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National Day of Prayer for Defence

5 April 2014

Contents Welcome The Lord ! Prayer "rder of #$ent! %cript&re Than'!(i$in( Prayer!

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3 3 3 4 5 )

Prayer Group 1* .. + Defence ,&lt&re and Trainin( %ettin(! Prayer Group 2* .. Deployed Per!onnel. Defence /em0er! and familie! Prayer Group 3* .. 1 %enior Leader!hip. ,haplain! And 2aith 3nder 2ire ,o&r!e Prayer Group 4* .. 10 Defence ,hri!tian /ilitary /ini!trie! And the A/,2 4lo0al 5nteraction 2014 Admini!tration map .. 12 2

Welcome to the National Day of Prayer for Defence . We appreciate yo&r commitment in (i$in( yo&r time to pray for the A&!tralian Defence 2orce in a challen(in( time. for Defence mem0er!. familie!. leader!. and (o$ernment. We al!o need prayer to (i$e &! 6i!dom and !tren(th to ma'e the ri(ht deci!ion! to (&ide o&r nation into the f&t&re. Defence ,hri!tian military mini!trie! a! 6ell a! the ,haplain! and tho!e 6ho ha$e a heart for Defence are 7oinin( 6ith yo& today aro&nd A&!tralia to 0e part of thi! important acti$ity. 8e!&! demon!trated a re(&lar and pa!!ionate prayer life. !ometime! p&0licly and !ometime! alone. 9e al!o prayed at critical moment! in hi! life. 9e (a$e a !imple 0&t po6erf&l e:ample of ho6 to pray 6ith The Lords Prayer ;L&'e 11*1<.


"&r 2ather in hea$en. hallo6ed 0e yo&r Name. yo&r 'in(dom come. yo&r 6ill 0e done on earth. a! in hea$en. 4i$e &! today o&r daily 0read. 2or(i$e &! o&r !in! a! 6e for(i$e tho!e 6ho !in a(ain!t &!. %a$e &! from the time of trial and deli$er &! from e$il. 2or the 'in(dom. the po6er and the (lory are yo&r! no6 and fore$er. Amen.


Dependin( &pon the n&m0er of the people 6ho are attendin( the Ndop. yo& may choo!e to pray thro&(h the follo6in( fo&r element! to(ether or 0rea' &p into !mall (ro&p!.

The facilitator may incl&de !on(! if appropriate.

SCR%PT'RE #se(e)t*on o+ ,erses -e(o. or )/oose ot/ers& 2 C/ron*)(es 0114213 5f my people. 6ho are called 0y my name. 6ill h&m0le them!el$e! and pray and !ee' my face and t&rn from their 6ic'ed 6ay!. then 5 6ill hear from hea$en. and 5 6ill for(i$e their !in and 6ill heal their land. 15 No6 my eye! 6ill 0e open and my ear! attenti$e to the prayer! offered in thi! place. 1 T*4ot/y 21124 5 &r(e. then. fir!t of all. that re=&e!t!. prayer!. interce!!ion and than'!(i$in( 0e made for e$eryone>> for 'in(! and all tho!e in a&thority. that 6e may li$e peacef&l and =&iet li$e! in all (odline!! and holine!!. Thi! i! (ood. and plea!e! 4od o&r %a$io&r. 6ho 6ant! all men to 0e !a$ed and to come to a 'no6led(e of the tr&th. E5e6*a( 301120 The hand of the L"?D 6a! on me. and he 0ro&(ht me o&t 0y the %pirit of the L"?D and !et me in the middle of a $alley@ it 6a! f&ll of 0one!. 29e led me 0ac' and forth amon( them. and 5 !a6 a (reat many 0one! on the floor of the $alley. 0one! that 6ere $ery dry. 39e a!'ed me. A%on of man. can the!e 0one! li$eBC 5 !aid. A%o$erei(n L"?D. yo& alone 'no6.C 4Then he !aid to me. AProphe!y to the!e 0one! and !ay to them. DDry 0one!. hear the 6ord of the L"?DE 5Thi! i! 6hat the %o$erei(n L"?D !ay! to the!e 0one!* 5 6ill ma'e 0reath enter yo&. and yo& 6ill come to life. )5 6ill attach tendon! to yo& and ma'e fle!h come &pon yo& and co$er yo& 6ith !'in@ 5 6ill p&t 0reath in yo&. and yo& 6ill come to life. Then yo& 6ill 'no6 that 5 am the L"?D. C + %o 5 prophe!ied a! 5 6a! commanded. And a! 5 6a! prophe!yin(. there 6a! a noi!e. a rattlin( !o&nd. and the 0one! came to(ether. 0one to 0one. 4

