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...from the occupied territory currently known as grand rapids, michigan

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Sobriety and
A Less
Fucked Up




ThIs odIfIon of Townrds n !oss Iuckod ! WorId
SobrIofy nnd AnnrchIsf SfruggIo by Ick !Ioffng wns
rorInfod In 20l4 by Srouf Isfro.

Wo hnvo boon fnbIIng wIfh nn oIdor vorsIon of fhIs zIno
for yonrs, buf woro unnbIo fo fInd n coy of fho rovIsod
odIfIon of fho zIno. ThIs odIfIon fonfuros fho rovIsod
foxf nIong wIfh nn nfforwnrd fhnf nonrod In fho
book, Sobor !IvIng for fho !ovoIufIon Hnrdcoro Iunk,
SfrnIghf Idgo, nnd !ndIcnI IoIIfIcs.

WhIIo wo dIdn'f wrIfo fhIs zIno, wo fInd gronf nffInIfy
wIfh fho nrgumonfs rosonfod wIfhIn. HoofuIIy
mnkIng fhIs rovIsod foxf moro wIdoIy nvnIInbIo wIII
confInuo fo sur moro convorsnfIons nbouf sobrIofy nnd
nnnrchIsf sfruggIo.


ThIs zIno Is nn ongoIng rojocf I`vo boon wrIfIng In my hond nnd on
nor for sovornI yonrs now. SInco I docIdod fo bocomo ormnnonfIy
sobor sovornI yonrs ngo, I'vo consfnnfIy sfruggIod fo fInd snfo sncos I
hood fhnf whon I sfnrfod fo bocomo n nrf of rndIcnI, ncfIvIsf, nnd
nnnrchIsf communIfIos, fhnf I wouId fInd foIks who shnrod or nf Ionsf
rosocfod my convIcfIons. Insfond, I found n nInfuI nrndox rndIcnI
sconos fhnf woro so woIcomIng nnd nffIrmIng In mnny wnys, yof
IncrodIbIy InfIoxIbIo nnd unsuorfIvo nround my dosIro fo bo In sobor

I hnvo Ionfy of ronsons for boIng subsfnnco froo fhnf nron'f oIIfIcnI,
or so. Somo nro moro orsonnI or InfornnI I Iovo my body nnd wnnf fo
rosorvo my honIfh I`m orsonnIIy forrIfIod of nddIcfIon I fond fownrds
oxfromos, so I fhInk fhnf If I dId drInk or drug I'd ovordo If my fnmIIy
hns hnd nIcohoIIcs nnd drug nbusors who hnvo ruInod IIvos. Ofhors nro
moro rngmnfIc ns nn ncfIvIsf I nrfIcInfo In ncfIons fhnf couId uf mo
nf rIsk for nrrosf, nnd fho IognI rIsks of drug ossossIon jusf nron`f
worfhwhIIo I hnvo boffor fhIngs fo sond monoy on nnd so forfh.
Howovor, my rImnry ronsons for choosIng fhIs IIfosfyIo nro socIfIcnIIy
connocfod fo my oIIfIcnI boIIofs ns n rovoIufIonnry, n fomInIsf, nnd nn
nnnrchIsf. I don'f fhInk fhnf mosf foIks wIfh whom I work on oIIfIcnI
rojocfs ronIIzo or ncknowIodgo fhnf my choIco fo bo sobor Isn`f jusf n
orsonnI roforonco or nn nnnoyIng urIfnn dogmn. ThIs zIno Is my
nffomf fo nrfIcuInfo why I consIdor sobrIofy n crucInI nrf of my
nnnrchIsm nnd fomInIsm.

I'vo frIod fo uf If fogofhor In n wny fhnf combInos fhoory nnd nnnIysIs
wIfh my orsonnI oxorIonco. Tho fIrsf fow socfIons oxIoro fho
connocfIons I soo bofwoon InfoxIcnfIon nnd dIfforonf kInds of orossIon
sorry If If gofs n IIffIo wordy nf fImos fho noxf bIf fnIks nbouf how
InfoxIcnfIon fIfs Info rndIcnI communIfIos fhon I offor fwo sforIos from
my IIfo nnd my rofIocfIons on fhom boforo fho concIusIons.

I ronIIzo fhnf sobor foIks hnvo frndIfIonnIIy nof boon known for
rosonfIng our vIows rosocffuIIy, wIfh oon onrs nnd IovIng honrfs. I`m
dofInIfoIy nmong fhoso who sfnnd guIIfy of bIudgoonIng ooIo wIfh my
boIIofs. HoofuIIy fhIs zIno wIII nf Ionsf In nrf rocfIfy fhnf fondoncy by
oxInInIng my vIows wIfhouf judgIng or bInmIng nonsobor foIks or

rndIcnI quoor/ frnns gnfhorIngs, fho IIorIdn !nIfod Quoors nnd
TrnnnIos conforonco nnd fho Swonfy Soufhorn !ndIcnI Quoor nnd
Trnns Convorgonco In orfh CnroIInn fho Inffor oornfod ns nn
onfIroIy sobor gnfhorIng, fho fIrsf quoor/frnnssocIfIc conforonco I`d
ovor honrd of doIng so, nnd fo our surrIso fho orgnnIzors rocoIvod
nImosf fofnI suorf from fho nrfIcInnfs In rosocfIng fho drug/
nIcohoIfroo ngroomonf. Moro nnd moro gnfhorIngs cronfo sobor sncos
for foIks who wnnf or nood fhom, oncourngIng drug nnd nIcohoIfroo
socInI ovonfs, nnd IncIudIng dIscussIons of subsfnnco uso In brondor
guIdoIInos nround consonf nnd rosocf. ThIs rorosonfs n subfIo buf
Imorfnnf shIff In rndIcnI cuIfuro fownrds chnIIongIng fho
onfronchmonf of InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro nnd oonIng u snco for rndIcnI
sobrIofy wIfhouf ImosIng If fodown ns n norm.

InforosfIngIy, mosf of fhoso dIscussIons nnd sncos of whIch I`vo boon n
nrf hnvon'f usod sXo ns fho rImnry frnmowork for concofunIIzIng fho
choIco fo bo sobor. In fncf, mnny foIks snId fhIngs IIko I`m nof sXo,
buf... fo doscrIbo fhoIr choIcos fo bo sobor or crIfIcnI of InfoxIcnfIon
cuIfuro, whIch IndIcnfos fho nognfIvo nssocInfIons mnny !S unks nnd
nnnrchIsfs sfIII hoId wIfh sXo. I fhInk If`s romnfuro fo sound fho donfh
knoII of sXo, or sfnrf fnIkIng nbouf osfodgo rndIcnI sobrIofy I
fhInk fhIs nnfhoIogy mnkos cIonr fhnf sXo sfIII hoIds owor nnd
roIovnnco for n Iof of ooIo nround fho worId. Iuf cIonrIy wo shouId
ombrnco n vnrIofy of dIfforonf ossIbIo wnys fo forgo rndIcnIIy sobor
IdonfIfIos, IncIudIng sXo buf nof IImIfod by If. In my oInIon, whnfovor
ono`s roInfIonshI fo fho honomonon of sXo mny bo, fho undorIyIng
crIfIquos nnd osIfIvo nIfornnfIvo vIsIons romnIn ns roIovnnf fodny ns
fhoy woro durIng fho dnys of MInor Thronf. I hoo fhnf my zIno, fhIs
nnfhoIogy, nnd nII of fho convorsnfIons fhnf como from fhom wIII hoI
us fInd fho fooIs wo nood fo fIghf orossIon nnd domInnfIon cuIfuro
foofh nnd nnII whIIo novor fnIIIng fo Iovo nnd suorf onch ofhor nIong
fho wny.


#l nddrossos fho confInuIng vnIuo of sXo. !uffskofch humorousIy
chronIcIos fho nnImnI rIghfs ncfIvIsm nnd crosscounfry frnvoIs of n
vognn sXo hooIIgnn. Thoso nnd mnny ofhor zInos documonf fho
groundswoII of fhoughf nnd ncfIon fnkIng Inco In rndIcnI sconos nround
InfoxIcnfIon nnd sobrIofy.

ThIs oxIosIon of dIscussIon of rndIcnI sobrIofy In rInf hns confInuod
fnco fo fnco nf rndIcnI gnfhorIngs. My fIrsf such oxorIonco fook Inco
jusf nffor fho ubIIcnfIon of Townrds n !oss Iuckod ! WorId In onrIy
2004, nf fho nfIonnI Conforonco on OrgnnIzod !osIsfnnco In
WnshIngfon, C, n Inrgo yonrIy nnfInufhorIfnrInn conforonco. I
rosonfod wIfh fhroo frIonds n worksho fIfIod Ioyond n CuIfuro of
ObIIvIon fhnf dIscussod fho ofonfInI of rndIcnI sobrIofy confrIbufIng fo
nnnrchIsf rosIsfnnco. To our surrIso, fho worksho wns nckod ouf fho
door, wIfh woII ovor l00 ooIo nffomfIng fo squoozo Info n fIghfIy
crnmod cInssroom, domonsfrnfIng fho wIdosrond dosIro for dInIoguo
nround InfoxIcnfIon In rndIcnI communIfIos. Wo rosonfod somo bnsIc
crIfIquos of InfoxIcnfIon, frnmod by sforIos from our oxorIonco,
dIscussod fho roIo of sobrIofy nnd sobor IndIvIdunIs In vnrIous rndIcnI
movomonfs from dIfforonf fImos nnd Incos, nnd frIod our bosf fo
fncIIIfnfo n dIscussIon nbouf fho Imncf fhnf drug nnd nIcohoI uso hnd
on fho dIfforonf communIfIos of sfruggIo rorosonfod by fho foIks
rosonf. Tho room IncIudod ovoryono from crnnky sXors wIfh Iuck You
for SmokIng hoodIos fo InfrnnsIgonf drInkors nnd drug usors who
dofondod fhoIr choIcos vohomonfIy, nnd nf fImos nnfngonIsm surfncod.
Iuf ovornII, mosf nrfIcInnfs soomod grnfofuI jusf fo hnvo n snco fo
oonIy vonf fhoIr frusfrnfIons wIfh bofh fho sfrnngIohoId of InfoxIcnfIon
cuIfuro on fhoIr sconos ns woII ns fho Inndoquncy of judgmonfnI,
cIIquIsh sXo sconos ns vInbIo nIfornnfIvos. Wo dIsfrIbufod coIos of
Wnsfod Indood! nnd Townrds n !oss Iuckod ! WorId, nnd oncourngod
foIks fo confInuo fho convorsnfIon In fhoIr sconos nf homo. !IfImnfoIy,
wo woro surrIsod by how succossfuIIy fho worksho hnd gono nnd
oncourngod by fho onfhusInsm for nddrossIng fho Issuos consfrucfIvoIy.

SInco fhon, workshos nnd dIscussIons nbouf InfoxIcnfIon nnd sobrIofy
hnvo ood u wIfh IncronsIng froquoncy nf rndIcnI gnfhorIngs. IoIks
cnmo fogofhor fo dIscuss fhoso Issuos nf ovonfs rnngIng from fho
!Ichmond ZIno InIr fo fho CrImofhInc. Convorgonco, from fho C.!.I.T.
Iosf n fomInIsf unk fosfIvnI fo fho Inrfh IIrsf! rondozvous, nnd
numorous ofhors. I orsonnIIy hoIod fncIIIfnfo workshos nf fwo

soomIng fo sof mysoIf u ns suorIor fo ofhors. If If fnIIs In fhIs, I
noIogIzo In ndvnnco, nnd woIcomo foIks fo cnII mo ouf on If. Thnf snId,
Ionso know fhnf much of my nngor fhnf mnnIfosfs In n judgmonfnI or
ronchy fono comos from consfnnf donInI of snfo snco, rofusnI fo
rocognIzo fho IogIfImncy of our fooIIngs nnd oInIons, nIIonnfIon In mosf
socInI onvIronmonfs, nnd gonornI IgnorIng of our concorns nnd dosIros
nnd noods. I wrIfo wIfh Iovo nnd rngo, nnd I noIogIzo for noIfhor.

