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(A University of Law Establis e! by A"t No# $ of %&&' of N(T of Del i) Se"tor*$+, Dwar-a, New Del i*.' AD/ISSION ANNOUN(E/ENT0 %&$+*$1 LAST DATE 2OR RE(EI3T O2 A33LI(ATIONS DATE 2OR ALL INDIA LAW ENTRAN(E TEST(AILET) 0 A3RIL ., %&$+ 0 /AY +, %&$+

The NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI established in 2008 by A t N!" # !$ 2008 is %&e'ie& La( Uni)e&sity established in the a%ital ity !$ India" The Uni)e&sity in)ites a%%li ati!ns $!& ad'issi!n t! 4#A#,LL#4#(Hons#), LL#/" and 3 #D# 3ro5ra66es $!& the a ade'i yea& 20#*+#, !''en in- $&!', 20#*" Eli-ibility, t!tal seats / !the& details $!& these %&!-&a''es a&e as .nde&0 4#A#, LL#4# (Hons#)* 2ive Years 3ro5ra66e Eli5ibility0 Seni!& Se !nda&y S h!!l E;a'inati!n 3#0<2 Syste'4 !& E8.i)alent E;a'inati!n (ith ,0= !$ 'a&>s" The andidates a%%ea&in- in the #2th standa&d e;a'inati!n in ?a& h2A%&il, 20#* an als! a%%ly" Age0 @el!( 2# yea&s as !n #, 20#* 321 yea&s in ase !$ S62ST andidates4" Total Seats0 80 B:0 seats !n 'e&it th&!.-h All India La( Ent&an e Test 3AILET4 and #0 seats $!& di&e t ad'issi!n t! 9!&ei-n Nati!nals !n 'e&itC" 9!&ei-n Nati!nals t! be eli-ible sh!.ld ha)e D,= 'a&>s in the 8.ali$yin- e;a'inati!n" Reservation0 #,= $!& S6, :",= $!& ST and 1= $!& 7e&s!ns (ith Disabilities" Note0 One additi!nal seat $!& Eash'i&i ?i-&ants" The andidates ha)e t! a%%ea& in the AILET and $.l$ill the eli-ibility &ite&ia as a%%li able" LL#/# (One year) Eli5ibility0 LL"@" !& an E8.i)alent De-&ee (ith ,,= 'a&>s 3,0= in ase !$ S62ST2 7e&s!ns (ith Disability4" The andidates a%%ea&in- in $inal LL"@" e;a'inati!n in A%&il2?ay, 20#* an als! a%%ly" Total Seats0 20 < , seats $!& 9!&ei-n Nati!nals" 9!&ei-n Nati!nals a&e e;e'%ted $&!' AILET" Reservation0 #,= $!& S6 6andidates, :",= $!& ST 6andidates, 1= $!& 7e&s!ns (ith Disabilities" 3 #D# Eli5ibility0 LL"?" De-&ee (ith ,,= 'a&>s !& its e8.i)alent 3,0= in ase !$ S62ST2 7e&s!ns (ith Disability4" 9!& detailed eli-ibility !nditi!ns )isit Uni)e&sity (ebsite ((("nl.delhi"a "in Ad'issi!n t! 4#A#, LL#4# (Hons#), LL#/" and 3 #D# 3ro5ra66es (ill be th&!.-h AILET t! be !nd. ted at A 6e!aba!, 4an5alore, 4 o7al, ( an!i5ar , ( ennai, (o" in, Del i, 89wa ati, Hy!eraba!, :ai79r, :a669, ;ol-ata, L9"-now, /96bai, Tir9" ira77alli an! 3atna on /ay +, %&$+(S9n!ay)# Inte&ested andidates 'ay a%%ly al!n- (ith a De'and D&a$t !$ Rs"1,0002+ 3R.%ees Th&ee Th!.sand Only4 $!& 5ene&al 6andidates, Rs"#,0002+ 3R.%ees One th!.sand !nly4 in ase !$ S62ST and 7e&s!ns (ith Disability 37D4 d&a(n in $a)!.& !$ <RE8ISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI= , %ayable at Delhi al!n- (ith !%ies !$ &e8.isite 6aste27e&s!n (ith Disability 6e&ti$i ate" 4elow 3overty Line (43L) a77li"ants of S(>ST "ate5ory are e?e67te! fro6 a77li"ation fee " 9!& $.&the& details &elatin- t! A%%li ati!n 9!&', Eli-ibility 6&ite&ia, 7atte&n !$ Ent&an e Test et " )isit Uni)e&sity (ebsite0 htt%022((("nl.delhi"a "in" The st.dents an als! a%%ly !nline $!& ad'issi!n th&!.-h0 htt%022nl.delhi"ad'issi!nhel%" !', htt%022((("nl.delhi"a "in .% t! A%&il :, 20#*" O$$line A%%li ati!ns !'%lete in all &es%e ts '.st be sent in 7e&s!n !& by S%eed 7!st, t! the RE8ISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI, Se"tor * $+, Dwar-a, New Del i * $$&&.', !n !& be$!&e A7ril ., %&$+# A77li"ations re"eive! after t e last !ate s all not be entertaine! " The Uni)e&sity (ill n!t be &es%!nsible $!& any %!stal2 !.&ie& delay"


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