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Lena Ioannou


1 Family Ties

Family Ties
1.1 family ties (phr) \fmli taIz\ bonds among the members of a family Their family ties are very strong and they always stand by each other in difcult situations. 1.9

1.2 it takes all sorts (exp) \It teIks Ol sOts\ it requires/calls for all kinds of people It takes all sorts to make a team for a successful reality show. come (v) \km\ exist, be found This new car model comes only with a 2000 lt engine. in all shapes and sizes (exp) \In Ol SeIps n saIzIz\ in all possible forms The department store downtown has got a big variety of coffee tables in all shapes and sizes. roving (adj) \ rUvIN\ wandering, sb who travels around The roving reporter for National Geographic is in Madison County taking pictures of the covered bridges there. l rove (v) only child (phr) \Unli tSaIld\ to have no brothers or sisters My mother was an only child and thats the reason I have no aunts or uncles from her side of the family. from one point of view (phr) \frm wn pOInt v vju\ on the one hand Anne is an interesting person from one point of view; but there are times when I nd her very annoying. spoilt (adj) \spOIlt\ a spoilt child is greedy and demanding and always wants everything done his/her way What a spoilt boy Greg is! He was very loud in the toy shop because his mother wouldnt buy him an expensive remote-controlled car! l spoil (v)

lonely (adj) \ lUnli\ when youre sad because you feel youre all alone Sarah hasnt made any friends at the new school yet and she feels very lonely. l loneliness (n)

1.10 keep in touch with (exp) \kip In ttS wID, wIT\ maintain contact with Dave has kept in touch with almost all his old school friends. 1.11 divorced (adj) \dI vOst\ someone is divorced when his/her marriage has legally ended Kelly used to be married; shes been divorced for over three years. l divorce (v), get a divorce (phr) 1.12 remarry (v) \ri mri\ marry/get married again Five years after her husbands death, Donna remarried. 1.13 get on (well) with sb (phr v) \get n wel\ have a good, friendly relationship with someone Harry gets on well with all the other children in the kindergarten. 1.14 step-brother, step-sister (n) \ step brD, step sIst\ brothers and sisters who dont share the same biological parents but whose parents (eg the father from one side and the mother from the other) have got married I get on well with my step-sister because were the same age. 1.15 care about (phr v) \ ker baUt\ be concerned about It seems he doesnt care about his old friends; he hasnt written to anybody since he went to England. 1.16 adopt (v) \ dpt\ become a childs legal parent Since they cant have any children, Tom and Jane decided to adopt a little boy. l adopted (adj), adoption (n) UNIT 1 







1 Family Ties 1.17 loving (adj) \ lvIN\ caring, affectionate They know how to be loving parents without spoiling their children. l lovingly (adv) 1.18 treat (v) \trit\ behave towards Even when Mike disagrees with his father, hes never rude and always treats him with respect. 1.19 half-brother (n) \ hAf brD\ if you have a half-brother or sister, it means that you share one biological parent, eg you have the same father but different mothers I was an only child but my dad married again and now I have a little half-brother. 1.20 peace and quiet (phr) \pis n kwaIt\ Georgia cant have any peace and quiet in the house around her younger brothers and sisters. 1.25 arrogant (adj) \ rgnt\ someone who is arrogant thinks he/she is better than other people I cant stand him; hes so arrogant, he thinks his way is the only way. l arrogance (n), arrogantly (adv) 1.26 pessimistic (adj) \pes mIstIk\ someone who is pessimistic always looks at the dark side of things He thinks the end of the world is near; hes very pessimistic. l pessimism (n), pessimist (n), pessimistically (adv) 1.27 amusing (adj) \ mjuzIN\ someone who is amusing makes people laugh This actor is very amusing; I enjoy watching his lms. l amuse (v), amusement (n) 1.28 ambitious (adj) \m bISs\ someone who is ambitious wants to be very successful in his/her life Hes always been very ambitious and he managed to become manager in his department in only three years. l ambition (n) 1.29 considerate (adj) \kn sIdrt\ someone who is considerate cares about how other people feel Jane is a considerate girl; she knew her friend was sad so she took her to see a comedy at the cinema. l consideration (n) 1.30 generous (adj) \ dZenrs\ someone who is generous likes to share what they have with other people I know some rich people who are very generous and give a lot of money to charity. l generously (adv), generosity (n) 1.31 optimistic (adj) \ptI mIstIk\ someone who is optimistic looks at the bright side of things When Im sad, I like to talk to Harry; hes so optimistic that he always makes my day. l optimism (n), optimist (n), optimistically (adv)

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1.21 make a/no difference (phr) \meIk dIfrns\ have some or no effect on a situation It makes no difference whether you like it or not; you have to do as the doctor said.

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1.22 selsh (adj) \ selfIS\ someone who is selsh cares only about themselves Youre so selsh, Rachel said to her brother; We always watch what you want on TV. l selshness (n) 1.23 popular (adj) \ ppjUl\ someone who is liked or loved by most people Kylie Minogue is a very popular pop singer. l popularity (n) Opp.: unpopular (adj) 1.24 sensitive (adj) \ senstIv\ when someone is sensitive they get upset very easily or their feelings are
Shes very sensitive and doesnt like to talk about her parents divorce. l sensitivity (n)


1 Family Ties 1.32 modest (adj) \ mdst\ someone who is modest doesnt like to talk about himself/herself or the things he/she has accomplished in his/ her life I didnt know George had a PhD in psychology! He never talks about himself; hes so modest! l modesty (n) 1.33 achievement (n) \ tSivmnt\ accomplishment Winning this university scholarship was Kyles greatest achievement. l achieve (v) 1.34 not mean to (phr) \dUnt min t, tU\ have no intention to Im awfully sorry; I never meant to insult you. 1.35 kind (adj) \kaInd\ well-meaning, friendly, helpful Thank you for helping me to carry the heavy shopping bags; youre so kind. l kindly (adv), kindness (n) Opp.: unkind (adj) 1.36 polite (adj) \p laIt\ well-mannered Jack always says Please and Thank you; hes very polite. l politely (adv), politeness (n) Opp.: impolite (adj) 1.37 attractive (adj) \ trktIv\ very good-looking Shes the most attractive woman I have ever seen. l attract (v), attraction (n) Opp.: unattractive (adj) 1.38 fair (adj) \fe\ just The teacher was fair and punished both students equally. 1.39 honest (adj) \ nIst\ truthful Im sure Susan is telling the truth; shes quite honest, you know. l honestly (adv), honesty (n) Opp.: dishonest (adj) 1.40 capable of -ing (adj) \ keIpbl v, v\ able, having the ability to do sth Hes not capable of speaking in front of the whole class; hes very shy. l capability (n) Opp.: incapable (adj) 1.41 be in trouble (phr) \bi In trbl\ if someone is in trouble, he/she has difculties because he/she has done something wrong Alex is in big trouble because the teacher caught him cheating in the test. 1.42 legal (adj) \ ligl\ lawful, done according to the law His business isnt legal thats why the police were at his house this morning. l legally (adv) Opp.: illegal (adj) 1.43 include (v) \In klud\ contain, to have as a part There will be eight people at the dinner party on Saturday, you and me included. 1.44 relevant (to) (adj) \ relvnt t, tU\ having a connection with sth, related I found some information relevant to your project; have a look, you may nd it useful. l relevance (n) Opp.: irrelevant (adj) 1.45 make up (phr v) \meIk p\ invent, imagine My grandmother used to make up bedtime stories; she never remembered the same story twice. 1.46 turn up (phr v) \tn p\ arrive unexpectedly, appear We thought she had forgotten about the meeting but she turned up at the last minute. 1.47 come up (phr v) \km p\ appear unexpectedly We have planned tomorrows surprise party very carefully; I hope nothing comes up until then. 1.48 think up (phr v) \TINk p\ They were trying to think of something smart for the products advertisement when suddenly Vera thought up a very clever slogan. 1.49 bring up (phr v) \brIN p\ mention in a conversation Remember not to bring up his losing his job; he doesnt like to talk about it. 1.50 cool (adj) \kul\ calm She is the only teacher I know that stays cool no matter how loud the students get.


1 Family Ties 1.51 icy (adj) \ aIsi\ cold, unfriendly She has such an icy attitude towards me; I feel she doesnt like me at all. 1.52 hot-tempered (adj) \ht tempd\ someone who is hot-tempered gets angry very easily I cant deal with you anymore; youre so hottempered, you get annoyed at every single thing I say! 1.53 cold-hearted (adj) \kUld hAtId\ unkind Ive never met such a cold-hearted person before; I cant believe she doesnt care about the problems with your family. 1.60 depressed (adj) \dI prest\ extremely sad, miserable The lm was about the end of the world as we know it. I was depressed when I came out of the cinema. l depression (n), depressing (adj) 1.61 get out of control (phr) \get aUt v kn trUl\ when something gets out of control, you have no power over it anymore Teenagers often get out of control; they stay out late, neglect school and dont listen to their parents. 1.62 trained (adj) \treInd\ someone who is trained has received proper instruction These language teachers are well trained and can guarantee good results in only three months. l train (v), trainer (n), training (n) 1.63 counsellor (n) \ kaUnsl\ adviser They sought a marriage counsellors help but it didnt help; they got a divorce in the end. l counsel (v) 1.64 operator (n) \ preIt\ someone who connects calls, operates a telephone switchboard If you dont want to be charged for the telephone call, tell the operator you want to make a collect call. l operate (v) 1.65 resemble (v) \rI zembl\ be like, be similar to Tina resembles her father a lot; she has got his smile. l resemblance (n) 1.66 involve (v) \In vlv\ require Being the General Manager of a company involves a great deal of hard work. l involved (adj), involvement (n) 1.67 accuse sb of sth/ -ing (v) \ kjuz smbdi v smTIN\ say that somebody has done something wrong/is guilty of a crime The young man was wrongly accused of mugging the old woman. l accusation (n)


1.54 overhear (v) \Uv hI\ listen to what sb is saying without him/her knowing that I was in the next room and I overheard them having an argument.

1.55 comprehensive school (n) \kmprI hensIv\ a type of state secondary school in the UK After primary school, I went to the local comprehensive. 1.56 eldest (adj) \ eldst\ the oldest of three or more Were seven brothers and sisters; the eldest is twenty years old while the youngest is ve. 1.57 run (a shop) (phr) \rn\ to manage or be in control of (a shop, a business, etc) She works at a small bookshop but her dream is to run her own bookshop someday. 1.58 consist of (v) \kn sIst v, v\ be composed of A well-structured essay consists of three parts: the introduction, the main body and the conclusion.

Use of English

1.59 chaos (n) \ keIs\ It is impossible to have democracy when there is economic chaos. l chaotic (adj) 4 UNIT 1

1 Family Ties 1.68 deal with (v) \ dil wID, wIT\ handle sth I cant deal with rude people; they annoy me extremely. 1.69 blame sb for sth (v) \ bleIm smbdi f smTIN\ hold somebody responsible for something She blamed her son for breaking the vase but it was actually the dog that did it. l blame (n) (put the blame on sb) 1.70 sth is (not) ones fault (phr) \smTIN Iz wnz fOlt\ somebody is (not) responsible for something wrong Its not my fault were late; Jane took hours to get ready. 1.77 glimpse (v) \glImps\ catch sight of Betty glimpsed Mary who was standing at the other side of the room and immediately turned her back; she didnt want to speak to her. l glimpse (n) 1.78 stare (v) \ste\ look at sb/sth for a long time Sarah kept staring at the expensive sports car that was parked outside the shop; she would love to have one of her own. l stare (n) 1.79 satisfactory (adj) \stIs fktri\ acceptable, good enough Your results in the tests were satisfactory but Im sure you can do a lot better. l satisfy (v), satised (adj), satisfaction (n) 1.80 take up (phr v) \teIk p\ start, become involved in She took up volleyball in her free time.


1.71 move in (phr v) \muv In\ begin to live in a place as your home When her parents divorced, Lilian moved in with her father. Opp.: move out (phr v) 1.72 orphanage (n) \ OfnIdZ\ a place where orphans live Fred grew up in an orphanage. l orphan (n) 1.73 settle in (phr v) \setl In\ become used to living in a place At rst it was difcult for Tom but soon he settled in his new environment. 1.74 fortunate (adj) \ fOtSnt\ lucky You were very fortunate that the teacher never found out it was you who broke the classroom window. l fortune (n), fortunately (adv) Opp.: unfortunate (adj) 1.75 concern (n) \kn sn\ worry, care Her children are her only concern. l concerned (adj) 1.76 aspect (n) \ spekt\ angle, side One negative aspect of living in the city is the trafc.


