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Prehistoric Early civilizations developed, often independently, in scattered locations around the globe.

The architecture was often a mixture of styles in timber cut from local forests, and stone hewn from local rocks. Most of the timber has gone, although the earthworks remain. Impressive, massive stone structures have survived. eolithic !","""#$""" %& Ancient Americas Mesoamerican Talud#tablero Maya 'uuc (ztec Mediterranean and Middle-East Civilizations 'hoenician $"""#)"" %& (ncient Egyptian $""" %& # $*$ (+ Minoan $""",- %& .&rete/ 0nossos .&rete/ Mycenaean !1""#!!"" %& .2reece/ Ancient Near East and Mesopotamia 3umerian )$""#4""" %&

South Asia Indian %engalese 0arnataka Indian rock#cut architecture Ancient India Mauryan $4!#!5) %& .(ll India/ Historic temple styles %uddhist Temple !st c. (+ 6indu Temple in $ styles # agara 3tyle +ravida 3tyle 1!"#, 7esara 3tyle .a combination of agara and +ravida/

Dravidian and Vesara temple styles %adami &halukya aka 8&entral Indian temple style8 or 8+eccan architecture8 9)"#*"" :ashtrakuta *)"#;5$ .&entral and 3outh India/ <estern &halukya aka 2adag !")"#!4"" .0arnataka/ 6oysala ;""#!$"" .0arnataka/ 7i=ayanagara !$$1#!)1) .3outh India/

Classical Anti uity The architecture of (ncient 2reece and (ncient :ome, derived from the ancient Mediterranean civilisations such as at 0nossos on &rete. They developed highly refined systems for proportions and style, using mathematics and geometry. &lassical 1"" %& # $4$ (+ (ncient 2reek **1#41) %& :oman *)$ %& > 11$ (+ 6erodian $*#9 %& .?udea/ Early &hristian !""#)"" %yzantine )4* .3ofia/ # !)4" !he Dar" A#es The European 8+ark (ges8 are generally taken to run from the end of the :oman Empire around 9"" (+ to around !""" (+. :elatively little is known of this period, but &hristianity .spread by the :omans/ was already making a significant impact on European culture, and the :omans left a technological and social legacy. $estern Europe (nglo#3axon 9)"s#!"11 .England, <ales/ 're#:omanes@ue c.*""#!""" .<estern Europe/ Merovingian )th c. # 5th c. .Arance, 2ermany/ (sturian *!!#;!" . orth 3pain, orth 'ortugal/ &arolingian *5"s#;th c. .Arance, 2ermany/ Bttonian ;)"s#!")"s .2ermany/ :epoblaciCn 55"s#!!th c. .3pain/ Medieval Europe The dominance of the &hurch over everyday life was expressed in grand spiritual designs which emphasized piety and sobriety. The :omanes@ue style was simple and austere. The 2othic style heightened the effect with heavenly spires, pointed arches and religious carvings.D$E Medieval

%yzantine architecture #!)4" .see above/ 0ievan :usF architecture ;55#!4$* %omanes ue 're#:omanes@ue .see above/ Airst :omanes@ue !"""#, .Arance, Italy, 3pain/ .including 8Gombard :omanes@ue8 in Italy/ :omanes@ue !"""#!$"" orman !"*9#!4)" . ormandy, H0, Ireland, Italy, Malta/ &istercian monasteries mid#!4th c. .Europe/ Associated styles Timber frame styles .H0, Arance, 2ermany, 6olland/ Tarnovo (rtistic 3chool !$th#!9th century .%ulgaria/ (rchitecture of the &alifornia missions !*1;#!54$ .&alifornia, H3(/

!he %enaissance and its successors !94)#!11"-. The :enaissance began in Italy and spread through Europe, rebelling against the all#powerful &hurch, by placing Man at the centre of his world instead of 2od.D9E The 2othic spires and pointed arches were replaced by classical domes and rounded arches, with comfortable spaces and entertaining details, in a celebration of humanity. The %aro@ue style was a florid development of this 4"" years later, largely by the &atholic &hurch to restate its religious values. :enaissance c.!94)#!1"" .<estern Europe, (merican colonies/ Arench :enaissance 'ortuguese :enaissance Eastern European :enaissance 'olish :enaissance 'alladian !)!1#!)5" .7enezia, ItalyI revived in H0/ Mannerism !)4"#!1"" 'olish Mannerism !))"#!1)" Eastern Brthodox &hurch !9"",- .Eastern Europe/ &nited 'in#dom Tudor !95)>!1"$ Elizabethan !95"#!14", ?acobean !)5"#!11" Spain 3panish :enaissance 6errerian !))"#!1)" .3pain J colonies/ 'lateres@ue continued from 3panish 2othic #!)1" .3pain J colonies, Gow &ountries/ Colonial 3panish &olonial !)4"s>c.!54"s . ew <orld, East Indies, other colonies/

