Au Bon Pain +ran* in Ban a(ore, %G Roa*.


/ / /

0oray into Pun#a+ )ith the (aun$h of three Be!er(ey -i((s Po(o $(u+ out(ets in A"ritsar an* >a(an*har. Announ$e"ent of a $han e in +ran* positionin D&aste,the,?or(*E to M -es 0"ne L"!"n' A##or( ,&e. fro"

Announ$e"ent of the e4$(usi!e tie,up )ith %ar$ E$ko Enterprises of U.A for E$ko U(t* an* E$ko Re* appare( +ran*s. &he first store (aun$he* in up"arket DL0 Pro"ena*e %a(( in Jasant Fun#, Ne) De(hi.

Announ$e"ent of e4$(usi!e tie,up )ith La*y+ir* +ran* of ki*s )ear fro" the house of UF,+ase* .hop*ire$t Group. &he first store )as (aun$he* in %G0 %etropo(itan, Gur aon.

/ /

Laun$h of the Guntur/s first hyper store on 8;BBB s7. ft.

Laun$h of Au Bon Pain f(a ship store in %antri %a((, Ban a(ore.

In the $urrent s$enario )ith the risin e$ono"y the *epart"enta( stores are a(so risin . .pen$er/s +e$a"e the spot(i ht of a(( *epart"enta( stores for its +ran*s, 7ua(ity an* reasona+(e pri$in . &he "ain o+#e$ti!es of this stu*y paper' &o stu*y the $onsu"er +eha!iour to)ar*s .pen$er/s 1 its pro*u$ts.

&o fin* .pen$er/s pro*u$ts *e"an*.

&o ana(yse $onsu"ers e4pe$tations fro" the "anufa$turers.

&o stu*y the (e!e( of $onsu"er/s satisfa$tion to)ar*s the pro*u$ts of .pen$er/s.

Rese r%h Me)ho(o&o'* is the )ay in )hi$h resear$h spe$ify ho) )e are oin to retrie!e a(( the i"portant *ata an* infor"ation that are re7uire* to "ake !ita( *e$isions.

Consu"ers Beha!iour to)ar*s .PENCER/. RE&AIL.

Rese r%h A++ro %h $ Sur!e*. Resear$h Approa$h "eans that the pro$ess of resear$h is $arrie* out in $ertain fra"e)ork of phi(osophies, use !a(i* an* re(ia+(e pro$e*ures, "etho*s an* te$hni7ues that is un+iase* an* o+#e$ti!e. &he sur!ey "etho* in!o(!es askin !ariety of 7uestions to respon*ents. %ost(y the 7uestions re(ate to +eha!iora( aspe$ts (ike per$eption, attitu*e, a)areness et$. &hese 7uestions "ay +e aske* !er+a((y or in )ritin . Rese r%h Ins)rumen) $ S)ru%)ure( 1ues)"onn "re. Resear$h Instru"ent "eans the "etho* of atherin infor"ation. 2uestionnaires, it $o((e$ts *ata +y askin peop(e to respon* to e4a$t(y the sa"e set of 7uestions. &hey are often use* as part of a sur!ey strate y to $o((e$t *es$ripti!e an* e4p(anatory *ata an* opinions, +eha!iors an* attri+utes. Rese r%h Are N ' r4 $ Dur' +ur S+en%ers 2C")* Cen)er3 B"(h n

Resear$h Area is the (o$ation fro" )here )e $o((e$t our infor"ation to ana(yse the *ata.

A sa"p(e is a su+set of a popu(ation se(e$te* for the stu*y. Para"eters of the sa"p(e are $a((e* statisti$s an* they are use* to infer popu(ation para"eters usin esti"ation pro$e*ures. S m+&e S"6e $ 78 +eo+&es.

