Predicaments of Democracy

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Predicaments of Democracy

China is achieving milestone after milestone every year while, India, the largest democracy in the world, is suffering a policy paralysis. The worlds oldest democracies, like, England and United States, have been confronting humiliating revelations by their own news papers. The democratic world is facing new demonstration, new exposition every day. Development of latest technologies has helped these free, liberated citizens to express themselves more empathically, more widely. Their free corporate are engaged in development of new, and sometimes, strange products which have become a headache for ethically conscious humans. Three parent baby, surrogate mothers etc are few of such technologies. All these developments have raised a question over utility of democracy. It has been alleged that modern world has become a fish market. Everyone is shouting about his/her own rights and the world, as a whole, is suffering. But it is not even half of the truth. The world may be full of noise, full of demands, but it is no doubt that it has achieved a lot for humans. We were never so prosperous in the past. Life expectancies, health standards are only improving. And it is happening when almost the entire world is moving towards democracy. So, democracy is an interesting phenomenon in human history and we must understand it completely, from its history to its future, to understand its benefits as well as dangers completely. Meaning and origin of demcracy Today, humans have excelled everywhere, in every sphere. No other living being can challenge us. Today, we are much modernised and have advanced technology, but, in the past we became the alpha specie, not due to our strength, but, due to our unity. Humans used to hunt in groups. With the time, agriculture was invented and villages were established and soon there were kingdoms and empires. And after that, human race never looked back. Another deciding factor for our success was our mind, our genius, which helped us in overcoming every physical, geographical or climatic barrier. Thus, two factors development of society and development of mind were responsible for our success. Wherever, both these factors flourished, that section of the society, succeeded by leaps and bounds. Thus, with the development of human society, political organisation of societies also began. There were examples of democratic political systems in ancient period also. Greeks, Romans, Vaishali, Magadha and many more empires tried democratic systems to some extent. But modern democratic systems come into existence in 19th century only and this system spread its wing throughout the planet in the 20th century only. Today democracy can be understood in two ways. One, as a philosophy of equality and another, as a system of governance. As a philosophy, democracy refers to equal rights, equal status and equal opportunities for all citizens. There are no divine rights in it, no hereditary benefits, except, economical. It gives freedom to everyone to express his/her views, to cherish his/her faith, to aspire and work for own dream and goals.

Democracy as a system of governance, refer to the voting rights and the rule by people, either through their elective representatives or by themselves directly. So overall, democracy is a political organisation of people where all the members of the organisation have right to influence the group, have rights to express themselves. Many thinkers have supported the cause of democracy. The great English philosopher John Locke emphasises that every human has inalienable right of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. French philosopher Rousseau criticized the earlier, non democratic system by saying that Man is born free, yet, everywhere, he is in chains. So, with the time, idea of liberty, freedom, equality got entrenched in the society and modern democratic system born. But, these modern systems, themselves, are not, anywhere, close to a perfect system. There are many problems associated with it also. Political problems Humans population has touched the mark of 800 crore. Although, they are divided among a number of countries, yet, it is very difficult, even for one lakh people, to sit together and take a decision collectively that is why, representatives are elected in the democratic world for taking decision. But still, this does not solve the problem. Many a times, the representatives of a particular section fight for the right of their own constituencies only. Indian parliament is a good example of such regional divisions these days. Coalition governments are coming in power in many countries like Germany, India, England, etc. And many times, small regional parties hijack the functioning of whole parliament. One solution can be presidential form of government but still law making is done by the legislature only. Recently, differences among political parties in US led to the shutdown of whole executive machinery. On the other hand, a majority can completely bypass a minority in a country and a democratic system becomes a majoritarian government. Neglect of Tamils in Sri Lanka, discrimination against black in US in recent past, neglect of tribal communities and north east region in India are such examples. A solution has been suggested in the form of decentralisation and local governments. Steps have been taken in this direction but, still, even at the local level, majority generally prevails. Certain steps like guarantee of rights to everyone, reservation of minorities etc. has solved this problem a little bit, but, problems are still there. Economic and Social problems China is emerging as the largest economic power these days. Credit is given to its quick decision making by the government as compared to slow democratic govts. In democratic countries, sometimes small groups can hinder the infrastructural development programmes, mining, energy generation, up to years and thus establishment of large businesses, making big roads, establishing huge power plants, sometimes, become very difficult. For example, in India, so many PILs, so many NGOs, so many civil society groups, religious bodies, environmental bodies have made the atmosphere very challenging. Even the government starts favouring the wind and doesnt think at long terms. Every small group is demanding for its rights and sometimes demands are not even for the betterment of the people. Like, many

times, European govts dont take action against the racist elements. In India also, some state govts favour their traditional rudimentary elements to secure their vote banks. Technological problems Freedom to engage in any business has led to the development of so many inventions, so many machines and so many new business activities. Google glass and driver-less cars have raised huge concerns about their misuse. Development of 3-D printers, business of womb renting by poor ladies, etc. have led to many social and ethical concerns. Internet has become a new stage for the societies to register their voices, their opinions and this has again led to confrontational situations. Like new ideas, new types of crimes, new platforms for the pressure on the govt. On the other hand, Internet has also become another tool for majority to show its strength. New technologies have empowered the already enlightened media of the democracies and, everyday, they are producing new sensations, new issues, new revelations. Overall, the world of democracy is full of voices, noises and it is becoming very difficult for any govt to guide it in a direction, rather, govts are guided by the people. But isnt it a good and desirable thing, then? Democracy is not bad at all It is an established fact that societies have succeeded due to the enlightenment of the people. In a democracy, everybody applies his/her mind, everybody expresses himself/herself and thus democracy becomes a unifying force for human society. Although, different groups argue, demonstrate and protest; but this whole process leads to a more consensus based decision making, more satisfaction and a better world. In the past, many countries, like Germany, Russia, Japan, developed under autocratic rulers very quickly but their progress was not sustainable. A true sustainable developmental model has been presented by England very clearly and it has been rightly acknowledged that the Sun never sets in the United Kingdom. Another successful model is United States which also owes its success to its democratic traditions. Even in the case of business also, it is a fact that the fast emerging China is not paying any concern to environment as well as to its less privileged sections. It has become a time bomb situation and that is why, even China is, now, relaxing the state control on citizens. Humans are the ultimate resource for humanity. And to polish this resource, society needs free environment, people needs capabilities. Same is suggested by Amartya Sen that for the development of human society, focus should be given to the capacity development of each and every human being and this capacity development is possible in a democratic world. It is the democracy itself, which through its free and creative populations can find solutions for its own problems. That is why, even Chinese ex-President said, Let thousand ideas to contend, let thousand flowers to bloom.

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