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Servo, Hydraulic - Sizing

For reference purposes, a servo is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Basic Servo Showing Flow Geometry and Parameters

Sizing of servos for flow is similar to orifice sizing. The difference between orifices and servos is
the servo has a variable flow area controlled by a secondary input parameter (spool position).
There will also be some variation in the particular geometry or design of a given servo. The
governing equation is given by equation (1). For selection of αd, see Servo, Hydraulic –

(v )
Q = Q x , ∆p = α A x
d ( )2 ρ
p −p
1 2

If a servo is not designed to control flow rate, then the servo flow area should be designed such
that another component will effectively control flow (which implies the servo flow area will be
larger than the other component, such as an orifice).
For a 2 position (open/closed) servo where the servo is controlling flow or pressure drop, sizing
parallels orifice sizing and the 4 options listed under orifice sizing would be directly applicable
(see Orifice Flow, Hydraulic – Sizing).
Variable position servos will have a flow area that varies between minimum and maximum flow
areas. In this case, the maximum flow area is sized for the maximum flow rate condition. The
minimum flow rate will usually be zero (or perhaps not quite zero to allow for some leakage flow).
With these two boundary conditions, intermediate flows can be evaluated based on the applicable
design criteria. Intermediate flows will be a function of the port shape, for a constant ∆p across
the servo. Hence the main design parameter to tailor intermediate flows is the port geometry
(rectangular or circular or other shape). This relationship can be linear or nonlinear, as may be
required in a certain application.
Other factors that affect servo design is the relationship between the input parameter
(proportional solenoid, mechanical input, etc.) and positioning of the servo. Two position
(open/close) servos are the easiest to analyze from a system perspective. In other applications,
system affects must be carefully analyzed. System interactions and compatibility (command
forces, friction, reset forces, stability, stiffness, voltage ranges, etc.) must be analyzed if they are
critical to the application under interest. Sections on system design (see System Design –
Hydraulic) and closed loop position control (see Position Control System – Hydraulic) should be
reviewed to see what portions are applicable to the application under interest.

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