Lesson On Theme Day 1

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Description of Classroom This is a 4th grade classroom with 13 boys and 11 girls. !ac"#ro$n% Students have heard of the word theme before, but they have yet to have direct instruction on the topic. Content O&'ecti(e)s* Students must determine the theme themes of the te!t using details from the te!t to support their thin"ing.

Lan#$a#e O&'ecti(e)s* #fter reading a short story, students will be able to determine the theme and $ustify their reasoning using evidence from the te!t. Ne(a%a Stan%ar%s %&.4.' ( )etermine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the te!t* summari+e the te!t.

+e, Voca&$lar, theme, inferring, $ustify.

!est Practices (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
X X X X X X x Preparation #daptation of content &in"s to bac"ground &in"s to past learning Strategies incorporated Inte#ration of Processes &istening Spea"ing %eading -riting x X X X X X X X X Scaffol%in# ,odeling /uided practice 0ndependent practice 2erbal scaffolds 1rocedural scaffolds Application 3ands(on #uthentic 4,eaningful5 &in"ed to ob$ectives 1romotes engagement X X X X X Gro$pin# Options -hole .lass Small groups 1artners 0ndependent Assessment 0ndividual /roup -ritten 6ral

Teac-in# Strate#ies -hole group direct(instruction, group wor", independent practice. .arm /p Acti(it, Students will do a tal"ing chips on the 7uestion what do you "now about theme8 #fter two minutes, teacher will have the class share their ideas.

Lesson Se0$ence 1. Teacher will go into the 1ower1oint. '. 6n the first slide, the teacher will emphasi+e that the theme is what the author is trying to teach you after reading the story. The theme is a life lesson. Thin" the bigger picture. 3. 6n slide 9, the teacher will read a version of The :oy who .ried -olf. There are three 7uestions posed on slide 9 that students will answer with their groups after the teacher has finished the reading. #fter collaborating with their groups for a few minutes, students will share their responses with the class. 4. ;or slide <, teacher will as" the class who has seen the movie ;ro+en8 0f there are more than two students from a table who have not seen the movie, that group will be as"ed to $oin other groups who have seen the movie. The three 7uestions will be posed again= -ho are the characters8 -hat is the story about8 -hat is the theme8 The teacher will give roughly <(1> minutes for this slide so students can summari+e what the movie is about to those who haven?t seen it. #fter the <(1> minutes, the students will share their responses. Students go bac" to seats. @. Ae!t, the teacher will hand out a short story. 0n partners, students will read the story and answer the 7uestions. 6nce the shoulder partners have answered the 7uestion, they will discuss it with the other two members of the group. #fter the entire group has had time to discuss, the teacher will call on volunteers to share their responses. 9. Students will turn in their wor"sheet. Accommo%ations Teacher will ma"e necessary accommodations for the lower(level group. Students who need to move up to see 11T will be able to do so. S$pplementar, Materials 1ower1oint, :oy who .ried -olf story, short story wor"sheet, pencils. Re(ie12Assessment Students will be turning in their theme wor"sheet. Reflection

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