+utch &olonial !1!)#!1*9 .Treaty of <estminster/ . ew England/ &hilotan !1""- .&hiloK and southern &hile/ Neoclassicism !*4"#!5$* and on. ( time often depicted as a rural idyll by the great painters, but in fact was a hive of early industrial activity, with small kilns and workshops springing up wherever materials could be mined or manufactured. (fter the :enaissance, neoclassical forms were developed and refined into new styles for public buildings and the gentry. Neoclassical eoclassical c.!*!)#!54" %eaux#(rts !1*"- .Arance/ and !55" .H3(/ 2eorgian !*4"#!59"s .H0, H3(/ ?amaican 2eorgian architecture c.!*)" # c.!5)" .?amaica/ (merican &olonial !*4"#!*5"s .H3(/ 'ombaline style !*))#c.!51" .earth@uake in 'ortugal/ (dam style !*1"#!*;) .England, 3cotland, :ussia, H3(/ Aederal !*5"#!5$" .H3(/ Empire !5"9#!5$", revival !5*" .Europe, H3(/ :egency !5!!#!5$" .H0/ 'alazzo 3tyle !5!9#!;$", .Europe, (ustralia, H3(/ eo#palladian ?effersonian !*;"s#!5$"s .7irginia in H3(/ (merican Empire !5!" 2reek :evival architecture :undbogenstil !5$)#!;"" .2ermany/ eo#2rec !59)>1) .H0, H3(, Arance/ ordic &lassicism !;!"#$" . orway/ 'olish eoclassicism .'oland/ %evivalism and (rientalism

!;th# early 4"th century. The 7ictorian Era was a time of giant leaps forward in technology and s as iron bridges, a@ueducts, sewer systems, roads, canals, trains and factories. (s engineers, inv businessmen they reshaped much of the %ritish Empire, including the H0, India, (ustralia, 3outh &anada, and influenced Europe and the H3(. (rchitecturally, they were revivalists who modified suit new purposes. :evival architecture 7ictorian !5$*#!;"! .H0/ 3ee also 3an Arancisco architecture Edwardian !;"!#!;!" .H0/ %evivals started )e*ore the Victorian Era 2othic :evival !*9"s- .H0, H3(, Europe/ 3cots %aronial .H0/ Italianate !5"4#!5;" .H0, Europe, H3(/ Egyptian :evival !5";>!54"s, !59"s, !;4"s .Europe, H3(/

%iedermeier !5!)>!595 .&entral Europe/ :ussian :evival !541#!;!* .:ussian Empire, 2ermany, Middle (sia/ :usso#%yzantine style !51!#!;!* .:ussia, Eastern Europe, %alkans/ :ussian neoclassical revival !;""#!;4" .:ussian Empire, Eastern Europe/ Victorian revivals :enaissance :evival !59">;" .H0/ Timber frame revivals in various styles .Europe/ %lack#and#white :evival !5!!- .H0 especially &hester/ ?acobethan !5$">*" .H0/ Tudorbethan aka Mock Tudor !5$)>!55)- .H0/ %aro@ue :evival aka eo#%aro@ue !59",# %ristol %yzantine !5)"#!55" Edwardian %aro@ue !;"!#!;44 .H0 J %ritish Empire/ 3econd Empire !5))>!55" .Arance, H0, H3(, &anada, (ustralia/ apoleon III style !5)4#!5*" .'aris, Arance/ Lueen (nne 3tyle !5*">!;!"s .H0, H3(/ (rientalism Brientalism eo#MudK=ar !55"s#!;4"s .3pain, 'ortugal, %osnia, &alifornia/ Moorish :evival .H3(, Europe/ Egyptian :evival !;4"s .Europe, H3(I see above/ Mayan :evival !;4"#!;$"s .H3(/

%ural styles 3wiss chalet style !59"s#!;4"s- .3candinavia, 2ermany, later global/ (dirondack !5)"s . ew Mork, H3(/ ational 'ark 3ervice :ustic aka 'arkitecture !;"$- .H3(/ %eactions to the Industrial %evolution

!55"#!;9". (s a reaction to the dirty towns, urbanisation and mechanisation, movements appear a return to wholesome living, craftsmanship and a connection with nature. 3ome of this was man taste for exotic cultures and spirituality. Arts and Cra*ts in Europe (rts and &rafts !55">!;!" .H0/ (rt ouveau aka ?ugendstil !55)>!;!" Modernisme !555#!;!! .&atalonian (rt ouveau/ 2lasgow 3tyle !5;"#!;!" .2lasgow, 3cotland/ 7ienna 3ecession !5;*#!;") .(ustrian (rt ouveau/ ational :omantic style !;""#!;4$, . orway/ Modernism