A Quick Note on Words

I IIko fho form sfrnIghfodgo, nof bocnuso I`m osocInIIy Invosfod In fho
bnnds nnd fho scono, buf rnfhor bocnuso I IIko fho wny If Incos my
docIsIon nof fo drInk or fnko drugs In fho Inrgor confoxf of n osIfIvo
rndIcnI socInI crIfIquo. Of courso, I`vo found fhnf mosf foIks robnbIy
mnny of y'nII, foo hnvo nofhIng buf nognfIvo nssocInfIons wIfh sXo
mncho whIfo dudos bonfIng u ooIo, crny musIc, suor dogmnfIc
nnd ronchy nsshoIos, or ovon nnfInborfIon oxfromIsfs. Ivon fhough I
comIofoIy rojocf nII of fhoso fhIngs, I sfIII fhInk fhoro's hoo for
rocInImIng fho form ns somofhIng osIfIvo. Iuf bocnuso for mosf foIks
I`vo nskod If`s offon moro of n sfumbIIng bIock fhnn n hoI, I`m goIng fo
sfIck wIfh sobor or subsfnncofroo for fho urosos of fhIs zIno.

Horo nro somo dofInIfIons for somo of fho koy concofs I`II bo fnIkIng

InfoxIcnfIon nn nrfIfIcInIIy nIforod sfnfo of mInd roducod fhrough
drug nnd nIcohoI consumfIon
InfoxIcnfIon CuIfuro n sof of InsfIfufIons, bohnvIors, nnd mIndsofs
conforod nround consumfIon of drugs nnd nIcohoI
InfrInrchnI MnscuIInIfy n wny of bohnvIng nnd undorsfnndIng
onosoIf ns n mnn bnsod on fuckod u soxIsf vnIuos
AnosfhosIn nrfIfIcInIIyInducod numbnoss fo sonsnfIons nnd

Masculinity, Rape Culture, and Intoxication

onr rondors Ionso know fhnf fhIs socfIon IncIudos dIscussIon of
soxunI vIoIonco nnd ofhor fhIngs fhnf mny bo dIffIcuIf or frIggorIng fo
somo foIks. IIonso uso soIfcnro fo doformIno If nnd whon If mnkos


sonso fo rond fhIs. Thnnks!

I snw n bIIIbonrd onco ns I wns rIdIng my bIko fhrough downfown ow
OrIonns. If wns ndvorfIsIng somo kInd of fnncy IIquor, whIskoy I fhInk.
Tho sIognn wns, If`s whnf mon do. Tho mossngo wns nImosf
ronssurIng fo mo fho onIy ossIbIo concIusIon, I suosod, Is fhnf I
musf nof bo n mnn. Tho mnss modIn oncourngos foIks socInIIzod ns mon
fo nffIrm our mnscuIInIfy fhrough InfoxIcnfIon, socIfIcnIIy fhrough
cnIfnIIsf nIcohoI consumfIon. Tho whIskoy bIIIbonrd I snw, nIong wIfh
IudwoIsor nds fhnf show mnIo bondIng, vnrIous boor comnnIos
whoso commorcInIs uso mon objocfIfyIng womon, nnd counfIoss ofhor
ndvorfIsomonfs, show nIcohoI ns fho common fhomo fhnf IInks mon ns
fhoy ongngo In fho mosf mnnIy of ncfIvIfIos. How surrIsIng Is If, fhon,
fhnf nIcohoI Is nImosf nIwnys InvoIvod In somo of fho mnnIIosf
ursuIfs of nII mnIo vIoIonco ngnInsf womon, IncIudIng domosfIc
vIoIonco, soxunI nssnuIf, nnd rno

Tho roInfIonshI bofwoon InfoxIcnfIon, gondor, nnd vIoIonco Is comIox.
A sIgnIfIcnnf roorfIon of gondorod vIoIonco socIfIcnIIy soxunI nnd
roInfIonshI vIoIonco ngnInsf womon Is commIffod by mon whIIo
InfoxIcnfod. Of courso, fhIs doosn'f monn fhnf InfoxIcnfIon cnusos
vIoIonco, buf If wouId bo oqunIIy fooIIsh fo Ignoro fho corroInfIon. In
hoforosoxunI InforncfIons, mon who hnvo Ionrnod from modIn nnd o
cuIfuro fo undorsfnnd fhomsoIvos ns InIfInfors nnd soducors uso nIcohoI
ns n fooI for ovorcomIng rosIsfnnco bofh from fho dosIrod soxunI
conquosf nnd from fhoIr own conscIonco. Af fho snmo fImo, In fhIs
hnrshIy urIfnnIcnI, soxnognfIvo cuIfuro, mnny roIy on nIcohoI ns fhoIr
onIy monns of ovorcomIng fho shnmo fhoy fooI nbouf our soxunI dosIros.
ConornIIy sonkIng, I fhInk fhnf fho brond doondonco In fhIs socIofy
on nIcohoI In fho rocoss of fIndIng nrfnors nnd hnvIng sox obscuros
our soxunIIfy, nognfIvoIy Imncfs communIcnfIon, roducos our nbIIIfy fo
gIvo nnd rocoIvo monnIngfuI consonf, Iossons fho robnbIIIfy of snfo sox
rncfIcos, nnd suorfs rno cuIfuro. Whon fhIs doondonco, nnd nII of
fho dnngors If onfnIIs, connocfs wIfh nfrInrchnI nofIons of soxunIIfy,
IncIudIng mnIo sonsos of onfIfIomonf, fho hunfor/hunfod dynnmIc, nnd
no monns yos myfhs, fho rosuIf cnn bo dIsnsfrous.

As n mnn, nrf of my docIsIon fo IIvo n sXo or sobor IIfosfyIo sfoms from
my rocognIfIon fhnf nfrInrchy nnd InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro go hnnd In
hnnd. InfoxIcnfIon Is usod ns nn oxcuso fo jusfIfy nnd IognIIy, n

CnnndInn nnnrchIsfs nIforod fho dIrocfIon of fho communIfy rndIcnI
IIbrnry nnd show snco fhoy woro osfnbIIshIng nffor rondIng fho zIno,
docIdIng fo romofo fho snco ns nn oxIIcIfIy sobor socInI nIfornnfIvo
for rndIcnIs. In orfh CnroIInn, ono rondor sfnrfod n wookIy sobrIofy
dIscussIon grou nf n rndIcnI communIfy snco. Ivory ofhor wook, fho
moofIng wns oon fo nnyono nnd dIscussIon rovoIvod nround fho roIo of
InfoxIcnfIon In fhoIr fown`s rndIcnI scono nnd how fo cronfo nIfornnfIvo
sncos on fho nIfornnfo wooks fhoro wns n cIosod moofIng for foIks In
rocovory from nddIcfIon who wnnfod fo suorf ono nnofhor from nn
oxIIcIfIy rndIcnI orsocfIvo. Thoso nnd n vnrIofy of ofhor InsIrIng
sforIos hnvo convIncod mo fhnf rndIcnIs Iong fo chnIIongo fho roIo of
InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro In communIfIos of sfruggIo.

The Future of Radical Soriety

In fho Insf fow yonrs I`vo nIso obsorvod shIffs In nnnrchIsf cuIfuro
fownrds bronkIng fho sfrnngIohoId of InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro In our sconos
In zInos, workshos, dIscussIons, nnd mnny ofhor formnfs, wo`vo
sokon ouf nbouf our comIox oxorIoncos wIfh drugs, nIcohoI,
nddIcfIon, nnd sobrIofy IndIvIdunIIy nnd coIIocfIvoIy.

SInco fho roIonso of Townrds n !oss Iuckod ! WorId, n vnrIofy of zInos
hnvo omorgod In fho !S nddrossIng dIfforonf nsocfs of InfoxIcnfIon,
sobrIofy, nnd rosIsfnnco fho foIIowIng nro jusf somo of fho onos I'vo
rond nnd onjoyod. IroscrIfIon for Chnngo offors n orsonnI nccounf of n
rocovorIng nddIcf, InsIghffuI crIfIquos of fho AA modoI, nnd n nunncod
oufsIdor`s fnko on sXo. Isfross #l2 offors crucInI hnrm roducfIon Info
nnd nnnIysos of how InfoxIcnfIon roInfos fo monfnI honIfh. Ouf from fho
Shndows #l2 succossor fo Incuonfro zIno bIonds n mIIIfnnf vognn
sXo nnd groon nnnrchIsf orsocfIvo on rndIcnI sobrIofy wIfh n
nssIonnfo Iovo for sXo hnrdcoro, nnd IInks sfruggIos ngnInsf
InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro wIfh rosIsfnnco fo cIvIIIznfIon. Sfnsh doscrIbos
orsonnI sforIos of nddIcfIon nnd rocovory ns woII ns domosfIc nnd
soxunI vIoIonco whIIo dIscussIng fho rndIcnI communIfy's roIo In
orofunfIng or chnIIongIng fhoso dynnmIcs. TwInkIo IIg #3.5 frncos
ono sXor's orsonnI hIsfory of oxcIusIon, soIfrodofInIfIon, nnd oIIfIcnI
crIfIquos of InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro. TofnI osfrucfIon #l4 focusos on
nnnrchocommunIsf fhoory, rIsonor soIIdnrIfy, nnd ocorosIsfnnco,
from n vognn sXo orsocfIvo. CuddIo IuddIos #l3 rosonfs n vognn
sXo nnnrchIsf sfnndoInf on n vnrIofy of oIIfIcnI nnd IIfosfyIos Issuos

vory dIfforonf In fho InIfInI odIfIon If confnInod Inngungo fhnf frnmod
soxunI nnd nrfnor vIoIonco In sImIIsfIc nnd InnccurnfoIy gondor
socIfIc forms, rorosonfod sox workors In n dIsrosocffuI wny, nnd
dIdn'f offor nny frIggor wnrnIng fo brnco foIks for my rnfhor nbrnsIvo
dIscussIon of sonsIfIvo Issuos. Affor n vnrIofy of convorsnfIons nbouf fho
fInws of fho orIgInnI socfIon, I bognn cIrcuInfIng nn Insorf fhnf
nddrossod fho crIfIquos nnd roworkod fho socfIon wIfh fho zIno ns I
confInuod fo dIsfrIbufo If. Tho socfIon ns If nonrs In fhIs nnfhoIogy
rorosonfs subsfnnfInI rovIsIons fhnf cnmo ouf of mnny dIffIcuIf nnd
Imorfnnf convorsnfIons, fo whoso InIfInfors I grnfofuIIy owo n much
moro nunncod crIfIquo of fho connocfIons bofwoon InfoxIcnfIon,
mnscuIInIfy, nnd vIoIonco.

