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More cranes ock to Kampot


Rubber decline stokes concerns

BUsinEss PaGe 7

Two Koreas exchange live re

WorlD PaGe 12

TUESDAY, aPRIL 1, 2014

Successful People Read The Post

4000 RIEL

Violence mars rally for licence

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Stuart White

THE governments haphazardly enforced crackdown on public gatherings continued yesterday as independent radio broadcaster Mam Sonando and a crowd of supporters were able to gather just east of Freedom Park, though not without violence. While one man was badly beaten by Daun Penh district security guards, two more slightly injured and another arrested and later released, Sonando was still able to deliver his remarks in support of his ongoing bid for a TV licence, albeit with the intermittent interference of security and police, who periodically shepherded protesters further eastward. Protester Pheng Leng, 46, was pinned against a wall by a scrum of Daun Penh security guards and bashed repeatedly in the head with a walkie-talkie after scuffling with guards over fellow demonstrator Chan Horn, 69, who was being dragged away for distributing materials emblazoned with the emblem of Sonandos Beehive Radio. Horn and fellow demonstrator Sar Continues on page 2
A security ofcer prepares to hit a demonstrator with his baton during a rally yesterday at Freedom Park.

Big logging cartel alleged

May Titthara and Daniel Pye

RIME Minister Hun Sens brother Hun Neng and a Vietnamese state-owned rubber firm are involved in an illegal logging cartel involving several wellconnected companies operating on a massive scale in the embattled Prey Lang forest, forest monitors working in the area allege. Video footage and photographs advocacy groups say were shot over the past two weeks show trucks bear-

Hun Sen brother denies role in scheme

ing the logo of tycoon Try Pheaps MDS Import Export Co Ltd transporting timber to sawmills in Kampong Thoms Chu Pah Rubber Development Project and a social land concession allegedly overseen by Hun Neng. The Chu Pah project is run by CRCK II Kampong Thom, which is a subsidiary of the Vietnamese governments state-owned Vietnam Rubber Group. The Post could not independently verify the location or date that the footage and images were taken, and Hun Neng yesterday denied the claims. An official from the Vietnam Rubber Group declined to comment. Adding to the complex stew of connections, Chhim Savuth, director of the Natural Resource Protection Group, said that Seng Saravuth a logging firm owned by Seng Kok Kheang, the former brother-in-law of Hun Sens nephew Hun Choch holds the licence to clear timber for CRCK. A Post reporter visiting the area in March 2012 confirmed the sawmills are operated by Seng Saravuth. Over the past three years, CRCK has built two sawmills, in ONgeav and Meanrith communes, Savuth added, while Seng Saravuth operates another in the area.

However, as the timber has dried up, Kok Kheang moved the operation to Stung Touch village in Meanrith commune, where Savuth alleged Hun Neng controls land allocated for disabled military veterans. Hun Neng received that social land concession a long time ago to hand out to disabled soldiers, but he did not give it to the people. They took that land to build eight sawmills to conduct logging, Savuth said, adding that Continues on page 6




Workplace deaths up
Sen David and Sean Teehan

Mam Sonando, owner of Beehive Radio, is escorted away from municipal security personnel by supporters in Freedom Park yesterday during a demonstration. pHA LINA

Violence mars licence rally

Continued from page 1

Sorn were also slightly injured after they came to Lengs aid. I saw those security forces hitting a man until he got a head injury, so I screamed at them to stop hitting that man, but they went after me, an old man, Horn said, adding that he had

arrival, were able to move into the parkland on the eastern side of Naga Bridge, where Sonando delivered several speeches as police and security looked on. The people arent asking for power, theyre only asking for a television licence. Why do you not give it to us? he said. If they gave us the licence, the problem

I saw those security forces hitting a man until he got a head injury, so I screamed at them to stop
been struck in the leg and kicked by guards. Sorn, a protester from the Borei Keila community, said she had tried to flee when the beating started but was hit in the leg and fell to the ground. We did not come to protest against the authorities, but we came to ask the government to grant a television licence to Mam Sonando so that he can set up an independent TV channel that will broadcast real news about what is going on in Cambodian society, Sorn said. After the early confrontations, however, a larger group of protesters, bolstered by Sonandos would be finished, but they use the police and armed forces to crack down on us. Periodically, a line of police and security guards slowly edged the group eastward before halting, allowing the protesters to regroup a few metres away and continue their speeches. By about 10am, Sonando had left and the protest had dwindled to several groups of 20 to 30, who remained in the park talking as security forces sat idly by. City Hall spokesman Long Dimanche yesterday defended the interference, saying the protest had been unapproved and that the police action had been

necessary to prevent anarchy. We informed Mam Sonando that we did not agree to let the people gather until the court declares the results of the investigations on the accidents caused by previous demonstrations, he said. Therefore, his action right now is against the law. However, Ou Virak, chairman of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said yesterday that the municipalitys justification was absurd as it can be. Virak also characterised the authorities half-hearted attempts to stop Sonandos protest and an opposition demonstration on Sunday that was ultimately allowed to march through the city as an effort by the government to stifle dissent while at the same time not engendering further ill will. They dont want major protests to lead to the removal of Hun Sen, but if they ban it completely, they can antagonise and frustrate the population even further, he said. So theres a balance. If they crack down brutally, they will probably anger the population further, and the population might come out in force, and they dont want that, he added.

O R K PLA C E deaths shot up more than 60 per cent last year when compared with 2012, while injuries and payouts to those injured also saw dramatic increases, according to data released yesterday by the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). Speaking during a conference at the Ministry of Labour in Phnom Penh yesterday, government ofcials said the sharp increase in deaths could be largely attributed to trafc accidents involving garment workers being transported to and from work. Last year also saw more than 79,000 workers added to the NSSF registry in advance of the introduction of a national health insurance plan later this year and a pension fund slated for 2015. The health insurance program will benet all workers wellbeing, NSSF director Ouk Sam Vichea said at yesterdays conference, which was aimed at promoting the new plan. NSSF appeals to all factory owners and other employers to register with us so that their employees can receive these benets. For the past ve years, workers have been eligible to receive compensation from the fund in

Rescue workers search through rubble for survivors at the Wing Star shoe factory in Kampong Speu province in May last year. pHA LINA

cases of on-the-job accidents. Before that, workers involved in industrial accidents received nothing. The health insurance plan will compensate workers suffering from illnesses acquired at work, and the pension fund will contribute toward their retirement. NSSF manages all of the programs. Although workers ill from work-related causes such as chemicals on the premises will be covered by the insurance plan, pre-existing conditions or diseases unrelated to the work environment will not be included, said Dr. Som Sophon, an NSSF deputy. We will pay for hospital

treatments for work-related illnesses, Sophon said. In addition, the social security fund will pay for workers lunches when the health insurance plan begins covering registered workers later this year, Sam Vichea said. Garment factories make up the lions share of workers registered in the NSSF , but its important that other sectors, including construction, are involved, said Dave Welsh, country director for labour rights group Solidarity Center. Just below 17,000 workers were injured last year, about 2,600 more than 2012; and 92 workers were killed, compared with 56 in 2012.

New Ranariddh party approved

Vong Sokheng

PRINCE Norodom Ranariddh is officially back in the political game. The Ministry of Interior has approved the former prime ministers Community of Royalist Peoples Party (CRPP), Ranariddhs cabinet chief, Noranarith Anandayath, said yesterday. The Ministry of Interior has already recognised our political party, and we are now considering an official announcement within the next few days, Anandayath said. Khieu Sopheak, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, could not be reached for comment. Ranariddh ruled in a coalition government

with Prime Minister Hun Sen from 1993 to 1997 before being ousted during bloody days of street fighting. He later joined the royalist faction Funcinpec, but split to start the Norodom Ranariddh Party. He quit politics altogether in 2012. He says he is returning now because the Cambodian Peoples Party and Cambodia National Rescue Party are failing to find solutions to the countrys problems after a national election last year that the opposition still disputes. Independent political analyst Chea Vannath said yesterday that the CRPP would not be able to challenge other party in the short term, as the prince has lost much credibility in his political leadership.

Moratorium on new universities

Chhay Channyda

THE Ministry of Education has vowed to shift its focus from the quantity of the countrys universities to their quality by instituting a moratorium on the approval of new institutions, officials said yesterday. Education Minister Hang Chuon Narong said that with more than 100 universities already established nationwide, he plans to temporarily put a stop to the creation of any more. We [will] temporarily suspend the set-up of [universities], because now we have 105 schools, which is too many. We have 39 public institutions and 66 private ones, Chuon Narong told the Post yesterday, without elaborating on how long this ban would be enforced. We have to strengthen the quality of education, focusing on improving the quality of professors who have to be trained up to masters or [PhD level],

Students enter Panassastra University on Sothearos Boulevard for their evening classes in Phnom Penh earlier this month. pHA LINA

and we also have to streamline the curriculum. If we still let them create more tertiary institutions, the quality will decline, he said. The number of students continuing their education to university level has increased dramatically in Cambodia over the

past few decades, with just 10,000 in 1990 compared to 250,000 last year, according to the Ministry of Education. But the number of professors has not kept pace. We see colleges and universities that have a lot of students but the number of professors is

small, so we want to train them for capacity, said Yok Ngov, secretary of state at the Ministry of Education. But, according to Yok Ngov, while the ministry will restrict the creation of institutions particularly private ones focusing on social studies, it will still encourage the establishment of those teaching subjects such as science and engineering. Santosh Khatri, UNESCO Cambodia education specialist, yesterday lauded the ministrys plans to put a stop to new institutions and reform existing ones. We have seen incredible expansion in terms of the number of higher education institutions in the country, but it is extremely critical to focus on the quality of higher education, he said by email, adding that problems facing the sector include a shortage of qualified professors and adequate teaching-learning facilities. ADDITIONAL


Assembly back, CNRP not

Meas Sokchea

HE Kingdoms fth National Assembly is to open its second session today, more than six months after the opposition party boycotted the inauguration of parliament on September 23 and left 68 Cambodian Peoples Party lawmakers to swear-in at the Royal Palace on their own. According to senior CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap, this session of parliament will see lawmakers debate the implementation of the 2012 budget evaluation of past budgets happen every year and pass a draft law on roads, among other activities. There will be ve items on the agenda [for this session], and we would like to request all lawmakers to join the session together, he said. Yeap added that while the parliament had sent an ofcial letter to the Cambodia National Rescue Party inviting its members to take their seats and join the session, he did not expect that it would take up the offer. This would not matter, he said, as the 68 CPP lawmakers who had taken their seats

Nearly half of the National Assemblys seats remain vacant during the rst meeting of the newly formed parliament in Phnom Penh in September. hENG CHIVOAN

were capable of debating and discussing laws on their own. Whether or not the [CNRP] joins the session is up to them. I am not bothered by them not joining until 2018. The CNRP , which rejected the ofcial results of Julys poll, are demanding either

an investigation into election irregularities or early polls, along with extensive election reform. Opposition party representatives yesterday reiterated that they would not join parliament until their demands are met.

Ho Vann, a senior CNRP lawmaker-elect, conrmed that his party had received the ofcial invitation from the National Assembly but was not interested in the request. Why should we look at it? We will not join the session. [We] just looked at the cover

page of the letter and saw that they invited everyone, but no one is interested because [we] will not go to the meeting, he said. Son Chhay, CNRP whip and head of the partys negotiating team with the CPP on election reform, said laws passed by a parliament representing only one party were illegitimate. It would be better for the CPP to wait for the CNRP to take part after [a] political resolution [is reached], he said. Following the fourth meeting of a joint election reform committee last week that ended in discord over National Election Committee reform, the opposition asked to postpone further meetings in favour of face-to-face talks between CNRP leader Sam Rainsy and Prime Minister Hun Sen. Yeap yesterday urged the CNRP to write an ofcial letter to make that request, which Chhay indicated would occur. I think the CNRP has clearly suggested that the top leaders could meet anytime ... [But] if they suggest there should be a formal letter, we should do that. We are just waiting for an ofcial response from the CPP , the CNRP whip said. ADDITIONAL

National Ex-cop, daughter sentenced

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

A FORMER military officer and his 12-year-old daughter were convicted of trafficking methamphetamine yesterday, though only one will see the inside of prison. Phnom Penh Municipal Court judge Chaing Sinath said Chhay Chim, 50, a former captain in the National Military Police, was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined $3,000. His daughters two-year sentence was suspended. The girl was arrested near her house in September after she was caught selling drugs in Tuol Kork districts Tuol Sangke commune, said Major Bun Thy, deputy chief of the Municipal Anti-Drug Police Unit. Based on her confession, police detained her father the same day, seizing 31 grams of methamphetamine and a loaded handgun. Chim yesterday claimed he was set up. The drugs did not belong to me; it belonged to the police, he said, adding that city police officers had plotted against him after already arresting his two sons on drug charges.

Opportunity with AEON Microinance (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.

AEON Microinance (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. established in Cambodia in October 2011 by Japanese leading retail inance company names AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd. Nature of our business is providing the retail inance for wide range of individual customers. Especially, we are well known as pioneer of providing the installment service for people purchasing the consumer products without any collateral, which is very new service in Cambodia but popular in other countries. Our group is also well known in Asia, which holds companies in 13 countries and 31 million Credit Card Holders. Our Vision is : In Japan and the rest of Asia, our management philosophy is to Support customers life styles and enable each individual to maximize future opportunities through eective use of credit. For further information, please visit our web sites: We are now seeking for talent candidates for the positions:1. Head of Finance & Accounting 2. Manager Risk Management 3. Assistant Manager Marketing and Sales 4. Secretary to Managing Director 5. Assistant Manager Corporate Planning 6. Assistant Manager Accounting 7. Assistant Manager Customer Service 8. Assistant Manager HR & Administration 9. Chief of Marketing & Sales 10. Chief of Business Development 11. Chief of Collection (1 position) (1 position) (2 positions) (1 position) (1 position) (1 position) (1 position) (1 position) (4 positions) (2 positions) (1 position)

Cambodia Community Justice Assistance Partnership

Further exciting opportunities on an Australian Aid funded donor project Excellent remuneration and conditions Positions based in Phnom Penh with provincial travel

URS has been appointed as the Implementing Service Provider for the Cambodia Community Justice Assistance Partnership(CCJAP) program and we are seeking suitably qualied individuals for several roles in our project team. The Cambodia Community Justice Assistance Partnership (CCJAP) continues the support that Australia has provided over the past 17 years in the criminal justice sector in Cambodia; the assistance has moved from being donor-driven and institutionally focussed to an increasingly community oriented and locally owned and administered program of support to provide communities with equitable access to justice. The aim of CCJAPis to provide safer communities for women, youth and children through less crime. CCJAP will work toward strengthening court and prison systems through more effective management of pre-trial arrangements, use of non-custodial sentencing and improved prisons. We are seeking people for the following roles: Management for Development Results Ofcer- (job code 596) TheMfDR ofcerwill lead and manageeld work to establish outcomes from CCJAP supported activities to allow the accuratecollection,analysisandfeedbackofresultsfro minvestmentsinsmall-scale infrastructure,WorkingGroup pilot activities, and national and sub-national Crime Prevention and Community Safetyactivities. Thematic Adviser: Gender and Vulnerability- (job code 597) The Gender and Vulnerability Adviser will be responsible for supporting the mainstreaming of gender and vulnerability issues within the CCJAP program and for providing technical support to the program as it engages with and supports broader gender and vulnerability activities within the Cambodian law and justice sector.

12. Credit Oficer (in Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham, Siem Reap & Battambang) (8 positions) >Conditions: Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, Law, Accounting, Marketing or Related iled Good in both written and spoken English Be honest, initiative, committed, independent and posses a good interpersonal skill

How to Apply Please submit your CV with a cover letter and certiications (optional), Current photo 4 x 6 including specifying the position being applied for and please send the detail information as below no later than Friday, 11th April 2014 at 5:00 PM (First come irst serve based). Ofice Address: MOOV Business Center, N 320, Preah Monivong Blvd., corner Street 252, Sangkat Chaktomok, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email: and CC: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview. Human Resource Section: 023 988 701

You must be eligible to work in Cambodia to apply. For further information on these roles and to apply go to InternationalDevelopment/ProjectRecruitmentand enter the relevant job code. Applications close 11th April, 2014. Enquiries can be directed to Australian Aidmanaged by URS on behalf of the Australian Government URS is an equal opportunity employer of choice and is committed to child protection. We encourage women and men to apply



Crane makes itself at home

Amelia Woodside

A GROWING number of red-headed Sarus cranes are reportedly flocking west from Vietnam to a protected sanctuary in Kampot provinces Kampong Trach district, and conservationists observing the trend arent sure why. The Tuoitrenews website reported on Saturday that unusually large numbers of the birds, which are classified as vulnerable to extinction, have left their well-known flapping grounds in Vietnams southwestern Kien Giang province for the Kingdoms wetlands. Hundreds have flocked to the 217-hectare Anlung Pring sanctuary, the report said, referring to the name for the preserve in Kampong Trach district where the cranes have been known to nest in smaller numbers from November to May before flying to Ang Trapeng Thmor Reserve in Banteay Meanchey province, about 100 kilometres from Siem Reap. Mere kilometres from the Vietnamese border, Anlung Pring was declared a protected wetland area in 2006, making hunting wildlife there illegal. Sarus cranes frequently make short seasonal trips between dry and wet season habitats in Southeast Asia and Australia,

K Cham turns away Don Sahong protest

Phak Seangly

Sarus cranes preen themselves in Haryana, India.

according to the International Crane Foundation. But better data are needed to understand why more of the cranes than usual are coming to Cambodia, Bou Vorsak, BirdLife International country program manager, said. Since February 14, we have counted 310 cranes in the area, which is an increase when compared to previous years, Vorsak said. Part of the success that could explain the increase in population in Anlung Pring Sanctuary is that BirdLife has been working to educate the community about the impor-

tance of protecting the cranes, he said. We havent received any reports about people hunting in the sanctuary for the last three years. Hong Chamnan, a project manager for Wildlife Conservation Society, said yesterday that about 859 Sarus cranes were found living throughout all of Cambodia in 2013. About 1,500 of the cranes live in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam, Chamnan said, adding that the population has decreased in the past 50 years due to hunting, pollution and the conversion of wetlands for agricultural use.

