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ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS Complete at least forty-five (45) credits of ECE courses. Courses in category I may not be taken Pass/Fail. Courses in BOLD are required. Other specific courses are listed for convenience. A GPA of at least 2.0 must be maintained. Six (6) credits in Computer Science may be included here. Number 520.137 520.142 520.211 520.213 520.214 520.216 520.218 520.219 520.220 520.222 520.315 520.326 520.353 520.391 520.401 520.407 520.410 520.414 520.415 520.419 520.420 520.426 520.428 520.429 520.430 520.432 520.433 520.435 520.443 520.445 520.447 Title Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering Digital System Fundamentals ECE Engineering Team Project Circuits Signals and Systems Introduction to VLSI Introduction to Optics and Photonics Fields, Matter & Waves I Fields, Matter & Waves II Computer Architecture Intro to Information Processing of Sensory Signals Introduction to Optical Instrumentation Control Systems CAD Design of Digital VLSI Systems Basic Communications Introduction to the Physics of Electronic Devices Fiber Optics and Photonics Image Processing and Analysis I Image Processing and Analysis II Theory and Design of Iterative Algorithms I Theory and Design of Iterative Algorithms II Parallel Processing Introduction to Algorithms for Parallel Computers Principles of Parallel Programming Parallel Optimization Medical Imaging Systems Medical Image Analysis Digital Signal Processing Digital Multimedia Coding and Processing Intro to Speech and Audio Processing Introduction to Information Theory and Coding Credits 3 3 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 Completed

I. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS (cont.) 520.457 520.460 520.465 520.466 520.481 520.482 520.485 520.492 Basic Quantum Mechanics for Engineers Error Control Coding Digital Communications I Digital Communications II Microwaves and High Speed Circuits Introduction to Lasers Advanced Semiconductor Devices Mixed-Signal VLSI Systems 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4

I.A. Credit subtotal Complete at least one (1) of the following introductory laboratory courses: Number 520.345 520.349 520.372 Title Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratory Microprocessor Laboratory Programmable Device Laboratory Credits 3 3 3


I.B. Credit subtotal (at least 3)

Complete at least six (6) credits from the following ECE advanced laboratory, design intensive or senior design project courses. Number 520.424 520.425 520.427 520.448 520.450 520.452 520.454 520.483 520.487 520.491 520.495 520.498 520.499 Title FPGA Synthesis Laboratory FPGA Projects Laboratory Product Design Laboratory Electronics Design Laboratory Advanced Microprocessor Laboratory Advanced ECE Engineering Team Project Control Systems Design Bio-Photonics Laboratory Intro to MEMS CAD of Digital VLSI Systems Microfabrication Laboratory Senior Design Project I Senior Design Project II Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Completed

I.C Credit subtotal (at least 6)

I. Total Credits I.A + I.B + I.C (at least 45)

II. ENGINEERING COURSES FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS Complete at least six (6) credits of engineering courses from School of Engineering departments other than ECE or Applied Mathmatics and Statistics or General Engineering. Also complete enough of the listed nonECE advanced design labs so that the total of I.C and II.B is at least 12 credits. Courses in category II may not be taken Pass/Fail. Entrepreneurship and Management courses in the Center for Leadership Education CANNOT be counted as "other engineering courses". Number Title Credits Completed

II.A Credit subtotal Non-ECE advanced laboratories, design intensive or senior design project courses Number 530.420 530.421 530.487 580.470 580.471 600.445 600.446 600.457 Title Robot Sensors and Actuators Mechatronics Intro to MEMS Biomedical Instrumentation I: Molecular & Cellular Biomedical Instrumentation II Computer Integrated Surgery I Computer Integrated Surgery II Computer Graphics Credits 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3


