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Science of the Sea: Living Together Video Journal

Main Idea 1) Animals in the sea depend on each other for life. Supporting Details 1. Some animals, the predators, feed on other animals, the prey for food 2. Some animals live together in a partner relationship (symbiotic relationship) Main Idea 2) Animals have adapted to help them catch food and to eat the kind of food that is easiest to catch. Supporting Details 1. Squids: excellent eyesight grabs prey with tentacles 2. Barracudas: good eyes and fast outswim and capture prey 3. Sharks: poor eyesight but able to detect movement and have an excellent sense of smell allows them to detect blood and fish oil and locate weak and wounded fish. 4. Eels: elongated body and pointed head allows it to seek out prey hiding in holes and crevices 5. Goatfish: sensitive feelers (barbels) used to search for food 6. Parrotfish: specially adapted teeth allows it to bite off chunks of live coral, specialized digestive system allows it to get rid of the calcium carbonate, take in coral polyp and digesting animal makes new sand Main Idea 3) Many animals that live in the sea have different types of symbiotic relationships which helps or harms one or both animals. Supporting Details 1. Mutualism: both animals benefit from the interaction. a) Anemones & Clownfish: anemones catch and kill small fish, clownfish swim in and out of tentacles, removing debris from anemones tentacles, clownfish use anemone as shelter for protection against predators b) Cleaner Fish & larger fish: cleaner fish eats parasites from larger fish, cleaner fish is not harmed if it continues to clean (protection) c) Delicate Brittle Starfish & Tube Sponges: starfish lives on sponges, sponge gives protection to starfish, starfish keeps sponge clean d)Suckerfish & Sharks, groupers etc.: sucker fish get a ride with the shark (or groupers etc.) and snack on remains of its food, suckerfish eats parasites off of shark 2. Commensalism: one animal benefits, the other one is not affected or harmed a) Pilot Fish & Sharks: pilot fish swims in front of mouths of sharks getting easy meals 3. Parasitism: one animal benefits while the other is harmed or injured a) Worms & Fish: worms live in fish, other attach themselves to fish and suck their blood

3) Relate: This video relates to what we are learning now because it gives many example of the different types of interactions that occur between animals in the sea. The video Science of the Sea: Living Together also gives lots of information on how and why certain animals choose to have this certain type of interaction with the other animal. 4) HOT Questions: 1. Are animals naturally born with the instincts to make these interaction or do they have to adapt to them? 2. Why do the same species of animals maintain the same type of interactions with other animals?

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