.a"p(e si5e is the representation of e(e"ents of the tar et popu(ation. .a"p(in fra"e $an +e either, (ist of the e(e"ents that are representation of the tar et popu(ation or set of *ire$tions for i*entifyin the tar et popu(ation. S m+&e Pro%ess C&us)er s m+&"n'. $ S"m+&e r n(om s m+&"n' n(

In si"p(e ran*o" sa"p(in , ea$h e(e"ent in the sa"p(e is se(e$te* in*epen*ent of the other e(e"ent. Ea$h e(e"ent has a kno)n an* e7ua( pro+a+i(ity of se(e$tion an* "ore o!er ea$h sa"p(e of the i!en si5e has an e7ua( an* kno)n pro+a+i(ity of +ein a$tua((y se(e$te*. In $(uster sa"p(in on(y the ran*o"(y se(e$te* $(usters are taken in $onsi*eration for the purpose of sa"p(e se$tion. 0ro" the se(e$te* $(usters, either )ho(e of the $(uster is stu*ie* or the e(e"ents )ithin the $(uster are se(e$te* usin pro+a+i(ity sa"p(in "etho*.

Person & In)er!"e9. In persona( inter!ie), respon*ents are inter!ie)e* fa$e to fa$e. &he resear$her or inter!ie)s/ tasks are to $onta$t the respon*ents, ask the 7uestion an* re$or* the responses.


P"e Ch r)s. B r Ch r).


Do you vi i! S"#$%#& ' Yes ' No ' () "#o"*# HI ;

A+# +&ou" ,Y#-&. GB < ;B ;B < HB HB 1 a+o!e

/0 "#o"*# ;; 88 ;

O%%u"-!io$ .tu*ents Business .er!i$e Others

/0 "#o"*# GC I 9 I

Ho1 o2!#$ 3o you vi i! S"#$%#& ' On$e in a )eek On$e in a "onth O$$asiona((y

/0 "#o"*# 8; 8C 8A

Fo& 4o1 *o$+ you -&# - %u !o5#& o2 S"#$%#& ' Re$ent(y 8 year %ore than a year

/0 "#o"*# 88 8; G;

W4i%4 #%!io$ o2 S"#$%#& 3o you vi i! 5o !' ,M-6. "&o3u%! "&#2#&&#3. 0oo* 0ashion -o"e Entertain"ent

/0 "#o"*# G8 8: I ;

A&# you -1-&# 1i!4 !4# 2-%i*i!i# "&ovi3#3 7y S"#$%#& ' Yes No

/0 "#o"*# ;: 88

W4i%4 !y"# o2 2-%i*i!i# 3o you !4i$8 5o&# 7#$#2i%i-* 2o& you' ."art Car*s .u""er6?inter .a(e 0esti!a( Offer ?eek(y6 %onth(y .a(e

9: "#o"*# 8B I 8C H

Ho1 1ou*3 &-!# you& 4o""i$+ #6"#&i#$%# -! S"#$%#& ' Delightful (no. people) ;B GI G; G: ;: ;8 Met Expectations (no. people) 8: GB GG G8 8B 8C Disappointing (no. people) 8 B G B 8 8

2ua(ity of Pro*u$ts uantity of !roducts !rice of !roducts "vailability of !roducts Cleanliness of store #illing facility

Do you 2i$3 S"#$%#& *o%-!io$ i you' Yes No

ui!-7*# 2o&

/0 "#o"*# H8 :

Ho1 1ou*3 you &-!# S"#$%#& ' Goo* .atisfa$tory Disappointin

/0 "#o"*# ;; 8H B

0ro" the sur!ey of CB peop(e it )as foun* that .pen$er/s Retai(s ha!e oo* +ran* a)areness a"on the peop(e 1 they are satisfie* )ith .pen$er/s pro*u$t 1 ser!i$es. It $an +e !erifie* +y the fo((o)in fin*in s' On askin 7uestion DDo you !isit .pen$er/sNE to CB ran*o"(y $hosen peop(e, HI peop(e respon* OYes/ an* rest ; peop(e respon* ONo/.