2 The Open Road

The Open Road

2.1 2.9 invent (v) \In vent\ make up, discover Do you remember the name of the man who invented the light bulb? l invention (n), inventor (n) process (n) \ prUses\ procedure, method Translating books isnt easy and takes quite a lot of time; its a time-consuming process. l processed (adj) achieve (v) \ tSiv\ accomplish, complete, fulll At the age of 60, Tessa is very pleased with her life because she has achieved all her goals. l achievement (n), achiever (n) cart (n) \kAt\ wagon In the past, people travelled around in horsedrawn carts. record (n) \ rekOd\ the best result ever achieved in a sport or activity The athlete broke the world record and became the new world champion. railway (n) \ reIlweI\ trains travelling on steel rails\ tracks Thousands of immigrants to America worked hard to build the railway. heat (v) \hit\ warm up, make hot Heat the oven for a while and then put the food inside. l heater (n) Opp.: cool (v) put out (phr v) \pUt aUt\ extinguish The remen managed to put out the re after a couple of hours. Opp.: set re to (v) land (v) \lnd\ when an aeroplane comes down to the ground The aeroplane ran out of fuel and the pilot had to land it in the middle of the desert. Opp.: take off (v)


2.10 design (n) \dI zaIn\ plan, drawing, model The new boutique has attracted a lot of customers because it has a lot of very interesting and unique designs. l designer (n) 2.11 hydrofoil (n) \ haIdrUfOIl\ a kind of boat that can also travel partly out of the water You can travel to Hydra and Spetses on a hydrofoil. 2.12 hovercraft (n) \ hvkrAft\ a vehicle that can travel across land and water on a cushion of air I had never seen a hovercraft until I visited a seaside town in England where I saw one coming out of the water and moving along the beach. 2.13 aircraft (n) / ekrAft/ (plural: aircraft) an aeroplane or helicopter Did you see those two aircraft? They were ying at the speed of sound! 2.14 industry (n) \ Indstri\ business, production Ford brought about major developments in the car industry. l industrial (adj), industrialise (v) 2.15 challenge (n) \ tSlndZ\ test, trial For an inexperienced teacher like her, teaching such a class will be a big challenge. l challenging (adj) 2.16 space shuttle (n) \ speIs Stl\ spacecraft The space shuttle was launched in space on 6th February, at 8 oclock in the morning.








2 The Open Road 2.17 tracks (n) \trks\ rails In this western, the cowboy saves the girl whos tied down onto the railway tracks just a second before the train comes. 2.18 vehicle (n) \ viIkl\ a means of transport The driver of the car was going too fast and collided with another vehicle. 2.19 cushion (n) \ kUSn\ pillow, thick layer (of air, for example) She lay comfortably on some cushions on the oor, reading a novel. 2.20 be sbs turn to do sth (phr) \bi smbdiz tn t du smTIN\ be next to do sth I washed the dishes yesterday; today its your turn. 2.26 platform (n) \ pltfOm\ the place in a railway station where you get on or off a train. - Excuse me, which platform does the train to Manchester leave from? - Platform 6, sir. 2.27 terminal (n) \ tmInl\ a building at an airport where passengers wait to get on an aeroplane Attention, please. All passengers with tickets for ight LH3420 to Frankfurt, please proceed to the terminal, gate 11. 2.28 ferry (n) \ feri\ ferry boat, a ship that carries people as well as vehicles There were a lot of cars at the port, waiting to get on different ferries to the islands. 2.29 coach (n) \kUtS\ bus She ew from Athens to Thessaloniki and from there she took the coach to Serres. 2.30 travel (n) \ trvl\ journey Air travel is probably the safest way to get from one place to another. l travelling (n), traveller (n) 2.31 journey (n) \ dZni\ travel, trip It was a very tiring journey from Athens to Singapore and then to Hong Kong; when he nally got home, he was exhausted. 2.32 trip (n) \trIp\ a journey to a particular place Mr Jenkins has been on a business trip to Munich since Monday; hell be back tomorrow. 2.33 miss (v) \mIs\ arrive too late to catch a plane, bus, etc He missed the bus again today so he was late for work. Opp.: catch (v) 2.34 lose (v) \luz\ misplace, be defeated He has lost his car keys so hes borrowed my car for the day. l loss (n), loser (n) Opp.: nd (v), win (v)

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2.21 cabin (n) \ kbIn\ a room where you sleep when on a ship The island is only four hours away by ship; you dont need to book a cabin. 2.22 taxi rank (n) \ tksi rNk\ a place where taxis line up for customers Theres a taxi rank nearby; youll easily nd a taxi there. 2.23 fare (n) \fe\ charge, price Taxi fares in Germany are outrageous! You pay 35 for a 25-kilometre ride. Its ridiculous! 2.24 airline (n) \ elaIn\ a company that provides services by ying people from place to place by aeroplane She booked her plane ticket to Italy with Alitalia airline. 2.25 underground (n) \ ndgraUnd\ the tube, the subway The underground in Athens has really helped with the trafc problem in the city centre.


2 The Open Road 2.35 double-decker bus (n) \dbl dek bs\ a bus with two levels We sat upstairs on the double-decker bus and enjoyed a magnicent view during the tour around the city. 2.44 remind sb of sth (v) \rI maInd smbdi v smTIN\ make sb remember Please remind me to call Jane later; Im afraid Ill forget again. l reminder (n) 2.45 take sth into account (phr) \teIk smTIN IntU kaUnt\ consider Before you decide to leave your job, you have to take several things into account. 2.46 range (n) \reIndZ\ variety There was a wide range of modern designs at the new clothes shop. l range (v) 2.47 wonder (n) \ wnd\ miracle, phenomenon The Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. l wonderful (adj)


2.36 apply for (v) \ plaI f, fO\ request Mary has applied for the position of secretary at a big company. l application (n), applicant (n) 2.37 current (adj) \ krnt\ present, present-day Their current nancial condition doesnt allow them to go on holiday for a whole month. l currently (adv) 2.38 hut (n) \ht\ shed, cabin The family was so poor that they couldnt afford a proper house; they lived in a small hut in the country. 2.39 pat (v) \pt\ stroke, caress The little girl patted the dog on the head.


2.40 have sth in common (phr) \hv smTIN In kmn\ share the same interests I cant understand why they got married; they have nothing in common. 2.41 swap (v) \swp\ exchange Kate didnt want to sit next to Harry so she swapped places with somebody else.

2.48 encourage (v) \In krIdZ\ give courage to sb, cheer His family encouraged him to accept the job abroad because it would be a great experience for him. l encouragement (n), encouraging (adj) Opp.: discourage (v) 2.49 raise (v) \reIz\ lift, increase, collect Every year, our school raises some money for charity. l raise (n) 2.50 tax (n) \tks\ money paid to the government Now that you have a proper full-time job youll have to pay your taxes, too. 2.51 reliable (adj) \rI laIbl\ dependable, trustworthy Buses in Germany are a very reliable means of transport; they are always on time. l reliability (n) Opp.: unreliable (adj)

Use of English

2.42 break down (phr v) \breIk daUn\ (for an engine) stop working He was late for work this morning because his car broke down on the way. 2.43 insist on (v) \In sIst n\ demand, put ones foot down He insisted on giving me a lift home because it was very late. l insistence (n), insistent (adj)


2 The Open Road 2.52 prevent (v) \prI vent\ stop sth from happening She took an aspirin to prevent the headache from becoming stronger. l prevention (n) 2.53 pouring rain (phr) \pOrIN reIn\ heavy rain 2.54 drowned rat (exp) \draUnd rt\ soaking wet He had to walk in the pouring rain without an umbrella for over an hour; when he came home, he looked like a drowned rat.


3 Killing Time

Killing Time
3.1 take part in (phr) \teIk pAt In\ participate Our school took part in the anti-war demonstration today. competition (n) \kmp tISn\ contest My aunt won the chocolate cake competition; hers was the best and tastiest of all cakes! l compete (v), competitor (n), competitive (adj) arcade (n) \A keId\ a covered passage with shops Youll nd anything you need in this shopping arcade; there are plenty of shops here. worthless (adj) \ wTls\ useless, unimportant Do you want to keep this? No, throw it away; its a worthless piece of junk. Opp.: useful (adj) gear (n) \gI\ equipment If you want to go rock climbing, you will need to rent special gear. helmet (n) \ helmIt\ a hat that protects your head The man with the motorbike had an accident but wasnt hurt because, fortunately, he had his helmet on. weird (adj) \wId\ strange, odd I had a very weird dream last night; in it I could y like Superman! l weirdly (adv), weirdness (n) Opp.: normal (adj) ink (n) \INk\ coloured liquid used for writing and printing The report was handwritten in black ink. valuable (adj) \ vljUbl\ precious, useful I hate arguing with you; your friendship is valuable to me. l value (n), invaluable (adj) Opp.: worthless (adj) UNIT 3 3.10 priceless (adj) \ praIsls\ valuable, invaluable, precious A priceless diamond was stolen last night from the museum; the police are looking everywhere for the thief. 3.11 ordinary (adj) \ Odnri\ normal, usual Nothing special happened today; it was another ordinary day for me. l extraordinary (adj), ordinarily (adv) Opp.: unusual (adj) 3.12 oat (n) \flUt\ a small object attached to the shing line that stays on the surface of the water As soon as he saw the oat moving, he could tell that he had caught a very big sh. 3.13 ignore (v) \Ig nO\ take no notice of, neglect I asked you a question! Are you ignoring me? Why dont you answer me? l ignorance (n), ignorant (adj) 3.14 t (adj) \fIt\ healthy, in good shape Fred smokes a lot and isnt very t; thats why he always takes the lift and never climbs the stairs. l tness (n) Opp.: unt (adj) 3.15 bargain (n) \ bAgIn\ good buy, cheap purchase That antique chair was a real bargain; I paid half the money its really worth. 3.16 patient (adj) \ peISnt\ understanding, tolerant, forgiving Hes going through a difcult phase in his life; you have to be patient with him. l patience (n) Opp.: impatient (adj)









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3.17 sort out (phr v) \sOt aUt\ organise, tidy up Your desk is a mess; you have to sit and sort out your papers at some point.


3 Killing Time 3.18 xylophone (n) \ zaIlfUn\ When I was a student I used to play the xylophone in the school orchestra. 3.19 sore (adj) \sO\ painful Rita must have caught a cold and now has a runny nose and a sore throat. 3.28 turn down (phr v) \tn daUn\ refuse Ann invited Robert to her birthday party but he turned her down; he said he was already invited to another party. 3.29 come down with (phr v) \km daUn wID, wIT\ become ill with sth He hasnt been feeling very well these past few days; maybe hes coming down with the u. 3.30 put down (phr v) \pUt daUn\ (for an animal) kill because it is old or ill There was nothing the vet could do for the horses bad leg so they had to put it down. 3.31 minor (adj) \ maIn\ small, unimportant This is not the point! This is of minor importance! l minority (n) Opp.: major (adj) 3.32 save time (phr) \seIv taIm\ prevent the loss or waste of time, reserve, store If you do it as I say, youll save a lot of time; youll have it ready in no time. Opp.: waste time (phr) 3.33 spend time (phr) \spend taIm\ use your time to do sth She spends a lot of time in her garden every day. 3.34 waste time (phr) \weIst taIm\ spend time doing sth that is not important Youre wasting your time talking to him; in the end hell do what he thinks anyway.

Vocabulary builder

3.20 take ones time (phr) \teIk wnz taIm\ do sth slowly without any hurry You can take your time looking at the travel brochure; Ill be here if you have any questions. 3.21 on time (phr) \n taIm\ if you are on time, youre not late, you are punctual John is never late for his appointments; hes always on time. 3.22 have (got) time on ones hands (phr) \hv gt taIm n wnz hndz\ have got free time Harry has got a lot of time on his hands since he quit his job. 3.23 in time (phr) \In taIm\ if you are in time, you are not too late Dont worry; were in time for the lm; it starts in fteen minutes. 3.24 kill time (phr) \kIl taIm\ do sth not because you really want to but because youve got some time available To kill some time until the train comes, Ill sit at the cafe and read the newspaper. 3.25 make time (phr) \meIk taIm\ arrange to have some free time to do sth She is very busy but she always makes time to meet her friends. 3.26 sth gets sb down (phr v) \smTIN gets smbdi daUn\ sth makes sb unhappy Nick had a bad argument with his boss this morning and it got him down a bit. 3.27 look down on (phr v) \lUk daUn n\ scorn, have contempt for sb They are so arrogant that they look down on anybody whos not as rich as they are.


3.35 embarrassing (adj) \Im brsIN\ awkward, uncomfortable He made a very embarrassing comment about her in front of all the people and the poor girl turned red. l embarrass (v), embarrassed (adj) 3.36 demand (v) \dI mAnd\ request, require, need Doing a PhD demands a lot of time and hard work; it isnt easy.



3 Killing Time 3.37 fuss (n) \fs\ bother, trouble Its not a big deal; why are you making such a fuss?

Use of English

3.38 regret (v) \rI gret\ feel sorry about She regrets talking to him in this way; now she feels bad and wants to apologise. l regret (n), regretful (adj) 3.39 object to (v) \b dZekt t, tU\ argue against, oppose His wife objects to his applying for a job abroad; she doesnt want to live anywhere else but here. l objection (n) Opp.: approve of (v), agree to (v) 3.40 approve of (v) \ pruv v, v\ agree to, favour The teacher approved of the students decision to organise a visit to the archaeological museum. l approval (n) Opp.: disapprove of (v) 3.41 line up (phr v) \laIn p\ place in a line, one after the other The little boy lined up his toys on the oor and played alone for hours.



