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uiding 1echnoogies Known limilalions and bugs

Fire Saely & Securily Producls

Date: 2009-01-14

Siemens 8uilding Technologies. Fire Saely & Securily Producls
Lnglundavgen 7, 171 41 Solna, Sweden
Name: Jan-Lrik Jones and Per Nordn
1e.: +46 (0)730 25 74 40, +46 (0)730 25 74 83
Page: 1 | 4

SiPass Entro MP6.0, SR35i, RF30 and RF9
Import/export function
When using the import- and export functions of SiPass Entro MP6.0 there are some
Second free field of the cardholder isnt supported.
If personal codes without cards are used, these codes are not supported by
the import- and export tool. Please note that personal codes used with cards
are supported.
If extra cards for cardholders are used, the extra cards are not supported by
the import- and export tool.
In SiPass Entro Lite, theres a possibility to have cardholder names with up to
50 characters, while SiPass Entro only stores 32 characters/cardholder. This
results in a loss of cardholder when importing a cardholder with more than 32
characters in the name. To overcome this, please reformat cardholders with
long names before importing to SiPass Entro.
Upgrade path, SiPass Entro Lite-> SiPass Entro
SiPass Entro provides an upgrade path for SiPass Entro Lite. When running such
set-up, there are certain restrictions/limitations
Relay with connectors 6, 7 and 8 on the PCB of the DC800
In SiPass Entro, the duress function is managed by the IOR-6. Therefore a
reconfiguration is needed to keep functionality.
Warning-, Alert- and temporary alarm by-pass functionality is not supported
on the DC800 by SiPass Entro MP6.0
When using RED LED to indicate locked door, the LEDs of the readers
connected to DC800's are not affected.
Wiegand support in SiPass Entro
The SiPass Entro door controllers supports readers providing either 26 bit or 32
bit Wiegand interfaces, the most commonly used OEM formats available. Most of
the 26 bit or 32 bit data formats contain in addition to the card number, data

uiding 1echnoogies Known limilalions and bugs
Fire Saely & Securily Producls
Date: 2009-01-14

Siemens 8uilding Technologies. Fire Saely & Securily Producls
Lnglundavgen 7, 171 41 Solna, Sweden
Name: Jan-Lrik Jones and Per Nordn
1e.: +46 (0)730 25 74 40, +46 (0)730 25 74 83
Page: 2 | 4

relating to site code (or facility code), parity bits and in some formats card issue
state. The physical timing of data transferred on the interface also varies
between different readers.

The SiPass Entro system supports these two formats by interpreting the card
data received as a single number (26 or 32 bits) rather than in the format as
defined for the associated cards. That means, for the 26 Bit Wiegand interface,
that the parity bits are used as a part of the card number and that no parity
checking is done.

A result of this is that a card number printed on the card is very unlikely to be the
same number as interpreted by SiPass Entro when connecting the reader to the

The most convenient way to enter a correct card number in this case is to use
the Enrolment reader USB-RIF (First released version of USB-RIF(July 05) was
just supporting 26bit Wiegand + Clock & Data). Or, as an option, you could
double click on the event Unknown card in the event log after using the card at
one of the systems readers. In SiPass Entro MP5.0 or later, this will open the
New person tab, and allow you to enter the necessary parameters.

PIN entry is supported by means of 8 bit burst Wiegand data. Keys 0-9 are
transmitted as hex-values 0-9. Keys A/B (or */# on some readers) are used as
commands within Entro and are transmitted as hex values A and B. Any key
press retrieved with a value higher than B (hex) is ignored by the DC12/22.

For 26-bit usage the number of digits in card number needs to be set to 8, and
for 32 bit usage, the setting has to be 10.

uiding 1echnoogies Known limilalions and bugs
Fire Saely & Securily Producls
Date: 2009-01-14

Siemens 8uilding Technologies. Fire Saely & Securily Producls
Lnglundavgen 7, 171 41 Solna, Sweden
Name: Jan-Lrik Jones and Per Nordn
1e.: +46 (0)730 25 74 40, +46 (0)730 25 74 83
Page: 3 | 4

Settings for
26 bit format 32-bit format

Its also worth knowing that no consideration is taken to the setting for the
starting position in the card reading parameter section.

It is therefore very important to verify that specific Wiegand readers (and cards)
can be supported by the SiPass Entro system before advising a customer

When using RED LED to indicate closed door, the RED LED on RF30EM will lit
for 1-2 minutes after user interaction (key press, card read or wake-up by PIR)
and then be turned off. Save batteries.
RF30EM and alarm control
Recommend not to use RF30EM with ASF. Due do timing issues related
to the ASF function (the alarm status feedback send to RF30EM might be
missed by RF30EM due to timing/time).
Pre-warning indication on RF30EM only on user interaction (key press,
card read or wake-up by PIR).

uiding 1echnoogies Known limilalions and bugs
Fire Saely & Securily Producls
Date: 2009-01-14

Siemens 8uilding Technologies. Fire Saely & Securily Producls
Lnglundavgen 7, 171 41 Solna, Sweden
Name: Jan-Lrik Jones and Per Nordn
1e.: +46 (0)730 25 74 40, +46 (0)730 25 74 83
Page: 4 | 4

Alarm set indication, RED LED lit, only on user interaction (key press,
card read or wake-up by PIR). Save batteries.
RF30EM and access granted in Entro
If bad communication between SR35i and RF30EM, possible to get Access
granted in Entro even log without unlocking the door on RF30EM.
RF9 test mode
Not allowed to have more the one RF9 in test mode at same time. If so the RF9s
can stop sending information and need to by restart.
RF9 address collision
In some situation during installation it is possible to set two RF9 with same
address without any warning indication from the RF9. To prevent this from
happen make sure that the number of RF9 in the system is the same as number
of RF9 shown in Entro - System information. If not one RF9 will be lost next time
the system restarts.
RF9 strength indication on start up
During the first 30 seconds after start up the RF9 is shown the signal strength. If
not and signal strength indication is needed, restart the RF9 or use Test mode.
RF30EM manual changes/errors
Chapter: Present Administrator code is not known. This chapter is not relevant
any more.
Chapter: Erase memory. In English manual it says that old cards/codes should
remain witch is wrong, it should say old cars/codes will be erased after erasing
the memory.
Changing radio channels
If radio channel is manual changed in SR35i the channel is stored in the memory
even after erasing the memory.

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