;; peop(e of the a e roup OGB < ;B/ !isit .pen$er/s "a4i"u" in $o"parison to other a e roups, as 88 peop(e of /;B < HB/ an* ; peop(e of /HB 1 a+o!e/ out of HI peop(e.

Out of HI peop(e GC peop(e of stu*ent roup fin*s suita+(e for "arketin at .pen$er/s retai(s rather than other o$$upation peop(e roups, as I peop(e of Business, 9 peop(e of .er!i$e an* I peop(e of others.

HBP of the peop(e prefer to !isit .pen$er/s o$$asiona((y, ;GP peop(e prefer to !isit on$e in a "onth an* rest G9P peop(e on$e in a )eek.

HAP of the peop(e are the e4istin $usto"ers of .pen$er/s "ore than a year, )hereas G9P of peop(e are the $usto"er for a year an* G;P of peop(e +e$a"e re$ent $usto"er of .pen$er/s.

On the +asis of "a4i"u" pro*u$ts fro" the *ifferent se$tions preferre* +y the HI sur!eye* peop(e it )as foun* that, G8 peop(e !isits "a4i"u" at 0oo* se$tion than other se$tions as, 8: peop(e prefer to 0ashion, I peop(e prefer to -o"e an* ; peop(e prefer to Entertain"ent se$tions.

IIP of the peop(e respon*s OYes/ to)ar*s the a)areness of fa$i(ities pro!i*e* +y .pen$er/s, )hereas G;P peop(e respon*s ONo/, as they are not a)are.

As ;: peop(e )ere a)are a+out the fa$i(ities pro!i*e* +y .pen$er/s, 8B peop(e fin*s +enefit in ."art $ar*s, I peop(e fin*s +enefit in .u""er6?inter sa(e, 8C peop(e fin*s +enefit in 0esti!a( offers an* H peop(e fin*s +enefit in ?eek(y6%onth(y sa(e.

%a4i"u" peop(e rate* ODe(i htfu(/ as their shoppin e4perien$e at .pen$er/s un*er the hea* of 2ua(ity, 2uantity, Pri$e an* A!ai(a+i(ity

of pro*u$ts a(on )ith the C(ean(iness of store an* Bi((in fa$i(ity, +ut it )as foun* that GB peop(e, GG peop(e an* G8 peop(e a ainst HI peop(e )ere unsatisfie* )ith the 2uantity, Pri$e an* A!ai(a+i(ity of pro*u$ts respe$ti!e(y.

9IP of peop(e fin* .pen$er/s (o$ation suita+(e for there !isit, )hereas 8;P peop(e fin*s unsuita+(e.

.pen$er/s Retai(s )ere rate* OGoo*/ +y ;; peop(e, O.atisfa$tory/ +y 8H peop(e an* O Disappointin / +y none, a ainst HI peop(e.

On *oin this pro#e$t DConsumer Beh !"our )o9 r(s SPENCERS RETAILSE, I ha!e aine* a (ot of pra$ti$a( kno)(e* e, )hi$h )as 7uite *ifferent fro" the theoreti$a( kno)(e* e aine* fro" the +ooks 1 a(so pri$e(ess kno)(e* e throu h 7uestionnaire . ?hi(e preparin this pro#e$t I ha!e $arefu((y one throu h the history 1 +a$k roun* of .pen$er/s an* a(so trie* to stru$ture the 7uestionnaire in su$h a )ay so that peop(e *on/t fa$e any pro+(e" to i!e their !ie) to)ar*s .pen$er/s Retai(s. On the +asis of $onsu"ers responses )e $an $on$(u*e fo((o)in thin s'

&hou h .pen$er/s ha!in "a4i"u" $usto"ers fro" the a e roup GB,;B, yet it shou(* i"pro!e its "arketin strate y to attra$t other a e roups.

