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The Ultimate Bread Machine Cookbook

100% Crunch Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 P!"#$ %!A& '() cup *ater p+us 1 tab+espoon *ater , cups *heat -+our 1 teaspoon Sa+t ) teaspoons .one/ ) teaspoons Mo+asses , teaspoons 0+uten ) teaspoons !+ive oi+ 1(, cup Seeds 1an/ 2ind3 , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 &o++o5 manu-acturers directions6 100% Stone 0round *ho+e *heat Bread

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Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : &at &ree Breads Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method ' cups 100% *ho+e *heat &+our +eve+ '(7 cup *heat g+uten -+our +eve+ 1 1(, cups *ater at 110 degrees ' tab+espoons .one/ ) teaspoons Active dr/ /east , teaspoons Sa+t heaping Mi8 in separate bo5+9 -+our9 g+uten -+our and sa+t6 Pour 5ater into bread pan6 It is important to use thermometer and that the 5ater be 110 degrees6 Sprin2+e /east into the 5ater6 Stir 5ith 5ooden spoon unti+ /east is thorough+/ disso+ved6 Add hone/6 Stir 5ith 5ooden spoon unti+ hone/ is thorough+/ dissvo+ed6 Add -+our mi8tures6 0ent+/ stir in each corner o- pan to he+p mi8 mi8ture6 P+ace container in bread machine6 Put on Bread menu 1medium or +ight36 Bread -reezes 5e++6 100% *ho+e *heat Bread -or Bread Machine Serving Size : 7 Preparation Time :0:00

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Categories : Abm Breads Amount Measure Ingredient 1 , 1 1 1 :;0"%A: %!A& cup *ater 1(, cups *heat bread -+our 1() tab+espoons $r/ mi+2 teaspoon Sa+t 1(, tab+espoons Butter

Preparation Method

1 1 , 1 ,

1() tab+espoons .one/ tab+espoon 0+uten teaspoons Mo+asses 1(, teaspoons &ast :ise /east <<< !: <<< teaspoons Active $r/ /east %A:0; %!A& 1 1(, cups = , tb *ater ' '() cups *heat bread -+our , tab+espoons $r/ mi+2 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , tab+espoons Butter , tab+espoons .one/ 1 1(, tab+espoons 0+uten 1 tab+espoon Mo+asses , 1(7 teaspoons &ast :ise /east <<< !: <<< ' teaspoons Active $r/ /east The tric2 to ma2ing 100% 5ho+e 5heat bread in /our machine is an e8tra 2nead9 5hich gives the /east and g+uten a second chance to create a +ighter +oa-6

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*hen /our -irst 2nead c/c+e is comp+eted9 simp+/ reset the machine and start again6 Some manu-acturers produce home ba2eries 5ith a 5ho+e 5heat c/c+e> i- /our machine doesn?t have one9 this start again method 5or2s as an eas/ a+ternative6 S"CC;SS .I#TS: The g+uten gives the 5ho+e 5heat -+our the structure necessar/ -or a good +oa-6 I- /our mar2et doesn?t stoc2 5heat g+uten9 tr/ /our +oca+ hea+th -ood store6 :emember the e8tra 2nead6 It?s especia++/ important in 100% 5ho+e 5heat bread6 Because o- the e8tra 2nead9 use this recipe on+/ on the regu+ar ba2e c/c+e6 @0% *ho+e *heat Bread Serving Size : ,, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,(' ,(' 1(, 1(, 1(, 1(, '(7 I#0:;$I;#TS cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 17 oz3 cups Bread &+our 17 oz3 tab+espoons Mi+2 dr/ po5der teaspoons Sa+t tab+espoons Butter or !i+ tab+espoons Mo+asses A c *ater 111 1(, oz3

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1 1(, teaspoons $r/ /east $I:;CTI!#S: P+ace ingredients in pan according to instructions 5ith /our machine6 B 0rain Bread 1Machine3

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() teaspoons $r/ /east 1 1(, cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 cup Bread -+our 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1(, cup Crumb+ed B grain cerea+ &+a2es ' tab+espoons #on-at dr/ mi+2 1 tab+espoon "ns5eetened cocoa po5der , tab+espoons Butter(margarine 1(7 cup $ar2 mo+asses 1 cup P+us ' T p+us , t 5arm 110@C 11@C3 5ater Add ingredients in the order +isted6 A++ ingredients must be at room temperature9 un+ess other5ise noted6

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Se+ect 5ho+e grain and ba2ing contro+ -or +ight6 Press start6 ABM Anadama Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() teaspoons /east , 1(, cups bread -+our 1(, cup 5ho+e 5heat -+our 1(' cup cornmea+ 1 1(, teaspoons sa+t ) tab+espoons non-at dr/ mi+2 po5der , tab+espoons unsa+ted butter 1 1() cups 5ater ' tab+espoons mo+asses 1 teaspoon +emon Duice "se basic c/c+e6 Press Start $o not use on de+a/ timer as 5ater 5i++ be absorbed6 Abso+ute+/ Apricot Bread 1Machine3 :egu+ar %oa-

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Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup *ater , cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter ' tab+espoons Apricot Dam 1(, cup $ried apricots chopped 1 teaspoon 4east -ast rise or machine or ' teaspoons 4east active dr/ This is bread 5ith the Dam a+read insideE

It?s a co--ee bread9 a snac2 bread or the per-ect a-ter schoo+ bread6 The -ine+/ te8tured s5eet bread a+so happens to be +ove+/9 5ith the summer/ orange apricots -+oting in the go+den +oa-6 Air/ *hite Bread6 Abm Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

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1 1() cups Mi+2 , teaspoons Shortening ' cups Bread -+our 1 tab+espoon Sugar '() teaspoon Sa+t 1 teaspoon 4east Add ingredients to machine according to manu-acturer?s directions6 This is the best +oa- o- +ight9 air/ bread that I have made in m/ ABM6 A+mond !atmea+ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method ,(' cup Mi+2 1 1() tab+espoons App+esauce 1 tab+espoon A+mond Paste 1 teaspoon A+mond ;8tract 1 teaspoon Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t ,(' cup !ats 1 1(' cups Bread &+our

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1 teaspoon 4east P+ace in breadma2er6 Push start A+oha %oaServing Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : 1Bread Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %B %!A& 1 cup Mi+2 = , tb+s 1(' cup Macadamias toasted 1 tab+espoon Butter or margarine 1(' cup Coconut toasted '() teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Sugar ' cups Bread -+our , teaspoons Bread machine /east 1(' cup Candied pineapp+e chopped Add ingredients according to manu-acturers directions9 adding candied pineapp+e9 nuts and coconut 5ith -+our6 &or machines 5ith g+ass domes9 cover dome 1#!T F;#TSE3 5ith -oi+ 5hi+e

ba2ing to ensure comp+ete ba2ing6 Basic(5hite bread c/c+e6 %ight co+or setting6 #!T;: To toast coconut9 spread in thin +a/er in sha++o5 ba2ing pan6

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Ba2e at '@0G -or @ 10 minutes or unti+ +ight bro5n9 stirring -reHuent+/6 American 0ar+ic I Pars+e/ Bread Machine

Serving Size : 1, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east ' cups Bread -+our ' tab+espoons *heat germ ' tab+espoons *heat bran 1 '() teaspoons Sa+t , tab+espoons Sugar , tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ , 0ar+ic c+oves minced ' tab+espoons Chopped -resh pars+e/ 1 1() cups *ater Add a++ ingredients in the order suggested b/ /our bread machine manua + and process on the basic bread c/c+e according to the manu-acturer?s directions6 use *hite bread setting6 %et the +oa- coo+ be-ore s+icing6 Serve p+ain or toasted6 JThis is good bread -or a stea2 sand5ich9 &rench dip roast bee-9 or a gri++ed mozzare++a cheese and tomato sand5ich6 Ba2ing the gar+ic right in the bread +ightens the gar+ic -+avor6

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I- this is not a strong enough gar+ic statement -or /ou9 add another c+ove6J Amish Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Sand5iches Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %B %!A& $ cup *AT;: = 1 T tab+espoons !+ive oi+ tab+espoons Sugar teaspoon Sa+t 1() cups -+our teaspoons 4east teaspoons Fita+ 5heat g+uten 1 %B %!A& A ounces *AT;: , 1(, tab+espoons !+ive oi+ , tab+espoons Sugar 1(, teaspoon Sa+t , cups -+our = , T 1 teaspoon 4east , teaspoons Fita+ 5heat g+uten 1 ) ' 1 ' , '

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P+ace ingredients into BM pan according to /our machine?s directions6 Ba2e on regu+ar c/c+e6 +ight setting6 Anadama Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method &!: 1 1(, %B6 %!A& 1 pac2age 4east ' 1(, cups Bread -+our 1(' cup 4e++o5 cornmea+ 1 1(, cups Boi+ing 5ater 1(' cup Mo+asses 1 teaspoon Sa+t , teaspoons Butter P+ace cornmea+ into a bo5+6 Care-u++/ pour boi+ing 5ater into cornmea+9 stirring to ma2e sure it is smooth6 %et stand -or about '0 minutes6 Stir in mo+asses9 sa+t and butter6 P+ace /east into the B(M pan9 bread -+our9 then cornmea+ mi8ture6 Se+ect 5hite bread and push start6

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App+e Carrot Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(7 cups App+e Duice 1(' cup Carrots grated 1 1(, ;ggs , 1(' tab+espoons Map+e s/rup K!:K hone/ 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1(' teaspoon Cinnamon 1 1(, tab+espoons Fita+ g+uten to ' tb+s '() cup !at K!:K 5heat -+a2es ' cups *ho+e 5heat -+our , teaspoons 4east 1(' cup $ried app+es 1(' cup #uts chopped 1opt3 Add ingredients according to manu-acturer?s directions6 Medium co+or setting6 Add nuts and app+es at the beep6 Ma2es 1 1(, +b +oa-6 App+e Cinnamon Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads

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4east Amount Measure Ingredient SMA%% 1(, cup 5ater

Preparation Method

, 1(, tab+espoons App+e Duice concentrate 1() cup App+esauce 1(, teaspoon Cinnamon , teaspoons Sugar bro5n 1() teaspoon sa+t 1 cup &+our 5ho+e 5heat 1 1(, tab+espoons Fita+ g+uten optiona+ 1 cup &+our bread 1 teaspoon 4east M;$I"M '() cup 5ater ' '() tab+espoons App+e Duice cocentrate 1(' cup App+esauce '() teaspoon Cinnamon 1 tab+espoon Sugar bro5n 1(' teaspoon sa+t 1 1(, cups &+our 5ho+e 5heat , tab+espoons Fita+ g+uten optiona+ 1 1(, cups &+our bread 1 1(, teaspoons 4east %A:0; 1 cup 5ater

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@ tab+espoons App+e Duice concentrate 1(, cup App+esauce 1 teaspoon Cinnamon 1 1(' tab+espoons Sugar bro5n 1(, teaspoon sa+t , cups &+our 5ho+e 5heat ' tab+espoons Fita+ g+uten , cups &+our bread , teaspoons 4east 6 $e-inite+/ use the vita+ g+uten as it rises much better6 I use -rozen app+e Duice concentrate6 4ou cou+d a+so add raisins or chopped app+es9 either -resh or dried9 or even nuts might be nice6 App+e Cranberr/ #ut Bread Serving Size : ,0 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er .o+ida/s Appetizers($ips Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 7 7 1 , I#0:;$I;#TS ounces Bread &+our ounces *ho+e *heat &+our 1(, teaspoons Sa+t tab+espoons Sugar 5hite or bro5n

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1 teaspoon Cinnamon 1 teaspoon #utmeg ,(' cup App+esauce 1(, cup App+eDuice 1or !range Luice3 1(' cup $ried cranberries

1 ounce Chopped 5a+nuts 1 1(, teaspoons 4east $I:;CTI!#S: Add ingredients to ba2ing pan in order given66 Ba2e on basic(+ight mode 1) hour36 $rop in cranberries 5hich have been coated 5ith the cinnamon and nutmeg a-ter -irst 2nead6 Add /east to dispenser6 Created -or Panasonic A@P6 AdDust as needed -or other machines6 Ma2es a nice +oa- -or ho+ida/ giving or serving6 App+e !atmea+ Bread 5ith :aisins Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

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1 1(, P!"#$ %!A&

1(, cup !+d -ashioned ro++ed oats @(7 cup *ater 1-or *e+bi+t add , Tb6 more 5ater3 1(, cup "ns5eetened app+esauce , '() cups Bread -+our 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , tab+espoons Bro5n sugar 1 1(, tab+espoons #on-at dr/ mi+2 po5der 1 1(, tab+espoons Butter or margarine 1(, cup :aisins , teaspoons 0round cinnamon , teaspoons :ed Star active dr/ /east 16 P+ace a++ ingredients in bread pan6 Se+ect %ight Crust setting9 and press Start6 ,6 A-ter the ba2ing c/c+e ends9 remove bread -rom pan9 p+ace on ca2e rac29 and a++o5 to coo+ 1 hour be-ore s+icing6 Fer/ moist and de+icious breadE App+e !nion :/e Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() Tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 '() C Bread &+our = , Tbs

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1 1(, C :/e &+our 1(' C Crac2ed *heat 1 1(, Tbsp Sugar 1 1(, Tsp Sa+t 1 1(, Tsp Cara5a/ Seed , 0ar+ic C+oves minced 1 Med !nion minced 1 %g App+e chopped ' Tbsp "nsa+ted Butter 1(, C *ater

Add a++ ingredients in the order suggested b/ /our ABM manua+ and process on the basic bread c/c+e according to manu-acturer?s directions6 %et the +oa- coo+ comp+ete+/ be-ore s+icing6 App+esauce Bread6 Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er &ruits Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 cup Buttermi+2 1(' cup App+esauce 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 teaspoon Cinnamon6 1() teaspoon Sa+t

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' cups Bread -+our , tab+espoons Bro5n sugar , 1() teaspoons 4east &o++o5 manu-acturers directions Apricot Spice Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er &ruits Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 %B6 %!A& 1(, cup $ried apricots 1(, cup *ater , 1() cups Bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sea sa+t 1() teaspoon 0round cinnamon 1(, teaspoon 0round anise seed 1(, teaspoon 0round a++spice '(7 cup To 1(, cup apricot nectar 1 tab+espoon Cano+a9 sa--+o5er or oi+ 1 tab+espoon .one/ , teaspoons Active dr/ /east