HILE hundreds of Cambodians were granted permission to protest against Laoss controversial Don Sahong dam over the weekend, authorities in Kampong Cham werent very accommodating, activists and ofcials said yesterday. Four hundred activists made their way along the Mekong River by longboat through Kratie provinces Sambor district and Stung Treng provinces Thala Barivat district near the Cambodian-Lao border on Saturday and Sunday in protest of the planned multimillion-dollar dam. But while they were allowed to pass peacefully through those provinces, protesters were denied entry in Kampong Cham. We just wanted to collect the thumbprints from people who are concerned about the planned dam. But we were very disappointed when we were not allowed [into Kampong Cham], Yok Senglong, one of the protest organisers, said.

Senglong said an ofcial request for permission to march in the town was sent to Kampong Cham Provincial Hall on March 26. But even though the request had already met the approval of the national government, Kampong Cham authorities responded a few days later, telling demonstrators to stay away. They should [have] given us a chance to explain about

thorities received but chose not to accept the request because it related to an issue affecting a foreign government. It is a dam in another country, and [this] province is not involved in it, he said. Separately, in Koh Kong province yesterday, villagers from the Areng Valley took part in a motorbike rally alongside monks and activists to protest the planned construction of

It is a dam in another country, and [this] province is not involved in it

this [protest], Senglong said. It may be that the authorities do not understand our goal. Vong Kosal, a legal adviser with NGO Forum, one of the organisers of the protest, said Kampong Chams refusal went against democracy. We do not use violence ... [This was a] very peaceful way of showing the concerns and suggestions of people who are the country, he said. Khorn Bros, Kampong Cham Provincial Hall administrative chief, said the authe controversial Stung Cheay Areng dam. Alex Gonzalez-Davidson, founder of local NGO Mother Nature Cambodia, said that between 120 and 140 people turned out on about 60 motorbikes for the rally, handing out leaets and petitions to passersby and the authorities. There have been no problems ... its thrown them [the authorities] off guard, and they dont know how to deal with it, he said. ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY ALICE CUDDY

Mekong River Commission

The role of MRC is to promote and coordinate sustainable management and development of water and related resources for the countries mutual benet and the peoples well-being MRC Secretariat is looking for a high calibre Riparian Professional Candidate to ll the position of:

Chief Executive Ofcer (CEO)

Level M-15 The Chief Executive Ofcer (CEO) leads the MRC Secretariat; which has two ofce locations in Vientiane, Lao PDR, and Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to become a world class, nancially secure, professional, international organisation, serving Mekong countries to achieve the Basin Vision. It ensures that the organisation actively works for the implementation of the MRC Mission through all its programmes and activities. The CEO is the strategic, structured, result-oriented, and neutral leader responsible for inspiring the MRC Secretariat and other stakeholders to work together to achieve a vision for a Mekong River Basin that is economically prosperous, socially just and environmentally sound. The CEO position is based at MRC Secretariat in Vientiane, Lao PDR. The application instructions and job description can be obtained at MRC website Women are encouraged to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be notied. Closing date for applications: 16 May 2014 Only nationals of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam are eligible to apply. An expression of interest should be sent to the National Mekong Committee of the applicants home country as per details below, with a copy to MRC Secretariat addressed to Ms. Pinthong Thipphavongsa at An expression of interest for the position should include the followings: 1. 3. Personal Details Candidates statement 2. Curriculum Vitae 4. MRC Personal History Form

Please nd detailed expression of interest in the Application Instructions Cambodia National Mekong Committee P.O.Box 623, 364 Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Phsar Doerm Thkouv, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel. (855-23) 216 514 Fax. (855-23) 218 506 E-mail: or Lao National Mekong Committee Khunbulom Road, Chantabouly District, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Tel. (856-21) 260 983 Fax. (856-21) 260 984 E-mail: Thai National Mekong Committee Department of Water Resources 180/3 Rama 6 Road, Soi Phibul Watana Building Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel. (66-2) 271 6165, 271 6620 Fax. (66-2) 298 6605 E-mail: Viet Nam National Mekong Committee 23 Hang Tre, Ha Noi, Viet Nam Tel. (84-4) 825 4785 Fax. (84-4) 825 6929 E-mail:


Laignee Barron

Compensation plan Climate change taking toll agreed to, says ADB
HE effects of manmade climate change are already being felt across the globe, and most countries, including Cambodia, are ill-prepared to cope with the immediate and future threats, the United Nations warns in a new report. The ndings, released yesterday by the UN-backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Japan, make it clear that while impacts are universal, they are not evenly distributed, and Cambodia is not on the winning end of the spectrum. Poor and vulnerable countries are at greater risk of inequity and loss of livelihoods from the impacts of climate extremes as their options for coping with such events are limited, the report says. Observations of climate change in the region indicate the Kingdom is already experiencing an array of negative effects that are likely to intensify, including temperature hikes, increasingly severe and unpredictable ooding with increased rainfall during the wet season, prolonged agricultural droughts and sea-level rises that could subsume arable

A young man plants a tree in a parched eld in Prey Veng province in April 2012. VIREAK MAI

land, according to the report. The cocktail of forces could pitch Cambodia into further poverty and exacerbate food insecurity by reducing crop and shery yields. Cambodia is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change, said Tin Ponlock, deputy director general of the Ministry of Environments climate change ofce. We are a post-conict country with many development needs, weak infrastructure, limited

nances, and an agriculturebased economy that depends on the weather. The Cambodian agricultural sector is expected to be especially vulnerable to climate variance as most of the farmers rely on rainfall, and produce just one harvest a year of the countrys staple food, rice. There are parts of Asia where current temperatures are already approaching critical levels during the susceptible stages of the rice plant ... including Myanmar, Thailand,

Laos, Cambodia, the report says. Higher temperatures, salt water intrusion and more frequent extreme weather events will also take a toll on sh productivity and biodiversity, with the report citing both the Mekong and Tonle Sap Lake as being particularly vulnerable. Lowering the extreme risks of climate change is possible, the report says, but will require sustained investment in ambitious adaptation measures. Though Cambodia is taking steps to become more adaptable and resilient to climate change by working to implement a 2014-2023 strategic action plan, government ofcials cited a lack of funding and capacity to carry out the measures. Experts warn, however, that time to respond is limited. Not adapting in the next 30 to 40 years to what at this point are the unavoidable effects of climate change will result in widespread suffering, destruction of livelihoods, and food insecurities, said Bon Ward, director of policy and communications at the UK-based Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change. Its going to be hard for all countries, including the richer, more developed ones to adapt.

Kevin Ponniah

FOLLOWING a scathing report from its internal watchdog about the resettlement of thousands of Cambodian families affected by a national railway rehabilitation project that it is funding, the Asian Development Bank has agreed with the government on an action plan for further compensation, it said yesterday. The ADB Compliance Review Panels central recommendation was that the government set up a compensation fund of up to $4 million, funded by ADB loans, to further compensate families, but the bank is remaining tight-lipped on what exactly has been agreed to. ADB Management, in consultation with the Government of Cambodia, has developed remedial actions to address the Boardapproved recommendations . . . The remedial actions are currently undergoing ADBs internal review, including consultation with CRP , it said in a statement. Thereafter the remedial actions will be implemented to bring the Project back into compliance. Families began moving in 2010 to make way for the $143

million project, funded primarily by ADB loans. The watchdogs report which found that compensation for relocated families was inadequate, homes undervalued and lost income not covered laid the blame at the feet of the ADB, which oversaw the governments resettlement plan, for failing to implement its own safeguards. On January 31, the ADB said it would prepare a time-bound action plan within 60 days in coordination with the government in order to address compensation deficits and other deficiencies. Last week, Stephen Groff, the banks vice-president for operations in East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, visited Cambodia. Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Porn Moniroth met with Groff on March 27 to discuss railroad rehabilitation in Cambodia, according to a government statement. In February, rights groups argued that the bank would be passing the buck on its own failures if it made the government pay out for further compensation through loans, as ADDITIONAL recommended.

THE PHNOM PENH POST april 1, 2014


Large-scale logging cartel alleged

Continued from page 1

Wreck just too gritty Cock gamblers wings for driver sandraid truck clipped byof police
IN A hit and run on Friday, it A HANDFUL of cockfighting wasnt the drunken motoby driventhusiasts were inspired er who fled. According their avian gladiators to to try to police in Kampong Thoms take flight from a second-storey Stung Sen town, a 32-year old window during a police raid in speeding, drunk driverand as Kratie town on Sunday, crashed the back of a matis usuallyinto the case in these truck transporting sand. The ters, all six were arrested. man damaged his motorcycle According to police, the cockand sustained serioushad injuries fights other attendees the to both his head and body. The sense to escape successfully moto driver was taken to hoson solid ground. The six foolharpital, while the truck driver dy fliers, however, were fled, abandoning his load of detained and made to promise sand, which will remain in not to take part in cockfighting police custody until claimed. again. KaMPUCHEa THMEY KaMPUCHEa THMEY

a fence had been erected around the concession to keep villagers out. Hun Neng, also a former governor of Kampong Cham, yesterday denied he was involved in the logging operation. My land is in Kampong Thom, but its close to Kampong Cham. I am not involved with the land in Sandan district, he said. CRCK and Seng Saravuth have been embroiled in disputes with locals over their logging activities for several years. In March 2012, more than 200 villagers stormed a Seng Saravuth sawmill, clashing with security guards. The [CRCK] concession was approved in 2010. It really looks like theyre just laundering timber from the Prey Lang forest and bringing it out on a massive scale, conservationist Marcus Hardke said. Its completely illegal. They [CRCK] plant some rubber trees, but at the same time, theres a major illegal logging operation going on under cover of these plantations, and if this is not stopped, this can continue for years and years until the whole forest is destroyed. The allegations came three days after Hun Sen announced that companies holding economic land concessions that had breached their contracts would have them revoked and turned into SLCs, or social land concessions, which are generally allocated to military veterans. The threat was quickly dismissed by Son Chhay, the opposition partys chief whip, who said the new SLCs would just fall into the hands of corrupt generals. Chum Yim, an anti-logging community activist, said yesterday that the collusion of illegal logging syndicates with powerful officials made community action difficult. Prey Lang cannot go back to the way it was, or be protected, because the authorities join hands with loggers to do business, he said, adding that CRCK had moved its sawmill into the SLC in Meanrith commune. Now they increased their log-

Mad as a March hair: Blood thicker than water, man bottled in revenge but money trumps blood
A WOMAN 22-YEAR-OLD manPenhs was A in Phnom seriously injured in a Sen Sok district got a case rude of mistaken hairline Kandal introduction to the in old adage provinces Ang Snuol district neither a borrower nor a on Sunday. According to lender be on Friday. The police, the had givena a woman, 22,victim did her relative stranger a friendly the favour, lending him pat heron motorheadto after him bike visitmistaking a friend. According from behind anrelative, old chum. to police, the for male 25, Much chagrined, the recipient pawned the bike for $250 and spent the money, hoping of the all pat demanded an apolhis relative wouldnt need her ogy, but the victim refused. wheels woman He was back. soon The sorry, however, turned her fibbing relation when, on his way home, the over to the police when she suspect allegedly attacked spotted him walking near his him with a wine bottle before tHMEY home. fleeing.kaMPUCHEa DEUM AMPil

A logging truck waits at a checkpoint on the edge of a social land concession in Kampong Thom province on Sunday.


ging of trees, because that place is also close to Prey Lang. Yim called on the government to intervene and take legal action against the syndicate. I would like to ask the government to please recognise the anarchic logging in Prey Lang. Please do not listen to officials that speak lies that there is no logging. Thon Sarath, chief of administration at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, said yesterday that companies had been granted permission to log inside the concession, adding that if evidence was presented to the ministry indicating the firm was involved in illegal activity, CRCK could have its licence revoked. If we know for sure that the company logged outside their area, and we received the evidence, we will punish them by withdrawing their licence, Sarath said. He added that locals should act soon by filing complaints to the authorities. They should take action quickly to protect [the forest] together, because it is our natural resource. Our department

Lazy man executes lazy Teenage angst turns to scam, too lazy to flee night in the jailhouse

A truck loaded with allegedly illegally felled timber sits on a dirt road in Kampong Thom provinces Prey Lang forest on Sunday. PHoto SUPPLIED

A Dangkor disA 27-YEAR-OLD KANDAL man hoped to win trict con and artist took the money, his aunt uncles affection but forgot to run last week. A on Sunday by destroying their construction company driver, property in a fit of rage. Angry the man delivered materials to that the couple had refused to customers who paid him allow him to live with them, $2,000. On returning to the the suspect allegedly came to company, the driver reported their house, destroyed a TV, that he hadnt received paybroke some kitchen supplies ment, but his suspicious boss and generally smashed up the uncovered the botched ploy place. arrived onOn the with a Police few phone calls. Friscene and provided the day, police nabbed the suspect incensed nephew withspent a place who said hed already all to stay the local lockup. KaMkaMPUCHEa tHMEY the money.

already has a plan to work against what is happening. But we need time to make it work. Vietnam [has promised to] take action against their companies [which log illegally in Cambodia] by not providing them with loans. But the future, according to

Hardke, does not look bright. Prey Lang was at the heart of the community movement against illegal logging, and that is still going on, but its weakening now. In part thats because theres not enough support from NGOs and donors, and not enough political support, and

because of the increasing anarchy on the ground, he said. Its all-out destruction. The protected areas are not protected. Its a breakdown in the system. What can you do? Report this to the responsible authorities? [CRCK] is like a tumour sitting on the side of this forest.

Man masters jealousy, No dog dayto afternoon adds wrath repertoire in standoff with cops PAILIN town police are on the


New clinic performs operation smile

Mom Kunthear and Amelia Woodside

HIRTY-YEAR-OLD Sam Hoiy never dreamed her son would have the opportunity to live a life without the cleft lip that has always marred his otherwise delicate features. I was really disappointed with my sons [lip] when he was rst born, but tomorrow my sons lip will change and he will have a nice smile forever, she said, gazing at his face outside the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital yesterday. Hoiys seven-month-old son is one of more than 100 Cambodians being treated and screened by a team of national and international experts working for the surgi-

cal NGO Operation Smile. The two-day screening that began on Sunday marks the ofcial opening of the Khmer-Soviet Friendship hospitals cleft surgery clinic, David Fruitman, secretary of Operation Smiles board of directors, said. Today was an important day with his Excellency Hun Manet in attendance as well as the Minister of Health [Mam Bunheng]. We were planning on providing screening for one day but so many patients arrived that we conducted a second day of screenings with a team of national and international doctors, Fruitman said. The clinic is offering free operations to children and young adults for the treatment of cleft lips, which involve a split in a

childs upper lip, cleft palates, which originate in the roof of the mouth, and other facial deformities. Surgeries began on March 31 and will continue until April 4. So far, 114 patients have been screened, with 21 procedures taking place yesterday. Ngy Meng, director of the hospital, said yesterday that some $160,000 was spent on building and repairing four new surgery rooms located on the third oor of the hospital, with funds donated by Manet, the eldest son of Prime Minister Hun Sen. Since Operation Smile Cambodias rst mission in 2002, volunteer medical experts have performed approximately 3,300 free surgeries throughout more than 10 provinces.

AN HOURS-LONG standoff lookout for a 34-year-old conended as worker anti-climactically as struction who allegedly it began in Phnom Por beat his wife to thePenhs point of Sen Chey district on unconsciousness onSunday. Friday. Police saidto the man two wassusjealAccording police, ous after his wife with pects hadspotting allegedly broken another man in the village. into a home when they were The husband got drunkand, at a spotted by a neighbour wedding, and on returning panicking, locked themselves home, beat his wife with a belt in the house. Police arrived, and stick refused badly to and wooden the suspects injuring herholding head, shoulder, surrender, out as long eye, thigh and back before as they could which turned fleeing. out to beNokorwat a few hours before ultimately turning themselves Stab-happy lover picks over to police without incident. funny way of apologising A 25-YEAR-OLD man was apprehended invictim Kampong Locked out, gets Speus district Saturday stuck Oral up by moto thieves after stabbing his girlfriend. BEING locked out of the house The woman, 18, lived with her proved to be more than just a boyfriend in Phnom Penh, but minor inconvenience a Poiwent to stay with herfor parents pet man on Sunday. According in Kampong Speu after the to police, the man was waiting couple had an argument. A on his moto for his mother to week later, the man followed bring the house key two her, begging her to when return to suspects armed with the a gun Phnom Penh. When womordered himthe to keep and a an refused, manquiet grabbed hand over the bike.her Shutting knife and stabbed in thehis eyes in fear, the man complied, back, armpit and arm. She and the suspects safely was hospitalised, and her parescaped and are still at large. ents prevented the man from KoH SantEPHEaP escaping arrest. Nokorwat

A woman holds a child with a cleft palate yesterday at the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital in Phnom Penh. HENG CHIVOAN

Translated Translated by by Phak SenSeangly David


Indicative Exchange Rates as of 31/3/2014. Please contact ANZ Royal Global Markets on 023 999 910 for real time rates.





















Alibaba to partner up with retail company

Lulu Yilun Chen

A labourer harvests natural rubber from trees on a rubber plantation in Kampong Cham province.


Rubber decline stokes worry

Chan Muyhong

HE government and industry insiders are worried about the steady decline of rubber prices over the last three years, during which the area it is cultivated in has grown. Farmers and investors raised concern ... over the trend of the market and the price of natural rubber, which has fallen from more than $4,500 per ton on average in 2011 to between $1,800 and $2,000 per ton in 2013, Minister of Agriculture Ouk Rabun said on Friday during an annual meeting. Rabun said that the rubber industry in almost all of Cambodias provinces is expanding, and the cultivation area

has increased by 17 per cent last year when compared to 2012. He said that total harvested land reached 78,000 hectares in 2013 an area 32 per cent larger than in 2012 and capable of producing 90,000 tons of processed rubber for sale abraod. Cambodia exports mostly natural rubber as well as smaller amounts of semi-processed rubber, and declining prices are making themselves felt. Men Sopheak, vice director-general at the CHOB rubber plantation, said yesterday that all of Cambodias rubber exports rely heavily on the Chinese market, where there is a glut. From what I know, the rubber warehoused in Shanghai remains at 36,000 tons, he said. According to Sopheak, the price of

natural rubber has fallen consistently in recent years. The current price is $1,980 per ton, which equates to very little revenue for farmers. The materials needed for rubber production have increased as well as the labour costs, meaning the production costs are getting more expensive, Sopheak said. I expect rubber prices will improve next year, because for farmers to survive, the real price cannot get lower than this. Sopheak said his company has also tried to seek export markets outside of China, but that other countries dont require as much as the worlds second largest economy, where 80 per cent of Cambodian rubber exports are sent. For Cambodia, rubber, like rice, is a

valued commodity. In 2013, the country exported a total of 74,198 tons with a total value of $170 million. The Ministry of Agriculture said in a report earlier this year that the total projected cultivation area for rubber may reach 450,000 hectares by 2020. Srey Chanthy, an independent economic analyst, said that the price of natural rubber, which is taken directly from the tree, will continue to fall in coming years if the value of processed rubber also declines. He said that Cambodia needs to diversify its export markets and focus on quality and low-cost production. We need a foundation in processing, storage and better transportation infrastructure, and logistics to keep the costs low.