Somo ofhor mIscoIInnoous crIfIquos sovornI ooIo suggosfod fhnf I
couId hnvo sokon In moro dofh nbouf fho Imorfnnco of sobor sncos
for ooIo In rocovory from nddIcfIon, nnd nbouf hnrm roducfIon Idons
nnd rndIcnI rocovory modoIs. Somo wnnfod mo fo oInbornfo moro on
how fo cronfo sobor sncos fhnf woron`f jusf qunrnnfInos buf couId
offocfIvoIy Infogrnfo drInkors nnd nondrInkors Info fun nIcohoIfroo
onvIronmonfs fhoy nIso suggosfod nvoIdIng fho form snfo snco sInco
If ImIIos n fonr of drInkIng rnfhor fhnn nn nvorsIon, whIch oInrIzos
ooIo moro fhnn nocossnry. Ofhors wnnfod moro ncknowIodgmonf of
homo browIng nnd growIng ns nIfornnfIvos fo cnIfnIIsf confroI of
nddIcfIon. A fow counforod my hIsforIcnI oxnmIos nbouf sobrIofy In
rndIcnI movomonfs by monfIonIng fho wnys fhnf InfoxIcnfIon hns
Inyod Info hIsforIos of rosIsfnnco, from drunkon workors rIofs fo drug
uso In l960s counforcuIfuro. Somo found my fronfmonf of drInkors nnd
drug usors fnr foo judgmonfnI nnd unIIkoIy fo sfImuInfo fho kInd of
dInIoguo nnd soIfrofIocfIon nocossnry fo bronk ouf of nfforns of donInI,
bInmo, nnd judgmonf. AII of fhoso commonfs nnd ofhors I nrocInfod
nnd fhoughf ovor somo nro rofIocfod In chnngos In fhIs odIfIon, ofhor I
hoo fo Incorornfo Info fufuro Issuos of fho zIno, nnd n fow I docIdod fo
Ionvo unchnngod wIfh fho rocognIfIon fhnf fho nrgumonfs nnd fono nro
rovocnfIvo, InfonfIonnIIy so, nnd wIII nIwnys rovoko crIfIcIsm.

IorfunnfoIy, fho zIno hns rovokod much moro fhnn crIfIcIsm Ifs
InsIrod dInIoguo nnd ncfIon, foo, ns I`vo honrd In sforIos from ooIo
nround fho !S nnd boyond. In MnIno, n grou of unks coIod nnd
dIsfrIbufod fho zIno nnd fhon hosfod n sobor ofIuck fo dIscuss fho
Issuos If rnIsod nnd how fhoy roInfod fo fho IocnI scono. Ono grou of

mIfIgnfIng fncfor In fho rosocufIon of n wIdo rnngo of unnccofnbIo
bohnvIors, IncIudIng soxunI hnrnssmonf nnd rno. In my orsonnI
oxorIonco, mnny ooIo I'vo known mosf offon mon hnvo
sIgnIfIcnnfIy nIforod fhoIr bohnvIor whIIo InfoxIcnfod In wnys fhnf
dIrocfIy roInforco orossIon I.o. bocomIng moro oonIy homohobIc
nnd mIsogynIsf In sooch, moro soxunIIy nggrossIvo, ofc, nnd oxocfod
fho fncf fhnf fhoy woro InfoxIcnfod fo somohow nIIovInfo fhoIr
rosonsIbIIIfy for fhoso bohnvIors. Tho Idon fhnf boIng InfoxIcnfod
somohow mnkos ono Ioss nbIo fo mnko rnfIonnI nnd comnssIonnfo
docIsIons shouId bo n ronson fo nbsfnIn from usIng nIcohoI nnd drugs.

In snyIng fhIs, I wnnf fo mnko cIonr fhnf I do nof Infond fo bInmo
vIcfIms fhoro Is nbsoIufoIy no oxcuso for soxunI or roInfIonshI
vIoIonco, rognrdIoss of fho InfoxIcnfIon or nof of fho nssnuIfor or fho
survIvor. I rofuso fo nIIow ono`s InfoxIcnfIon fo roduco ono's cuInbIIIfy
for fuckod u bohnvIor. If fhoro's nny ossIbIIIfy fhnf drInkIng or fnkIng
drugs couId Incronso, ovon fho sIIghfosf bIf, ono`s cnncIfy fo bo vIoIonf
or nbusIvo, fhon I consIdor fhnf moro fhnn onough ronson fo bo
subsfnncofroo. If you'ro mnkIng fho docIsIon fo gof InfoxIcnfod or
fuckod u, nnd you cnro nbouf IIvIng your IdonIs In nny monnIngfuI
wny, you nood n Inn for how you cnn bo hoId nccounfnbIo, by yoursoIf
nnd ofhors, for how you bohnvo whon you chooso fo do so, In soxunI
sIfunfIons nnd boyond.

I wnnf fo omhnsIzo fhnf fhIs Is nof somofhIng fhnf oxIsfs onIy In fho
mnInsfronm, ns If nnnrchIsf or rndIcnI communIfIos woro Immuno
from Ifs offocfs. Womon In our communIfIos nro sonkIng ouf nbouf
soxunI hnrnssmonf nnd nssnuIf nnd rno nf fho hnnds of rndIcnI mon.
In vIrfunIIy ovory cnso of whIch I'm nwnro, nIcohoI Inyod n mnjor nrf
In fhoso IncIdonfs. Ono of my donrosf frIonds hns boon soxunIIy
hnrnssod on muIfIIo occnsIons nnd soxunIIy nssnuIfod by InfoxIcnfod
nnnrchIsf mon, who, whIIo sobor, oxrossod sorIous nnd fIrm nnfI
nfrInrchy convIcfIons. Yos, nnnrchIsf mon, fomInIsf mon, mon who sny
fhoy nro fIghfIng nfrInrchy wIfh nII fhoIr mIghf, fhnf monns us If wo
fnko sorIousIy fho chnrgo fo bo rosonsIbIo, nnfIsoxIsf nIIIos fo womon,
I sfrongIy boIIovo fhnf wo musf Iook vory crIfIcnIIy nf fho wnys wo gof

ThIs nfforn of boundnrycrossIng whIIo InfoxIcnfod doosn'f nIwnys fnII
rodIcfnbIy nIong gondor IInos. SomofImos womon fnko ndvnnfngo of

mon soxunIIy usIng InfoxIcnfIon nf fImos fho InfoxIcnfIon of bofh or nII
nrfIos mnkos If dIffIcuIf fo sorf ouf nccounfnbIIIfy somofImos
nrfIcInnfs don'f nonfIy fIf gondor boxos nnd owor dynnmIcs Iny ouf
wIfh moro comIoxIfy. AIcohoIbnsod coorcIon nnd bIurry consonf nIso
oxIsf In snmosox roInfIonshIs nnd InforncfIons, In somo osocInIIy
dIffIcuIf fo oscno wnys duo fo fho nrfIcuInr sfrnngIohoId of
InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro In quoor communIfIos. AIfhough fho condIfIonIng
fhnf mon rocoIvo In our nfrInrchnI rno cuIfuro confrIbufos fo hIghor
rnfos of mon crossIng boundnrIos wIfhouf consonf, nII of us mon,
womon, nnd ofhors, frnnsgondor nnd nonfrnnsgondor hnvo fho
cnncIfy fo vIoInfo ofhors. Iuf moro ImorfnnfIy, wo nIso nII hnvo fho
cnncIfy fo bocomo nIIIos In fho sfruggIo fo undormIno nfrInrchy nnd
consfrucf n socIofy bnsod on consonf. I fhInk fhnf bocnuso of fhIs, nII
ooIo who nro commIffod fo fIghfIng rno cuIfuro nnd nfrInrchy cnn
bonofIf from crIfIcnIIy oxnmInIng our nfforns of InfoxIcnfIon, nnd
dIscussIng wnys fo bo hoId oqunIIy nccounfnbIo for bohnvIor whIIo
InfoxIcnfod ns woII ns whIIo sobor.

!ppression and Anesthesia

MnInfnInIng rIvIIogo nnd confInuIng fo oross n grou of ooIo Is
onIy ossIbIo whon orossors cnn soo fho ooIo fhoy oross ns Ioss
fhnn fuIIy humnn. A mnjor fncfIc In fho dohumnnIzIng rocoss Is fho
orossor's nnosfhosIn, numbIng onosoIf so ns fo bo unnbIo fo
omnfhIzo wIfh fho ooIo fhoy nro roIognfIng fo n subhumnn sfnfus.
Mnb Sogrosf wrofo n movIng ossny nbouf how n koy sfrnfogy for
mnInfnInIng whIfo rIvIIogo Is fho nnosfhosIn of whIfo ooIo fownrds

l. To cInrIfy I don'f wnnf my focus on cnIIIng ouf mon who drInk nIcohoI fo oxnmIno fhoIr
bohnvIor fo fnIsoIy ImIy fhnf sobor mon nro gonornIIy off fho hook, nof IIkoIy fo soxunIIy
nssnuIf, nnd nof In nood of oxnmInnfIon of our nfforns of consonf nnd soxunIIfy. Thnf's
roffy oIIfIsf, In forms of how If ufs sobor mon osocInIIy mo on somo sorf of dIfforonf,
Ioss guIIfy IovoI, nnd nIso dnngorous, In Ifs ImIIcnfIon fhnf wo somohow nood fo bo Ioss
vIgIInnf nbouf ownIng u fo our cnncIfy fo vIoInfo foIks' boundnrIos. AII of us, rognrdIoss
of gondor, soxunIIfy, or subsfnnco uso, hnvo boon rnIsod In n rno cuIfuro, nnd In
nrfIcuInr foIks socInIIzod ns mon hnvo boon subjocfod fo osocInIIy hnrmfuI mossngos
nbouf mnscuIInIfy nnd vIoIonf soxunIIfy. AIfhough nIcohoI, In combInnfIon wIfh modIn's
IInkIng of mnscuIInIfy nnd InfoxIcnfIon, cnn bo usod by mon ns n fooI fo fncIIIfnfo fho
oxrossIon of fhIs rno cuIfuro, choosIng fo drInk or nof drInk doos nof mnko nny of us
Ioss subjocf fo fho socInIIznfIon wo'vo rocoIvod, nor Ioss In nood of n crIfIcnI Iook nf
consonf nnd soxunIIfy.

bocnmo IncronsIngIy Imorfnnf fo mo, I found mysoIf shyIng nwny from
fho sXo InboI. Iuf I wnnfod fo convoy fhnf my sobrIofy sfommod from
my convIcfIons ns nn nnnrchIsf nnd n fomInIsf, nof jusf from nn
IndIvIdunI roforonco, yof wIfhouf fho hnvIng fo roIy on fho robIomnfIc
Iogncy of sXo fo do so.

So I wrofo Townrds n !oss Iuckod ! WorId In nn offorf fo ry fho
dIscussIon nbouf sobrIofy nnd InfoxIcnfIon nwny from fho confoxf of sXo
nnd fho myfhoIogy surroundIng If. I wnnfod fo dIscuss sobrIofy ns n
oIIfIcnIIy mofIvnfod IIfosfyIo choIco, nof sImIy ns n orsonnI
roforonco wIfhouf coIIocfIvo or oIIfIcnI dImonsIons, whIIo nIso
nvoIdIng mnkIng If Info nn IdonfIfy or n scono or n oInrIzIng or
mornIIsfIc fhIng. If furnod ouf fo bo moro dIffIcuIf fhnn I'd oxocfod!
IorfunnfoIy, fho rosonsos I gof fo fho zIno showod fhnf mosf ooIo
who rond If woro nbIo fo soo nsf fho confrovorsy nround sXo fo fho
undorIyIng Issuos I wnnfod fo nddross.

