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Alhamdolillah: Syed Zaid Zaman Hamids Declarations from the Official FB battle station in the year 2014

Destiny has come full cycle now ! MashAllah, our moment has arrived in 2014 just as it did for our founding fathers in 1947. Lets start rebuilding from where they left. Allahu Akbar ! Pakistan Paindabaad !!

January 1st, 2014
Destiny has come full cycle now ! the calender of 1947 is being repeated in 2014 also ! Allahu Akbar !

Destiny has come full cycle now ! the calender of 1947 is being repeated in 2014 also ! Lets make a new beginning and rebuild Pakistan as our founding fathers wanted it to be -- a Pan Islamic welfare State, leader of Ummah and defender of Millat ! This is called Mission Takmeel e Pakistan ! MashAllah, our moment has arrived in 2014 just as it did for our founding fathers in 1947. Lets start rebuilding from where they left. Allahu Akbar ! Pakistan Paindabaad !! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

The journey took 1300 years -- from Medina to Medina e Sani ! Do NOT betray Rasul Allah (sm) ! The journey took 1300 years -- from Medina to Medina e Sani ! The ummah took this journey to create this sacred land. Now it is handed to you to defend, protect and rebuild. The entire Ummah is at stake ! Do NOT betray Rasul Allah (sm) !

The paper was written in 2004 and sent to all policy makers in army at that time !! Events have unfolded exactly as predicted in 2004 with minor variations.The Armageddon 2014 - by Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid The paper was written in 2004 and sent to all policy makers in army at that time !! Keep this year in mind and then read the following today in 2014 what started of as an informed academic analysis of emerging trends in geo-politics is now fast becoming a scary reality. Events have unfolded exactly as predicted in 2004 with minor variations. The Armageddon 2014 - by Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Road to Ghazwa e Hind - The real possibility and scenario of a major nuclear war

between Pakistan and India involving all major civilizations This is analysis of serious geo-politics paper for serious members only who are interested in defending Pakistan and analyzing all threats from all angles. please do NOT comment without serious read. This is future of Pakistan and Ummah we are talking about.

January 2nd, 2014

Alhamdolillah, our latest gift for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) --- our spiritual series Halqa e Yaraan in book form also and we shall be releasing the pdf version online.

Alhamdolillah, our latest gift for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is about to be presented to the Ummah for khair and barakah, InshAllah. Most of you would remember our spiritual series Halqa e Yaraan ! Now it is almost complete in book form also and we shall be releasing the pdf version online within the month inshAllah ! Print version may take a little longer but inshAllah, this would be a treasure to keep for all times to come.

May Allah accept this humble gift and make it a source of spiritual and ideological revival of the millat and Ummah ! Mubarak to all of you and to our team which does such a sacred duty silently ! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1

January 3rd, 2014

Our flag is our honor ! Quaid stunning expression of his love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and his association with with glorious Muslim history and traditions. MashAllah !

Our flag is our honor ! The flag of Muslim league later became the foundation for the Sabz Hilali flag of

our beoved Pak Sarzameen ! When Quaid unfurled this flag in 1938, this is what he had to say -- a stunning expression of his love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and his association with with glorious Muslim history and traditions. MashAllah ! Today, Pakistan needs a leader like him else these dirty scumbags have already sold us to the Kuffar ! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

What would be the fate of Musharraf? What blunders were done in 2013 ? what disasters await Pakistan in 2014 ? What would be the fate of Musharraf? What blunders were done in 2013 ? what disasters await Pakistan in 2014 ? How to save Pakistan under urban 4th generation war ? How should army respond to the provocations from politicians, media and judiciary ? This is our brutally harsh and candid analysis in The Debate on Friday !!!

January 4th, 2014

That snake Altaf Hussian has finally given a call to break Pakistan, just as Mujeeb ur Rehman did in 1971 ! That snake Altaf Hussian has finally given a call to break Pakistan, just as Mujeeb ur Rehman did in 1971 ! We had been warning the nation of this threat for years ! many years ago, we had recorded this message for Muslims of Sindh, Karachi and Hyderabad but the message is for all Pakistan ! Spread this like wild fire ! The final battle has begun ! If Karachi is set on fire, then you can be sure that Indian tanks would also roll into Lahore and Sialkot. Hear this azaan and wake up before it is too late !

Know how the enemies are attacking the ultimate symbol of Pakistan's identity -- The Urdu language !

Know how the enemies are attacking the ultimate symbol of Pakistan's identity -The Urdu language ! The sinister plans of the enemies of divide the Ummah, trigger language wars, impose language colonialism and destroy Pakistani identity, our faith, values, history and unity. A profound soul shaking azaan in defense of our Urdu language !

DIN News at 8 pm, IshAllah, in The Debate ! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1

This is the fierce azaan we gave on friday. Go to this website and post strong positive comments and click on the video.

This is the fierce azaan we gave on friday. Go to this website and post strong postive comments and click on the video. Bring it on top of the Zem page. This encourages other people to watch it and helps to spread the azaan. Do your duty. We shall post the today's program later inshAllah.

Urdu is our identity which is under attack and being decimated now by the traitors and Beyghairat Brigade ! This soul shaking azaan is to wake up the nation from its fatal slumber !

Urdu is our identity which is under attack and being decimated now by the traitors

and Beyghairat Brigade ! This soul shaking azaan is to wake up the nation from its fatal slumber ! Pl comment on the site as well while you watch.

January 5th, 2014

Team BrassTacks presents a gift of love and respect to our beloved Pak army to acknowledge the sacrifices of our young sons, brothers and Soldiars of Rasul Allah (sm). YTZkMTNjMGU2ZWVhNjc2NDkyNGE5Y2ZjZWE3ZmM1NzYxfDEzODA 3NDU0fDEzODg5NDAyNTV8NzcwMQ%3D%3D Team BrassTacks presents a gift of love and respect to our beloved Pak army to acknowledge the sacrifices of our young sons, brothers and Soldiars of Rasul Allah (sm). They were the finest this nation produced, mostly died unsung, unknown to the world but heroes of the Ummat e Rasul (sm). Recite Fatiha for these beautiful souls who are still alive, even after their deaths !! The true Shaheeds ! MashAllah

January 6th, 2014

The time has come for Pakistan, Iran and Turkey to build a security block to defend against Israeli and Hindu expansionist wars. The time has come for Pakistan, Iran and Turkey to build a security block to defend against Israeli and Hindu expansionist wars. The Arab world is decimated. Three large Muslim nations still standing but not cooperating in a joint defense pact. The debate on Sunday night, breaks new grounds in historical perspective, the relations between Pakistan and Iran and the future of the Muslim Ummah !

The time has now come for Pak millat to start prepering for final battle of Ghazwa e Hind ! Prepare now spiritually, mentally, physically and support Pak army with all that you have got. The time has now come for Pak millat to start prepering for final battle of Ghazwa

e Hind ! Rasul Allah (sm) has given bisharat to this Pak millat and Pak army for this amazing spiritual and romantic Jihad against Mushriks ! This year in May, Indian army is bringing a Hindu Zionist snake Narender Modi into power. Modi is a rabid mad dog, the butcher of Gujarat and a most venomous anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan Zionist. Within 2014, we expect Indians to launch full scale offensive against Pak Sarzameen. Meanwhile, their assets in TTP, BLA and MQM would be waging the urban war all over the country to make it easy for the Mushriks ! Prepare now spiritually, mentally, physically and support Pak army with all that you have got. Our leaders have sold us to the Mushriks. Now we will take charge ourselves ! Support Pak army. NEVER ever speak against army or allow anyone to bark against them. Now all enemies in media and on ground are attacking Pak army ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!

These are the tigers of Rasul Allah (sm) who sow fear into the hearts of Mushriks and Zionists ! They are your "guardian angels" appointed by Allah (swt). These are the tigers of Rasul Allah (sm) who sow fear into the hearts of Mushriks and Zionists ! May Allah give barakah to Pak Sarzameen and to Pak army and lift it to defend the Millat e Rasul (sm) ! This is a promised destiny InshAllah ! Very soon, this nation will be tested against Mushriks and Khawarij. Those who are not ready today, will not be ready tomorrow ! The time to prepare is NOW! Support and respect your army. They are your "guardian angels" appointed by

Allah (swt).

FC killed terrorists in Baluchistan who were wearing FC uniforms !! Know the reality and spread the message ! This war is more ruthless on the front of propaganda than it is on battlefield. FC killed terrorists in Baluchistan who were wearing FC uniforms !! This is the reality of the dirty war imposed against Pakistan. Terrorists wear uniforms of security forces and then the blame comes on the forces. In Nanga Parbat also, TTP had killed the foreign tourists while wearing uniforms of forces. Now when the reality is exposed, the media is silent still !! We know why ! Know the reality and spread the message ! This war is more ruthless on the front of propaganda than it is on battlefield.

January 7th, 2014

This Pak sarzameen carries the romantic legacy of 1400 years. We are the children of Omer RA, Khalid RA,Tariq RA, Shalahuddin RA, Tipu RA and Omer Mukhtar RA.

This Pak sarzameen carries the romantic legacy of 1400 years. We are the children of Omer RA, Khalid RA,Tariq RA, Shalahuddin RA, Tipu RA and Omer Mukhtar RA. We live with dignity and when our time comes we die with honor. We are Musafavis, born to rebel against kufr and taghoot and liberate a man from the slavery of men and bring him under the protection of Islam. Now this duty is upon millat of Pak Sarzameen!

January 8th, 2014

Are you prepared to meet Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) ?? Recite Durud Shareef and watch this very emotional clip ! Assalat o Wassalam o Alaika Ya Rasul Allah ! Are you prepared to meet Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) ?? This is the sacred month of Rabi ul Awwal ! Everyone expresses their love for Sayyadi (sm) in their own special ways. Here, MBC TV asked some questions to the people on streets. The result was emotional and passionate. Recite Durud Shareef and watch this very emotional clip ! Assalat o Wassalam o Alaika Ya Rasul Allah ! am_ref=10

Ummat e Rasul (sm) is in pain. If you love Sayyadna Rasul Allah (sm), the time has come to prove it ! Ummat e Rasul (sm) is in pain. If you love Sayyadna Rasul Allah (sm), the time has come to prove it ! The greatest reward for an Ummati is to be in the company of his beloved. Those who love Sayyadi would be in His company but this blessed muqam has to be earned through adab and sincere devotion to duty !

It was in 2008-9 when we gave these powerful series of azaans to complete the "hujjat" on rulers ! Today we stand at the same crossroads ! Our advice was NOT taken by the judiciary and the army. It was in 2008-9 when we gave these powerful series of azaans to complete the "hujjat" on rulers ! It was back then when we talked about Drones, NATO supplies, technocratic caretaker govt, War with India and warning to our rulers ! Today we stand at the same crossroads ! Our advice was NOT taken by the judiciary and the army. Today we stand at the precipice of destruction ! We give the warnings again -- The mistakes done since 2001 have now become demons but still our rulers remain treacherous ! 2008 is going to be a decisive year for this millat. Listen to what we had said back then ! am_ref=10

January 10th, 2014

All of you who voted these snakes into power is now responsible for destroying Pakistan !

TTP and BLA are ruthlessly attacking Pakistan while the Hindu Saffron terrorists in India and the Butcher of Gujarat Narender Modi watches keenly how Pakistan's political parties are destroying Pakistan in ethnic, linguistic and provincial hatred against each other. Indian tanks are waiting to roll into Pakistan, Modi is about to become the PM of India, the whole country is under brutal wars, economy is

collapsing and the political leadership is busy destroying what our beloved Quaid made with such love and pain. All of you who voted these snakes into power is now responsible for destroying Pakistan ! On the day of judgement, you will have NO excuse in front of Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Prepare your answers for now you will be put to shame on the day of judgement. Those who supported democracy, have destroyed Ummat e Rasul (sm) and harmed Pak Sarzmeen. Shame on all of you who voted these snakes into power. We had warned you but you did not listen. Now the nation bleeds !! Astaghfurullah ! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

Pak army must understand this game that a trap is being set for an urban war ! The Debate with Zaid Hamid 43rd Program Chaudhery Aslam's shahadat and Taliban taking the responsibility for it. The urban 4th generation war and chaotic role of politcal parties. am_ref=10

January 11th, 2014

Pl go to Zem site, post strong comments, fight back with Hindu Zionists and Beyghairat Brigade. Pl go to Zem site, post strong comments, fight back with Hindu Zionists and Beyghairat Brigade. This website is most active on Pak TV programs and you must comment here as well. The battle and the appreciation for the programs is seen by all policy makers and channels here. Do not leave this battle station alone am_ref=10

A very good article written by secular nationalist India. Terrorism is NOT a Muslim phenomenon but a NON Muslim one.

A very

good article written by secular nationalist India. Very few Indians have the courage to say this. Like Arundhati Roy, this man is also hated by the RSS Hindu terrorists. Muslims must know these facts about terrorism and fight back with arguments. Terrorism is NOT a Muslim phenomenon but a NON Muslim one. Those who do terrorism in the garb of Muslims are declared as heretics in Islamic faith -Khawarij !!

***************** Publication: Times Of India Mumbai;

SWAMINOMICS Terrorism is certainly not a Muslim monopoly SWAMINATHAN S ANKLESARIA AIYAR ''All Muslims may not be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.'' This comment , frequently heard after the Mumbai bomb blasts implies that terrorism is a Muslim specialty, if not a monopoly. The facts are very different. [ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE ARE NOT BAD PEOPLE, BUT ALL CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MOST DEATHS WORLWIDE CAUSED BY DROPPING THE BIGGEST BOMBS IN THEIR ARSENAL] First, there is nothing new about terrorism. In 1881, anarchists killed the Russian Tsar Alexander II and 21 bystanders. In 1901, anarchists killed US President McKinley as well as King Humbert I of Italy . World War I started in 1914 when anarchists killed Archduke Ferdinand of Austria . These terrorist attacks were not Muslim. Terrorism is generally defined as the killing of civilians for political reasons. Going by this definition, the British Raj referred to Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad and many other Indian freedom fighters as terrorists. These were Hindu and Sikh rather than Muslim. Guerrilla fighters from Mao Zedong to Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro killed civilians during their revolutionary campaigns. They too were called terrorists until they triumphed. Nothing Muslim about them. In Palestine , after World War II, Jewish groups (the Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang) fought for the creation of a Jewish state, bombing hotels and installations

and killing civilians. The British, who then governed Palestine , rightly called these Jewish groups terrorists. Many of these terrorists later became leaders of independent Israel - Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon. Ironically, these former terrorists then lambasted terrorism, applying this label only to Arabs fighting for the very same nationhood that the Jews had fought for earlier. In Germany in 1968-92, the Baader-Meinhoff Gang killed dozens, including the head of Treuhand, the German privatisation agency. In Italy , the Red Brigades kidnapped and killed Aldo Moro, former prime minister. The Japanese Red Army was an Asian version of this. Japan was also the home of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist cult that tried to kill thousands in the Tokyo metro system using nerve gas in 1995. In Europe , the Irish Republican Army has been a Catholic terrorist organisation for almost a century. Spain and France face a terrorist challenge from ETA, the Basque terrorist organisation. Africa is ravaged by so much civil war and internal strife that few people even bother to check which groups can be labelled terrorist. They stretch across the continent. Possibly the most notorious is the Lord's Salvation Army in Uganda , a Christian outfit that uses children as warriors. In Sri Lanka , the Tamil Tigers have long constituted one of the most vicious and formidable terrorist groups in the world. They were the first to train children as terrorists. They happen to be Hindus. Suicide bombing is widely associated with Muslim Palestinians and Iraqis, but the Tamil Tigers were the first to use this tactic on a large scale. One such suicide bomber assassinated Rajiv Gandhi in 1991. In India , the militants in Kashmir are Muslim. But they are only one of several militant groups. The Punjab militants, led by Bhindranwale, were Sikhs. The United Liberation Front of Assam is a Hindu terrorist group that targets Muslims rather than the other way round. Tripura has witnessed the rise and fall of several

terrorist groups, and so have Bodo strongholds in Assam . Christian Mizos mounted an insurrection for decades, and Christian Nagas are still heading militant groups. But most important of all are the Maoist terrorist groups that now exist in no less than 150 out of India 's 600 districts. They have attacked police stations, and killed and razed entire villages that oppose them. These are secular terrorists (like the Baader Meinhof Gang or Red Brigades). In terms of membership and area controlled, secular terrorists are far ahead of Muslim terrorists. In sum, terrorism is certainly not a Muslim monopoly. There are or have been terrorist groups among Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, and even Buddhists. Secular terrorists (anarchists, Maoists) have been the biggest killers. Why then is there such a widespread impression that most or all terrorist groups are Muslim? I see two reasons. First, the Indian elite keenly follows the western media, and the West feels under attack from Islamic groups. Catholic Irish terrorists have killed far more people in Britain than Muslims, yet the subway bombings in London and Madrid are what Europeans remember today. The Baader Meinhof Gang, IRA and Red Brigades no longer pose much of a threat, but after 9/11 Americans and Europeans fear that they could be hit anywhere anytime. So they focus attention on Islamic militancy. They pay little notice to other forms of terrorism in Africa, Sri Lanka or India : these pose no threat to the West. Within India , Maoists pose a far greater threat than Muslim militants in 150

districts, one-third of India 's area. But major cities feel threatened only by Muslim groups. So the national elite and media focus overwhelmingly on Muslim terrorism. The elite are hardly aware that this is an elite phenomenon. 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

