Ohlone Tiger Beetle-Iim

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How can human action improve the Grassland Terrestrial ecosystem that is the habitat for the Ohlone

Tiger Beetle? Did you know that even your smallest actions can bring a species to extinction? The Ohlone Tiger Beetle is one of the many species that are endangered. The Ohlone Tiger Beetle is an invertebrate belonging to the Arthropoda phylum, the largest phylum in the animal kingdom. 1 An invertebrate is an animal without a backbone or vertebral column. A member of the Arthropoda phylum is also called an arthropod. Arthropods are invertebrates with jointed legs and an outside shell called an exoskeleton made of chitin. Their bodies and legs are made up of sections. In some arthropods, each section of the body has its own pair of legs. Most arthropods also have some kind of heart and blood system and an organized nervous system. Arhropods can have simple eyes, compound eyes, or eyes of both types. 2 An Ohlone Tiger Beetle has large bulging eyes, long skinny legs that are copper green in color, and large curved jaws. Adults are bright green metallic colored with white spots and measure around one centimeter. This particular species of beetles like to hunt, breed, and nest in open grassland or alongside dirt roads and track trails main in Santa Cruz, California and live in a grassland terrestrial ecosystem called a costal prairie. This beetle likes to ambush unsuspecting prey and attack them. They can also chase prey while flying. The Ohlone Tiger Beetle is mostly active during the day and is able to run and take flight to escape predators. Female tiger beetles bury their young in moist dark holes that are usually four to six millimeters long. Their prey include ants, isopods and sometimes earthworms. These beetles are so aggressive that even their larvae lunge at passing insects for food.3 This paper will discuss the major threats posed against the Ohlone Tiger Beetle and what humans can do to solve these problems so that the population
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Source: World Book Advanced Invertebrate. Wit, Lawrence C. Source: World Book Advanced Arthropod. Zalom, Frank. 3 Source: Earths Endangered Creatures Ohlone Tiger Beetle. Glenn, C. R.

How can human action improve the Grassland Terrestrial ecosystem that is the habitat for the Ohlone Tiger Beetle? of the Ohlone Tiger Beetle can be maintained at a healthy level. Human action can really improve this beetle's habitat. One of the major threats posed against the Ohlone Tiger Beetle is recreational use. Recreational use can result in the decrease in the Ohlone Tiger Beetle's population. In the article "Ohlone Tiger Beetle" by Mark Oatney and Grey Hayes, it states "The burrow of the first larval stage are shallow and have been found crushed by bicycle tires and hooves." During the beetle's critical mating season, the beetles and their larvae have a great chance of being trampled on by mountain bikes, joggers, hikers, and horseback riders. Recreational use can also result in pollution and the spread of invasive species. Recreational users (humans) may leave behind trash which can pollute the area. Horses can spread invasive plants from one area to another through their feces and urine. 4To solve these problems, the University of California, Santa Cruz and surrounding parks now close some trails and require bikers to walk during the beetle's mating season. Although these restrictions are often ignored by bikers, people are starting to the importance of these beetles and are making an effort in protecting these endangered species. Another major threat posed against the Ohlone Tiger Beetle is invasive plants. According to the article "Invasive Plants," invasive plants have the ability reproduce and spread on their own without any help which is why they are hard to get rid of. They can destroy the habitat of certain species such as the Ohlone Tiger Beetle and can compete with other plants for water and nutrients. Invasive plants are often spread through horses and other recreational users. Recreational users bring contaminated equipment with them from one place where the invasive plants are already present to an area where it is not. To get rid of these invasive species, humans

Source: Ohlone Tiger Beetle Ohlone Tiger Beetle. Oatney, Mark and Grey Hayes.

How can human action improve the Grassland Terrestrial ecosystem that is the habitat for the Ohlone Tiger Beetle? can take many different actions. One thing humans can do is to be extra careful and to prevent the spread of invasive plants. Equipment used and brought around by recreational users should be cleaned thoroughly to stop the spread of invasive plants. Another thing humans can do is to get rid of the invasive plants that already exist in the habitat. To get rid of invasive plants, mechanical and herbicidal treatments are available although it could potentially harm the beetle itself. Grazing, burning, and revegetation programs can also be used to get rid of invasive plants.5 A third major threat posed against the Ohlone Tiger Beetle is land development. According to the article "Plant Communities or Santa Cruz County", most of northern Santa Cruz has been developed to be used for agriculture or housing. The Ohlone Tiger Beetle's habitat is now being protected by the county of Santa Cruz and the Coastal Commission but when new building projects are proposed for development, habitats are allowed to be destroyed but are not always required to be restored back to its original state. Currently, there is no solution to restore the prairie habitat of the Ohlone Tiger Beetle but humans can help the Ohlone Tiger Beetle maintain a healthy population by placing rules that prohibit the developing of land near its habitat. 6The land development can be stopped in the areas in which the beetles live so that no more of its habitat is destroyed. In conclusion, human action can greatly improve the Grassland Terrestrial ecosystem which is the habitat for the Ohlone Tiger Beetle. Recreational use can be banned during the beetle's mating season and invasive plants can be prevented from spreading through proper care

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Source: Managing Invasive Plants Methods of Control. Mattrick, Christopher Source: Welcome to Santa Cruz County CNPS Plant Communities of Santa Cruz County.

How can human action improve the Grassland Terrestrial ecosystem that is the habitat for the Ohlone Tiger Beetle? and caution and can also be gotten rid of. The developing of land around the Ohlone Tiger Beetles habitat can also be prohibited by creating rules. All these actions can help bring the endangered Ohlone Tiger Beetle back to its originally healthy population. The endangering of the Ohlone Tiger Beetle could cause unbalance in the food chain and this not only affects the beetle itself but also affects its predators and its prey. The Ohlone Tiger Beetle is an endangered species that deserves to be protected and saved.

How can human action improve the Grassland Terrestrial ecosystem that is the habitat for the Ohlone Tiger Beetle? Bibliography Wit, Lawrence C. Invertebrate. World Book Advanced. World Book, 2009. Web. 7 Dec. 2009. Zalom, Frank. Arthropod. World Book Advanced. World Book, 2009. Web. 21 Dec 2009 Glenn, C. R. "Ohlone Tiger Beetle." Earth's Endangered Creatures. Earth's Endangered Creatures, 03 Oct. 2001. Web. 6 Feb. 2014. Oatney, Mark, and Grey Hayes. "Ohlone Tiger Beetle." Ohlone Tiger Beetle. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2014. "Ohlone Tiger Beetle." Ohlone Tiger Beetle. Santa Cruz Public Libraries, 11 Feb. 2009. Web. 06 Feb. 2014. Jordan, Marilyn. "Ecological Impacts of Recreational Use of Trails: A Literature Review." Ohlone Tiger Beetle. The Nature Conservancy, 4 May 2000. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. "Invasive Plants." Ohlone Tiger Beetle. Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, 09 Jan. 2014. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. Mattrick, Christopher. "Managing Invasive Plants Methods of Control." N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014.

"Plant Communities of Santa Cruz County." Welcome to Santa Cruz County CNPS. N.p.,
Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <http://www.cruzcnps.org/CoastalTerracePrairie.html>.

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