4 Work Wonders

Work Wonders
4.1 4.9 satisfaction (n) \stIs fkSn\ fulllment The teacher expressed her satisfaction with the progress of her students. l satisfy (v), satised (adj), satisfactory (adj), satisfying (adj) manage (v) \ mnIdZ\ be in charge of, direct, run Ever since his father died, John has been managing the family company on his own. l manager (n), managerial (adj) expenses (n) \Ik spensIz\ amount of money spent, cost, payment Now that Kate has lost her job, shell have to cut down on her expenses. l expensive (adj) appreciate (v) \ priSieIt\ be grateful for I really appreciate your help; I wouldnt have done it without you! l appreciation (n), appreciative (adj) charity (n) \ tSrti\ philanthropy, help They arent very rich but every year they give a considerable amount of money to charity. l charitable (adj) hold (v) \hUld\ have, possess She holds a Masters degree in nance. voluntary (adj) \ vlntri\ without getting paid, free willing Sarah does voluntary work at the orphanage at the weekends. l volunteer (v), (n), voluntarily (adv) cover (v) \ kv\ guarantee that money will be paid if necessary The company covers all my expenses when I go on business trips abroad; I dont have to pay for anything. insurance (n) \In SUrns\ protection, security, guarantee We pay a lot of money on private life insurance. l insure (v) 4.10 broadcast (v) \ brOdkAst\ transmit, put on the air They are going to broadcast the open air rock concert live on TV tonight; Ill denitely watch it. l broadcaster (n), broadcasting (n) 4.11 staff (n) \stAf\ employees, personnel Hes been working for this company for 20 years; hes a senior member of staff. 4.12 expand (v) \Ik spnd\ broaden, develop, extend The company is doing so well that is now considering expanding its business abroad as well. l expansion (n) 4.13 vacancy (n) \ veIknsi\ job, opening, position Ill send my CV to the personnel manager at IBM; I heard theres a vacancy. Maybe theyll call me for a job interview. l vacant (adj) 4.14 provide (v) \pr vaId\ supply, give My PhD supervisor provided me with a copy of the book I needed for my research. l provision (n)







Vocabulary builder


4.15 accountant (n) \ kaUntnt\ bookkeeper, sb who keeps nancial accounts He is an accountant and keeps the nancial accounts for three different companies. 4.16 sales rep (n) \ seIlz rep\ sb who travels around and sells a companys products Being a sales rep for a big publishing house involves a lot of travelling abroad.



4 Work Wonders 4.17 civil servant (n) \sIvl svnt\ sb who works for the state Laura is a civil servant; she works at the Ministry of Education. 4.18 civil engineer (n) \sIvl endZI nI\ sb who constructs buildings, bridges, etc George is a civil engineer; in the mornings hes on the construction site and in the evenings he works at his ofce. 4.19 labourer (n) \ leIbr\ manual worker Her husband works as a labourer on a construction site. l labour (n) 4.20 miner (n) \ maIn\ sb who works underground in mines and digs for coal, gold, etc Being a miner must be a dirty and dangerous job. l mine (n) 4.21 income (n) \ Inkm\ earnings, salary Shes very bad at handling her money; her monthly expenses are often more than her income. 4.22 tax ofce (n) \ tks fIs\ the government department which collects taxes She went to the tax ofce this morning to settle the payment of tax. 4.23 coal (n) \kUl\ black rock found underground There was an accident this morning at one of the coal mines but fortunately none of the miners was killed. 4.24 get the sack (phr) \get D sk\ get red, be dismissed The secretary got the sack because she was very inefcient. 4.25 work overtime (phr) \wk UvtaIm\ work long hours She is in charge of a very important project at work at the moment and she works overtime almost every day. 4.26 promote (v) \pr mUt\ raise, upgrade He started as a sales rep but has now been promoted to sales manager. l promotion (n) Opp.: demote (v) 4.27 permanently (adv) \ pmnntli\ for ever Hes under such pressure that hes permanently stressed out; thats extremely bad for his health. l permanent (adj) Opp.: temporarily (adv) 4.28 earn (v) \n\ make, receive Hes the Marketing Director at a company and earns quite a lot of money. 4.29 win (v) \wIn\ come rst The runner who won the marathon was French. 4.30 lottery ticket (n) \ ltri tIkIt\ an entry ticket for a competition Did you hear about Mike? He bought a lottery ticket and won 1,000! 4.31 salary (n) \ slri\ monthly pay Monica wasnt satised with her salary so she asked her boss for a raise. 4.32 wage (n) \weIdZ\ payment (usually weekly) The labourers wages are 100 per week.


4.33 careers ofcer (n) \k rIz fIs\ sb who advises (young) people regarding different professions A careers ofcer came to school today and discussed with us what professions are in demand at present. 4.34 last (v) \lAst\ continue, carry on The ight from Athens to Munich lasts two hours approximately. l lasting (adj)



4 Work Wonders

4.35 tomb (n) \tum\ grave The archaeologists had been digging for months before they found those ancient tombs. 4.36 pneumonia (n) \nju mUni\ a serious disease of the lungs My grandmother nearly died of pneumonia when she was ten. 4.37 knight (n) \naIt\ This book is about King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table.


4.44 wealthy (adj) \ welTi\ rich The Roberts are so wealthy; they live in a huge house and theyve all got their own cars. l wealth (n) Opp.: poor 4.45 do (a job) for a living (phr) \du fr lIvIN\ do a job in order to earn the money you need What do you do for a living? Im an architect. 4.46 majority (n) \m dZrti\ greater number, the most The majority of people living in the countryside are farmers. l major (adj) 4.47 exhaustion (n) \Ig zOstSn\ feeling of extreme tiredness After working long hours for a whole month, he suffered from exhaustion. l exhaust (v), exhausting (adj), exhausted (adj) 4.48 collapse (v) \k lps\ fall down Jason worked very hard today; when he came home at the end of the day, he was so tired, he collapsed. 4.49 get through (phr v) \get Tru\ contact sb on the telephone Elaine tried to call Marianne at the ofce but she didnt get through the rst time round.

Use of English

4.38 calculation (n) \klkjU leISn\ working out a mathematical result Im not good at doing calculations in my mind so I always carry my calculator with me. l calculate (v), calculator (n) 4.39 mumble (v) \ mmbl\ speak quietly and not clearly, mutter I asked him where he had been but he mumbled an answer I didnt understand. l mumble (n) 4.40 grumble (v) \ grmbl\ complain, moan, whine He got so annoyed by the heavy trafc, he didnt stop grumbling all the way back home. l grumble (n) 4.41 senior (adj) \ sini\ superior In the last few years you can see more and more women in senior posts in the government. Opp.: junior (adj) 4.42 rush (v) \rS\ hurry Take your time to think this over; you shouldnt rush a decision. 4.43 fellow worker (n) \felU wk\ colleague, partner Hes a favourite amongst his fellow workers; they all like him.



5 The Global Village

The Global Village

5.1 global (adj) \ glUbl\ worldwide, universal Global warming is one of the major environmental concerns of our time. l globe (n), globally (adv), globalise (v) 5.9 incredible (adj) \In kredbl\ unbelievable Look at these acrobats; its incredible how they can keep their balance one on top of the other. l incredibly (adv) 5.10 stream (n) \strim\ ood, ow There was a stream of letters from the readers arriving by post every morning at the newspapers ofces. 5.11 beam (down) (v) \bim\ send out, broadcast The anti-war demonstration was beamed live worldwide. 5.12 cable (n) \ keIbl\ wire She bought a new TV set and a VCR but she doesnt know how to connect the cables. 5.13 keep up to date with (phr) \kip p t deIt wID, wIT\ have the latest information about sth He loves reading about cars and keeps up to date with all the new models on the market. 5.14 gure (n) \ fIg\ number I dont believe this gure of unemployed people in the country is true; I think that a lot more people are without a job. 5.15 instantly (adv) \ Instntli\ immediately, at once The service at this restaurant is amazing; you get served almost instantly. l instant (n), instantaneous (adj) 5.16 face (v) \feIs\ come up against You cant just think that the problem will go away on its own; you have to face it. 5.17 what the future holds (exp) \wt D fjutS hUldz\ what the future has in store, what will happen No one knows what the future holds for them; whatever is to happen, will happen.


survey (n) \ sveI\ examination, study According to a survey regarding the most popular sitcom, Friends is at the top of the list. adolescent (n) \d lesnt\ teenager Most adolescents nowadays arent interested in reading literature; they prefer to watch TV. l adolescence (n) documentary (n) \dkjU mentri\ informative\ educational programme on TV There was a very interesting documentary on TV last night about the life of different African tribes. tend to (v) \ tend t, tU\ be inclined to, have a tendency to When under stress, Martha tends to behave rudely to her colleagues. l tendency (n) affect (v) \ fekt\ inuence, change His parents constant ghts affect the little boy extremely. effect (n) \I fekt\ result, consequence If we dont start caring about the environment, the effects will be disastrous. l effective (adj), effectively (adv) dominate (v) \ dmIneIt\ control He always talks so much that he dominates the conversation and doesnt let anybody else talk. l dominant (adj), domination (n)









5 The Global Village 5.18 select (v) \sI lekt\ choose, pick Tina saw many books at the book exhibition that she liked but in the end she selected and bought only two. l selection (n), selective (adj) 5.19 turn over (phr v) \tn Uv\ switch over As soon as she realised that the children were watching a violent lm, she grabbed the remote control and turned over. 5.26 carry on (phr v) \kri n\ continue, go on She was talking to him but he carried on reading his newspaper as if he wasnt listening. 5.27 put on (phr v) \pUt n\ broadcast, show on TV I wish they wouldnt put on so much sport on Saturday night. Opp.: take off (phr v) 5.28 come on (phr v) \km n\ start She feels exhausted and has a little temperature; it must be the u coming on. 5.29 (sth) grow on (sb) (phr v) \ grU n\ start to like sth more and more At rst I didnt like Chinese food but now it has started growing on me. 5.30 bring on (phr v) \brIN n\ cause Heavy smoking brings on lung problems, sooner or later. 5.31 log on (phr v) \lg n\ log in, start using a computer system You need a password to log on to this programme; unless you know it, you cant use it. 5.32 take on (phr v) \teIk n\ accept (a job, a responsibility) She already had a very full schedule so she didnt take on the extra private lesson. 5.33 get on with (phr v) \get n wID, wIT\ get along, have a good relationship Alex doesnt get on with the other boys in this basketball team so he asked his teacher to change teams. 5.34 front-page news (phr) \frnt peIdZ njuz\ news published on the rst page of the newspaper The assassination of the Minister of Defence was front-page news today. 5.35 couch potato (n) \ kaUtS pteItU\ sb who spends a lot of time in front of the TV Hes a couch potato; he doesnt like to go out or read any books; he just spends hours in front of the TV.

Grammar clinic

5.20 on cable (phr) \n keIbl\ television signals sent along underground cables There are many channels in Europe which are available on cable. 5.21 news bulletin (n) \ njuz bUltIn\ a TV or radio programme which presents the news Well have more information about the bank robbery in our next news bulletin at 9.

Vocabulary builder

5.22 sitcom (n) \ sItkm\ (short for: situation comedy) Friends is the most popular sitcom at the moment all around the world. 5.23 contestant (n) \kn testnt\ competitor On this game show, the contestant who gives an answer last, or gives no answer at all, loses. l contest (n) 5.24 producer (n) \pr djus\ the person who pays for a lm or TV programme to be made Tom Cruise is also the producer of many of his lms; this way he has control over the whole project. l produce (v), production (n), product (n) 5.25 turn on (phr v) \tn n\ switch on Could you turn on the kettle for me, please? Id like to make a hot cup of tea. Opp.: turn off (phr v)



5 The Global Village 5.36 be on the spot (phr) \bi n D spt\ be at the actual place where sth is happening at the time it is happening The reporter is on the spot of the fatal car accident giving all the latest information on how it happened. 5.37 hit the headlines (phr) \hIt D hedlaInz\ get a lot of publicity from the media The weddings and divorces of celebrities usually hit the headlines. 5.38 be on the air (phr) \bi n Di e\ be broadcast on radio or television The Prime Minister will be on the air in a few minutes to comment on the new law. Opp.: be off the air (phr) 5.43 feel (v) \fil\ touch with your hands, experience an emotion Feel this material; its very soft. She was feeling extremely tired so she went to bed early. l feeling (n) 5.44 order (v) \ Od\ command, ask for The major ordered the soldier to stay in line. She ordered schnitzel with vegetables and French fries. l order (n) 5.45 suggest (v) \s dZest\ propose, remind sb of He suggested that they go out for dinner at an expensive restaurant. This smell suggests to me my holidays in the country house in Wales. l suggestion (n) 5.46 argue (v) \ Agju\ quarrel, make a point At rst, the journalist argued with the newspaper editor about the way the article should be written but in the end they agreed. She argued that taking a small nap during the day is very healthy and recharges your batteries. l argument (n) 5.47 tense (adj) \tens\ stressful, stressed out She cant keep calm when she nds herself in tense situations at the ofce; she panics and makes mistakes. l tension (n)


5.39 exchange (n) \Iks tSeIndZ\ short conversation Theres been an angry exchange between the two colleagues over a work issue and now theyre not on speaking terms.


5.40 occur (v) \ k\ happen Its the rst time that something like this has happened; it has never occurred before. l occurrence (n)

Use of English

5.41 realise (v) \ rIlaIz\ suddenly understand, make a dream come true When he realised his mistake, he apologised to her. He works hard to realise his dream; he wants to have his own restaurant one day. l realisation (n) 5.42 run (v) \rn\ move quickly, manage a business She ran downstairs to pick up the phone as she was expecting an important call from abroad. Kate runs a clothes shop in the city centre.