DO NOT miss the The debate on Saturday Night. The timeline !From Now to November

DO NOT miss the The debate on Saturday Night. It is coming on PTCL IPTV channel 41. Most cables are blocking it. These are few of the last warnings to the Pakistani nation, leadership and the armed forces. *********** The timeline ! From Now to November Urban war and chaos in Pak. Bogging down Pak army and creating a failing state. May 2014 Bulk of US forces withdraw anarchy escalates in Afghanistan. Rise of Taliban but still RAW/CIA maintain presence to support TTP/BLA. May Rise of Saffron terrorists to power in India. October Retirement of top Military commanders of Pak. November onward High intensity war anytime at the choosing of Modi govt. Unless, patriots forge formidable defense alliances with China, Iran and Turkey and annihilate the TTP not just from FATA/Pakistan but also from Afghanistan. Alliance with Afghanistan Taliban remain critical for this. Elimination of BLA and treacherous leadership especially in Karachi. Ruthless accountability/elimination of corrupt, terrorists. Otherwise, prepare for Indian tanks on Pak streets. Have said all this in Saturdays program to be aired at 8 PM on DIN News inshAllah. Khair inshAllah. 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

From Now to November Urban war and chaos in Pak. Bogging down Pak army and creating a failing state. From Now to November Urban war and chaos in Pak. Bogging down Pak army and creating a failing state. May 2014 Bulk of US forces withdraw anarchy escalates in Afghanistan. Rise of Taliban but still RAW/CIA maintain presence to support TTP/BLA. May Rise of Saffron terrorists to power in India. October Retirement of top Military commanders of Pak. November onward High intensity war anytime at the choosing of Modi govt. Unless, patriots forge formidable defense alliances with China, Iran and Turkey and annihilate the TTP not just from FATA/Pakistan but also from Afghanistan. Alliance with Afghanistan Taliban remain critical for this. Elimination of BLA and treacherous leadership especially in Karachi. Ruthless accountability/elimination of corrupt, terrorists. Otherwise, prepare for Indian tanks on Pak streets. Have said all this in Saturdays program to be aired at 8 PM on DIN News inshAllah. Khair inshAllah. am_ref=10

January 12th, 2014

Every human being, especially those from the powerful nations controlled by Christian, Hindu and Jewish zionists must watch this video and ponder deep ! %DA%A9%DB%81-%DA%A9%DB%92-%D8%A7%D8%B5%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%85-%DB%94%D8%A7%DB%8C%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B1%DB%8C%DA%A9%DB%8C%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%81%DB%8C-%D9%85/ Every human being, especially those from the powerful nations controlled by Christian, Hindu and Jewish zionists must watch this video and ponder deep ! How the satanic system run by Banks use the power of media to destroy humanity, especially in Muslim lands ! All Muslims watch this to know that the threats we talk about are NOT hypothetical. Just because they have not reached you yet, does NOT mean, they do not exist. They are coming to you now. Ask the Syrians, Iraqis and Egyptians if you do not believe ! am_ref=10

They ask us how to protect Pakistan from collapse. Here is a simple solution ! No justice, NO peace !! This is the law of Quran ! We are bound to enforce Quranic justice publicly !!

They ask us how to protect Pakistan from collapse. Here is a simple solution ! No justice, NO peace !! This is the law of Quran ! We are bound to enforce Quranic justice publicly !! The terrorists, corrupt and the Ghaddars must be hanged in public. Then there will be peace in Pak Sarzameen ! InshAllah, soon, some tiger will do this ! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

The rise of Hindu Zionists in India means the whole world is now in danger. The debate on Sunday !


The rise of Hindu Zionists in India means the whole world is now in danger. The debate on Sunday ! It is time to break India into smaller states. Hindu Zionists with nuclear weapons in their hands mean death for billions of humans ! Our warning to the world ! am_ref=10

January 13th, 2014

The time has come to divide India and give freedom to nations under Saffron terrorists !

Our message of solidarity with the Assamese minorities under Zionist rule in India. The time has come to divide India and give freedom to nations under Saffron terrorists ! " ". Sitting Union Minister in India calls Narender Modi a "man eater" ! . India must be divided now.

, () . Khalistan, Kashmir, Assam must be given Independence (freedom) ! We reject Hindu Zionists' brutalities against minorities in India. am_ref=10

Milad un Nabi Mubarak ! Listen to this gift. This may change your life for khair inshAllah ! Milad un Nabi Mubarak ! Listen to this gift of adab and love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and then ponder deep. What is the status and Muqam of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in your lives ?? Do you send him gifts ? Do you express your love for him ? Do you remember him ? When you do somethng in life, do you think about our beloved Sayyadi ? Listen to this gift. This may change your life for khair inshAllah ! am_ref=10

January 14th, 2014

In every part of Muslim Ummah, Muslims are celebrating the Milad un Nabi !Love of Rasul Allah (sm) unites this Millat. Respect it please. In every part of Muslim Ummah, Muslims are celebrating the Milad un Nabi ! Here we see an amazing display of love by Bosnian Muslims reciting the naat shareef in Urdu ! Entire Turkey, gathers in grand ceremonies to pay their respects and love to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). There are many Muslims who are against celebrating Milad and give very harsh fatwas against the Ummah who celebrate this day. Our request to them would be to accept this difference of opinion within the Ummah and do not drag it to Kufr or fatwas of Bidaat. Please watch our program in Jamia Rizvia which sets the guidelines for expressing your love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Pl be tolerant and NOT divisive. Love of Rasul Allah (sm) unites this Millat. Respect it please. am_ref=10

This is a display of love and adab which is not written in books but resides in the hearts of true believers ! You CANNOT put fatwas on this adab and love ! You have the seen the protocols of tyrants of the time, of corrupt rulers and cruel Dons but here is a protocol of amazing love and adab being given to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) MashAllah by the Muslims of Chechnya !! No head of the state gets this protocol which the Chechen rulers gave to a cup of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) when it was returned to Chechnya ! This is a display of love and adab which is not written in books but resides in the hearts of true believers ! You CANNOT put fatwas on this adab and love ! MashAllah a million times upon Chechens for their love of Rasul Allah (sm) ! am_ref=10

This is the most lethal weapon of shaitan -- confuse the Ummah on Rasul Allah (sm) !! An emotional Urdu short film which depicts the Waswasa of shaitan when he tries to divert the attention of an Ashiq of Rasul Allah (sm). This is the most lethal weapon of shaitan -- confuse the Ummah on Rasul Allah (sm) !! Iqbal had clearly mentioned this in Iblees ki Majlis e Shoora that Ibless had adviced his followers to "take out the love of Rasul Allah from the hearts of this Ummah" !! Watch this and do recite durud shareef !! am_ref=10

January 15th, 2014

You have to decide NOW. Do you want this perpetual slavery or true freedom ?

When we reject democracy and dictatorship and demand system of Khilafat e Rashida, many people often ask us what do we mean by the system of Khilafat e Rashida ? This one pic will explain you the fundamental difference between man made systems and Allah made system. The leader is a benovelent dictator, leads through example, applying the laws of Allah (swt) in a merciful way as Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) shows through His Mubarak Sunnah and then becoming a blessings for the people and the creation. If the people opt to be slaves of the Kufr systems and Kafir like people, then no one can free them from the humiliaiton and insult. You have to decide NOW. Do you want this perpetual slavery or true freedom ? you want to be led by Altaf, Zardari, Nawaz, Fazlu, IK & Bilour or want a Sallahuddin, Quaid and Iqbal ? Allah will only gift you great leadership IF you demand for it ! So far, nation has NOT asked Allah (swt) for a divine system and spiritual leadership, while the enemies are upon us now ! Ya Allah khair.. 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

January 16th, 2014

Understand the difference between Khilafat e Rashida AND System of Khilafat e Rashida !!! If you are not part of this sacred mission, then you are irrelevant to Allah (swt). This is written !!! Little or corrupted knowledge is dangerous ! In these times of Fitnah, the most powerful weapon of Dajjal is to spread confusion about the deen and its systems which Allah has ordained for all humanity. When we talk about the system of

Khilafat e Rashida, we read many naive and ignorant comments where they question like who will be the Khalifa, which sect would Khilafat follow or who will bring this Khilafat ? We have answered all these questions in detail in our book Khilafat e Rashida. Pl read and then come back for a serious mature discussion. Ignorant comments will be deleted and abusive or sarcastic ones will be blocked. Understand the difference between Khilafat e Rashida AND System of Khilafat e Rashida !!! If you stop dealing with Interest based banking based on fake paper currency and start to use real wealth based model, then you have NOT created Khilafat e Rashida but a model of economics drawn from Khilafat e Rashida!! But only the ones with vision, wisdom and noor can see this. The deaf,dumb and the blind would continue to pass sarcastic comments. Whatever has to happen will happen now. If you are not part of this sacred mission, then you are irrelevant to Allah (swt). This is written !!! May Allah bless Ummat e Rasul (sm) and make us from the army of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Ameen. am_ref=10

A most profound session on ideology, identity, mission, spirituality and duty towards Pak Sarzameen.There is wisdom in it. Ponder deep ! Almost 3 years ago, we had a roadside sitting with students in Lahore, in the lawns of AlHamra We all sat on the grass and had a most profound session on ideology,

identity, mission, spirituality and duty towards Pak Sarzameen. Have found it now again and now share it with you all. There is wisdom in it. Ponder deep ! am_ref=10

January 17th, 2014

We must crush TTP and support Afghan Taliban !! Never be confused here. Mullah Omer once again distances himself from Khawarij of TTP in Pakistan. Time and again, this fact has been proven beyond doubt that Afghan Taliban and TTP are two separate groups, with separate ideologies and battle objectives. Now, even these snake Geo group are forced to accept this fact. There are Fake websites run by TTP pretending to be Afghan Taliban sites trying to create confusions always. We must crush TTP and support Afghan Taliban !! Never be confused here. am_ref=10

When you sleep with your children or parents, think of the children of the Ummat of Rasul Allah (sm) who sleep like this with their parents.

When you sleep with your children or parents, think of the children of the Ummat of Rasul Allah (sm) who sleep like this with their parents. Ya Allah :-( heart bleeds, tears of blood flow to see how these Zionists have destroyed the Ummah with the help of our own traitors !

Fear Allah and pray for Pak Sarzameen ! Pray for Muslims who are now being hunted like animals by the Zionists and Mushriks ! Oh, Allah forgive us ! Astaghrurullah ul Azeem ! Ya Allah Karam ! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

Inshallah from next week you will be able to see new programs of 'The Debate with Zaid Hamid' again. Stay tuned
Dear all, You will not be able to see new programs of 'The Debate with Zaid Hamid' this week because the anchor of Din News is out of country for some personal reasons. Three of our old programs will be repeated this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Inshallah from next week you will be able to see new programs of 'The Debate with Zaid Hamid' again. Stay tuned Khair Inshallah am_ref=10

By Allah, You will be asked why you supported Democracy when it is Kufr ?? Prepare your answers !!

This is the sick reality media and the politicians will never tell you. All those killed AFTER 9/11 are Muslims of Middle East and Afghanistan/Pakistan. Killed by Democracies of West, which are driven by Zionist Bankers! Millions of Muslim children, women, old and innocent have been displaced, dislocated and killed in their own lands. Our leaders are traitors, our scholars divided on sectarian axis, our media have sold its souls to the devil. Pakistan is the last standing fortress of the Ummah and now this Democracy wants to demolish it as well while the naiton watches in dazed silence. By Allah, you will be asked what have you done to protect Ummat e Rasul (sm) ? You will be asked on whose side you were when Ummat was being decimated? You will be asked why you supported Democracy when it is Kufr ?? Prepare your answers !! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

January 18th, 2014

It is said that General Zia was killed because of this speech or the plan that he gave in this speech ! Imagine, if all what the dear General had planned could have been implemented? Most of our children are born AFTER the Shahadat of General Zia. politicians and enemy funded media have never told you who he was. Now listen to this speech. It is said that he was killed because of this speech or the plan that he gave in this speech ! Imagine, if all what the dear General had planned could have been implemented? We have seen these times and want that you should not forget the history and not be confused by the liberal Beyghairat brigades ! Listen yourself..... am_ref=10

Learn from the sunnah of Sayyadi (sm) and listen to the advice of a faqeer when he ask you nothing in return.

my dear children and members, the duty of this faqeer is to give azaan of Haqq in these dangerous times without fear or favor. My duty is NOT to follow the confusions of the nation but to guide it, advice it and encourage it to take the right path. We will NEVER offer any apologies for our stance not give any quarter to the enemies or idiots. I will NOT speak what you want me to speak or what you wish to hear. I will speak what needs to be said for the sake of Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Pak Sarzameen. I have not invited anyone on this page. You are here because you wanted to be. If you have come on your own, then respect the policies and ideology of this page, else you are free to follow whom you want. If you do not trust this Faqeer, then why are you here ?? Allah has made me an

elder to most of you, have seen more world, have experienced more experiences and have been met more teachers and elders than most of you. We have no vested interest in doing this duty. have never asked you for money or recognition nor plan to stand in an elections, then why do you insult, abuse or hurl profanities ? Haven't your elders taught you adab ?? Disagreement can be done decently also. Abuses, insults, disrespect and profanities only show that you do not deserve to be on this decent Ba-adab forum for defense of Pak Sarzameen. You can be abusive once, but then we will block you forever and that would be your loss not ours. We DO NOT collect fans. We do the duty to please Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) only. It does not matter to us if we have a million fans or only 1. We will do the duty as we do today -- with passion, love and adab. We follow the Sunnah of Rasul Allah (sm). He was also insulted by the naive and the foolish when Sayyadi was trying to save them from the hell fire. DO NOT be like those who behaved like Abu Jahals and Abu Lahabs or abdullah Bin ubbi. Learn from the sunnah of Sayyadi (sm) and listen to the advice of a faqeer when he ask you nothing in return. There is khair for you in listening to what we say else you are free to do what you want and would be answerable to Allah (swt) for what you do. Khair inshAllah. 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

January 19th, 2014

We lost nearly 50 sons/brothers in army today !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !! Pak army, we stand with you. Do what you want but eliminate this fitnah.

We lost nearly 50 sons/brothers in army today !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !! The Mushriks and Khawarij continue to attack Ummat e Rasul (sm)! Recite Fatiha for your fallen brothers and stay firm ! The war is going to get bloodier in the coming days. This blood is on the hands of Iftikhar chaudrey, Zardari, Gilani,

Nawaz Shareef, Fazlu and IK who have shown cowardice and weakness in the face of this existential threat, allowing the Khawarij to regroup and counter attack !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon ! Time for a most severe accountability is cose now. We the patriots, ask General Raheel to do whatever is necessary to crush this fitnah of Khawarij. Nation will stand with the army NOT these bloodsucking politicians. Judiciary do not punish, government do not hang, media do not condemn and all of these get together to attack army when army tries to control these Khawarij. It is time that we should also hang the politicians and media along with Khawarij. Then there would be peace in the country. Pak army, we stand with you. Do what you want but eliminate this fitnah. 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

Send email to ISPR and build a massive social media campaign to support army to start compulsory military service. We, the patriots, demand that Pak army and government should also start compulsory military service for all males in the country. Let the blood of sons of politicians, industrialists, media tycoons and religious scholars also flow in defense of Pakistan along with our sons in uniform. Defense of Pakistan is the responsibility of the entire nation NOT just Pak army. Today, not a single son of political leaders serve in uniform, that is why these so called political leaders are shameless in getting army killed and do not formulate national security policies. Send email to ISPR and build a massive social media campaign to support army to start compulsory military service. Iran, Turkey and now even UAE does it. why not Pakistan?? raise your voice and build pressure on this filthy government. am_ref=10

Former DG ISI confirms that 21 Hindu RAW agents were doing Imamat in Pakistani masjids !! Former DG ISI confirms that 21 Hindu RAW agents were doing Imamat in Pakistani masjids !! Watch this earth shaking expose from a scholar on how Raw penetrates our Islamic organizations and religious groups. TTP Khawarij and Congressi Mullahs are the cover behind which these RAW agnets hide and wage war against Pak Sarzameen. All fatwas of Kufr, fatwas against Pak army and sectarian wars are done by these RAW paid Hindu mullahs who pretend to be Muslims. The solution is simple -- Hang all those you find to put the fear of God in the hearts of those who remain hidden !! Qisas must e enforced ! am_ref=10

This is Pakistan's brief national security analysis which the media and the analysts will not tell you.

This is Pakistan's brief national security analysis which the media and the analysts will not tell you. ************ Pakistan army suffered a severe loss this week when a convoy of security forces was targeted with a bomb, killing or wounding nearly 50 troops. Staggering loss for a nation already bleeding on multiple axis. A train was blown up in Punjab, electricity pylons were brought down in Frontier, gas pipelines was destroyed in Baluchistan and multiple targeted assassinations of media and political gangs were done on the streets of Karachi. This is no more 4th generation war but its higher and more deadly version of 5th generation war where a sustained level of low intensity conflict is designed to create a perpetual sense of fear and anarchy,

imploding the state from within while the government remains confused, disoriented and indecisive in fear. On the external threat axis, the government completely ignores the threats from India and US in Afghanistan and continues to offer generous concessions to both India and US, despite their active involvement in wars inside Pakistan. US is blaming Pakistan for their defeat in Afghanistan where a resurgent Taliban movement is delivering crushing blows to the occupation forces. US response is to punish Pakistan through support to insurgent gangs and sending in drones. US want to keep perpetually in a state of war and Indians are their primary assets in making sure that insurgent gangs remain active in Pakistan. Within Pakistan, the courts and the Nawaz government remain focused on humiliating Musharraf, not trusting the reports of the army doctors on his health. Now a team of civilian doctors will be formed which would deliver the judgment which the government and courts want. Army is being brought under great stress by the government and the judiciary and the breaking point may not be too far away. Now it is a full blown urban war in Pakistan and the staggering losses are now triggering the panic mode in the confused government. Nawaz Shareef seems to be an extremely unlucky man third time! This is a dangerous trend which is not showing any signs of improvement. As the collapse rapidly catches pace within Pakistan, so does the panic but the response strategy from the government is nowhere to be seen. This makes the threat doubly dangerous. Indians wait on the wings, keenly watching the collapse within the country, waiting for the right time to roll in. Perhaps sometimes in November this year. Nawaz Shareef is the best bet Indians could have in demolishing Pakistan. He is indeed doing a splendid job at it. Ya Allah khair !! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

January 20th, 2014

Pakistan's Democracy is pig meat of politics. Nation vote for these swines and then ask why are we all in haram, death and destruction !!