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1 1(, %B6 %!A& ,(' cup $ried apricots ,(' cup *ater ' cups Bread -+our 1 1(, tab+espoons $r/ mi+2 1 1(, teaspoons Sea sa+t 1(, teaspoon 0round cinnamon '() teaspoon 0round anise seed '() teaspoon 0round a++spice 1(, cup To '() cup apricot nectar , tab+espoons Cano+a9 sa--+o5er or oi+ , tab+espoons .one/ 1 pac2age Active dr/ /east 16 P+ace the apricots and 5ater in a sma++ saucepan and bring to a boi+6

:emove -rom the heat and a++o5 to steep -or @ minutes6 $rain the apricots9 :;S;:FI#0 the +iHuid9 and spread them out on a doub+e thic2ness opaper to5e+s6 A++o5 the apricots and the +iHuid to coo+ to room temperature6 ,6 P+ace a++ ingredients in machine according to manu-acturers directions ;MC;PT AP:IC!TS6 Measure the reserved coo2ing +iHuid andd add enough apricot nectar to measure @(7 cup -or the 1 +b6 +oa- and B(7 cup -or the 1 1(, +b6 +oa-6 '6 Program the breadma2er -or the 5ho+e 5heat mode and press start6 )6 At the end o- the mi8ing c/c+e and Dust be-ore the 2neading c/c+e begins 9 -iine+/ chop the coo+ed apricots and add them to the dough6 @6 :emove bread at the end o- the ba2ing c/c+e prompt+/6 A++o5 to coo+ comp+ete+/ be-ore s+icing or 5rapping -or storage6

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Austrian Bread Serving Size : 1, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Bread Machine Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1(, Tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 1(' C Bread &+our ,(' C :/e &+our 1(' C *heat 0erm , Tbsp 0+uten &+our9 100% 1 Tsp Sa+t 1() Tsp 0round A++spice 1() Tsp :osemar/ 1(, tbsp !i+ ' tbsp &ruit Concentrate or hone/ 1 C *ater = 1 T i- at high a+titude use 5hite bread setting9 +ight

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Aver/ Is+and .ot Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 cup :ed peppers coarse+/ sauted in ' tab+espoons !+ive oi+ or chi+i oi+ 1 tab+espoon Chopped gar+ic 1 tab+espoon Chopped canned chi+es 1(, cup Sour cream 1(' cup Cheddar cheese -resh grated 1 ;8tra +arge egg 1 tab+espoon :egu+ar hone/ or chi+i hone/ 1() cup Pepper -+avored vod2a 1or regu+ar3 , teaspoons Sa+t 10 drops Tabasco sauce

1(, teaspoon 0round coriander 1 cup Cornmea+ , cups "nb+eached 5hite -+our 1 tab+espoon 4east .ave a++ the ingredients at room temperature 1even though the machine doesn?t speci-/ this9 -or this recipe it is necessar/36 P+ace a++ the ingredients in the machine9 program -or *hite Bread6 This Dump in /our mouth +oa- stars one o- our a++ time -avorite condiments Tabasco sauce9

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5hich is made on+/ one p+ace in this countr/9 Aver/ Is+and9 %ouisiana6 Accept no substitutes i- /ou 5ant the authentic version o- this bread6 The other specia+ ingredients are chi+i hone/9 5hich is avai+ab+e b/ mai+ order9 and pepper -+avored vod2a9 5hich is readi+/ avai+ab+e in +iHuor stores6 4ou ma/ substitute regu+ar vod2a i- /ou 5ish6 Bab2a 1*ith Fariations3 Serving Size : 1, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , Cup Capacit/ , 1(, Tsp Active $r/ 4east ' 1(, C A++ Purpose &+our 1(, Tsp Sa+t , Tbsp 0ranu+ated Sugar , Tbsp Butter !r Margarine 1 C Mi+2 1P+us , Tbs3 , %g ;ggs 1(, tsp Fani++a ;8tract Cinnamon Sugar &i++ing , tbsp "nsa+ted Butter so-tened 1() C 0ranu+ated Sugar

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1 tsp 0round Cinnamon Crumb Topping 1 tbsp "nsa+ted Butter so-tened , tbsp 0ranu+ated Sugar , tbsp A++ Purpose &+our , pinches 0round Cinnamon ;gg *ash 1 +g ;gg *hite Beaten *ith 1 Tsp *ater Choco+ate Bab2a &i++ing 1() C "ns5eetened Cocoa Po5der 1(, C 0ranu+ated Sugar 1() C "nsa+ted Butter me+ted 1(' C Pecans coarse+/ chopped Cheese Bab2a &i++ing 7 oz &armer Cheese , tbsp 0ranu+ated Sugar 1 tbsp A++ Purpose &+our 1 +g ;gg 4o+2 , tsp !range Nest grated 1() C $ar2 :aisins

' Cup Capacit/ Same As &or , Cup Capacit/ Machine Procedure: A++ ingredients must be at room temperature9 un+ess other5ise noted6 Add ingredients9 e8cept -or -i++ing9 crumb topping9 and egg 5ash9 in the order speci-ied in /our ABM manua+6 Set ABM on dough(manua+ setting6 At the end o- program9 press c+ear(stop6 To punch dough do5n9 press start and +et 2nead -or A0 secs6 Press c+ear(stop again6

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:emove dough and +et rest @ mins be-ore hand shaping6 I- /our ABM does not have a dough(manua+ setting9 -o++o5 norma+ bread ma2ing procedure but +et dough 2nead on+/ once6 At the end o- the 2neading c/c+e9 press c+ear(stop6 %et dough rise -or A0 mins9 chec2ing a-ter the -irst '0 mins6 to ma2e sure dough does not overrise and touch the +id6 Press start and +et machine run -or A0 secs to punch dough do5n6 Press c+ear(stop6 :emove dough and +et rest @ mins be-ore hand shaping6 .and Shaping TechniHue: *hi+e the dough is rising9 prepare /our -i++ing ochoice b/ b+ending ingredients together 5ith a -or2 unti+ crumb+/6 To ma2e crumb topping9 b+end a++ ingredients together 5ith a -or2 unti+ crumb+/6 Chi++ both unti+ read/ to use6 %ight+/ grease a ) 1(, 8 7 1(, inch +oapan6 !n a +ight+/ -+oured 5or2 sur-ace9 ro++ the dough into a 10 8 ,0 inch rectang+e6 Cover 5ith -i++ing up to 1 inch -rom edges6 :o++ up +ength5ise9 De++/ ro++ -ashion6 Pinch seam and ends secure+/ to gether so the/ do not open during ba2ing6 Care-u++/ p+ace bab2a in prepared pan6 &o+d ends under and shape into an S so that it -its in pan6 Cover 5ith a c+ean 2itchen c+oth and +et rise unti+ doub+ed in size6 Preheat oven to '@0 &6 &orm a crease in the top o- the risen bab2a 5ith the side o- /our hand6 Brush 5ith egg 5ash and cover 5ith crumb topping6 Ba2e appro8imate+/ '0 to '@ mins9 or unti+ go+den6 I- bab2a begins to bro5n too Huic2+/9 cover top 5ith -oi+6 :emove -rom pan and coo+ on a 5ire rac26 C.!C!%AT; BABOA &I%%I#0: B+end together uns5eetened cocoa and sugar6 Brush sur-ace 5ith me+ted butter6 Sprin2+e 5ith cocoa sugar mi8ture and pecans6 C.;;S; BABOA &I%%I#0: B+end together a++ the ingredients but raisins6 A-ter spreading the cheese -i++ing on the bab2a9 sprin2+e 5ith raisins6

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Bai+e/?s Irish Cream Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Irish Abm %o5 &at Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1() cups *ater ver/ 5arm 1 pac2age 4east 1 cup !ats ' cups Bread -+our 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1(' cup .one/ , tab+espoons Bai+e/?s irish cream

or to

t Put ingredients in pan in order +isted9 Se+ect J5hite breadJ setting on machine and press Start6 The bread doesn?t rise much9 but the te8ture is great6 Ba2ed Potato Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

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1(, cup *ater , cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1() cup Sour cream 1 1(, tab+espoons Instant potato -+a2es 1 1(, tab+espoons Bacon bits 1 1(, tab+espoons Chives , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 <<< This dough 5i++ be ver/ dr/6 :esist the urge to add 5ater6 Banana Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er &ruits Mrs6 0 Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup Buttermi+2 1(' cup Banana mashed 1 1(, ;ggs 1 1(, tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ ' tab+espoons .one/

27 of 151

1(' teaspoon Sa+t 1(' teaspoon Cinnamon 1(' teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1 1(, tab+espoons Fita+ g+uten to ' tb+s , 1() cups *ho+e 5heat -+our '() cup !ats 1 1(, teaspoons 4east Add ingredients according to manu-acturer?s directions 6 Medium co+or setting6 Ma2es 1 1(, +b +oa-6 #!T;: *atch the dough as the banana ma/ a--ect the moisture6 Banana Coconut #ut Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er &ruits Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup Banana mashed '() cup Buttermi+2 1 1(, ;ggs ' tab+espoons Sugar

1(, teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1(' cup Coconut 1 1(, tab+espoons Fita+ g+uten

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to ' tb+s

' ,(' cups *ho+e 5heat -+our , teaspoons 4east 1(, cup #uts chopped Add ingredients according to manu-acturer?s directions6 Medium co+or setting6 Ma2es 1 1(, +b +oa-6 Add nuts at the beep6 Banana Sp+it Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east ' cups Better -or Bread -+our , tab+espoons 0+uten , tab+espoons Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1(7 teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1(' cup Instant non-at dr/ mi+2 1(' cup *a+nuts bro2en 1 ;gg , tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ 1 teaspoon Fani++a ) ounces Banana 1 med(s+iced

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10 Stra5berries -roz(tha5ed 1(' cup Crushed pineapp+e drained 1(' cup Pineapp+e Duice -rom 1(, cup Choco+ate chips ) cups Maraschino cherries drained( P+ace a++ ingredients 1;MC;PT C.!C!%AT; C.IPS A#$ C.;::I;S3 into the inner pan in the order +isted> se+ect 5hite bread and push JStart6J Add the chips and cherries 5hen the Auto Ba2er/ Jbeeps9J 77 minutes into the c/c+e 6 1'' min6 5ith $AO Turbo II3 $e+ight-u+ 5hether eaten -resh9 chi++ed or toasted 9 this soda -ountain specia+ is even more spectacu+ar 5hen spread 5ith cream cheese b+ended 5ith minced maraschinos and their +iHuid6 Beer Bacon Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %B %!A& '() c &+at beer 1(, c *ater 1() c Chopped green onions

, tb Mustard 1 tb Butter or margarine ' 1() c Bread -+our

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1 tb Sugar '() ts Sa+t 1 '() ts 4east 1(' c Crumbed coo2ed bacon MMMMM , %B P %!A& '() c &+at beer ,(' c *ater 1() c Chopped green onions , tb Mustard ) 1() c Bread -+our 1 tb Sugar 1 t Sa+t 1 1(, ts 4east< 1(, c Crumbed coo2ed bacon Put a++ ingredients in the bread ma2er e8cept bacon6 Add bacon at the raisin(nut signa+ or @ to 10 minutes be-ore +ast 2neading c/c+e ends6 Se+ect basic(5hite c/c+e and use medium or +ight crust co+our6 $o not use de+a/ c/c+es6 4east amount though proportionate+/ +ess than ca++ed -or in the sma++er +oa-6 Beer Cheese Bread 1;dd/3

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Serving Size : 1A Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east ' cups Bread -+our 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 10 ounces Beer -+at ) ounces American cheese ) ounces Lac2 cheese cut in 1()J cu *arm beer and American cheese over +o5 heat on top o- stove or in micro5ave6 Cheese doesn?t need to me+t comp+ete+/6 STI:6 Add a++ ingredients in the orde r +isted i- /ou are using a home t/pe automatic ba2ing machine6 4ou?++ 5ant to start ma2ing /our second batch be-ore /ou taste the -irst +oa-666 /ou?++ 5ant more9 soon9 +i2e /esterda/ Berr/ Bread -or A++ Abm?s Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method ,(' cup :aspberries

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1 tab+espoon Fegetab+e oi+ , 1(, tab+espoons :aspberr/ s/rup 1(' teaspoon Sa+t 1 cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 cup Bread -+our 1 teaspoon 4east ABM #!6 , 1 cup :aspberries 1 1(, tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ ' '() tab+espoons :aspberr/ s/rup 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1 1(, cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 1(, cups Bread -+our 1 1(, teaspoons 4east ABM #!6 ' 1 1(' cups :aspberries , tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ @ tab+espoons :aspberr/ s/rup ,(' teaspoon Sa+t , cups *ho+e 5heat -+our , cups Bread -+our , teaspoons 4east "se :aisin bread c/c+e6 At the beep9 add 1() 11('3 11(,3 cup chopped 5a+nuts or pecans9 i- desired6 I- using Panasonic(#ationa+ machine9 add nuts -o++o5ing -irst 2neading> i- using Ma8im or Mister %oa9 add at the beginning6 I- using *e+bi+t ABM 1009 $AO9 or Mister %oa-9 use S5eet bread c/c+e6

33 of 151

Tr/ the recipe 5ith cranberries in the -a++9 substituting hone/ -or the berr/ s/rup6 I- cranberries are -resh9 add 1(' 11(,3 1,('3 cup 5ater and s/rup o/our choice6 B+ac2 &orest Pumpernic2e+ Serving Size : 1, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method &!: 16@%B %!A& 1 1(7 cups *ater 1-or *e+bui+t($a2 add , T more 5ater 1 1(, cups Bread -+our 1 cup :/e -+our 1 cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t 1 1(, tab+espoons !i+ 1(, cup Mo+asses ' tab+espoons Cocoa po5der 1 tab+espoon Cara5a/ seeds , teaspoons :ed star /east 1Panasonic( #ationa+ use ) 1(, ts /east3 *hite bread9 +ight crust6