5.48 dreadful (adj) \ dredfl\ terrible, awful I heard some dreadful news on the radio; there was a terrible accident on the national road with a lot of casualties. l dread (v), dreadfully (adv)


5.49 approximately (adv) \ prksImtli\ almost, around There were approximately fty people that took part in that seminar. l approximate (adj) Opp.: exactly (adv)



5 The Global Village 5.50 breakthrough (n) \ breIkTru\ development, advance The invention of the telegraph was a major breakthrough at the time, followed by the invention of the telephone as we know it today. 5.51 access (v) \ kses\ nd, obtain He couldnt access the secret le on the computer because he had the wrong password. l access (n), accessible (adj), accessibility (n) 5.52 barrier (n) \ bri\ boundary The wide use of the Internet nowadays has eliminated all barriers among different cultures in the world. 5.53 satellite dish (n) \ stlaIt dIS\ They had a satellite dish installed; this way they can watch programmes on TV channels from all over the world. 5.54 addictive (adj) \ dIktIv\ so enjoyable that you want to do it or have it a lot The melody of this new song is addictive; Ive been humming it all day. l addiction (n), addicted (adj), addict (n) 5.55 encounter (v) \In kaUnt\ meet, confront, experience, face At the beginning, he had no idea about the difculties he would encounter but in the end he was successful. l encounter (n)



6 Come Rain or Shine

Come Rain or Shine

6.1 come rain or shine (exp) \km reIn O SaIn\ no matter what the circumstances are Hell make this trip abroad come rain or shine; hes very determined.


wisdom (n) \ wIzdm\ knowledge, judgment, understanding Wisdom comes with old age. l wise (adj) amateur (adj) \ mt, mtSU\ non-professional Hes an English teacher but hes also an amateur actor; hell be in an amateur production of Shakespeares Romeo & Juliet. Opp.: professional (n) pattern (n) \ ptn\ method, system, sequence This teachers classes all follow the same pattern; he doesnt allow for any spontaneity. forecast (n) \ fOkAst\ prediction, prognosis According to this mornings weather forecast, today is going to be sunny and hot. l forecast (v), weather forecaster (n) saying (n) \ seIIN\ proverb Theres a saying that goes: Better safe than sorry, very wise words if you ask me. accurate (adj) \ kjUrt\ exact, precise The witness tried to give an accurate description of the bank robber. l accuracy (n), accurately (adv) Opp.: inaccurate (adj) constantly (adv) \ knstntli\ all the time Hes constantly saying that he wants to quit his job and nd a better one but he never does anything. l constant (adj) altitude (n) \ ltItjud\ specic height above sea level The jumbo jet was ying at an altitude of 30,000 ft. UNIT 6





6.10 region (n) \ ridZn\ area, place There arent many mountains in this region; most of the land here is at. l regional (adj) 6.11 expert (n) \ ekspt\ specialist Laura is an expert in 18th century English literature; she knows the works of all writers and poets. l expertise (n) 6.12 barometer (n) \b rmIt\ an instrument that measures air pressure 6.13 wind meter (n) \ wInd mit\ an instrument that measures the speed or force of wind 6.14 static (n) \ sttIk\ loud noise that spoils the quality of sound on radio or TV Theres a lot of static at this frequency; try to nd another radio station. 6.15 clear up (phr v) \klIr p\ (for the weather) stop raining or being cloudy The weather will soon clear up so well still be able to go on our picnic.

Vocabulary builder


6.16 hurricane (n) \ hrIkn, hrIkeIn\ violent wind, cyclone, twister The hurricane in South California last week swept away the roofs of several houses. 6.17 heatwave (n) \ hitweIv\ weather much hotter than usual During heatwaves, old people are advised to stay at home. 6.18 blizzard (n) \ blIzd\ snowstorm The hikers were caught in a blizzard but thankfully they all managed to return safely. 6.19 shower (n) \ SaU\ rain that lasts for a short time Take your umbrella with you in case it rains; they said there would be showers today.




6 Come Rain or Shine 6.20 hail (n) \heIl\ rain consisting of small balls of ice The storm with heavy hail last night was very bad for the crops. l hail (v) 6.21 frost (n) \frst\ ice that covers the ground when the temperature is below zero Be careful; driving is dangerous because of the early morning frost. 6.22 mist (n) \mIst\ light fog Early morning mist could be seen across the valley. l misty (adj) 6.23 snowake (n) \ snUfleIk\ one of the soft, white bits of frozen water that fall as snow Did you know that no two snowakes are ever the same? 6.24 raindrop (n) \ reIndrp\ a single drop of rain Deina likes to sit by the window when it rains and watch the raindrops falling on it. 6.25 hailstone (n) \ heIlstUn\ a small ball of ice Yesterday we had a shower of hailstones. 6.26 ash of lightning (n) \f lS v laItnIN\ There was a ash of lightning on the horizon suggesting that a storm was approaching. 6.27 gust of wind (phr) \gst v wInd\ breeze, blow She opened the window and a gust of wind threw the vase off the table. 6.28 puddle (of water) (n) \pdl v wOt\ small shallow pool After the rain, there were puddles of water all over the road. 6.29 mild (adj) \maIld\ calm, warm They said that this year winter is going to be very mild; thats great because I hate the cold. l mildly (adv), mildness (n) Opp.: cold (adj)

Use of English
6.30 threat (n) \Tret\ warning, danger She regarded her new colleague as a threat to her post because he was more experienced than her. l threaten (v), threatening (adj), threatened (adj) 6.31 drought (n) \draUt\ dry spell Farmers are very worried about their crops because of the drought; if it doesnt rain soon, they will be destroyed. 6.32 seasonal affective disorder (phr) \siznl fektIv dIsOd\ feeling of tiredness and sadness when there is no sunshine There are more people suffering from seasonal affective disorder in the northern European countries than there are in the south. 6.33 lack (n) \lk\ miss, be short of, be without It seems that he lacks sensitivity; he always makes cruel comments to people and doesnt care if hes hurting them. l lack (v) 6.34 false (adj) \fOls\ sth articial intended to look like the real thing When she was little, she fell and broke her two front teeth so she had to have them replaced by false ones. Opp.: real (adj) 6.35 articial (adj) \AtI fISl\ man-made, non-natural Scientists have always been very interested in articial intelligence, that is, making robots that think and feel like humans. Opp.: natural (adj) 6.36 fake (adj) \feIk\ sth forged, articial in order to deceive people She thought she was buying an authentic, expensive painting, but it turned out it was fake. Opp.: authentic (adj)



6 Come Rain or Shine


6.37 severe (adj) \sI vI\ intense, extreme His health problems are quite severe; hes going to have to spend a lot of time in hospital. l severely (adv), severity (n) 6.38 moisture (n) \ mOIstS\ damp, dew This day cream is very good; it helps keep the right level of moisture in your skin. l moisturise (v), moisturiser (n) 6.39 spin (v) \spIn\ twirl, turn, revolve He had so much to drink that his head was spinning; he was completely drunk. 6.40 anti-clockwise (adv) \nti klkwaIz\ sth moves in a circle in the opposite direction to the hands on a clock The choreography was beautiful; one circle of people were moving clockwise while a second smaller circle were moving anti-clockwise. Opp.: clockwise (adj) 6.41 surge (n) \sdZ\ ood, ow The houses on the bank of the river ooded due to a water surge during a storm. l surge (v) 6.42 be on full alert (phr) \bi n fUl lt\ be watchful, fully awake The re brigade is on full alert during the summer when there is increased danger of forest res. 6.43 precaution (n) \prI kOSn\ safety measure, protection Because they had little children, they had taken extra precautions in the house as well as in the garden. 6.44 massive (adj) \ msIv\ huge Did you see their house? It was massive! I had no idea they were so wealthy. l mass (n) 6.45 overow (v) \Uv flU\ ood, pour over She put the glass under the tap to ll it up with water but she wasnt careful and it overowed. l overow (n)

6.46 pipe (n) \paIp\ tube The pipes were blocked and the kitchen sink kept ooding so we had to call the plumber.



7 A Matter of Taste

A Matter of Taste
7.1 top (v) \tp\ nish, garnish The cake was topped with cherries and chocolate chips. lick (off) (v) \lIk\ touch with your tongue When his mother turned her back, the little boy touched the cake and then licked the chocolate off his ngers. dish (n) \dIS\ food, recipe She really likes cooking; now shes into making Chinese dishes. jacket potato (n) \dZkIt p teItU\ potato baked with its skin on Jacket potatoes with butter is one of my favourite dishes! slave (n) \sleIv\ someone who is the property of another person and has to obey and work for that person Have you read Uncle Toms Cabin? Its the story of a slave and his family; a very good book. l slavery (n) bitter (adj) \ bIt\ unsweetened I cant drink coffee without any sugar at all; its very bitter. l bitterly (adv), bitterness (n) toaster (n) \ tUst\ electric equipment used to toast bread The rooms we let have a fully equipped kitchen, including dishes, knives and forks and a toaster. bake (v) \beIk\ to cook in the oven Mother is baking her delicious chocolate cake; I cant wait to taste it! l bakery (n), baker (n) oven (n) \ vn\ an electric piece of equipment in the kitchen that you use to cook food in Dont touch the oven; its still very hot. 7.10 skin (n) \skIn\ outer layer She was walking down the street when she suddenly slipped on a banana skin. l skin (v)


Grammar clinic


7.11 refuse (v) \rI fjuz\ say no, decline She refused to answer his questions and she simply walked away. l refusal (n) 7.12 deny (v) \dI naI\ say that sth is not true The boy denied breaking the window. l denial (n) Opp.: admit (v) 7.13 admit (v) \d mIt\ confess, accept In the end, Mark admitted that he had made a terrible mistake and apologised. 7.14 claim (v) \kleIm\ maintain Albert claims to have climbed Mount Everest but, of course, no one believes him. l claim (n)




Vocabulary builder
7.15 fry (v) \fraI\ to cook food in hot fat or oil Mary had fried meatballs and salad for lunch today. l fried (adj) 7.16 boil (v) \bOIl\ when you cook sth in boiling water Wait for the water to boil rst and then throw in the pasta. 7.17 grill (v) \grIl\ when you cook sth using heat directly over or under it George grilled the steaks and some vegetables which turned out absolutely delicious.






7 A Matter of Taste 7.18 roast (v) \rUst\ when you cook sth in the oven or over a re She roasted the chicken whole. l roast (adj) 7.19 ingredient (n) \In gridint\ component, element Ian realised he didnt have all the ingredients so he didnt make sushi after all. 7.20 cooker (n) \ kUk\ a large piece of kitchen equipment that is used for cooking I cant remember whether I turned the cooker off before leaving the house. 7.21 dairy (adj) \ deri\ foods made of milk Youll nd milk and yoghurt in the dairy products section of the supermarket. l dairy (n) 7.22 spicy (adj) \ spaIsi\ hot Indian food is quite spicy but I like it a lot; of course, I always drink a lot of water with it! l spice (n) 7.23 sour (adj) \ saU\ sth that has a sharp unpleasant taste like lemon Every time we go to a Chinese restaurant, we order sweet and sour chicken; its our favourite. 7.24 pass out (phr v) \pAs aUt\ faint An old lady passed out on the bus this morning and people helped her up; thankfully, she came round quickly. 7.25 back out (phr v) \bk aUt\ withdraw At rst, Luke wanted to become our business partner but later he backed out; I dont know why. 7.26 run out of (phr v) \rn aUt v, v\ have no more of sth We are running out of time; this report should be ready in ten minutes. 7.27 drop out (phr v) \drp aUt\ leave, give up Owen wanted to drop out of high school and get a job but fortunately his parents managed to persuade him against it. 24 UNIT 7 7.28 fall out (phr v) \fOl aUt\ argue Rita and Fiona fell out yesterday but today theyre friends again. 7.29 cut out (phr v) \kt aUt\ give up The only thing she has cut out from her diet was bread and shes lost a lot of weight. 7.30 frying pan (n) \ fraIIN pn\ a pan with a long handle used for frying food She waited for the oil to heat in the frying pan and then she put in the onion and the other vegetables. 7.31 mixing bowl (n) \ mIksIN bUl\ a large bowl used for mixing ingredients together eg our and butter Wendy mixed the ingredients for the cake in the mixing bowl, she poured the mix into the baking tin and put it in the oven to bake. 7.32 serving spoon (n) \ svIN spun\ a large spoon used to serve food Alexia didnt have a proper serving spoon for the rice so she used a normal one. 7.33 carving knife (n) \ kAvIN naIf\ a long, sharp knife used to cut cooked meat Tony used a carving knife to cut the roast meat in thin slices. 7.34 baking tray (n) \ beIkIN treI\ a at, shallow square tray used for baking things such as biscuits When she took the baking tray out of the oven, the house was lled with an amazing smell of chocolate chip biscuits.

7.35 bang (v, n) \bN\ (make) a sudden loud noise She was furious; she banged the door and locked herself in her room. 7.36 sag (v) \sg\ hang down loosely The shutters in the childrens room sagged so were having them xed today.

7 A Matter of Taste 7.37 brink (n) \brINk\ verge Martha has been through so much lately that shes on the brink of depression; Im really worried about her. 7.46 candlelit (adj) \ kndllIt\ lit by the light of candles He invited her to his house and offered a romantic candlelit dinner which he had prepared all by himself. 7.47 ideal (adj) \aI dIl\ perfect There is no such thing as an ideal job; there are always advantages and disadvantages. l ideally (adv) 7.48 attend (v) \ tend\ be present, turn up Many students are down with the u so not many of them attended todays classes. l attendance (n) 7.49 catering (n) \ keItrIN\ preparing food and drink for a large number of people Olga has always been a great cook so she has recently decided to go into the catering business. l cater (v)

Use of English

7.38 fortune (n) \ fOtSn\ luck, fate Peter doesnt believe in fortune tellers; he thinks they all trick you in order to get your money. l fortunate (adj), fortunately (adv) 7.39 occupy (v) \ kjUpaI\ invade, take over Germany occupied the biggest part of Europe during World War II. l occupation (n)


7.40 immigrant (n) \ ImIgrnt\ settler A boat carrying illegal immigrants arrived at the port yesterday. l immigrate (v) 7.41 prescription (n) \prI skrIpSn\ instructions for medicine given by the doctor I couldnt make out the doctors handwriting on the prescription but the pharmacist could. l prescribe (v) 7.42 saucepan (n) \ sOspn\ pan She put the tomato sauce in the saucepan together with a little oil and basil and let it boil. 7.43 raw (adj) \rO\ fresh, uncooked Some people can eat meat that is almost raw; I always want my steak well done. Opp.: cooked (adj) 7.44 avour (n) \ fleIv\ taste She had a milkshake with strawberry avour. l avoured (adj) 7.45 associate (v) \ sUsieIt\ connect, link Jazz music has always been associated with the Southern United States.



