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ISTC 541 Foundations of Instructional Technology C.


Technology Integrated Lesson Template

Your Name: Weston Fellows Thoroughly complete this template to focus your lesson plan development.
Audience (i.e. grade level, specific faculty)

This lesson is designed for an Honors level English 9 class. Student participation in this particular class is fairly high; most of the students are vocal and involved in class discussions. Student seats are assigned so students are paired up in effort to enable students to provide support for each other. Students are also assigned sections of cinematic techniques in order to challenge them. The purpose of this lesson is for students to use a class Wiki in order to hold a discussion to write a style analysis essay of author/director stylistic choices. In order for students to be able to do this, they have been reading John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men, as well as examining various cinematic techniques such as storyboarding, camera angles, imagery, language, characterization, organization and lighting choices. For todays lesson students are going to need to apply what they have learned up to this point in order to brainstorm for their final assessmentthe essay.
English Language Arts VSC:

Purpose/subject of lesson topic:

Content / Curriculum Standards Maryland VSC ( ) Which VSC content specific standards will your lesson address? What do you want your students to know and be able to do? (Note: You do not have to list ALL curriculum indicators just enough to demonstrate alignment with content.)

2.1.4: The student will analyze and evaluate the purpose and effect of non-print texts, including visual, aural, and electronic media 5.1.2: The student will participate in and contribute to large- and small-group collaboration for a variety of assigned and selfselected purposes

Learning Objectives State the objectives of your lesson/presentation using action verbs (in measurable terms) Student Technology Standards What Maryland student technology standards are addressed in your lesson?

Students will analyze the various cinematic techniques utilized in the film version of Of Mice and Men in order to critique choices made by the director.

1.0 Technology Systems: Develop foundations in the understanding and uses of technology systems - Standard 3.0 Technology for Learning and Collaboration: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration - Standard 4.0 Technology for Communication and Expression: Use technology to communicate information and express ideas using various media formats

Teaching/Learning Theories: Describe the pedagogical model(s) you will use to present this lesson/training (i.e. project-based learning, social constructivism, constructivism, behaviorism, blend of types, etc.)

Anticipated Lesson length (i.e. one or several class periods; block of time specify if for training)

This lesson is focused on Social Constructivism; students are working together in small groups to put their heads together to examine a different aspect of the film. They are working collaboratively in order to analyze film techniques. They are also holding a group discussion on the Wiki to further their understanding of the content in order to create an essay. This lesson is designed to take place over one 85 minute block. The students will need to spend about 45 minutes at home for the final essay.

Content: Fully describe the content of your lesson. What information will be presented? How will you integrate technology into student learning?

Procedure: 1) 7:40-7:55 Students will enter the room as they do each day and complete the daily drill which is an SAT style question designed to prepare them for the SAT; students will also record the WOD and definition for use later in the week. Following morning announcements discuss the drill and review the objective and agenda for the day. 2) 7:55-8:00 Review some of the cinematic techniques by placing the DVD cover on the ELMO and prompting an interpretation of the mood of the picture. Also briefly walk students through the PowerPoint in order to refresh their memory of cinematic techniques. 3) 8:05-8:20 Students will be divided into groups of two to view the movie clip of Of Mice and Men; Students will view a clip of the movie taking careful notes on their assigned section. Explain to students that they will need to be able to create a summary of what they noticed about the film after viewing and contribute comments to other groups summaries. Pause the movie after a few minutes and ask what people have noticed. Finish the clip and give students two minutes to finish their ideas. 4) 8:20-8:50 Using the projector show students how to access the class Wiki and also point them to the examples of good discussion questions. Let students explore the Wiki and begin discussion. Have one student from each group grab a laptop. 5) 8:50-9:00 Walk students through the essay prompt and dissect the quote having them write their own interpretation. Direct students to the drafting of their essay for Monday. They will be submitting the essay through edline. 6) 9:00-9:05 As a culminating activity have students share some of the specific examples they will be using.
I included the Wiki discussion aspect in order to go one step further into students lives. With so many social networking sites, blogs, discussion forums, etc, I hope that I can teach students how to respond to discussion posts with intelligence. This is not just a skill students need to do in class anymore because they work with technology everyday. The film component of the lesson is important because students need to be able to interpret what they are being presented with every day. I want students to be able to take what they have learned about film, directors purpose and authors purpose and analyze what perspective has to do with day to day life.

What is your rationale to support inclusion of technology in the lesson? (i.e. enrichment of content, extension of learning, student demonstration of learning)

Resources: Give the links for applications on the web that you will use (if appropriate). Provide links for resources for students on the web (if appropriate). Assessment: Describe how you will assess the participants learning Formative: (Should occur during the lesson to give the teacher feedback on student learning).

The class Wiki link is:

Summative: (May not occur during the lesson, but is a long range goal for student learning). Attach example(s) of assessment. (Note: both categories need not be addressed, but you should provide some indication of how you will assess student learning in the lesson/unit)

Formative (ongoing): The formative assessment will be when I periodically pause the movie clips and verbally check with students to make sure they comprehend what they are specifically supposed to be looking for. I will also be circulating the room as students are using the discussion in order to ensure they grasp that concept and are able to use the discussion function of the wiki.

Summative (final): The summative assessment is the essay students will create with what they did in class today and using the wiki discussion as a basis for support. Below you will find a copy of the assessment for the essay. My hope is that by having students use the laptops and have a discussion on a Wiki they will be more engaged then simply having a verbal/written discussion in class. It will also benefit them because they will continue to have access to the information outside of the classroom when they go to write their final essay. I hope that students will be more engaged with the viewing of the video clip and it will help instill knowledge of authors purpose they can carry on in their day to day lives.

How do you predict the use of the technology will affect the teaching of lesson content and/or impact student learning?

This template was inspired by the MTTS Standard V lesson template available at

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
Film is a dramatised reality and it is the director's job to make it appear real... an audience should not be conscious of technique. David Lean, film critic


Assignment: Gary Sinise the director of OMAM made many cinematic choices when creating the film. How do
the cinematic techniques he uses in the film align with David Leans concept of good film making? DIRECTIONS: Using the comments from your peers you need to outline your essay for Monday. Make sure you use at least one of the comments made by your peers as support; the other two items of support can be your own. When you use a comment from another group in your essay use blue font color so that group can receive extra credit if their comments are valuable. OUTLINE: Topic Sentence: Gary Sinise makes use of many cinematic techniques in the film Of Mice and Men; two techniques that best create mood and contribute to reality in the film are______________ and____________. Support from peers:

Support from your own observations:

Support from your own observations OR peers:

GRADING CRITERIA: ___ Identify and focus on two significant techniques. ___ Provide 3 specific references to the film as support for your argument. ___ Fully explain how each technique and example contribute to creating realistic mood.

____ Contain proper grammar and usage. ____ Be typed with: 12 pt font, double spaced, have your name, class, and date at the top of the page.

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