34 of 151
B+ac2 Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(' cups *ater , ,(' tab+espoons App+esauce or !i+ 1 1(' tab+espoons $ar2 mo+asses 1 1(, tab+espoons Finegar 1 teaspoon Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 teaspoon $ried minced onion 1() teaspoon &enne+ seed , 1(, teaspoons Cara5a/ seed ,(' cup !at bran 1 teaspoon Instant co--ee granu+es , tab+espoons Cocoa po5der 1 1(' cups :/e -+our , cups Better -or bread -+our , 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east P+ace a++ ingredients in bread pan in order +isted b/ /our manu-acturer6 Se+ect basic 5hite bread setting6

35 of 151

B+ac2 Pepper !nion Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %B %!A& 1 cup *ater 1 tab+espoon Butter or margarine 1 teaspoon Sa+t ' cups Bread -+our ' tab+espoons #on-at dr/ mi+2 po5der 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 1(, teaspoons $r/ minced onions '() teaspoon &resh ground b+ac2 pepper medium coasrse groun 1() teaspoon 0ar+ic po5der , teaspoons Bread machine /east Add ingredients in order given b/ manu-acturer6 Basic(5hite bread setting6 Medium(norma+ co+or setting6 #!T;: I- using -iner grind o- pepper9 reduce amount to 1() tsp -or either size +oa-6

36 of 151
B+ood/ Mar/ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er

Brunch Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

1 pac2age 4east ' cups Bread -+our 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 tab+espoon So-t butter A ounces Can o- spic/ F 7 Duice at temperature 1 tab+espoon Fod2a 1 tab+espoon *ater 1 ;gg P+ace a++ ingredients into pan9 se+ect 5hite bread and push start 6 Serve 5ith a sta+2 o- ce+er/6 B+ue Cheese and Port Bread 1;B3 Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm

37 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

,(' cup 5ater , cups bread -+our 1 tab+espoon sugar 1 teaspoon sa+t , teaspoons butter , tab+espoons port red 5ine 1() cup $anish b+ue cheese 1() cup 5a+nuts coarse+/ chopped , 1(, tab+espoons app+esauce 1 1(, teaspoons /east Ba2e on regu+ar c/c+e6 Bohemian Christmas Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 ' 1 1 1 1(, %B6 %!A& 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east cups Bread -+our teaspoon +emon pee+ dried 1(, teaspoons Sa+t

38 of 151
' 1 , A , ) '

1(, tab+espoons Sugar each ;gg tab+espoons Butter ounces mi+2 5armed ounces *arm 5ater 1(, tab+espoons a+monds chopped 1(, tab+espoons :aisins 1 %B6 %!A& 1 teaspoon Active dr/ /east , cups Bread -+our 1(, teaspoon +emon pee+ dried

1 teaspoon Sa+t , 1(, tab+espoons Sugar 1 each ;gg 1 1(, tab+espoons Butter 1(, cup mi+2 5armed 1 1(, ounces *arm 5ater ' tab+espoons a+monds chopped , 1(, tab+espoons :aisins #!T;S: &or Panasonic(#ationa+ Qmachines use ' tsp6 oQ/east -or the 1 1(, +b6+oaI- /our machine has a mi8 Qc/c+e the a+monds and Qraisins can be added at the Qbeginning or at the mi8

39 of 151

Qbeep6 The/ can a+so be Qadded dto5ards the end oQthe mi8ing process6 6 Because this bread is an e8treme+/ high rise9 a 1 pound +oa- 5i++ easi+/ -i++ a +arge bread machine buc2et6 Test the sma++ recipe -irst to see ho5 the +oa- rises in /our machine6 &o++o5 manu-acturer?s directions on +oading #!T;S : This de+ight-u+ bread is great -or parties and ce+ebrations6 The raisins and nuts give it a -e8tive -+avor and te8ture that?s hard to beat6 Bro5nie Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 P!"#$ %!A& '() cup *ater 1(' cup "ns5eetened cocoa po5der 1 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east 1 '() cups = , tb+s bread -+our 1(, cup Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 1(, tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ 1 ;gg 1(' cup *a+nuts chopped 1 1(, P!"#$ %!A& 1 cup = , tb+s 5ater

40 of 151

1(, cup "ns5eetened cocoa po5der , 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east ' cups &+our '() cup Sugar 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ 1 ;gg 1 ;gg /o+2 1(, cup *a+nuts chopped Bring 5ater to boi+6 Add cocoa and stir unti+ disso+ved6 %et coo+6

Add the cocoa and a++ ingredients9 e8cept nuts9 in the order suggested b/ the bread machine manua+ and process on the basic bread c/c+e according to directions6 At the beeper 1or end o- -irst 2neading in Panasonic or #ationa+39 add 5a+nuts6 Buttermi+2 Pumpernic2e+ Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 , 1 1 1 '() Tsp Active $r/ 4east 1() C Bread &+our C :/e &+our = , Tbs 1(, Tbsp Bro5n Sugar 1(, Tsp Sa+t

41 of 151

1 1(, Tbsp Fegetab+e !i+ 1 1(, Tbsp Carame+ Co+oring 1(' C Buttermi+2 1 C *ater = , Tbs Add a++ ingredients in the order suggested b/ /our ABM manua+ and process on the basic bread c/c+e according to the manu-acturer?s directions6 Caesar?s Sourdough Bread Abm Serving Size : ,) Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1(, teaspoons 4east , cups Bread -+our 1 cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 1(, 0ar+ic c+oves crushed 1 1(, tab+espoons Sugar 1(, tab+espoon Sa+t 1() cup Parmesan grated ' tab+espoons !+ive oi+ ) Anchovies chopped 1(, teaspoon %emon pee+ grated 1 1(, cups Sourdough starter 1(, cup *ater 5arm

42 of 151

Bring a++ ingredients to room temperature and pour into ba2er/9 in order6 Set Jba2ing contro+J at 10 o?c+oc26 Se+ect J5hite breadJ and push Start6 In hot I humid 5eather9 use 1(7 c +ess 5ater6 CaDun Spice Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup *ater

, cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 tab+espoon Bro5n sugar 1 tab+espoon CaDun spice b+end , teaspoons Tomato paste 1(, teaspoon !nion paste 1() teaspoon Pars+e/ -+a2es , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 Add ingredients according to manu-acturer?s directions6

43 of 151
Ca+i-ornia $ip Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Brunch 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east ' 1(' cups &+our 1() teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1 ;gg room temperature MIM T!0;T.;:9 *A:M A#$ A$$ '() cup Cottage cheese '() cup Sour cream ' tab+espoons Sugar 1 1(, tab+espoons Butter 1() cup *ater 1 pac2age %ipton?s onion soup mi8 P+ace the -irst ) ingredients into the pan6 S+ight+/ 5arm the ne8t A ingredients and pour into pan6 Se+ect 5hite bread and push start6 #!T;: Far/ the amount o- soup mi8 to suit /our taste6 Ca2e Bread

44 of 151
Serving Size : A Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 tab+espoon 4east ,(' cup Ca2e mi8 1 ,(' cups &+our 1(' teaspoon Sa+t 1 1(' tab+espoons Butter '() cup *ater Put the ingredients in according to the directions in /our coo2boo26 Cara5a/ :/e Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er ;thnic 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

1 cup &+our better -or bread -+o 1 cup &+our a++ purpose 1(, cup :/e -+our '() teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Cara5a/ seeds 1 tab+espoon Butter

45 of 151

1 cup *arm 5ater 1 1() teaspoons 4east Add in the order reHuired -or /our BM It is on the s5eet side6 Caro+ina :ice Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() teaspoons /east ' cups bread -+our 1 1(, teaspoons sa+t 1 tab+espoon sugar , tab+espoons non-at dr/ mi+2 po5der 1 tab+espoon unsa+ted butter '() cup coo2ed rice '() cup 5ater 1 +arge egg 1 teaspoon +emon Duice "se basic c/c+e6 $o not use timer6 Carrot and Th/me Bread

46 of 151

Serving Size : 1@ Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Appetizers($ips Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, pounds +oa-: 11 +b +oa-3 , 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east 11 1(, , 1() cups Bread -+our 11 1(, c3 1 cup :/e -+our 1,(' c3 1(, cup 4e++o5 cornmea+ 11(' c3 1 1(, tab+espoons Sugar 11 t3 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t 11 tsp3 1 1(, tab+espoons $ried th/me 11 t3 , cups Carrots> -resh+/ grated or > -ine+/ chopped 11 1(' c3 1 cup *ater 11(, c or more ineeded3 This moist mu+ti grain bread is e8ce++ent6 It is choc2 -u++ o- vitamins and -iber and vegetab+e sa+ad or +enti+ or bean soup6 Add a++ ingredients in the order suggested and process on the basic bread c/c+e according directions6 tsp

tastes good 5ith -ruit or

b/ /our bread machine manua+ to the manu-acturer?s

%et the +oa- coo+ be-ore s+icing6

47 of 151
Cats2i++ Mountain &rench Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : ;thnic Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method B ounces *arm 5ater ' cups Bread -+our , teaspoons Sugar , teaspoons Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter(margarine , teaspoons :ed star /east , tab+espoons Sesame seeds The -+our is an a+most ' cups the dough ba++6 "se the crisp/ 1-rench3 mode6 Cats2i++ Mountain :/e Serving Size : 1@ Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

go +ight on the measuring and 5atch

48 of 151

1 cup *ater 1 tab+espoon Fegetab+e oi+ , tab+espoons .one/ 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Cara5a/ seeds 1 cup :/e -+our 1 '() cups Bread -+our ' tab+espoons $r/ mi+2 non-at 1 tab+espoon 4east active dr/ ) tab+espoons 0+uten "se the JstandardJ or J5hite breadJ mode o- /our bread machine Ma2es great sand5iches and is de+icious toasted6 Ce+er/ Ce+er/ Ce+er/ Bread Serving Size : 1@ Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east 1() teaspoon 0inger 1() teaspoon Sugar ' cups Better -or Bread -+our 1(, cup Ruic2 coo2ing oats

49 of 151

, tab+espoons 0+uten , teaspoons Ce+er/ seeds

1 1(, teaspoons Ce+er/ gar+ic or !nion sa+t '() cup Ce+er/ -resh(s+ice thin 1 tab+espoon Ce+er/ +eaves -resh(chopped 1 ;gg 10 '() ounces Cream o- ce+er/ soup 1 tab+espoon Fegetab+e oi+ ' tab+espoons %o5 -at mi+2 heated Add a++ the ingredients in the on+er +isted6 Se+ect 5hite bread and push JStart6J Certain+/ Citrus Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 P!"#$ %!A& ,(' cup *ater , cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon P+us 1see be+o53 1 teaspoon $r/ mi+2 , teaspoons Sugar

50 of 151

1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon P+us 1see be+o53 1 teaspoon Butter , tab+espoons !range marma+ade , teaspoons %ime Duice 1 pinch %emon Pee+ , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 &o++o5 manu-actures directions6 Cha++ah Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Le5ish Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method M;$I"M %!A& 1 cup *ater , ;ggs , tab+espoons Fegetab+e !i+ , tab+espoons Sugar 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t ' cups Bread -+our 1 1(, teaspoons 4east Add ingredients according to machine directions6

51 of 151
Chart .ouse SHua5 Bread Serving Size : ' Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1() cups *arm 5ater , tab+espoons Mo+asses

1(, teaspoon Carame+ co+oring < opt6 1 1(, teaspoons Ma+ted bar+e/ -+our << , cups Bread -+our 1(, cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1(, cup "nprocessed bran or *heat bran 1() cup $ar2 bro5n sugar 1' TB3 1 1(, tab+espoons !atbran 1 1(, tab+espoons :o++ed oats , teaspoons 0rano+a 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , 1(, teaspoons 4east 11 enve+ope3 !i+ and(or butter are not missing6 The/ are not needed6 < Carame+ co+oring 5as on+/ used to give the bread an a+most pumpernic2e+ co+or6 I -ound it in a ca2e decorating store 5hich 5as a+so a ba2er/ 6 << The ma+ted bar+e/ -+our is a+so 2no5n as diastatic ma+t po5der6 In a bo5+ combine bread -+our9 5ho+e 5heat -+our9 unprocessed bran9

52 of 151

dar2 bro5n sugar9 oatbran9 ro++ed oats9 grano+a9 ma+ted bar+e/ -+our and sa+t6 In bread pan add 5ater9 mo+asses9 and carame+ co+oring6 Add -+our mi8ture> top 5ith /east and se+ect dar2 bread setting6 #!T;: :aisins cou+d be added i- desired6 I- /ou do9 e+iminate the carame+ co+oring and +iHui-/ the 5ater9 1() cup raisins9 mo+asses and bro5n sugar be-ore adding to the machine6 Cheddar Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Cheese 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup *ater 1(, 1 1() teaspoons Sa+t '() 1 1(, +arge ;ggs 1 ' cups Bread -+our , 1 cup 0rated Cheddar Cheese ,(' , tab+espoons $r/ mi+2 po5der 1 1(, , tab+espoons Sugar 1 1(, , teaspoons :apid:ise 4east 1 1(, Put in pan according to custom6

53 of 151
Cheddar !nion Bread Serving Size : 1, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 7 ounces *ater 5arm 1 pac2age %ipton !nion Soup mi8 I# MAC.I#; ' cups Bread -+our

, teaspoons Sugar ' tab+espoons Sugar 1 tab+espoon %ecithin granu+es ) teaspoons 4east ' ounces Sharp chedder shredded 1(@ c Add ingredients acording to the directions in /our BM coo2boo26 Cheese .erb Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

54 of 151
1 1(7 cups *ater 1 1(, tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ ' tab+espoons &ruit Duice concentrate 1(, cup S5iss K!:K cheddar cheese shredded 1(, teaspoon Sa+t '() teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1 tab+espoon Sugar ' tab+espoons 0rated parmesan cheese 1(, teaspoon Basi+ '() teaspoon Pars+e/ -+a2es 1 1(, tab+espoons Fita+ g+uten to ' tb+s ' 1(' cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 1(, teaspoons 4east Add ingredients according to manu-acturer?s directions6 Medium co+or setting6 Ma2es 1 1(, +b +oa-6 #!T;: &ruit Duice concentrate 1orange9 app+e etc6639 tha5ed9 is used in p+ace othe -at here6 "se butter i- /ou desire9 in its p+ace6 Chi+i Bean Machine Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

