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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE More than 22 million unique users platform Brainly that aims to share knowledge is now

available in the Philippines Brainly, a social learning network that connects over 22 million students in the atmosphere of friendliness and teamwork, will now revolutionize the way of studying and learning also in the Philippines, at It unites all children: from traditional schools, those homeschooled and distance learning students. How it works It!s simple: first you have to help others "y answering their #uestions, then you gain points, which can "e spend on posting your #uestion. $or e%ample, one can help the other pupil with &nglish and then ask a #uestion from 'athematics, "ecause everyone has different strong and weak sides. &ducational social networks are the answer for many current pro"lems, like une#ual access to the education or the fact that children now spend most of their free time in the Internet. (hat makes Brainly special is that it is attractive for pupils, teachers and parents. )hildren have fun from learning, e%changing knowledge and meeting new friends. *hey also en+oy elements of gamification: points, rankings and achievements ,the "est users receive additional points for providing a clear, complete and well-e%plained answer.. Parents and teachers appreciate that Brainly is a real support for learning and that there are hundreds of volunteered moderators ,students, specialists, parents and teachers. who care a"out the #uality of "oth #uestions and answers. 'icha/ Borkowski, Brainly )&0 says: 1(e are happy to see how thanks to the hard work of our team, the idea of social learning is getting to students in all corners of the world2. (ithin the ne%t weeks, apart from Philippines, Brainly will launch 3 more versions on 4 continents, including 2 more in 5sia. About Brainly Brainly is a group of social learning networks which aims at creating an online space where school students can solve pro"lems together, e%change ideas and meet new people at the same time. *he first we"site was created in 2667 and en+oyed great popularity "oth among pupils and teachers. 8ow consists of the following language versions: ,Poland., ,:ussia, ;kraine and other :ussophone countries., 'isde" ,<pain, 'e%ico, )entral and <outh 5merica.,"r ,Portugal and Brazil., & ,*urkey., ,$rance., ,Italy., ,:omania., ,Indonesia. and ,;<5, )anada, ;>.. *he network has also successfully launched mo"ile applications for i0< and 5ndroid for several of its language versions. 5ltogether, until now, the network was used "y over 22 million uni#ue users per month in more than 4? countries. $or more information, visit: " @@@ )ontact details: Brainly ,, 'arszalkowska ABC72 lokal DD3, 66-?DB (arszawa, P0E58= 'onika 5m"rozowicz, )ommunity 'anager for the Philippines,"rozowiczF" www."

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