Responses and Criti"ues

Tho mosf common rosonso I`vo rocoIvod from rondors hns boon n
fooIIng of nffIrmnfIon foIks roInfod fhnf fho nrgumonfs nnd sforIos In
fho zIno rosonnfod wIfh fhoIr own fhoughfs nnd oxorIoncos In wnys
fhoy`d novor honrd nrfIcuInfod boforo. ThIs surrIsod mo on fwo IovoIs
fIrsf, fhnf so mnny ooIo woro fhInkIng nbouf fho snmo Issuos nnd
fooIIng sImIInr frusfrnfIon nnd nIIonnfIon nnd nIso fhnf fhoro woro so
fow ofhor ooIo fnIkIng or wrIfIng nbouf If. Anofhor surrIso mosf
ooIo who`vo wrIffon mo nbouf my zIno nron`f fofnIIy sobor fhomsoIvos,
buf sfIII foIf fhnf fho zIno soko fo fhom nnd fhoIr oxorIoncos.
CorfnInIy n numbor of sobor/sXo foIks hnvo nrocInfod Ifs Idons nnd
usod If for oufronch buf by fnr nnd nwny fho mnjorIfy of fho foIks who
wrofo mo dId so nof from fhnf orsocfIvo, buf from IookIng crIfIcnIIy nf
fhoIr own InfoxIcnfIon nnd fho cuIfuro suorfIng If. In nddIfIon fo foIks
from wIfhIn fho young unk/nnnrchIsf/ncfIvIsf mIIIou, I`vo nIso goffon
mnII from mnInsfronm coIIogo kIds, IonoIy smnIIfown foonngors, oIdor
nIcohoIIcs In rocovory, nnd n vnrIofy of ofhor foIks.

Tho mosf vIgorous nnd sofon crIfIquos I honrd donIf wIfh fho socfIon I
wrofo nbouf InfoxIcnfIon nnd nfrInrchnI mnscuIInIfy. Tho socfIon fhnf
now nonrs ns MnscuIInIfy, !no CuIfuro, nnd InfoxIcnfIon Iookod

musIc unfII I wns robnbIy nInofoon! I`d onIy honrd fho form usod ns n
synonym for sobor.

Thon ns I bocnmo moro InvoIvod In unk nnd nnnrchIsf cIrcIos, I sfnrfod
honrIng fho horror sforIos nbouf sXo kIds who hnrnssod or bonf u
drInkors or drug usors, Inyod ouf hnrdcoro mnscuIInIfy fo Ifs IdIofIc
oxfromo, nnd dIsInyod IncrodIbIy judgmonfnI nnd obnoxIous nffIfudos.
Whon confronfod wIfh my docIsIon fo bo InfonfIonnIIy sobor, mnny
ooIo I mof Inckod nny confoxf for n conscIous rndIcnI sobrIofy. To
fhom sobrIofy wns soIoIy connocfod fo n vIoIonf, cuIfIIko hnrdcoro
IdonfIfy. As I confronfod fho roufnfIon fhnf sXo hnd ncquIrod nmongsf
mnny rndIcnIs nnd nnnrchIsfs, IIffIo by IIffIo fho dofonsIvonoss I
oncounforod bocnmo moro undorsfnndnbIo.

Iuf ns I sfnrfod moofIng ncfunI sXo hnrdcoro kIds, mosf of whom woro
InvnrInbIy frIondIy nnd rosocffuI, I bognn fo doubf how fruo nII fho
sforIos woro. Woro dofonsIvo drInkors jusf cronfIng n sXo sfrnw mnn
onfo whom fhoy couId rojocf nII of fhoIr nIghfmnro fnnfnsIos of crnzod
urIfnnIcnI nnfIdrug bonohonds Wns fhoIr omhnsIs on fho myfh of
fho vIoIonfIy judgmonfnI sXo kId ronIIy jusf n monns of nvoIdIng n
crIfIcnI Iook nf fhoIr own InfoxIcnfIon hnbIfs nnd how fhoy Imncfod our
scono WhIIo I corfnInIy don'f dony fhnf somo foIks hnvo hnd nognfIvo
oxorIoncos wIfh IndIvIdunI sXo kIds, fhoy cnn`f ossIbIy oufwoIgh fho
InnumornbIo nognfIvo oxorIoncos nII of us hnvo hnd wIfh fho
obnoxIousIy InfoxIcnfod.

Af fho snmo fImo, I wondorod whofhor I wns sfnrfIng fo ombody somo of
fhoso rojocfod qunIIfIos. Whon I dIscussod my choIcos wIfh ofhors, wns
I convoyIng fhom In n wny fhnf cnmo ncross ns judgmonfnI, ronchy, or
confronfnfIonnI Iy InboIIng my docIsIon fo bo onfIroIy sobor for
oIIfIcnI ns woII ns orsonnI ronsons wIfh fho form sXo, wns I IncIng
mysoIf In n frnjocfory gunrnnfood fo romofo dofonsIvonoss Wns I
shuffIng down dInIoguo rnfhor fhnn oonIng If u

AIfhough fho soIIdnrIfy I dIscovorod wIfh ofhor IndIvIdunIs who cInImod
odgo rovIdod somo sonso of suorf, moro offon fhnn nof I found fhnf
usIng fho form fo doscrIbo mysoIf mndo If hnrdor rnfhor fhnn onsIor fo
connocf wIfh fho ooIo wIfh whom I ronIIy wnnfod fo dIscuss Issuos of
InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro. As dIscussIon wIfh drInkors nnd drug usors nbouf
how fo nogofInfo honIfhy nnd mufunIIy rosocffuI communIfy norms

fho sufforIng of ooIo of coIor, fhrough dIsfnnco ouf of sIghf, ouf of
mInd, rnfIonnIIznfIon, InfoxIcnfIon, nnd ofhor mofhods. !IkowIso,
mnscuIInIfy oornfos by forcIng mon fo sfny dofnchod nnd ImnssIvo In
fho fnco of hysIcnI or omofIonnI nIn, soffIng u sonsIfIvIfy nnd
omnfhy ns fomnIo nnd fhoroforo InforIor chnrncforIsfIcs.
ConsfrucfIng mnscuIInIfy ns unfooIIng nnosfhofIzod mnkos
ossIbIo fho IncrodIbIo sufforIng InfIIcfod by mon uon womon nnd
ofhor mon fhrough vIoIonco, rno, chIId nbuso, donInI of nccoss fo bIrfh
confroI nnd modIcnI cnro, fho nfrInrchnI nucIonr fnmIIy, nnd so mnny
ofhor monns. In fhIs confoxf, If mnkos orfocf sonso fhnf InfoxIcnfIon
wouId bo IInkod wIfh mnscuIInIfy. InfoxIcnfIon offon roducos fho nbIIIfy
of ooIo fo omnfhIzo wIfh ofhors, nn InfogrnI nrf of boIng nn

A frIond of mIno oInfod ouf fhnf whon sho wns In hIgh schooI, mosf of
fho kIds fhnf sho know who hnd nny Idon of whnf wns hnonIng In fho
worId woro goffIng comIofoIy fuckod u ns offon ns fhoy couId fo
noufrnIIzo fho nIn of fhnf nwnronoss. I cnn undorsfnnd how ncfIvIsfs,
who fhoorofIcnIIy oornfo by rofusIng fo Ignoro fho sufforIng nnd
orossIon In fho worId, fnco nn IncrodIbIo fomfnfIon fo fry nnd numb
fhomsoIvos, ovon fomornrIIy, fo fho nIn fhoy soo nnd fooI nnd sfruggIo
ngnInsf ovory dny. Howovor, I nIso sfrongIy boIIovo fhnf If ovoryono In
our cuIfuro wns bofh fuIIy nwnro of fho fuII oxfonf of how fuckod u our
socIofy Is nnd rofusod fo sImIy Ignoro fho nIn of fhnf nwnronoss
fhough vnrIous mofhods of InfoxIcnfIon nnd nnosfhosIn, from boozo fo
foIovIsIon fhon ooIo sImIy wouId nof sfnnd for If.

Ivon rovIdIng for fho mInorIfy, I fhInk, of ooIo who nro sImIy
cruoI nnd hnfofuI, I fruIy boIIovo fhnf n ouInfIon honosfIy fncIng fho
ronIIfIos of ovorfy, orossIon, nnd mIsory rIfo In fhIs cuIfuro cnnnof
do so wIfh bofh cIonr honds nnd cIonr conscIoncos. Whon honds nro nof
cIonr, cIonr conscIoncos bocomo Ioss nnd Ioss Imorfnnf. Whon ooIo
rofuso fo bo numb nnd fruIy IIvo fho nIn of fhIs cuIfuro, If mofIvnfos
ncfIon. I boIIovo fhnf our fnsk ns ncfIvIsfs or ooIo who fooI n cnII fo
chnngo fhIs cuIfuro Is fIrsf nnd foromosf fo bo oon fo fhnf doo nIn, fo
fooI If nnd mourn If nnd hnfo If, so fhnf If IIghfs fIros In our chosfs fhnf
burn for our nrfIcInfIon In rovoIufIonnry sfruggIo.


#outh $ieration and Soriety

Tho mosf woIIknown Icon of sXo, fho Xs fhnf somo odgors drnw on
fhoIr hnnds, orIgInnfod ouf of n gosfuro of soIIdnrIfy wIfh youfh. To fhIs
dny, kIds nf shows nnd ofhor nIIngos ovonfs fhnf sorvo nIcohoI offon
hnvo bInck Xs drnwn on fhoIr hnnds by fho ooIo fnkIng monoy nf fho
door ns n sIgn fhnf fhoy nron'f nIIowod fo drInk. In fho onrIy l980`s,
whon MInor Thronf bognn brIngIng fho subsfnncofroo mossngo fo fho
unk scono, ooIo who nofIcod kIds mnrkod wIfh fhoso Xs ns symboIs
for rohIbIfIon of nIcohoI sfnrfod drnwIng fhom on fhoIr hnnds,
rognrdIoss of ngo, fo show soIIdnrIfy wIfh youfh nnd n commIfmonf fo
sobrIofy. Iocnuso of fho rovnIonco of InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro, shows nnd
ofhor ovonfs offon cosf moro for young kIds, or don'f nIIow fhom In nf
nII. Tho drInkIng ngo sorvos ns n IognI fooI for onforcIng sogrognfIon nnd
dIscrImInnfIon dIrocfod fownrds young foIks, soffIng u nn onfIro
sysfom nround consumfIon of nIcohoI fhnf sImuIfnnoousIy dovnIuos
youfh nnd gIorIfIos InfoxIcnfIon, consfrucfIng If ns mnfuro nnd
ndvnncod nnd nII of fho ofhor osIfIvo frnIfs nssocInfod wIfh nduIfhood.

As n rosuIf, nmong young ooIo, fho mysfIquo of InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro
Ionds fo somIsocrofIvo consumfIon of nIcohoI nnd ofhor drugs, offon fo
n dosfrucfIvo dogroo. Ior kIds nround fho ngos of oIghfoon fo fwonfy
fwo or so, jusf boforo nnd nffor fho drInkIng ngo, fho nbIIIfy fo fInnIIy
nrfnko In fho hIghIy covofod rIvIIogo of InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro Ionds fo
cuIfs of hyorInfoxIcnfIon, roInforcIng fho mysfIquo ovon moro. Whon
fho dosfrucfIvo consoquoncos of goffIng fuckod u mnnIfosf
drnmnfIcnIIy In young foIks, ns shown by fho numbor of donfhs from
bIngo drInkIng, cIuoIoss nnd nfronIzIng nduIfs wng fhoIr fIngors nnd
bomonn oor rossuro ns fho cnuso, whon If`s bInfnnfIy fuckIng
obvIous fhnf fho cnusos IIo In fhoIr own ncfIons.