Don't ask me how this will be done but first accept that this MUST be done ! First accept that pig meat is haram, then Allah will show you how to find Halal meat. Pakistan's Democracy is pig meat of politics. Nation vote for these swines and then ask why are we all in haram, death and destruction !! This is called collective insanity of the nation, after which Allah decimates it through civil wars, urban anarchy and hostile invasions from the enemies, as we are seeing today. Allah is NOT interested in how you get this leadership -- whether you bring it through shoora or a General brings it or a President but these are the criteria for a leadership. If these golden rules are not applied, then all democracy, martial law, presidential or even Khilafat become corrupt. Pakistan need a bloody cleanup. If Pak army or patriots will ot do it, then TTP/BLA/MQM and Hindu Mushriks will do it, as they are doing now. Now it is the choice of the nation and its leaders -- self accountability or divine accountability ?

We had warned -- 2014 would be the bloodiest year in decades !! It has begun, astaghfurullah !! This blood is on the hands of present rulers and judges !! May Alah's curse be upon them for bringing Pakistan to this destruction !! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

Rasul Allah (sm) has ordered us to kill these snakes not cut peace deals with them. Sayyadi (sm) even warned that if you cut peace deals with them, they will NEVER honor their promises !

We had warned you that this year is going to be the bloodiest ! The end game has begun now. Yesterday, there were 60 shaheed and wounded from Pak army. Today, there are 12 more ! Instead of taking advice from Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and crushing the "dogs of hell", these confused Siasatbaaz (political gamblers),

gamble with our honor, faith, lives, property and freedom. More blood will flow in days to come. TTP are Khawarij, streight from hell and destined to hell ! Rasul Allah (sm) has ordered us to kill these snakes not cut peace deals with them. Sayyadi (sm) even warned that if you cut peace deals with them, they will NEVER honor their promises ! We have seen this in Swat ! Same Fazlullah is now the head of TTP monsters. Why cut another peace deal with those whom we have tested many times before ?? Can anyone knock some sense into NS and IK ?? Perhaps TTP will, very soon ! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&theater

January 21st, 2014

The absurd stance by government and the reality of threat which is not seen by the political leadership. We appeared for a brief high intensity azaan on DAWN TV today on the issue of war against TTP, war by BLA and Karachi's urban wars. The absurd stance by government and the reality of threat which is not seen by the political leadership. The fact remains -- politicians no nothing and are only confusing the nation while the enemies are attacking us most fiercely. Take our advice, There is khair in it. am_ref=10

Lal masjid is directly involved in these attacks while their leader lives a luxurious life in Bahria town ! TTP openly and proudly claim that Lal masjid Khawarij carried out the attack in Pindi yesterday !! Can anyone arrest the Lal masjid gangsters and put them to accountability ?? Their Mullah Burqa still lives in luxury in Pindi, supported by Malik Riaz and former CJ Iftikhar chaudrey filing cases against army for killing the "massom studnets" !! Astahfurullah !! Look at their weapons and their murderous ideology of Khawarij and Takfeer ! Know your enemies before they enter your homes and take your women as slaves !! am_ref=10

January 22nd, 2014

The time has come to "negotiate" with Khawarij ! Our negotiation teams are already in the air !God speed, PAF !

The time has come to "negotiate" with Khawarij ! Our negotiation teams are already in the air ! Whether God forgives these khawarij or not, that is not our problem. Our duty is to arrange the meeting between Khawarij and God !! God speed, PAF ! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

Warning -- Pakistan is in war ! We have zero tolerance policy towards stupidity, treason or insanity.Stay silent if you cannot support our war against Khawarij.
Warning -- Pakistan is in war ! We have zero tolerance policy towards stupidity, treason or insanity. Be very careful when you comment. All comments against Pak armed forces would be deleted and person blocked immediately. Stay silent if you cannot support our war against Khawarij. We hate democracy and freedom of speech ! am_ref=10

PAF continues to negotiate "peace talks" with the Khawarij for the second day now --- Love you PAF !! Bomb their escape routes inside Afghanistan as well !!

PAF continues to negotiate "peace talks" with the Khawarij for the second day now and the enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) are being sent to their appointments with God for final settlement. Love you PAF !! Bomb their escape routes inside Afghanistan as well !! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

It is time for the nation to join the battle ! against Khawarij !!

This is your moment to join the battle against Khawarij !! Supplying equipment, resources and weapons to Pak army Mujahideen carries equal ajar as if you are fighting yourself against the enemies. Lets support our troops who are already fighting or about to join the battle in freezing cold. They are fighting for all of us and it is our duty to respect them, provide for them and contribute to the cause of purifying Pak Sarzameen from these "dogs of hell" ! Team BrassTacks and our volunteers have decided to join the physical battle as

well and offer you the same. Our troops are doing the fighting. We will back them up with love, dua and winter clothing. We have given the contact details and prices on these items. Anyone who wants to contribute can contact the suppliers directly, who can then send these equipment to us and we can send them to forward areas to fighting units. Else, you can buy these equipment and send them yourself to your own contacts. Your choice. when you place order, keep us informed via email so that we remain in the loop and take deliveries. May Allah give victory to our Pak army Mujahideen and crush the fitnah of Khawarij ! These are final battles for our beloved Pak Sarzaeen. By Allah, we stand with our troops in uniform under the Sabz Hilali parcham !! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

What you give is NOT charity but gifts.What army does not need, would be given to our fellow Muslims who escape the Zulm of Khawarij.
During Operation Rah e Rasat in Swat, BrassTacks had done a similar Nationarmy bonding appeal and thousands of people responded with warm clothes, socks, jackets and eatables which were sent to Swat. They not just came in handy for the army, they were also distributed among nearly 2 million refugees who were pouring out of war zone. They were also the responsibility of the nation and army as political governments were too slow to provide even the basic tents, blankets or warm clothes. What you give is NOT charity but gifts. Now refugees would also start to pour out of areas where fighting has begun or is about to begin. What army does not need, would be given to our fellow Muslims who escape the Zulm of Khawarij. For many years, it is only army which is doing the rebuilding, relief and welfare works in Swat and tribal areas. We trust army and would be sending them these

gifts for their use and for the poor Muslims there. Just a reminder, those idiots who are insulting this sincere campaign of patriots to support our troops and tribals would be instantly banned. Have no time for nonsense. am_ref=10

InshAllah, at 10 PM, on ary. Watch Zaid Hamid and Lucman on Khara Sach.
InshAllah, at 10 PM, on ary. Watch Zaid Hamid and Lucman on Khara Sach. am_ref=10

January 23rd, 2014

We appeared in Khara Sach with Luqman on ARY. The confusion which the politicians and media spread about this 4th generation war is so staggering that it has baffled the entire nation. This link will activate in one hour inshAllah !! We appeared in Khara Sach with Luqman on ARY. The confusion which the politicians and media spread about this 4th generation war is so staggering that it

has baffled the entire nation. We rip their lies apart and challenge the government to hang a terrorist !! InshAllah, We shall be doing exhaustive national security analysis on Friday night on our own program The debate on DIN News. am_ref=10

Now the time of punishment has begun. This democracy, this parliament, this judiciary, this media -- all will be annihilated in the war which is upon us now.

One of our friends from ME sent us this email today. Wanted you all to read it. There is nothing much left to explain now. The nation and its leaders were too arrogant to do tauba. Now the time of punishment has begun. This democracy, this parliament, this judiciary, this media -- all will be annihilated in the war which is upon us now. We had been warning for year but those in power mocked us and

remained arrogant. Now Allah will enforce His Hukm ! The leader will emerge from the chaos ! Khair inshAllah ! 15752775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

January 24th, 2014

InshAllah, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on DIN News, we are doing a harsh analysis of Pakistan's national security crisis and the transformation of 4th GW into 5th GW.
InshAllah, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on DIN News, we are doing a harsh analysis of Pakistan's national security crisis and the transformation of 4th GW into 5th GW. 3 weeks ago, we had warned that 2014 would be the bloodiest year in recent years and the violence of last 3 weeks have shaken up the entire nation. The geo-political events and security crisis is pointing towards one direction -- Pakistan will have to fight a bloody war to reclaim its freedom and honor. Our leaders have betrayed us. Our judiciary have sided with the Khawarij and our media remains awara. Look at Iraq, Libya and Syria. Their leaders remained in denial and then one day, the punishment from Allah came and all doors of Tauba were closed. Saddam was found in a hole and hanged. Qaddafi was found in a ditch and stabbed. This is called closing the door of Tauba and punishment from Allah (swt). Pakistani leaders should fear Allah. Their time also seems close now. But in the process, Pakistani nation is already paying in blood... am_ref=10

Watch this stunning video -- How TTP is working for RSS and BJP !! Know your enemies ! While we upload today's Debate on final battles for Pakistan, watch this stunning video -- How TTP is working for RSS and BJP !! Those in doubt should ponder over the language being used by the enemies and notice their similarities. Know your enemies ! _ref=10

Every Pakistani must watch this. Stunning exposure of Modi by Arundati Roy !! Every Pakistani must watch this. Stunning exposure of Modi by Arundati Roy !! You will be shocked, stunned and dazed at the filthy reality of BJP leaders who are

comming to power in Indoia now. That is why we say that 2014 would be the bloodiest year for us and TTP/RSS would launch brutal attacks to prepare for invasion after October. These are the last warnings to you now. _ref=10

The North Waziristan operation, 4th and 5th generation wars, treason of politicians, media and judiciary and the role of Pak army. This is the ruthless and blunt azaan to shake the nation as the final battle for Pakistan begins ! Our program on DIN news Friday night -- Part 1 of the 2 part series to explain to you the North Waziristan operation, 4th and 5th generation wars, treason of politicians, media and judiciary and the role of Pak army. Let the battle begin....Allahu Akbar !! _ref=10

January 25th, 2014

All the nostalgic memories came back with sheer pain when I received this mail today.... I grew up in that city. As schools kids, we would travel all over the city alone in public transport and our parents were never worried. No cell phones, no internet, no landline at home. We would go to the beach at midnight to have fish or at PIDC to have paan or to Bahadurabad to have Spinzer icecone !! Our greatest treat would be to take a boat at Kemari and go out crabbing in sea. It was here, where I got my first hunting lessons with Dad where we used to go together, freezing in open jeeps, to lakes in interior sindh for duck and partridge hunting. Imagine, we used to go to school in Train ! Only city in the country which had local train running through it. The service is long dead now I think. It was city of peace, lights and nostalgic memories then MQM raised its filthy head.. and today it is a war zone. All the nostalgic memories came back with sheer pain when I received this mail today....

************************* Zaid bhai, PLEASE must watch this video , and post in your BlogSpot . its not Bollywood movie acting . the real life of a volunteer of ambulance man , the reality which is going since 1986 , After BUSHRA ZAIDI road accident at AYESHA MANZIL FEDRAL B.AREA KARACHI . but you LEFT Karachi from 1992 . and we are alone for 21 years . please ZAID BHAI come to KARACHI , when ever I go to university road infront of N.E.D , I do stop the main GATE of N.E.D . I thaught only about you , what a romantic life, when you attend JIHAD CONFERNECE

and traveling in CAR with M.M ALAM . ZAID BHAI PLEASE receive my PHONE CALL , you didn't receive my call for 9 months . _ref=10

Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official] changed their cover photo.

This is our message for Shia Muslims. Take this advice for the khair of Ummah and Millat.

This is our message for Shia Muslims. Take this advice for the khair of Ummah and Millat. Note: All nonsense comments from Khawarij / enemies based on ignorance / Jahalat will be deleted and blocked without mercy. 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

This is true character of our army, mashAllah ! Love you Pak army !! Love you infinite !!

This is true character of our army, mashAllah ! Such helpless animal, so protected by our sipahi aslam MashAllah ! It is written in books that Allah (swt) forgave a sinful woman just because she fed water to a thirsty dog !

May Allah bless Aslam for this act of kindness. Love you Pak army !! Love you infinite !! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

January 26th, 2014

This is our azaan as the battle for Pakistan now enters its final phase. Any blunders now would mean millions would perish due to stupidity of our leaders. Part 2 of our debate on North Waziristan war ! This is our azaan as the battle for Pakistan now enters its final phase. Any blunders now would mean millions would perish due to stupidity of our leaders. Wake up before the Khawarij put you to sleep.... forever. _ref=10

We will fight, kill and be killed for this Medina e Sani, InshAllah !! We owe this to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). For now, we give azaan against Zalim rulers and Khawarij !!

InshAllah, we come on two channels today, at 8 PM. DIN and Dunya TV. Where DIN news do not come, they can watch the Dunya TV program. InshAllah, we will upload the DIN Debate later. DIN News is in English. Dunya TV program is in Urdu. Same topic for both.

North Waziristan Ops, 5thGW and the final battle for Pak Sarzameen. These are the final calls for the nation to wake up, else be prepared for an urban war like Syria/Iraq/Libya. Idiots in leaders, media and Mullahs have confused and baffled the nation for years now and have brought the nation to the brink of disaster. Now the price for freedom will be in blood. That is how Allah teach lessons to Moronic leadership and naive stupid population. Astahfurullah ! Kuffar have destroyed the Ummah on lies spread by their agents within our ranks. Iraq, Syria, Libya all destroyed through propaganda through media and using snakes like Hamid Mir. Now they are doing the same sinister game in Pakistan also. Let us make it clear -Govt, Mullahs, politicians and major segment of media is Lying to you !! There are clear proof that CIA and RAW is backing all insurgencies and bloodshed but the rulers remain part of this demolition war against Pak Sarzameen. Those who voted for these snakes, should now weep the most !! We will fight, kill and be killed for this Medina e Sani, InshAllah !! We owe this to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). For now, we give azaan against Zalim rulers and Khawarij !! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

Entire series of Debate is here. In Pakistan's media history, no program has created such impact in shaping the national and regional profiles as this Azaan in these dangerous times. Entire series of Debate is here. Every third program is in English !! In Pakistan's media history, no program has created such impact in shaping the national and regional profiles as this Azaan in these dangerous times. Complex Geo-politics broken down into easy to understand narrative, entire threat axis analyzed for Pakistan and the region, role of global powers exposed and nailed, alternate to global political, economic and judicial systems given and response strategy built to come out of this 4th and 5th generation wars in the greater Middle East. Once you watch and understand these programs, you can never be fooled against by snake like politicians, media and killers in the garb of Mullahs. Alhamdolillah, this is the Azaan of Haqq to give hope to the nation and a warning of severe punishment to the rulers. _ref=10

BrassTacks Threat Analysis: Everything else they tell you is a lie !!

BrassTacks Threat Analysis: Everything else they tell you is a lie !! A war fought by the army cannot be regulated through corrupt civil judicial system. This is the dilemma of the civil govt. Military can defeat the insurgents on ground but what about the thousands of terrorists captured and who are still in custody, only to be released slowly due to a failed judicial system?. Armys hands are tied and judiciary is hostile to the army and supportive to the insurgents. This is actually the controlled demolition of the state where judiciary is a party in the war against the state. The new anti-terror law may be shot down by the judiciary. South Waziristan operation had taught the army that unless the escape routes of the

militants are not blocked inside Afghanistan, no operation in FATA can be successful. TTP terrorists are protected by the CIA/RAW/RAMA inside Afghanistan. Mullah Fazlullah travels on Afghan passports and TTP/BLA supply lines remains open from Afghanistan. Pak army and PAF will have to bomb the bases inside Afghanistan and that demands a strong diplomatic stance from NS govt. Hostile media needs to be contained. The RAW funded media in Pakistan is already creating a crisis for the army and is acting as the propaganda army of the insurgents. The media terrorists are as lethal as the suicide bombers but the government and the army have no strategy against them. As we had said, 2014 would be the most bloody and decisive year in Pakistans history. Within the first month, the nation has received a taste of it and has cried out in pain already. There is no doubt that with these levels of violence and anarchy, the government will not sustain for long. A full-fledged army operation will have to be supported by full force of all state organs or the military will move in to enforce the sanctity of the collapsing state. For now, the government remains in panic and confusion and insists upon putting Musharraf on trial and the judiciary and the media maintain the collision course with the army. It is too early to say for how long army would wait and continue to take this humiliation and casualties but the fact remains that the military leadership cannot afford to drag this confusion for too long. If they dont act, the entire institution of the army would be destroyed and that would be the end of the state as well. Dangerous times to say the least khair inshAllah ! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

January 27th, 2014

The Debate English -- The final battle for Pakistan begins.... The Debate English -- The final battle for Pakistan begins.... _ref=10

Abba Jan, passed away into the rehmat of Allah (swt). An honorable life comes to a dignified close. Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon

Pl recite Fatiha.. Abba Jan, passed away into the rehmat of Allah (swt). An honorable life comes to a dignified close. Lt Col Zaman Hamid from 1st PMA, veteran of 2 wars as gunner officer fighting the Mushriks at Sialkot front, served in 14 field and 41 HAA. A Ghazi, a Mujahid, was always eager to fight the final battle with India. A Syed, from the family of Hazrat Ibraheem Malik Bbiya, the great great grand son of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and the General who captured India with Muslims armies in early times. Attacking and capturing India is on our blood, alhamdolillah ! My mentor, my friend, my dad. Would miss him dearly but for now leave him in

the mercy of Allah (swt), to join him later as Allah wills. Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon Pl remember us and all the Ummah of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in your dua.