ALIBABA Group Holding Ltd will invest about $692 million in Intime Retail Group Co, owner of department stores and supermarkets, as Chinas biggest e-commerce operator bids to integrate online and offline shopping. Alibaba will buy 220.5 million shares at HK$7.5335 apiece, for a total of HK$1.7 billion ($219 million), and will also subscribe to a HK$3.7 billion convertible bond, the companies said in separate statements yesterday. The equity stake is equivalent to about 9.9 per cent of the enlarged company, it said. Intime shares fell the most in more than 17 months. Alibabas will have access to Intimes inventory, broadening the variety of merchandise available. Customers will be able to pick up orders made online at Intime stores, according to the companies statements. Alibaba billionaire founder Jack Ma said in March 2013 that his goal was to create a delivery network that can reach any place in China within 24 hours. To make that happen, Alibaba joined with five delivery companies and other partners to found Cainiao Internet Technology Ltd. Alibaba has said Cainiao will invest as much as 100 billion yuan ($16 billion) within eight years to develop and manage a logistics network. Hangzhou, China-based Alibaba has been on a deal spree as it prepares for a US initial public offering that may value the company at as much as $200 billion. This month, Alibaba led a $280 million investment in TangoMe Inc, an instant messaging service, while in February it offered to purchase the shares in AutoNavi Holdings Ltd that it didnt already own in a deal valuing the digital mapping service at about $1.6 billion. BLOOMBERG


since the protests began on October 31, compared with a 5.7 per cent gain in Indonesias Jakarta Composite Index. The baht weakened by 4 per cent against the US dollar over the same period. The prolonged political vacuum will hurt Thailands competitiveness in the long term because foreign companies are unlikely to wait any longer, said Monthol Junchaya, chief investment ofcer at One Asset Management Co, which oversees about $2.8 billion of assets. Twenty-three people have been killed in protest-related violence, and demonstrators have occupied large swathes of Bangkok and invaded government ministries and the headquarters of the army and police in recent months. The clashes have dented consumer condence, which fell for an 11th straight month in February, and prompted the Ministry of Finance to cut its economic growth target three times in as many months, to 2.6 per cent. While new investors may be rethinking their plans to commit funds to Thailand, even companies already doing business in the country, including Toyota Motor Corp, may be hesitant to expand, Kyoichi Tanada, president of Toyotas Thai unit, said earlier this year. So far we havent seen investors pull out or relocate to other countries, the BOIs Udom said. Existing investors understand our political situation. They can still wait. For new investors, we try to explain the situation to them. Thailands central location, strong supply-chain, skilled labour force and abundant agricultural supplies help the country maintain its attractiveness as an investment destination, Udom said. Most projects approved by the BOI are export-related, and wont be affected by slowing local demand, he said. Overseas investors are waiting for the new BOI board to approve a backlog of projects, and many international companies are still interested in investing in Thailand, David Nardone, chief executive ofcer of industrial land developer Hemaraj Land & Development Pcl, said. There has been a big lag for large projects, and its still continuing, Nardone said by phone. People cant wait forever. Udom said the second phase of Thailands eco-car incentive program wont be derailed by the political deadlock, and the BOI expected seven or eight companies to apply before yesterdays deadline. Companies will each invest 6 billion to 10 billion baht, he said, declining to name them. The problem is how long this situation will last, Udom said. If it doesnt drag on for a year, investors can adjust their plans, but if it prolongs for more than a year there may be a problem. BLOOMBERG

Thai deadlock stifles foreign investment

Suttinee Yuvejwattana

HE latest casualty of Thailands ve-month political deadlock may be foreign investment, as project approvals face delays and new investors hesitate to commit funds, the head of the investment promotion board said. We have started to see the impact from the political unrest, Board of Investment secretary-general Udom Wongviwatchai said in a March 28 interview. Investors have delayed investments and are waiting for a clearer picture. Thailand hasnt had a functioning parliament since early December, when Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra called an election to appease demonstrators seeking to force her from ofce. A vote on February 2 was disrupted by protests and later annulled by the courts and a new poll hasnt been set, leaving the caretaker government with limited powers and keeping investors guessing on when stability may return to Southeast Asias second-biggest economy. Without a fully functional government, condence will be weak, Phatra Securities economist Thanomsri Fongarunrung said. Private investment will remain stalled as the political vacuum continues. The delay in project approvals by the BOI is a concern. A long delay may prompt investors to shift to other countries as

Thai anti-government protesters wave national ags during a mass rally in downtown Bangkok on Saturday. AFP

it will affect their production plans. Applications for investment incentives fell 58 per cent to 63.1 billion baht ($1.94 billion) in the rst two months of 2014, and a new BOI board must be endorsed by the government before any major projects can be approved, Udom said. We are still waiting for a formal response from the Ofce of the Council of State, Udom said, referring to the governments legal advisory body. So far, the signal is positive that the new BOI board will be in place within the next three months, he said.

Hundreds of thousands of protesters began street rallies in late October, calling for Yingluck to step down and allow electoral rules to be rewritten to erase the political dominance of her family. They accuse the ruling Pheu Thai party of buying votes with damaging populist policies. Parties linked to former premier Thaksin Shinawatra have won the past ve elections, including the 2011 poll that brought his sister to power. The unrest has weighed on stocks and the baht, with Thailands benchmark SET Index down 4.9 per cent

Invitation for Bid


Loan No. / Title: ADB Loan No. 2539-CAM (SF): Cambodia Northwest Provincial Road Improvement Project Contract No / Title: NPRIP-CW4-NCB-2014-01, Supply and Installation of Road Safety Billboards on National Roads Deadline for Bids submission: 2 May 2014, before or on 3:00 p.m.
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of the CAMBODIA NORTHWEST PROVINCIAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, and it intends to apply part of this loan to payments under the Contract for titled above. The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualied bidders for the construction and completion of SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ROAD SAFETY BILLBOARDS ON NATIONAL ROADS. The Road Safety Billboards comprising the Works are sited at 22 numbers of strategic locations along the national roads. The civil works comprise construction of 22 numbers of reinforced concrete footings and fabrication and erection of 22 numbers of steel mono-pole columns and steel support frames for dual faced signs approximately 7.5 m height. The Signage Works consist of the fabrication and installation of 44 numbers of metal backing panels and vinyl sheet facing of 6.0m x 4.0m sign panels including safety messages and artwork / graphics. The work also includes compliance with the Projects Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP), which is included in the Section 5, Performance Requirements. The construction period is 4 months. Procurement will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Procedures outlined in the Procurement Manual for Externally Financed Projects/Programs, and under the laws and regulations governing public procurement within the Kingdom of Cambodia. This invitation is open to all eligible bidders from eligible source countries as described in the bidding document. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below: H.E. PHENG Sovicheano Under Secretary of States Project Director, Project Management Unit 3 Ministry of Public Works and Transport 4th Floor, Eastern Building, Corner Norodom Blvd. and St. 106, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Telephone: (855) 23 724 565, Facsimile: (855) 23 724 595 E-mail:


Interested bidders attention is drawn to Sub Clause 6.3 of the Instructions to Bidders and Qualications requirements include: - minimum average annual construction turnover of US$ 1.0 million calculated as total certied payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last three (3) years commitments; - Participation in at least two (2) contracts within the last ve (5) years that have been successfully or substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed works; - The minimum amount of liquid assets and /or credit facilities net of other contractual commitments of successful Bidder shall be more than bid price; - all pending litigation shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder and so shall in total not represent more than seventy ve (75) percent of the Bidders net worth; - bidders net worth calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities for each year should be positive for the last three (3) years.




A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested eligible bidders on the submission of a written application to the address above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of US$ 100. The method of payment will be made by cashiers check to the following account. The bidding documents may be collected in person at the above address. Other than payment of non-refundable fee, there are no other conditions for the purchase of the bidding documents. Bank: National Bank of Cambodia Account Name: MEF Current Account Account No.:000000013535

4. 5.


Bids must be delivered to the address above at or before 3:00 p.m. 2 May 2014. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend in person at 3:30 p.m. on the same day thereafter. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of US$ 5,000. The RGC and the ADB will respectively declare a rm ineligible either indenitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract funded by the RGC and/or ADB, if they at any time determines that the rm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent, coercive, collusive or obstructive practices in completing or in executing a contract. MPWT will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation of Bid.

9. 10.



Markets Business

INGROUP JSCs Le Thi Thu Thuy says she brought a mothers perspective to Vietnams largest mall, adding an indoor water park and ice rink to make it a weekend destination for Hanois 6.8 million residents. There was nowhere for the whole family to go, said Thuy, 39, who has two children and oversaw the opening of Vincom Mega Mall Royal City as chief executive ofcer of Vingroup before stepping down recently to run the rms new online unit. Crowds of kids and young couples gathered at the rink on a recent weekend, suggesting that her plan is paying off. Women leaders like Thuy are getting rewarded by investors in Vietnams $58 billion stock market, the best performer in Asia this year. An index of companies currently led by female CEOs has almost tripled in the past ve years, gaining about twice as much as the nations benchmark VN Index, according to data compiled by Paris-based Intelligent Financial Research & Consulting and Bloomberg. Female executives success in Vietnam may stem in part from skills honed during decades of war that ended with the fall of Saigon in 1975, according to Thuy. With many of the men away from home ghting, women took over running businesses and managing family nances, in addition to raising children. While women control less than 7 per cent of the nations corporate board seats, thats still the secondhighest proportion among Southeast Asian countries tracked by IFRC, after the Philippines. Unlike in so many Asian countries, where women are marginalised, they are empowered in Vietnam, said Peter Ryder, the Hanoi-based CEO of Indochina Capital, an investor in female-led companies such as Vietnam Dairy Products JSC, the nations largest milk producer. Its part of the culture. Women here are very hard-working, very bright, very committed. The presence of female leaders has been shown to improve performance at companies around the world. A Credit Suisse Research Institute re-

In Vietnam, female CEOs thriving V

A woman looks out from a rooftop as trafc moves along a road in Hanoi. An index of companies that are led by female CEOs has almost tripled in the past ve years. BLOOMBERG

port that examined 2,360 companies in 46 nations between 2005 and 2011 found that those with one or more female board members produced above-average returns on equity, while commanding higher valuations in the stock market. In Vietnam, business sentiment is on the upswing. The VN index climbed 21 per cent in the past year through last week as ination fell to the slowest pace since 2009 in March, exports topped economists estimates and the central bank cut its renancing rate to a six-year low. Policymakers are trying to maintain a recovery in economic growth that they forecast will reach 5.8 per cent this year, up from 5.42 per cent in 2013. The equal-weighted index of 43 Vietnamese companies identied by IFRC with women CEOs has advanced 40 per cent in the past year. It rallied 193 per cent since March 2009, outpacing the 107 per cent gain for the VN index, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Stocks in the women index are

spread across seven industries, with the biggest weightings in industrial and nancial companies. The veyear returns range from a gain of 763 perc ent to a loss of 72 per cent, with a median advance of 72 per cent, data compiled by Bloomberg show. That compares with the median gain of 55 per cent in the VN index. Women account for 6.27 per cent of board seats at Vietnamese companies, according to IFRC. In the US, women held about 17 per cent of board seats in 2013, according to Catalyst. In Vietnams Politburo, the top governing body of the nations ruling Communist Party, they make up 12.5 per cent of the 16 members, according to a government website. Female CEOs in Vietnam tend to have a more inclusive decision-making process than men, seeking to form a consensus among stakeholders rather than dictating strategy, according to Chris Freund, a partner at Ho Chi Minh City-based Mekong Capital Ltd, which invests in womenled companies including Phu Nhuan Jewelry JSC.

Vu Thi Thuan, 58, who stepped down as chief executive ofcer of Hanoi-based Traphaco JSC in 2011, said she made a point of having lunch with her employees during 11 years at the helm of Vietnams second-biggest listed drugmaker and began supplying sanitary napkins to female workers. Thats helped Traphaco retain employees even when they were offered better-paying opportunities elsewhere, said Thuan, who is now the companys chairwoman. Women leaders in Vietnam are good at getting a family environment where people feel like they are part of a family or part of a team, Freund said. They have high loyalty. Not all the nations top-performing companies are led by women. FPT Corp, the countrys largest publicly traded telecommunications and software company, has surged 87 per cent in Ho Chi Minh City trading during the past year and climbed 145 per cent in the past ve years. The company, which was led by male CEOs during that period, in-

creased sales and net income by more than 50 per cent, according to its website. Gender equality is a good thing but I dont think it would move an investor one way or the other, Patrick Mitchell, the head of institutional sales at VinaSecurities JSC, said. Including females in corporate leadership positions brings more diverse views to the decision-making process, said Simon Andrews, the regional manager for Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand at International Finance Corp, the World Banks private-investment arm. Its less about the skill sets that women have and men dont as it is about creating a diverse management team, he said in an interview in Hanoi. Vietnam Dairy Products and Vingroup, the countrys best-performing major stocks during the past ve years, are both led by women. Vinamilk, as the Ho Chi Minh Citybased dairy producer is known, has surged 688 per cent since March 2009 and is valued at $5.6 billion. Under the leadership of CEO Mai Kieu Lien, the company is exporting to more than 23 countries and targets revenue of more than $3 billion by 2017, up from about $500 million ve years ago. Lien, the CEO since 1992, said in an interview that women executives tend to be more cautious than their male counterparts, leading to better risk management. Vinamilk shares have posted ve straight years of gains exceeding 14 per cent. Vingroup, the nations largest property developer and mall operator, has climbed 763 per cent since 2009. Thuy joined in 2008 as head of the investment team and became CEO four years later. Net income at the company, now run by Thuys female colleague Duong Thi Mai Hoa, jumped more than fourfold last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Thuy says she has drawn inspiration from women leaders during the countrys war years as she takes on her new role running VinE-com. Vingroup, where Thuy is a vice chairman, says the e-commerce unit will be one of its core businesses. BLOOMBERG



Power up

OR more than 10 years the rise of big emerging markets has re-shaped the global economy, but these are now slowing with maturity and the hunt is on to identify which upstarts will be tomorrows tigers. The big ve, which recently helped the world through nancial crisis but are now experiencing marked growing pains, are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the BRICS. On their heels come the MINT, PPICS and CIVETS: acronyms created by economists and investors to describe groups of countries of similar type which could lead the next wave of emerging energy. Last week more signs of economic tensions became evident in China and Brazil, just as the French trade insurance group Coface produced its list of what it called neo-emerging economies: the PPICS. This creature comprises Peru, the Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia and Sri Lanka. All of them have strong growth potential exceeding 4 per cent, diversied economies, are not unduly dependent on exporting raw materials and have nancial systems capable of supporting growth and of absorbing a degree of external shocks. Coface came up with a second list of countries, making 10 in all, comprising

Hunt is on for new markets F

Aurelia End

Labourers work on a construction site in Mumbai. One of the big ve countries that helped the world through the nancial crisis, India is now experiencing growing pains. AFp

Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh and Ethiopia. These countries also offer growth potential but carry higher intrinsic risks. Coface said that analysis of which countries, albeit smaller than the big ve, could take over as leading emerging economies was needed because the big ve were losing their competitive edge and had not yet become competitive in producing high valuedadded goods and services. For nearly a year many emerging

markets, and notably the BRICS, have been undermined notably by the winding down of easy-money policies in the United States, which has raised risk and caused large amounts of investment funding to ow out of emerging markets back to advanced economies. In Russia, a sharp slowing of growth is now being exacerbated by the backdraft of the Ukraine crisis and an outow of capital. Brazil has just been downgraded by the Standard & Poors rating agency.

China is experiencing incidents in its credit system. At the beginning of March there was a payment default on some bonds, and the beginning of a minor run on a small bank, highlighting concerns about obscure parts of the banking system. The monitoring of the landscape of emerging markets has been under way for many years. In 1988 a barometer called the MSCI Emerging Markets Index was launched to follow 10 countries, and today it tracks 21 economies. The MSCI investment group has also created the MSCI Frontier Markets Index covering 26 economies expected to become dynamic, ranging from Argentina to Nigeria and Sri Lanka. Economist Jim ONeill put the term BRIC on the map when he was an economist at US investment bank Goldman Sachs. He has now identied a new group, called MINT, comprising Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey. The Economist Intelligence Unit has let loose another animal, going by the name of CIVETS, for Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa. At ING IM bank, economist Maarten-Jan Bakkum said: The thing with these fancy names is that they only last a few years. He also observed: There is a deleveraging process going on in the big emerging markets, and this is something the frontier markets do not have because they did not have these excessive capital inows. AFP

Two units of Samsung to come closer

AMSUNG SDI, the worlds largest smartphone battery maker, said yesterday it would absorb an afliate producing electronic chemical materials, in the latest restructuring of the giant Samsung Group. The firm said it would complete the merger with Cheil Industries by July 1 through a stock swap. Both firms are units of Samsung Group, South Koreas largest business conglomerate. It follows various other restructuring efforts that have fuelled speculation that Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-Hee, 72, is preparing to hand over control to his children, a third generation transfer in the family-run group. Lees son Jay Y Lee is Samsung Electronics vice chairman, and his two daughters both hold senior positions. Samsung SDI said the merger would help it become a global player in energy and materials. It also hopes to expand its share in rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles. AFP


Markets Business


Clowns not recession-proof

Mark Guarino

Thai Set 50 Index, Mar 26 1100

Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Mar 26 700

1025 950 875 800

650 600 550 500

N A global recession, being a clown is no laughing matter. That was the sombre verdict as the World Clown Association wrapped up its annual convention on Saturday after a decade which has seen their numbers dwindle. More than 230 clowns from around the world attended the event outside Chicago, gathering to share skills and hopefully encourage a new generation to don a red nose, make-up and a pair of oversized shoes. But its an art pursued more as a labour of love of laughs these days than for a living. There are very few clowns who do it full time anymore, says Deanna Hartmier of Winnipeg, the president of the World Clown Association and a clown for 18 years. When big companies that, for 10 years, hired 12 clowns for their Christmas party suddenly has budget cutbacks, well guess what? They are hiring less clowns. Her organisation touts 2,500 members worldwide, a nearly 30 per cent decline since 2004. Most are over the age of 40. That includes Arthur Pedlar, 81, of Southport, England, who started clowning in 1938, when he was still a child. Unlike many on the circuit, Pedlar, a tramp clown who goes by the stage name Vercoe, does not perform at childrens parties, but mainly presents his silent comedy, often involving a unicycle and mu-

Clowns pose for pictures as they take a break from the World Clowning Associations annual convention in Northbrook, Illinois, on Friday. AFP

sical instruments, for audiences comprised of deaf, handicapped, and elderly people. While cruise ships have become the modern-day equivalent of the vaudeville circuit, many young performers drawn to clowning opt for higher wages by becoming aerial performers, which are more in demand, he says. There is a shortage in Europe of rst-rate clowns, he says. At the convention, Pedlar shows DVDs of clowning icons of the past like Emmett Kelly or Buster Keaton to a new generation of clowns, aged between six and 15. He said he wants to expand their

thinking that clowning is not just blowing up balloons or throwing a pie in somebodys face. Its an art form requiring skill and concentration, he says. The thing we cant teach is clowning. We can teach skills but unless they know how to feel an audience and to respond to them, they will not be accomplished, he says. You cant just put on a ping pong ball-sized nose and draw a big clown face and youre a clown. One of his proteges is Allie Alvarez, 12, from Orlando, Florida, who started clowning this year because she thought it would be fun to make people laugh.