8 Out and About

Out and About

8.1 daring (adj) \ derIN\ brave, bold Im not as daring as you are; Id never try bungee jumping. No way! l dare (v), daringly (adv) stopover (n) \ stpUv\ short stay in a place before reaching your destination This ight to London is not direct; well make a stopover in Paris. jetlag (n) \ dZetlg\ a feeling of tiredness after travelling many hours by aeroplane, especially between places with a big time difference After ying for 10 hours from Athens to New York, Mike suffered from jet lag; it took him at least two days to recover. impressive (adj) \Im presIv\ exciting, moving The students had been rehearsing this play all year and their efforts paid off; their performance was really impressive. l impress (v), impressed (adj) Opp.: unimpressive (adj) self-catering (adj) \self keItrIN\ a self-catering place is a place where you have to make your own meals We booked a self-catering room in Samos which had a fridge, a cooker and anything else you might need to prepare food. resort (n) \rI zOt\ holiday\ tourist centre They go to a ski resort in Italy where they spend their Christmas holidays every year. head for (v) \ hed f, fO\ make for, go to As soon as she entered the house, she headed for her bed; she was exhausted.

Grammar clinic


bullght (n) \ bUlfaIt\ a form of entertainment involving a man ghting and killing a bull Bullghts are a traditional Spanish entertainment. l bullghter (n)

Vocabulary builder


holiday rep (n) \ hlIdeI rep\ a person whose job is to look after people on a package holiday The people complained to the holiday rep about the low standard of service at the hotel.

8.10 route (n) \rut\ way, direction The road to the village was blocked by a big rock that had fallen off the mountain. 8.11 customs (n) \ kstmz\ the place (airports, borders etc) where ofcials check things brought into a country Travellers in the countries of the European Community dont have to declare goods at customs anymore. 8.12 hand over (v) \hnd Uv\ pass sth to sb, give When his mother asked him to hand over her mobile phone, he gave it to her immediately. 8.13 guidebook (n) \ gaIdbUk\ a book that gives tourists information about a place Before going to Austria, she bought the Rough Guide guidebook to nd out where she should go and what places she should visit. 8.14 take sb ages to (phr) \teIk smbdi eIdZIz t\ take sb a lot of time to The new secretary is so slow; it took her ages to type one single letter. 8.15 pace (n) \peIs\ speed, rate Not all students in a classroom learn at the same pace but thats perfectly normal.







8 Out and About

Use of English
8.16 take time off work (phr) \teIk taIm f wk\ get permission not to go to work Stephen took some time off work because he was moving house.

8.24 attempt (v) \ tempt\ try Somebody attempted to murder the countrys Prime Minister this morning but fortunately he missed; the police are still after him. 8.25 desperate (adj) \ desprt\ daring, drastic She is so desperate to leave her present job that she would be willing to take up any kind of job. l desperately (adv)


8.17 reasonable (adj) \ riznbl\ sensible, logical At 15 per person, the prices at this restaurant are very reasonable. l reasonably (adv) Opp.: unreasonable (adj) 8.18 response (n) \rI spns\ answer, reaction Unfortunately, their response was negative; they hired somebody else for the post Joy had been interviewed for. l respond (v) 8.19 at ones convenience (phr) \t wnz kn vinins\ at a time which is most suitable for sb Id like to set an appointment with you at your earliest convenience.

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8.20 appoint (v) \ pOInt\ choose Lynn was appointed as manager of the companys marketing section.

8.21 rug (n) \rg\ small carpet The cat was lying peacefully on the rug in front of the replace. 8.22 shelter (v) \ Selt\ protect, cover Brian sheltered in a coffee shop for about half an hour until the rain stopped. l shelter (n) 8.23 district (n) \ dIstrIkt\ area The business district in Hamburg is called City Nord and is on the northern side of Aussen Alster Lake.



9 Lab Report

Lab Report
9.1 9.8 keep track of (phr) \kip trk v, v\ have the latest and most accurate information about sb/sth His family keep track of him although hes been abroad for years. Opp.: lose track of (phr) stock (n) \stk\ goods, merchandise This bookshop never runs out of notebooks; they always have them in stock. l stock (v) checkout (n) \ tSekaUt\ the counter at the shop where you pay for what you want to buy There was such a long queue at the checkout in the clothes shop that I decided to go back another day and get the top that I wanted. transmit (v) \trnz mIt\ pass on, transfer When you spoil a child, the message you are transmitting is that no is not an answer. l transmitter (n), transmission (n) grid (n) \grId\ a network of wires After the storm there was a breakdown in electric power grids. discovery (n) \dI skvri\ nding, exploration Radium was a very important discovery made by Marie Curie. l discover (v) carry out (phr v) \kri aUt\ perform, full, realise The soldiers carried out the generals orders right away. 9.9


9.10 go off (phr v) \gU f\ stop liking sth you used to like I used to like this caf but now Ive gone off it; Ive found a new hangout. 9.11 make off (phr v) \meIk f\ escape (after a crime) The robbers ran out of the bank and made off in a stolen car. 9.12 take off (phr v) \teIk f\ remove an item of clothing Ted thought it was too hot in the room so he took off his sweater. Opp.: put on (phr v) 9.13 put off (phr v) \pUt f\ delay sth until a later time They had to put off the meeting because the reports werent ready yet. 9.14 turn off (phr v) \tn f\ switch off Lana turned off the lights and went to bed. 9.15 call off (phr v) \kOl f\ cancel The ight to Zurich was called off due to very bad weather conditions.




Grammar clinic
9.6 link (n) \lINk\ connection It is said that there is a link between smoking and lung cancer. l link (v)

Vocabulary builder


invention (n) \In venSn\ when you create sth that has never been made before The wheel is considered to be mans rst and most important invention. l invent (v), inventor (n), inventive (adj)

9.16 criminal (adj) \ krImInl\ unlawful, illegal The man faces quite a few criminal charges stealing cars, mugging he will certainly do some time.



9 Lab Report 9.17 be good value for money (phr) \bi gUd vlju f mni\ sth is worth the money it costs She bought this coat 10 years ago; it was a bit expensive but as you see it still looks new; it was good value for money. 9.18 sew (v) \sU\ join pieces of cloth together using a needle and thread She was sewing the seam at the side of her skirt that had come apart when she pricked her nger with the needle. l sewing machine (n) 9.25 take over (phr v) \teIk Uv\ get control, become the one in charge When Julia was away with the u, another teacher took over her class at school. 9.26 generate (v) \ dZenreIt\ produce, create, give rise to Since Disneys time, new ideas and new animation techniques have been generated. l generation (n) 9.27 in the rst place (phr) \In D fst pleIs\ the beginning of a situation Lets take it from the beginning; why did you ask to see him in the rst place? 9.28 contain (v) \kn teIn\ include, consist of Be careful with these documents; they contain some very important information. 9.29 pure (adj) \pjU\ absolute It was pure chance that I met him at the cinema; we hadnt arranged it. l purity (n), purely (adv) 9.30 check out (phr v) \tSek aUt\ investigate Theres a new restaurant in town; lets go check it out tonight. 9.31 digital camera (n) \dIdZItl kmr\ Digital cameras may be a bit expensive but the quality of their picture is amazing. 9.32 run a program (phr) \rn prUgrm\ operate, function The computer crashes every time it tries to run this program; there might be a virus in the program. 9.33 shut down (phr v) \St daUn\ stop, switch off When you nish, remember to shut the computer down properly. 9.34 advance (v) \d vAns\ make progress Computer technology has advanced very rapidly in the last ten years. 9.35 cloning (n) \ klUnIN\ the process of creating an exact copy of an animal, plant or human Some people strongly disagree with the idea of cloning. l clone (v), (n) UNIT 9 29

Use of English

9.19 function (n) \ fNkSn\ purpose, role, task The main function of this committee is the collection of money for charity. l function (v), functional (adj) Opp.: dysfunctional (adj)


9.20 rely on (v) \rI laI n\ depend on Henry is relying on you to help him with Maths for the test tomorrow. 9.21 animation (n) \nI meISn\ cartoon Sleeping Beauty is one of my favourite animation lms; Ive watched it a million times! l animate (v), animated (adj) 9.22 set (n) \set\ scenery, setting When everybody had taken their places on the set, the director counted down and the lming began. 9.23 come to life (phr) \km t laIf\ become alive Thanks to Walt Disney and the development of animation technology, cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck have come to life. 9.24 unfold (v) \n fUld\ reveal, disclose In the beginning of the book you know very little about Jason but then, slowly, his true character unfolds.

9 Lab Report 9.36 genetics (n) \dZ netIks\ the study of genes Genetics has advanced so much nowadays that even the cloning of a person is possible. l gene (n), genetic (adj), genetically (adv), geneticist (n) 9.37 cure (n) \kjU\ remedy, treatment We all hope that some day the cures for cancer and AIDS will be found. l cure (v), curable (adj), incurable (adj) 9.38 move ahead (phr v) \muv hed\ advance Space technology is moving ahead day by day; soon space tourism will be possible for anybody.



10 Let Me Entertain You

Let Me Entertain You

10.1 brainless (adj) \ breInls\ stupid Dont talk to me as if I was brainless; I know exactly what Im talking about. l brain (n) 10.2 come up with (phr v) \km p wID, wIT\ think of We came up with the idea of throwing a surprise party for Tinas birthday. 10.3 hit (n) \hIt\ success This song has become the hit of the summer; its on the radio all the time. 10.4 stuff (n) \stf\ things, material Can I leave my stuff here for a minute? Ill be right back. 10.5 slightly (adv) \ slaItli\ a little Today its slightly colder than yesterday; take something warm with you when you go outside. l slight (adj) 10.6 hilarious (adj) \hI leris\ funny, humourous, entertaining The Mask with Jim Carey was hilarious; I couldnt stop laughing. l hilariously (adv) 10.7 series (n) \ sIriz\ a set of programmes Baywatch was an American series that was very popular and made Pamela Anderson known to the whole world. 10.8 cast (n) \kAst\ (group of) actors The Age of Innocence is a very good lm with a great cast including Daniel Day Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer and Winona Rider. 10.9 script (n) \skrIpt\ text, dialogue, lines Persona is a lm directed by Ingmar Bergman; the script is also his. l scriptwriter 10.10 audience (n) \ Odins\ spectators The audience applauded enthusiastically at the end of the performance; they had enjoyed it extremely. 10.11 leisure time (phr) \ leZ taIm\ free time He usually reads books or goes to the theatre in his leisure time. 10.12 exception (n) \Ik sepSn\ special case With the exception of Claudia, everybody came to the dinner party. l except (for) (prep), exceptional (adj), exceptionally (adv) 10.13 facilities (n) \f sIltiz\ buildings, equipment, services provided for a particular purpose A swimming pool and a small spa are also included in the hotels facilities.

Grammar clinic

10.14 award (n) \ wOd\ prize Julia Roberts won the Oscar award for Best Actress for her part in Erin Brockovich. l award (v)

Vocabulary builder

10.15 rehearsal (n) \rI hsl\ practice, preparation The two girls will start playing music at the club next month; for the time being, theyre having rehearsals in order to practice some more songs. l rehearse (v) 10.16 audition (n) \O dISn\ test for a part in a lm or play How did the audition go? Do you think you got the part? l audition (v) 10.17 play (n) \pleI\ drama, dramatic piece He didnt do well at the audition so he wasnt chosen for the part in the play.



10 Let Me Entertain You 10.18 critic (n) \ krItIk\ reviewer, analyst Critics seem to love Jude Laws latest lm. l criticism (n), critical (adj), criticise (v) 10.19 review (n) \rI vju\ commentary, evaluation The critics didnt like the new lm starring Johnny Depp and wrote bad lm reviews. l review (v) 10.20 stage (n) \steIdZ\ the area in a theatre where the action happens The moment the famous actress appeared on stage, the audience started to applaud. 10.21 act (v) \kt\ perform This young student acted very well in the school play; Im sure shell grow up to be an actress. l act (n), actor (n), actress (n) 10.22 get a joke (phr) \get dZUk\ understand a joke Everyone was laughing except for her; she hadnt got the joke. 10.23 nd a joke funny (phr) \faInd dZUk fni\ think that a joke is funny 10.24 tell a joke (phr) \tel dZUk\ say sth funny Tim told me a joke but I didnt nd it funny. 10.25 have fun (phr) \hv fn\ have a good time We had great fun at James party; everybody was in a good mood and we laughed a lot. 10.26 make fun of sb (phr) \meIk fn v smbdi\ laugh at sb, ridicule sb The teacher punished the two students who were making fun of Stuart because he had slipped and fallen down. 10.28 sizeable (adj) \ saIzbl\ fairly large The land that Jake inherited from his uncle is sizeable; hes thinking of building a small hotel there. l size (n) 10.29 decisive (adj) \dI saIsIv\ determined It never takes him long to make a decision; I wish I were like him; Im not decisive at all. l decide (v), decision (n), decisively (adv) Opp.: indecisive (adj) 10.30 juggle (v) \ dZgl\ throw and catch balls, a form of entertainment Go to Covent Garden and youll see people juggling. l juggler (n) 10.31 crowd (n) \kraUd\ big group of people, audience The crowd were extremely entertained by the man who was juggling lit torches. l crowded (adj)

10.32 be under pressure (phr) \bi nd preS\ be stressed Nick is under great pressure at work with all these deadlines he has to meet. 10.33 escape ones problems (phr) \IskeIp wnz prblmz\ avoid dealing with problems Even if you try to escape your problems, they wont go away; youll still have to face them at some point.