ZH and family. 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

January 28th, 2014

Pakistan must be jealously guarded even today. Got to keep the flag high. The battle is raging and we got to do the duty at all costs.

Left Abba jan in the mercy of Allah (swt) today. One of the most difficult moments in my life to let go of someone so close, so passionate. Nothing prepares you for the moment when you have to bury your parents or children ! But this is a duty which every Muslims must do with dignity, sabr and Shukar ! As my mujahida mother, he too had the greatest influence in making what I am today. He taught me adab e Rasul (sm), hammered into the souls of his children that NEVER to eat Haram rizq and kept reminding me that we will have to fight a final battle with India to defend this Pak Sarzameen. I am sure he would be on duty on the "other side" as well while we do on "this side". He was from the generation which made Pakistan and then joined army to defend it

jealously on the battle field as well. I grew up on his stories of the battle fields and he himself was witness to so many miracles during these battles. This Pakistan is sacred, my parents had always taught us. Our duty is not done yet. Pakistan must be jealously guarded even today. While I feel the excruciating pain within, there is no time to mourn a soldier who has fallen in the battle. Got to keep the flag high. The battle is raging and we got to do the duty at all costs. InshAllah, we will be on duty without delay. May Allah raise his Darjaat even higher. May Allah give us istiqamat to do the duty with courage and dignity. May Allah bless Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Medina e Sani. Recite Fatiha please. 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

How we long to be with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !! Dedicate this to you Aba Jan. You taught us adab and love of Sayyadi. InshAllah, you are in His blessed compnay now. Mubarak, alf Marra.. How we long to be with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !! Me and Abajan went on Umra few years back. One of the most spiritual journeys I had MashAllah, sitting at the Qadamain Shareefain with my dad. This Nasheed brought back those memories with full intensity.. Dedicate this to you Aba Jan. You taught us adab and love of Sayyadi. InshAllah, you are in His blessed compnay now. Mubarak, alf Marra.. _ref=10

January 29th, 2014

No peace deals with criminals, terrorists. What ever your leaders say, we are confident on our deen & don't need the useful idiot's advice. This is 2009, south Waziristan operation which the world thought is going to be impossible to achieve. Our memories are weak & need to be refreshed | or either the sold-out media did not let you see this. Any way surprise yourself. No peace deals with criminals, terrorists. What ever your leaders say, we are confident on our deen & don't need the useful idiot's advice. Support #Pakarmy & demand ruthless accountability of media & worst punishments for criminals, no relaxation. See the western military technology they use and the involvement of foreign secret agents. In recent strikes in North Waziristan, PAF have killed dozens of Rasheed dostum Uzbeks and NATO German's posing as "Al-Qaeda" !! The political snakes demanding Talks now, when the TTP khawarij are badly beaten and burnt in the recent air strikes, are actually the useful idiots and the traitors who want to give relief to these Khawarij. Critical time is being wasted now. The coward PM cannot take the decision on allowing army to roll into TTP sanctuaries. Blood is already spilling on our streets. It is time to fight the final battles on our own terms else the Indian tanks, NATO and Khawarij would dictate their terms.... _ref=10

Alas, a nation of tigers is led by pussy cats !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!

Nawaz Shareef, Imran Khan, Munawwar Hasan and Fazlur rehman have sold us to the swines -- again !! Mark our words -- Now the Muslims blood that would flow would be on the hands of these politicians. TTP was severely crushed after the PAF sir strikes. It was time to hit them hard, not give them time and space to escape and re-group !! Alas, a nation of tigers is led by pussy cats !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&theater

If TTP Khawarij attack anywhere in Pakistan, what should Pak army do ?? stay silent, just watch and let people and soldiers die ????
Simple logic. If government wants that army must not do operation against them,

then the same rule should be applied on TTP Khawarij - no attacks on Pakistan till the talks continue ! Right ? If TTP Khawarij attack anywhere in Pakistan, what should Pak army do ?? stay silent, just watch and let people and soldiers die ???? Let the government, IK, NS and JI/JUI clarify this also when they stop the army from launching ground ops. Let me give you a top intelligence report from an ISI officer working under cover deep inside TTP territory. He is a dear friend and has sent this top secret inside info -- Allahu Akbar !! This is the reason why TTP is barking for peace now. They want time to regroup and escape before army destroys them totally. Peace talks is a trap, nothing else. He sent this after the PAF air strike on Khawarij. "Zaid bhai, I am in Mir Ali and am having a first hand look. They have lost over a 120 and mostly Uzbeks/foreigners. 7 top so called commanders including Asmatullah Bathani have died. I think this was a devastating blow. One more can finish them" Now you tell me? should we finish them now or let them escape to fight and kill another day ?? How stupid our leaders can be ?? They are insane, no doubt !!! _ref=10

January 31st, 2014

InshAllah, on Friday, Sat and sunday, we will bury the myth of peace talks with Khawarij by these insane so called leaders.

InshAllah, on Friday, Sat and sunday, we will bury the myth of peace talks with Khawarij by these insane so called leaders. The entire threat analysis based on regional geo-politics and Indian game plan against Pakistan will be exposed with solid proof and arguments. We will give our azaan, at all costs, InshAllah, when literally, there are idols hidden in the sleeves of these munafiqs. InshAllah, one day, these munafiqs who are talking about peace with Khawarij will be beheaded by these Khawarij themselves. Rasul Allah (sm) has already warned us about these Khawarij. If this badbakht NS wants to trust Mullah Fazlullah, then I pray to Allah (swt) to let Khawarij teach him a lesson for betraying the Ummat e Rasul (sm). All these political leaders are liars... they have sold you to Kuffar... Watch our azaan on DIN news at 8 pm InshAllah. 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

February 2014
February1st, 2014
We rip apart the so called peace process and all its useful idiots. I sincerely hope General Raheel listens to this. The Debate on friday Night. We rip apart the so called peace process and all its useful idiots. I sincerely hope General Raheel listens to this. The ultimate manifestation of how our so called pygmy rulers have auctioned us to the dogs of hell !! _ref=10

We had warned that TTP khawarij would use the peace time during these so called peace talks to regroup, re-organzie and rearm themselves and would prepare for the future wars. We had warned that TTP khawarij would use the peace time during these so called peace talks to regroup, re-organzie and re-arm themselves and would prepare for the future wars. They have been badly burnt in these recent air strikes and now need funds to buy new equipment, weapons and pay their cadre and that is why have come for peace talks to gain time. Watch this video. Only the truly badnaseeb and insane would not believe what we say. _ref=10

Are we making these snakes as "stake holders" in Pakistani state ?? Are these Muslims or petty criminals involved in Fasad fil ard ??? Are we making these snakes as "stake holders" in Pakistani state ?? Know the dirty, filthy reality of Fazlullah and his RAW paid Khawarij !! _ref=10

February 2nd, 2014

While we are being prepared for slaughter by our politicians, narendar Modi sharpens his daggers in India. While we are being prepared for slaughter by our politicians, narendar Modi sharpens his daggers in India. The only way to eliminate TTP is to eject Indians and US from Afghanistan. See the hypocrisy of JI, stupidity of PTI and insanity of PML(N) as well as treachery of JUI (F) and media. General Raheel, are you listening ??? Washington Post warns that a coup is inevitable in Pakistan. How did they guess and why ?? Listen to this harsh azaan on DIN News on Saturday. It is your duty to spread this message. At least, this is what you can do to defend Pak Sarzameen in these times of crisis and chaos. _ref=10

Rules, protocols and adab of being on this sacred battle station for revival of Pak Sarzameen. Respect the fact that you are part of it.
Dear members, since hundreds of new members join this page every week, we are noticing that new members are not aware of the rules, protocols and adab of being on this sacred battle station for revival of Pak Sarzameen. Here we repeat some guidelines. Pl read them carefully before you start to post comments here. Lots of new members get blocked instantly as they do not follow the protocols. To all hostiles who join this page to insult the mission, we say to them that they can make one hostile post but then never again. We have zero tolerance for non-sense.

1. Know this very well that this is an Islamic, patriotic and ideological page which jealously protects our Islamic ideology, Quaid, Baba Iqbal, two nations theory and creation of this beloved Pak Sarzameen. We DO NOT debate these established facts and boundaries. Never disrespect these values. 2. Please write in Urdu or English. Never in Roman Urdu -- urdu written in English letters. We normally hide or delete all such posts. 3. DO NOT comment on the page immediately after joining it. Spend few hours reading old posts, watching previous programs of the last 15 days at least, get to know the language, mood, flavor and ideology being discussed on the page and then make mature serious comments. Most of the questions you have are already answered previously. Do some homework first. 4. Never insult or humiliate Pak army. NEVER. Such posts will be blocked instantly. 5. We never lie. So never say that our post of Fake or a lie. We are the source and we do not need outside sources to prove what we know is right. If you do not trust us, join TTP page 6. DO NOT post propaganda, lies, disinformation by enemies and then ask us to comment on it. 7. DO NOT use this page to advertise your pages or links. We only allow authorized, approved links to be posted. 8. DO NOT spam -- write same post multiple times. Just once is ok. 9. As a member, it is your duty to spread the message. Like the post and share it. Be part of this mission. We do not need fans. We need die hard fighters for Pakistan. This is an azaan for defense of Pak Sarzameen and revival of the Ummah. Respect

the fact that you are part of it. Jazak Allah. _ref=10

In reality, government delegation will be negotiating with another government delegation while TTP and their handlers will have having fits of laughter, literally ROFL !!!! Imagine how TTP is laughing all the way to Delhi!! Making a complete fool of the politicians and the government, TTP announces its "OWN" team of negotiators from PTI, JUI, JI and Lal masjid !!! This is called making a totol fool of the so called "peace talks" and humiliating the idiots who wanted talks with these snakes. Now TTP says that our top commanders should also be released who would be part of the talks process !!! How stupid, insane and bofoon Nawaz shareef, IK and political leaders can be ??? In reality, government delegation will be negotiating with another government delegation while TTP and their handlers will have having fits of laughter, literally ROFL !!!! Welcome to the "peace talks" !! Idiots !!! _ref=10

US state department officials travel to London to make final preparations for supporting Baluchistan separation from Pakistan. Cant you see???

While the enemies have engaged the entire nation into futile drama of talks with CIA/RAW backed Khawarij, this distraction would prove fatal as Narendar Modi sharpens his daggers in India and US State department prepares to invade and separate Baluchistan in this last stages of 5th GW !! Astaghfurullah !! Those so focused on drones and talks, should also explain how they plan to handle this axis of 5th GW threat ??? Read the news slowly and seriously. Read between the lines. Do the analysis of the language and events. US state department officials travel to London to make final preparations for supporting Baluchistan separation from Pakistan. Cant you see??? I am NOT a war monger but a Moazzin to warn you well in time but the national leaders decide to remain deaf, dumb and blind. Instead of understanding the threats and the message, the criticism remains on my "harshness" !! Typical signs of a nation about to be punished so severely that Halaku would look like an angel in front of it. 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&relevant_count=1

English Debate with ZH NATO evacuation, Rise of Modi and the threats from 5th GW. English Debate with ZH NATO evacuation, Rise of Modi and the threats from 5th GW.

team, pl post strong comments on Zem TV site also. This is important to fight the perception war on social media. _ref=10

February 3rd, 2014

This is NOT about drones or NATO supplies. It is about changing our Map !!! This is dangerous escalation and provocation from US. The red line has already been crossed but Nawaz and politicians remains treacherous. Have you heard the politicians or the media talk about this speech which is a direct declaration of war against Pakistan ?? We are raising the alarm again and again ! This is a policy speech in US Congress based on lies, propaganda, deceptions and clear psy-ops to justify US invasion of Baluchistan. I am NOT making it up. When we say US is planning dismemberment of Pakistan under 4th and 5thGW, this is the proof even for the blind, deaf and dumb. That is why we say -- Crush the TTP NOW, eliminate the US from Afghanistan NOW, eject the Indians from Afg NOW and prepare to face off the Butcher of Gujarat on East ! Peace talks now will NOT save us from these US/Israeli/Indian/Khawarij wars. This is NOT about drones or NATO supplies. It is about changing our Map !!! _ref=10

Nawaz Shareef is now on a fast track collision course with the army. There is absolutely no two ways about it. Nawaz Shareef is now on a fast track collision course with the army. There is absolutely no two ways about it. Even US intelligence feels that Nawaz is crossing the red line. The issues of Musharraf, anti-terrorism laws and operation aganst TTP are the sore disputes which have already strained the relations between the political government and the army. There is a reason why WP thinks there is going to be a coup in Pakistan this year! All axis of the deployed 5thGW are now aflame. From TTP to BLA to Karachis urban war to Indian threat to involvement of US State department in Baluchistan to information warfare to Indias strategic alliances with regional powers to collapse of economy Nawaz Shareef government is not just clueless, it is actually fighting its own army. It cannot get any worse than that. We are seriously concerned. Khair inshAllah ! _ref=10

Our question to Fazlur Rehman and Imran Khan.

Our question to Fazlur Rehman and Imran Khan. You were the biggest advocate of talks with Khawarij. Now why have you withdrawn from it after pushing the nation into this ditch ?? _ref=10

February 5th, 2014

Military action against TTP : Dunya News

Now when the entire government and political parties have taken the bait of peace talks with khawarij, the enemies continue to attack at will. In one single day, a suicide attack by TTP in Peshawar and a train was destroyed in Sindh... The urban 5thGW continues. But the good news is that army seems to be listening to our azaan alhamdilillah.

InshAllah khair. 9.109463862441767/607701819284633/?type=1&theater

See this Munafiq, father of Khawarij and pro-Mushrik Mullah of Darul Uloom deoband, India -- the famous Congressi Mullahs !!! See this Munafiq, father of Khawarij and pro-Mushrik Mullah of Darul Uloom deoband, India -- the famous Congressi Mullahs !!! They are the most staunch enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen and most staunch supporters of BJP, RSS and Narendar Modi type Hindu Zionists. Look at his face, look at his language, look at his Nifaq that he tries to hide over his dirty face, astaghfurullah ! All those Khawarij who are attacking Pakistan today, follow this Congressi and his fitnah gar ideology. Allama Shhabir Ahmed Usmani was also from deoband but once he say this stance of Hussain ahmed Madni, he left the Darul uloom and joined Quaid e Azam and formed his own party Jamiat e Ulama e Islam, which is now hijacked by another Congressi Mullah -- Fazlur rehman Diesal. These are the Mullah who are most strongest opponents of Mission Takmeel e Pakistan and have waged a most dirty war against this Faqeer. It is the duty of Ulama of deoband to stand up NOW and speak against Khawarij

and this anti-Pak view of Mullah Madni. If they do not do it, then on the day of judgement, they will be counted from amongst the Congressi Mullahs and their Mushrik brothers. _ref=10

February 6th, 2014

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !! No words other than these after listening to Mullah Samee ul Haq's "pearls of wisdom"! Ya Allah Karam..... 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&theater

All those who are representing Khawarij in so called talks and media will now be raised with these Khawarij on the day of judgement, astaghfurullah !!!

The Khawarij supporters are now in the open. All those who are representing Khawarij in so called talks and media will now be raised with these Khawarij on the day of judgement, astaghfurullah !!! These shameless apologists say that Khawarij want to impose Shariat and that is the demand of every Muslim !! Lets see which "Shariat" these Khawarij would bring. The same "shariat" which they have applied so far across entire country. That is: 1. Merciless slaughter of men, women, children through blasts, suicide attacks and landmines. 2. Total slaughter of Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaat (Barelvis), Shias and Ahl hadees Muslims.

3. Bomb attacks on Muqqam of aulia, hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh, Baba fareed and dozens of other aulia. 4. Kidnapping women and keeping them as slaves. 5. Playing football with heads of Muslims. 6. Bank robberies, kidnapping for ransom and Bhatta. 7. Digging the bodies of opponents and burning them and then hanging them. 8. Attacks on Pak army, air force and defense installations making it easy for the Hindus to attack Pak Sarzameen. 9. Killing Chinese, Polish workers in Pakistan and attacking all friendly countries. If you want this "Shariat", then welcome the Khawarij. May Allah's curse be upon Khawarij and their sympathizers. 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&theater

February 7th, 2014

Rasul Allah (sm) has given clear indications of Khawarij and all these signs only apply on TTP, NOT on any other Mujahideen group in Afghanistan or Kashmir. 4078653&type=1 For all new comers here, read the following critical Hadees reference on Khawarij. Rasul Allah (sm) has given clear indications of Khawarij and all these signs only apply on TTP, NOT on any other Mujahideen group in Afghanistan or Kashmir. In over 100 ahadees mubarika, Rasul Allah (sm) gave all major signs which you can read yourself. anyone supporting these Khawarij is one of them -- dog of hell !! anyone not accepting these ahadees is dangerously close to Kufr. be very careful when you deny what Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has warned us against. _ref=10

InshAllah, tonight at 8 PM on DIN News, we will analyse the threats from Kashmir to Baluchistan, from FATA to Karachi and the reality of this farce called "peace talks" !