Clowning isnt new in her family: both her mother and grandmother perform. Alvarez learned new tricks through the workshops, but performed before public for the rst time on Thursday night. They all laughed, she said. Despite the early attraction, however, she expects to be only a parttime clown. I would do it on the weekends, she says. It would be too much work for me. The convention helps keep clowns in touch at a time when many cannot practice their craft full-time. Many are volunteers or use the clown skills theyve accrued for other professions, such as public speaking or stand-up comedy. Hartmier, 48, a full-time clown who has performed all over the world, says it often means travelling long distances for paid work. At the convention, there are seminars on a wide variety of clowning skills and tricks including face painting, magic, juggling, balloon making, handling props, and developing skits. People tend to think, if I put on a clown costume, Im a clown, she says. Its the untrained clowns that have scary makeup, that dont know how to approach people, theyre the ones scaring the kids. Clowning is best, she says, when its therapeutic. Laughter really is the best medicine, she says. That being the case, clowns can really touch some people in ways that sometimes can be miraculous. AFP



South Korea

KOSPI Index, Mar 26 2100 1975 1850 1725 1600


PSEI- Philippine Se Idx, Mar 26 7000 6625 6250 5875 5500



FTSE Straits Times Index, Mar 26 4000

FTSEBursa Malaysia KLCI, Mar 26 1900

3500 3000 2500 2000

1800 1700 1600 1500



Hong Kong
Hang Seng Index, Mar 26 25000

CSI 300 Index, Mar 26 3000

23250 21500 19750 18000

2750 2500 2250 2000




Nikkei 225, Mar 26 16000


Taiwan Taiex Index, Mar 26 9000

15500 15000 14500 14000

8500 8000 7500 7000


Jakarta Composite Index, Mar 26 5000 4625 4250 3875 3500


Laos Composite Index, Mar 26 1500 1350 1200 1050 900




International commodities

Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012) (%) -0.71 % 3.64 % 2.22 % 1.25 % 4.00 % 5.50 % -40.00 % 1.82 % 7.06 % 3.33 % 15.56 % 0.77 %

BSE Sensex 30 Index, Mar 26 22000 21000

Karachi 100 Index, Mar 26 28000 27250 26500 25750 25000

Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits

Item Rice 1 Rice 2 Paddy Peanuts Maize 2 Cashew nut Pepper Beef Pork Mud Fish Chicken Duck Unit
R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg

Construction equipment
Average 2780 2280 1840 8100 2080 4220 24000 33600 18200 12400 20800 13100 Item Steel 12 Cement Unit R/Kg R/Sac Base 3000 19000 Average 3100 19500 (%) 3.33 % 2.63 %

Crude Oil (WTI) Crude Oil (Brent) RBOB Gasoline NYMEX Heating Oil ICE Gasoil

USD/bbl. USD/bbl. USd/gal. USd/gal. USD/MT

99.34 106.77 4.34 290.22 291.51 893.75

-0.12 -0.15 0.03 -0.57 -0.5 -7.25

-0.12% -0.14% 0.72% -0.20% -0.17% -0.80%

3:33:25 3:34:08 3:34:00 3:31:56 2:31:41 3:33:12

2800 2200 1800 8000 2000 4000 40000 33000 17000 12000 18000 13000

20000 19000 18000

NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu



Item Gasoline Diesel Petroleum Gas Charcoal Unit
R R R Chi Baht

5250 5100 5500 86000 1200

5450 5200 5500 76000 1300

3.81 % 1.96 % 0.00 % -11.63 % 8.33 %

S&P/ASX 200 Index, Mar 26 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500

New Zealand
NZX 50 Index, Mar 26 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500


CBOT Rough Rice CME Lumber

USD/cwt USD/tbf

15.44 335

0.01 -5.4

0.06% -1.59%

1:40:40 16:08:19



is a fast growing international fashion company, having more than 3,187retail stores for Garments, Shoes, Accessories & Home Products, in 45 countries in Europe, USA, Middle East & Far East. H&M through its Representative Ofce, Puls Trading Far East Limited, would like to invite resumes from candidates for the position of PRODUCTION QUALITY CONTROLLER for Underwear/Swimwear for the production ofce in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Job Requirements and Description are as follows.

GL Finance PLC
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT GL FINANCE PLC. is a subsidiary of the leading leasing company in Thailand Group Lease PCL., quoted on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. GL Finance is the rst nancial leasing service in Cambodia since 2012, and provides nancing on motorcycles and agricultural machinery through partnerships with industry leaders (Honda, Kubota). GL Finance covers the entire territory of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and is facing a number of challenges in its fast pace growth. We are now seeking qualied and passionate individuals to support our expansion. Position : Sales Supervisor Location : Head Ofce, Phnom Penh Salary : 400$ - 700$ depending on qualications 1. RESPONSIBILITIES: Visit, control and improve sales forces efciency on the eld (nationwide) Evaluate and improve on-site marketing in each point of sales Insure a satisfying relationship between GL Finance and its commercial partners Recommend appropriate communication / advertising channels for each province Maintain an updated benchmark of GL Finances market Provide continuous leadership, supervision, training and development of operation staff ensuring an effective and motivated team. 2. REQUIREMENTS: Experienced candidates are preferred; outstanding unexperienced candidates will be considered Interest in marketing and creative personality, market analysis skills, leadership Very good Khmer and English expression Very frequent trip to province Ability to work in a multicultural environment More detail please contact GL Finance HR and Admin Department: Tel: 066 669 327/ 098 505 559/ 097 500 5559 E-mail Address: Website:

Job Requirements - Experience of more than 4 years in garments/textiles industry at the same position. - Be familiar with underwear/ swimwear product - Strong experience of working in factory / Buying Agents ofce or garment factory as QA/QC is prefer - Knowledge of Garment Quality & Production Process - Workable knowledge of garment pattern. - Knowledge of Capacity Calculation. - Good knowledge about machine types and their use. - Good Communication Skills in Khmer, English & Chinese (Both Verbal & Written). - Good Computer Skills.

- Good Integrity, Dynamic, creative, highly responsible. - Willing to travel and valid passport - Female is preferable Job Descriptions - Being involved at sample stage. - Attending Pre Production meetings with Supplier/Factory - Performing required Inspections using H&M guidelines and methods. - Making sure all requirements are being followed in production. - Making sure the order is produced according to the approved Counter Sample. - Develop quality systems at factories according to H&Ms guidelines - Educate and Train factory staff according to H&Ms requirements.

Salary and Benets will be in accordance with Industry Standards. If you are the one who has above qualications and are willing to be a part of H&M, please send your resumes (in English) to Ms. Chakrya Sea at latest by 25th April, 2014. For more information regarding H&M please visit our website Puls Trading Far East Limited, Representative ofce of H&M Hennes&Mauritz GBC AB. Address: 7th Floor, Phnom Penh Tower. Telephone number: 023 962 200



ORTH and South Korea traded hundreds of rounds of live artillery re across their disputed maritime border yesterday, forcing South Korean islanders to take shelter a day after the North drove up tensions by threatening a new nuclear test. The exchange, triggered by a three-hour North Korean live-re exercise that dropped shells into South Korean waters, was limited to untargeted shelling into the sea, military ofcials said. South Koreas defence ministry said that the North red some 500 shells during the drill, about 100 of them landing on the south side of the sea boundary. The ministry said the South had responded to Pyongyangs premeditated provocation by ring 300 shells from K-9 self-propelled howitzer batteries based on its front-line islands. If the North takes issue with our legitimate returning

faces graft body Two Koreas exchange live fire Yingluck over negligence charges
the pressure on to resume a dialogue, Yang said. Pyongyang sees the nuclear negotiations as an opportunity to win material concessions and aid from the international community. The South Korean stock market shrugged off the incident, with the main Kospi index closing up 0.23 per cent at 1,985.61. The North had ensured maximum publicity for its live-re drill by taking the unusual step of notifying the South beforehand, and issuing a provocative no-sail, noy advisory. The exercise began at 12:15pm (0315 GMT) and South Korea, which had threatened to respond if any shells crossed the border, retaliated shortly afterwards, the defence ministry said. As a precaution, border island residents were evacuated to shelters, as South Korean ghter jets ew overhead. The evacuation order was lifted an hour after the North ended its drill. AFP THai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra testified yesterday in front of anti-graft officials over negligence charges that could lead to her removal from office and a ban from politics. Yingluck arrived at the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) in Bangkok yesterday but made no comment to the media as she entered the building or as she left 10 minutes later. She was summoned to answer charges linked to a controversial rice subsidy scheme, which paid farmers above market rates for their crops. Observers say that after months of street protests, the kingdoms political crisis is lurching towards a critical new phase, with the NACC appearing set to move against the embattled premier. The prime minister gave verbal and written testimony ... she asked the NACC to question 10 more witnesses and give more time for her lawyers to submit more evidence, commission member Prasart Pongsivapai said. We will discuss both of these requests tomorrow ... we are glad she came; the atmosphere was good. If indicted, the prime minister would be immediately suspended from office pending an impeachment vote in the upper house of parliament within weeks. But Prasart refused to be drawn on a possible timeframe for the NACCs response and denied accusations that the commission had sped up the process to assist the anti-government movement. Critics say the rice scheme battered Thai finances and fostered massive corruption, simply to shore up the rural base of Yingluck and her brother Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted as premier in a 2006 coup. If Yingluck is found guilty, she faces a possible five-year ban from politics, as well as imprisonment by the courts on criminal charges. AFP

South Korean marine amphibious assault vehicles take part in a joint landing operation with US marines yesterday. AFP

of re and uses it to make yet another provocation towards our sea and islands, we will make a resolute retaliation, ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said. Analysts said the incident, coming a day after Pyongyang threatened to conduct a new type of nuclear test, was largely a sign of the Norths growing

frustration with US resistance to resuming multi-party talks on its nuclear program. I dont see that this ran any real risk of escalating into a serious clash, Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, said. Its really North Korea showing it intends to keep

Request for Proposal (RFP) Social Media for Populations at high risk of HIV in Cambodia, 2014
Background: With funding support from USAID, through the KHANA led HIV Flagship project, FHI 360 Cambodia issues this request for the services of a professional (e.g, company, agency, organization and/or a consortium) to strengthen existing and design new social media technologies that reach key populations at risk of HIV with needed information and services. The contract should 1) promote community ownership, management, and sustainability of the MStyle website, facebook page and a new smart phone application. It should also 2) create community owned, managed and sustainable websites and facebook pages along with smart phone applications for Srey Sros and SMART girl (one each per program). The intent of these media strategies is to improve male, transgender and female sexual and reproductive health knowledge, reduce HIV/STI risk behaviors, promote use of health and other needed services, and create a social network that fosters reduced stigma and discrimination. The successful bidder will work closely with the Strategic Behavioral Communications (SBC) Technical Advisor within FHI 360s Department of Prevention and Innovation, community-based organizations or NGOs working with most at-risk populations (MARPs) and with the national networks (e.g., Bandanh Chaktomuk and SMART girl Net). The contract will commence in early June 2014 and last for 4 months. (All work must be completed by 30 September 2014.) Criteria for application: Agencies/Companies/Organizations or Consortia with: Website and smartphone application design, development, management and capacity building experience experience working with MARPs in Cambodia, particularly in the area of health/HIV and AIDS Proposals must be submitted in English by 30 April 2014 at 5:00 pm, Phnom Penh Time In fairness to all agencies, no extension will be granted under any circumstances Late proposalsand those that do not follow the proposal guidelineswill be rejected FHI 360 brieng on the RFP to agencies will be conducted on 4th April 2014, at 2:30 pm, at the FHI 360 ofce. For further information regarding this RFP Please contact: Mrs. Seng Sopheap, Strategic Behavioral Communications (SBC) Advisor, FHl360/Cambodia #3, Street 330, Boeung Keng Kang III, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: 855.23.211 914 / Fax: 855.23.211 913 / Mobile phone: 855.12.515 361/ Email:




Erdogan to pursue his enemies in their lairs

TURKEYS premier will tighten and extend his grip on power, emboldened by sweeping local poll victories that came despite damaging graft allegations and internet clampdowns, analysts said yesterday. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after delivering a rousing balcony speech to thousands of jubilant followers overnight, is now almost certain to run for president this year or seek a fourth term as prime minister, the analysts said. Needled by months of corruption claims spread via Twitter and YouTube, Erdogan has vowed to go after hidden enemies in the police, justice and media he blames for the online leaks and pursue them in their lairs. Emerging strongly from the elections, Erdogan will likely run for president during the summer, said Soner Cagaptay, director of the Turkish Research Program at the Washington Institute think tank. With memories fresh of last Junes violence when eight people died, thousands were injured and clouds of tear gas wafted through Istanbuls Gezi Park many commentators feared further dangerous tensions ahead. Erdogan will become more authoritarian, Cagaptay predicted. Turkey will be polarised further, with unrest and demonstrations. The government will crack down on the opposition further, with the potential of a deadlock and regime crisis. Even though Sundays nationwide polls were for city mayors and municipal ofcials, they were seen by all sides as a crucial popularity test for Erdogan and his Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP). The AKP had a nationwide 45 to 28 per cent lead over the main opposition Republican Peoples Party, scored a crushing victory in megacity Istanbul and claimed a narrow win in the capital Ankara. Going forward, Erdogan will see himself as invincible, and as deeply wronged by his rivals, Brent Sasley of Texas University said. He might feel safe now, and so relax his grip a little on Turkish media. More likely he will seek revenge against those who, in his view, tried to take him down but failed. AFP

Medvedev in Crimea after talks stall

USSIAN Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has own into Crimea to hold a cabinet meeting in the newly annexed territory. The meeting comes a day after four hours of negotiations between the Russian and US foreign ministers in Paris aimed at resolving the Ukraine crisis. The majority of Western politicians believe that Crimea is as good as lost, and attention has turned to the rest of Ukraine, where a huge Russian troop build-up has been reported on the border in recent days. After the talks, Russia repeated its demand that the US and its European partners accept its proposal that Russian-speaking regions of eastern and southern Ukraine be given extensive autonomous powers independent of Kiev as a condition for agreeing a diplomatic solution to the crisis. Sergei Lavrov, Russias foreign minister, said that Ukraine could not function as a unied state and should become a loose federation. He made the remarks after an inconclusive meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry at the Russian ambassadors residence in Paris following a day in which tensions over

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev speaks at a meeting in the Crimean capital Simferopol yesterday. AFP

Ukraine deepened appreciably. Lavrov called the talks very, very constructive. Kerry said the US and Russia agreed on the need for a diplomatic solution but made it clear there had been no breakthrough, saying the Russian troop build-up along the border was creating a climate of fear and intimidation in Ukraine and was not helpful. Kerry called for Russia to pull back its forces and said talks on the countrys future must include Kievs leaders. We will not accept a path forward where the legitimate govern-

ment of Ukraine is not at the table. This principle is clear. No decisions about Ukraine without Ukraine, he said. Speaking to Russian state television before the talks, Lavrov laid out Moscows quite different terms. Primarily, he said, Russia was seeking a federal solution for Ukraine as part of deep constitutional reform. Frankly speaking, we dont see any other way for the steady development of the Ukrainian state apart from as a federation, he added. Under the Russian plan,

which Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin reportedly discussed in a phone call initiated by Moscow on Friday, each region would have control of its economy, taxes, culture, language, education and external economic and cultural connections with neighbouring countries or regions, Lavrov said. Despite the distance between the two sides, Kerry said Washington would consider the ideas and the suggestions that we developed tonight. The meeting took place against an ominous backdrop of the gathering of an estimated 40,000 Russian troops on Ukraines eastern border, and warnings from NATO and the Pentagon that the Russian military activity, ostensibly relating to routine exercises, was abnormal and could be a prelude to an invasion. However, Ukrainian media quoting military sources yesterday morning said that Russia had already started reducing the strength of its forces lining the border from 40,000 to about 10,000. In an apparent attempt to assuage concerns in Kiev and Western capitals about Russian intentions, Lavrov said there were no plans to invade eastern Ukraine. THE GUARDIAN




Storm fatalities

Sixteen dead as weather batters China

Climate change: poor will suffer most

ENsIoNERs left on their own during a heatwave in industrialised countries. Single mothers in rural areas. Workers who spend most of their days outdoors. Slum dwellers in the megacities of the developing world. These are some of the vulnerable groups who will feel the brunt of climate change as its effects become more pronounced in the coming decades, according to a gamechanging report from the UNs climate panel released yesterday. Climate change is occurring on all continents and in the oceans, the authors say, driving heatwaves and other weather-related disasters. The changes to the Earths climate are also fuelling violent conicts. The UN for the rst time in this report has designated climate change a threat to human security. The overriding lesson of this report, the scientists said, was that unless governments acted now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adopt measures to protect their people, nobody would be immune to climate change. But those who did the least to cause climate change would be the rst in the line of re: the poor and the weak,