Almi(hty 4od. in yo&r 6i!dom yo& !o ordered o&r earthly life that 6e m&!t 6al' 0y faith and not 0y !i(ht* (i$e &! !&ch tr&!t in yo&r care. that in the face of all challen(e! 6e may (i$e proof of o&r faith 0y the co&ra(e of o&r li$e!@ thro&(h 8e!&! ,hri!t o&r Lord. Amen. Than'yo& for yo&r %on 8e!&! ,hri!t the Lord. for hi! !acrificial life. Than'yo& for 4od ! (reat mercy &pon o&r nation. Than'yo& for rai!in( ri(hteo&! 4odly people in po!ition! of infl&ence in the AD2. e!pecially. for 4#N 9&rley. a! the ,hief of the Defence 2orce. Than'yo& for AD2 chaplaincy and the 6onderf&l 6or' that they do a! ,hri!t ! am0a!!ador! in the AD2. Than'yo& that !pirit&al matter! are $al&ed 0y the AD2. Than'yo& for the inception. la&nch and implementation of the AD2 2aith 3nder 2ire ,o&r!e. Than'yo& for li$e! chan(ed and tran!formed.

Than'yo& for Defence ,hri!tian! 6ho are (ro6in( in di!ciple!hip

and !tandin( !tron( in their faith. Than'yo& for the $alo&r F co&ra(e of the troop! in operation!. Than'yo& for the marria(e! and familie! of !er$ice per!onnel. Than'yo& for the relation!hip! 0et6een !er$ice men and 6omen. 6hether 7&nior or !enior !taff. that 4od ha! reconciled or 0ro&(ht in peace 6here it i! needed. Than'yo& for the (&idance of the 9oly %pirit in deepenin( faith and (ro6in( (odly li$e! of inte(rity that m&ltiply 4od ! (race.

PRAYERS T/e SOLD%ERS Prayer8 Almi(hty 4od. 6ho!e command i! o$er all. and 6ho!e lo$e ne$er fail!. let me 0e a6are of yo&r pre!ence. and o0edient to yo&r 6ill. 9elp me to accept my !hare of re!pon!i0ility 6ith a !tron( heart and cheerf&l mind. /a'e me con!iderate of tho!e 6ith 6hom 5 li$e and 6or'. and faithf&l to the d&tie! my co&ntry ha! entr&!ted to me. Let my &niform remind me daily of the tradition! of the %er$ice in 6hich 5 !er$e. When 5 am inclined to do&0t. !tren(then my faith. When 5 am tempted to !in. help me to re!i!t. When 5 fail. (i$e me the co&ra(e to try a(ain. 4&ide me 6ith the li(ht of yo&r tr&th and 'eep 0efore me the life and e:ample of 8e!&! in 6ho!e name 5 pray. Amen. T/e "A!AL Prayer8 #ternal 4od. creator of the hea$en! and r&ler of the ra(in( !ea!. ta'e &nder yo&r po6erf&l protection and 0le!! all mem0er! of the ?oyal A&!tralian Na$y. Pre!er$e them from the dan(er! of the !ea and !tren(then them !o that they may faithf&lly !er$e o&r co&ntry. With the help of other! 6ho lo$e freedom may they 0e a0le to en!&re !ec&rity for all tho!e 6ho la6f&lly tra$el the !e$en !ea!. and 0y their effort maintain for all people the po!!i0ility of !er$in( yo& in peace and 7&!tice all thro&(h their li$e!. We a!' thi! thro&(h 8e!&! ,hri!t. o&r Lord. Amen. T/e RAA Prayer " Lord. o&r 4od. 6ho ha! (i$en &! dominion o$er earth. air. and !ea. We a!' yo& to 0e pre!ent 6ith &! 6ho are called to !er$e o&r co&ntry in the ?oyal A&!tralian Air 2orce. 4i$e &! co&ra(e. a !teady ner$e and ready mind. %&!tain &! in day! of preparation in the daily ro&tine !er$icin( and 6eary 6aitin(. Ge 6ith &! in time of !&dden peril and (rant that &nder yo&r mi(hty protection. 6e may 0e pre!er$ed in 0ody. !o&l. and mind. We a!' thi! thro&(h 8e!&!. ,hri!t. o&r Lord. Amen. )