InshAllah, tonight at 8 PM on DIN News, we will analyse the threats from Kashmir to Baluchistan, from FATA to Karachi and the reality of this farce called "peace talks" ! Those who want Pakistan to cease fire against these khawarij now when we can crush them, should know that very soon India and US plan to attack Pakistan with the help of these Khawarij and BLA and MQM. If we can eliminate the BLA/TTP and urban war now, the external enemies will not have any internal allies to stab us in the back. Peace deals is nothing but a time gaining circus of loony toons ! The nation would know when it is already too late. what can we say to the people who have hell bent on committing suicide ?? Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon ! Kuffar divided the Musliim world in 1918 when they destroyed one Osmani empire. Now they want to divide the entire Muslim world again into smaller anarchic regions. TTP is their weapon in this war. Giving it time to live will NEVER stop the war. Only the idiots cannot understand this.

Note: PTI supporters, pl don't comment here. Your logic is so stupid that it takes lots of courage not to block you. To all Khawarij supporters, we say, you can comment once but then never again... 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

The shameless drama of Loony toones in the name of peace talks torn to shreds in this azaan ! The debate Friday Night. Watch how these snakes are humiliating our beloved Pak Sarzameen ? How this nation of tigers is led by vultures, wolves and hyenas selling it to the dogs of hell. The shameless drama of Loony toones in the name of peace talks torn to shreds in this azaan ! The debate Friday Night. _ref=10

Pl also visit the Zem site and post solid comments. This is important as this site is an important battle station for media programs.

Pl also visit the Zem site and post solid comments. This is important as this site is an important battle station for media programs. We have to give our azaan louder, wider and more fiercely. do your duty here as well. _ref=10

February 8th, 2014

Welcome to the "shariat" of Khawarij !! This is the self made Shariat of Khawarij, Lal masjid, Fazlullah and their supporters in CIA and RAW. Welcome to the "shariat" of Khawarij !! Taliban are demanding Shariat in Pakistan. The idiots or the naive within our ranks seem to agree with these snakes. Lets see the version of "shariat" these Khawarij would bring. We cannot post the video of these Khawarij playing football with the heads of our soldiers. But that is also part of "shariat" of Khawarij. Innalillahe... This poor kid only had a song in his phone memory card. Now "Islam" is being taught to him, astahhfrullah !! This is NOT the shariat of Rasul Allah (sm). This is the self made Shariat of Khawarij, Lal masjid, Fazlullah and their supporters in CIA and RAW. _ref=10

This is just a glimpse to knock some sense into those who are confused about the real Shariat.

You want to know the difference between Shariat of Rasul Allah (sm) and the Fasad of Khawarij ??? This is just a glimpse to knock some sense into those who are confused about the real Shariat. 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

Read what Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) has warned about these Khawarij. We are asked to kill these dogs of hell where ever we find them.

Read what Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) has warned about these Khawarij. We are forbidden to treat these Khawarij as friends or brothers. We are asked to kill these

dogs of hell where ever we find them. There is a reason why Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) has ordered us to eliminate these fitnah! These Khawarij bring a bad name to Shariat of Rasul Allah (sm) and are frauds exploiting the name of Islam and shariat. Having mercy upon these dogs of hell is showing cruelty on Ummah of Rasul Allah (sm). 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

Yesterday, even before this news came today, we had clearly mentioned these conditions in Debate that Khawarij would demand these.... Yesterday, even before this news came today, we had clearly mentioned these conditions in Debate that Khawarij would demand these. 1. Enforce shariat. (TTP version) 2. Withdraw army. (handover Pakistan to them) 3. Release prisoners. (release all cut throat Khawarij) Basically, they want all their dogs of hell released and want pak army to hand them over Swat, Waziristan, Mohmand, Bahaur, Orakzai and Parachinar so that they can once again start their war against Pakistan after regrouping and re-arming themselves. Bloody Khawarij !! Now, those who want "peace" with them should tell us what should be do ?? accept their terms ?? _ref=10

February 9th, 2014

US have officially decided to attack Pakistan and separate Baluchistan from Pakistan ! US have officially decided to attack Pakistan and separate Baluchistan from Pakistan ! You dont believe me ? watch this program and hear the US State officers speak about their filthy plan. This is the 5th Generation war.. now entering its last stages... with TTP/BLA as their main attack dogs ! Even now if you do not wake up, then the enemies will put you to sleep forever.... Last warnings to this beysharam leadership. am_ref=10

Post strong comments on Zem. Fight them with wisdom, logic and strength of argument. Your comments matter. Post strong comments on Zem. Lots of Khawarij and their Mushrik masters come here to attack Pak sarzameen. Fight them with wisdom, logic and strength of argument. Your comments matter. Go there and fight the battle of the social media. Barak Allah !


Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is in Jalal when these sacred words were uttered by Rasul Allah (sm).

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is in Jalal when these sacred words were uttered by Rasul Allah (sm). Never has he used such harsh words for any other Kafir/Mushrik. Over a 100 ahadees exposing these dogs of hell !! Then Sayyadi also blesses Pak army which is fighting these Khawarij today. This Hadees Mubarak makes it clear that this fitnah can only be emilimated through sword !! A believer never walks ahead of Rasul Allah (sm). be very

careful here. Cursed are those who want to go soft on these Khawarij, whom Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) hate so much !! A momin would crush this fitnah with all the power he has. Pak army, we stand with you !! Be the Jalal of Allah (swt) and crush these dogs of hell !! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&theater

The entire US / Indian plan to dismember Pakistan on the axis of Kashmir, FATA and Baluchistan !! The Debate - English The entire US / Indian plan to dismember Pakistan on the axis of Kashmir, FATA and Baluchistan !! The 5th generation war enters its last stages while the Nawaz Shareef plans to auction Pakistan to India and Western Zionists !! Our death warrants have been signed and now the army has to decide if they want to protect democracy or the country ! _ref=10

February 10th, 2014

Welcome to the 5thGW !! 2014 is the decisive year now...

Blowing up gas lines, power structures and Train tracks is the duty given to BLA by the Indians/Americans. TTP is supposed to attack the State security forces, air bases, ISI and bog down Pak army in urban war. MQM/ANP would create chaos in Karachi and political leaders and judiciary would create economic collapse, auctioning of Pakistan's State assets under privatization and give governmental support to CIA/RAW. Media would play its role in spreading lies, disinformation and deceptions. Welcome to the 5thGW !! 2014 is the decisive year now... _ref=10

February 11th, 2014

To all those who voted for the golden calf of democracy, the god of modern kufr, we wish they had taken the advice from Baba Iqbal! Ya Allah Karam... Send us a Salahuddin !!

To all those who voted for the golden calf of democracy, the god of modern kufr, we wish they had taken the advice from Baba Iqbal and searched for a true Murshid/Mujahid/Faqeer/Dervesh to purify their souls for them to see the unseen. In this information age, we have produced the most stupid generation, astaghfurullah ! Now if this Ummah is sold to the Khawarij or auctioned by the Mushriks or occupaied by the Yahood and Nasara then this nation has no right to complain. When nations betray their Lord, then the Dajjal grabs them by the neck! Ya Allah Karam... Send us a Salahuddin !! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

We had warned harshly NOT to go for the elections ! Now all our warnings have become true as we enter the last stages of our war for survival.

We had warned harshly NOT to go for the elections ! we had warned that the whole fraud is already fixed and the enemies would use it to bring its own touts once again and the war would rage with furious intensity. Now all our warnings have become true as we enter the last stages of our war for survival. By Allah, we will fight these snakes to keep our sbaz Hilali high at al costs. From CIA to RAW to Khawarij to BLA to political snakes to this corrupt judiciary -- the system of Dajjal is truly spread like a canver which needs a radical surgery now.

Lets wait and see how Allah decides to clean up this muck ! khair inshAllah ! 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

February 12th, 2014

We had warned that the Khawarij would never stop their war against Pakistan.Now their media wing is saying that TTP is not involved in terrorism. Shame...

We had warned that the Khawarij would never stop their war against Pakistan. All what these dogs of hell have done is that they now refuse to claim the atrocity, which they used to do openly before. Even the Peshawar blast, few days back, was

denied first and then owned later. Now today also many blasts have been done in Peshawar and many people have been killed in Karachi also. Now their media wing is saying that TTP is not involved in terrorism. Shame... Today, I attended the national day function of Iran. Guess who was there ??? Munawwar Hasan Some times back, TTP had released a video of Hakeem ullah Mehsud where he was cursing late Qazi Hussain Ahmed for being a Kafir because Qazi sb had attended the invitations of Iran and was friendly with these Shia "Kafirs" !! Now what would TTP say about Munawwar Hasan, their chief negotiator ??? May be TTP still does not know that Munawwar Hasan had a sumptuous dinner at the function of "Kafirs" It would be interesting to see their reaction now :)) 52775.23119.109463862441767&type=1&stream_ref=10

So now you know what "Shariat" these Haramkhaor Khawarij wants ! All those who never trusted us, are you at peace now ?? You want shariat, it means that cut throat Mullah Radio Kharji is going to be your Khalifa !!

So now you know what "Shariat" these Haramkhaor Khawarij wants ! All those who never trusted us, are you at peace now ?? You want shariat, it means that cut throat Mullah Radio Kharji is going to be your Khalifa !! astaghfurullah !! Khawarij will continue their war against Pak Sarzameen even during the talks BUT government should ask Pak army not to hurt these Khawarij !! Uffff.... How audacious these snakes can be. We had warned you, they never wanted peace talks. They only wanted time to regroup and re-organize. Now they have got that time and would again launch their bloody campaign as they are doing daily.... welcome to peace talks. Idiots talking to Idiots... 9.109463862441767/611028618951953/?type=1&relevant_count=1

February 12th, 2014

InshAllah, on Saturday, on AAJ News at 7 PM, we are giving a fierce azaan in defense of Pak Sarzameen. InshAllah, on Saturday, on AAJ News at 7 PM, we are giving a fierce azaan in defense of Pak Sarzameen, our armed forces and ISI, destroying the myth of democracy as imposed by the CIA and RAW. As the 5th GW gets intense against Pak Sarzameen, so is our ruthless counterattack in in the information warfare. _ref=10

February 13th, 2014

InshAllah, on Saturday, on AAJ News at 7 PM, we are giving a fierce azaan in defense of Pak Sarzameen. InshAllah, on Saturday, on AAJ News at 7 PM, we are giving a fierce azaan in defense of Pak Sarzameen, our armed forces and ISI, destroying the myth of democracy as imposed by the CIA and RAW. As the 5th GW gets intense against Pak Sarzameen, so is our ruthless counterattack in in the information warfare. _ref=10

February 14th, 2014

InshAllah, tonight on DIN news at 8 Pm, we will critically analyse the so called drama of "peace talks" with Khawarij

InshAllah, tonight on DIN news at 8 Pm, we will critically analyse the so called drama of "peace talks" with Khawarij and its future direction in the backdrop of ongoing violence in the country. The dirty role of political parties and how the blood is dripping from their hands now when they stopped the army from taking any action but the Khawarij were free to attack mercilessly. A harsh Azaan to

revive a slumbering nation and to give warning to those who are siding with the enemies today, either in their stupidity or through deliberate treachery. khair inshAllah. 9.109463862441767/611644438890371/?type=1&relevant_count=1

It is time to hang the Khawarij and all the political leadership of the country! If we don't do it, the enemies will hang all of us !! These are the last few warnings.. the time is already up... It is time to hang the Khawarij and all the political leadership of the country! If we don't do it, the enemies will hang all of us !! These are the last few warnings.. the time is already up... _ref=10

February 15th, 2014

InshAllah, tonight we have two programs. AAj News at 7 PM. DIN News at 8 pm.
InshAllah, tonight we have two programs. AAj News at 7 PM. A fierce defense of Pak army, ISI and rejection of Musharraf treason trial by this compromised and treacherous govt and media. DIN News at 8 pm. The US 5th GW against Pakistan -- the external threats and how they are shaping the internal chaos.

Khair inshAllah ! _ref=10

A fierce defense of Pak army, ISI and rejection of Musharraf treason trial by this compromised and treacherous govt and media. A fierce defense of Pak army, ISI and rejection of Musharraf treason trial by this compromised and treacherous govt and media. _ref=10

"It is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be their allies " !! who knows this better than Pakistan??

is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be their allies " !! who knows this better than Pakistan?? The time has come to declare US an enemy State and deal with them as such ! No more non-sense from these Zionists !

Our Debate on Sat Night DIN News. _ref=10

Go to the ZEM website and post strong comments to defend Pak Sarzameen under our videos. Do your duty. This is the least you can do.

Go to the ZEM website and post strong comments to defend Pak Sarzameen under our videos. Our three videos are posted here with AAJ TV program on top listed as featured program for today. Managing the post program battles of the perception management is equally critical. defend Pak army and Pak Sarzameen against all enemies. Do your duty. This is the least you can do. Jazak Allah. _ref=10

Almost a year back, we had given a sharp interview on the case of Musharraf. For those who have not seen it, this is a reminder to keep the record straight. Almost a year back, we had given a sharp interview on the case of Musharraf. For those who have not seen it, this is a reminder to keep the record straight. _ref=10

February 16th, 2014

In these times of despair, youth of Pakistan make the largest flag in the world in Lahore yesterday to prove that we stand united, we stand firm and our Sabz Hilali is going to fly high always, InshAllah !

Little gestures have great impacts, MashAllah ! In these times of despair, youth of Pakistan make the largest flag in the world in Lahore yesterday to prove that we stand united, we stand firm and our Sabz Hilali is going to fly high always, InshAllah ! Barak Allah to all of you who stood for Pakistan when it matters most. Pakistan is here to stay, alhamdolilah ! 9.109463862441767/612832968771518/?type=1&stream_ref=10

February 17th, 2014

Pakistan has been destroyed by democracy !! Period !!

Pakistan has been destroyed by democracy !! Period !! Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us against it. Iqbal had warned us against it. We had warned you against it. But the nation of deaf, dumb and the blind decided to give "one more

chance" to democracy and now we stand at the verge of death, destruction and collapse, astaghfurullah !! We asked for azaab of Allah and now it is upon us. The blunders of the leaders and the blindness of the followers will be paid by the entire
nation. 9.109463862441767/613063658748449/?type=1&relevant_count=1

BrassTacks Policy paper on rise of Hindu Zionists in India. Now you tell me, is it easy to fight one axis at a time or 3 deadly axis simultaneously ?? Not a single analysis of ours have ever gone wrong. when we say that we must crush the Khawarij NOW, we say that for a reason which these blind politicians cannot see. For a perspective, read this BrassTacks Policy paper on rise of Hindu Zionists in India. May Allah have mercy upon Muslims of India after this butcher, this snake comes to power. Then Pakistan would be well and truly surrounded from East, West and within ! Now you tell me, is it easy to fight one axis at a time or 3 deadly axis simultaneously ?? Not a single analysis of ours have ever gone wrong. Allah has given us a vision which is different and a duty to give azaan. There would be khair if you listen to this Faqeer. You can argue, ignore, insult and remain arrogant but then my duty is only to warn you well in time. Your fate is in your own hands. Very soon you will know how disasterly wrong all those were who decided to mock our azaan. Then there will be no time for Tauba... HasbunAllah Naimal Wakeel... _ref=10

"It is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be their allies " !! who knows this better than Pakistan?? The Debate English Program "It is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be their allies " !! who knows this better than Pakistan?? The time has come to declare US an enemy State and deal with them as such ! No more non-sense from these Zionists ! _ref=10

All those who say that we should still have "peace talks" with Khawarij should be hanged All those who say that we should still have "peace talks" with Khawarij should be hanged for stupidity, treason, insanity and criminal betrayal of the nation through their lies, deceptions and deceit and serving the cause of the enemies in times of war!!! _ref=10

Inshallah at 8pm tonight on Waqt News watch Zaid Hamid facing off politicians in a harsh debate on TTP, 'Peace Talks' and rold of political parties. Khair Inshallah.

Inshallah at 8pm tonight on Waqt News watch Zaid Hamid facing off politicians in a harsh debate on TTP, 'Peace Talks' and rold of political parties. Khair Inshallah. am_ref=10

February 18th, 2014

Our azaan on Waqt News today. The clueless politicians -- blind men leading a flock of deaf, dumb and stupid ! Our azaan on Waqt News today. The clueless politicians -- blind men leading a flock of deaf, dumb and stupid ! am_ref=10

Zem site. post strong comments here. Zem site. post strong comments here. _ref=10

February 19th, 2014

Alhamdolillah, gifts sent to our sons on the front line against Khawarij !

Alhamdolillah, on behalf of all BrassTacks team and volunteers of Mission Takmeel e Pakistan, we sent warm thermals, warms woolen caps and combat winter gloves for an entire company of Pak army troops fighting on the front line against Khawarij ! Barak Allah to all of you who contributed in this symbolic but intense gesture of love, respect, appreciation and gratitude for our sons and brothers in uniform who are freezing in the mountains of North West Pakistan, defending the Pak Sarzameen and Sabz Hilali parcham against fitnahs of Khawarij. InshAllah, we shll be regularly sending these gifts to our sons. Once again, Jazak Allah to all of you who participated in this battle of Ghazwa e Hind !! 9.109463862441767/614151355306346/?type=1&stream_ref=10

This is your moment to join the battle against Khawarij! Supplying equipment, resources and weapons to Pak Army Mujahideen

FB deleted the last post on how to send gifts to army. Now I am posting it again. This was the broadcast we had made few weeks ago. All details are here. Pl read carefully and follow instructions. ***************** This is your moment to join the battle against Khawarij! Supplying equipment, resources and weapons to Pak Army Mujahideen carries equal ajar as if you are fighting yourself against the enemies. Lets support our troops who are already fighting or about to join the battle in freezing cold. They are fighting for all of us and it is our duty to respect them, provide for them and contribute to the cause of purifying Pak Sarzameen from these dogs of hell!