T LEaST 16 people were killed in rain and hailstorms that triggered flooding and landslides in southern China, officials said yesterday. The severe weather, which began last Friday, has affected seven provinces and municipalities leaving 16 people dead and two missing. The storms are the first round of heavy rainfall this spring, the ministry said. In Guangdong province, one of the hardest-hit areas, flights at major airports ground to a halt and classes in some cities were suspended yesterday. Rescuers in neighbouring Guangxi province have been searching since Sunday for a mine worker who was buried in a landslide, Xinhua reported. The deluge was so severe in Hong Kong on Sunday that hailstones smashed the windows of a shopping mall in the Kowloon Tong district. Footage showed umbrellacarrying shoppers wading through the drenched mall. Of the 16 dead in mainland China, seven were from Guangdong province. Two were killed in each of Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou and Chongqing, and one person has been confirmed dead in Guangxi. AFP

A farmer works in the elds in the village of Bumay on the outskirts of Sittwe in the western Myanmar state of Rakhine yesterday. AFP

and communities that were subjected to discrimination, the report found. Scientists went to great lengths in the report to single out people and communities who would be most at risk of climate change, with detailed descriptions of locations and demographics. One impact is through the reduction in crop yields, which leads to higher prices. The story is that crop yields have detectably changed. As time goes on the poor countries that are in the warmer and drier parts of the planet will feel the crop yield decreases early, said Michael Oppenheimer, professor of

geosciences and international affairs at Princeton University. When you get above two degrees and into the threeand four-degree range, adaptation becomes less effective and even some of the wealthy countries that have advanced agriculture start suffering. People who were already disadvantaged, more of them are going to be suffering from malnutrition, he added. In a further cruel twist, the report said climate change would also make it harder for developing countries to climb out of poverty, and would create poverty pockets in rich and poor countries. It already

has. Maarten van Aalst, director of the Red Cross climate centre and an author of the report, said the agency was already seeing evidence that the poor were being hit hardest in weather-related disasters. There are already more weather-related mega-disasters such as heatwaves and storm surges occurring under climate change. And the number of natural disasters between 2000 and 2009 was around three times higher than in the 1980s, Van Aalst said. The growth is almost entirely due to climaterelated events, he said. Other threats are looming because of climate change. The Pentagon and CIA have released a number of threat assessments in recent years identifying climate change as a threat to military installations, and as a potential driver of conict. The UN agrees in this report, saying climate change could lead to war and increased migration. The authors, however, were cautious about sending the message that climate change causes war per se. Climate change, on its own, does not start wars, said Neil Adger, a professor of geography at Exeter University, and one of the authors of the re-

port. But it does have a hand in producing situations that lead to conict. The things that drive conict are sensitive to climate, particularly poverty and economic shocks, Adger said. If there is a decrease in food supply or lots of people are pushed into poverty . . . it creates the environment where you are susceptible to conict, he said. The conicts are also on a different scale: food riots and unrest triggered by spiralling prices; clashes between farmers and herders of livestock over land and water; competing demands on water for irrigation or for cities. It will be within communities or between farmers and it might not necessarily be violent, Adger said. Its more likely to be more local and more site-specic. It could also set back efforts to deal with climate change. Conict itself actually reduces the ability of places to react to climate change, Adger added. The impact of conict in destabilising regions, wiping out infrastructure, not allowing the state to full its social contract to protect its own people . . . conict itself is making people more vulnerable to climate change. THE GUARDIAN

Pakistan court indicts Musharraf for treason

A PaKISTaNI court yesterday indicted former military ruler Pervez Musharraf for treason a milestone for civilian authority in a country long dominated by the army. The charge carries the maximum penalty of death. But observers are uncertain whether authorities will allow the trial to be completed and risk angering the powerful military. Musharraf had missed most of the trials hearings due to ill-health and security threats, but he appeared fit and confident after arriving yesterday at the special court. The former general, who seized power in 1999 and resigned in 2008, pleaded not guilty as one of three judges hearing the case since December read the charges relating to his 2007 imposition of emergency rule. AFP

Rebel village goes to polls under a cloud

DRENchEd voters in the Chinese village of Wukan, which held landmark democratic elections after rebelling against Communist officials, went back to the polls yesterday in a ballot clouded by signs authorities are reasserting their power. Wukan, in south Chinas Guangdong province, grabbed headlines worldwide in 2011 when locals staged huge protests and drove out Communist Party officials they accused of illegal land grabs. Protest leaders swept to power in landmark elections months later, and another poll was held yesterday in torrential rain to elect a new sevenmember village committee. But the conditions lowered turnout, as did a sense of disillusionment with the lack of progress in recovering land following the previous ballot. The recent arrests of several former protest leaders, and a heavy government presence at the polling station in a school, raised suspicions the election is under pressure from higher-level authorities. After years, we still havent got our land back, said one silver-haired man, who like several others declined to give his name. The Communist Party branch office is more powerful than the village committee. If an official wants to arrest a farmer, they can. Many residents of Wukan, a fishing village where locals said around 430 hectares (1,060 acres) of land had been illegally seized and sold, have become disappointed with the committee leaders elected in 2012, after they failed to reverse much of the ground. State-backed land-grabs are a key driver of unrest in rural China, fuelling the majority of the tens of thousands of protests taking place in the countryside each year, according to estimates. The mood at the polling station where there was a moderate police presence, including armed officers was muted and sombre. Dozens of mostly male government employees from outside the village had flooded the school. We are here because the government organised it, said one surnamed Ceng, referring to the authorities of Lufeng City, which administers Wukan. Several voters said they felt the atmosphere surrounding the vote was markedly different than last time. I feel the election isnt as open as before, a middle-aged man said after casting his ballot. There were not even half as many government staff last time. They will not count the votes in public. The voting forms will be taken somewhere we cant see them to fix the result. Many declined to comment or give their names at all. I cant talk to media; its not the same as before, one man said. The 2012 elections in Wukan were seen as unprecedented in their openness, with candidates not vetted by the Communist party, a group of ordinary villagers overseeing the process, and votes cast by secret ballot. Some commentators hailed them as a model for democratic reforms in the country, where the ruling Communist Party does not tolerate organised opposition or multiparty elections. But two of the village committees most senior members, former protest firebrands Yang Semao and Hong Ruichao, were detained on corruption charges this month by prosecutors in Lufeng. Another committee member, Zhuang Liehong, fled to the US to seek asylum earlier this year, in what he said was an attempt to avoid arrest. Reports last week also said a member of the Communist Party branch originally ousted by the protesters had been reappointed, adding to fears local authorities are reasserting their power. Its very clear the authorities just want to control the situation in Wukan, Zhuang said from his US home. Villages across China have been allowed to hold elections for decades, but they often take place behind closed doors, and are subject to widespread interference by local communist officials. But officials did not allow AFP to see a ballot paper yesterday morning, and analysts said it was unlikely the elections would be as open. The old protest leaders are likely to fail, because they are still in prison or under investigation, said Xiong Wei, a researcher who studied Wukans uprising and runs a think-tank in Beijing that looks at legal and rural issues. The local government has tried to discredit the first group of leaders, he added. There is not the same monitoring as before, so the villagers worry that the results can be faked. A driver surnamed Wu said he voted for Yang Semao. Are the elections fair? he asked. Its too early to say. We will have to wait until the results are read. AFP

US landslide death toll increases from 18 to 21

THE confirmed death toll from a huge US landslide rose from 18 to 21 on Sunday, while four more bodies were located but not counted in the official tally, authorities said. Thirty people remain missing after a rainsoaked wall of mud, trees and debris crashed down onto the edge of the town of Oso, in Washington state, on March 22. A few survivors were found immediately after the mudslide, but none since the day of the catastrophe. The number confirmed dead has hit 21, Snohomish County officials said, but is set to rise again once four more bodies that have been located are recovered and formally identified by the countys Medical Examiners Office. AFP

Former Israeli PM Olmert convicted of bribery

A TEL Aviv court yesterday found former premier Ehud Olmert guilty of briber y linked to a Jerusalem property development, in one of the worst corruption scandals in Israeli history. At a lengthy hearing in Tel Aviv District Court presided over by Judge David Rosen, Olmert was convicted on two counts of bribery, making him the first former premier to be convicted of the offence and of perjury. The trial, which included 16 defendants and took place over two years, was linked to the construction of the massive Holyland residential complex when Olmert served as the citys mayor. In 2010, Olmert was named the key suspect in the so-called Holyland affair on suspicion that he received bribes totalling some 1.5 million shekels ($430,000), although the prosecution later reduced the sum received by about half. The 68-year-old and several of his associates were accused of helping the towering construction project, which is widely reviled as a major blot on the citys skyline, to pass various legal and planning obstacles. Were talking about corrupt and filthy practices, Judge Rosen said, his remarks playing out across all Israeli media. He also spoke of a corrupt political system which has decayed over the years . . . and in which hundreds of thousands of shekels were transferred to elected officials. Rosen also said the former premier had lied to the court in a bid to blacken the name of the states witness in a verdict which found 13 of the 16 defendants guilty. Olmert reportedly sat expressionless throughout the verdict. It was not immediately clear when the court would pass sentence, but some commentators suggested that he could face a prison sentence. In July 2012, a Jerusalem court found Olmert guilty of breach of trust but cleared him on two more serious charges related to the alleged receipt of cash-stuffed envelopes and multiple billing for trips abroad. He was fined $19,000 and given a suspended jail sentence for graft. The conviction related to favours that Olmert granted a former colleague while serving as trade and industry minister. AFP




Tibetan nun sets herself on re, RFA reports say

A TIBEtaN nun set herself on re in southwestern China at the weekend, a campaign group and a report said, in the latest apparent act of protest against Chinese rule. The self-immolation by the nun, whose name and age were not immediately available, occurred Saturday in Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan province, according to Britishbased advocacy organisation Free Tibet and US-funded Radio Free Asia. Kalsang Gyaltsen, a lawmaker in the Tibetan government-in-exile in India, told RFA the woman set herself alight while circumambulating a monastery a ritual of Tibetan prayer. The Tibetans who were at the scene intervened and put out the re, and sent her to the hospital, Gyaltsen said. The station quoted unnamed sources as saying she set herself on re to show opposition to Beijings rule in areas inhabited by Tibetans. Free Tibet said in its report on Sunday that communication lines to Bathang county, where the incident took place, were cut and security measures heightened. At least 125 Tibetans in China have set themselves alight since 2009, according to Free Tibet and RFA. The latest incident is the third this month after two Tibetans died in Sichuan province on March 16. March is a sensitive month for Tibetans, who live in Qinghai and Sichuan as well as Tibet proper. Their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama ed China on March 10, 1959 following a failed uprising. In March 2008, deadly riots erupted in the Tibetan capital Lhasa and spread to other areas. Beijing accuses the Dalai Lama of encouraging selfimmolations to further a separatist agenda. China also says its rule has brought social and economic benets to Tibetans and ended what it claims were feudal abuses of the population. The Dalai Lama, a Nobel Peace laureate who lives in India, has described the selfimmolations as acts of desperation by the people that he is powerless to stop. Rights groups call the protests a reaction to Beijings tight control over Tibetans rights, including the exercise of religion. AFP

Tyre-ing pursuit
An Afghan child plays with a tyre along a street in a village on the outskirts of Jalalabad on Sunday. The literacy rate in Afghanistan is about 30 per cent, and about 42 per cent of the countrys population is under the age of 14. According to UNICEF, more boys than girls attend classes in primary school in Afghanistan. AFP

Rio police storm vast favela near airport

Pierre Ausseill

ORE than 1,000 police backed by helicopters and naval armoured vehicles took over a favela near Rio de Janeiro international airport on Sunday, less than three months before the World Cup. The swiftly conducted dawn operation was the latest attempt to drive drug gangs out of the notorious Mare shanty town, a haven for organised crime and one of the citys most dangerous places. The Mare complex, home to 130,000 people, is a potential through route for tens of thousands of football fans ying in and out of the metropolis, which will stage seven World Cup matches including the July 13 nal. Members of the feared Special Police Operations Battalion swarmed

through the favela in 15 minutes without facing resistance, while helicopters buzzed overhead. Police had their weapons trained on the rooftops but apart from a few bars close to the entrance of Mare, the labyrinth of narrow streets was empty and dark. At sunrise, police raised a Brazilian ag in the main plaza and soon thereafter were giving horseback rides to local supporters. The operation appeared at least partly orchestrated for the media since police had already taken over some of the favela last week, making 57 arrests and conscating drugs and weapons. At least 13 more people were detained, with authorities also seizing 450 kilograms (992 pounds) of drugs, mostly marijuana. Authorities have recently stepped up efforts to quell violence in Rio

as the World Cup looms but denied the Mare operation was directly linked to the upcoming football extravaganza. A huge slum pacication program has been in place since 2008 aimed at making the city which will also host the 2016 Olympics safer. In recent years, Police Pacication Units (UPPs) have been installed in 174 Rio favelas, home to around 600,000 people. Rios security secretariat said 1,180 ofcers were involved in the operation, backed by at least 14 armoured vehicles and four helicopters. Intelligence services say drug trafckers who left Mare after last weeks announcement of the planned occupation could come back later, meaning authorities face a longterm battle to keep the volatile area under control.

As the sun rose, shops slowly began to open but many residents were irritated by the presence of security forces and journalists. Few wanted to speak with reporters. Me, I think its ne, the state must be present everywhere in Rio, said a trucker who only gave his rst name, Jorge. Now it will depend on the police who move here because there are those among them who commit abuses. After decades battling organised crime in the poor communities surrounding the city, authorities had hoped the favela pacication program would bring down crime. But renewed violence this year has claimed the lives of eight police ofcers with four of them in being killed in pacied districts. Keeping a lid on crime has become key to Rios bid to turn the city

into an international showcase for the World Cup and South Americas rst Olympics. The occupation of Mare is similar to that carried out in 2010 in the Alemao network of favelas, home to about 300,000 people. Alemao was occupied one week after 35 people were killed in bloody clashes between police and drug dealers. Rios state secretary for security affairs, Jose Mariano Beltrame, said Mare had to be taken because of its strategic location between the airport and the city. This is not for the World Cup or the Olympic Games, he said. The World Cup will be over in a month, and Mare will stay. The operation is not to enter the homes of every resident but rather specic places of people wanted by the law. AFP

Black death was not spread by rat eas: researchers

Vanessa Thorpe

ARcHaEOLOgIsts and forensic scientists who have examined 25 skeletons unearthed in the Clerkenwell area of London a year ago believe they have uncovered the truth about the nature of the Black Death that ravaged Britain and Europe in the mid-14th century. Analysis of the bodies and of wills registered in London at the time has cast doubt on facts that every schoolchild has learned for decades: that the epidemic was caused by a highly contagious strain spread by the fleas on rats. Now evidence taken from the human remains found in Charterhouse Square, to the north of the City of London, during excavations carried out as part of the construction of the Crossrail train line, have suggested a different cause: only an airborne infection could have spread so fast and killed so quickly.

The Black Death arrived in Britain from central Asia in the autumn of 1348 and by late spring the following year it had killed six out of every 10 people in London. Such a rate of destruction would kill five million now. By extracting the DNA of the disease bacterium, Yersinia pestis, from the largest teeth in some of the skulls retrieved from the square, the scientists were able to compare the strain of bubonic plague preserved there with that which was recently responsible for killing 60 people in Madagascar. To their surprise, the 14th-century strain, the cause of the most lethal catastrophe in recorded history, was no more virulent than todays disease. The DNA codes were an almost perfect match. According to scientists working at Public Health England in Porton Down, for any plague to spread at such a pace it must have got into

the lungs of victims who were malnourished and then been spread by coughs and sneezes. It was therefore a pneumonic plague rather than a bubonic plague. Infection was spread human to human, rather than by rat fleas that bit a sick person and then bit another victim. As an explanation [rat fleas] for the Black Death in its own right, it simply isnt good enough. It cannot spread fast enough from one household to the next to cause the huge number of cases that we saw during the Black Death epidemics, said Dr Tim Brooks from Porton Down, who will put his theory in a Channel 4 television documentary, Secret History: The Return of the Black Death , which is to be broadcast next Sunday. To support his argument, Brooks has looked at what happened in Suffolk in 1906 when plague killed a family and then spread to a neighbour who had come to help. The culprit

was pneumonic plague, which had settled in the lungs of the victims and was spread through infected breath. The skeletons at Charterhouse Square reveal that the population of London was also in generally poor health when the disease struck. Crossrails archaeology contractor, Don Walker, and Jelena Bekvalacs of the Museum of London found evidence of rickets, anaemia, bad teeth and childhood malnutrition. In support of the case that this was a fastacting, direct contagion, archaeologist Dr Barney Sloane found that in the medieval City of London all wills had to be registered at the Court of Hustings. These led him to believe that 60 per cent of Londoners were wiped out. Antibiotics can today prevent the disease from becoming pneumonic. In the spring of 1349, the death rate did not ease until Pentecost on 31 May. THE GUARDIAN




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A lily pad for the Pentagon

Tess Lea

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N his recent book Anzacs Long Shadow: The Cost of our National Obsession, former Australian Defence Force soldier James Brown correlates deep Australian ignorance about our contemporary military with our increasingly fantastical commemoration of the Anzac legend. Bedazzled by myths of Gallipoli, Australians neglect more pressing defence policy concerns. Its a compelling thesis, and one that closely parallels the situation in one of Australias most militarised cities, Darwin. Australians prefer to see the isolated and exotic city of Darwin through stories about cyclones, crocodiles, Aboriginal art, spicy market food and unlimited road speeds; a place that lets you go to the supermarket in bare feet and look normal. This way, we dont have to notice the most significant militarisation effort in Australias post-war history, which is happening under our noses. The militarisation of the north is unknown to most of us and thanks to this ignorance, the new Cold War brewing in the Asia Pacific region, and Darwins place in it, is rarely being debated. In 2012, US president Barrack Obama hailed the next proud chapter in our alliance, announcing that up to 2,500 US Marine Corp personnel would permanently rotate through Darwin. The city is now a lily pad (the base America has when it doesnt need to build a mini-city, just permanent access to a subordinate states geographic and strategic resources), adding to the largest empire of not-really-bases the world has ever known. Of course, well before becoming a lily pad for the Pentagons pivot to Asia, Darwin became an important part of the global-technological security apparatus when, in the 1950s, mining began at Rum Jungle, 60 kilometres to Darwins south, to supply uranium to the British and American nuclear weapons programs. During the second world war, the Top End was targeted by Japanese bombers for more than 18 months. The most famous of these raids was the bombing of Darwin in February 1942, shortly after Pearl Harbour. More Americans than Australians died during the raids, many in unmarked sea graves. Today, this history of blood debt helps deflect any

