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Foundation Practical Study 2012 (UTAS FCP113) Teacher Assessment




Task You are required to present written document containing a reflection on your composition folio as presented at the recent mid-year assessment. Use the following focus points to help you complete this document. You may of course add additional information as applicable to your situation. Focus Points 1. Reflect on or summarise your ambitions/goals at the commencement of the course. 2. Reflect on your development and progress throughout the year to date (goods, bads, positives, negatives, challenges, what worked best for you, what didnt, how you have changed, etc). Dont be over-critical or hard on yourself be realistic and true. 3. Have you done enough work? Did you develop a suitable routine of composing? 4. Were you adequately supported and prepared (teacher/tutor assistance, performers who could play your works, technical requirements etc)? What implications for the lead up to end of course presentation? 5. What are your strengths and weaknesses in the folio at present? 6. How did you manage with presenting your works? Were you organised with scores and recordings and able to introduce your works in a positive way? 7. After your discussions with the UTAS examiners, what do you need to put in place in order to successfully complete the course? This personal reflection should be between 300 600 words and must be emailed to your teacher.

ASSESSMENT FOCUS (crit 4 - communication of ideas and information)

1 2 3 3 4 Mid-year Self-Reflection Assignment Written work displays clarity and structure, presents information in a logical, succinct, coherent & organized manner. Written work has been edited and proof-read in order to meet expected standards. Layout satisfactory.
Adherence to (English) language conventions of spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence and paragraph structures.


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All focus points are addressed, demonstrating reflection, and planning on how best to achieve future goals. Word count is met and work emailed as required.

Marking Guide: PASS 10 11.5; CREDIT 12-13.5; DISTINCTION 14-15.5; HIGH DISTINCTION 16+



Teacher Comments (if required)

Assessment Rubric communication of ideas and information Mid-year Self-Reflection Assignment

Written presentation FAIL NN (t) Less 50% Poor presentation, grammar and spelling detract from content. Lacking in care, organization, structure and flow. Information may be confusing, disjointed Little attention to given focus points PASS (C) 50 59% Required content mostly evident but poor structure and presentation is still a distraction. Vocabulary is limited, views may be unsupported. Focus points not all responded to, lacking depth of content CR (C+) 60 69% Attempt to follow requirements. Still occasional errors in grammar and spelling, but not markedly distracting. Some important information may be lacking. Majority of focus points covered DN (B) 70 79% Majority of information is clear and accurate and relevant with text framed in own words. Majority of focus points covered well HD (A) 80 100% Information consistently accurate and relevant. Good structure and flow. No distractions. Clearly expressed All focus points discussed with clarity and integrity

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