II.B. Credit subtotal

II. Total Credits II.A + II.B (at least 6) Adv. Lab Credits I.C + II.B (at least 12)

0 0

III. MATHEMATICS REQUIREMENTS Complete at least twenty (20) credits of mathematics courses taken from the Mathematics Department or the Applied Mathematics and Statistics Department. Courses in BOLD are required. Courses in category II may not be taken Pass/Fail. AP Statistics may NOT be included here. Number 110.108 110.109 110.202 110.201 110.302 550.310/311 550.420 Title Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III Linear Algebra Differential Equations Probability and Statistics OR Introduction to Probability Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 Completed

III. Total Credits ( at least 20) IV. BASIC SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS

Complete at least sixteen (16) credits of basis courses: physics, chemistry, earth and planetary sciences. The recommended squence is listed here. Courses in BOLD are required. Courses in category IV may not be taken Pass/Fail. Number 171.101 173.111 171.102 173.112 030.101 Title General Physics I General Physics Laboratory I General Physics II General Physics Laboratory II Introductory Chemistry Credits 4 1 4 1 3 Completed

IV. Total Credit (at least 16)

V. HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENTS Complete at least six (6), 3-credits courses in humanities and social sciences (courses coded H or S). Courses must reflect both depth and breadth, with at least three (3) courses in a concentration, one of which is an advanced course (300 level or above). Number Title Credits Completed

V. Total Credits ( at least 6, 3-credit courses)

BREADTH AND DEPTH: humanities and social sciences courses must reflect both depth and breadth, with at least three (3) courses in a concentration, one of which is an advanced course (300 level or above). Number Title

VI. ELECTIVES Complete additional courses to make a total of at least one hundred and twenty-six (126) credits. Number Title Credits Completed

VI. Total Credits Total JHU Credits I+II +III +IV +V + VI (at least 126)

0 0

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS PROGRAMING LANGUAGE: This requirement can be met by taking Introduction to Programming in Java (600.107) or Introduction to Programming in C/C++ (600.109). Enter one that appears in category I or II above. Number Title Credits

WRITING INTENSIVE COURSES: Two (2) writing intensive (courses designated "W" & min of 3 credits each) must appear in categories I-VI above. The writing intensive courses may not be taken Pass/Fail and requires a C- or better grade. Enter them again here. Number Title

BREADTH AND DEPTH: humanities and social sciences courses must reflect both depth and breadth, with at least three (3) courses in a concentration, one of which is an advanced course (300 level or above).



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING B.S. DEGREE PLANNING CHECKLIST SUMMARY 0 0 Required Completed I.A. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING COURSES 520.213 Circuits 4 0 520.214 Signals & Systems 4 0 520.219 Fields, Matter, & Waves 3 0 Additional Courses 0 0 NAME ADVISOR I.B. INTRODUCTORY LABORATORY COURSES I.C. ECE ADV. LAB & DESIGN INTENSIVE OR SR. DESIGN TOTAL CREDITS I.A. + I.B. + I.C. (at least 45) II.A. ENG. COURSES FROM OTHER DEPTS. II.B. Other Adv. Lab & Design Intensive (non-EE or CS) TOTAL CREDITS II.A. and II.B. ADV. LAB CREDITS I.C. & II.B. III. MATHEMATICS REQUIREMENTS 110.109 Calculus II 110.202 Calculus III 110.201 Linear Algebra 110.302 Differential Equations 550.310/311 or 420 Probability & Statistics OR Intro. To Probability Other Math TOTAL MATHEMATICS (at least 20) IV. BASIC SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS 171.101 General Physics I 173.111 General Physics Laboratory I 171.102 General Physics II 173.112 General Physics Laboratory II 030.101 Introductory Chemistry Other Basic Science TOTAL BASIC SCIENCE V. HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES TOTAL (at least 6, 3 credit courses) VI. ELECTIVES TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL I+II+III+IV+V+VI (minimum 126) 3 6 45 6 0 6 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 4 4 0 20

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 1 4 1 3 3 16

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 0 126

0 0 0

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Number 0.000 0 WRITING INTENSIVE - Minimum two courses 0.000 0 0.000 0 BREATH AND DEPTH 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0


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