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Use of English
10.27 clap (v) \klp\ applaud to hit your hands together to show you like something The parents clapped when the little boy nished his poem at the school celebration. l clap (n) 32 UNIT 10

10.34 leading actress (n) \lidIN ktrs\ protagonist Emma Thompson is the leading actress in the lm Dead again. 10.35 option (n) \ pSn\ choice He had no option but to take the job he was offered; he had been unemployed for over a year.

10 Let Me Entertain You 10.36 specialise (v) \ speSlaIz\ know a lot about sth, be an expert Hes a lm critic and specialises in silent lms; he knows everything about that rst stage of cinema. l specialist (n)


10.37 participant (n) \pA tIsIpnt\ sb who takes part in an activity, game, etc The participants gathered all together to hear the rules of the game for one last time. l participate (v) 10.38 gradually (adv) \ grdZuli\ step by step She gradually got used to the new school; after a few months she was friends with everybody. 10.39 gossip (n) \ gsIp\ chat The two girls hadnt met for a while so as soon as they got together they had a good gossip. l gossip (v), gossipy (adj) 10.40 go off the air (phr) \gU f Di e\ stop being broadcast The show game wasnt successful so after a month it went off the air. 10.41 dim (v) \dIm\ darken, fade He dimmed the lights to create a more romantic atmosphere. 10.42 sexist (adj) \ seksIst\ believing that men and women should be treated differently I cant stand his sexist comments; how can anybody still think nowadays that men are superior to women? l sexist (n), sex (n), sexism (n) 10.43 racist (adj) \ reIsIst\ believing that different races are inferior He likes telling racist jokes about black people; the sad thing is that some people do laugh when they hear them. l race (n), racist (n), racism (n) 10.44 capture (v) \ kptS\ catch, arrest, take as prisoner The hunter captured a zebra and took it to the zoo.



11 The Learning Curve

The Learning Curve

11.1 learning curve (phr) \ lnIN kv\ the process of learning from ones mistakes Hes at a learning curve in his job at the moment; he was completely inexperienced when he started a month ago and hes made a lot of mistakes, of course, but hes learning very quickly. 11.8 compulsory (adj) \km plsri\ obligatory, imperative English is a compulsory subject at both primary and secondary school.

Vocabulary builder


11.2 legal (adj) \ ligl\ lawful The employee was red for no apparent reason; hes decided to take action so he wants some legal advice as he doesnt know what to do. l legally (adv) Opp.: illegal (adj) 11.3 bully (v) \ bUli\ push around, intimidate, terrorise The older students used to bully me when I was at school; they would take my bag and throw my books away or they would even hit and kick me. l bully (n) 11.4 t in with (phr v) \fIt In wID, wIT\ be part of a situation or a system He never managed to t in with the rest of the children at school; he was always very shy and kept to himself. 11.5 make an excuse (phr) \meIk n Ik skjus\ explain, apologise for He tried to make an excuse for coming home late but it was of no use; his parents were mad and grounded him for a week. 11.6 understanding (n) \nd stndIN\ perception, knowledge, insight When she explained the problem to her boss, he showed understanding and gave her two days off work. l understand (v), understanding (adj) 11.7 play truant (phr) \pleI trunt\ stay away from school without permission Its the second time that Paul has played truant; if his parents nd out, theyll punish him. 34 UNIT 11

11.9 suspend (v) \s spend\ forbid a student to come to school as punishment The teacher suspended them for two days because they got into a ght with each other. l suspension (n) 11.10 break up (phr v) \breIk p\ start a school holiday When do schools break up for summer? 11.11 prefect (n) \ prifekt\ a student with extra responsibilities She was always the best student in class thats why the teacher chose her to be the prefect. 11.12 expel (v) \Ik spel\ throw out He was expelled from school because he had missed a months lessons without any reason. 11.13 obey (v) \ beI\ carry out, follow The soldiers in an army have no choice but to obey the orders of their superiors. l obedient (adj) 11.14 run sb over (phr v) \rn smbdi Uv\ knock down, hit Our dog was run over by a truck yesterday; were all very sad. 11.15 get over (phr v) \get Uv\ recover from, get better She was down with the u for a few days but now she has got over it. 11.16 look sth over (phr v) \lUk smTIN Uv\ examine sth very carefully He looked over the contract at the meeting and signed it. 11.17 come over (phr v) \km Uv\ come to a place She came over after work to bring me the book that I had lent to her.

11 The Learning Curve 11.18 turn over (the page) (phr v) \tn Uv\ change to the next page The students turned over the page of the test paper and realised there were more questions that they had to answer. 11.19 pass over (a topic) (phr v) \pAs Uv\ choose not to talk about sth When they meet, they usually pass over Kathys divorce; she doesnt like to talk about it. 11.20 put sth over (phr v) \pUt smTIN Uv\ get sth across Hes a very good Maths teacher because he manages to put over to his students mathematical theories which are quite difcult. 11.21 have sth in ones mind (phr ) \hv smTIN In wnz maInd\ imagine sth a certain way I have this thing in my mind, that I quit my job and travel all around the world for as long as it takes. 11.22 have sth at the back of ones mind (phr) \hv smTIN t D bk v wnz maInd\ be aware of sth but not think about it a lot Learning German has always been at the back of my mind but it never seemed a good time to start, until now. 11.23 keep an open mind (phr) \kip n Upn maInd\ do not rush into making a decision or forming an opinion When you travel to a foreign country things may be different but you must try to keep an open mind about everything. 11.24 get sth out of ones mind (phr ) \get smTIN aUt v wnz maInd\ try to forget about sth If it upsets you so much, try to get it out of your mind; stop thinking about it.

Use of English
11.26 corporal punishment (phr) \kOprl pnISmnt\ punishing people by hitting them In the past, teachers used to exercise corporal punishment; if a student got noisy during the lesson, the teacher would hit him with a ruler. 11.27 settle down (phr v) \setl daUn\ become calm, concentrate on sth Ethan was quite restless as a teenager but now he has settled down and has become the best student in his class. 11.28 oppose (v) \ pUz\ be against They strongly opposed the idea of sending their children to private schools; state schools are just as good. l opposition (n) 11.29 vote (n) \vUt\ to make a choice between two issues or people Jenny would have become president of her class but for one vote; she got 12 votes while the boy who won got 13. l vote (v), voter (n)


11.30 onwards (adv) \ nwdz\ from then on She had her rst child at the age of 26 and from then onwards her life was never the same again. 11.31 senior high (AM) (n) \sini haI\ the last three years of high school 11.32 secondary school (BRIT) (n) \ sekndri\ a school children attend between 11 and 18 years old 11.33 sixth form(BRIT) (n)\ sIksT fOm\\ the last two years of secondary school 11.34 primary school (BRIT) (n) \ praImri skul\ a school children attend between 5 and 11 years old 11.35 elementary school (AM) (n) \elI mentri skul\ a primary school UNIT 11 35


11.25 caretaker (n) \ keteIk\ warden, keeper The lock of the school gate was broken so the students let the caretaker know; hell arrange for it to be xed.

11 The Learning Curve 11.36 junior high (AM) (n) \dZuni haI\ the rst three years of high school 11.37 high school (BRIT) (n) \ haI skul\ a secondary school 11.38 nursery school (n) \ nsri skul\\ a school for children before primary school 11.46 remarkable (adj) \rI mAkbl\ extraordinary, outstanding Alex has a remarkable memory; he remembers little things that happened years ago. 11.47 renowned (adj) \rI naUnd\ famous, well-known Maria Callas was a renowned opera singer; she was famous all around the world. l renown (n) 11.48 unique (adj) \ju nik\ unparalleled, incomparable This antique chair is unique; youll never nd anything anywhere as beautiful as this. l uniquely (adv), uniqueness (n) 11.49 united (adj) \ju naItId\ unied The workers at the factory were united and they all went on a strike asking for higher wages. l unit (n), unity (n) 11.50 inquire (v) \In kwaI\ ask, examine He inquired after Kates mother, who was in hospital. l inquiry (n) 11.51 inspire (v) \In spaI\ encourage, stimulate, excite The peaceful landscape inspired the painter who created one of his most beautiful paintings. l inspiration (n), inspiring (adj)

11.39 sth meets ones needs (phr) \smTIN mits wnz nidz\ sth satises you This monolingual English dictionary meets an advanced learners needs. 11.40 organic (adj) \O gnIk\ natural, biological She buys only organic fruit and vegetables, especially now that she has the baby. l organically (adv) 11.41 enrol (v) \In rUl\ ofcially join a school or a course Roberta decided to study Linguistics and enrolled at the University of Reading. l enrolment (n) 11.42 dedicated (adj) \ dedIkeItId\ devoted, committed, enthusiastic Cryssa is a dedicated follower of fashion; she buys all the latest designs. l dedicate (v), dedication (n) 11.43 carpenter (n) \ kApnt\ a person whose job it is to make things out of wood Johns grandfather was a carpenter; this bookcase is only one of the things he made in his life. l carpentry (n) 11.44 balance (v) \ blns\ stabilise, steady He doesnt go out often now because hes trying to balance his expenses and his income; lately he has been spending quite a lot of money. l balance (n) 11.45 alternative (n) \Ol tntIv\ choice, option We had to do as he said; there was no alternative. l alternative (adj)



12 Fighting Fit

Fighting Fit
12.1 keep t (phr) \kip fIt\ keep your body in good condition by working out She goes to the gym every day; thats how she manages to keep t. 12.9 at (adj) \flt\ even, leveled, smooth He mostly exercises his abdominals because he wants to get a at stomach. 12.10 drawback (n) \ drObk\ disadvantage There are advantages to working in the country but there are some drawbacks, too. Opp.: advantage 12.11 certicate (n) \s tIfIkt\ ofcial document, licence Now that she has her Prociency certicate in English, it will be easier to get a job. l certify (v) 12.12 vary (v) \ veri\ change, differ Although the type of lms they show at this cinema varies, its usually modern lms by independent directors. l variety (n), varied (adj)


12.2 get in shape (phr) \get In SeIp\ get t Over the last few months she has put on some weight; she has to nd a way to get back in shape. 12.3 membership fees (phr) \ membSIp fiz\ enrolment charges The membership fees at this tennis club are not high; you only pay 20 per month and you get to book a court as many times a week as you want. 12.4 fortune (n) \ fOtSn\ riches, property They spent a fortune to buy the house; it was really very expensive. 12.5 work out (phr v) \wk aUt\ exercise Working out even for just half an hour every day helps you keep in good shape. l workout (n) 12.6 trainer (n) \ treIn\ coach If you havent ever exercised, it would be better to follow the advice of a trainer, at least in the beginning, so as not to hurt your muscles. l train (v) 12.7 treatment (n) \ tritmnt\ care, therapy If you become a member at this gym, you get a beauty treatment for free once a month. l treat (v) 12.8 annual (adj) \ njul\ once a year The annual book exhibition opens next week. l annually (adv)

Grammar clinic

12.13 heart attack (phr) \ hAt tk\ The man was sitting at his desk, working, when suddenly he fainted and fell on the oor; he had had a heart attack. 12.14 clumsy (adj) \ klmzi\ awkward, uncoordinated This waitress is very clumsy; this is the third time she has dropped the tray. l clumsily (adv), clumsiness (n) 12.15 surgeon (n) \ sdZn\ a doctor trained to operate on people The surgeon came out of the operating room after 10 hours and told the patients relatives that the surgery had been very successful. l surgery (n)

Vocabulary builder

12.16 diagnosis (n) \daIg nUsIs\ examination, opinion According to the rst doctors diagnosis, his stomach pain was the result of a lot of stress. l diagnose (v)



12 Fighting Fit 12.17 allergy (n) \ ldZi\ sensitivity She is allergic to strawberries; if she eats strawberries, her face gets covered in red spots. l allergic (adj) 12.18 symptom (n) \ sImptm\ sign, warning Usually, the symptoms of u are weakness, temperature and pains in the bones. 12.19 GP (n) \dZi pi\ (short for) General Practitioner He had had a sore throat for quite a few days so he decided to go to a GP and have it checked. 12.20 injection (n) \In dZekSn\ the process of putting a drug into your body with a needle vaccination The patient has to be given an injection every eight hours. l inject (v) 12.21 make a fuss (phr) \meIk fs\ become angry Theyre ve minutes late; so what? Why are you making such a fuss? 12.22 nancial (adj) \faI nnSl\ economic Toms nancial situation isnt very good at the moment so hes looking for a second job. l nance (n) 12.26 effective (adj) \I fektIv\ efcient, useful The rst medication the doctor gave me wasnt very effective and the symptoms were still there so he had to change it. Opp.: ineffective (adj) 12.27 acupuncture (n) \ kjUpNktS\ using needles to help with pain or addiction She has tried a couple of alternative treatments for her migraines; at the moment, shes trying acupuncture. l acupuncturist (n) 12.28 stick (v) \stIk\ poke, pierce 12.29 needle (n) \ nidl\ I hate it when nurses give me injections and stick a needle in my esh.


12.30 charge for (v) \ tSAdZ f, fO\ ask for an amount of money to be paid for a service done How much do you charge your students for an hour of English? 12.31 resident (n) \ rezIdnt\ inhabitant The residents in this block of ats are very friendly; we have no problems whatsoever with our neighbours.