Team BrassTacks and our volunteers have decided to join the physical battle as well and offer you the same. Our troops are doing the fighting. We will back them up with love, dua and winter clothing. We have given the contact details and prices on these items. Anyone who wants to contribute can contact the suppliers directly, who can then send these equipment to us and we can send them to forward areas to fighting units. Else, you can buy these equipment and send them yourself to your own contacts. Your choice. when you place order, keep us informed via email so that we remain in the loop and take deliveries. May Allah give victory to our Pak army Mujahideen and crush the fitnah of Khawarij ! These are final battles for our beloved Pak Sarzaeen. By Allah, we stand with our troops in uniform under the Sabz Hilali parcham !! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !! 3119.109463862441767/614324218622393/?type=1&stream_ref=10

February 20th, 2014

Oh Allah bless Pak army with greatest of success against these dogs of hell !

Go to hell Khawarij !! Allahu Akbar ! Oh Allah bless Pak army with greatest of success against these dogs of hell ! It is time to send them where these Khawarij belong !! To the nation we say: In wars, there would be civilian casualties, enemy counter attacks and losses. Enemy would hit back also. But strong nations make their stand for their honor, dignity and faith. DO NOT start blaming Pak army for the crimes of the Khawarij. In these times, anyone barking against Pak army would be from among the Khawarij and Mushriks. So, chose your sides carefully. There are NO neutrals when battles rage between Momineen and Khawarij !! Note this carefully. Ya Allah bless us with khair and victory from Yourself. Labbaik Ghazwa e HInd !! 3119.109463862441767/614514245270057/?type=1&relevant_count=1

It is key that Pakistan severely weaken the TTP by May 2014. In order to secure our Eastern borders we must reduce the pressure on the western side ..

As expected Pakistani Armed forces gave a befitting reply through airstrikes against TTP in North Waziristan. The attacks started late last night. In addition to PAF fighter planes Army helicopters took part. In All previous analysis it was consistently stated that talks will fail and this assertion was based on the guidance available in authentic Ahadith! If only our rulers had the character and wisdom to take this advice we would not have wasted valuable time. Pak Army troop deployment is in place and they are at present trying to block escape routes of the militants. Ground Forces blocked roads/jeep tracks/link roads from Khurram Agency, FR Bannu, FR Tank till SWA to restrict TTP in NWA. This was done prior to the air strikes to make them more effective!

Traitor media channels especially GEO might try to spread disinformation which must be ignored. The air strikes are surgical not free for all and the weapons used are highly accurate. Only specific targets were destroyed avoiding any collateral damage. The you also have idiots who will still talk of peace negotiations. Either these people are complete idiots or traitors (Or both). Nation should ignore them for they. We are at war and anyone who talks against armed forces must be ignored and ideally given a shut up call It is key that Pakistan severely weaken the TTP by May 2014. In the Indian May elections we can expect the Muslim hater, fanatical Modi to become PM whose dream is to wage war against Pakistan. In order to secure our Eastern borders we must reduce the pressure on the western side and hence dealing with TTP is a must to counter possible Indian Threat! Here we are posting an extract from a secret Indian documant hacked from an Indian army defence site. They were discussing the support to the BLA and how Pak army/ISI is countering their support to BLA snakes. Indian Cold start is directly connected to supporting insurgencies in Pakistan. This is just to give you an idea that how far this cancer has spread now and that we need multiple operations to cure the cancer now. Be prepared. This is not the time for cowards, beyghairats or ghaddars !! khair inshAllah ! 3119.109463862441767/614668918587923/?type=1&relevant_count=1

Pak army, crush these snakes, kill them fully and DO NOT take prisoners. Nation stands with you.

One strike by PAF and these "dogs of hell" are on their knees, begging for ceasefire and begging that their Khawarij should not be killed !! Bloody cowards !!! They are Firouns against weak and poor people, attack from behind, break their promises, lies, deceive and betray but when Pak army smash their filthy faces, they start to beg for peace.... NOT NOW !! Pak army, crush these snakes, kill them fully and DO NOT take prisoners. Nation stands with you. God Speed Pak army and PAF !! You are the soldiars of Rasul Allah (sm) against Khawarij and for Ghazwa e Hind !! 3119.109463862441767/614678901920258/?type=1&relevant_count=1

February 21st, 2014

Our message to the Mushriks and Khawarij -- This time we will NOT take prisoners !!! Our message to the Mushriks and Khawarij -- This time we will NOT take prisoners !!! Nation stands with the army and the time for a ruthless accountability of the Khawarij and their supporters has come ! Allahu Akbar !! am_ref=10

Watch DIN News Debate on Friday, Sat and Sunday Night at 8 PM inshAllah ! Battlefield analysis and its impact on internal and regional security.

As the final battle begins to eliminate the 'dogs of hell", we do a critical analysis of the developing situation, its present status and future possibilities. Watch DIN News Debate on Friday, Sat and Sunday Night at 8 PM inshAllah ! Battlefield analysis and its impact on internal and regional security. InshAllah khair for Pak Sarzameen as we give azaan to defend our honor, faith and ideology. 3119.109463862441767/614921885229293/?type=1&stream_ref=10

Time to crush the Khawarij and their filthy supporters. Pak army -May Allah bless you always and forever. Go crush these enemies of Rasul Allah (sm). Time to crush the Khawarij and their filthy supporters. Pak army -- May Allah bless you always and forever. Go crush these enemies of Rasul Allah (sm). am_ref=10

February 22nd, 2014

Pakistan must build a strong alliance with Iran,Turkey & Saudi Arabia Our azaan on Saturday Night. Khair inshAllah ! am_ref=10

February 23rd, 2014

The Debate episode about our predictions for 2014 ! The Debate episode about our predictions for 2014 which aired in first week of January was repeated today on DIN News. _ref=10

February 25th, 2014

Iqbal Baba had wished that if "Tehran becomes the Geneva of the East, it could change the destiny of the world" !

Iqbal Baba had wished that if "Tehran becomes the Geneva of the East, it could change the destiny of the world" ! InshAllah, one day, we will make this block of Muslim Ummah under the leadership of this Pak Sarzameen. DO NOT be afraid or in despair because of the crisis you see today. These tests and trials are to separate the Munafiqeen from the Momineen ! Khair inshAllah !! 9.109463862441767/616655508389264/?type=1&relevant_count=1

We are all one Ummah -- either we stand united or we fall divided !!! Take your choice !!

There is a deleberate and strong political and media campaign to divide Muslims on sectarian lines -- specially on Shia-Sunni axis and within Sunnis on deobandibarelvi-ahl hadees etc. There are planted Mullahs on all sides whose duty is to spread lies, hatred, confusion and division within the Ummah. Every sect has been declared a Kafir by the sectarian Mullahs of other sect. If we are to go by the fatwas, then there is NO Muslim in the world today. We have to fight this insanity. Note one critical and interesting point. While they are alive, these sectarian fasadi Mullahs and their followers are busy calling each others as Kafirs. But when it is time for Hajj, they do Hajj together, Umra together, when they die they get buried

in the same graveyard also! You see the graves of shias, sunnis, deobandis, ahl hadees side by side in Jannatul Baqee and in all graveyards of the Muslims all over the world. You cannot tell their differences during Hajj and Umra. So think rationally and logically -- Allah does not consider you a Kafir unless a person openly declares that he is a Kafir or follows open Kufr according to Sharia, not according to sectarian Mullahs. These sectarian snakes have no problem if Pakistan makes alliances with "Kafir" China but they have problems if we make alliance with "Shia" Iran !!! How stupid and insane they can be ?? Such idiots have no place in the eyes of Allah (swt) nor they will be allowed to bark their hatred in this sacred page of Mission Takmeel e Pakistan. We are all one Ummah -- either we stand united or we fall divided !!! Tale your choice !! For God sake, start thinking for the Ummah, not your sect alone !!! Those who follow their sect only and destroy the Ummah in the process are NOT part of this Ummah, no doubt !! 9.109463862441767/616681618386653/?type=1&relevant_count=1

Nation can never say Thank you to these sons ! By Allah, these sons are the best we have produced ! nation can never say Thank you to these sons ! While we live in luxuries, they die for our families, honor and dignity. Those who say that army is paid to do this job, we tell them " we will pay you 10 times more, try facing the Khawarij in darkest of nights in the remotest of mountains, in ice, snow and rain" ! Lets see if you can do it for money. Bloody idiots are those who insult our brave sons like this. By Allah, these sons are the best we have produced !


Alhamdolillah, today, we gave a brief but comprehensive azaan on National security crisis and the stupidity of our so called pygmy leaders. alhamdolillah, today, we gave a brief but comprehensive azaan on National security crisis and the stupidity of our so called pygmy leaders. also, the regional security in context of Ummah was discussed in detail. khair inshAllah. _ref=10

February 26rd, 2014

InshAllah, our Urdu book, the translation of from Indus to Oxus -Darya e Sind sey Darya e Amo Tak is now almost ready, alhamdolillah ! InshAllah, our Urdu book, the translation of from Indus to Oxus -- Darya e Sind sey Darya e Amo Tak is now almost ready, alhamdolillah ! We shall give you the surprise soon :-) Here is a video promo of the same, with narration in my own voice of that romantic nostalgic journey which I took as a young man in the

melting pot of history ! This is a gift for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) from a humble Ummati ! Allahumma Taqqabal Minna !!! _ref=10

February 28th, 2014

InshAllah, on Saturday, at 7 PM, on AAJ News we give an azaan on Kargil war !! InshAllah, on Saturday, at 7 PM, on AAJ News we give an azaan on Kargil war !! The record needed to put streight as the battle between Politicians and army rage over the facts of Kargil war. The time has come to give credit to the army for a heroic military action where we were betrayed by the political leaders of the time. _ref=10

InshAllah, on Friday Night at 8 PM on DIN News azaan, The debate, we do the current threat analysis, the latest national security policy review and the in depth analysis of latest north waziristan operation

InshAllah, on Friday Night at 8 PM on DIN News azaan, The debate, we do the current threat analysis, the latest national security policy review and the in depth analysis of latest north waziristan operation and its impact so far. Khair inshAllah ! am_ref=10

Our fiery attack on the idiots and traitors who are trying to pass as national leaders. The Debate Friday Night ! Our fiery attack on the idiots and traitors who are trying to pass as national leaders. The Debate Friday Night ! A brutal analysis of national security policy and all major national issues. Post strong comments on Zem site also. am_ref=10

March 2014
March 1st, 2014
What would be the impact of Pak-Saudi defense cooperation on Pak Iran relations ?? why is India buying more lethal weapons ?? What would be the impact of Pak-Saudi defense cooperation on Pak Iran relations ?? What should be Pakistan's afghan policy in the light of latest developments in Afghanistan ? why is India buying more lethal weapons ?? why is the government allowing TTP to escape ?? watch this azaan on Saturday Night. am_ref=10

Kargil was one daring operation to humiliate and damage the will of the Mushriks ! By Allah, we will make a 1000 kargils untill we reach the gates of Delhi ! The cowards cannot understand that it is not the victory but the courage which counts in attempting the impossible ! Muslim armies took 900 years to capture Constantinople ! Ghaznavi made 17 attacks on India to soften it for final victory ! Kargil was one daring operation to humiliate and damage the will of the Mushriks ! By Allah, we will make a 1000 kargils untill we reach the gates of Delhi ! But the beyghairat Brigade cannot understand this.... am_ref=10

March 2nd, 2014

This is the proof of what we said last night -- The Nawaz govt is holding the army back and allowing the TTP Khawarij to escape !!! This is the proof of what we said last night -- The Nawaz govt is holding the army back and allowing the TTP Khawarij to escape !!! TTP is being beaten, cornered, surrounded and trapped due to snow on the mountains. This is the time to crush them and they have again tried to save themselves by calling for a ceasefire. BUT TTP is ATTACKING !!! On the same page, you read the news of dozens of troops being killed.... This is treason of Nawaz govt. They will NOT be forgiven for this crime against Pak Sarzameen !! By Allah, we will hold them accountable.... am_ref=10

There is no pleasure greater than kicking the backsides of Mushrik Indians :-). Love you Green shirts ! You have made us proud today !

There is no pleasure greater than kicking the backsides of Mushrik Indians :-). Love you Green shirts ! You have made us proud today ! Pak Sarzameen Zindabaad !!! MashAllah Mubarak ! 3119.109463862441767/618840534837428/?type=1&relevant_count=1

Today, another proud Muslim army of Green shirts just repeated the history ! Dhaka, the graveyard of Indians, InshAllah !

Pakistan defeating the Indian Mushriks in Dhaka ! The revenge for East Pakistan has just begun.... We have NOT forgotten the East Pakistan !! Then it was half a million heavily armed Indian troops against 40 thousand lightly armed Pak army but still revenge is long over due. For centuries Muslims have been kicking the backsides of Mushriks. Today, another proud Muslim army of Green shirts just repeated the history ! Dhaka, the graveyard of Indians, InshAllah ! 3119.109463862441767/618853451502803/?type=1&relevant_count=1

This is a heartwarming and blood chilling message at the same time we just received from Indian occupied Kashmir. India is our enemy. NEVER forget this..

This is a heartwarming and blood chilling message at the same time we just received from Indian occupied Kashmir. Pak nation should read this... India is our enemy. NEVER forget this.. ******* "Assalamu alaikum. CONGRATS... Itz like Eid here in sopore "Firecrackers everywhere" Local news is coming that in sangrama paramilitary forces are responding firecrackers with bullets... Signifies blood relation between us" am_ref=10

March 3rd, 2014

The Debate in English -- Pakistan's foreign policy and national security policy analysis. Last night, even I missed this program as we were watching the battle in Dhaka !! Now here is it. The Debate in English -- Pakistan's foreign policy and national security policy analysis. _ref=10

A refresher course for our team ! This one single azaan just might change the entire perspective of life if Allah wills. Every day we receive hundreds of emails, sms's, questions about our mission strategy, vision, goals, objectives and personal life. Thousands of new members join us every month and the mission outreach is growing phenomenally MashAllah. Here we give you a program we did few years ago with our team in Dubai -- a most comprehensive statement on what we stand for. This is about 1 hour and 20 minutes but truly is a worth listening experience for those who want to join us in this romantic journey. InshAllah, this time will be well spent if you hear with your heart and soul. This one single azaan just might change the entire perspective of life if Allah wills. Fasten your seat belts and welcome to the journey.... _ref=10

March 4th, 2014

Nation demand that Pak army must NOT ceasefire and crush the Khawarij with full force NOW !!!

This is the reality of 'peace talks" and "ceasefire" by the Khawarij ! One group of Khawarij would continue to attack. Other group would continue to disown and talk about peace ! A classic deception under Chanakya doctrine driven by the devil itself !! Nation demand that Pak army must NOT ceasefire and crush the Khawarij with full force
NOW !!! 9.109463862441767/619514334770048/?type=1&theater

It was green playing against green ! Brother competing with a brother. West played against East -- we both won !
It was green playing against green ! Brother competing with a brother. West played against East -- we both won ! Love you Muslims of former East Pakistan. It is

NOT your defeat. It is a victory for us both !!! _ref=10

This is our only twitter account. Our members should also follow us here ... This is a war and we must fight it together -- all guns blazing. This is our only twitter account. Our members should also follow us here and retweet our message for greater outreach. This is a war and we must fight it together -- all guns blazing. _ref=10

March 5th, 2014

Pakistan's Judges and Lawyers - Questions They Must Answer
A very thought provoking piece I found on the net. Read it and was moved and wanted to share it with those who have eyes, hearts and ears and are not deaf, dumb and blind. The State of Pakistan has come to its lowest ebb and now the judgement is being out against the judges too. Read it slowly, ponder deep and then recite astaghfar for yourself, family, nation and the Ummah. Today, Allah has made Pak army/FC as the custodians of this Millat but these very institutions are humiliated and insulted by the judges/media/politicians. Imagine, if the army goes on strike????

