Cara Pengelolaan Bahan Bantu Mengajar

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Cara Pengelolaan Bahan Bantu Mengajar

Teaching aids are a very important resource in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This teaching aid is a medium to help teachers deliver information effectively to students. Hiebert, Weame and Taber (1991), says that the use of appropriate and effective teaching aids is very important to help teachers explain any difficult or abstract concepts to students. Here we can see, it is very clear that teaching aid or resource materials can help teachers provide a more effective understanding of the pupils. As for macro teaching, I have to teach a topic from the Year 3 syllabus entitled "the

Madrasati". For this task, I am required to make a daily lesson plan related to the title. Hence, I have to plan and choose some appropriate teaching aids regarding the topic. So, I decided to evaluate and choose some appropriate teaching aids such as videos, power point slides, photo cards and cut cards to be pasted on the manila card. During the process of making a set of induction, I prefer to use the video "usrati members" to be shown to the students. The video aims to upgrade their interest in lesson content which to be taught later. I will repeat the video twice so that the students will have a better understanding and be able to start with a good lesson. The rationale I use video is to build and broaden pupils prior knowledge . Through this video, students can get things right about the topic. The use of video allows the teacher to repeat the situation to the students. Joseph and Sharifah Alwiyah (1999) argues that the use of video can also be seen over and over again until you reach the level of mastery. In addition, in step one I will use an interactive Powerpoint slides to explain and teach the students . In the slides I put photos , text and sound so that students can follow the reading voice provided in the slides. Through Powerpoint slides, the learning process will be way fun compared to the traditional Chalk and Talk because it not only contains a picture but also voices provided along the words. It will facilitate the students to remember and memorize the contents of the syllabus easily. One study found that the color and animated graphics enhance the positive impact on students' learning process ( Back , 1998) .The Use of multimedia

software allow students to become more active and able to control the access to their own knowledge. In the same context , Wilkinson ( 1980: 17 ) in his research findings related to media in teaching for 60 years insisted that the influence resulting from the combination of images, words and sounds have been shown to increase the impact of far more permanent self- goers , compared with what can only be heard or read only. therefore, it is clear that the use of slides

that contain pictures , words and sounds can provide understanding and more interest to the students . Next, for the second step I will be using flash cards. I prefer to use only five pieces of flash cards. The cards will be showed one by one to the pupils and I will ask the pupils to repeat each word that been shown. The use of this card will make it easier for us to move freely as it lighter yet smaller to hold. We can go to the students and ask the students to hold the card and read it. It will create an effective communication between the teachers and students. In the third step, I will use the cut cards to be pasted on manila card. I will ask and choose pupils at random to stick cards given to them for posting it in front of the class. The cards contain the answers and manila card is the place to post the correct answer. Through activities using teaching aids, the students will be brave enough to try and not be ashamed to give answers on the spot. In addition, this cut card can encourage the pupils to remember the lessons that they had learned. In conclusion, a teacher should be creative and innovative in carrying out the teaching and learning process. Teachers must find and choose an interesting teaching aid for students where they should also diversify their teaching aids so that children will be easy to remember and understand. Heinich (1993) noted the effective use of instructional media in teaching and learning process because only 10% of human learning by hearing, but by 80% through the sense of sight. He added that people understand and remember only 20% through the sense of hearing, but more than 80% through the senses of hearing and sight. The rationale of the findings shows that the learning process requires a combination of all the senses in order to create maximum impact. So, it is clear that a variety of teaching aids should be so useful when the teachers combine and use all available senses throughout the lesson.

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