Use of English

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12.23 congratulate on (v) \kn grtSUleIt n\ compliment, wish joy to He congratulated them on their wedding and wished them all the happiness in the world. l congratulations (n) 12.24 succeed in (v) \sk sid In\ make it, be successful, thrive He made it! Ian succeeded in getting into University! Hes going to be an architect! l success (n), successful (adj), unsuccessful (adj) Opp.: fail (v) 12.25 alternative medicine (n) \ medsn\ cure, remedy from a non-conventional doctor Im using alternative medicine to cure my allergies. l medicinal (adj) 38 UNIT 12

12.32 be off (to somewhere) (phr) \bi f t, tU\ leave Alright, its late; Im off. See you all tomorrow. 12.33 overnight (adv) \Uv naIt\ all through the night, at some time during the night It was freezing cold last night and it snowed so much overnight that in the morning everything was covered in snow.


12.34 maintain (v) \meIn teIn\ preserve, sustain Over the years, he has maintained a couple of friendships from school. l maintenance (n)

12 Fighting Fit 12.35 restore (v) \rI stO\ x, mend The two countries are willing to try to restore peace between their nations. l restoration (n) 12.36 posture (n) \ pstS\ position Dont walk like that, bending forwards. Its not nice. You have to mind your posture and stand straight. 12.37 (put sb) at ease (phr) \t iz\ relax He took a month off to put his mind at ease; hes been through a lot lately. 12.38 contemporary (adj) \kn temprri\ modern Contemporary artists exhibit their works in The Museum of Modern Art. 12.39 pay sb a visit (phr) \peI smbdi vIzIt\ visit sb Why dont you pay us a visit some time this week? Wed be glad to see you. 12.40 glue (v) \glu\ stick The baby was glued to her mother and didnt want anybody else to hold her. l glue (n) 12.41 hectic (adj) \ hektIk\ busy, frantic The situation at the ofce today was hectic; we had meetings one after the other and the phones were ringing all the time. Absolutely crazy! 12.42 convenience food (n) \kn vinins fud\ frozen, dried or canned food that can be prepared very easily This is no healthy diet you have; you cant go on eating convenience food every day.



13 Art Attack

Art Attack
13.1 genius (n) \ dZinis\ master, expert, mastermind Although Einstein proved to be a genius, he was a bad student at school and teachers even thought he was stupid. 13.2 all it takes (phr) \Ol It teIks\ the only thing required Learning to drive a car is easy; not being afraid of it is all it takes. 13.3 medium (n) \ midim\ means, instrument Film and theatre is an artistic medium of communication. 13.4 sketch (v) \sketS\ draw The artist used coal to sketch her portrait and he did it in no time; it turned out very beautiful. l sketch (n) 13.5 miss out (phr) \mIs aUt\ fail to include She photocopied the whole book herself but she missed out a couple of pages; look, pages 34 and 78 arent here. 13.6 abstract (adj) \ bstrkt\ theoretical, general, indenite His paintings are quite abstract; the gures of the people in them arent clear at all. Opp.: concrete (adj), gurative (adj) 13.7 sth occurs to sb (phr) \smTIN kz t smbdi\ have an idea The author had had writers block for days when suddenly the idea for a new novel occurred to him. 13.8 rub out (phr) \rb aUt\ clean, wipe out Dont worry. If you make a mistake you can always rub it out and start again. 13.9 struggle (v) \ strgl\ try hard, strive Shes got three jobs; she works very hard and she struggles to make a living. l struggle (n) 40 UNIT 13 13.10 tempting (adj) \ temptIN\ attractive, inviting The dish looks tempting I have to admit, but Im on a diet so I wont try it. l tempt (v) 13.11 blob of paint (n) \blb v peInt\ drop\ lump\ mass of paint Modern art with paintings covered in blobs of paint of different colours is beyond my understanding; I like clear-cut gures and shapes. 13.12 spoil (v) \spOIl\ ruin, damage The sketch is beautiful like that, in black and white; I think that if you colour it, you will spoil it. 13.13 display (v) \dI spleI\ exhibit, show The students held an art exhibition at the school and displayed their works of art; they were all very beautiful. l display (n)

Grammar clinic

13.14 sculpture (n) \ sklptS\ a work of art made of stone, clay, marble, etc They decorated the square with a modern sculpture by a new artist; it depicts a mermaid. l sculpt (v), sculptor (n)

Vocabulary builder

13.15 easel (n) \ izl\ a wooden frame that holds a picture when it is being painted The artist wasnt inspired; he looked at the blank canvas on the easel but couldnt pick up the brush and start painting. 13.16 frame (n) \freIm\ the wood, metal or plastic tted around a picture As she was dusting the shelves, she knocked over the photo of her parents and the frame broke; she now has to buy a new one.

13 Art Attack


13.17 be short of time (phr) \bi SOt v taIm\ not have enough time Im short of time this week but well surely arrange to get together next week.

13.26 establish (v) \I stblIS\ found The young painter was very good and with his very rst exhibition established himself among the most promising artists of his generation. l establishment (n) 13.27 dimension (n) \daI menSn\ measurement In geometry you have to imagine the shape in space as having all three dimensions, length, height and width. l dimensional (adj)

Use of English

13.18 demolish (v) \dI mlIS\ pull down They demolished the old house and they are going to build a new block of ats in its place. 13.19 take sb for sb else (phr) \teIk smbdi f smbdi els\ think that sb is sb else Im really sorry; I took you for my friend; youve got exactly the same hairdo and from behind I thought you were her. 13.20 put up with (phr v) \pUt p wID, wIT\ tolerate I cant put up with her any more; shes always making my life difcult at work.


13.21 concrete (n) \ knkrit\ With no greenery at all in the city centre and with all these buildings made of concrete, Athens looks ugly. 13.22 grand (adj) \grnd\ large, impressive One can still see how grand the Coliseum was; people from all over the world still admire it. l grandeur (n) 13.23 scale (n) \skeIl\ size This map is on a scale of 1:10,000. 13.24 entire (adj) \In taI\ whole The teacher rejected the entire project saying that it was nothing like what he had asked. l entirely (adv), entirety (n) 13.25 concept (n) \ knsept\ abstract idea, notion Beauty as a concept is very abstract and subjective; what I think is beautiful, you may think is ugly. l conceive (v)



14 Game, Set and Match

Game, Set and Match

14.1 champion (n) \ tSmpin\ winner, title holder He trains hard and dreams of being an Olympic champion one day. l championship (n) 14.2 origin (n) \ rIdZIn\ root, start, birth His stomach pain is nothing physical; stress is its origin. l original (adj), originally (adv), originate (v) 14.3 all-round (adj) \Ol raUnd\ good at different sports, skills He always beats me at all board games we play; hes a great all-round player. 14.4 defeat (v) \dI fit\ beat Our basketball school team defeated the others at the tournament. l defeat (n) Opp.: lose to (v) 14.5 opponent (n) \ pUnnt\ competitor, contestant He tries to study his opponent and predict his moves; thats what makes him a great chess player. 14.6 pentathlon (n) \pen tTln\ a sports event in which an athlete competes in ve different sports: shooting, fencing, swimming, riding, running The pentathlon was an important part of the ancient Olympic games although the sports involved were different from those in the modern competition. 14.7 long jump (n) \ lN dZmp\ a sports event in which the athlete who jumps the farthest wins Olympic long jump champions are able to jump almost nine metres. 14.8 discus (n) \ dIsks\ a heavy round at dish-shaped object which athletes throw as part of a sports event; the name of the sports event in which a discus is thrown The worlds record for the mens discus is a throw of 74 metres. 14.9 javelin (n) \ dZvlIn\ a long spear-like object which athletes throw as part of a sports event; the name of the sports event in which a discus is thrown The worlds record for the womens javelin is a throw of almost 72 metres. 14.10 running race (n) \ rnIN reIs\ a sports event where athletes compete to see who can run the fastest One of the highlights of the 2004 Olympics was the marathon, a running race of 42.95 kilometres. 14.11 wrestling (n) \ reslIN\ a sport where one athlete tries to push and hold an opponent down The winner of the wrestling competition managed to gain points by quickly gaining control over his opponent. l wrestle (v) 14.12 ban (v) \bn\ prohibit, banish, exclude They suggested banning all imported American products as a way of protesting against the war. 14.13 shooting (n) \ SutIN\ a sport where a gun is red at a target I think shooting is a difcult part of the pentathlon. l shoot (v), shooter (n) 14.14 fencing (n) \ fensIN\ a sport where two athletes ght using long thin swords I enjoyed the fencing in the Zorro lms.



14 Game, Set and Match 14.15 heptathlon (n) \hep tTln\ a two-day sports event in which an athlete competes in seven different sports: the 60m race, the long jump, the shot put, the 60m hurdles, the pole vault and the 100m race Competing in the heptathlon takes a lot of training and different skills. 14.16 tough (adj) \tf\ strong, difcult One has to be tough to be good at wrestling since it is quite an aggressive sport. l toughen (v), toughness (n) 14.17 bronze (adj) \brnz\ a metal used to make many things, including the medal awarded to the athlete who nishes in third place in a sporting event My brother won a bronze medal in the local athletic competition. 14.18 shot put (n) \ St pUt\ a sports event where an athlete throws a heavy metal ball (called a shot) as far as he can The shot put is said to be based on an ancient Scottish game where people tried to throw heavy stones as far as they could. 14.19 hurdles (n) \ hdlz\ a type of race in which people must jump over a series of structures (also called hurdles) placed along the track Winning the hurdles requires skill as well as speed. 14.20 pole vault (phr) \ pUl vOlt\ a sports event in which an athlete uses a long pole to help him/her jump over a high bar In the pole vault, athletes have three chances to jump over the bar. 14.21 long race (phr) \lN reIs\ a running race which covers a distance of 1500 metres To be successful in the long race, an athlete must have a lot of determination and energy. 14.22 stamina (n) \ stmIn\ endurance, energy Athletes need more stamina to be good at the long race than they need for the running race. 14.23 tip (n) \tIp\ piece of advice Here are some useful tips regarding body care during the summer. 14.24 master (v) \ mAst\ learn very well After only a few months the young boy mastered the violin and he became an excellent violinist.

Grammar clinic

14.25 referee (n) \ref ri\ judge for games and sports such as football, basketball, wrestling, boxing, rugby Bekham was sent off for shouting at the referee. l referee (v)

Vocabulary builder

14.26 umpire (n) \ mpaI\ judge for games and sports such as tennis, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, baseball, cricket 14.27 trainers (n) \ treInz\ training shoes She needs to buy a new pair of trainers for jogging because the old pair has worn out. 14.28 turn into (phr v) \tn Int, IntU\ become When he got promoted he turned into such an arrogant, rude person that I didnt want to speak to him any more. 14.29 take after (phr v) \teIk Aft\ resemble Mike is very talented when it comes to playing the piano; he takes after his grandfather. 14.30 bring forward (phr v) \brIN fOwd\ put forward, arrange for sth to take place earlier They decided to bring the meeting forward because the manager has to leave on an urgent business trip. Opp.: put back 14.31 get away with (phr v) \get weI wID, wIT\ escape with Thieves got away with jewels worth 300,000.



14 Game, Set and Match 14.32 look into (phr v) \lUk Int, IntU\ investigate The bank robbers managed to get away with 3,000,000 in an expensive sports car; the police are looking into this case. 14.33 look after (phr v) \lUk Aft\ take care of A babysitter is looking after the baby while Anne is at work in the mornings. 14.42 stick (n) \stIk\ cane The old man grabbed a stick and started threatening the children who were making noise. 14.43 spikes (n) \spaIks\ a special kind of running shoes The spikes worn by the players saved them from slipping and falling during the match. 14.44 pitcher (n) \ pItS\ the person who throws the ball to the batter The pitcher threw the ball too low and the batter missed it. 14.45 bat (v) \bt\ hit with a bat The boy was practising batting the baseball together with his father. l batter (n) 14.46 rusty (adj) \ rsti\ corroded The iron legs of the old table in the garden are all rusty; we should either paint them or throw the table away. l rust (n) 14.47 in a row (phr) \In rU\ one after the other, without a break We went to the cinema three days in a row. 14.48 gladiator (n) \ gldieIt\ an ancient Roman ghter, who fought against wild animals or other gladiators in arenas in order to entertain the public Russel Crowe played a gladiator in the lm. 14.49 break out (phr v) \breIk aUt\ begin suddenly (for war, ght, disease) When did World War II break out? 14.50 puck (n) \pk\ a small rubber disc used instead of a ball in ice hockey The ice hockey player hit the puck and scored a point. 14.51 PE teacher (n) \pi i titS\ a teacher of physical education


14.34 infamous (adj) \ Infms\ notorious Some famous hip-hop singers are infamous for their racist attitude.

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14.35 track (n) \trk\ path, way The runners took their places on the athletics track and got ready for the running race. 14.36 cheer (v) \tSI\ encourage, applaud The crowd cheered as the runner came closer to the nishing line. 14.37 pitch (n) \pItS\ a eld on which football or other sports is played The injured player managed to walk off the pitch but was taken to hospital for a thorough examination. 14.38 optician (n) \p tISn\ a person who tests your eyes He went to the opticians and ordered a new pair of glasses. 14.39 victim (n) \ vIktIm\ casualty, sufferer The man had shot the victim twice.