55 of 151
1 tab+espoon active dr/ /east 1(, cup /e++o5 cornmea+ ' tab+espoons non-at dr/ mi+2 , cups unb+eached a++ purpose -+our 1 cup 5ho+e 5heat -+our 1 1(, tsp sa+t , tsp chi+i po5der 1 cup 110oz3 -at -ree re-ried beans < ' tab+espoons vegetab+e oi+ 1() cup egg substitute 1 tab+espoon hone/ ,(' cup 5ater < canned or reconstituted -rom dr/ mi8 P+ace a++ ingredients in the order +isted in the bread machine 6 Program machine -or basic bread setting9 and press start6 4ie+ds: 1 +oa-(10 s+ices 1A++ -+ours are appro8imate measures6 4ou ma/ use more or +ess9

depending on the 5eight and absorbenc/ o- /our -+our63 Chi+ie Cheese Bread Serving Size : 1, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

56 of 151

, 1(, teaspoons 4east ' 1() cups Bread -+our 1 teaspoon Ba2ing po5der 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Sugar ) tab+espoons SAC! dr/ buttermi+2 1 tab+espoon Fita+ 5heat g+uten 1() cup *arm 5ater 1 1() cups Sharp cheddar +g cubes at room temp3 1 can Canned chopped green chi+ies> 5e++ draine I usua++/ sHueeze the chi+ies bet5een a coup+e o- +a/ers o- paper to5e+s to get rid o- the e8cess moisture6 I- /ou don?t 5ant to use green chi+ies9 add about 1(, tsp6 o- ground red pepper6 Pour in a++ ingredients 1;MC;PT cheese and chi+ies3 in the order +isted 1or i- /our machine ta2es 5et ingredients -irst9 reverse the order 3 Se+ect 5hite bread and push JStartJ6 A-ter the -irst 2nead9 at the beeps 9 add the chi+ies and the cheddar cheese6 *hen the bread is -inished ba2ing brush on some margarine or butter to the crust Choco+ate Chip and #ut Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm

57 of 151

$esserts Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

1 1(, cups *ho+e *heat &+our 1 1(, cups Bread &+our , tab+espoons $r/ Mi+2 1 1(, teaspoons Sea Sa+t 1(' cup Toasted and Chopped A+monds 1(' cup Toasted and 0round A+monds ,(' cup Semis5eet Choc6 Chips 1 cup P+us ' tb6 *ater ' tab+espoons .one/ , tab+espoons Cano+a Sun-+o5er or Sa&+o5er !i+ 1 teaspoon A+mond ;8tract ) teaspoons Active $r/ 4east Add a++ ingred6 at the same time according to /our m-g6 instructions Ba2e on *.!%; *.;AT C4C%;666 *e+bi+t ABM100 *hite Bread C/c+e6 #!T;: Turned out moist and choc+ate -+avored6 Fer/ good as a snac2 5( a cup o-

co--eeE Cinco $e Ma/o Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east

58 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

,(' cup *ater , cups *hite bread -+our , teaspoons Sugar 1(, teaspoon Sa+t , teaspoons !+ive oi+ ,(' cup Corn mea+ 1(' cup Creamed corn , tab+espoons $iced green chi+ies 1 teaspoon $iced Da+apenoG peppers 1 teaspoon Ci+antro 1dried3 , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 This can be used 5ith the regu+ar and rapid ba2e c/c+es6 C+assic *hite Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup *ater , cups Bread &+our 1 tab+espoon #on-at $ried Mi+2 1 1(, tab+espoons Sugar

59 of 151

1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon App+esauce 1 1(, teaspoons 4east Can be used 5ith the regu+ar9 rapid9 or de+a/ed c/c+es6 1 P!"#$ %!A& Cinnamon :aisin Bread Breadma2er

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, teaspoons 4east $ , cups Bread -+our =,T 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 tab+espoon Po5dered buttermi+2 1 1(, teaspoons Cinnamon 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 cup %ess 1 T6 5arm 5ater 1(, cup :aisins6 Add a++ ingredients to b(m ;MC;PT :AISI#S6 A&T;: MIMI#0 A#$ &I:ST :ISI#0 A$$ :AISI#S6

60 of 151
Co+onia+ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 tab+espoon Butter 1app+esauce3 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1(' cup Mo+asses 1 1(, cups Boi+ing 5ater 1(' cup 4e++o5 corn mea+ ' 1(, cups Bread -+our 1 pac2age 4east P+ace cornmea+ into bo5+6 Cre-u++/ pour boi+ing 5ater into cornmea+9 stirring to ma2e sure it is smooth6 %et stand to coo+ -or about '0 min6 Stir in mo+asses9 sa+t and butter6 P+ace cornmea+ mi8ture in pan9 then bread -+our then /east6 I use +ight setting6 Corne++ Bread Serving Size : ,0 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

61 of 151
1(, tab+espoon 4east , cups Bread -+our 1(, cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 tab+espoon 0+uten A tab+espoons So/ -+our A tab+espoons $r/ mi+2 A tab+espoons *ho+e 5heat germ 1(, tab+espoon Sa+t , tab+espoons Butter , tab+espoons .one/ 1 ;ggs 1 1() cups *ater 5arm Bring a++ ingredients to room temperature and pour into ba2er/9 in order6 Set Jba2ing contro+J to medium6 Se+ect J5hite breadJ and push Start6 Cottage $i++ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1(, cup *ater , cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 tab+espoon Sugar

62 of 151

1 teaspoon Sa+t

1 tab+espoon Butter 1() cup Cottage cheese 1(, tab+espoon $r/ onion 1(, tab+espoon $i++ seed 1(, tab+espoon $i++ 5eed , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 Press start Counter-eit *onder Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 cup *ater ' tab+espoons Margarine 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , '() cups Bread -+our 1 tab+espoon 0+uten 1 tab+espoon %ecithin 1 1(, teaspoons :ed Star Bread Machine /east It toasts 5e++ and tastes good6 4ou have to tr/ this to be+ieve it6

63 of 151

P+ease don?t tr/ to ma2e a +arger +oa- or /ou?++ be c+eaning it o-- the 5indo5E Countr/ :/e Bread Serving Size : 7 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , cups Bread -+our 1 1() cups :/e -+our 1 cup *ater 1 tab+espoon Cara5a/ seeds ' tab+espoons .one/ , tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 pac2age $r/ /east &o++o5 manu-acturer?s instructions -or p+acing a++ ingredients into bread pan> se+ect ba2e c/c+e9 and start bread machine6 4ie+d: 1 11 pound3 +oa-9 7 servings6 Craisin Bread Serving Size : 10 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm

64 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient , , 1 ' 1() teaspoons 4east cups Bread &+our cup *ho+e *heat &+our tab+espoons Sugar

Preparation Method

1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t 1(' cup Mi+2 room temp 1(, cup *ater room temp 1(' cup !i+ room temp , ;ggs room temp 1 teaspoon *a+nut e8tract ,(' cup $ried Cranberries 1craisins3 P+ace ingredients in machine according to /our manu-acturer?s directions6 Creo+e Tomato Bread Serving Size : 1@ Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 , , 1 pac2age 4east '() cups Better -or Bread -+our tab+espoons 0+uten 1() teaspoons 0ar+ic sa+t

65 of 151

1 teaspoon Chi+i po5der 1 teaspoon Papri2a 1(7 teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1(7 teaspoon Ca/enne pepper 1(, cup Mushrooms -resh(s+iced 1() cup Ce+er/ -ine chopped 1() cup :ed be++ pepper -ine chopped , tab+espoons Pimentos drained(diced 1 tab+espoon Minced onion dried 1(, cup Tomato soup canned = 1 tb 1 ;gg 1 tab+espoon Fegetab+e oi+ , teaspoons Mo+asses ,(' cup F 7 veg6 Duice heated Add a++ ingredients into the pan in the order +isted6 Se+ect 5hite bread anpush JStart6J Crust/ Bran Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1() cups *ater , tab+espoons Pac2ed bro5n sugar

66 of 151

, tab+espoons Mo+asses , tab+espoons Butter me+ted 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t ' 1() cups &+our 1 cup #atura+ bran 1 1(, teaspoons Ruic2 rising /east or 1 1() teaspoons Bread machine /east :emove ba2ing pan -rom +arge ,+b(12g bread machine6 Add to pan in order 5ater9 bro5n sugar9 mo+asses9 butter9 sa+t9 -+our9 and bran6

Sprin2+e /east over top ma2ing sure /east does not touch 5ater mi8ture6 According to manu-acturer?s instructions instructions9 choose c/c+e appropriate to basic or 5hite bread6 *hen ba2ed immediate+/ remove pan -rom machine sha2e +oa- -rom pan6 %et coo+ comp+ete+/ on rac26 Ma2es 1 +oaCzechos+ova2ian !range Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %b ,(' C Mi+2 ) Tbsp Butter !r Margarine 1 ;gg

67 of 151

1(' Tsp Sa+t 1() C Sugar 1 1() Tsp !range Pee+ 1() Tsp 0round Mace ' C Bread &+our 1 tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 '() %b '() C Mi+2 @ tbsp Butter !r Margarine 1 ;gg 1(, tsp Sa+t 1(' C Sugar 1 1(, tsp !range Pee+ 1() tsp 0round Mace ' 1(, C Bread &+our 1 1(, tsp Active $r/ 4east C4C%;: s5eet9 5hite> no timer S;TTI#0: +ight #!T;S : This bread is traditiona++/ ba2ed in a crescent and is g+azed 5ith hone/ and orange Duice mi8ed together and 5armed6 $a2ota :aisin Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er &ruits Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

68 of 151
1 %B6 %!A& 1 cup *ater 5arm , tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ 1 '() cups Bread -+our ,(' cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 tab+espoon Pac2ed +ight bro5n sugar 1 tab+espoon Po5dered dr/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 1() teaspoons &+eischmann?s bread machine 1(, cup Sun<Maid raisins , tab+espoons Pump2in seeds , tab+espoons Sun-+o5er seeds


1 tab+espoon Popp/ seeds 1 tab+espoon Sesame seeds 1 1(, %B6 %!A& 1 1() cups *ater 5arm ' tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ , 1(' cups Bread -+our 1 cup *ho+e 5heat -+our , tab+espoons Pac2ed +ight bro5n sugar , tab+espoons Po5dered dr/ mi+2 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , teaspoons &+eishcmann?s bread machine '() cup Sun<Maid :aisins ' tab+espoons Pump2in seeds ' tab+espoons Sun-+o5er seeds 1 1(, tab+espoons Popp/ seeds


69 of 151

1 1(, tab+espoons Sesame seeds Measure care-u++/9 adding ingredients9 e8cept raisins and seeds to bread machine pan in the order recommended b/ the manu-acturer6 Se+ect S5eet or Basic(*hite c/c+e6 "se %ight or Medium crust co+or6 Add raisins and seeds at the raisin(nut c/c+e or @ minutes be-ore +ast 2neading c/c+e ends6 :emove ba2ed bread -rom pan and coo+ on 5ire rac26 $ar2 Pumpernic2e+ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method Sma++ <Medium %arge ,(' cup *ater<1 cup 1 1(' cups 1 1(' tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+<, TB , ,(' TB , tab+espoons Mo+asses<' TB 1() cup 1 tab+espoon "ns5eetened cocoa<1 1(, TB , TB , teaspoons Bro5n sugar<1 TB 1 1(' TB ,(' teaspoon Instant co--ee granu+es <1 ts 1 1(' ts ,(' teaspoon Sa+t<1 ts 1 1(' ts 1 1() teaspoons Cara5a/ seeds<, ts , 1(, ts 1(, cup :/e -+our<'() cup 1 cup

70 of 151

1(, cup *ho+e 5heat -+our<'() cup 1 cup 1 cup Bread -+our<1 1(, cups , cups 1 teaspoon 4east<1 1(, ts , 1(, ts Add ingredients as given in manu-acturer?s instructions6 "se 5ho+e 5heat setting iavai+ab+e9 other5ise use the regu+ar 5hite bread c/c+e6 $iet .ea+th Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 10 ounces *ater

1 teaspoon Sa+t 1(, teaspoon &ructose 1or sugar3 1(, cup So/ -+our , 1(, cups Bread -+our Put in breadma2er according to custom6 I a+so add about 1() c sun-+o5er seeds and 1() c 5ho+e mi++et6 It 5as good the time I a+so added a tsp o- cinnamon6 $iet :ite Bread

71 of 151

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method &!: 1 1(, %B6 %!A& 1 pac2age 4east ' cups Bread -+our 1 1() cups $iet rite soda or C+ub soda room temperature P+ace a++ ingredients into pan9 se+ect 5hite bread9 and push start6 $i++ !nion Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %b 1 1(, C Sour Cream 1 ;gg 1 Tsp Sa+t 1(' Tsp Ba2ing Soda ' Tbsp Sugar

72 of 151
' 1 ' 1

Tbsp !nion &+a2es dried 1(' Tbsp $i++ *eed C Bread &+our 1(, tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 '() %b 1 '() C Sour Cream 1 1(, ;gg 1 tsp Sa+t 1(, tsp Ba2ing Soda 1() C Sugar ' tbsp !nion &+a2es dried 1 1(, tbsp $i++ *eed ' 1(, C Bread &+our 1 1(, tsp Active $r/ 4east C4C%;: 5hite9 s5eet> no timer S;TTI#0: medium #!T;S : 4ou ma/ substitute /ogurt -or the sour cream6 Oeep an e/e on the dough and adDust consistenc/ 5ith -+our or 5ater as necessar/6 "se an egg /o+29 5hite or , Tbs6 egg substitute -or the ha+- egg6 -rom m/ 2itchen to S/ours66666 $an O+epach

666 *ords9 ,@T ea6 Better Hua+it/ 5ords9 @0T ea6 QQQ B+ue *ave(R*O v,61, $B 16'U(00))7@ < !rigin: The $iamond Bar BBS U0U U,' 10'1 !ntario9 CA 11:,17(1013

73 of 151

$i++/ Bread Serving Size : , Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 teaspoon $r/ /east 1(, tab+espoon Butter or margarine 1(, cup *arm 5ater 1(, tab+espoon $i++ seed< 1(, cup Cottage cheese 1heated 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 sma++ ;gg 1(, tab+espoon Minced onion , cups Si-ted a++ purpose -+our 1(, teaspoon Soda 6 It made a ver/ +ight r/e -+avored bread6 $ried Tomato I :osemar/ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