PRAYER GRO'P 11 DE E"CE C'LT'RE A"D TRA%"%"G SETT%"GS De+en)e Cu(ture

Defence ha! a !tron( c&lt&re that i! 0a!ed on ,hri!tian $al&e!. %ome mem0er! ha$e. ho6e$er. not e:erci!ed their leader!hip po!ition! to the !tandard that the AD2 e:pect!. A! a re!&lt. there are a n&m0er of c&rrent and e: !er$ice per!onnel 6ho ha$e 0een impacted phy!ically. emotionally and !pirit&ally 0y their action!. A n&m0er of re$ie6! ha$e 0een p&t in place to impro$e certain element! of the AD2 c&lt&re. Pray for 4odly 6i!dom for o&r !enior leader! a! they implement the recommendation! of the!e re$ie6!. Pathway to Change i! Defence ! re!pon!e to the c&lt&ral i!!&e! that ha$e 0een rai!ed. 5t pro$ide! a clear commitment to !hape DefenceH! collecti$e attit&de!. !y!tem! and 0eha$io&r! to impro$e capa0ility and en!&re the contin&ed !&pport of the A&!tralian p&0lic. Pray for the operational pha!e of the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce. Pray for appropriate o&tcome! for complainant!. Pray for the three &ni=&e pro(ram! that the Ta!'force ha! de$eloped* the Defence A0&!e ?e!torati$e #n(a(ement Pro(ram@ the Defence A0&!e ?eparation %cheme@ and the deli$ery of contracted co&n!ellin( !er$ice! aro&nd A&!tralia &nder the Ta!'force ! National ,o&n!ellin( %cheme. Pray for the effecti$ene!! and efficiency of the deli$ery of 'ey o&tcome! $ia the Ta!'force de$eloped indi$id&al pro7ect plan!.

Tra*n*n9 Sett*n9s
There are many trainin( !ettin(! acro!! Defence* technical or initial entry !ettin(! > to officer and po!t (rad&ate !ettin(!. Pray for the in!tr&ctional !taff. Pray for 6i!dom to deal 6ith the diffic&lt o&tcome! that !ometime! occ&r. Pray for their family life relation!hip!. Pray that ,hri!tian military mini!trie! and chaplain! operatin( 6ith the trainin( in!tit&tion! 6ill 0e !&cce!!f&l in 0rin(in( the 6ord of 4od to the trainee!. Pray that the trainee! 6ill 0e open to hearin( the (o!pel and actin( on it


Pray that AD2 mem0er! 6ill carry o&t their re!pon!i0ilitie! 6ell. Pray for the protection of deployed !er$ice 6omen and men Pray for the familie! of AD2 per!onnel. e!pecially tho!e 6ho are c&rrently deployed. Pray for ret&rned !er$ice men and 6omen 6ho are copin( 6ith phy!ical. emotional and !pirit&al in7&rie!. Pray for their 6ell 0ein(. for healin( and 6holene!!. Pray that !er$ice men and 6omen 6ill f&lfil their 4od (i$en p&rpo!e.