!55"-. The Industrial :evolution had brought steel, plate glass, and mass#produced components

enabled a brave new world of bold structural frames, with clean lines and plain or shiny surfaces. stages, a popular motto was 8decoration is a crime8. In Eastern Europe the &ommunists re=ected decadent ways, and modernism developed in a markedly more bureaucratic, sombre and monum &hicago 3chool !55"#!5;", !;9"s#!;1"s .H3(/ Aunctionalism c.!;""#!;$"s .Europe, H3(/ Auturism !;"; .Europe/ Expressionism !;!">c.!;49 (msterdam 3chool !;!4>!;49 . etherlands/ Brganic architecture ew Bb=ectivity aka :ationalism !;4"#!;$; .2ermany, 6olland, %udapest/ %auhaus !;!;#!;$"- .2ermany, orthern Europe/ +e 3ti=l !;4"s .6olland, Europe/ Moderne !;4)- .H3(, global/ (rt +eco !;4)>!;9"s .global/ Gist of (rt +eco architecture 3treamline Moderne !;$">!;$* Modernism !;4*>!;1"s International 3tyle !;$"- .Europe, H3(/ Hsonian !;$1>!;9"s .H3(/ Modernism under communism &onstructivism !;4)>!;$4 .H33:/ 'ostconstructivism !;$4>!;9! .H33:/ Ne+ !radition Aascist architecture azi !;$$#!;99 .2ermany/ 3talinist !;$$>!;)) .H33:/ Post-Modernism and the ,-st century 'ost#Modernism !;9)- .H3(, H0/ 3hed 3tyle (rcology !;*"s- .Europe/ +econstructivism !;54- .Europe, H3(, Aar East/ &ritical regionalism !;5$ Memphis 2roup !;5!#!;55 .H3(/ %lobitecture 4""$ Interactive architecture 4""" 3ustainable architecture 4""" Earthship !;5"- .3tarted in H3(, now global/ 2reen building 4""" atural building 4"""Aortified styles :ingfort 5"" %& # 9"" (+ 3tar fort !)$"#!5"",

'olygonal fort !5)",# DeditE 7ernacular styles This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. 7ernacular architecture .eneric methods

atural building Ice # Igloo, Luinzhee Earth # &ob house, 3od house, (dobe, Mudbrick house, :ammed earth Timber # Gog cabin, Gog house, &arpenter 2othic, :oundhouse, 3tilt house omadic structures # Maranga, %ender tent Temporary structures # Luonset hut, issen hut, 'refabricated home Hnderground # Hnderground living, :ock cut architecture, Monolithic church, 'it#house Modern low#energy systems # 3traw#bale construction, Earthbag construction, :ice#hull bagwa construction, Earthship, Earth house 7arious styles # Gonghouse European

European (rctic . orth orway and 3weden, Ainland, orth :ussia/ # 3ami Gavvu, 3ami 2oah orthwest Europe . orway, 3weden, Aresia, ?utland, +enmark, orth 'oland, H0, Iceland/ # architecture, 6eathen hofs, 7iking ring fortress, 3tave church, 'ost church, 'alisade chur 3outerrain, 2rubenhaus .aka 2rubhouse, 2rubhut/ Eastern Europe # %urdei, Nemlyanka %ulgaria # :ock#hewn &hurches of Ivanovo Estonia 2ermany # 3wiss chalet style, 2ulf house .aka East Arisian house/, 2eestharden house .aka & house, 3chleswig house/, 6aubarg, Gow 2erman house .aka Gow 3axon house/, Middle house, 3tOnderhaus, Hthland#Arisian house 6olland # Arisian farmhouse, Bld Arisian longhouse, %ildts farmhouse Iceland # Icelandic turf houses Italy # Trullo Githuania # 'olish#Githunian wooden synagogues orway 'oland # Nakopane, 'olish#Githunian wooden synagogues, <ooden &hurches of 3outhern Ges :omania # The &arpathians, <ooden &hurches of MaramureP, &hirpici 3cotland # Medieval turf building in &ronberry, %lack house 3lovakia # <ooden &hurches of the 3lovak &arpathians 3pain # (sturian Teito, (sturian 6Crreo, 2allician 'alloza Hkraine # <ooden churches Hnited 0ingdom # +artmoor longhouse, eolithic long house, 'alisade church, 'ost#war prefab 3cotland # %roch, (tlantic roundhouse, &rannog, +un,

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