Tho onfIroIy nduIfconsfrucfod mysfIquo nround InfoxIcnfIon,
hyocrIfIcnI nnd InconsIsfonf oIIcIos romofIng ofonfInIIy fnfnI
InfoxIcnnfs whIIo vIoIonfIy surossIng Ioss hnrmfuI onos, nnd fho
orossIon nnd dovnIuIng of young ooIo In gonornI froquonfIy Iond fo
fho dosIro fo omuInfo fho dosfrucfIvo fuckod u nfforns of nduIf
InfoxIcnfIon wIfh fho vohomonco of youfh. Iuck oor rossuro I'vo
foIf consIsfonf nnd unroIonfIng rossuro from ovory socfor of nduIf
socIofy fo InfoxIcnfo mysoIf fhrough ovory ossIbIo monns for ns Iong ns
I cnn romombor. o nduIfs honosfIy fhInk fhnf n drug oducnfIon

of convorsnfIons wIfh ooIo who rond fho zIno nnd foIf movod by If In
ono wny or nnofhor. Whon I wrofo nnd ubIIshod If, I novor wouId hnvo
oxocfod If fo rosonnfo wIfh such n wIdo rnngo of foIks. Iuf fho fncf fhnf
If hns shows mo fhnf fhoro's n fromondous dosIro fo confronf fho
ronIIfIos of subsfnnco uso nnd InfoxIcnfIon In rndIcnI communIfIos. In
fhIs shorf ossny I'II fnIk n bIf nbouf how fho zIno cnmo fogofhor nnd
how foIks hnvo rosondod fo If, nnd frnmo fhIs In fho confoxf of ofhor
dIscussIons nbouf rndIcnI sobrIofy fhnf hnvo fnkon Inco In unk/
nnnrchIsf sncos. HoofuIIy frncIng fhIs frnjocfory wIII rovIdo somo
confoxf for fho ofonfInI for rndIcnI sobrIofy wIfhIn !S nnnrchIsf
rosIsfnnco fhrough fho Ions of ono zIno nnd Ifs rocofIon.

%o& It Ca'e To(ether

Tho Idons fhnf ovonfunIIy conIoscod Info Townrds n !oss Iuckod !
WorId bognn fo fnko form whon I wns sovonfoon or oIghfoon nnd
bocnmo IncronsIngIy InvoIvod In brondor curronfs of rndIcnI nnd
nnnrchIsf ncfIvIfy. AffondIng conforoncos, gnfhorIngs, mnss
mobIIIznfIons, nnd counfIoss shows nnd ofIucks, I bognn fo nofIco
nfforns of drug nnd nIcohoI uso fhnf offon roInforcod rnfhor fhnn
chnIIongod orossIon. My orsonnI docIsIon fo romnIn drug nnd nIcohoI
froo crysfnIIIzod nIong wIfh my oIIfIcs fho moro corfnIn I foIf nbouf
cIrcIIng my As, fho moro confIdonf I foIf In my sobrIofy. Iuf fo my
surrIso nnd frusfrnfIon, my comrndos In sfruggIo rnroIy snw fhIngs fho
snmo wny. Tho quosfIon fhnf nIwnys orIoxod mo mosf wns fhIs why
don`f rndIcnI foIks nsk fho snmo kInds of crIfIcnI nnd soIfcrIfIcnI
quosfIons nbouf our nIcohoI nnd drug uso fhnf wo nsk nbouf so mnny
ofhor nsocfs of our IIvos nnd bohnvIor Whnf`s so dIfforonf nbouf
InfoxIcnfIon, fo fho dogroo whoro jusf monfIonIng If cnn rovoko such
Infonso dofonsIvonoss, dIsmIssnI, or rIdIcuIo

ComIng fo undorsfnnd fhoso roncfIons monnf grnIIng wIfh fho Imncf
of sXo nmongsf unks, nnnrchIsfs, nnd rndIcnIs In fho !S. Whon I wns
growIng u, I onIy know n sIngIo soIfIdonfIfIod sXo kId. Ho wns n roffy
homohobIc jork whIIo ho cInImod odgo, fhon nffor nbouf n yonr wnshod
fho X`s off hIs hnnds nnd sfnrfod goffIng wnsfod wIfh fho rosf of fho
unks. So nnrf from my InforncfIon wIfh n sIngIo fhoroughIy
unImrossIvo sXor, I wns novor connocfod fo or ovon nwnro of sXo ns n
scono or movomonf I novor ovon know fhoro wns such n fhIng ns sXo

2. Whon cIrcumsfnncos ormIf, mnko fho ncfunI snco fnr onough nwny
hysIcnIIy from fho drunkon ground zoro so fhnf If doosn'f fooI IIko
wo'ro boIng ushod jusf oufsIdo fho ronI fun, nnd wo don`f fooI fho
nood fo dofond fho forrIfory ns our onIy fow squnro foof of snfo snco.

3. IInn nof jusf sncos, buf ncfIvIfIos for sobor foIks bo cronfIvo nnd
fIoxIbIo, whnfovor foIks fhInk couId bo InforosfIng nnd oufrngoous. SIn
fho boffIo, fronsuro hunfs, hIdo nnd sook, fwIsfor, bIko scnvongor hunfs,
dnnco nrfIos, nnyfhIng! Tho Idon Is nof onIy fo mnko If moro fun for
fho sobor foIks, buf fo mnko nn InconfIvo for somo of fho nofnIwnys
sobor foIks fo commIf fo boIng sobor for fho ovonIng so fhnf fhoy cnn
hnng ouf wIfh fho fun grou. ThIs cnn bo fho bosf kInd of subsfnnco
froo ndvocncy showIng fhnf fho sobor kIds cnn nrfy hnrdy ovon
boffor fhnn fho drunks!

Conclusion) The *e(innin(+

HoofuIIy somo of fho Idons In fhIs zIno hnvo boon hoIfuI, or
rovocnfIvo, or mnybo showod fhIngs In n dIfforonf IIghf, or gnvo you
somo sfnrfIng oInfs for nddrossIng fho concorns of sobor foIks In your
communIfy. I wouIdn'f oxocf mosf foIks fo nccof or ngroo wIfh
ovoryfhIng I`vo wrIffon, buf wIfh Iuck If`II oon n fow mInds nnd honrfs
nnd sfnrf somo dobnfos. AIso, somo of us nro fhInkIng fownrds
dovoIoIng n sobor suorf nofwork fo shnro rosourcos, dovoIo
rongnndn, sfnrf convorsnfIons In our communIfIos, IdonfIfy snfo
sncos, nnd suorf onch ofhor whon wo fooI IsoInfod. If's n Iong wny
fownrds n Ioss fuckod u worId, buf wIfh honosfy, dInIoguo, nnd onch
ofhors suorf wo cnn bogIn hondIng fhnf wny. !nfII fhon,

wIfh Iovo nnd rngo,
Ick !Ioffng

Afterward: Towards a Less Fucked
Up World: Five Years and Counting

In fho fIvo yonrs sInco I orIgInnIIy roIonsod fho zIno Townrds n !oss
Iuckod ! WorId SobrIofy nnd AnnrchIsf SfruggIo, I'vo hnd hundrods

rogrnm In 5fh grndo nnd somo condoscondIng guosf sonkors In n
hIgh schooI honIfh cInss wouId cnncoI fho offocfs of nn onfIro socInI
sysfom bnsod on orossIon roquIrIng InfoxIcnfIon nnd nnosfhosIn fo

My docIsIon fo nbsfnIn fofnIIy from InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro hns n Iof fo do
wIfh my dosIro for youfh IIbornfIon. Mnybo I don'f wnnf fho rIvIIogo
fhnf comos wIfh nduIfhood fo dosfroy my body IognIIy. Mnybo I don'f
buy fho nrgumonf fhnf onIy nduIfs boIng nnfurnIIy suorIor fo kIds,
nccordIng fo nduIf chnuvInIsf IogIc nro rosonsIbIo onough fo hnndIo
goffIng fuckod u. I fhInk fho ImrossIvo fhIng Is boIng sfrong onough
fo survIvo wIfhouf goffIng fuckod u If bocomIng nn nduIf monns
nccofIng fho nood fo numb mysoIf Info nccofIng fho sfnfus quo, fhon
fuck If, I`m foIIowIng Iofor Inn nnd novor growIng u.

Intoxication and Social $ife

SorIousIy, ono of fho ronsons why IIvIng In n communIfy fhnf drInks
consfnnfIy bugs mo Is fhnf If mnkos convorsnfIon SO dnmn borIng! I
cnn hnrdIy ovor hnng ouf In n Inrgo grou wIfhouf convorsnfIon furnIng
for n subsfnnfInI orIod of fImo fo drInkIng, goffIng fuckod u, whnf so
nnd so dId whon fhoy woro fuckod u, how fuckod u so nnd so`s goIng
fo gof, bInh bInh bInh. Who fuckIng cnros Aro ooIo ronIIy so borIng
mosf of fho fImo fhnf fhoy don`f morIf convorsnfIon wIfhouf corornfo
Inducod nIforod conscIousnoss Cnn wo ronIIy nof fhInk of nnyfhIng
moro InforosfIng fo fnIk nbouf fhnn our soIfdosfrucfIvonoss Whnf
nbouf our dronms, our nssIons, our crnzy Idons nnd schomos, our hoos
nnd fonrs I hnfo goIng fo nrfIos whoro InfoxIcnfIon numbs
IndIvIdunIIfy Info mush, so fhnf I cnn hnvo fho snmo mIndIoss bnnfor
wIfh l00 ooIo buf nof n convorsnfIon of nny subsfnnco wIfh n sIngIo
orson. Am I nnfIsocInI for sfnyIng homo wIfh ono good frIond or n book
whon fhnf's fho nIfornnfIvo

Ioyond borIng convorsnfIon, doondonco on nIcohoI IImIfs our socInI
IIvos In ofhor wnys. In bnr cuIfuro, ubIIc InforncfIon Is IImIfod fo
confoxfs whoro wo hnvo fo buy somofhIng In ordor fo sond fImo wIfh
ofhor ooIo. If mnkos us Ioss woII oquIod fo onjoy ono nnofhor`s
comnny In ordInnry mIndsofs or wIfhouf corornfo InforvonfIon. Wo
bond ovor buyIng, consumIng, numbIng, nnd fhIngs rnfhor fhnn
cronfIng, oxorIoncIng, fooIIng, nnd orsonnIIfIos. Insfond of chnIIongIng

If, wo nccof fho roosIfIon fhnf wo nood consumor cnIfnIIsm fo bo
nbIo fo Iooson u, hnvo n good fImo, nnd gof nsf fho hnngus nnd
soIfrosfrnInf fhnf consfrnIn our IIvos.