The 4o$ernment ha! appro$ed the deployment of appro:imately 1150 A&!tralian Defence 2orce per!onnel to 10 operation! o$er!ea! and 6ithin A&!tralia to protect A&!tralia and it! national intere!t!. "f the!e. appro:imately -00 AD2 mem0er! are acti$ely protectin( A&!tralia ! 0order! and off!hore maritime intere!t!. "peration %L5PP#? ;Af(hani!tan< "peration %L5PP#? ;/iddle #a!t< "peration PALAT# 55 ;Af(hani!tan< "peration ?#%"L3T# ;A&!tralian Gorder Protection< "peration /AI3?JA ;#(ypt< "peration PALAD5N ;/iddle #a!t< "peration A%LAN ;%o&th %&dan< "peration 4AT#WAK ;%o&th ,hina %eaL5ndian "cean< "peration %"LAN5A ;%o&th We!t Pacific< 250 -00 4 -00 25 12 20 $arie! $arie!

"peration ?#ND#? %A2# ;%o&th We!t Pacific nation!< $arie! Giennial acti$ity -



Sen*or Lea;ers/*p
/ini!ter for Defence
The 9on. Da$id 8ohn!ton

%ecretary of Defence
Denni! ?ichard!on A"

,hief of Defence 2orce

4#N Da$id 9&rley A,. D%,

,hief of Army

,hief of Na$y

,hief of Air 2orce

A5?/%9L 4eoff Gro6n A" ,A2

LT4#N Da$id /orri!on A" Mice Admiral ?ay 4ri((! A". ,%, ?AN

The ,hief of the Defence 2orce and the ,hief! of Army. Na$y and Air 2orce concl&de their term! in 8&ly 2014. Pray o$er the !election proce!! for the ri(ht people to fill the!e po!ition! and the ne6 AD2 leader!hip team. Pray for the f&t&re direction for Defence in White Paper o&tcome!. Pray for the f&t&re patron of /,2>A.

The AD2 re(ard! attention to the !pirit&al need! of it! mem0er! a! a matter of the hi(he!t importance and i! committed to pro$idin( them 6ith the opport&nity and facilitie! for the practice of their faith. AD2 ,haplaincy i! mini!try 6itho&t 0order!. Pray for AD2 chaplain! that they 6ill 0e ,hri!t ! am0a!!ador! in the AD2 and that they 6ill 0e a0le to e:erci!e the !pirit&al component of their re!pon!i0ilitie! 6ell.


a*t/ 'n;er *re Course

Pray that Defence ,hri!tian! 6ill facilitate and lead thi! co&r!e acro!! AD2 0a!e! and that !er$ice per!onnel 6ill attend the co&r!e and !ee' for them!el$e! 6ho 8e!&! i! and 6hat they !ho&ld do a0o&t matter! of faith. 1


M%"%STR%ES A"D AMC GLO$AL %"TERACT%O" 2<14 Pray for &nity 0et6een the mini!trie! a! 6e 0&ild the 'in(dom of 4od to(ether. 2or 4odly 6i!dom and leader!hip. 2or ,hri!tian Defence /em0er! to !&pport the mini!trie! 2or 4od! 6ill to 0e done thro&(h the mini!trie!. 2or re!o&rce! to pro$ide capacity to implement mini!try plan!.

C/r*st*an M*(*tary M*n*str*es M*(*tary C/r*st*an e((o.s/*p

#=&ippin(. enco&ra(in( and !&pportin( /ilitary ,hri!tian! to 0&ild the Jin(dom of 4od in the AD2.