74 of 151

1 cup 5ater ' tab+espoons snipped unsa+ted $ried tomatoes 1 tab+espoon !+ive oi+ 1 teaspoon Sa+t ' cups Bread -+our 1() cup #on-at dr/ mi+2 po5der 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 teaspoon :osemar/ '() teaspoon Papri2a , teaspoons Bread /east Add ingredients to bread machine pan in the order suggested b/ manu-acturer9 adding dried tomatoes 5ith the 5ater6 :ecommended c/c+e: Basic(5hite bread c/c+e> medium(norma+ co+or setting6 ;as/ &rench Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup P+us 1see be+o53

75 of 151

1 tab+espoon *ater , cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 1(, teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 P+ace in machine ;i+een?s Corn Chi+ies Cheese Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Chi+i Corn Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east ' cups &+our bread '() cup Cornmea+ /e++o5 1(, cup *ho+e 2erne+ canned corn < 1 tab+espoon Chi+ies9 !rtega chopped 1(, cup Cheddar cheese shredded 1 each ;gg 1 tab+espoon So-t butter 1(, teaspoon Sa+t , teaspoons Sugar 1 1() cups *ater 5arm

76 of 151

$rain corn6 Put a++ the ingredients9 se+ect 5hite bread9 and push start6 ;ng+ish Mu--in Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Mu--ins 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1() cups *ater , teaspoons Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1() teaspoon Ba2ing soda ' cups Bread -+our ' tab+espoons #on-at dr/ mi+2 , teaspoons 4east 1This is great to put on the timer to have -irst thing in the morning3 &a++ .arvest Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east

77 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient 1(, cup *ater , cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1(, tab+espoon Map+e s/rup 1(, tab+espoon Bro5n sugar

Preparation Method

1() cup Canned pump2in 1(, teaspoon Fani++a e8tract 1(, teaspoon 0round ginger 1() teaspoon A++spice 1() cup Pump2in seeds , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 <<< Be sure to use p+ain canned pump2in &amous !nion Bread

not pie -i++ing6

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, tab+espoons App+esauce , tab+espoons $i++ Seed

78 of 151

' tab+espoons $ried minced onion '() cup Sour Cream '() cup Cottage Cheese #on-at 1() cup *ater 1 ;gg 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t 1() teaspoon Ba2ing Soda ' 1(' cups Bread &+our 1 pac2age 4east Add ingredients according to /our machine?s directions6 &au8 Sourdough Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 , 1 1 1 1 ) pac2age Active $r/ 4east 1(, cups Bread &+our tab+espoon $ar2 Mo+asses cup Sour Cream teaspoon Sa+t teaspoon %emon Luice tab+espoons *arm *ater

79 of 151

A++ ingredients but the 5ater shou+d be at room temperature be-ore starting6 Add ingredients to the pan in the order +isted6 Se+ect J*hite BreadJ6 Press JStartJ6 &resh 0rape-ruit Cottage Bread Serving Size : 1@ Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, pac2ages 4east ) 1(, cups Better -or Bread '(7 cup Sugar

1(7 teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1 1(, tab+espoons 0rape-ruit pee+ grated '() cup %o5 -at cottage cheese ' ;gg 5hites 1 1(, tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ '() cup 0rape-ruit Duice -resh(heate Add a++ ingredients into the pan in the order +isted9 set dar2ness contro+ at 11 o?c+oc2 6Se+ect 5hite bread and push JStart6J This pa+ate re-reshing mea+time accompaniment9 this tart(s5eet bread o--ersa taste o- ;ng+ish e+egange 5hen toasted s+ices are topped 5ith citrus marma+ade6

80 of 151

&resh .erb Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method MMMM 1 1(, %B %!A& 1 c P+us , tb 5ater , tb Margarine or butter ' c Bread -+our , ts Chopped -resh sage +eaves 1 tb Chopped -resh basi+ +eaves 1 tb Chopped -resh oregano +eaves , ts Chopped -resh th/me +eaves 1() c Chopped -resh pars+e/ ' tb $r/ mi+2 , tb Sugar 1 t Sa+t 1 1(, ts 4east MMMMM , %B %!A& 1 1(, c *ater , tb Butter or Margarine

81 of 151

) 1() c Bread -+our , ts Chopped -resh sage +eaves 1 tb P+us 1 ts chopped -resh Basi+ +eaves 1 tb P+us 1 ts chopped -resh !regano +eaves , ts Chopped -resh th/me +eaves 1() c Chopped -resh pars+e/ 1() c $r/ mi+2 , tb Sugar 1 1(, ts Sa+t 1 1() ts 4east< P+ace on the ingredients in the bread machine and se+ect basic 5hite c/c+e6 "se medium or +ight crust co+our6 It is recommended to use a bread pan 5ith U cups or +arger -or the 1 1(, pound +oa-6 4east amount is correct though proportionate+/ +ess than ca++ed -or in the sma++er +oa-6

0arden .erb Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

82 of 151

'() cup *ater , cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 teaspoon Chives 1 teaspoon MarDoram 1 teaspoon Th/me 1(, teaspoon Basi+ , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 <<< "se dried -+a2ed herbs6 I- using ground9 reduce b/ ha+-6 I- using -resh9 doub+e the amount6 0ar+ic and Basi+ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm "ntested Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1 1 1 c Ba2ing -+our c *ater p2 4east t Sugar

83 of 151

1 t Sa+t '() ts Basi+ ,(' ts 0ar+ic po5der Ma2e 1 pound +oa-6 0ar+ic Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup *ater , cups P+us 1see be+o53 1 tab+espoon *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1(, tab+espoon Butter , tab+espoons Parmesan 1-resh+/ grated3 1(, teaspoon S5eet basi+ 1(, teaspoon 0ar+ic po5der 1(, teaspoon 0ar+ic paste 1 1(, teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 1() tab+espoon -ine+/ chopped gar+ic Add according to instructions -or /our machine6

84 of 151
0ar+ic .erb Cheese Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %b @(7 C 1@ !z3 Mi+2 , ;ggs , 1(, Tbsp Butter !r Margarine 1 C 0rated Cheese pac2ed +ight+/ 1 Tsp Sa+t , Tsp Sugar 1 1(, 0ar+ic C+ove minced 1(7 tsp Ca/enne Pepper 1() tsp !regano dried 1(, tsp Basi+ dried , tsp Cara5a/ Seed ' C Bread &+our 1 1(, tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 '() %b '() C Mi+2 ' ;ggs ' tbsp Butter !r Margarine

85 of 151

1 C 0rated Cheese pac2ed +ight+/ 1 tsp Sa+t , 1(, tsp Sugar 1 1(, 0ar+ic C+ove minced 1() tsp Ca/enne Pepper 1(' tsp !regano dried 1(, tsp Basi+ dried , 1(, tsp Cara5a/ Seed ' 1(, C Bread &+our , tsp Active $r/ 4east C4C%;: 5hite9 s5eet> no timer S;TTI#0: +ight to medium #!T;S : :ecommend using sharp cheddar cheese6 Oeep an e/e on the dough and adDust as necessar/ because o- the cheese6 The cheese shou+d be +ight+/ pac2ed in the measuring cup6 The gar+ic and herbs ma/ be adDusted to taste6 Scrape the sides o- the pan 5ith a rubber spatu+a i- the ingredients are not mi8ing6 0ingerbread %oa- 1breadma2er3 Serving Size : 1, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Bread Machine Breads &or $essert Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup mi+2 1() cup mo+asses 1 egg

86 of 151

' tab+espoons butter ' 1(' cups bread -+our 1 tab+espoon bro5n sugar '() teaspoon sa+t '() teaspoon cinnamon '() teaspoon ginger 1 pac2et active dr/ /east P+ace a++ ingredients in pan according to machine directions and push start6 !ptiona+: %emon Icing: In sma+ mi8ing bo5+ stir 1(, cup si-ted po5dered sugar9 1() teaspoon vani++a9 1 teaspoon +emon Duice and enough mi+2 11 ' teaspoons3 to ma2e an icing o- drizz+ing consistenc/6 0rano+a Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east '() cup *ho+e 5heat -+our , cups Bread -+our 1 cup 0rano+a grind -ine+/

87 of 151

'() teaspoon Sa+t 1 1(, teaspoons Sugar '() cup *arm 5ater 1(, cup Buttermi+2 , tab+espoons S5eet butter 5arm , tab+espoons .one/ 1 ;gg Add a++ ingredients9 se+ect 5hite bread and push start 0rape #ut Bread &or Breadma2er Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(' Cups *ater , ,(' Tbs Fegetab+e oi+ 1 1(' Tbs Sugar , Tsps Sa+t ,(' Cup 0rape #ut cerea+ 1not -+a2es3 , ,(' Cups Bread -+our , 1(, Tsps 4east , Tsps 0+uten 11!ptiona+3 Add to bread machine in order speci-ied in /our manua+6 *hite bread9 medium ba2e setting6

88 of 151

The g+uten ma2es a s+ight+/ +ighter +oa-6 This is a -+avor-u+ crunch/ bread6 It is a +ot +i2e the o+d crac2ed 5heat bread6 .eart/ !at I *a+nut Bread

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, teaspoons 4east ' 1() cups Bread &+our 1(, cup Ruic2 oats 1() cup Bro5n sugar 1 tab+espoon Sa+t '() cup *a+nuts 1 tab+espoon Margarine 1 1() cups ver/ 5arm 5ater 1not hot3 6666*ith homemade soup its a rea+ -avorite6 &o++o5 manu-actures instructions .eart/ :aisin :/e Bread

89 of 151
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er &ruits Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 %B6 %!A& '() cup *ater 5arm 1 tab+espoon Fegetab+e oi+ 1 '() cups Bread -+our 1(, cup %ight or medium r/e -+our 1 tab+espoon Pac2ed +ight bro5n sugar 1 tab+espoon Po5dered dr/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1(, teaspoon Cara5a/ seed 1 1(, teaspoons &+eischman?s bread machine /east ,(' cup Sun<Maid raisins 1 1(, %B6 %!A& 1 cup *ater 5arm , tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ , 1() cups Bread -+our '() cup %ight or medium r/e -+our , tab+espoons Pac2ed +ight bro5n sugar , tab+espoons Po5dered dr/ mi+2 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t '() teaspoon Cara5a/ seed , teaspoons &+eischman?s bread machine /east 1 cup Sun<Maid :aisins Measure care-u++/9 adding ingredients to bread machine pan in the ordr

90 of 151

recommended b/ the manu-acturer6 Se+ect S5eet or Basic(*hite c/c+e6 "se %ight or Medium crust co+or6 Add raisins at the raisin(nut c/c+e or @ minutes be-ore +ast 2neading c/c+e ends6 :emove ba2ed bread -rom pan and coo+ on 5ire rac26 .eaven+/ *ho+e *heat Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads 4east

Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

1 pound +oa'() cup *ater 1 1(' cups *ho+e 5heat -+our ,(' cup Bread -+our 1 teaspoon Sa+t ' tab+espoons App+esauce 1butter3 1 tab+espoon Sugar ' tab+espoons Instant Potato -+a2es 1 1(, teaspoons 4east 0oodEE Crust: +ight6 Ba2e6

91 of 151
.igh Protein $iet(corne++ Bread Serving Size : 1, Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 cup *ater 1 tab+espoon Fegetab+e oi+ 1 tab+espoon .one/ '() teaspoon Sa+t , tab+espoons *heat germ 1() cup So/ -+our 1 cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 1() cups Bread -+our 1() cup #on-at dr/ mi+2 1 1(, teaspoons 4east Much better than the store bought diet breads 5hich use Jsa5dust -iberJ as -i++er6 This is a tast/9 dense +oa-6 Ma2es good sand5iches6 The recipe is based on a -ormu+a devised -or superior nutrition in bread b/ -acu+t/ at Corne++ "niversit/6 *heat germ9 so/ -+our and non-at dr/ mi+2 are added to each cup o- -+our in the Corne++ &ormu+a9 this recipe ma2es it easier6 .one/ 0raham 0rano+a Bread

92 of 151
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east 1 '() cups Bread -+our 1() cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1(' cup 0rano+a cerea+ 1 teaspoon Sa+t , tab+espoons = , tsp6 non-at dr/ mi+2 , teaspoons "nsa+ted butter or margarine '() cup = , tbsp6 5ater ' tab+espoons .one/ 1 teaspoon %emon Duice ' C"P CAPACIT4(1A S;:FI#0S , 1() cups Active dr/ /east , ,(' cups Bread -+our 1(' cup *ho+e 5heat -+our

1(, cup 0rano+a cerea+ 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t ) tab+espoons #on-at dr/ mi+2 1 tab+espoon "nsa+ted butter or margarine 1 1() cups *ater 1() cup .one/ 1 teaspoon %emon Duice 0rano+a cerea+ adds an interesting crunch to this bread6 &or best resu+ts9 use either homemade grano+a or a store bought brand that is +o5

93 of 151

in -at and sugar6 Since there are so man/ di--erent t/pes o- grano+a9 the amoun t o- 5ater reHuired in the recipe ma/ var/6 Chec2 the dough during the -irst 2neading c/c+e to ma2e sure it is not too dr/6 A++ ingredients must be at room temperature9 un+ess other5ise noted6 Add ingredients in the order speci-ied in /our bread machine o5ner?s manua+6 Set bread machine on the basic(standard bread ma2ing setting6 I- possib+e9 se+ect +ight ba2ing c/c+e6 I- not9 use the medium or norma+ setting6 $o #!T use the programmab+e timer 5hen ma2ing this bread since the recipe contains ingredients that can absorb the 5ater prior to the start othe bread ma2ing process6 .I#T: I- cough appears too dr/ a-ter 2neading -or the -irst coup+e ominutes9 add additiona+ 5ater9 no more than 1 tab+espoon at a time9 Dust unti+ dough appears e+astic 6 $o #!T add too much 5ater6 .one/ Mustard Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1(, cup *ater 1 1(, cups *hite bread -+our

94 of 151

1(, cup *heat -+our , teaspoons $r/ mi+2 , 1(, tab+espoons .one/ 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1() cup Chic2en broth 1+o5 sa+t3 1 ,(' tab+espoons 0ourmet mustard 1 teaspoon Chives 1dried3 , teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 Add ingredients according to manu-acturer?s directions6 .ot La+apeno Bread Serving Size : 1) Preparation Time :0:00