.tu*ents are foun* to +e hi h(y prefera+(e to)ar*s .pen$er/s rather than other o$$upation peop(e. .pen$er/s $an ain "ore $usto"ers fro" other o$$upation roup if .pen$er/s i!es "ore i"portan$e to Business a* ets, other househo(* an* e(e$troni$ pro*u$ts.

.pen$er/s is )e(( kno)n for its 0oo* se$tion. Peop(e "ain(y !isit .pen$er/s to ra+ the fresh foo* "ateria(, .pen$er/s shou(* a(so i!e e7ua( i"portan$e to)ar*s other se$tions, "ain(y -o"e an* Entertain"ent se$tion.

%a4i"u" peop(e )ere De(i htfu( )ith the shoppin e4perien$e at .pen$er/s, thou h it )as foun* that peop(e )ere unsatisfie* )ith the 2uantity, Pri$e an* A!ai(a+i(ity of the pro*u$ts. .pen$er/s shou(* keep a ri ht proportion to the 7uantity an* the pri$e of the pro*u$ts an* ha!e proper $ontro( in a!ai(a+i(ity of oo*s, to keep (on run su$$ess.


?hi(e *oin this pro#e$t stu*y on .pen$er/s Retai(, I ha!e to un*er o )ith fe) (i"itations, as'

Peop(e )ere foun* to +e hesitatin in i!in their !ie)s.

Peop(e )ere in hurry, so they )ere una+(e to infor"ation.

i!e proper

Peop(e )ere tryin to a!oi* fi((in the 7uestionnaire.





%. Go!in*ara#an e*ition

%arketin %ana e"ent


B(a$k)e((, %iniar* 1 En e(

Consu"er Beha!iour

8Bth e*ition

%ohit Gupta 1Na!*eep A ,

ar)a( .o$ia( Resear$h %etho*s

$!E%CE&'$ &E(")*$
Na"e A**ress ' '

Gen*er ' A e Group =Yr@' O$$upation ' In$o"e Le!e( =P.%@ '

%a(e GB < ;B .tu*ent

0e"a(e ;B < HB Business .er!i$e HB 1 a+o!e Others Rs.;B,BBB 1 a+o!e

Be(o) Rs.C,BBB

Rs.8B,BBB < Rs.;B,BBB


Yes -o) often *o you !isit .pen$er/sN


On$e in a )eek

On$e in a "onth


0or ho) (on you are a $usto"er of .pen$er/sN


8 Year

%ore than a year

?hi$h se$tion of .pen$er/s *o you !isit "ostN





?hi$h pro*u$t6pro*u$ts *o you pur$hase fro" your $hoi$e se$tionsN 0ASHION %eans )ear ?o"en/s )ear Fi*s )ear A$$essories 0oot )ear HOME -o"e nee*s 0urniture &ra!e( essentia(s De$or ENTERTAINMENT E(e$troni$s -ouse e(e$troni$ essentia(s

0OOD Be!era es Dairy pro*u$ts Bake* foo*s Je eta+(es 0ish 1 %eat

Are you a)are )ith the fa$i(ities pro!i*e* +y .pen$er/sN



?hi$h type of fa$i(ities *o you think "ore +enefi$ia( for youN

."art Car*s 0esti!a( Offer

.u""er6?inter .a(e ?eek(y6%onth(y .a(e

-o) )ou(* you rate your shoppin e4perien$e at .pen$er/s

De&"'h)#u& 1u &")* o# +ro(u%)s 1u n)")* o# +ro(u%)s Pr"%e o# +ro(u%)s A! "& ,"&")* o# +ro(u%)s C&e n&"ness o# s)ore B"&&"n' # %"&")*

Me) E.+e%) )"ons

D"s ++o"n)"n'

Do you fin* .pen$er/s (o$ation is suita+(e for your !isitN

Yes -o) )ou(* you rate .pen$er/sN


Goo* P(a$e '


Disappointin Date '

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