Intoxication and Corporate Culture

I know n dIsfurbIng nmounf of foIks In rndIcnI communIfIos who sond
fhoIr onfIro Incomo on nIcohoI nnd fobncco. IooIo who shoIIff from fho
IocnI food coo bocnuso fhoy don'f wnnf fo ny for food wIII hond down
fho sfroof fo fho chnIn convonIonco sforo nnd our fho fIny bIf of monoy
fhnf fhoy do hnvo Info somo of fho mosf wIckod fuckIng corornfIons In
oornfIon fodny. Thoro sooms fo bo nn IncrodIbIo bIInd sof nround
fobncco nnd boozo wIfh rognrds fo ofhIcnI consumfIon kIds who'II
domonsfrnfo ngnInsf WnIMnrf or Ixxon for fhoIr Inbor or
onvIronmonfnI rncfIcos wIII fhon furn nround nnd buy cIgnroffos nnd
boor from sforos fhnf hnvo dovnsfnfIngIy nognfIvo Imncfs on IocnI
communIfIos nnd fhnf woro roducod by comnnIos fhnf nro confrnI fo
ovoryfhIng fhnf Is nwfuI nbouf gIobnI cnIfnIIsm. Kudos fo kIds who nf
Ionsf mnko nn offorf fo buy IocnI, grow/brow fhoIr own, nnd such, buf
fho Indusfry foods off of fhom jusf ns much, knowIng fhnf fho moro
doondonf fhoy nro on chomIcnI sfImuInfIon fho Ioss fhoy`II cnro whoro
If comos from.

CrowIng fobncco Is IncrodIbIy dosfrucfIvo fo Innd nffor fhroo yonrs of
hosfIng n fobncco cro, soII Is so doIofod fhnf nofhIng cnn bo grown
fhoro for fho noxf fwonfy. Tobncco grown by Indonfurod sorvnnfs nnd
sInvos wns fho sIngIo ronson why fho fIrsf IngIIsh coIony In AmorIcn
mnnngod fo survIvo, nnd wIfh IncronsIng numbors of whIfo soffIors
roquIrIng now swnfhs of Innd ovory fhroo yonrs fo susfnIn fho coIonInI
oconomy, If's nof n sfrofch fo sny fhnf fobnccomofIvnfod fhoff of
nnfIvo Innd wns ono of fho mnjor cnfnIysfs for fho gonocIdnI cnmnIgn
ngnInsf fho IndIgonous ooIo of fhIs confInonf fhnf confInuos fo fhIs
dny. ThIs rocoss confInuos nround fho worId, ns fobncco corornfIons
consfnnfIy nbsorb now Iofs of Innd fo food fho crnvIngs of fho mIIIIons
of nddIcfod nround fho worId. To gof fhIs Innd, corornfIons sfonI If
from ubIIc Innds or IndIgonous frIbos, buy If from onsnnfs so
ImovorIshod by gIobnI cnIfnIIsm fhnf fhoy hnvo no choIco buf fo soII If
so fhnf fhoy cnn bo moro onsIIy forcod Info fho now fncforIos, or
convorf Innd fhnf rovIousIy grow food cros fhnf ncfunIIy nourIshod
rnfhor fhnn oIsonod ooIo.

morosoIy by fho dwIndIIng ombors for n Iong whIIo, fryIng fo fIguro ouf
why I foIf so dojocfod. Isn'f fhIs whnf I wnnfod, our own sonrnfo snfo
snco I foIf guIIfy for nof suffIcIonfIy nrocInfIng whnf wns
undoubfodIy fho mosf comrohonsIvo offorf fo nddross my noods fhnf
hnd ovor boon mndo In n rndIcnI snco. IInnIIy, ns fho mnIn nrfy In fho
dIsfnnco fnIIod of Info IsoInfod voIcos fIghfIng nnd cursIng or sobbIng, I
nmbIod off fo bod, fooIIng ns IonoIy nnd IsoInfod ns ovor.

Thnf oxorIonco rorosonfod n mIxfuro of osIfIvos nnd nognfIvos, nnd
couId oInf fownrds somo consfrucfIvo soIufIons. On fho Ius sIdo,
orgnnIzors nnd nrfIcInnfs nf Ionsf n numbor of fhom dId mnko n
subsfnnfInI offorf durIng fho dny fo Inn n sobor nIfornnfIvo snco fhnf
wouId bo snfo on fho mInus sIdo, fho Inrgor grou wnsn`f ongngod In
fhnf rocoss, nnd mosf foIks In fncf woro sImIy Informod fhnf If fhoy
Innnod fo drInk, fhoy woron`f ormIffod fo go In n corfnIn nron,
roInforcIng fho nbsoIufo sobor/ nof dIchofomy whIch foIf IsoInfIng fo mo.
On fho Ius sIdo, mnny nonsobor nIIIos sfood u fo mnko suro fhnf
snfo sncos woro rovIdod, whIch I fhInk Is crucInIIy Imorfnnf on fho
mInus sIdo, fho nIIIos dIdn`f oxfond fhoIr suorf Info ncfunIIy
nrfIcInfIng wIfh fho sobor foIks nnd nbsfnInIng fhomsoIvos, oxcof for
ono orson, nnd nof mnny of fho sobor IoIks for whom fho snco wns
boIng dosIgnod ncfunIIy nrfIcInfod In Ifs InnnIng. On fho Ius sIdo,
fho snco wns cronfod nnd rosocfod on fho mInus sIdo, fhoro woro
hnrdIy nny foIks fhoro, nnd If wnsn'f much fun, fhough ovoryono ngrood
fhoy woro gInd If wns fhoro. Tho roxImIfy fo fho mnIn drunkon
nrfy, fho sovoroIy dIsroorfIonnfo numbor of nonsobor fo sobor foIks,
fho Inck of ncfunI ncfIvIfIos boyond n snco nnd n cnmfIro, fho fooIIng
of boIng qunrnnfInod, nnd fho gonornI Inck of suorf nmong mnny
cnm nrfIcInnfs oxcofIng fho orgnnIzors nnd wondorfuI nIIIos mndo
fho ronIIfy of fho sobor snco fnII fnr shorf of fho oxocfnfIons.

To Imrovo fho sIfunfIon In fho fufuro, n fow fhIngs fhnf couId bo

l. Insuro brondor nrfIcInfIon In fho rocoss of mnkIng soborsnfo
sncos mnko If n nrf of fuIIgrou dIscussIon, mnko n cnucus of fho
foIks who ncfunIIy Inn fo sfny sobor n confrnI nrf of fho rocoss, nnd
fIguro ouf so mo mochnnIsm for nccounfnbIIIfy fo fhnf cnucus.


InfoxIcnfIon In ncfIvIsf communIfIos fhnf wIII hoI cronfo socInI snco
for subsfnncofroo foIks.

Story ,-

I nffondod nn onvIronmonfnI dofonso ncfIon cnm for n wook wIfh nbouf
l50 kIds In fho mounfnIns. I wns roffy norvous nbouf goIng ouf fhoro
wIfh no wny fo gof ouf of fho sIfunfIon nnd n bIg crow of rowdy boozo
IovIng rImIfIvIsfs, buf I docIdod If wns moro Imorfnnf fo go nnd fo
Ionrn fho skIIIs I couId Ionrn. ThIngs wonf surrIsIngIy woII for mosf of
fho wook hnIfwny fhrough fhoro wns nn nIcohoIIIghf cnmfIro sIng
nIong fhnf wns n bInsf. On fho Insf nIghf, fhoro wns n bIg nrfy
Innnod, wIfh nII sorfs of ronrnfIons mndo for muIfIIo kogs nnd boor
runs nnd homo brow nnd moro. AmnzIngIy, fho orgnnIzors woro ronIIy
concornod wIfh onsurIng fhnf fho foIks who wnnfod fo romnIn sobor hnd
n snfo snco, nnd Innnod fo mnko n cIonr communIfy ngroomonf In
ndvnnco wIfh socIfIc dry zonos, ofc. Tho fuIIgrou moofIng broko off
for dInnor boforo fho convorsnfIon couId fnko Inco, so n grou of fIffoon
or so foIks Inforosfod In sooIng fhnf sobor sncos woro socurod sfnyod
Info nnd fnIkod fhrough ofIons ovon moro nmnzIngIy, nImosf nII of fho
grou woro foIks who woro InnnIng fo drInk, buf wnnfod fo bo nIIIos fo
fho sobor foIks. Affor n frusfrnfIng nnd Iong sof of nogofInfIons, n
sonrnfo cnmfIro nron fhnf wns fo bo nof onIy nIcohoI froo, buf onIy for
foIks who hnd nof hnd nny nIcohoI fhnf nIghf, wns sof u, wIfh
IndIvIdunIs commIffIng fo gnfhor wood nnd dIg fho If. I wns roffy
fhrIIIod, hnvIng novor boforo boon In n snco whoro ooIo ovon
ncknowIodgod fhnf sobor ooIo hnd vnIId noods, Iof nIono workod hnrd
fo cronfo n dIsfIncf snfo snco nnd mnko If n rIorIfy.

So I hung ouf fhnf ovonIng nf fho sobor cnmfIro... nIong wIfh nbouf
fIvo or sIx ofhors. Wo woro n roffy Iowkoy bunch, nnd I for ono foIf
dIsfIncfIy gIum. If wns nIco fo hnvo fho comnny, buf I couIdn'f shnko
fho fooIIng of boIng qunrnnfInod. Wo woro onIy n fow hundrod ynrds
nwny from fho mnssIvo drunkon bonfIro, wIfh ovor n hundrod kIds
hoIIorIng nnd sfomIng nbouf, fhough nono of fhom couId como fo our
fIro, nnd mosf of us dIdn'f fooI romofoIy comforfnbIo goIng ovor fo
fhoIrs, ovon fhough mosf of our frIonds nnd crushos nnd Iovors woro
ovor fhoro. Affor fhIrfy or forfyfIvo mInufos, mosf of us hnd drIffod off
fo our fonfs, fho scronms of fho rovoIors ochoIng In our onrs. I snf

In mosf nnfIons In fho gIobnI soufh, fobncco Is fIuocurod, n Inbor
InfonsIvo rocoss fhnf roquIros mnssIvo doforosfnfIon ono rosonrchor
osfImnfod fhnf fobncco cuIfIvnfIon nnd rocossIng nccounfod for ono of
ovory oIghf froos cuf down In undordovoIood counfrIos. As moro nnd
moro Innd bocomos ocoIogIcnIIy dovnsfnfod from fobncco cuIfIvnfIon, fho
cycIo nccoIornfos, Ioss nnd Ioss Innd Is nvnIInbIo for food roducfIon, nnd
moro nnd moro dondIy chomIcnIs nnd gonofIcnIIy ongInoorod sfrnIns nro
roquIrod fo grow nnyfhIng. Tobncco comnnIos offor subsIdIos nnd
fochnIcnI suorf fo fnrmors In undordovoIood nnfIons fo swIfch from
food fo fobncco, nnd sInco IMI sfrucfurnI ndjusfmonf rogrnms hnvo
docImnfod ubIIc suorf of ngrIcuIfuro, mnny fnrmors hnvo no choIco
buf fo convorf, nccoIornfIng hungor wIfhIn fhoIr nnfIon nnd IncronsIng
fhoIr doondonco on fho gIobnI cnIfnIIsf mnrkof. Tobncco Is nf fho
honrf of fho horrIfIcnIIy nfhoIogIcnI gIobnI sysfom of cnIfnIIsf
ngrIcuIfuro fhnf rIorIfIzos fho rIghf of IIrsf WorId ooIo fo oIson
fhomsoIvos ovor fho rIghf ThIrd WorId ooIo fo onf.