The rst contingent of 200 US Marines to be deployed in Australia march during the ofcial welcoming ceremony at Robertson Barracks near Darwin, Australia, in 2012. AUSTRALIAN DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE

criticisms of what becoming a node in a US military map is drawing Australians into. This is also how the US Marine Corps have bedazzled Darwin, not by concealing their presence but by broadcasting it. The first long-term expansion of the American militarys presence in the Pacific since the end of the Vietnam War has so far seen marines supporting the Aboriginal football academy, patiently fielding questions at information booths, playing with school children and comparing their fitness coaching techniques to those of Australian soldiers. Impressed, one forgets that Australia has sustained continual military action since 1999, from East Timor to Afghanistan and Iraq. In fact, a Roy Morgan poll before the last election listed defence issues as the second least important concern (outranked in unimportance by the needs of people outside of cities). Even for the ABCs supposedly more politically aware constituency, less than 1 per cent of respondents rated defence as the upmost election issue, compared with almost 13 per cent rating asylum seekers. Historian Regina Ganter makes the powerful point that Australian history begins in the north not the south. In fact, when he was circumnavigat-

ing Australia, Matthew Flinders relied on Dutch maps of Australias northern coastline drafted in the 1600s. The Dutch United East India Company had been sniffing around the manganese-rich Aboriginal lands in search of things to rip and ship, but had been repelled in their efforts by Australias original homeland security, at one time with a force of more than 200 Aboriginal warriors, in spite of our especial kindness and fair semblance, a frustrated Jan Carstensz wrote in his field reports. Having repelled the Dutch, unimpressed by their nutmeg and beads, Aboriginal patriots fought outnumbered, out-legislated battles against the Martini-Henry military rifles and biological warfare of invading settlers. Dispossession bequeathed land the size of Cyprus to Bradshaw Station, first for cattle, and now as the Bradshaw Field Training Area, one of the largest weapons training grounds in the world. Repulsed from expanding their empire, the Dutch returned their focus to the Straits of Malacca, the skinny stretch of water between Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Only 2.7 kilometres at its narrowest point, the Straits are a geographical chokepoint. Controlling the Straits, the Dutch

controlled their empire. As the shortest sea route between the Gulf countries and Asia, todays Straits are Chinas and Indonesias energy corridor. Australias too for that matter. If blocked, nearly half the worlds fleet would need to reroute through the Indonesian archipelago. Handy, then, for a military hegemon to have sea-air striking range from a docile little place like Darwin. While the mustering of force in Australias northern reaches can be interpreted as merely strengthening defence capabilities against an attack on continental Australia (purportedly our primary security threat), the imperial intent of our main ally, and the propensity for our defence deployments to threaten our neighbours, must be interrogated far more thoroughly than is now the case. In allowing Australias foreign policy interests to be played out of sight, out of mind, in a town that also hides its own nature from itself, we avoid debating difficult questions. What does being a subordinate ally to a military force clinging to its global primacy commit us to? What are our liabilities and responsibilities? At what point do Australian sovereign interests diverge from Americas security objectives? And what are we prepared to do about it? THE GUARDIAN

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PHOTOGRAPHER who refuses to let analogue fade into history has converted his mothers apartment into Phnom Penhs only professional black and white printing laboratory. Moul Monor, who studied photography in Paris, said the idea for Analogue Prints Laboratory (Latelier Argentique) was born out of his frustration at the lack of facilities dedicated to grayscale in Phnom Penh. I created it rstly for my own personal use and secondly for teaching and workshops and third to provide space for other professional photographers who cant find any place to work on film in their own darkroom, Monor said. Analogue photography which uses lm to capture images which are then printed on photographic paper in a darkroom has almost become extinct due to the ease and low cost of digital photography. However, Monor said he enjoyed the physical process and level of control offered by analogue photography, which involves projecting lm images onto light sensitive paper and then dousing the paper in developing chemicals to reveal the photograph. I like to be able to touch the paper, to alter the photo as it is being printed. Theres a magic that comes from the manual printing process. Monor a French-Cambodian who splits his time between Phnom Penh and Paris, was assisted in setting up the laboratory by local artist and

Analogue fan creates unique photo-printing lab at home A

Will Jackson

In brief
William, Kate release new photo with baby

PRINCE William and his wife Kate released a rare family photo on Saturday showing the couple with their eight-monthold son Prince George, ahead of the little boys first overseas tour. The Duke of Cambridge, the second in line to the throne, is pictured with his wife and son looking out of an open window of their apartment in Kensington Palace in London. The smiling duchess, 32, is holding George on her knee as the little prince focuses his attention on the family pet Lupo, a black cocker spaniel pictured sitting on the dukes lap. AFP

Moul Monor demonstrates the development of a photo at the opening of the lab on Friday 28 March.


photographer Lim Sokchanlina with whom he has been friends since their rst meeting back in 2011. Lina said producing print analogue photographs was something he had wanted to do since he rst started taking photographs. The analogue laboratory would help motivate young photographers and artists just getting into the medium, he went on to say. Its so exciting to be able to touch the images [as they are

being developed] and even more to be able to see them as they appear on the blank

Theres a magic that comes from the manual printing process.

paper, he said. Monor sourced all the necessary materials from suppliers in Paris and recently acquired ve enlargers, which are used to project the images from the lm on to the blank

photographic paper. He said that the laboratory would not offer a straight black and white photo printing service. Instead, he and Lina plan to rent out the laboratory for use by professional photographers as well as also offering workshops and short courses in black and white analogue printing. Most analogue photographers prefer to print the photos themselves, he said. Its important for younger

photographers to know this basic history and skills of photography, Monor said. The laboratory which ofcially opened on Friday takes up an entire oor of the apartment, which is owned by Monors mother. Shes very happy I turned her house into a photography laboratory, Monor said. She is happy to see me fullled and enjoying my passion in analogue photography. Contact:

POP icon Elton John says he will tie the knot with partner David Furnish now that his native Britain has legalised gay marriage. The top-selling artist told NBCs Today show that well do it very quietly. But we will do it and it will be a joyous occasion, John added. The couple, who have two children together, entered into a civil partnership in 2005.

Elton John to marry longtime partner

Bubbling ambitions in Chinas hot pot city

Carol Huang

NOAH, the big screen adaptation of the biblical tale starring Russell Crowe in the lead role, topped the North American Box Office at the weekend, estimates showed on Sunday. The action drama, which reunites Crowe with Jennifer Connelly whom he starred alongside in A Beautiful Mind in 2001, earned $44 million, easily holding off last weeks top earner Divergent, which took second spot with $26.5 million. AFP

Noah rides wave to top of US cinema box office

A worker preparing hot pot sauce, made of fermented chili peppers, at a hot pot museum.


THOUSANDS of vats of hot pot seasoning thicken the air around Nie Ganrus home with a miasma of chili as flamered paste, thick with oil, bakes in the sun. Nie lives and effectively breathes hot pot, the spicy cook-it-yourself Chinese meal that made his fortune, and has built a pot-shaped six-storey museum dedicated to it. Now his home town, the megalopolis of Chongqing, is seeking national and ultimately global recognition for the food. Its numbing, its hot, its very flavourful, it has an aroma that hits you in the face, and thats why everybody likes it, says the 70-year-old tycoon, who eats it about every other day. Seated at a wooden table crowded with dipping options, Nie plunks capsules of duck blood into a simmering broth teeming with oil, chili peppers

and hot and numbing Sichuan peppers. Others ladle out oil-coated slices of lotus root and cool their tongues with pickled vegetables. Everyone gathers around a table to eat and its harmonious, its lively, its warm- its a great environment, he says. The museum houses hundreds of pots Nie has collected over more than a decade, including one supposedly used in the palace of the Qing dynasty Qianlong Emperor in the 1700s and another dating to the Western Zhou dynasty of 1046 to 771 BCE. Hot pot originated a century ago as a low-brow meal for peasants squatting by the river to cook ox tripe and other offal, but has since followed China into prosperity. The first restaurant opened in the 1930s and the meals popularity spread when Chongqing became Chinas capital during World War II, drawing the

displaced from around the country. As Chinas economy exploded in recent decades, hot pot too has taken off, with other regions offering different variations of the dish and upscale venues serving delicacies such as fatty mutton slices, rabbit kidney, prawns and mushrooms. By Nies telling, hot pot also played a role in modern Chinese history. Communist leader Mao Zedong shared the meal with Nationalist rival Chiang Kai-shek before ousting him in civil war in 1949, his exhibits show. Another mural depicts paramount leader Deng Xiaoping treating officials to hot pot in the late 1970s while strategising the Reform and Opening overhaul that transformed the country. Yet competition for a place on the national list of intangible cultural heritage is tough in a huge country with a rich culinary tradition. AFP

EMMA Watson has criticised the dangerously unhealthy image projected by the fashion industry and said the pressure to look perfect has taken its toll on her. The actor has also described her doomed attempts to merge into the background as a student at an American university, where she found herself being trailed everywhere by British photographers. After the recent New York premiere of Noah, she tweeted a photograph of the array of cosmetics and a guardian angel pin that she said were essential aids to her flawless appearance, and another of herself in a backless dress captioned: I did NOT wake up like this. THE GUARdIAN

Emma Watson slams dangerous pressure



Arrival 03:30 09:05 09:05 14:40 16:20 18:40 19:40 21:50 20:50 14:30 20:50 13:45 20:50 13:00 14:30 20:50 16:30 18:45 10:25 16:05 17:00 17:25 22:20 22:50 16:00 10:20 4:10 06:05 22:40 08:40 11:25 14:40 17:15 15:50 08:10 14:00 12:30 11:35 13:00 13:15 10:45
Qatar Airways No. 296 Blvd. Mao Tse Toung (St. 245), Ground oor, Intercontinental Hotel PP Tel: +23 42 40 12/13/14 Cambodia Angkor Air (K6) PP Ofce, #90+92+94Eo, St.217, Sk.Orussey4, Kh. 7Makara, 023 881 178 /77718-333. Fax:+855 23-886-677 E: Koreanair (KE) Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce Myanmar Airways International Center, Monivong Blvd,PP Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9 #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677 Cebu Pacic (5J) Phnom Penh: No. 333B Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161 Siem Reap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd. Tel: 063 965487 E-mail:

MANILA - SIEM REAP 22:30 16:35 10:40 12:25 12:45 18:30 18:35
15:35 15:35


Flighs K6 720 PG 938 PG 932 TG 581 PG 934 FD 3617 PG 936 TG 585 CZ 324 QR 965 QR 967 CZ 324 CZ 6060 VN 840 QR 965 QR 967 VN 841 VN 3856 KA 207 KA 207 KA 209 KA 209 KA 205 KE 690 OZ 740 AK 1473 MH 755 MH 763 AF 273 FM 833 MI 601 MI 622 3K 594 3K 594 MI 607 2817 2817 2817 2817 BR 266 VN 840 QV 920
8M 402 8M 401

Arrival 01:10 08:15 11:10 11:10 16:40 18:15 20:40 21:45 16:05 22:45

2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 5 7 3, 2 5
.2....7 ...4...

02:11 22:15 15:20 15:40 16:05 21:35 21:55

18:40 18:30

5J 257 MI 633 MI 622 MI 616 MI 636 MI 630 MI 618

3K 597 3K 597

2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 7 3, 2 5 5
.2....7 ...4...

19:45 14:35 08:40 10:40 13:55 07:55 16:35

13:45 13:45

21:30 15:45 09:50 11:50 17:40 11:35 17:45

14:50 14:50

SIEM REAP - SINGAPORE MI 633 MI 622 MI 630 MI 615 MI 636 MI 617

3K 598 3K 598


Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily 2.4.7 Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily 6 1 3.5.7 2 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 2.4 1234..7 ....56. Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 1.3.6

Dep 12:05 06:40 09:55 10:05 15:30 17:05 19:30 20:40 08:00 16:10 22:40 08:00 14:45 17:30 16:10 22:40 14:00 19:20 11:25 11:45 18:30 17:25 19:00 23:40 23:50 08:35 11:10 17:10 20:05 19:50

Flighs K6 721 PG 931 TG 580 PG 933 FD 3616 PG 935 TG 584 PG 937 CZ 323 QR 964 QR 966 CZ 6059 CZ 323 VN 841 QR 604 QR 966 VN 920 VN 3857 KA 208 KA 206 KA 206 KA 206 KE 689 OZ 739 AK 1474 MH 754 MH 762 AF 273 FM 833 MI 602 MI 622 3K 593 MI 608 2816 2816 2816 2816 BR 265 VN 841 QV 921 8M 401

Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. 2.4.7 Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily

Dep 02:25 07:55 07:55 13:30 15:15 17:30 18:25 20:15 14:30 01:05 07:25 12:00 19:05 09:40 13:30 19:50 15:50 18:00




8M 402


Dep 12:55


1. 5
Days 1-3-5

Arrival 13:55

QV 512
8M 401
Flighs K6 131
1. 5
Days 1-3-5

Dep 11:20

Arrival 12:20





PHNOM PENH - GUANGZHOU 11:40 18:10 20:35 17:10 23:40 14:45 20:05 15:05 22:25 22:05 21:00 22:35 06:40 06:50 11:20 14:00 20:00 06:05 23:05




A jeep passes spectators during the Desert Jeep Rally in Pakistans vast Cholistan Desert. AFP


HONG KONG - PHNOM PENH 08:50 3.5.7 1 2 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 14:30 15:25 15:50 18:30 19:10 15:15 09:30 3:20 20:05

2817 - 16 Tigerairways 5J - CEBU Airways. AK - Air Asia BR - EVA Airways CI - China Airlines CZ - China Southern FD - Thai Air Asia FM - Shanghai Air K6- Cambodia Angkor Air KA - Dragon Air MH - Malaysia Airlines MI - SilkAir OZ - Asiana Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways QR - Qatar Airways QV - Lao Airlines SQ - Singapore Airlines

1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday





TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines

Pakistan jeep rally fuelling desert tours

Khurram Shahzad

PHNOM PENH- PARIS PHNOM PENH - SHANGHAI PHNOM PENH - SINGAPORE 09:30 12:30 12:20 15:25 15:25 18:10 16:40 09:10 14:50 13:20 12:45 17:30 17:50 13:30 11:45 15:20 18:20 18:10 21:10 19:40 12:00 17:50 16:10 17:05 18:50 19:10 14:55 12:30

PHNOM PENH - PARIS SHANGHAI - PHNOM PENH 19:30 07:40 2.4 Daily Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 08:40 13:30 16:20 15:00 07:20 13:00 11:30 09:10 11:30 11:45 08:20 SINGAPORE - PHNOM PENH

This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information, please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.


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SilkAir (MI) Regency C,Unit 2-4,Tumnorb Teuk, Chamkarmorn Phnom Penh Tel:023 988 629


K6 700




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K6 701



PG 924 PG 906 PG 914 PG 908 PG 910 CZ 3054 CZ 3054

K6 850

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


09:45 13:15 15:20 18:50 20:30 11:25 19:25


11:10 14:40 16:45 20:15 21:55 15:35 23:20


PG 903 PG 905 PG 913 PG 907 PG 909 CZ 3053 CZ 3053

K6 851

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


08:00 11:35 13:35 17:00 18:45 08:45 16:35


09:00 12:45 14:35 18:10 19:55 10:30 18:30




SIEM REAP -HANOI VN 868 VN 842 VN 844 VN 800 VN 3818 VN 826 VN 3820 VN 828 VN 3822 KE 688 OZ 738 AK 281 MH 765 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 3.5.7 12:40 18:05 19:45 21:00 11:10 13:30 17:45 18:20 21:35 23:15 23:40 08:35 14:15 15:35 19:45 21:25 22:40 12:30 14:40 18:45 19:20 22:35 06:10 07:10 11:35 17:25

HANOI - SIEM REAP VN 843 VN 845 VN 845 VN 801 VN 3809 VN 827 VN 3821 VN 829 VN 3823 KE 687 OZ 737 AK 280 MH 764 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 3.5.7 15:25 17:05 17:45 18:20 09:15 11:35 15:55 16:20 19:45 18:30 19:20 06:50 12:10 17:10 18:50 19:30 20:00 10:35 12:35 16:55 17:40 20:45 22:15 22:40 07:50 13:15

2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)

34 call/month
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BUS= Busan, Korea HKG= HongKong kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC Kob= Kebe, Japan KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand NBO= Ningbo, China OSA= Osaka, Japan SGN= Saigon, Vietnam







FLY DIRECT TO SIEM REAP MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |

N A cloud of dust and diesel fumes, a souped-up 4x4 roars through Pakistans Cholistan Desert, cheered on by tens of thousands of spectators. Nearly 90 drivers were drawn to throw their vehicles around the dry, rocky 214-kilometre track in a desolate, baking-hot corner of Punjab province for this years Cholistan Jeep Rally. The event, which began in 2005, has grown in popularity despite the remote location, about 400 kilometres (250 miles) southwest of Lahore, the provincial capital, with fans coming from across Pakistan to see the action. Ofcials from the Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab (TDCP), which organises the festival, say that the rally, which took place last month, is becoming more popular every year. We estimate a total of 200,000 people from local villages and the major cities turned up, a dust-covered Habib-ur-Rehman Gilani, the TDCP managing director, said. It helps locals to improve their living. They rent out their houses and install food stalls to earn money from the visitors. Life for those who dwell in the desert is hard, with limited economic opportunities and regular water shortages hitting livestock the main source of income for many people. This year, a festival of music, dance, wrestling and camping events was held alongside the rally to entertain visitors and to bring work to locals. Drummer Ghulam Nabi, who lives in Liaquatpur, around 60 kilometres away, earned 6,000 rupees ($60) in three days twice what hed normally make in a month. There are not enough parties and weddings in my town which could help me to earn a

living through drumming, so this was a very good event to earn a few extra thousand rupees, the mustachioed Nabi said after whipping up the crowd with his drum. The old princely state of Bahawalpur, of which Cholistan was part, was ruled for centuries by the Abbasi dynasty and was only fully merged into Pakistan in the 1950s, several years after independence from Britain. The elegant white marble tombs of long-dead Abbasi nawabs and their queens provide an elegant backdrop to the rally. Their crumbling Drawar fort was host to a reworks display before the race a huge boost to business for Fiaz Ahmed Shirazi, who runs a reworks business in the area. I earned 300,000 rupees ($3,000) from the reworks at this event. There are other vendors who set up food stalls during the rally and earn thousands of rupees in a short period. Back on the starting line, thousands of locals and tourists from the faraway cities of Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad cheer the drivers, whipped up by musicians in colourful traditional costumes. Its awesome, said Ameera Rao, 26, an event manager, who travelled from Lahore with friends for the rally. The experience is very thrilling, Rao, wearing glasses to avoid scorching sun and dust, said. Foreign tourism in Pakistan is at a low ebb, badly hit by the countrys fearsome reputation for Islamist violence. After seven years of a homegrown Taliban insurgency, tourism ofcials are desperate to improve the countrys image to attract more overseas visitors. We have planned to take it to other countries through our embassies and 4X4 clubs in different countries, Gilani said. AFP



NOAH A man is chosen by God to undertake a momentous mission of rescue before an apocalyptic flood destroys the world. Russell Crowe stars alongside Jennifer Connelly as well as Anthony Hopkins. City Mall: 9:15am, 4:35pm, 9:25pm Toul Kork: 11:30am, 2:20pm, 6:40pm NEED FOR SPEED Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross-country race with revenge in mind. His expartner, learning of the plan, places a massive bounty on his head as the race begins. With Aaron Paul, best known for his role as one of two drug producers in the US drama Breaking Bad. City Mall: 2:05am, 7:30pm Toul Kork: 9:30am, 5pm, 9:20pm 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE Greek general Themistokles leads the charge against invading Persian forces led by mortalturned-god Xerxes and Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy. Starring Sullivan Stapleton and Eva Green, as well as Lena Headey. Citymall: 11:20am, 10pm Toul Kork: 9:30am MR PEABODY AND SHERMAN The time-travelling adventures of an advanced canine and his adopted son, as they endeavour to fix a time rift they created. Stars: Ty Burrell, Max Charles, Stephen Colbert. Citymall: 5:40pm

Russian Godfathers @ Meta House

In 1991 a small group of Russians emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union to claim ownership of some of the worlds most valuable petroleum, natural gas, and metal deposits. This BBC series examines the relationship between Russias oligarchs and Putins administration.