Categories : Bread Machine %o5 &at Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 P2g Active $r/ 4east ' C Bread &+our ' Tbsp La+apeno Peppers chopped9 or to taste 1(, C Montere/ Lac2 Cheese 1 1(, Tbsp Sugar 1 1(, Tsp Sa+t 1 1() C *ater adDust to /our needs The recipes are -or , cup bread ma2ers but I?ve adDusted them -or ' cups6

95 of 151

Thro5 in and ba2e Ita+ian Bread Serving Size : 1A Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Ita+ian Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east ' cups Bread -+our , tab+espoons Sugar , tab+espoons Butter 1s5eet at room temp3 1 cup %ess 1 T hot 5ater , Sti--+/ beaten egg 5hites Be sure to use JcrispJ bread setting and add the egg 5hites a-ter the rest o- the ingredients are moist6 La+apeno Cheese Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

96 of 151

'() cup Sour cream 1(7 cup *ater 1 ;gg ' cups &+our 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , tab+espoons Sugar 1() teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1 cup Sharp cheddar grated ) oz ' tab+espoons &resh La+apeno seeded and 1about ) peppers3 1 1(, teaspoons 4east *o5 666 hot stu--EE Serve this coarse+/ te8tured9 ver/ spic/ bread at /our ne8t coc2tai+ part/ and 5atch it disappear6 It?s great 5ith a g+ass o5ine or a co+d beer9 but its per-ect partner is a -rost/ margaritaE P+ace a++ ingredients in bread pan9 se+ect a +ight crust setting9 and press JstartJ6 A-ter the ba2ing c/c+e ends9 remove bread -rom pan9 p+ace on ca2e rac29

and a++o5 to coo+ 1 hour be-ore s+icing6 %az/ !nion Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm

97 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient 1 , , ' 1 1

Preparation Method

1 1(, %b 1() C *ater !r Mi+2 Tbsp Sugar Tsp !nion Soup Mi8 C Bread &+our Tbsp $r/ Mi+2 Po5der optiona+ 1(, Tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 '() %b 1 1(, C *ater !r Mi+2 , 1(, tbsp Sugar 1 tbsp !nion Soup Mi8 ' 1(, C Bread &+our 1 1(, tbsp $r/ Mi+2 Po5der optiona+ , tsp Active $r/ 4east C4C%;: 5hite> timer S;TTI#0: medium #!T;S : The +az/ part o- this recipe is simp+/ using onion soup mi8E There is no sa+t inc+uded in the recipe as there is some in the onion soup6 -rom m/ 2itchen to S/ours66666 $an O+epach 666 0overnment Tag+ine6 Ta2es up space9 no 2no5n -unction6 QQQ B+ue *ave(R*O v,61,

98 of 151

$B 16'U(00))7@ < !rigin: The $iamond Bar BBS %emon Bread

U0U U,' 10'1

!ntario9 CA 11:,17(1013

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east ' cups Bread -+our 1() cup Sugar 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1() cup Butter room temperature '() cup Mi+2 sca+ded 1 ;gg = 1 /o+2 room temp6 1() teaspoon %emon e8tract , teaspoons $ried or -resh+/ grated +emon pee+ P+ace a++ ingredients into breadma2er pan in the order above9 se+ect 5hite bread and push start6 %emon Popp/ Seed Bread

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Breads

99 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

, 1() teaspoons /east ' cups bread -+our 1 tab+espoon +emon zest grated 1 1(, teaspoons popp/ seeds 1 teaspoon sa+t , tab+espoons sugar ) tab+espoons non-at dr/ mi+2 po5der 1 tab+espoon unsa+ted butter 1 cup 5ater 1 +arge egg 1 teaspoon +emon Duice 0%AN;: , teaspoons unsa+ted butter so-tened 1 teaspoon +emon zest grated ) tab+espoons po5dered sugar 1 teaspoon +emon Duice or more Add a++ ingredients e8cept those -or g+aze6 "se basic c/c+e6 *hi+e the bread is coo+ing to room temperature9 ma2e the g+aze6 0+aze coo+ed +oao- bread b/ drizzing g+aze on top and sides o- +oa-6 %et dr/ be-ore s+icing6 %ight Pumpernic2e+

100 of 151
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method !#; P!"#$ %!A& ,(' cup *ater 1 1(' tab+espoons Fegetab+e oi+ 1 1(' tab+espoons Mo+asses , teaspoons 0+uten 1optiona+3 , teaspoons Sugar 1(, teaspoon Sa+t 1 1() teaspoons Cara5a/ seeds 1 1(' tab+espoons "ns5eetened cocoa 1 cup :/e -+our 1 cup Bread -+our 1 teaspoon 4east Ba2e on regu+ar ba2e c/c+e %ight *ho+e *heat Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

101 of 151

1 1(7 cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1@ 1() oz3 1 1(7 cups Bread -+our 1@ 1() oz3 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 tab+espoon Mo+asses B(7 cup *ater 1B 1(, -+6oz3 1 teaspoon $r/ /east Timer !: Ba2e 1:apid3 mode ma/ be used6 P+ace a++ ingredients 1e8cept +iHuids and /east3 inside the bread pan6 Add +iHuid ingredients6 C+ose cover and p+ace dr/ /east into the /east ho+der6 %ime I Coconut Mi+2 Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1(, teaspoons active dr/ /east , cups bread -+our 1 1() cups 5ho+e 5heat -+our 1() cup ro++ed oats 1() cup cornmea+ ' tab+espoons sugar 1 1(, teaspoons sa+t

102 of 151

' tab+espoons +ime zest grated 1 1(, tab+espoons oi+ '() cup coconut -+a2es 1(, cup coconut mi+2 uns5eetened 1 cup 5ater Add a++ the ingredients in the order suggested b/ /our manua+6 Process on basic 5hite bread6 %uscious %uau Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup *ater , 1(' cups *hite bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 1(, tab+espoons Bro5n sugar , tab+espoons Shredded carrots 1() cup &+a2ed shredded coconut 1(, cup "ns5eet6 crushed pineapp+e 1(' cup Chopped macadamia nuts 1 pinch Cinnamon

103 of 151

, teaspoons 4east 1active dr/3 << $rain the pineapp+e 5e++6 Luice ma/ be substituted -or up to ,(' othe 5ater6

Man/ 0rains Bread Serving Size : 1A Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(7 cups *ater 1(, cup *ho+e 5heat -+our , cups Bread -+our 1(, cup Ruic2 oats '() cup B grain cerea+ , tab+espoons Po5dered buttermi+2 , tab+espoons Sugar , tab+espoons .one/ , tab+espoons Margarine , pac2ages 4east 1 teaspoon Sa+t This is ver/ simi+ar to Pou+sbo bread Add ingredients according to /our manu-ACT":;:?S $I:;CTI!#S

104 of 151
Map+e !atmea+ Bread Serving Size : 1) Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Bread Machine %o5 &at Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 P2g Active $r/ 4east , 1() tsp 1 C !ats Huic2 coo2ing ' C Bread &+our 1 Tsp Sa+t 1(' C Map+e S/rup 1 Tbsp Coo2ing !i+ 1 1() C *arm *ater = 1 T Mustard *heat :/e Serving Size : , Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , teaspoons 4east 1 cup Bread -+our

105 of 151

1(, cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1(, cup :/e -+our 1 tab+espoon 0+uten 1(' cup $iDon mustard ,(' cup *ater 1 tab+espoon %ecithin granu+es 1 tab+espoon Mo+asses $ump /east in machine6 $ump in -+ours and +ecithin granu+es &i++ measuring cup to ,('rds 5ith 5arm 5ater6 Add mustard unti+ +iHuid measures a -u++ cup6 A dd mo+asses and stir6 $ump in machine6 Set machine to basic ba2e6 Tested '('(U) A sma++ dar2 +oa- 5ith a nice mustard/

-+avor6 *hi+e dense9 it can be s+iced Huite thin+/6 #e5 .ampshire *hite Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %b 1 Cup *ater , 1(, Tbsp Butter !r Margarine , 1(, Tbsp Sugar

106 of 151

1 Tsp Sa+t ' C Bread &+our 1 1(, Tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 '() %b 1 1() C *ater ' tbsp Butter !r Margarine ' tbsp Sugar 1 tsp Sa+t ' 1(, C Bread &+our , tsp Active $r/ 4east C4C%;: 5hite> timer S;TTI#0: medium #!T;S : "se scant measurements o- the 5ater6 This ma2es into ro++s ver/ nice+/6 -rom m/ 2itchen to S/ours66666 $an O+epach 666 I- it STI%% doesn?t 5or29 tr/ -o++o5ing the directions6 QQQ B+ue *ave(R*O v,61, $B 16'U(00))7@ < !rigin: The $iamond Bar BBS U0U U,' 10'1 !ntario9 CA 11:,17(1013 !at Bran #utri Bread Serving Size : 1@ Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east

107 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

1 pac2age 1@(1A ounce /east 1 1(, cups "nb+eached -+our 1(, cup Bread -+our 1() cup !at -+our 1 tab+espoon *heat germ , tab+espoons Sugar 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 tab+espoon Margarine 1 teaspoon Sa+t B(7 cup *ater A F;:4 #"T:ITI!"S %!A&6 S;:F; T!AST;$ T! SAF!: $;%ICAT; TAST; Put a++ ingredients in order given into the bread pan6 Se+ect *.IT; bread and push Start 6 Ma2es 1 +oa-9 7 s+ices6 ;ach s+ice: 1@' ca+ories> 1 gm dietar/ -iber> +ess than 1

gm so+ub+e -iber> ,U gm charboh/drates> ) gm protein> , gm -at 11,% o- ca+ories -rom -at3> 1 mg cho+estero+> ,A7 mg sodium> B) mg potassium> 1B mg ca+cium6 !atmea+9 :aisin and .one/ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

108 of 151
1(, cup 0o+den :aisins , tab+espoons 0rated !range Nest 1 cup P+us 1 tb6 *ater 1 '() cups *ho+e *heat &+our '() cup !at b+end &+our 1(, cup :o++ed !ats ' tab+espoons $r/ Mi+2 1 1(, teaspoons Sea Sa+t 1() cup .one/ , tab+espoons Cano+a Sa--+o5er or Sun &+o5er !i+ ) teaspoons Active $r/ 4east 16 P+ace the raisins9 orange zest9 and 5ater in a sm6 saucepan and bring to a boi+6 :emove -rom heat and set aside to coo+6 $rain raisins and zest9 reserving the +iHuid6 ,6 Measure and add the dr/ ingredients to the pai+6 Add the reserved +iHuid9 the hone/ and the /east6 '6 Program -or *.!%; *.;AT M!$;6 )6 At the end o- the mi8ing c/c+e9 Dust be-ore the 2neading begins9 add the drained raisins and the orange zest to the dough6 @6 :emove and turn out to coo+ on 5ire rac26 !+d *or+d :/e Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm

109 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient 1 1(, %b 1 C *ater 1 Tbsp Fegetab+e !i+ 1 Tbsp .one/ '() Tsp Sa+t 1(' Tsp Ba2ing Soda , 1(, Tsp !nion &+a2es 1 Tbsp Cara5a/ Seed 1 1(, tbsp *heat 0erm 1 1(, tbsp So/ &+our '() C *ho+e *heat &+our 1(' C :/e &+our 1 1(, C Bread &+our ' tbsp Buttermi+2 Po5der 1 1(, tbsp Fita+ 0+uten

Preparation Method



1 1(, tsp Active $r/ 4east , 1(, tsp %emon Luice 1 '() %b 1 1() C *ater 1 tbsp Fegetab+e !i+ 1 tbsp .one/ 1 tsp Sa+t 1(, tsp Ba2ing Soda 1 tbsp !nion &+a2es dried 1 tbsp Cara5a/ Seed

110 of 151

, tbsp *heat 0erm , tbsp So/ &+our 1 C *ho+e *heat &+our 1(, C :/e &+our , C Bread &+our 1() C Buttermi+2 Po5der , tbsp Fita+ 0+uten optiona+ , tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 tbsp %emon Luice Add +emon Duice 10 mins a-ter starting machine6 C4C%;: 5heat9 5hite s5eet> timer S;TTI#0: +ight to medium #!T;S : Add the +emon Duice 10 mins a-ter starting the machine a++ machines6 I- -resh buttermi+2 is on hand9 substitute it -or the 5ater 1cup -or cup3 and omit the dried buttermi+2 po5der6 !reo Coo2ie Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 %B6 %!A& '() cup Mi+2 1 ;gg ' tab+espoons Sugar in

111 of 151

'() teaspoon Sa+t , cups Bread -+our 1 1(, teaspoons 4east '() cup !reo coo2ies crushed 1 1(, %B %!A& 1 cup Mi+2 1 1(, ;ggs @ tab+espoons Butter 1() cup Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t ' cups Bread -+our , 1(, teaspoons 4east 1 cup !reo coo2ies crushed Ba2e according to manu-acturer?s instructions9 adding the !reos during the raisin bread c/c+e9 or -ive minutes be-ore the -ina+ 2neading is -inished6 !utrageous+/ !atmea+ Bread -or Bread Machine

Serving Size : 7 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup *ater , cups *hite bread -+our

112 of 151

1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 tab+espoon .one/ 1() cup :o++ed oats 1 teaspoon &ast rise /east <<!:<< 1 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east %A:0; %!A& 1 1() cups *ater ' cups *hite bread -+our 1 1(, tab+espoons $r/ mi+2 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , tab+espoons Butter , tab+espoons .one/ 1(, cup :o++ed oats , teaspoons &ast rise /east <<!:<< ' teaspoons Active dr/ /east S"CC;SS .I#TS: &or added te8ture9 add the oats a-ter the -irst 2nead or at the beep on the -ruit and nut c/c+e6 &or additiona+ crunch9 sprin2+e a -e5 oats on top o- the +oa- a-ter the -ina+ rise6 Instant oatmea+ doesn?t 5or29 but Huic2 coo2ing oats do6 This recipe can be made 5ith the regu+ar9 rapid9 or de+a/ed time ba2e c/c+es6 Panettone Bread

113 of 151
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er &ruits 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, pound +oa'() cup Mi+2 1 ;gg ' tab+espoons App+esauce ' cups Bread -+our , tab+espoons .one/ 1 1(, teaspoons Anise seed crushed '() teaspoon Sa+t 1 teaspoon 4east 1(' cup %ight raisins 1(' cup Currants 1(' cup Chopped candied citron "se +ight setting6 10' ca+6 Parmesan Pepper Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