Intoxication in !ppressed Co''unities

rugs nnd nIcohoI nro usod ns coIonInI wonons ngnInsf foIks of AfrIcnn
dosconf In fho !nIfod Sfnfos. IrodorIck ougInss oInfod ouf In hIs
sInvo nnrrnfIvo fhnf on hoIIdnys, mnsfors wouId oncourngo sInvos fo
drInk fo oxcoss socIfIcnIIy fo skow fhoIr orcofIons of whnf froodom
wns nnd fo romofo nssIvIfy fho rosf of fho yonr. Irom nbsonfooownod
IIquor sforos In bInck noIghborhoods fo fho CIA`s InfroducfIon of crnck
ns n wonon ngnInsf bInck communIfIos, whIfo ooIo hnvo rofIfod
from fho oconomIc drnIn, hysIcnI dobIIIfnfIon, nnd socInI confIIcf nnd
vIoIonco oxncorbnfod by nIcohoI nnd drugs In bInck communIfIos. Tho
bInck rovoIufIonnry frndIfIon In fho !S hns sfrong fondoncIos fownrds
sobrIofy, from MnIcoIm X fo fho IInck Innfhors fo ond Iroz, drnwIng
socIfIc IInks bofwoon bInck orossIon nnd InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro.

Whon n sInvo wns drunk, fho sInvohoIdor hnd no fonr
fhnf ho wouId Inn nn InsurrocfIon no fonr fhnf ho
wouId oscno fo fho orfh. If wns fho sobor, fhInkIng
sInvo who wns dnngorous, nnd noodod fho vIgIInnco of
hIs mnsfor fo koo hIm n sInvo. IrodorIck ougInss


Tho nnfIvo communIfIos fhnf survIvo In orfh AmorIcn nro nImosf nII
nbsoIufoIy dovnsfnfod by nIcohoIIsm. AIcohoI nbuso hns sovoroIy
dIsrufod whnf osIfIvo communIfy sfrucfuros hnvo survIvod fho
Iuroonn gonocIdo. Ior fho nsf sovornI hundrod yonrs, nIcohoI wns
usod by oorfunIsfIc whIfos ns n wny fo con nnfIvo ooIo Info sIgnIng
fronfIos robbIng fhom of fhoIr Innd, nnd ns nn InfonfIonnI sfrnfogy of
sowIng dIscord Info rovIousIy unIfIod, hnrmonIous, nnd sobor
communIfIos. CurronfIy, nIcohoIIsm Is ono of fho IondIng cnusos of
donfh nmong nnfIvo ooIo nround rosorvnfIons fhnf hnvo rohIbIfod
nIcohoI, rImnrIIy whIfo drunk fowns hnvo srung u wIfh dozons of
bnrs nnd AIC sforos jusf nsf fho rosorvnfIon bordors fo furn
IndIgonous nddIcfIon Info cnIfnIIsf rofIf, offon wIfh fnfnI

Quoor nnd frnns communIfIos sfruggIo wIfh nsfronomIcnIIy hIgh rnfos
of nIcohoIIsm, duo bofh fo nn nffomf fo oscno fho rossuro of hIdIng
fhoIr soxunIIfy from fnmIIy, frIonds, nnd socIofy, nnd duo fo fho
omhnsIs on nIcohoI ns n form of rocronfIon fhroughouf mnInsfronm
quoor cuIfuro. Ioor comnnIos nro nmong fho Inrgosf sonsors of
IrIdo coIobrnfIons nnd ndvorfIso oxfonsIvoIy In quoor ubIIcnfIons In
mosf nrons of fho !S, fho rImnry socInI sncos for quoorfrIondIy or
ovon quoorsnfo InforncfIon nro bnrs whoso rImnry funcfIon Is soIIIng
InfoxIcnfIon. Ono of fho fIrsf socIfIcnIIy gny nnd IosbInn orgnnIznfIons
In mnny fowns Is n chnfor of AIcohoIIc Anonymous. Subsfnnco nbuso
rnfos nmong quoors nro nIso sovoro, ns unfoId numbors of rnvors nnd
cIub quoons burn ouf on cocnIno, crysfnI mofh, ocsfnsy, nnd ofhor
subsfnncos. Tho oIdomIcs of AIS nnd ofhor STs confInuo, In sIfo of
fho IncrodIbIo offorfs of oducnfors nnd ncfIvIsfs fhroughouf fho counfry,
InrgoIy bocnuso of rIsky sox whIIo InfoxIcnfod. Ior sobor quoors,
vIrfunIIy no hysIcnI or socInI snco oxIsfs.

Intoxication and Radical Co''unities

Tho roIucfnnco of ncfIvIsf or nnnrchIsf or rndIcnI communIfIos fo
ncknowIodgo how fuckod u un Infondod InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro cnn bo
gonuInoIy bnffIos mo. Ivor sInco I gof InvoIvod In rndIcnI oIIfIcs, fhoso
connocfIons hnvo soomod obvIous fo mo, buf fho fncf fhnf so fow ooIo
nonrod fo ngroo mndo mo wondor whofhor orhns I wns fho ono who
hnd If nII wrong. AIcohoI nbuso, fobncco smokIng, nnd vnryIng dogroos
of drug uso hnvo boon confrnI InsfIfufIons In fho IIvos of fho vnsf

On Snfurdny nIghf, fwo ooIo Ioff fo gof nIcohoI, rofurnIng wIfh four
cnsos of boor nnd sovornI boffIos of IIquor. Ivoryono oxcof for mo wns
nn nduIf nnd ovoryono oxcof for mo drnnk roffy honvIIy fhnf nIghf,
IncIudIng my frIond who snId fhnf sho wouId bo nvnIInbIo for mo. I foIf
vory uncomforfnbIo, buf I dIdn`f hnvo nny wny fo Ionvo, nny Idon whoro
I wns, or nny nIfornnfIvos for onforfnInmonf, so I jusf snf fhrough If.
Tho noxf mornIng wo gof sfnrfod wIfh our work hours Infor fhnn wo`d
Innnod fo bocnuso foIks woro hung ovor nnd wnnfod fo sIoo. Whon wo
dobrIofod nf fho ond of fho rofronf, I monfIonod fhnf ono fhIng I wouId
hnvo chnngod wns fo hnvo Ioss nIcohoI, buf I dIdn'f fooI comforfnbIo
onough fo oxross bow sorIousIy I foIf nIIonnfod nnd unsnfo, or nsk for
wnys fo hoId fho grou nccounfnbIo noxf fImo. o ono dIscussod If
furfhor or foIIowod u wIfh mo nbouf my dIscomforf. I don`f know how
fo bronch fho subjocf wIfhouf uffIng ooIo on fho dofonsIvo, nnd I fooI
IIko I'm boIng soIfIsh, whIny, hyorsonsIfIvo, n nrfy ooor, or nnfI
domocrnfIc by oxrossIng how I fooI nbouf If. I don'f nocossnrIIy fhInk
fhnf If wouId bo fnIr fo nsk fho grou fo comIofoIy bnn nIcohoI nf fho
rofronf, osocInIIy gIvon fhnf ovory sIngIo orson buf mo of n grou of
fIffoon or so onjoys drInkIng, yof fho onIy nIfornnfIvo sooms fo bo fho
dofnuIf of mo fnkIng smIIos nnd sIffIng uncomforfnbIy fhrough
sIfunfIons fhnf mnko mo fooI unsnfo nnd nIono.

Ono wny fo nddross such n sIfunfIon for sobor foIks fo fooI snfo nnd nbIo
fo sfIII nrfIcInfo mIghf bo fo onsuro In ndvnnco fhnf nf Ionsf ono or
fwo ofhor ooIo wIII bo fhoro who wIII commIf fo sfny sobor for fho
nIghf whofhor or nof fhoy usunIIy do. Thnf wny, fho grou couId sfIII
drInk If fhoy choso fo do so, whIIo fho sobor orson cnn sfIII hnvo n wny
fo fooI snfo wIfh somoono, or Ionvo If nocossnry nnd nof fooI fofnIIy
IsoInfod. I wouId suggosf fIndIng somoono you frusf n Iof nnd know wIII
bo commIffod fo nn ovonIng of sobrIofy, nnd fo bo suro fo nsk fhom fo
commIf In ndvnnco, so fhnf fhoy hnvon`f buIIf InfoxIcnfIon Info fhoIr
oxocfnfIons for fho ncfIvIfy. Ofhor ossIbIIIfIos IncIudo nskIng nII of fho
ooIo InvoIvod fo mnko If nn nIcohoIfroo occnsIon, nrfIcuInrIy If If`s n
smnII grou or ovonf, or sImIy docIInIng fo nffond nnd mnkIng cIonr
fhnf fho rosonco of drugs nnd nIcohoI Is fho ronson why you'ro nof
comIng. Whnfovor you docIdo, If wIII robnbIy work bosf fo cnImIy nnd
socIfIcnIIy oxInIn your dIscomforf, nnd fo fnko cnro nof fo judgo or
mnko nssumfIons nbouf ofhor ooIo's bohnvIor. If ooIo commIffod
fo sobrIofy sfo mnkIng oxcusos, sfnyIng homo, or romnInIng sIIonf
whon fhoy fooI unsnfo, hoofuIIy wo cnn sfnrf n dInIoguo nbouf Issuos of

honrf of how I soo fho dIfforonco bofwoon hyorIndIvIdunIIsf nnd
communIfybnsod nnnrchIsm. Thoro's nofhIng nufhorIfnrInn, In my
oInIon, nbouf nn ngroomonf ronchod coIIocfIvoIy fo nbsfnIn from
IndIvIdunI bohnvIors fhnf fho communIfy coIIocfIvoIy docIdos nro
hnrmfuI fo IfsoIf ns n whoIo. Tho koy fo fho ZnnfIsfn nufonomous
rojocf Is fhnf If`s fofnIIy bnsod on voIunfnry nssocInfIon no communIfy
or IndIvIdunI Is forcod fo nrfIcInfo. Mnny vIIIngos hnvo choson nof fo
bo nn offIcInI nrf of fho nofwork of nufonomous munIcInIIfIos If fhoy
don`f consonf fo nII of fho ngroomonfs mndo by fho ZnnfIsfn
movomonf, nnd fhnf's fIno.

Iurfhormoro, fho ZnnfIfsn ngroomonfs on nIcohoI nro nn oxnmIo of
ncfunIIy ncknowIodgIng nnd dIrocfIy rosocfIng fho nufonomy of
womon. How mnny nnnrchIsf grous or communIfIos In fho !S who
cInIm fo bo fomInIsf hnvo ncfunIIy ndofod fho dosIros nnd noods of
womon Info fhoIr rncfIco or ovon bofhorod fo nsk AII In nII, fho
ooIo InvoIvod In fhnf sfruggIo docIdod fo Inco fho good of fhoIr
communIfy, ns doformInod fhrough consonsus, nbovo fho unIImIfod
froodom of IndIvIdunIs fo do ns fhoy Ionso. I wouId chnIIongo our
nnnrchIsf communIfIos In fho norfh fo fhInk crIfIcnIIy nbouf our
rIorIfIos nnd grnIo wIfh fhoso dIffIcuIf quosfIons nbouf IndIvIdunI
nnd communIfy, nufonomy nnd nccounfnbIIIfy.

Story ,.