Advice: This article is NOT for idiots, beyghairat Brigade and SAFMA snakes. ***************** The criminal terror attack on Islamabad court and death of 11 innocent persons, a young woman included, who were just doing their daily duty, was indeed a tragedy and must not be condoned. A Judge and some lawyers were targeted who died. Allegedly, this judge had turned down Lal-Masjid application against President Musharraf and the clerics-turned-terrorist decided to settle the score with the Judge. Lawyers and passersby just became collateral damage. Whatever be the reason, the mastermind behind this barbaric act must be hunted down and punished. The CJP made angry statements and wondered, "how could such great tragedy occur despite intelligence agencies and security forces?" And this is what creates questions, many questions which the Honourable CJP , if he happens to see this, must try to answer. And perhaps the lawyers should also question their blind acceptance of cases, no matter what as long as a hefty fee is lurking on the horizon, Mr. Akram Raja and Aitzaz in particular. The growth of terrorism in the country and indeed, even crime is primarily due to the Judges and lawyers. The Police and witnesses take the second stage of being blamed for providing no or not-enough evidence. It is the judges, led by the former CJP Iftikhar Choudary who have been letting off the criminals, insulting police, FC and Army brazenly. Iftikhar used to treat IGP and General officers worst than a peon. He thought he is actually a LORD and tried to settle the score with Army and its Generals for his erstwhile mistreatment. The Police, FC and Army have remained disciplined and continue to perform their duties at the peril of their lives. Five General Officers, several Brigadiers, several IGP/SP level officers have been killed. Thousands of lower ranking officers and soldiers have been killed and maimed by the terrorist attacks. But No courts ever closed down, no CJ made a statement on soldiers' killing. No lawyers went on strike. Instead the courts are mindlessly pursuing cases of 'missing-persons' and releasing known murderers for want of iron-clad evidence, something perhaps desirable

when there is peace in society. Courts look at FC and Army as criminals and look at the terrorists and criminals as innocent persons. What makes Judges holier than thou? More humane than the Army? Should the Judges be with the Army? Or against the Army? Indeed, hatedly-departed CJP Iftikhar went on a charade of 'ascertaining the causes of anarchy in Balochistan and Sindh through regular visits to Quetta and Karachi. He addressed media, attended social functions and enjoyed the protocol fit for a head of state. While non-stop criticizing and insulting FC and Rangers, he demanded Security from them only, which was indeed, not allowed by law. But he twisted the law as per his convenience. These visits ended up by regularly insulting the senior most Police, FC/Rangers and Army officers. Why did the CJP not dismiss the Balochistan and Sindh governments and ordered the trial of both the corrupt CM, their ministers and the PM for gross violation of the oath of office? His biggest purpose in holding these frequent meaningless Hearings started to appear nothing but demanding presence of senior Army and Police officers so that he could humiliate them. He started demanding their attendance on daily bases as if they were the criminals and started threatening to send Police to arrest Commanders of FC and Rangers. He actually wanted Police to arrest IGFC, a Major General commanding some 45000 men and produce before him. He released terrorists, despite the requests of Agencies not to do so. The same releasedterrorists committed murders shortly thereafter. Perhaps one of such released terrorist attacked the Islamabad Court? His contempt for security forces is fully reciprocated across rank and file. Police, Rangers, FC and Army hate Choudary Iftikhar for his low and unbecoming behaviour and hold him in highest contempt. Yet, the people in uniform have not compromised on discipline and not abdicated their sworn duties. So they go on diligently protecting Judges and public and almost daily some get killed. Pakistan Army's ratio of officers being killed with that of the soldiers is highest in the world. Do the Judges not see this? The new CJP, Jillani is trying to copy Iftikhar, albeit, to a far far lesser degree. He will do well if he behaves like a CJ and not like a Chief Jester with whom the nation had to put up with for 10 years. There are 197 countries, he can study the conduct of those CJ and try to behave accordingly.

CJ Balochistan had ordered registering FIR against President Musharraf, Governor, Interior Ministers and so many more for killing Bugti. He belongs to Balochistan. Did he not know the history of Bugti? Did he not know how Bugti had turned into a terrorist and finally committed suicide? He should have asked Qadir Bugti, defecto nawab even now, rather than try to humiliate the Army which sacrificed several of its officers and men. Bugti had invited the Lt Col surrounding his hideout for surrendering. Instead, he sprayed bullets of the officers killing the Col, who had brought along three majors and a Capt to honour Bugti. Bugti, instead of surrendering blew up the cave thus dying. But Qazi Issa ordered registering of FIR on request of Jamil Bugti after two years. It was again Iftikhar who wanted it to be registered. Qazi could not refuse Iftikhar as from being a corporate lawyer in Karachi, Iftikhar had made him CJ of Balochistan in one go. How many such FIRs are going to be registered on orders of CJs against the Police, Rangers/FC and Army officers in Balochistan, Sindh, FATA and elsewhere? And why only an FIR for Bugti against the COAS/President General Musharraf? Why not against the CJS, DGMO, Corps Commander, Division Commander and the Brigade Commander? CJ Balochistan, Qazi Faiz Essa, Your Lordship, you must answer this. What will it do to the morale of the fighting forces? The FC/Rangers and Army are fighting a war. If the judges do not accept this reality and go on humiliating officers and soldiers, how long do they think this disciplined force will show respect to them? Or remain effective? Please answer these questions. Today, ask even a soldier, he thinks, Judges and lawyers are compromised and a big, very big reason for terrorists roaming freely. When confronted with a threatening situation, a soldier has only fraction of a second to decide whether to shoot or be shot and get killed. He is trained to kill first, Not trained to get killed. If he kills without malice, no charge Must be leveled against him. He does not have the pleasure that Judges and lawyers enjoy of indulging in endless debates sitting in comfortable court rooms with no threat to their lives and no value of seconds. They can adjourn the court; a soldier cannot adjourn the situation. The Ranger's soldiers who killed a gun wielding criminals in Karachi two years

ago has been sentenced to death. SC has not mitigated his death. Why have the circumstantial evidence, the psychological stress on the soldier been ignored by the judges? So that the Judges look good punishing a soldier? Whipping the Rangers/FC, Police and Army has become popular hobby with the Judges, media ad politicians. Will it ensure security? Is it justice? The Judges should now realize how it feels when a colleague is killed. Soldiers are under intense strain, day in and day out under the threat to their lives, doing duty often 18 hours a day and they can make wrong decisions. They can even kill through that wrong decision. All such killings must be taken as done without malice due to the fog of war. Judges do not have the same privilege. They must make fair, well considered, wise, balanced and just decisions, always remembering what if the tables were reversed. Fear of God, of course, is a much higher consideration but one can leave that aside. When one is CJP or CJB, or even a Judge, God is apparently forgotten. Then there are several cases which have been fabricated against General Musharraf by various characters, including the politicians who wish to belittle Army ensuring no future coupe takes place. All the Judges have visibly handled these cases most unlawfully. They appear prejudiced and in violation of law and rules of business. This is obvious to all. Do the judges understand the culture of armed forces? Army looks at its retired officers with the same respect and affection, all over the world, by the way. General Musharraf is still a General and enjoys the respect of people, especially those who have been and are still in uniform. The armed forces are the only institution where everyone takes an oath to perform the 'assigned task' even at the peril of his life. This creates great comradeship, loyalty and the commander and commanded become like a father and a son. This bond is peculiar to the armed forces and far more strong than in the civil hierarchy. This and the comparison of General's nine years' rule with the likes of Nawaz, Gilani, Zardari and Iftikhar makes the General all the more respectable and admired. The judges and paid lawyers who frequently humiliate him, should know, tables

can get reversed without warning. They should inflict only that much pain, which they should be willing to take. Is this terror act a good reminder? The attack on Court and death of the Judge is very sad, very wrong, but why have the Judges and the Lawyers noticed only now and gone on strike? Why not when soldiers are being killed? The last question; Honouarble Judges, are you with your Security Forces or With the Terrorists? And will the Lawyers also try to mull over this question? Please? _ref=10

March 7th, 2014

Feel the electric energy ! Get the goosebumps !! This is Ishq !! Kashmir is Pakistan ! This is the verdict !! Allahu Akbar !! Feel the electric energy ! Get the goosebumps !! This is Ishq !! These Kashmiri students under Hindu occupation had the courage to face down the Mushriks and support Pakistan and now face treason charges for this "crime" !!! These are the true sons of the Ummah, who live under Mushrik rule but their hearts are pure as Noor, they passion ignites the memories of Mujahideen of earlier times !! Kashmir is Pakistan ! This is the verdict !! Allahu Akbar !! _ref=10

Alhamdolillah, the wait is now over :-) The Epic is now out -- Our Urdu memoirs -- translation of "From Indus to Oxus" !

Alhamdolillah, the wait is now over :-) The Epic is now out -- Our Urdu memoirs - translation of "From Indus to Oxus" ! InshAllah, very soon, we will launch this fascinating book and let you know the outlets from where you can buy them. InshAllah, we are making arrangements for out of country sale as well. An amazing epic adventure in Urdu, even better than the original version in

English, alhamdolillah. It has been priced at Rs: 3000/-, less than the price of most basic cell phones :-) 9.109463862441767/621060187948796/?type=1&stream_ref=10

March 8th, 2014

The "hitler" is rising in India and then expect a "world war".Great times of trials are coming towards Muslims of India and Pakistan. We had raised the alarm long time ago about the rise of Hindu Zionists ! Now even the western media is forced to acknowledge. The "hitler" is rising in India and then expect a "world war" and Genocide of Muslims in India and elsewhere. Those who do not trust us, should read this British paper and try to ponder deep. Great times of trials are coming towards Muslims of India and Pakistan. A butcher who is rabidly anti Muslim is now going to control the Indian nukes. By the way, Darul Uloom Deoband in India, the parent organization of TTP Khawarij, have decided to support Modi !!! We are NOT surprised. _ref=10

The Debate Friday Night -- Pak army as the guardians of national ideological and geographical frontiers This week, we decided to repeat the powerful programs as reminder to the nation. The issues are red hot and the leadership is not listening. It is time to hammer the ideas again and again. The Debate Friday Night -- Pak army as the guardians of national ideological and geographical frontiers _ref=10

NOT every deobandi is Khawarij but all Khawarij are deobandi. Read this paper on links between Khawarij and Deoband. Read it slowly and ponder deep. NOT every deobandi is Khawarij but all Khawarij are deobandi. There are Good Taliban and there are bad Taliban. Similarly, there are proPakistan deobandis and there are anti-Pak deobandis. TTP are Deobandis. This fact cannot be denied. there are people who follow their sect, even if it means becoming the enemy of Rasul Allah (sm). after our post that deoband has started to support Modi, many accused us of

spreading sectarianism. This is our reply to them. If you dont trust us, leave this page please and follow anyone you like. Our duty is to give azaan, not collect fans. _ref=10

Stop the Deobandis from supporting Modi and TTP !! They are Zalims and all those who are supporting Mushriks and Khawarij are also greatest of Zalims !!! Now what would supporters of Congressi Deoband say ????? Modi is the worst of the Mushriks, a butcher of Muslims, planning to annihilate all Muslims from India and now he is trying to grab power and Deoband decides to offer full support to this enemy of Rasul Allah (sm) in destroying the Ummah !! There is a Hadees of Rasul Allah (sm) which says "help your brother, even if he a Zalim or Mazloom". Upon this Sahabas asked Rasul Allah (sm), how can help our brother if he is Zalim??? Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) responded "stop him from the Zulm, this is your help to him" !! That is why we talk to all those who support Deoband. Stop the Deobandis from supporting Modi and TTP !! They are Zalims and all those who are supporting Mushriks and Khawarij are also greatest of Zalims !!! _ref=10

March 9th, 2014

Have recorded a program with Sach TV today to be aired Monday at 8 PM inshAllah candid analysis of National security profile.

Have recorded a program with Sach TV today to be aired Monday at 8 PM inshAllah candid analysis of National security profile. Important discussion alhamdolillah. The program also comes live on net for global audience. 9.109463862441767/621913214530160/?type=1&stream_ref=10

March 10th, 2014

Pakistan is losing this war because a corrupt and compromised democracy is in power and the army is silent.

In an unpardonable act of stupidity, the government of Nawaz Shareef has forced the army to back off from eliminating the CIA/RAW backed religious insurgents of TTP, at a time when army had surrounded them in the valleys of North Waziristan. The government is now clearly using delaying tactics to allow the snows to melt on the mountains, opening the mountain escape routes of these terrorists. While the army has been put on hold, only allowed limited self defense response when under attack, the TTP continues their brutal war with audacious impunity. TTP have changed their tactics to further be-fool the regime one group would attack, claim responsibility as a new unknown group and the main body of TTP would distance itself from these attack, disowning any hand in the atrocity. The government remains ignorant, naive or even complicit in crime at this of national calamity. The government is under extreme stress to perform but there is no denying the fact that it is falling apart and failing on all fronts catastrophically. The stress is causing fissures within the ranks of the top government stalwarts while the country is literally going to dogs. The economic plan is being driven by IMF, which can be best described as scandalous. The entire States wealth producing organizations are being sold out to India and western corporations with Pakistanis acting as front men in few cases. The country is facing worst drought in Sindh with both federal and provincial government totally unaware of the calamity. Once again, army had to be called in to rescue as there was NO civil administration in place to respond to a local famine. Courts remain busy in chasing the army and security forces over the missing persons cases while the National assembly literally remains a school assembly with useless noises and petty debates, totally devoid of any substance or strategy. This is chaos at its best at both political and economic levels. Now even the media is noticing this visible collapse with disbelief and concern. This one liner from Churchill sums up this Nawaz government comprehensively. Now they have a war at hand and do not know how to fight. Collapse of this

regime and democracy is imminent. There is no doubt that it would be at the hands of an army. If Pak army wont do it, then surely Indian army backed by CIA and TTP would finish the job. That would be bloody and messy. Pakistan is losing this war because a corrupt and compromised democracy is in power and the army is silent. Pak army has two choices now. Take charge of the crisis now when it can or TRY to take charge later when it wont be possible. For now, we have to wait and see. 9.109463862441767/622082774513204/?type=1&theater

March 11th, 2014

Candid analysis of National security profile on Sach TV. InshAllah, khair for Pak Sarzameen. Our azaan on Sach TV aired last night. InshAllah, khair for Pak Sarzameen. am_ref=10

Post strong comments here. We need to fight this war on all platform of info warfare. Post strong comments here. We need to fight this war on all platform of info

warfare. _ref=10

March 14th, 2014

Today I had an interesting incident. Goes to show how stupid, myopic, deaf, dumb and blind these TTP khawarij supporters are.
Today I had an interesting incident. Goes to show how stupid, myopic, deaf, dumb and blind these TTP khawarij supporters are. Worth sharing with you all. I was in a hotel lobby when a suited man, educated looking walked up to me and asked Zaid sb why are you against deobandis ? Me: No I am NOT. I am against Congressi deobandis only. He: Deobandis have defeated two super powers. One Russian and One American. They have defended Pakistan. You speak against deobandis. Why ? (he started to raise his voices as well) Me: Calm down and lower your voice, do you know that I have also fought in Afghanistan against Soviets ?? He: No I dont know that (he was puzzled now). Me: do you know that I am the biggest defender of Mullah Omer in Pakistan? He: but you never defend Afghan Taliban in media. You never say that in public. You are saying that in front of me alone.

Me: I have defended Afghan Taliban a thousand time in media. You have never seen my programs surely. Me: what is your name ?? He: I wont tell you. Me: ( I was angry now ) I will not talk to someone who is not willing to introduce himself. I have always defended Afghan Taliban. You have not seen my programs. You speak total non-sence.. Then I walked away resisting the temptation of knocking him down on ground The example is a typical I face every day with Jahils like him who are under delusions that Afghan Taliban are deobandis or deobandis have defended Islam in Afghanistan defeating two super powers and they think that when I speak against Congressi Khawarij, I am speaking against Afghan Jihad and all deoband. This is typical blind deaf and dumb Takfiri Khawarij mentality, even in so called educated followers of TTP Congressi deobandis. Those who follow us know our stand fully well. For the sake of record, I would like to clarify that Afghan Jihad was NEVER fought by deobandis. There are NO deobandi barelvis in Afghanistan. Afghan Jihad was fought by 6 sunni parties of Afghan Mujahideen and Arabs from all over the world. NOT a single one was deobandi. 1. Ustad Sayyaf a sunni, who was closer to Salafis. 2. Masood/Ustab Rabbani Sunnis closer to Ikhwan and Maulana Maududi. 3. Hekmatyar closer to Ikhwan and Maududi. 4. MUjaddadi. A sufi order of Afghanistan. 5. Pir Gilani a sufi order of Afghanistan. 6. Yunus Khalid / Haqqani typical maulvis from local afghan madrassas. 7. Sheikh abdullah azzam and arabs like Osama - all salafis. Which Afghan Jihad was fought by deobandis ??????????????? why do deobandis

claim today that they defeated soviet union ?? Even today, Mullah Omer and his team are NOT deobandis. They are Afghan sunnis. This deobandi barelvi fight does NOT exist anywhere in Muslim world nor they exist anywhere else in mainstream society. The event of today with that pro-Deobandi seemingly educated man is a sad commentary on how ill informed, biased and prejudicded muslims have become, where they lies, cheat, put allegations and bohtan without knowledge and harm the ummah in their own fasad of nafs. Sad commentary indeed. am_ref=10

Our book launch is also close, alhamdolillah. very soon, we will let you know from where to buy these books, inshAllah.

InshAllah, on Debate tonight, we will give breaking news on how RAW is planning to give lethal weapons to TTP in the coming days, while the government and the politicians remain total insane idiots in pursuing futile peace talks allowing the Khawarij to re-arm and re-group. Watch debate at 8 pm on DIN news inshAllah. Meanwhile, our book launch is also close, alhamdolillah. very soon, we will let

you know from where to buy these books, inshAllah. 3119.109463862441767/623551574366324/?type=1&stream_ref=10

Watch DEBATE at 8 pm on DIN news inshAllaah. khawarij planning another deadly wave of attacks as the govt remains deaf dumb and blind.
watch DEBATE at 8 pm on DIN news inshAllaah. khawarij planning another deadly wave of attacks as the govt remains deaf dumb and blind. brutal analysis inshAllah to wake up a slumbering nation. am_ref=10

This is our azaan to warn the nation that Khawarij are planning more lethal attacks in the coming days. Debate on Friday Night. This is our azaan to warn the nation that Khawarij are planning more lethal attacks in the coming days. Debate on Friday Night. am_ref=10

March 16th, 2014

Saudi Arabia is in crisis now ! The maps are changing and the wars between brothers are being exploited by the enemies. The debate Saturday Night ! Saudi Arabia is in crisis now ! The maps are changing and the wars between brothers are being exploited by the enemies. The debate Saturday Night ! am_ref=10

The Debate English -- The entire threat matrix of Pakistan on internal and external security axis, TTP threat of chemical weapons and reshaping of the Saudi geography. The Debate English -- The entire threat matrix of Pakistan on internal and external security axis, TTP threat of chemical weapons and reshaping of the Saudi geography. Spread this on all english speaking sites and to expat Pakistanis. Khair inshAllah. The time has come for the patriots to support the army to do the "needful" :-) am_ref=10

March 18th, 2014

Those snakes and idiots who say that Pakistan have wasted money on nuclear program and should lower the defense budget should listen to Ukrainian President...