Meta House, #37 Sothearos Blvd. 7pm

Meditation classes
Meditation classes aimed at those who are new to it. Comfortable or loosetting clothes recommended. Register on 0889 235 306 or email info@ Price: $12 per lesson or $100 for 10.

Essence of Health, #8A Street 112. 11am

Tonights documentary at Meta House discovers the links between Putins administration and Russias super-wealthy oligarchs. AFP

Quiz @ Gym Sports Bar

Teams can accumulate points just for playing and win prizes at the end of the season. Weekly prizes are featured as well. $1 per person, with winning team taking all.


1:10pm - THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA: A naive young woman comes to New York and scores a job as the assistant to one of the citys biggest magazine editors, the ruthless and cynical Miranda Priestly. Starring Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, Adrian Grenier. FOX MOVIES 3pm - TERMINATOR 3: RISE OF THE MACHINES: A robotic warrior from a post-apocalyptic future travels back in time to protect a 20-year old drifter and his future wife from an most advanced robotic assassin and to ensure they both survive a nuclear attack. With Arnold Schwarzenegger. FOX MOVIES 4:50pm - KUNG FU HUSTLE: In Shanghai, China in the 1940s, a wannabe gangster aspires to join the notorious Axe Gang while residents of a housing complex exhibit extraordinary powers in defending their turf. FOX MOVIES

The Gym Sports Bar, #42 Street 178. 5:30pm

PLaTinUm cinepleX
NOAH (See above.) 6pm NEED FOR SPEED (See above.) 3:35pm, 8:25pm

Creative writing @ Cafe

Join a creative writing course designed for aspiring writers and editors. Each writer will produce weekly or fortnightly work for the group to critique. Cost is $8 per class.

Anne Hathaway stars in The Devil Wears Prada. On Fox Movies tonight. BLOOMBERG

9:55pm - THE WALKING DEAD: Police officer Rick Grimes leads a group of survivors in a world overrun by zombies. FOX MOVIES

Feel Good Cafe, #79, Street 136. 3pm

Thinking caps
1 Hairstyle 5 Southwest party snack 10 Where peat is found 14 Issued a command 15 Attentive to possible danger 16 Geometrical calculation 17 Hampering the progress of 20 Half of the forearm bones 21 Beached 22 Proofers retraction 25 Solitary sort 26 Humble requests 30 Throws easily 33 Aerie inhabitant 34 Kachina doll carver 35 Grandpa Simpson 38 Longest parts of the alimentary canal 42 Just a ___ (slightly) 43 Get ones dander up 44 Like Pisas famed tower 45 Prepared for a shock 47 Electrical units 48 Composer Erik 51 Bottom of a shoe 53 Japanese art of paper folding 56 Hold forth 60 Good trivia entry 64 Scandinavian capital 65 Not even a mouse 66 Harbinger of tooth trouble 67 Flow slowly 68 Hypnotized or anesthetized 69 Quarter-acre of land

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32 35 36 37 39 40 41 45 46 48 49 50 52 54 55 57 58 59 61 62 63 Truckers radios Home to Honolulu Object of worship Flowerless, seedless plant Be silent, in music Boxing legend ___ capita With the bow, to violinists Phaser setting From the sublime to the ridiculous Hunter killed by a scorpion Science fiction, for one More wise Grads memento Robinson Crusoes home Pertaining to a certain culture Plays the piccolo, say Aphid, to a gardener Mantra chanter Old-fashioned exclamation ___ in a days work Big name in little suits Bros kin Blue shade Mixed martial arts prize Superlative endings Nest egg abbr. Where pints are poured Midori of figure skating Ringmasters place Genuine One-man flights Leave the bed Champions claim Dim, as lights Diner options Sacred image (Var.) Winston Churchills ___Country Fast food choice Reflection of a kind Affirmative action A third of 111? Actor Danson

Mondays solution

Mondays solution



NEW 2 Apartments 2 bedrooms in Quai Sisowath PP. Rooftop View. ~ 6059m2
1 Apartment is USD $89,900

Client Focus, Quality First. Best Service, Prime Integrity. Design and construction.
wEstERN swimmiNG POOL,Gym Apartment for rent Located in Touk Kork, 2-3BR:$900-$1100/m Big Living room, European Kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06 BRANd NEw ApARtmENt fOR RentTonle Basac Ar, near IndependentMonument, All new Furniture -$1100/m 2Bedroom, 2Bath -$1800/month 3Bed, 3Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

3BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Located in Basac garden City Swimming Pool, $1800/Month 3Bedroom 3Bath and Balcony Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 SwimmiNG POOL ApARtmENt Rent Good Located in Daun Penh Area - $900/Month 1Bedroom 1Bath - $1100/M 2Bedroom 2Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen New Full Furniture, 1Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 SERviCEs ApARtmENt fOR Rent Brand New, Swimming Pool, Gym Located 10 minute from BKK1 Ar -$750/m 1Bedroom, 1Bath -$1050/month 2Bedroom, 2Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR RENt $550/Mon near Olympic Stadium 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 1Bath Western Style, Motor Parking Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 2BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent $650/M Good location BKK1 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 2Bath Big Window, Sunlight, Motor Park Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 BRANd NEw ApARtmENt fOR Rent Tonle Basac Ar, near Independent Monument, All new Furniture -$1100/month 2Bedroom, 2Bath -$1800/month 3Bedroom, 3Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 SERviCE ApARtmENt for Rent BKk1: $750/Month Incl Cleaning Service, Internet, TV Cable , Views 1Living room, 1Bed, 2Bath Fully Furnished, and Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt for Rent $700/Month near Russian Market 1Living room, 2Beds, 2Bath 1Car Parking, 24h Security Guard Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 5BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent $2500/Month in BKK3 Area 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Fully Furnished, Big Terrace for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 SwimmiNG POOL ApARtmENt Rent Great Location in BKK1 Area - $900/M 1Bedroom 1Bath - $1400/Month 2Bedroom 2Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen New Full Furniture, 1Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

possibility to buy 1 or 2. Renovation will finish 15/06/2014. Contact 078 589 776 or 012 214 798

H/P: () 088 8180099 (English) 012936653 E-mail:

USA THICK STEAK SPECIAL Tenderloin 325g (12oz) @ $33 Rib-eye 325g (12oz) @ $24 Or Big 450g T-Bones @ $25! All Choice. For real Steak lovers only! @ Steves #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415


$2000/Mon near Boeung Trobek


1Living room, 7Bedroom, 7Bath Some Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place

5BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent $4000/M Good Location BKK1 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furnished, Big Terrace Good for Resident or Ofce Com Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

TRY THE CIGAR SHOP At Steves Steakhouse Arent you tired of inated prices for single malt whisky and cigars?! As always at Steves: Quality at Reasonable Price. #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415

Offers Khmer language classes for Expats * All classes are taught by qualied English speaking Khmer teachers * Lessons include conversation, reading and writing Tel: 096 60 70 284 Email: TOEFL iBT Review classes

TRY THE KINGDOM RESORT for your next Meeting, Conference, Party, or Retreat. Reasonable rates Beautiful surroundings, Full Facilities! Only 20min from town. call: 023 721 514 or

learn w/a Cambridge-qualied teacher whose TOEFL iBT is 104. Tel: 096 60 70 284 Email:

WEstERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in BKKI, 1-2-3 bedrooms, large living room, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, very big balcony, very quite and safety area, big parking lots, very good condition for living . Price: $800-US$1,200-$2,000/m NiCE ApARtmENt fOR RENt near National Museum & Palace $300/Month 1Bedroom, 1Bath $500/Month 2Bedroom, 2Bath 1Living room, Kitchen, Furnished Contact Tel: 012 939 958 BKK1 ApARtmENt fOR RENt Fully Furnished, and Balcony $400/Month 1Bedroom, 1Bath $550/Month 2Bedroom, 2Bath 1Living room, Nice Kitchen Contact Tel: 012 939 958 3BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Fully Furnished, Located in BKK3 $750/M 3Bedroom, 3Bath 1Living room, Kitchen, 1Car Park Contact Tel: 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent Location near Central Market $450/M 1Bed 1Bath $550/M 2Bed 2Bath 1Living room, Kitchen,Furnished Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 SwimmiNG POOL ApARtmENt Rent Loc: near Independent Monument $1700/M 3Bedroom & 3Baths Big Living room, Western Kitchen New Full Furniture, 1Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent $550/Mon near Olympic Stadium 1Living room, 2Bed, 1Bath Western Style, Motor Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

1BEdROOm ApARtmENt iN BKK1 for Rent: $750/M Incl Cleaning Service, Internet, TV Cable, Views 1Living room, 1Bedrooms, 2Bath Fully Furnished, and Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

for Phnom Penh Bar/Restaurant. Culinary Experience a Plus!

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Please phone 097 49 08065 or


For Rent At Chhroy Changeva area, river view, ground oor, 03 bed, fully furnished, very lights, western kitchen, very safety and quite, very nice garden, very good condition for living. Price: US$1,700/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

BRANd NEw ROOf tOp swimming Apartment for rent located in Toul Kork, 1-23BR:$$550-$700-$800-$1200/m convenient living room,European kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06, ROOf TOp SwimmiNG POOL
Apartment for rent Located near Independent monument 1-2BR :$900-$1000-$1700/m, nice Living room European kitchen,

SieM ReaP

I JUST CANT BRING MYSELF tocharge so much money for a burger, a steak, glass of wine or a good cigar! Maybe Im not a good businessman -Steve #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415

ESCAPE FROM PHNOM PENH at Nearby Kingdom Resort (20min) Fri or Sat night specials 1 Dinner + 1 Night + 1 Breakfast From $39 for 2 people. Get away this weekend! Tel: 023 72 15 14 | 012 528 534 Email:

1BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Loc: near Independent Monu- SwimmiNG POOL ApARtmENt ment $500/Month with Full Furni- Rent Loc: near Independent Monument $1700/M 3Bed & 3Bath ture 1Living room, 1Bed, 1Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 New Full Furniture, 1Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

Tel:089 36 32 06


SUBLEASE OPPORTUNITY Large Villa in Central location of PP for opening restaurant, shop, living, ofce, or other business, Existing restaurant and guesthouse now at this location. Many possibilities. Interested parties please email to

ViLLA fOR sALE iN SiEm REAp Size: 12m x 39m 5 bedrooms, kitchen, live room and 4 bathroom, Price: 80,000$ Tel: 088 856 12 18, 093 38 98 07 Email:

For coming Khmer New Year, VTRUST serviced apartments has special offers till end of Apr-2014:1) Discount up to 20%, 2) Free entrance to Sokhah Fitness club, 3) 10% Off at Park Cafe. For details 012569832|012912651|012944191

Home Maintenance,
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Smoke Jonh F, Kennedys Cigar Now available at Steves Cigar shop only $9.50 #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415



5BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent$3500/M Located BKK1 Area 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Fully Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

LUXURy ApARtmENt fOR rent, located near Russian market,1-2-3BR:$500-$800$1700/m convenient Living room, European Kitchen Tel: 089 36 32 06 COLONiAL ApARtmENt fOR rent 02 bed with bath face to river, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big balcony, and safe Rent: $2100 /m Location: Riverside Tel: 012 879 231 NiCE ApARtmENt fOR rent 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, and safe Rent: $750 /m Location: BKKI Tel: 012 503 356

NiCE ViLLA fOR RENt $1500/M $1500/Month Toul Tom Poung1 1Living room, 3Bedroom, 4Bath Good Place for Living or Ofce Some Furnished, 4Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

BRANd NEw biG SwimmiNG Pool apartment for rent , Located near Olym Pich stadium, 1-2-3BR:$700-$1000-$1200$2500/m nice big living room, European Kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06

LUXURy GARdEN ViLLA FOR RentIn Beoung Keng Kang I (BKKI), 06 bed, large and open living room, basic furniture, western kitchen, garden & trees, big parking & playground, quiet & safety. the best location for residence and office.Price: $4,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

TRAditiONAL WOOdEN HOUsE For Rent In Tonle Bassak area, 2 bed, real wooden design, very big & open living room, western kitchen , very nice garden, big parking and play ground, very good for residence and ofce, very quiet and safety area.Price: $2,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

MOdERN DEsiGN ApARtmENt For Rent Located in Rose Condo, 12th oor, 03 beds, open and large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very nice pool and gym, very good condition for living Price: $1,800 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

3BEdROOm PENtHOUsE fOR RentLocated 10 minute from BKK1 Ar Brand New, Swimming Pool, Gym 3Bedr, 3Bath, Roof Terrace Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR rent 01-02 bed with bath, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, and safe Rent: $900-1300 /m Location: BKKI Tel: 012 879 231

NiCE ApARtmENt fOR RENt Top oor 1 bed apt available located in BKKI area, feather a large living room lead to thekitchen & balcony there a huge balcony size 8 by 10 m2. $600/m, Tel: 012 490 104 FOREst swimmiNG pOOL and Gym Apartment For rent located near Independent monument, 1-2-3BR:$900-$1200$2000/m, nice Living room, European Kitchen,Tel: 089 36 32 06

TRAditiONAL ViLLA FOR RENt In Beoung Keng Kang I (BKKI), 04 bed, large and open living room, basic furniture, western kitchen, garden & trees, big parking & playground, quiet & safety. the best location for residence & ofce. $4,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

MOdERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in BKKI, 01-02 bedrooms, Large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, nice balcony, roof top gym, very good condition for living Price: US$1,200-US$1,400/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

MOdERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located at East of Russian Market, 02 bedrooms, open living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, good condition for living, big parking lot.Price: $900/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

NiCE REsidENCE ViLLA fOR Rent $2700/M Located in BKK3 Area 1Living room, 5Bed, 5Bath Some Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR rent 01-02 bed with bath, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, brand new, and safe Rent: $500-800 /m Location: Near Russian Market Tel: 012 503 356

NiCE ApARtmENt fOR RENt 2 beds complete refurbished consist open kitchen, lounge area with hard wood oor located in Doun Penh area. basic furnitures $650 per month, Tel: 012 490 104 fOREst SwimmiNG POOL Appt for rent Located in Toul Kork, 1-2BR:$500-$600- $900/m , big Living room, big Kitchen Tel: 089 36 32 06

SwimmiNG POOL ApARtmENt for Rent: Good Location BKK1 Area $900/month for 1Bedroom 1Bath $1100/month for 2Bedroom 2Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

MOdERN DEsiGN ApARtmENt For Rent Located in Rose Condo, 20th oor, 05 beds, open and large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very nice pool and gym, very good condition for living Price: $3,000 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

1st FLOOR WOOdEN HOUsE For Rent North of Russian Market area, 02 bedrooms, very big balcony, basic furnisher, very nice and clean kitchen, very safety and quite, many trees around, very good condition for living. Price: US$600/month. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt In Bassak Garden City, 07 bed, large living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, big parking & playground, quiet & safe. the best location for residence.$3,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

WEstERN ROOftOp POOL Apartment For Rent Located in BKKI, 01&02&03 bed, roof top pool & gym, open living room, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, very safety area, very good condition for living . Price: 1,200-$1,800-USD2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

MOdERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in south of Russian Market, 01-02 bedrooms, large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very good condition for living, big parking lot. Price: US$600-US$850/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

biG SwimmiNG POOL Apartment for rent located near Royal Palace, 1-2-3BR:$1200$1700- $2000/m,big Living room,European Kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06,

4BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent $1800/M Tonle Basac Area 1Living room, 4Bedroom, 4Bath Fully Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958
777 697

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 1 For RENT at monthly price $275-$700, fully furnished, 24-hour receptionists, security guards, backup power, elevator, safe environment and security camera Location: #37, ST. 111, Boeung Brolit. 012 569 832 |012 944 191 | 012 912 651

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 3 For RENT, a fully furnished 1 bedroom, nice river view from your balcony, monthly price $500 with free cleaning, internet, water, cable TV, maintenance Location: #112, St. Tonle Sap (peninsular) 012 569 832 | 012 944 191 | 012 912 651

MOdERN SwimmiNG POOL Villa For Rent In Northbridge area, 5 bed plus 1 ofce room, large living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, very nice pool & garden, western kitchen, nice balcony, big parking and playground, quiet & safe. the best location for residence. Price: $3,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/

BRANd NEw MOdERN Apartment For Rent BKK1, 01-02& Penthouse, Real Modern interior designed, large living room, very light , fully and modern furniture, western Kitchen, roof top pool & gym, very good condition for living, quiet & safe. Price: $1,500-2,000 and 4,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