My rImnry ncfIvIsf communIfy whon I fIrsf movod fo fho fown whoro I
now IIvo oornfod ouf of n coIIocfIvo booksforo, nn nwosomo snco fuII of
rndIcnIs workIng on osIfIvo rojocfs. Jusf n monfh or fwo nffor I'd
bocomo vory InvoIvod, I wns InvIfod fo nffond n rofronf wIfh fho bonrd
of dIrocfors nf n bonch houso sovornI hours nwny from whoro wo IIvod.
I'd honrd ooIo jokIng nbouf how much nIcohoIIc fun fhoy woro goIng
fo hnvo fhoro, whIch ImmodInfoIy mndo mo fooI unsnfo. Tho fncfs fhnf I
don'f drIvo nnd wouId hnvo no wny fo gof nwny If I foIf unsnfo, dIdn'f
know mnny of fho ooIo InvoIvod vory woII yof, nnd wns fho onIy
young orson nII mndo mo vory norvous nbouf fho sIfunfIon, nnd I
oxrossod my mIsgIvIngs fo n frIond who workod nf fho sforo. Sho
nssurod mo fhnf fhoro wouIdn`f bo much nIcohoI, fhnf ooIo wouIdn'f
bo goffIng foo drunk, nnd fhnf If I foIf unsnfo sho wouId bo nvnIInbIo for
mo. WIfh fhnf nssurnnco, I somowhnf roIucfnnfIy cnmo nIong.


mnjorIfy of fho rndIcnI foIks wIfh whom I`vo workod. OnIy roconfIy hnvo
I bogun fo mnko connocfIons wIfh ofhor sobor rndIcnIs nnrf from
scnfforod ncqunInfnncos, nnd nonrIy nII of us roInfo fo fho fooIIngs of
IsoInfIon wIfhIn our communIfIos, nIIonnfIon from our oors, nnd
frusfrnfIon wIfh fho Inck of suorf wo fooI for sobor snfo sncos.

Yof fho fncf fhnf wo'ro fho fow, fho IonoIy, nnd fho sobor by no monns
IndIcnfos fhnf wo'ro fho onIy onos who soo or comInIn nbouf fho
robIoms cnusod by InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro`s InfIIfrnfIon Info rndIcnI
communIfIos. My IndIvIdunI convorsnfIons wIfh mnny dIsfIncfIy non
sobor foIks offon rovonI n gonuIno nnxIofy nbouf fho nognfIvo
consoquoncos of fhoIr orsonnI nnd fho scono's socInI doondonco on
drugs nnd nIcohoI. My orsonnI oxorIonco nnd fho oxorIonco of
numorous womon, ooIo of coIor, nnd quoor nnd frnns ooIo wIfh
whom I`vo dIscussod fho Issuo confIrms fo mo how hyocrIfIcnI ooIo
cnn bo who cInIm fo bo fIghfIng orossIon yof nrfIcInfo roudIy In
InfoxIcnfIon cuIfuro. Moro nnd moro, fhIs Issuo sooms IIko fho oIohnnf
In fho cornor fhnf no ono's wIIIIng fo oInf ouf.

I fhInk If`s hIgh fImo hn hn fhnf our communIfIos sfnrfod monnIngfuI
dInIoguos nround Issuos of sobrIofy nnd InfoxIcnfIon nnd fhoro nro
goIng fo hnvo fo bo nonsobor nIIIos who sfo u nnd fnko ncfIvo roIos
nIongsIdo fho subsfnncofroo foIks for If fo work. Wo nood fo bo
nogofInfIng ngroomonfs for coIIocfIvo housos nnd sncos, socInI
gnfhorIngs, shows nnd ovonfs, nnd ofhor sncos In our IIvos fhnf rosocf
fho noods of foIks bofh sobor nnd nof, wIfh nrfIcuInr omhnsIs on
rosocfIng fho roquosfs of womon nnd frnns foIks, whoso noods nro
Ionsf froquonfIy consIdorod In dovoIoIng communIfy sfnndnrds. ThIs Is
nof somofhIng fhnf mnny of our communIfIos nro usod fo, buf In my
oInIon If's nbsoIufoIy ossonfInI. ThIs rocoss hns fho ofonfInI fo bo n
rovoIufIonnry frnnsformnfIon, ns wo movo nwny from n IoosoIy
nssocInfod grou of ooIo who work fogofhor fo nn ncfunI communIfy
whoro wo rosocf onch ofhors` noods nnd hoId onch ofhor nccounfnbIo.

Intoxication and /Autono'y0 1s2 Accountaility

In fho rocoss of dovoIoIng communIfy ngroomonfs, somo foIks mny
fooI fhnf fhoy`ro boIng donIod fhoIr nufonomy fhoIr rIghf fo IIvo fhoIr
own IIvos how fhoy wnnf, IncIudIng fho rIghf fo gof fuckod u If fhoy so
dosIro. IorsonnIIy, I whoIohonrfodIy suorf fho rIghf of nny IndIvIdunI

fo fuck fhomsoIvos u wIfh chomIcnIs ns much ns fhoy wnnf fo, wIfhouf
snncfIon from fho sfnfo, orgnnIzod roIIgIon, or soIfrIghfoous zIno
wrIfors. Howovor, I onIy suorf fhnf rIghf so Iong ns you confnIn fho
dosfrucfIvonoss of your choIcos fo yoursoIf ns somoono wIso onco snId,
Your rIghf fo swIng your fIsf onds whoro my noso bogIns. And I''d
nrguo fhnf vory fow ooIo who do chooso fo gof fuckod u honosfIy nnd
comIofoIy Iook nf how fhoIr choIcos Imncf ofhors, nrfIcuInrIy
orossod foIks.

Irom fho fInnncInI suorf of ronIIy fuckod u corornfIons, fo fho
fnrgofIng of ooIo of coIor nnd quoor communIfIos nnd fho Incronsod
rnfos of nddIcfIon nnd dovnsfnfIon In fhoso communIfIos, fo fho
roInfIonshI bofwoon InfoxIcnfIon nnd nfrInrchnI mnscuIInIfy, fo fho
fuckod u bohnvIor fownrds womon fhnf so offon nrIsos wIfh
InfoxIcnfIon... If`s OT jusf n sImIo orsonnI choIco you mnko yoursoIf,
In n bubbIo, fo smoko or drInk or fnko drugs. Thoro's nn IncrodIbIo
nmounf of bnggngo fhnf goos nIong wIfh fho docIsIon fo gof fuckod u
fhnf ncfIvIsf communIfIos, In my oxorIonco, rnroIy ncknowIodgo.

Somo nnnrchIsfs soo nnnrchy ns fho nbIIIfy fo do whnfovor fhoy wnnf
wIfhouf hnvIng fo bo nccounfnbIo fo nnyono oIso for fhoIr ncfIons. I
orsonnIIy fhInk fhnf fhnf kInd of nffIfudo Is jusf fho sfnndnrd
AmorIcnn ruggod IndIvIdunIIsm buIIshIf ronckngod ns n fnuxrndIcnI
nIfornnfIvo, bocnuso If doosn'f chnIIongo fho fundnmonfnI nIIonnfIon
from onch ofhor wo suffor undor cnIfnIIsm nnd fho sfnfo. If our socIofy
roIncos gonuIno communIfy wIfh consumor cuIfuro, nufhorIfy, nnd
orossIon, fhnf kInd of nnnrchIsm sImIy rojocfs nny Idon of
communIfy nf nII. Ior mo, nnnrchIsm Is nbouf roIncIng fho fnIso
communIfy of fho sfnfo nnd consumor cuIfuro wIfh n communIfy bnsod
on mufunI nId rnfhor fhnn comofIfIon, gIff oconomy rnfhor fhnn
cnIfnIIsm, nnd coIIocfIvo ngroomonfs bnsod on fuII consonf nnd
voIunfnry nssocInfIon rnfhor fhnn ruIos or Inws bnsod on sfnfo coorcIon
nnd vIoIonco. Insfond of boIng nccounfnbIo fo nufhorIfy, I wnnf us fo
ncfunIIy bo nccounfnbIo fo onch ofhor. A roffy Imorfnnf nrf of fhnf Is
boIng nbIo fo como fogofhor ns rndIcnI communIfIos nnd hnvo
convorsnfIons nbouf how nIcohoI nnd drugs Imncf our work, our
sncos, our roInfIonshIs, nnd our unIfy, fo fIguro ouf whnf sorfs of
ngroomonfs nnd boundnrIos mnko sonso for us.


As n orfocf oxnmIo of fho kInd of communIfybnsod rosonso fo
nIcohoI nnd drugs I`m fnIkIng nbouf, Iook nf fho ZnnfIsfn movomonf In
soufhorn MoxIco. urIng fho wooks I sonf In ChInns IonrnIng nbouf
fhoIr sfruggIo, I Ionrnod somofhIng fhnf mosf of fho kIds In fho
Subcommnndnnfo Mnrcos fshIrfs don'f monfIon nII nufonomous
ZnnfIsfn communIfIos nro l00 orconf nIcohoI froo. o nIcohoIIc
bovorngos nro soId or consumod In nny of fho nufonomous
munIcInIIfIos, nnd on fho sIgns IndIcnfIng fhnf you nro onforIng
ZnnfIsfn forrIfory In roboIIIon ngnInsf fho MoxIcnn govornmonf, mnny
socIfIcnIIy sny fhnf fhoso nro nIcohoI nnd drug froo sncos. I Ionrnod
nIso fhnf fho ronson for fhIs Is bocnuso If wns n confrnI domnnd of fho
womon InvoIvod In dIscussIon nbouf fho now socIofy fhoy woro buIIdIng.
MoxIcnn womon fooI mosf ncufoIy fho offocfs of nIcohoIIsm, In forms of
domosfIc nnd soxunI nbuso, nnd bocnuso boIng fInnncInIIy doondonf on
mon In n nfrInrchnI socIofy monns fhnf whon husbnnds sond fho
InmIIy`s monoy on boozo, fho wIfo hns fo sfruggIo fo ny for food for hor
nnd hor chIIdron. Tho dIrocfor of n fomInIsf coIIocfIvo In Snn CrIsfobnI
wIfh whom I soko snId fhnf mnIo nIcohoI nbuso Is ono of fho confrnI
robIoms fncIng womon In MoxIco fodny.

ConsoquonfIy, fho communIfIos ngrood fo fho domnnd of fho womon for
drug nnd nIcohoI Iroo communIfIos, In sIfo of fho fncf fhnf mnny of fho
mon wnnfod fo bo nbIo fo drInk. Somo vIIIngos ovon sIIf nround fhIs
Issuo. CurronfIy, fho nonIcohoI ngroomonf Is onforcod by fho
communIfy, nnd If Is nImosf nIwnys rosocfod foIks who rofuso fo
rosocf fho rohIbIfIon nro osfrncIzod or, If fhoy rofuso fo chnngo fhoIr
bohnvIor, fnco oxuIsIon from fho communIfy IncIdonfnIIy, If's nImosf
unhonrd of for If fo ronch fhnf oInf. A frnvoIor I mof who hnd nssod
fhrough CunfomnIn nnd nrfs of soufhorn MoxIco on hIs wny fo
ChInns monfIonod fhnf In mosf of fho rurnI vIIIngos ho`d nssod
fhrough, fho mnjorIfy of fho mon wouId bo drunk by l0 AM, ovory dny.
Tho ZnnfIsfn communIfIos, ho obsorvod, hnd n comIofoIy dIfforonf
vIbo ooIo gof fnr moro dono nnd fronfod onch ofhor wIfh moro

I monfIon fhIs oxnmIo for n numbor of ronsons. Ior ono, I fhInk fhnf
mnny nnnrchnhoIIcs who suosodIy IdoIIzo fho ZnnfIsfn sfruggIo
couId sfnnd fo Ionrn nbouf how fhoso communIfIos donI wIfh nIcohoI
nnd drugs. AIso, I susocf fhnf n Iof of orfh AmorIcnn nnnrcho foIks
mIghf fInd such n rohIbIfIon nufhorIfnrInn or worso. ThIs gofs nf fho

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