114 of 151
1 cup P+us , Tbs 5ater 1 tab+espoon !+ive oi+ ' 1() cups Bread -+our 1(, cup Parmesan cheese grated 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t '() teaspoon &resh+/ ground b+ac2 pepper or green peppercorns , 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east a$$ I#0:;$I;#TS ACC!:$I#0 T! 4!": MA#"&ACT":;:?S I#ST:"CTI!#S Peanut Butter and Le++/ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup *ater 1(' cup Peanut butter 1(' cup Le++/ 1 tab+espoon Map+e(bro5n sugar 1(' teaspoon Sa+t 1(, teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1 tab+espoon To , tb6 vita+ g+uten , 1() cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 teaspoon 4east


115 of 151

&+our eHuiva+ent , 1() cup M;$I"M %!A& 1 1(7 cups *ater 1(, cup Peanut butter 1(, cup Le++/ 1 1(, tab+espoons Map+e(bro5n sugar 1(, teaspoon Sa+t '() teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1 1(, tab+espoons To ' tb6 vita+ g+uten opt6 ' 1(' cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 1(, teaspoons 4east &+our eHuiva+ent ' 1(' cup %A:0; %!A& 1 1(, cups *ater ,(' cup Peanut butter ,(' cup Le++/ , tab+espoons Map+e(bro5n sugar ,(' teaspoon Sa+t 1 teaspoon Ba2ing soda , tab+espoons To ) tb6 vita+ g+uten opt6 ) 1(, cups *ho+e 5heat -+our , teaspoons 4east &+our eHuiva+ent ) 1(, cup S;TTI#0: Medium A high rising +oa- 5ith the taste o- peanut butter and De++/ mi8ed right in6 "se either smooth or chun2/ peanut butter6 $ue to peanut butter9 the sides o- the pan ma/ need scraping6 *atch moisture6

116 of 151
Add ingredients according to /our manu-acturer6 Pepperoni Bread V, Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(7 cups *ater 1(, cup Pepperoni diced 1(' teaspoon Sa+t 1 1(, teaspoons Sugar 1 1(, teaspoons Ita+ian spice 1 1(, tab+espoons Fita+ g+uten to ' tb+s ' 1(' cups *ho+e 5heat -+our , teaspoons 4east 1(, cup La+apeno cheese shred 1opt3 1 1(, La+apeno diced 1opt3 Add ingredients according to manu-acturer?s directions6 Medium co+or setting6 Ma2es 1 1(, +b +oa-6 Pesto Bread

117 of 151
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 +arge ;gg MT:A 1() cup $r/ vermouth or dr/ 5hite *ine 10 mi++i+iters 0ar+ic ' tab+espoons !+ive oi+ 1(, cup Pesto sauce 1(' cup 5ater = , T ' cups Bread -+our 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t , 1(, teaspoons 4east 1(, cup Pine nuts 1see note3 P+ace a++ the ingredients e8cept the pine nuts in the machine9 program -or :aisin Bread9 and press start6 *hen the beeper sounds9 add the nuts6 Pesto is a pungent Ita+ain sauce made -rom ground up basi+9 pine nuts 9 and Parmesan cheese6 It used to be avai+ab+e on+/ in the summer 5hen -resh basi+ is p+enti-u+6 #o5 /ou can bu/ it in most grocer/ stores bott+ed9 in the re-rigerator case9 or even in a tube6 .ome made ma/ be the best9 but store bought is Dust -ine6 Pizza $ough Abm

118 of 151

Serving Size : ,1A Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1(, tab+espoon 4east ' 1() cups &+our 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1(, tab+espoon Sa+t 1() cup !+ive oi+ 1 1(7 cups *ater T! S.AP; PINNA Corn mea+ Bring a++ ingredients to room temp and add to breadma2er 6 Se+ect J5hite doughJ c/c+e and press Start6 At end o- c/c+e9 remove dough and divide into ha+ves6 Preheat oven to )@06 :o++ or shape into pizzas on sur-ace dusted 5ith cornmea+6 Add toppings o- choice and ba2e 1@ minutes on bottom rac29 to ma2e sure crust gets done6 Portuguese Corn Bread Serving Size : ,) Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er

119 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient 1 , 1 1 1 1 U

Preparation Method

1 1(, P!"#$ %!A& 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east cups Bread -+our 1(, teaspoons Sa+t 1(, cups Cornmea+ tab+espoon Sugar tab+espoon !+ive oi+ ounces *arm 5ater 1 P!"#$ %!A& 1 teaspoon Active dr/ /east 1 1() cups Bread -+our 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 cup Cornmea+ , teaspoons Sugar , teaspoons !+ive oi+ A ounces *arm 5ater S;; #!T;S I# $I:;CTI!#S .ere is a good9 dense9 corn bread 5ith a crunch/ te8ture and rich -+avor6 It is ver/ good 5ith soup or 5ith butter and De++/ or Dam6 #!T;S: 16 &or Panasonic(#ationa+ machines9 use ' tsp6 o- /east -or the 1 1(, pound +oa-6 ,6 &or $AO(*e+bi+t machines9 use , additiona+ tab+espoons o- 5arm 5ater -or the 1 1(, pound +oa-6

120 of 151
Pototo Bread

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %b A !z Potato9 Coo2ed *ater9 As #eeded 1 1(, C *et Ingredients Shou+d ;Hua+ This 1 1(, Tbsp Butter , Tbsp Sugar 1 Tsp Sa+t ' C Bread &+our 1 1(, tsp Active $r/ 4east , %b !n+/ B oz Potato9 Coo2ed *ater9 As #eeded 1 '() C *et Ingredients Shou+d ;Hua+ This , tbsp Butter , 1(, tbsp Sugar 1 tsp Sa+t ' 1(, C Bread &+our , tsp Active $r/ 4east C4C%;: 5heat9 s5eet9 chite> no timer

121 of 151

S;TTI#0: medium #!T;S : Coo2 the ne5 or sma++ potato in the micro5ave unti+ so-t and cut it into Huarters or eighths 1the machine 5i++ mash it during 2neading36 P+ace the cut potato9 pee+ and a++9 into the +iHuid measuring cup and add 5ater up to the +eve+ given6 4ou ma/ add 1 , Tbs buttermi+2 dressing mi8 1dr/3 -or e8tra -+avor6 -rom m/ 2itchen to S/ours66666 $an O+epach 666 Con-ucius sa/9 Man 5ho stand on toi+et is high on Pot6 QQQ B+ue *ave(R*O v,61, $B 16'U(00))7@ < !rigin: The $iamond Bar BBS U0U U,' 10'1 !ntario9 CA 11:,17(1013 Prosciutto B+ac2 Pepper Bread Serving Size : ,) Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() teaspoons 4east '() teaspoon Pepper ' cups &+our bread 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1(, tab+espoon Sa+t 1(' cup !i+ o+ive 1 cup *ater 5arm b+ac2

122 of 151

, tab+espoons *ater 5arm '() cup Prosciutto chopped $o not trim -at -rom prosciutto be-ore chopping6 Bring a++ ingredients to room temperature6 Pour a++ ingredients into ba2er/ e8cept prosciutto9 in order6 Set Jba2ing contro+J at e+even o?c+oc26

Se+ect J5hite breadJ and push Start6 Add prosciutto at beep9 77 minutes into c/c+e6 :euben Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1(, teaspoons Active /east , 1() cups Bread -+our 1 cup :/e -+our , tab+espoons 0+uten 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1(, teaspoon $r/ mustard 1(7 teaspoon Ba2ing soda 1 teaspoon Cara5a/ seeds ' ounces S5iss cheese shredded 1() cup Sauer2raut rinsed I drained

123 of 151

' tab+espoons Thousand is+and dressing 1 cup P+us , tbs 5arm 5ater , 1(, ounces $e+i s+iced +ean corn BeeA++ ingredients must be at room temperature e8cept 5ater at 110 degree &6 Add a++ ingredients to ABM in the order +isted6 Se+ect 5hite bread and start6 :/e Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 , , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 p2 4east c &+our9 r/e c &+our9 bread tb $r/ non-at mi+2 po5der tb Sugar t Sa+t tb .one/ tb Margarine t A++spice9 ground9 optiona+ tb Cara5a/ seed9 optiona+

124 of 151

1 1(, c *ater9 5arm Add a++ the ingredients +isted above9 se+ect 5hite bread and push Sauer2raut :/e Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %b 1 C *ater 1 1(, Tbsp Fegetab+e !i+ ' Tbsp Mo+asses

1(' C Sauer2raut '() Tsp Sa+t 1 1(, Tbsp Instant Co--ee 0ranu+es '() C :/e &+our , 1(, C Bread &+our 1 1(, tbsp Fita+ 0+uten , tsp Active $r/ 4east , %b 1 1(' C *ater , tbsp Fegetab+e !i+

125 of 151

1() C Mo+asses 1(, C Sauer2raut 1 tsp Sa+t , tbsp Instant Co--ee 0ranu+es 1 C :/e &+our ' 1(, C Bread &+our , tbsp Fita+ 0+uten , 1() tsp Active $r/ 4east C4C%;: 5heat9 5hite> no timer S;TTI#0: medium #!T;S : Cara5a/ seeds ma/ be added to taste6 The instant co--ee gives the bread its dar2 co+or6 -rom m/ 2itchen to S/ours66666 $an O+epach 666 Space is curved6 !r e+se m/ car pu++s to the right666 QQQ B+ue *ave(R*O v,61, $B 16'U(00))7@ < !rigin: The $iamond Bar BBS U0U U,' 10'1 !ntario9 CA 11:,17(1013 Scot+and !at Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method ' tab+espoons .one/

126 of 151

1 1(, cups Mi+2 1() cup *ater ' tab+espoons App+esauce< , teaspoons Sa+t ' tab+espoons 0+uten '() cup !at bran 1 1(, cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 cup Bread -+our 1 1(, cups !at -+our ' teaspoons 4east P+ace in pan according to custom6 <Ma/ use vegetab+e oi+6 Semo+ina Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 cup Buttermi+2

1 ;gg Beaters 1 tab+espoon Butter(App+esauce , 1(, cups Semo+ina 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 1(, teaspoons 4east Add to pan as directed6

127 of 151

Shredded *heat Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pound +oa1 %arge shredded 5heat biscuit B(7 cup *ater , cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon App+esauce 1 1(, tab+espoons Bro5n sugar 1 1(, tab+espoons .one/ , teaspoons 4east Crust +ight6 Ba2e6 Sourdough Beer Bread Serving Size : 1) Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads

128 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

1 teaspoon 4east , cups Oing Arthur a++purpose -+our , teaspoons Sugar 1 tab+espoon %ecithin granu+es 1 teaspoon Sa+t '() cup :/e sourdough starter< 1() cup &+at beer , tab+espoons *ater P+ace in pan in the order given6 Ba2e on basic bread c/c+e6 This can probab+/ be timed6 *ith on+/ , cups o- -+our9 this ma2es a sma++ 11) oz3 +oa- 5ith a crunch/ crust and a +ight interior6 #ot a dense bread6 It?s a rustic +oo2ing +oa- that ought to be Dust the thing 5ith ste5s or heart/ soups6 <:/e sarter: , c :/e -+our9 , c 5arm 5ater9 1 p2g /east in a g+ass container6 %eave at roomtemp -or about ' da/s stirring 5hen /ou thin2 o- it6 *hen it starts to sme++ +i2e a bre5er/9 /ou can re-rigerate it6 Lust bring it bac2 to room temp be-ore /ou use it6 Spinach I &eta Bread Abm

Serving Size : ,) Preparation Time :0:00

129 of 151

Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

'() cup Spinach -rozen chopped , 1() teaspoons 4east ' cups Bread -+our 1(' cup *heat bran 1 1(, tab+espoons Sugar 1(, tab+espoon Sa+t 1(, tab+espoon #utmeg ground 1(, teaspoon B+ac2 pepper ' tab+espoons !i+ 1 ;ggs 1(' cup &eta cheese crumb+ed 1(, cup *ater $e-rost spinach overnight in re-rigerator or micro5ave9 but do not coo26 *rap in dish to5e+ or piece o- c+ean o+d sheeting and tighten -abric around spinach to sHueeze out a++ the +iHuid6 Bring a++ ingredients to room temperature and pour into ba2er/9 in order6 Set Jba2ing contro+J at 10 o?c+oc26 Se+ect J5hite breadJ and push Start6 Standard &- Bread :ecipe 1Abm3 Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm

130 of 151

Amount Measure Ingredient

Preparation Method

' cups Bread -+our 1 cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1 Pac2et(, 1() tsp /east 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Po5dered s2im mi+2 or so/ Mi+2 1optiona+ but I thin2 It he+ps3 1 1(, cups .ot 5ater6 &o++o5 usua+ procedure -or breadma2er6 Ma2es a 1 1(, +b +oa-6 I thin2 this 5or2s out to B0 ca+9 06@ g -at per ounce6 Beer Sourdough Starter Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Sourdough Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 Beer -+at 1 1() cups &+our Mi8 5e++9 +et sit on counter @ 10 da/s9 stir ' 8 per da/6 *hen it begins to separate into cream/ thic2 bottom and thin +iHuid top

131 of 151

is read/ to use in an/ sourdough recipe6

:/e Starter 1Sourdough3 Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , cups :/e &+our , cups *arm *ater 1 p2g 4east Add Above ingredients to a g+ass container6 %eave at roomtemp -or about ' da/s stirring 5hen /ou thin2 o- it6 *hen it starts to sme++ +i2e a bre5er/9 /ou can re-rigerate it6 Lust bring it bac2 to room temp be-ore /ou use it6 Stra5berr/ Cream Cheese Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

132 of 151

1 %B6 %!A& 1(' cup M++2 1(' cup Mashed stra5berries 1(' cup Cream cheese 1 tab+espoon Butter , tab+espoons .one/ 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1(, cup !atmea+ 1 1(, cups Bread -+our 1 1(, teaspoons 4east 1 1(, %B6 %!A& 1(, cup Mi+2 1(, cup Mashed stra5berries 1(, cup Cream cheese , tab+espoons Butter ' tab+espoons .one/ 1 1(' teaspoons Sa+t 1 cup !atmea+ , cups Bread -+our , 1(, teaspoons 4east The stra5berries in this bread are subt+e9 but combine 5onder-u++/ 5ith the cream cheese -or a so-t9 +ight +oa-6 Ba2e according to manu-acturer?s instructions6