Those snakes and idiots who say that Pakistan have wasted money on nuclear program and should lower the defense budget should listen to Ukrainian President who is now regretting that they gave up their nuclear program and now their survival is threatened !! Now his regret is too late ! Ukraine stands defenseless and Russia stands on its borders.... Too late.... Now the cost would be their freedom.... 3119.109463862441767/625556520832496/?type=1&stream_ref=10

March 19th, 2014

Yesterday, March 18th, was the first death anniversary of the Pakistani falcon MM Alam !! It was Alam's sb's last wish that I translate this book in Urdu also. Recite Fatiha for Abba Jan and Alam sb please..

Yesterday, March 18th, was the first death anniversary of the Pakistani falcon MM Alam !! He was a true ace, a national hero, globally respected and a symbol of love for Pak Sarzameen and Ummat e Rasul (sm) ! By ethnicity, he was a Bihari/bengali who opted to stay in Medina e Sani after 1971 and then took part in Afghan Jihad to defend this Pak Sarzameen from another dimension. Alhamdolillah, I had a 40 years old association with this Shaheen and he is lovingly mentioned in our Memoirs -- From Indus to Oxus !! It was Alam's sb's last wish that I translate this book in Urdu also. We started the work immediately and now one year after his passing away into the spiritual realm, we are honored to announce the launch of the Urdu version -- Darya e Sindh sey Darya e Amu tak !! InshAllah, we will make formal announcement on March 23rd !! a Befitting day for this epic historical and emotional account of an amazing war of freedom, translated on the wishes of MM Alam sahib !! So fasten your seat belts for an astounding flight roller coaster flight into the

melting pot of history. We will announce the launch on March 23rd inshAllah !!!! Between the English version and the Urdu translation, I lost two great men who had influenced my life, thoughts and passions -- My beloved father and my friend/teacher/elder MM Alam sb. Both had seen the english book and both wanted its Urdu version. Now both would over see it from heavens inshAllah ! Recite Fatiha for Abba Jan and Alam sb please. Barak Allah feek ! I miss them so much today :-( 3119.109463862441767/625914690796679/?type=1&stream_ref=10

InshAllah, on March 23rd !! The epic is being launched all over the country simultaneously in all major cities !! Wait for details...

InshAllah, on March 23rd !! The epic is being launched all over the country simultaneously in all major cities !! Wait for details... For now, this is to tease you even more :-) 3119.109463862441767/625919530796195/?type=1&stream_ref=10

little sabr :-) for now we have teasers for you :-)

Sabr Yar :-) we said, we will give details on March 23rd !! The book will be available all over the country inshAllah or you can ask your bookseller to get it for you or you can order directly from BT office in Pindi. wait, we will give details for outside the country also. The price within Pakistan is Rs: 3000/- from the bookshop. You may have to pay a

little extra for direct orders from BT office to cover the postage costs. little sabr :-) for now we have teasers for you :-) 3119.109463862441767/625927644128717/?type=1&stream_ref=10

March 21st, 2014

Pak army, Nation is with you. Do what MUST be done NOW !!

let us explain to you the reality and secret meanings of "peace terms" being given by Khawarij and about to be accepted by this pro-Khawarij government. 1. The region of Waziristan to be handed over to Khawarij. army to withdraw so that the Khawarij can create their emirate of Waziristan there. 2. All Khawarij prisioners to be released and all charges against them for waging war against Pak Sarzameen to be dropped. 3. Pakistan army will NEVER attack them but khawarij are free to attack at will.

4. Pak army will pay the Khawarij for "damage" done by Pak army for waging war against Khawarij. 5. Mullah Fazlullah will sit in front of General Raheel to settle final peace deal. 6. Pakistani state and Khawarij will deal on terms of sovereign equality and the terrorists will be considered as stake holders in the state and their opinion will be taken as legal and legitimate power. 7. Media will give full coverage to Khawarij's point of view and the Khawarij would be free to express their opinion against State and army. 8. Cases must be registered against Pak army for eliminating Khawarij in battles. (government has already registered cases against serving officers yesterday to fulfill this condition). If the nation is happy to have "peace" on these terms, then the so called peace deal must be supported. If we refuse to accept this insult and blasphemy, then Pak army must use full force to eliminate this fitnah for good. There is NO middle path. Pak army, Nation is with you. Do what MUST be done NOW !! InshAllah, tonight on DIN News, we will discuss this issue in detail. May Allah's curse be on Khawarij and all their supporters within our ranks. Khair inshAllah. 3119.109463862441767/626749284046553/?type=1&theater

Understand why Pak army is being targeted by all enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and Pakistan.

under-trial-whats-the-story-behind-21-march-2014/# Our brutally harsh program against Khawarij and their munafiq allies. Understand why Pak army is being targeted by all enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and Pakistan. Our azaan on DIN News Debate Friday Night. Post strong comments on Zem site. am_ref=10

March 22nd, 2014

InshAllah, tomorrow, on an epic day of March 23rd, we launch another romantic adventure marching towards Mission Takmeel e Pakistan ! InshAllah, tomorrow, on an epic day of March 23rd, we launch another romantic adventure marching towards Mission Takmeel e Pakistan ! The trail that began in the mountains of Afghanistan, continues even today with courage, dignity and honor ! Here we take you along on that passionate journey of love and courage. am_ref=10

On Sunday night, DIN news will also air a special documentary on the book on the launch of this epic alhamdolillah.
Alhamdolillah, DIN News is now showing our book promo video every hour !! On

Sunday night, DIN news will also air a special documentary on the book on the launch of this epic alhamdolillah. Just 24 hours away now, we eagerly wait for the moment to say shukar and share this rizq with you ! Tonight on DIN News, watch our Debate on regional security threat analysis !! am_ref=10

Today, on March 23rd, 2014 -- we again renew our pledge to hold our ground, stand firm, stand united and fight on for the Mission Takmeel ! On March 23, 1940, our elders dared to dream the impossible ! Tameer e Pakistan ! On March 23rd, 2010, 70 years later, a band of patriots dares to dream another "impossible" mission -- Takmeel e Pakistan ! Today, on March 23rd, 2014 -- we again renew our pledge to hold our ground, stand firm, stand united and fight on for the Mission Takmeel ! We invite you to this destiny ! Do you have the courage to dream the "impossible" ?? am_ref=10

Ask yourself -- what have you done for Pakistan so far ?????

Imagine -- a sea of fire, sword and blood to cross, with millions of women, children and men in the move, unarmed, defenseless -- surrounded by millions of butchers hunting for Muslim blood !!! Result was expected -- a slaughter of humongous magnitude, never seen in human history..... That was the journey towards Pakistan ! They believed in Pakistan and paid through their blood, honor and lands but marched on.... Ask yourself -- what have you done for Pakistan so far ????? am_ref=10

You have 3 choices now : All those who want to live a life of dignity and honor, are welcome to join the Mission Takmeel e Pakistan ! You have 3 choices now : 1. Stand against us and join the enemies. 2. Stand neutral and watch the battle between Imaan and Kufr. 3. Join the Mission Takmeel e Pakistan and fight for the glory of faith and Ummah ! All those who want to live a life of dignity and honor, are welcome to join the Mission Takmeel e Pakistan ! When you join this page and start to spread and share its message, you are a soldier of this sacred journey and have taken your first steps !! Our battle field is social media and Media ! am_ref=10

A gift to the Millat from BrassTacks team -- a rare Urdu speech of Quaid which is incredibility relevant for the today's crisis that we face today as a nation ! A gift to the Millat from BrassTacks team -- a rare Urdu speech of Quaid which is incredibility relevant for the today's crisis that we face today as a nation ! Hear the roar of this lion, feel the rush of blood and relive the moment when this lion lead the pack of tigers !! am_ref=10

Our today's azaan on DIN -- regional geo-politics, sectarian wars and tussle between Saudi arabia, Iran and Bahrain and the role of Pakistan in this crisis. khair inshAllah Our today's azaan on DIN -- regional geo-politics, sectarian wars and tussle between Saudi arabia, Iran and Bahrain and the role of Pakistan in this crisis. khair inshAllah am_ref=10

March 23rd, 2014

Zaid Hamid's new book available at Feroz Sons book stores all over Pakistan. Get your copy now!
Alhamdolillah alf Marra !! mubarak to the millat and the Ummah on this day when the creation of this Pak Sarzameen was written in Loh e Mehfooz ! We had promised you that today, we will cross another milestone in our sacred journey towards Takmeel e Pakistan -- launch of our gift of adab and love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) -- Urdu translation of our English book -- From Indus to Oxus ! MashAllah, Mubarak -- the moment has arrived !! From today, the Urdu book would be available in all bookstores of FEROZ SONS pvt ltd, the oldest brand name of Pakistan in Publishing quality books for the last 5 generations MashAllah. The publishing of this epic book is a joint venture of BrassTacks and Ferozsons and now all outlets of Feroozsons in Karachi, Lahore and Pindi would sell these masterpieces. The sale price of this epic is Rs: 3000/- (three thousand). If you do not have Ferozsons outlets in your cities, contact your nearest bookstore. They will get it from Ferozsons. All book stores keep books of Ferozsons and will happily arrange copies of our book for you. If you are student and cannot afford the book, ask your school, collage or university library to arrange the book for you. They will get it from Ferozsons for you to read without having to buy it yourself. All those who are outside Pakistan, pl contact the following email address of Ferozsons. Their export division will dispatch the book to you in your country. Those who are outside the country can also ask their friends and family to buy the book in Pakistan and then send it to you through some family member or friend. The book is published by the largest, most reputable and oldest publisher of Pakistan and there are no issues in its export or sending it outside Pakistan.

OR You can buy directly from BrassTacks office in Pindi. Our office phones are : +92 51 5598046,7 Shami or Saeed will take your details and will inform you on how to send the funds. We can dispatch anywhere within Pakistan inshAllah. you may to pay some extra postage cost, else you can visit us and pick your copy personally. You can send us cheques, drafts or direct account transfer to BrassTacks or send via easypaisa type services. Those outside the country can use Western Union. Please send me email directly and we shall send you bank details also.
There are some members who want to buy more copies and want us to distribute the books among those who deserve to have this epic. We shall do this duty for them. This is NOT an ordinary book, this is a milestone in creating a greater Pakistan on the march towards Takmeel. This is not just a romantic journey for your soul but also a source of halal rizq for the mission which keeps this mission afloat. We never ask for donations but prefer to earn through our projects and books. This halal rizq brings barakah which you see in this mission today, alhamdolillah. One request : please read the above post 3 times :)) all questions have already been answered. follow the guidelines. Any confusion, contact our office directly. Barak Allah feekum. May Allah give infinite barakah to Pak Sarzameen and bless this Ummat e Marhoom in dunya and Akhira ! Mubarak once again. This is your moment to contribute to the mission! am_ref=10

Hear the original roar of Quaid, another of his rare speech in English !By Allah, he was a tiger of Rasul Allah (sm) !! Another gift from BrassTacks team: MashaAllah. Just tears. Hear the original roar of Quaid, another of his rare speech in English ! He talked about the slaughter of Muslims at the hands of Hindus but equally relevant today against TTP Khawarij. Asking the Pakistani armed forces to crush the terrorists with full force and grim determination, most relevant for the present times. His voice gives you goosebumps !! By Allah, he was a tiger of Rasul Allah (sm) !! am_ref=10

A pic says a million words ! This is Khar Bajaur tribal agency ! Death to Khawarij, InshAllah !!

A pic says a million words ! This is Khar Bajaur tribal agency ! This vegetable seller makes a Pak flag from his vegetables, giving a crushing blow to anti-Pak Khawarij, who once roamed free in Bajaur, killing anyone who would stand for Pak Sarzameen ! This one pic is a huge success story written through blood of Pak army and patriotic tribals ! MashAllah !! Death to Khawarij, InshAllah !! Debate today will be uploaded soon inshAllah. It was an exclusive program on our Urdu Book launched today :-) Fascinating program it was :-) 3119.109463862441767/627801293941352/?type=1&stream_ref=10

The Debate -- Special episode on launch of our epic Urdu translation of "from Indus to Oxus" ! The journey that began 29 years ago, just got faster.... The Debate -- Special episode on launch of our epic Urdu translation of "from Indus to Oxus" ! The journey that began 29 years ago, just got faster..... am_ref=10

March 24th, 2014

Ferozsons Book Stores where Darye Sind Se Darye Aamoo Tak is available is now available at FEROZSONS .. Ferozsons Bookshop 60-Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam Telephone: +(92) (42) 111-62-62-62 Fax: +(92) (42) 636-9204

Ferozsons Bookshop 51-54 Gaddafi Stadium Telephone: +(92) (42) 571-2250 & 571-2276 Fax: +(92) (42) 571-2020 Ferozsons Bookshop Z Block, DHA Telephone: +(92) (42) 573-5662 & 3 Ferozsons Bookshop H Block, DHA Telephone: +(92) (42) 574-2804 & 5 Ferozsons Bookshop Urdu Bazzar Telephone: +(92) (42) 722-7086 Ferozsons Bookshop Pearl Continental HotelShop no 9 Telephone: +(92) (42) 636-0210 Karachi Ferozsons Bookshop Clifton Telephone: +(92) (21) 111-62-62-62 Fax: +(92) (42) 582-5170 Rawalpindi Ferozsons Bookshop Peshawar Road Telephone: +(92) (42) 62-62-62 Fax: +(92) (51) 556-4273 am_ref=10

March 26th, 2014

The greatest defeat of the Kuffar was the creation of Pakistan !! This is the secret of the revival of Khilafat ! This is what the media will never tell you ! Your education system will not teach you. Your scholars will not speak about it. The greatest victory of the Kuffar was destruction of Khilafat e Usmania. The greatest defeat of the Kuffar was the creation of Pakistan !! This is the secret of the revival of Khilafat ! This is the sacred mission, this is the sublime journey ! am_ref=10

March 28th, 2014

This is the duty of all Pakistani expats and students - spread the azaan in all corners of the world, especially within Ummah. This is the duty of all Pakistani expats and students - spread the azaan in all corners

of the world, especially within Ummah. These universities in Greece arranged a program for Pakistani community and showed our Wake UP series, MashAllah ! Each one of you can do this duty and join the mission. Revive the nation, wake up the millat ! am_ref=10

March 29th, 2014

The Debate friday Night -- Lull before the storm is about to explode into a hurricane of blood Musharraf's trial and the "peace talks" are a lull before a bloody storm ! A candid analysis of the chaos in the country. am_ref=10

March 30th, 2014

From creation to completion this romantic journey of epic proportions continues.

2014/# From creation to completion this romantic journey of epic proportions continues. The destiny is written and only has to manifest itself, but then who would among the chosen ones to lead the Ummah in these desperate times. The Debate from Saturday night. am_ref=10

March 31st, 2014

The Debate Sunday Night - CIA's info war against Pakistan and the role of Judiciary against Pak army, he sectarian wars within Muslim lands and role of Pakistan. The Debate Sunday Night - The strategy of Khawarij, peace talks drama, CIA's info war against Pakistan and the role of Judiciary against Pak army. Also, the sectarian wars within Muslim lands and role of Pakistan. am_ref=10

The Debate Sunday Night - CIA's info war against Pakistan and the role of Judiciary against Pak army, he sectarian wars within Muslim lands and role of Pakistan.

new-conditions-by-ttp-raise-a-number-of-questions-30-march-2014_news The Debate Sunday Night - The strategy of Khawarij, peace talks drama, CIA's info war against Pakistan and the role of Judiciary against Pak army. Also, the sectarian wars within Muslim lands and role of Pakistan. am_ref=10 0458.109463862441767/630779036976911/?type=1&theater

Every Pakistani must read this treasure. It is not just a book but a lifetime of experience wrapped into an epic

Every Pakistani must read this treasure. It is not just a book but a lifetime of experience wrapped into an epic which takes you on a nostalgic, romantic journey into the pages of history, never seen or written before. Ask your libraries to get it for you, present this as gifts to your friends, army officers and scholars and family. And when you read it, write to us on how you felt after going through it. The best comments will be included in the next editions inshAllah. Contact our office at 051 5598046,7 OR Ferozsons outlets all over the country

OR ask your nearest bookseller to get it for you from Ferozsons. You cannot put a price tag on knowledge but we have only tried to recover the printing and production costs. This would be your direct contribution to get the mission going as well. Barak Allah feekum. 3119.109463862441767/630886733632808/?type=1&stream_ref=10

Barring a few patriotic media, the entire liberal secular beyghairat media takes money as bribes from government and foreign secret services for work against Pakistan and Pak army. Then these snakes have the shameless audacity to accuse me of taking money from ISI :-) Lol. Barring a few patriotic media, the entire liberal secular beyghairat media takes money as bribes from government and foreign secret services for work against Pakistan and Pak army. Then they attack the patriots and accuse them of being "ISI" agents, as if working with army or ISI is a sin or a crime :-) A word of advice --- if anyone accuse you of working for ISI, feel proud on the allegation and know that you are on the right track ! Only the enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) will be jealous of Pak army ! am_ref=10

This is the tarbiat that our young generation needs while we struggle to find our lost glory. Glory comes from Adab. Learn its mystical dimensions. Sh Hamza Yusuf is a dear brother and a friend. A revert American Muslim, we have known each other for the past 25 years almost, since my days in Karachi and Peshawar in 80's. We met few years back in Medina Munawwara after almost 2 decades. A true scholar, humble soul and a great preacher of deen in the West. Here we share a great lecture from him on what love and adab is. This is the tarbiat that our young generation needs while we struggle to find our lost glory. Glory comes from Adab. Learn its mystical dimensions. Barak Allah feekum am_ref=10

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