Any Idea For Member Engagement in This Month? Yeah, Here I Have Some Idea. This Is It!

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MEMBER ENGAGEMENT - JULY 2013 (FASTING MOTH) Any idea for member engagement in this month?

Yeah, here I have some idea. This is it!

NO. 1 ACTIVITY Break Fasting with Member of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW DESCRIPTION Break fasting activity is the way to keep members engagement in fasting month. Here, we will have fun together, and we will have great experience and strong engagement of AIESECs member. I have some idea about concept of the activity. CONCEPT : 1. Opening 2. Games 3. Break Fasting 4. Pray 5. Roll Dance 6. Photo session 7. Closing 2 Break Fasting and Sharing with Alumnis International Experience (Great Inspire People) The alumni share about their international experiences. Here, they stand as inspire people and give inspiration for AIESECs members to have great commitment in the name of impact delivery for surroundings. After that, will be continue by break fasting, pray, and then have fun together. If there are some students that come from different country, we can held such as The first purpose of the activity is to engage member and alumni of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW. Second purpose is to get inspiration from the alumni that have international experience. The inspiration from the alumni will be make the members of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW have good commitment and new spirit to work as well. Members and alumni of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW July 2013 04.00 pm 07.00 pm Caf, etc. PURPOSE The main purpose of the activity is to engage member of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW. The engagement between one and another will be make the team work run smoothly in the future. PARTICIPANT Member of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW DATE July 2013 TIME 04.00 pm - 06.30 pm LOCATION Caf, etc.o

cultural night (performances from each country), even from member of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW (Indonesian performances)


As we know that July 2013 is holiday for students of Brawijaya University. This time can take as opportunity to make strong engagement of AIESECs members. I think that the vocation of AIESECs members is one of interesting way to make the member have fun together and make good engagement between one and another. The vocation can be held in interesting place such as tourism resort (example: beach), may be for 1 day. We can stay in the inn. I have simple explanation about concept of the activity First Day: Spare time together > break fasting > pray>and doing some firework in the night. Second Day : take meal in the latter part of the night (sahur)>pray> spare time again > go home

The main purpose of the activity is fun together, in order we have strong engagement of members of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW. I hope the members of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW strong as family.


July 2013

1st Day : 08.00 am 11.00 pm 2nd Day : 03.00 am 11.00 am

Beach or the other tourism resort.

o Description : Training survey is one of method to know about what kind of training that needed by members. Here, we can doing training survey by giving some question to all member of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW. o


: The purpose of training survey is to match between the members need and the training that will be held later.

Example of Training Survey Question


Do you enjoy coming to the meetings? a. Yes b. No


Are there any improvements you feel should be made concerning the meetings? If yes, what are they? a. Yes, _______________________________________________ b. No


Do you know most of the members in AIESEC LC UNIBRAW 1314? a. Yes b. No


Do you feel comfortable in interacting with the EB? a. Yes b. No


Do you feel the organization should operate from the bottom up or from the top down? a. Top Down 8 b. Bottom Down 8 c. Horizontal Orientation


Are there any areas of AIESEC LC UNIBRAW that you feel you need more knowledge about? If yes, please tell us about that. a. Yes, _______________________________________________ b. No


Are you satisfied with the training you are receiving with respect to the team you are on? a. Yes b. No


Do you feel you know what goes on in the organization as a whole? If no, do you have any suggestions for improving this? a. Yes b. No,_______________________________________________


Are there any general issues you have that you want the EB to know? If yes, what is that? a. Yes, _______________________________________________ b. No

10. Do you have any suggestions for improving these issues?

a. Yes, _______________________________________________ b. No

11.Do you think you have a good grasp on the structure and the way the LC operates?
a. Yes b. No

12.What do you want to get out from AIESEC LC UNIBRAW? Please check ( ) the following, using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1=(Not Important) to 5=(Important)
SCALE 5 4 3 2 1

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Exchange opportunities


Contacts & possible job opportunities Meet new people Gain international experience Leadership opportunities Impact people Cultural awareness Friendships Work and personal experience Make organization better Be involved Knowledge Speaking

Do you feel you are receiving the cases as good as you want? SCALE YES NO

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Exchange opportunities


Contacts & possible job opportunities Meet new people Gain international experience Leadership opportunities Impact people Cultural awareness Friendships Work and personal experience Make organisation better Be involved Knowledge Speaking

13. What kind of training that you want? Please, tell us.
a. _______________________________________________ b. _______________________________________________ c. _______________________________________________ d. _______________________________________________

14.Any adding that you want to tell? For example: The obstacle that you had in the department or when you joined project. *Open space.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LOCAL COMMITTE CONFERENCES (LCC) How to make all members join conference? Well, here I have ideas to make all members join conference.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Vote result from member about LCCs date and time. The cost is cheap for participants who want to join in LCC. LCC located in interesting place. Invite great inspire people. Interesting agenda of LCC. Vocation after LCC. There is fun punishment, such as: take performance alone in the stage (singing, dance, etc) in the next conferences for members that not join the LCC with bad rationality. There are many kinds of opportunities to get the rewards for students that join the LCC. Yeah, we must provide many kinds of interesting rewards.

Maaf kalo banyak kekeliruan & first task yang saya kerjakan tidak banyak membantu TM. Maaf banget. Tolong ajarin saya my VP..!!

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