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Angela Part1 You made a good start with a proper answer I like to live in Oliva because there is a beach

and we have a mountain too. You seem quite confident, and then you continued with another answer that from my point of view should be avoided I dont have a favourite kind of food, I like chocolate, I like the spaghetti ... Its not a bad answer at all, but I think you could have said something more positive. Then you also gave a good answer to the question Tell us about the best holiday youve ever had you said the last year, however you made good use of the past tense and said liked and pronounced it properly. I liked the place because (it) is very beautiful and there are a lot of mountains this is a good answer, as well, but I would have used another adjective instead of beautiful(wonderful, marvellous...) mainly because beautiful its an easy word if you have said youd have impressed more. You also answered properly the last question the perfect job for me its what Im doing now, Im (a) veterinarian Be careful with pronunciation of animals. 1.75 in this part out of 2.5 Part 2 You hesitated a little at first; take more time to think if you need it before starting with the photos. In the first one I can see a family who are watching a documentary good structure and good word (documentary, many said documental you got the right word, good for you) they look very happy to be together the same as before, good sentence and good explanation. and in the other one its a good sentence, but I feel you should have said while/whereas in the other one but it is OK as well. Try not to say I see say I can see instead, if you say I see it means sth. You do on a regular basis (present simple). I can see two girls, maybe (they) are friends, or maybe (they) are the (a) mother and the (a) daughter and they are looking (watching, seeing)a cooking programme I would prefer to see the documentary because I dont like the cookery programmes Your contribution was OK, you could have used more vocabulary, you used like again and happy again try to use synonyms. You also hesitated a bit in this part. You did quite well, but you didnt answer the question and you didnt mention the similarity or differences either, you should try to organise your ideas better. 1.5 in this part out of 2.5 Part 3 In this part you cannot interrupt the examiner while he/she is telling you what to do, this is extremely rude and will give you a bad mark in the exam, first try to listen to everything and then if you dont understand ask for repetition, but I

hadnt finished speaking when you asked me to repeat it! You started this part there are a lot of people doing different things, we can see than in the first one two person (people) are talking You dont need to say what you can say in this part of the test, you gave unnecessary information, at first you just commented the pictures one is listening to music, another is sleeping this is not the point in this part, and you should know that, then you smiled and said es que no se, NEVER use your own language in an exam. Then Esther gave you the key and I think you then realised what you had to do. I disagree with you, because that I think that the best option is the first one, because I think that if you are speaking with someone the time go (goes/passes) faster Good use of the comparative but, not strong argument to disagree with Esther. I think this one can be a good option because you can read too, I think this one is good for me too Try to use other words apart from I think. You repeated sentences in this last sentence and that makes a bad impression the day of the exam. What do you think about sleeping? Good question. When the travel (journey) finish(es) you are more tired, because you sleep with stress, you cant be relaxed but you can sit with another person and for meet new people. In general your contributions were irrelevant at first, you didnt do the target task, you were improving by the end of this part but didnt do well in general. 1 in this part out of 2.5. Part 4 Normally I listen (to) music or I read this answer its too short. No, no Im not agree (horrible, you cant use to be with the verb agree) ai es que no men enrecorde de la pregunta, perd Awful, again you used your own language, you used a good sentence to express your nervousness sorry, Im getting nervous which is OK, Ah yes, OK Im agree with Esther AHHHHHH again to be agree. the most comfortable...(com era?, bueno it is the train) because you can walk in the train and you can watch TV and speak with the others and you can watch, look the places that you You used your own language again, which is horrible, DONT DO that the day of the exam. Sometimes is better to go with (by) a public transport do you recycle? I am not, because my mother doesnt want Short answers, didnt listen carefully, hesitated a lot, used own language, some grammar mistakes as well. It was probably your worst part in the exam. 0.75 in this part out of 2.5.

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