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Name : _________________________________________________________ Class:_________________________________________________________ GRADE: 1 2 3 4 5

Digital Photography: minimiam

I retrieved a photograph from the server and imported it into +10 I chose the best photograph I could from the ones my group took. I made sure that it was in focus and had a solid background with good lighting choices. +10 I cropped my photo if necessary +10 I adjusted the exposure to make sure there was enough contrast e!ual shadows and highlights +10 I changed my image to black and white using the filter tool and then made a choice to either keep it in color or permanently change it to be black and white. +10 I played around a bit with the filters and saved one with a filter of my choice and one without. +10 I saved my " images to the laptop desktop +# I turned in my final " images to$class using the code +# I titled and wrote a brief artist statement about my images when I uploaded them to artsonia +10 %y project is complete& 'es (o If no why not) ***************************************************************************

+lease circle one box in each row that best applies to you and this project. ,he teacher will circle in a different color.


Effort and Neatness Participation Behavior Use and Care of materials

I always put forth my best effort. My project is neat and clean looking.

I usually work hard and I try my best most of the time. My project is sort of neat I participate some of the time and I mostly spend my time in class working on my project. I usually follow the rules but sometimes I need reminders from friends and the teacher I use materials correctly most of the time but sometimes I need to be reminded to clean up.

I sometimes need to be reminded to try my best and my projects needs to be more neat. I need to be reminded often to keep on task and finish work. I have a difficult time following rules and I have had to have my seat moved or referrals written. I need to be reminded to clean up most times and sometimes I get supplies taken away from me for using them incorrectly.

I always participate in class and use class time well. I always follow classroom rules and never cause a classroom disturbance. I am always helpful. I used all materials appropriately with no reminders. I always clean up.

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