NiCE GARdEN ViLLA FOR Rent At Tonle Bassak area (Near ISPP), 3 bed, nice living room, Traditional design, basic furnished, very nice kitchen, very nice garden, parking & playground, quiet and safe. the best location for residence.Price: $1,800/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

SUNNy Appt fOR RENt , located in BKK3 1-2BR:$400$600/m nice Living room, big Kitchen, Tel: 089 36 32 06,

BRANd NEw WAREHOUsE FOR Rent Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), Size: 4800sqm, electricity & water are connected. possible for trucks across. Price: US$2/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

NiCE ApARtmENt FOR RENt Located in BKKI, 02 beds, nice living room, fully and nice furnished, lots of light, nice kitchen, nice balcony, good condition for living, quiet and safety. Price: $600/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

OffiCE BUiLdiNG FOR RENt located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

3BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Located in Basac garden City Swimming Pool, $1800/Month 3Bedroom 3Bath and Balcony Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 1BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Loc: near Independent Monument $500/M with Full Furniture Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 2 For RENT at monthly price $620-$900, Fully furnished 1&2 bedrooms, living room,kitchen, dining room, elevator, balcony & free entrance to Sokhah Fitness Club. Location: #31, ST. 113, Boeung Brolit. 012 569 832 | 012 944 191 | 012 912 651

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 4 For RENT, a luxurious 2bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, monthly price 1,040$, free for internet, cleaning, water & Entrance to Sokhah Fitness Club. Location: #247, ST.51 St. 360, BKK1 012 569 832| 012 944 191 | 012 912 651

BRANd NEw ROOf tOp Swimming Pool Apartment For rent,Located near Russian market ,1-2BR:$650-$850-$1200/month Nice living room, European kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06,




Bowditch wins Texas Open, Masters berth

AUSTRaLIaS Steven Bowditch claimed his maiden win on the US PGA Tour on Sunday, carding a four-over 76 in tough conditions for a one-shot victory in the Texas Open. The 30-year-old Bowditch tapped in a short bogey putt on the par-five 18th to seal the win over runners-up Will MacKenzie and Daniel Summerhays. The victory earns him a trip to next weeks US Masters, where his Aussie compatriot Adam Scott is the defending champion. I am over the moon. I cant believe it, said Bowditch , who is ranked 339th in the world. Just happened to be my week I guess. AFP

Cambodian golf gets fillip at convention

H S Manjunath

Nordqvist takes LPGA Kia Classic by a shot

SwEdENS Anna Nordqvist captured her second US LPGA title of 2014 on Sunday, firing a final-round 67 to win the Kia Classic by one shot. Nordqvist, whose poor form in 2013 had her contemplating giving up the game, now goes into the first major of the year, the Kraft Nabisco Championship at Rancho Mirage, California, next week, brimming with confidence. Her five-under effort gave her a 13-under par total 275 at Aviara Golf Club, and a one-shot victory over American Lizette Salas. afp

HE steadily growing Cambodian golf sector was well represented at the Asia Golf Tourism Convention which concluded last week at Mission Hills Haikou on Hainan Island off the southern coast of China. Among the nearly 500 delegates from 40 countries attending the four-day convention were three Siem Reap-based industry men Angkor Golf Resorts director of golf David Baron, PSD Travels general manager Candra Tanpatti and Phokeethra Country Club golf operations manager Julian Romaguera. This years AGTC will without doubt be the most important golf tourism event ever to have taken place in Asia, said Peter Walton, president of the International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO), during his address at the opening session.

More than 5,000 meetings took place at last years AGTC but this year we have a 23 per cent increase in the number of buyers. We are proud of having more buyer delegates than supplier companies for the rst time, which is unique in the tourism industry and guarantees great opportunities for all attending suppliers. Haikou and Hainan Island are at the forefront of Chinas inbound golf tourism industry and we are delighted to have this opportunity to showcase this wonderful destination to delegates from 40 countries, he added. Candra Tanpatti told the Post: We have been participating in the AGTC for the third year in a row since its rst edition in 2012. It has always been a good platform to showcase what Cambodia has to offer as a golng destination, particularly with the active members from Siem Reap. We are looking to attract more tourist golfers to the

From left: David Baron, Candra Tanpatti and Julian Romaguera attend the Asia Golf Tourism Convention at Mission Hills in China last week. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Kingdom and host more international events in the future. David Baron, meanwhile, said that the AGTC was an event that they looked forward to each year. It presents us with an opportunity to highlight our facilities and destination to golf specic travel professionals and agents globally, he said. Over the last three years, we have found the AGTC to be a very productive event and well worth the investment.

Julian Romaguera said: The 2014 Convention was a fantastic event, thanks to the efcient work from IAGTO and Mission Hills together. This convention once again gives us the opportunity to keep building and growing relationships with international buyers and explore new ways to cooperate with other clubs, people were very interested in our location and golf offer. Suppliers had an opportuni-

ty to introduce themselves to all buyers during two hours of speed-dating at the beginning of the rst business day. This was followed by nearly 10 hours of meetings over two days during which golf resorts, clubs, hotels and other suppliers had up to 38 appointments of 15 minutes each with golf tour operators from 35 countries. The next AGTC will be held in Jakarta at the end of March 2015.




United look to exploit cracks in Bayern team

aNcHeSteR United manager David Moyes says that his side must exploit the smallest weaknesses in Bayern Munichs game if they are to eliminate the Champions League holders in the quarter-nals. United appeared in three of the four nals between 2008 and 2011, triumphing in the rst year, but their fall from grace under Moyes means that they approach tonights rst leg at Old Trafford as underdogs. While Bayern have grown even stronger under their new coach, Pep Guardiola, sweeping to a successful Bundesliga title defence in record time, United have endured a terrible campaign. Seventeen points behind Premier League leaders Liverpool and 10 points below the top four, their season now hinges entirely on their last-eight encounter with the all-conquering Bavarians. When we drew them, I felt wed drawn probably the best team in Europe at this present time. I think most people would agree with that, Moyes said. We have got a really tough game and know exactly what we are going to get, but well try to exploit little bits of weaknesses they have got. Pep has taken over a really good team and added a bit himself with

his own style. They have already won the Bundesliga quite comfortably, so the focus is on the Champions League now. Bayern are bidding to become the rst side ever to complete a Bundesliga season unbeaten and to win back-to-back European Cups in the Champions League era. They have already impressed in England twice this season, outclassing City 3-1 in the Champions League group phase in October and then beating Arsenal 2-0 in the last 16. However, Guardiola was heavily critical of his players after they threw away a 3-1 lead in a 3-3 draw at home to Hoffenheim on Saturday in their domestic league, which was the rst time they had dropped points in the league since October 5. We need to analyse what happened, he said. If we play like we did today in the second half, we are not the favourites on Tuesday against Manchester.

METFONE C-League newcomers Albirex Niigata grabbed their first points of a torrid start to Cambodias top tier with a 2-1 defeat of freefalling Western University at the Olympic Stadium on Sunday night. Western had held the upper hand when Oeun Kosal opened the scoring after 59 minutes. However, an 80thminute equaliser from Run Rany and a 90th-minute winner from Kazuki Tatsuta helped Albirex secure a moraleboosting victory, although they remain rooted to the foot of the table. Western wallow a point above the drop zone on five points, but have a game in hand over 11th-placed Kirivong Sok Sen Chey. DAN RILEY

Albirex snatch a late winner to down Western

Japan ready to take over Qatar World Cup, JFA

Bayern Munichs Ivica Olic (right) and Manchester Uniteds Michael Carrick vie for the ball during their Champions League quarter-nal second leg on April 7, 2010. AFP

Barcas Xavi fears Atletico familiarity

Barcelona midelder Xavi Hernandez is concerned that Atletico Madrid will know exactly how to stop the Catalans when they meet in the rst leg of their Champions League quarter-nal tonight. The sides have already clashed three

times this season, twice in the Spanish Supercup and once in La Liga with all three encounters ending in draws. Barca took the spoils in the Supercup on away goals, but it is Atletico who lead the way in La Liga, a point ahead of second placed Barca, with just seven games remaining. And Xavi is well aware of how difcult a tie the four-time European champions face if they are to progress to a seventh consecutive Champions League semi-nal.

I dont like playing against Spanish teams in the Champions League, they know us very well. Atletico are a very uncomfortable opponent that defends and breaks on the counter-attack. The tie will be decided by ne details, he told the Barcelona website. Atletico are solid and know how they want to play. There will be few chances at goal and the strategies will be important. It is 50-50. Both games kickoff tonight at 1:45am Cambodian time. AFP

Teams book berth in youth league nals

H S Manjunath

CaINS Advocates won their match in the most thrilling fashion possible to earn a place in the nal of the Boys U14 Champions category of the Barclays ISF Youth Football League at the National Institute of Physical Education and Sports on Sunday. The Advocates edged out Juice Master United 3-2 on penalties after the regulation time was a 1-1 deadlock. For the seasons top honours, The Advocates will take on Black Fins, who found a much easier route with a 4-1 win over Bong Paoun in the other semi-nals. Scherini FC and Kew Park Rangers set up a nal showdown in the Boys U14

Premier class after coming through their semi-nals in differing styles. While Scherini downed The Blue Flag 6-4, the Rangers shook off Flying Tigers 9-3. Mekong Reds and Robas Rangers were on the right side of two high scoring affairs in the Boys U10 section as both chose to punish two outts from the Seasiders, who were gallant even in defeat. The Reds managed to put out Seasiders 2s 10-6 and the Rangers got the better of Seasiders 1s 11-7. Sunrise and ANDC Bulls will gure in the Girls U14 nal. Sunrise were too good for Chak Kropop Po Mankol 3-0, but the Bulls were made to sweat it out by Taylormade before winning 7-5.

JaPaN is ready to hold the 2022 World Cup if FIFA strips Qatar of hosting rights over corruption allegations, the countrys football chief said. Japan Football Association president Kuniya Daini said the country, whose capital Tokyo will stage the 2020 Olympics, would step in if required. If FIFA look for an alternative country, we already have the stadiums that would meet the criteria to host it, he said in an interview. We have the Olympics in 2020. If there is a chance, wed like to do it, although I dont know how likely that would be. The chance of Qatar losing hosting rights appears remote despite an investigation by FIFAs ethics committee, headed by former US district attorney Michael Garcia, into the much-criticised bidding process. Qatar has also come under fire for its treatment of foreign construction workers, with figures obtained by AFP in February showing that 450 migrants from India alone had died over the past two years about 20 every month. aFP

Player saves opponents life in Ukraine match

DNiPrOPETrOVsks Georgian midfielder Jaba Kankava may have saved Dynamo Kiev midfielder Oleh Husyevs life by quickly removing the players tongue from blocking his airway after a potentially deadly incident during a Ukrainian top flight match at the weekend. In the 22nd minute of Sundays tie, Husev was knocked down unconscious after a clash with the hosts goalkeeper Denis Boiko. AFP

English Premier League
Fulham 1 Everton 3 Liverpool 4 Tottenham 0

Spanish La Liga

Real Valladolid 1 Almeria 0 Osasuna 1 Real Sociedad 1 Villarreal 1 Elche 1 Valencia 1 Getafe 3 Bor Mgladbach 3 Hamburg 1 Hannover 1 Werder Bremen 2 Sassuolo 0 Roma 2 Lazio 3 Parma 2 Sampdoria 0 Fiorentina 0 Torino 2 Cagliari 1 Verona 3 Genoa 0 Napoli 2 Juventus 0 Rennes 3 Bastia 0 Lille 1 Guingamp 0 Lyon 1 St Etienne 2

German Bundesliga

Daniel the Tiger tamers

Team members of Daniel celebrate with the winners trophy and cheque for US$5,000 after Sundays nal of the 2014 Tiger Street Football competition at a specially constructed caged pitch on Koh Pich. Daniel completed a 6-2 comeback victory over last years champions Anachak Baitong in the title decider of the ve-a-side tournament, which held preliminary events in Siem Reap, Battambang, Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh over the past four weeks. Former France U21 futsal player Kouch Dani, who currently plies his trade with TriAsia in the Metfone C-League, spearheaded a remarkable recovery for Daniel after they found themselves 2-0 down at half time. Anachak Baitong collected $1,000, while 2013 runners up Charlo FC grabbed $500 following their 5-3 defeat of Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia. Sok Ny, chief organiser of the event, told the Post yesterday that Daniel would feature alongside other international teams in another street football tournament to be held in Phnom Penh in August, with details to be conrmed. CHHORN NORN AND CHENG SERYRITH

Italian Serie A

French Ligue 1

ISF SMC (in white) and Komar Takhmao team members play during their youth league game on Sunday. PHOTO SUPPLIED



Djokovic routs Nadal in Miami
IX-tIme Grand Slam winner Novak Djokovic claimed his fourth Miami Masters crown with a dominating straight sets win over world number one Rafael Nadal on Sunday. Second-seed Djokovic cruised to a 6-3, 6-3 win in the mens nal of the combined ATP and WTA Tour hardcourt tournament. I played a great match everything was working really well, Djokovic said. I didnt give him a chance to come back in the match. I am really excited. Djokovic, who benetted from two walkovers, didnt drop a set winning his third Miami title in four years and fourth in total to add to triumphs in 2007, 2011 and 2012. Djokovic clinched the victory on his rst championship point, capping a long rally with a clever volley that landed in the open court at the Crandon Park Tennis Center. The 26-year-old Serbian had a relatively easy time beating Nadal. His serve was bigger and his defence stronger as he came in with the perfect game plan to collect the $787,000

said. It gives you plenty [of] time to recover. I love the hardcourts and it is my most preferred surface. In 2007 I won my rst big title here in Miami.

Hingis wins rst title since 2007

Martina Hingis shrugged off her 33 years to partner Sabine Lisicki to the Miami WTA doubles title on Sunday in only the pairs second tournament together. The Swiss veteran and her German partner downed second seeded Russians Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina, 4-6, 6-4, 10-5. Its very exciting, Hingis said after winning her rst title since 2007. When you convert the match point, youre like, Yes, we did it. I just tried to ... not make the mistakes. So its amazing, yeah. The wildcard entrants won the last seven points of the deciding super tiebreaker to take the trophy. Hingis said this victory has motivated her to play more doubles. Two weeks ago if you asked me, it probably would be a completely different answer from today, Hin-

Novak Djokovic of Serbia returns a shot to Rafael Nadal of Spainduring the Sony Open nal at Crandon Park Tennis Center on Sunday in Key Biscayne, Florida. AFP

winners cheque. He blasted ve aces, won 30 of 35 points on his rst serve and had no double faults in the 83minute contest. Djokovic captured his second straight Masters title having won two

weeks ago in the California desert at Indian Wells. He has fond memories of playing in the US and especially on the hard courts in Florida. We come here to play in the United States for four weeks, Djokovic

gis said. Last week, I was like, Im not sure if I want to put myself out there like this and lose rst, second round. Now, after this victory, denitely things change. I would be very happy to continue to play some more doubles. After almost six years in retirement, Hingis returned to the doubles tour in 2013, playing ve WTA events alongside Daniela Hantuchova. After the US Open she didnt play for another six months but got back in the game at Indian Wells alongside Lisicki earlier this month. Reminded that after Martina Navratilova retired, she played another 10 years of doubles, Hingis said: Good for her. I just take it one at a time. We play the next tournament and just really enjoy it. On their way to the nal, Hingis and Lisicki defeated sixth seeds Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Safarova and fth seeds Cara Black and Sania Mirza. Hingis now has 38 WTA doubles titles to her name, having won 37 between 1995 and 2007. AFP

India destroy Australia

YUVRaJ Singh roared back to form with a pugnacious halfcentury and Ravichandran Ashwin grabbed 4-11 as India hammered listless Australia by 73 runs in the World Twenty20 in Dhaka on Sunday. Yuvraj hit 60 off 43 balls to steer India to 159-7 after they were sent in to bat, before Australia collapsed in spectacular fashion to be bowled out for a paltry 86 in 16.2 overs. India, who had already qualified for the semi-finals, topped group two of the Super-10s with four successive wins. They will meet the number two team from the other group this Friday for a place in the final. It was Australias third loss in a row, leaving them at the bottom of the table along with Bangladesh. Pakistan, who beat Bangladesh by 50 runs earlier on Sunday, will clash with the West Indies today to decide the second semi-finalist from the group. Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni said he was not surprised at the ease with which Yuvraj batted after a poor run earlier in the tournament. We all know what kind of a player Yuvi is and this T20 format is ideal for someone to get back into form, Dhoni said. He gave himself time to get set at the start and then he opened out. There was no dew at all which helped the bowlers grip the ball well. It was a really good effort in the field. We now need a good rest before the semi-final. India, whose previous three wins came while batting second, were given first strike by Australian captain George Bailey and found themselves in immediate trouble. Indias top order faltered after opener Rohit Sharma fell to part-timer Brad Hodge off the fourth ball of the innings and slipped to 66-4 by the 12th over. Left-handed Yuvraj, who made one and 10 in the two innings he got to bat in the tournament, launched a spectacular counter-attack that included five boundaries and four sixes. Dhoni made 24 during a fifth-wicket stand of 84 off 42 balls with Yuvraj before he was bowled by Mitchell Starc in the penultimate over. Australias batting caved in under lights at the Sher-eBangla stadium with Glenn Maxwell emerging the top scorer with 23. Eight batsmen failed to reach double figures against the steady Indian spin attack in which leg-spinner Amit Mishra supported Ashwin with two wickets for 13 runs. Bailey said he was disappointed at the way this tournament was going for his Australian team. I dont think we have been fans of the way we have been playing, he said. There was a lack of game sense on a number of occasions. I just hope we can play well against the hosts on Tuesday. AFP

Todays Fixtures

Bangladesh v Australia 4:30pm Pakistan v West Indies 8:30pm

Kentucky down Michigan to complete lineup for NCAA basketball Final Four
The University of Kentucky defeated the University of Michigan 75-72 on Sunday to complete the Final Four lineup at college basketballs national mens tournament. The Wildcats, the Midwest Region champion, will play Wisconsin in Arlington, Texas, on Saturday. Connecticut will take on top overall seed Florida the same day for a place in the following Mondays title game at AT&T Stadium, the home of the Dallas Cowboys. Connecticut on Sunday defeated Michigan State 60-54 in the East Region final to become the second No.7 seed to reach the Final Four after Virginia in 1984. The Huskies won the last of their three National Collegiate Athletic Association mens basketball titles in 2011. Kentucky is seeking a ninth national title and first since 2012. The Wolverines won their only NCAA title in 1989 and were runner-up in 2013, the last time they reached the Final Four. BLOOMBERG

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