14.40 sip (v) \sIp\ drink, taste The ladies were sipping their tea while the men were smoking in the other room. 14.41 ballpark (n) \ bOlpAk\ the park\ stadium where baseball is played



15 Up in Smoke

Up in Smoke
15.1 rainforest (n) \ reInfrst\ thick forest with tall trees in tropical areas with a lot of rain The Amazon rainforest is in danger due to logging; a lot of trees are being cut down every year. 15.2 campaign (n) \km peIn\ movement, crusade The politicians election campaign was very successful as he gained a lot of new voters. l campaign (v) 15.3 vital (adj) \ vaItl\ crucial, critical, essential His participation in the project is vital; we wont be successful without him. l vitally (adv), vitality (n) 15.4 clear (v) \klI\ remove everything, sweep away She asked the kids to clear the table after dinner and she washed the dishes. 15.5 cattle (n) \ ktl\ cows and bulls Look at these horses and the cattle grazing in the eld; they all belong to your granddad. 15.6 average (adj) \ vrIdZ\ usual, typical, normal How much does an average employee earn today? 15.7 global warming (phr) \glUbl wOmIN\ gradual rise of the earths temperature Global warming has caused great climatic changes all around the world. 15.8 gases (n) \ gsIz\ fumes The atmosphere is lled with poisonous gases due to the great number of cars. 15.9 greenhouse effect (phr) \ grinhaUs Ifekt\ The greenhouse effect is an extremely important environmental problem which needs every countrys attention. 15.10 species (n) \ spiSiz\ kind, breed The grey wolf used to be an endangered species but now it is only threatened. 15.11 become extinct (phr) \bIkm Ik stINkt\ be dead\ lost Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. 15.12 survival (n) \s vaIvl\ remaining alive, living on Some endangered wild animals struggle for survival; unless we help them, they will become extinct. l survive (v) 15.13 extract (v) \Ik strkt\ obtain, take out She knows how to extract the essence from the petals of the rose and make her own perfume. l extractor (n) 15.14 protest (v) \pr test\ object to, demonstrate Members of the WWF organisation are protesting in the city centre against the logging of the rainforests. l protest (n) 15.15 habitat (n) \ hbItt\ the home of an animal or plant Im against zoos; animals should be free to live in their natural habitats. 15.16 donation (n) \dU neISn\ contribution, gift The private school is supported by donations; in case they ever stopped, they would have no money to pay the teachers. l donate (v)

Vocabulary builder
15.17 green (adj) \grin\ ecological, environment-friendly This shop is green; it sells products of organic farming and any package is recyclable. 15.18 litter (n) \ lIt\ rubbish The pupils of the local school spent the day picking up the litter from the streets of the town.



15 Up in Smoke 15.19 endangered species (n) \IndeIndZd spiSiz\ species of animals facing extinction The polar bear is an endangered species. 15.20 bottle bank (phr) \ btl bNk\ a large container in which people throw empty glass bottles to be recycled In this neighbourhood theres a bottle bank every three blocks; therefore, recycling is very easy. 15.21 environmentally friendly (adj) \InvaIrnmentli frendli\ green The wrapping of this chocolate is fully biodegradable and therefore environmentally friendly. 15.22 nature lover (phr) \ neItS lv\ a person who cares about the environment and tries to protect it George is a true nature lover; he recycles everything in the house and commutes by bicycle. 15.23 acid rain (phr) \sId reIn\ harmful chemicals in the air which the rain carries down to the ground Another major environmental problem is acid rain which is extremely harmful. 15.24 litter bin (n) \ lIt bIn\ a small container for throwing in litter Why did you throw the paper on the street? The litter bin is right here, didnt you see it? 15.25 fruitful (adj) \ frutfl\ useful, effective The conversation we had was very fruitful and we both agreed on a certain course of action. l fruitfully (adv) 15.28 warning (n) \ wOnIN\ sign, alarm Take my words as a warning; next time you do something like this I will not try to explain anything. l warn (v) 15.29 pufn (n) \ pfIn\ A black and white bird with a brightly coloured beak I enjoyed seeing the pufns when I visited the zoo. 15.30 ensure (v) \In SO\ make sure Have them sign a contract to ensure that they will pay you the sum of money you have agreed.


15.31 be put off (phr v) \bi pUt f\ be discouraged I wanted to try sushi but I was put off when my friend explained to me that sushi is actually raw sh.


15.32 glacier (n) \ glsi\ a large mass of ice I have always wanted to walk along the glacier 15.33 ever-growing (adj) \ev grUIN\ becoming bigger and bigger all the time Their ever-growing distrust in each other led them to get a divorce. 15.34 overburdened (adj) \Uv bdnd\ having too much of sth so that you cannot function properly He is so overburdened with duties that Im afraid hes going to suffer a nervous breakdown. l burden (n) 15.35 decrease (v) \dI kris\ lessen, cut down They are trying to decrease the amount of water they use for their garden so they water their plants three times a week instead of ve. l decrease (n) Opp.: increase (v)

Use of English

15.26 council (n) \ kaUnsl\ board, committee The city council is raising money for the planting of more trees in the area. 15.27 take to the streets (phr v) \teIk t D strits\ protest in the streets People all around the world took to the streets trying to prevent the war in Iraq but it didnt make a difference.



15 Up in Smoke 15.36 take sth for granted (phr) \teIk smTIN f grAntId\ accept sth without thinking about it She took her mothers help with the children for granted; now that her mother cant help her any more, she doesnt know what to do. 15.37 plumbing system (phr) \ plmIN sIstm\ system of pipes used to bring water in and out of a place The plumbing system in the house was old and had to be replaced. 15.38 leak (n) \lik\ hole, drip, crack, opening The plumbing system in this block of ats is very bad; every now and then there is a leak in an apartment, it oods and they have to call the plumber. l leak (v) 15.39 irrigation (n) \IrI geISn\ when we supply plants with water to help them grow Thanks to an irrigation plan, the people in this part of the country can grow crops on their land. l irrigate (v) 15.40 conserve (v) \kn sv\ save, preserve WWF is an organisation that is interested in conserving wild animals. l conservation (n) 15.41 rinse (v) \rIns\ wash sth in order to remove soap from it Ellen washed the dishes and he rinsed them so they nished the washing up in half the time. 15.42 tank (n) \tNk\ large container for liquid or gas You cant drink this tap water; take water from the tank. 15.43 thrive (v) \TraIv\ prosper, develop, do well His business is thriving; hes making a lot of money. 15.44 tear down (phr v) \te daUn\ destroy, remove completely They tore the old building down and they are going to build a big shopping centre in its place. 15.45 deposit (n) \dI pzIt\ payment If you want to book the hotel rooms in advance, youll have to make a deposit of 50 at the bank. l deposit (v) 15.46 dispose of (v) \dI spUz v, v\ get rid of She disposed of all the old newspapers and magazines because they were taking up too much space. l disposal (n) 15.47 ne (v) \faIn\ punish The motorist was ned because he drove through a red light. l ne (n)



16 On the Run

On the Run
16.1 on the run (phr) \n D rn\ try to escape from the police or an enemy Bonnie and Clyde, the infamous couple who robbed banks, were constantly on the run until the day they were killed by policemen. 16.9 poverty (n) \ pvti\ hardship, need Most people in India live in absolute poverty. l poor (adj) Opp.: wealth (n) 16.10 suspicious (adj) \s spISs\ distrustful, doubtful, suspect The two men looked very suspicious; thats why the policemen asked to see their papers. l suspect (v) (n), suspicion (n), suspiciously (adv) 16.11 torch (n) \tOtS\ Remember to take the torch with you because it will be very dark by the time we come back. 16.12 boot (n) \but\ trunk They put all their luggage in the boot and set off on their journey. 16.13 ngerprints (n) \ fINgprInts\ The police found that the ngerprints on the door knob matched the ngerprints of the suspect. 16.14 plead (guilty/not guilty) (v) \plid gIlti, nt gIlti\ ofcially state that you are guilty or not The man pleaded guilty. Thats why the judge was not so strict with him. 16.15 trial (n) \ traIl\ hearing The lawyer has prepared himself very well for his clients trial tomorrow morning; he hopes the man will be found innocent. l try (v) 16.16 evidence (n) \ evIdns\ proof There was not enough evidence to prove the man guilty, so he was released. l evident (adj)


16.2 sympathy (n) \ sImpTi\ compassion, understanding I feel sympathy for her; shes going through a lot at the moment. l sympathise (v) 16.3 commit (a crime) (v) \kmIt kraIm\ do sth illegal He has committed serious crimes so he is going to spend the rest of his life in prison. 16.4 break the law (phr) \breIk D lO\ do sth illegal\ against the law When she stole the top from the clothes shop, she knew she was breaking the law. 16.5 serve a (six month) sentence (phr) \sv sentns\ do time in prison for a crime you have committed The man is serving a life sentence for the murder of two people. 16.6 innocent (adj) \ Insnt\ not guilty The man was tried and found innocent; now he is free. l innocence (n) Opp.: guilty (adj) 16.7 suburb (n) \ sbb\ an area in a city They live in the northern suburbs of the city; the houses are pretty expensive there. l suburban (adj), urban (adj) 16.8 rate (n) \reIt\ pace, degree The birth rate in Greece is very low; most families have only one child or none at all.



16 On the Run 16.17 jury (n) \ dZUri\ the group of people at court who decide whether the accused is guilty or not Our neighbour has been chosen to be a member of the jury that will try a man accused of stealing a lot of money from his company. l juror (n) 16.18 verdict (n) \ vdIkt\ decision, judgment When the man heard the verdict, he started crying from joy; the jury had found him not guilty. 16.19 offence (n) \ fens\ crime In the USA selling alcohol to young people under 16 years of age is a criminal offence. l offend (v) 16.20 sentence (v) \ sentns\ condemn, penalize He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the crimes he had committed. 16.25 community service (phr) \kmjunti svIs\ unpaid work that criminals do as punishment He was sentenced to 300 hours community service. 16.26 suspended sentence (phr) \sspendId sentns\ prison sentence that you have to serve only if you commit another crime within a certain period of time The woman was given a year suspended sentence. 16.27 charge sb with (v) \ tSAdZ smbdi wID, wIT\ accuse sb of The young men that were arrested by the police this morning were charged with bank robbery. 16.28 suspect sb of sth (v) \s spekt smbdi v smTIN\ distrust, doubt The police had long suspected him of robbing the bank so when they found the money in his at, they arrested him immediately. 16.29 get away with (phr v) \get weI wID, wIT\ not suffer any punishment or the consequences for sth wrong that you have done I dont know how he got away with cheating in the Maths test; the teacher never saw him copying the answers from the book. 16.30 let off (phr v) \let f\ excuse, forgive The trafc warden let the woman off even though she had driven through a red light.

Vocabulary builder

16.21 shoplifting (n) \ SplIftIN\ stealing from a shop The girl was arrested on the charge of shoplifting. l shoplift (v), shoplifter (n) 16.22 assault (n) \ sOlt\ attack The man was accused of assault because he had threatened the old lady with a knife. l assault (v) 16.23 blackmail (n) \ blkmeIl\ threat She thought of using the photographs for blackmail in case she refused to give her the money she wanted. l blackmail (v) 16.24 arson (n) \ Asn\ the crime of setting re He was accused of arson and found guilty as charged. l arsonist (n)


16.31 remote (adj) \rI mUt\ distant There are no hospitals in the remote areas of the country; one has to live in a big city if they want to feel safe. l remotely (adv) 16.32 crime prevention (n) \kraIm prI venSn\ taking measures in order to avoid crimes being committed The politician pointed out the need for more measures towards crime prevention.



16 On the Run

Use of English

16.33 deliberately (adv) \dI lIbrtli\ on purpose Dont make such a big fuss about it! I didnt deliberately spill the milk on your dress! And I said I was sorry! l deliberate (adj)

16.41 rescue team (n) \ reskju tim\ a group of specially trained people that save others who are in danger The man was saved from the ruins of the building after the earthquake by the rescue team.



16.34 police force (n) \p lis fOs\ the police organisation in an area The police force in the city is in need of more policemen; the men are too few to cover such a big area. 16.35 trainee (n) \treI ni\ low level employee who is being trained for the job Theres an opening in the company for a sales trainee; are you interested? l train (v) 16.36 temper (n) \ temp\ self-control When she gets angry, she loses her temper and cant have a logical discussion. 16.37 police record (n) \plis rekOd\ police documents that prove that you have been arrested in the past for some offence Tom has a police record; when he was a teenager, he was arrested for stealing a motorbike. 16.38 state (v) \steIt\ say, declare The witness was asked by the judge to state her name, address and profession. l statement (n)

16.42 juvenile (adj) \ dZuvnaIl\ young, immature Juvenile crime is constantly increasing; a big number of young people are arrested every day for mugging and stealing cars. l juvenile (n) 16.43 detention (n) \dI tenSn\ imprisonment, connement The police held him in detention until the next morning. l detain (v) 16.44 precise (adj) \prI saIs\ exact Their new house is somewhere in Spata but I dont know the precise location. l precisely (adv) Opp.: imprecise (adj) 16.45 be caught red-handed (exp) \bI kOt red hndId\ be caught in the act of doing sth wrong The boy opened the fridge and took a cherry off his birthday cake but he was caught redhanded. 16.46 habitual (adj) \h bItSul\ usual, regular Shes a habitual moviegoer; she goes to the cinema at least three times a week. l habit (n), habitually (adv) 16.47 multinational (adj) \mlti nSnl\ Fred works for a multinational company. 16.48 boast (v) \bUst\ brag He is a very good basketball player but I cant stand the fact that he boasts about it. 16.49 burst into (phr v) \bst Int, IntU\ enter a place with great force She burst into the room and told us that she was getting married.

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16.39 ngermark (n) \ fINgmAk\ the mark a dirty nger leaves on a surface Susan saw the ngermarks on the door and realised that her son had been eating chocolate again. 16.40 faultless (adj) \ fOltls\ correct, perfect Her acting is always faultless; thats why shes the critics favourite.



16 On the Run 16.50 alley (n) \ li\ backstreet The policemen were following the two men who turned into a dark alley and disappeared. 16.51 submit (v) \sb mIt\ present He submitted his application form last week but he hasnt heard from them yet. l submission (n)



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