So(*; Ro)6 M*n*str*es

Pray for the ne6 leader of %?/. /r! 8&lianne /c/a!ter. ,hri!tian !&pport (ro&p! for military 6i$e!Lfemale partner!.


Pro$ide reli(io&! mini!try and pa!toral care to !er$ice mem0er! and their familie!. ;6e0!ite! li!ted on 2,// 0oo'mar'! on /,2 6e0!ite<.

E,ery4ans We(+are Ser,*)es

"fferin( ,hri!tian !&pport to the A&!tralian Defence 2orce Per!onnel. %er$ice Meteran! and Allie!.

OC'S M*(*tary M*n*stry

Net6or'in(. e=&ippin( and in!pirin( per!onnel to ma'e a difference for the Jin(dom of 4od in the Defence 2orce.

Re; S/*e(; De+en)e Ser,*)es

Welfare F /orale !&pport 6ith a li!tenin( ear. Practical and !pirit&al !&pport thro&(h 4odH! lo$e.

"a,*9ators M*(*tary M*n*stry

To ad$ance the 4o!pel of 8e!&! and 9i! Jin(dom into the nation! thro&(h !pirit&al (eneration! of la0o&rer! li$in( and di!ciplin( amon( the lo!t. 10


Thi! i! a prayer net6or' for parent! of Defence /em0er!.

Asso)*at*on o+ M*(*tary C/r*st*an e((o.s/*ps G(o-a( %ntera)t*on 2<14 = Sout/ A+r*)a 30 No$ to ) Dec 2014

That e$ery co&ntry in the 6orld ha$e an /,2 and that it 0ecome mat&re and effecti$e. "All one in Christ Jesus pray that repre!entati$e! from e$ery co&ntry 6ill attend. That there 6ill 0e more than 1.000 international military ,hri!tian participant! from at lea!t 150 co&ntrie! and )00 %o&th African military ,hri!tian participant!. Pray that re!o&rce! 6ill 0e pro$ided to plan for and implement the conference. Pray that Defence ,hri!tian! 6ill !&pport and attend the conference. e!pecially a! it occ&r! once e$ery ten year!. Pray for the %o&th African /ilitary ,hri!tian 2ello6!hip! ;%A/,2< 6ho i! ho!tin( thi! e$ent at ,ape To6n. %o&th Africa. 2or di!!emination of information at* 666.amcf2014.or( 2or donation! of f&nd! to a!!i!t dele(ate! from co&ntrie! 6ithin o&r re(ion to attend. The A/,2 45 or(ani!er! are a!'in( /,2 mem0er! from aro&nd the 6orld to con!ider donatin( one day ! pay to !&pport attendance of tho!e dele(ate! le!! fort&nate than o&r!el$e!. /,2 A&!tralia i! aimin( to rai!e N10.000 to !&pport re(ional dele(ate!.

Asso)*at*on +or C/r*st*an Con+eren)e > Tea)/*n9 Ser,*)e

Pray for replacement! for ?&!!ell and 9elen Gielen0er( to contin&e thi! mini!try@ A,,T% train! military ,hri!tian leader! to form locally>led /ilitary ,hri!tian 2ello6!hip! ;/,2!<.


ADM%"%STRAT%O" Jey location! are !ho6n 0elo6*

http*LL666.0i0le(ate6ay.comLpa!!a(eLB!earchO1P20,orinthian!P202*+>1)F$er!ionO,#M http*LL666.0i0le(ate6ay.comLpa!!a(eLB!earchO?e$elationP20+*1>1+F$er!ionO,#M ,opyri(ht Q 1115 0y American Gi0le %ociety ,ontemporary #n(li!h Mer!ion ;,#M< A Prayer Goo' 2or A&!tralia. 1111. the An(lican ,h&rch of A&!tralia. Gro&(hton Goo'!. /&l(ra$e. Mic. p. 511.

http: www!defence!go"!au op inde#!ht$


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