133 of 151
Summer &ruit Bread Abm Serving Size : ,) Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1(, cup B+ueberries -rozen , 1() teaspoons 4east , 1() cups Bread -+our 1 cup *ho+e 5heat -+our 1() cup Sugar ' tab+espoons $r/ mi+2

1(, teaspoon C+oves ground 1() teaspoon Cinnamon ground 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 cup Peaches chopped 1 1(, tab+espoons Butter 1 ;ggs ,(' cup *ater B+ac2berries ma/ be substituted -or the b+ueberries6 #ectarines ma/ be substituted -or the peaches6 I- berries are -resh9 -reeze them an/5a/ so the/ 5i++ not get too mush/ in the bread dough6 In some machines the/ 5i++ sta/ partia++/ so+id> in others9 berries 5i++ marb+eize the dough 6 Bring a++ ingredients e8cept berries to room temperature and pour into ba2er/9 in order6 Set Jba2ing contro+J at 10 o?c+oc26 Se+ect J5hite breadJ and push Start6

134 of 151

Add berries at beep6 Summer Fegetab+e Bread Serving Size : ,) Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup Fegetab+es Du+ienned be++ zucchini /e++o5 sH , 1() teaspoons 4east 1 B(7 cups Bread -+our '() cup *ho+e 5heat -+our '() cup *heat bran 1 1(, tab+espoons Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 1(, tab+espoons !i+ 1 1(, tab+espoons So/ sauce 1 cup *ater Cut vegetab+es b/ hand or -ood processor '0 minutes in advance6 $rain on paper to5e+s or in co+ander6 Bring a++ ingredients e8cept vegetab+es to room temperature and pour into ba2er/9 in order6 Set Jba2ing contro+J at 10 o?c+oc26 Se+ect J5hite breadJ and push Start6 Add vegetab+es at beep6 *hen sHuash comes into season9 this vegetab+e bread can ma2e use o- it

135 of 151

immediate+/9 -or consuming that da/9 or the bread can be -rozen6 In hot I humid 5eather9 use 1(7 c +ess 5ater6 Sundried Tomato Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method &!: %A:0; %!A& '() cup *ater 70 7@G 11 1() c63 1 '() cups Bread -+our 1, 1(, c63 1() cup Semo+ina 1pasta -+our3 11(, c63 1 tab+espoon Sugar 11 1(, Tbs63 1 teaspoon Sa+t 11 1(, tsp63

1 tab+espoon Butter or margarine 1, Tbs63 1 teaspoon &resh basi+ chopped 11 1(, tsp63 '() teaspoon &resh gar+ic minced 11 tsp3 1 1(, tab+espoons Sundried tomatoes < 1' Tbs63 1 teaspoon SA& Instant 4east 11 1(, tsp63 < Prepare tomatoes as per pac2age instructions6 Pat dr/ prior to chopping6 &o++o5 the bread machine manu-acturer?s recommendations -or proper +oading order o-

136 of 151

ingredients or: 16 P+ace ingredients into the mi8ing container in the above order6 ,6 Set bread machine -or norma+ c/c+e9 medium ba2e time6 '6 *hen c/c+e is comp+eted9 +et bread coo+ s+ight+/6 )6 S+ice and enDo/E #o nutritiona+ in-ormation avai+ab+e6 Sunni?s Spring Fegetab+e Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Fegetab+es Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '(7 cup Mi+2 1() cup 5ater 1 ;gg 1(, cup Cottage cheese ' cups Bread -+our 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 pac2age Onorr Spring Fegetab+e Soup mi8 1 1(, teaspoons 4east P+ace a++ ingred in bread pan9 se+ect %ight Crust setting9 and press Start6

137 of 151
#ote: I 6 *atch 4ou ma/ This is

on+/ tested the 1 1(, +b recipe and on+/ used one machine the dough as it?s mi8ing6 need to add 1 or , T more +iHuid i- it seems too sti-- and dr/6 a tast/ snac2ing bread and a+so marve+ous 5ith egg sa+ad on it6

S5edish %impa Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er .o+ida/s 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() cups Bread -+our 1() cup 11 oz63 r/e -+our , tab+espoons Bro5n sugar 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1 tab+espoon !range pee+ chopped 1 1(, teaspoons Cara5a/ seeds 1(, teaspoon &enne+ seed

B(7 cup 1B 1(, -+6 oz63 5ater 1 teaspoon $r/ /east Combine ingredients in order according to /our o5n bread machine instructions6

138 of 151
S5edish :/e Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %b 1 C *ater ) Tbsp Butter !r Margarine 1(, Tsp Sa+t , Tbsp &enne+ Seed 1() C Sugar 1 1(, C :/e &+our 1 1(, C Bread &+our , tbsp Fita+ 0+uten , tsp Active $r/ 4east 1(' C Mi8ed &ruit9 $ried !r Candied 1 '() %b 1 1(' C *ater @ tbsp Butter !r Margarine 1 tsp Sa+t , 1(, tbsp &enne+ Seed 1(' C Sugar , C :/e &+our , C Bread &+our

139 of 151

, 1(, tbsp Fita+ 0+uten , tsp Active $r/ 4east 1(, C Mi8ed &ruit9 $ried !r Candied Add the -ruit at the beep or appropriate time -or /our machine6 C4C%;: 5heat9 5hite9 s5eet> no timer S;TTI#0: +ight to medium #!T;S : Tr/ using po5dered -enne+ seed6 The -enne+ ma/ be adDusted to taste6 S5eet I Sour Citrus Bread Abm Serving Size : ,) Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 '() teaspoons 4east ' cups Bread -+our ' tab+espoons *heat germ ' tab+espoons *heat bran 1(' cup Sugar 1(, tab+espoon Sa+t , teaspoons !range pee+ grated 1 1(, teaspoons %emon pee+ grated 1 ;ggs ' tab+espoons Butter '() cup Sourdough starter

'() cup *ater

140 of 151


Bring a++ ingredients to room temperature and pour into ba2er/9 in order6 Set Jba2ing contro+J at 10 o?c+oc26 Se+ect J5hite breadJ and push Start6 In hot I humid 5eather9 use 1(7 c +ess 5ater6 S5eet Potato Pecan Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() teaspoons 4east ' cups Bread -+our ) tab+espoons :o++ed oats 1(, teaspoon Cinnamon , pinches #utmeg 1 1(, teaspoons Sa+t , tab+espoons Bro5n sugar dar2 ' tab+espoons Po5dered mi+2 ' tab+espoons Butter or margarine '() cup S5eet potatoes9 coo2ed mashed '() cup *ater ' tab+espoons :aisins dar2 1(' cup Pecans chopped P+ace a++ ingredients in machine and push start6 "se raisin bread c/c+e9 adding

141 of 151

-ruit and nuts at beep6 Taco Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, pound +oaU ounces *ater 1 1(, tab+espoons App+esauce 1oi+3 , tab+espoons Sugar 1 teaspoon Sa+t '() cup Cornmea+ 1() cup *ho+e 5heat -+our ' tab+espoons Taco seasoning , cups Bread -+our 1 1(, teaspoons 4east Tastes +i2e a taco666great 5ith chi+i6 Trapp &ami+/ %odge %ight :/e Bread 1Abm3

142 of 151
Serving Size : A Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

1 teaspoon 4east 1 cup = , Tbsp6 5arm 5ater 110@ 11@ degrees3 , cups Bread -+our 1 cup $ar2 r/e -+our 1(, tab+espoon Cara5a/ seed 1(, tab+espoon Sa+t 1(, tab+espoon Mo+asses 1(, tab+espoon Fegetab+e oi+ Add a++ ingredients to pot I push JStartJ6 AdDust -or 5etness odr/ness6 1I had to add , Tbsp6 -+our63 Fegetab+e .erb Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Abm Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %b 1 1(7 C *ater 1 Tbsp Butter !r Margarine 1(' C !nion diced

143 of 151

1 1(, Tsp Sugar 1 Tsp Sa+t 1 Tsp B+ac2 Pepper 1 Tsp Sage , tsp Th/me dried 1(' C Ce+er/ Inc+uding %ea-/ Top ' C Bread &+our , tsp Active $r/ 4east 1 '() %b 1 1(' C *ater 1 tbsp Butter !r Margarine 1(' C !nion diced , tsp Sugar 1 tsp Sa+t 1 tsp B+ac2 Pepper 1 tsp Sage , tsp Th/me dried 1(, C Ce+er/ Inc+uding %ea-/ Top ' 1(, C Bread &+our , tsp Active $r/ 4east C4C%;: 5hite9 s5eet> no timer S;TTI#0: +ight to medium



#!T;S : It is a 5onder-u+9 spic/ +ight te8tured and co+ored bread 5hich the originator ca++s J!+d &ashioned Stu--ing BreadJ and uses -or +e-tover tur2e/ sand5iches6 *atch dough -or moisture6 -rom m/ 2itchen to S/ours66666

144 of 151

$an O+epach 666 .;%PEEEE This computer is ta2ing over m/ +i-eEEEE QQQ B+ue *ave(R*O v,61, $B 16'U(00))7@ < !rigin: The $iamond Bar BBS U0U U,' 10'1 !ntario9 CA 11:,17(1013 *a+nut Bread

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() cups Bread -+our 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1() cup *a+nuts 11 oz3 chopped B(7 cup *ater 1B 1(, -+6oz3 1 teaspoon $r/ /east Timer !: Ba2e 1:apid3 mode ma/ be used6 P+ace a++ ingredients 1e8cept +iHuids and /east3 inside the bread pan6 Add +iHuid ingredients6 C+ose cover and p+ace dr/ /east into the /east ho+der6 Press start6

145 of 151
*heat I .one/ Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er :o++s Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east '() cup *ho+e 5heat -+our , 1(, cups Bread -+our 1 teaspoon Sa+t , tab+espoons .one/ 1 ;gg 1 cup P+us 1 T 5arm 5ater In the order +isted> put a++ ingredients in pan9 se+ect 5hite bread and push JstartJ6 *heat *heat *heat Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breads Breadma2er 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 pac2age 4east 1(7 teaspoon 0inger

146 of 151

, 1(, cups Bread -+our 1 1() cups *ho+e 5heat -+our 1(, cup *heat germ 1 teaspoon Sa+t ' tab+espoons .one/ 1 can ;vaporated mi+2 11, oz63 , tab+espoons Sa+ad oi+ 1(, cup Crac2ed 5heat 1(, cup Boi+ing 5ater Put dr/ ingredients in -irst6 Cover the 1(, cup crac2ed 5heat 5ith boi+ing 5ater9 stir9 and +et coo+6 Then add coo+ed crac2ed 5heat9 se+ect 5hite bread and push start6 #!T;: Crac2ed 5heat is avai+ab+e in hea+th -ood stores6

4ogurt Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Breads 4east Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1 1 1 1() cups Bread -+our tab+espoon Sugar tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 teaspoon Sa+t

147 of 151

1 tab+espoon Butter , tab+espoons Sesame seeds 1(, cup 4ogurt 1) 1(, oz3 1(, cup *ater 1 teaspoon $r/ /east Ba2e 1:apid3 mode ma/ be used6 P+ace a++ ingredients 1e8cept +iHuids and /east3 inside the bread pan6 Add +iHuid ingredients6 C+ose cover and p+ace dr/ /east into the /east ho+der6 Press start6 4o2rshire Spice Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breadma2er Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method 1 1(, %B6 %!A& 1 1(, teaspoons Active dr/ /east 1(, teaspoon Cinnamon , 1(, cups = , tbsp6 bread -+our 1(, teaspoon #utmeg 1 tab+espoon $ried orange pee+ 1(, cup Po5dered sugar 1 ;gg , tab+espoons !+ive oi+

148 of 151

' tab+espoons Butter 1(, tab+espoon Map+e s/rup '() cup *arm mi+2 1(, cup :aisins 1 %B6 %!A& 1 teaspoon Active dr/ /east 1(, teaspoon Cinnamon 1 '() cups Bread -+our 1(, teaspoon #utmeg , teaspoons $ried orange pee+ @ tab+espoons Po5dered sugar 1 ;gg ) teaspoons !+ive oi+ , tab+espoons Butter 1 teaspoon Map+e s/rup 1(, cup *arm mi+2 1() cup :aisins #!T;S

1 &or Panasonic(#ationa+ machines9 use ' tsp6 -or the 1 1(, +b6+oa, 4ou ma/ add the raisins at the beginning or at beep 1i- /our machine has one36 A raisin bread +over?s -avorite9 this ma2es an e8ce++ent brea2-ast bread6 &o++o5 manu-acturer?s directions on +oading /our machine6

149 of 151
Nest/ Pesto Tomato Bread Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Sun $ried Breadma2er Breads Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method '() cup %u2e5arm 5ater 11C=,T3 , cups Bread -+our 1'C3 1() cup Prepared Pesto 11('C3 1() cup Sun dried tomatoes so-tened chopped 11('C3 1 tab+espoon Sugar 1,T3 1 teaspoon Sa+t 11 1(,ts3 '() teaspoon :apid :ise 4east 11 1()ts3 1%arge +oa- in parentheses36 Prepare regu+ar +oa- i- /our bread machine recipes t/pica++/ ca++ -or , cups -+our6 Prepare +arge +oa- recipe i- the/ t/pica++/ ca++ -or ' cups -+our6 Measure a++ ingredients and p+ace in bread machine pan in the order that the b(m manu-acturer suggests6 Se+ect regu+ar ba2e or rapid ba2e c/c+e6 Per S+ice CA% 70> &AT ,gr6 Nucchini Bread (ABM Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00

150 of 151

Categories : Nucchini Bread< Automatic Breadmachine< Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method , 1() cups Bread -+our 1 tab+espoon $r/ mi+2 1 teaspoon Sa+t 1 tab+espoon Butter 1() cup *a+nuts 11 oz3 chopped 1 teaspoon Cinnamon 1(, teaspoon 0round c+oves ' tab+espoons Nucchini grated '() cup *ater 1 teaspoon $r/ /east Ba2e 1:apid3 mode ma/ be used6 P+ace a++ ingredients 1e8cept +iHuids and /east3 inside the bread pan6 Add +iHuid ingredients6 C+ose cover and p+ace dr/ /east into the /east ho+der6 Press start6

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