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1. Good morning

2. How are you?

Good morning, everybody. Good afternoon, everybody. Hello, everyone. Hello there, James.

How are you today, Sarah?. How are you getting on? How's life? How are things with you, John? Are you feeling better today, Bill?

3. In rodu! ion"

#. $ime o %egin

My name is Mr Mrs Ms !aura. "'m your new #nglish tea$her. "'ll be tea$hing you #nglish this year. "'ve got five lessons with you ea$h wee%.

!et's begin our lesson now. "s everybody ready to start? " ho&e you are all ready for your #nglish lesson. " thin% we $an start now. 'ow we $an get down to wor%.

&. 'ai ing o " ar

(. Pu your )ing" away

"'m waiting for you to be (uiet. )e won't start until everyone is (uiet. Sto& tal%ing and be (uiet. Settle down now so we $an start.

*lose your boo%s. +ut your boo%s away. +a$% your things away.

*. Regi" er

+. La e

)ho is absent today?. )ho isn't here today? )hat's the matter with Ja$% today? )hat's wrong with Jim today? )hy were you absent last ,riday, Martin?

)here have you been? )e started ten minutes ago. )hat have you been doing?. -id you miss your bus? -id you overslee&? -on't let it ha&&en again.

*lassroom !anguage. Sim&le instru$tions

Here are some $ommon instru$tions whi$h the $lass $an easily understand.

*ome in. Go out. Stand u&. Sit down. *ome to the front of the $lass. +ay attention, everybody. /ou need &en$ils rulers. )e'll learn how to ... Are you ready? 0&en your boo%s at &age ... 1urn to &age ... !oo% at a$itivity five. "t's time to finish. Have you finsihed? !et's sto& now. Sto& now. !et's $he$% the answers.

Stand by your des%s. +ut your hands u&. +ut your hands down. Hold your boo%s &ens u&. Show me your &en$il. !isten to this ta&e. 2e&eat after me. Again, &lease. #verybody ... you have five minutes to do this. )ho's ne3t? !i%e this, not li%e that. Any (uestions? *olle$t your wor% &lease. +a$% u& your boo%s. Are your des%s tidy? -on't forget to bring your ... tomorrow.

A number of instru$tions $an be used at the beginning of a session, and as the semester $ontinues.

A number of instru$tions $an be used at the end of a session, and as the semester $ontinues.

"nstru$tions $an also be se(uen$ed.

,irst 'e3t After that

1hen ,inally

*om&rehension language.

Are you ready? Are you with me? Are you 04? 04 so far? -o you get it? -o you understand? -o you follow me?

)hat did you say? 0ne more time, &lease. Say it again, &lease. " don't understand. " don't get it. !i%e this? "s this 04?

*lassroom !anguage. 1he end of the lesson

1. $ime o " o,

2. No ime o " o,.

"t's almost time to sto&. "'m afraid it's time to finish now. )e'll have to sto& here. 1here's the bell. "t's time to sto&. 1hat's all for today. /ou $an go now.

1he bell hasn't gone yet. 1here are still two minutes to go. )e still have a $ou&le ofminutes left. 1he lesson doesn't finish till five &ast. /our wat$h must be fast. )e seem to have finished early. )e have an e3tra five minutes. Sit (uietly until the bell goes.

3. 'ai a minu e

#. Ne- ime

Hang on a moment. Just hold on a moment. Stay where you are for a moment. Just a moment, &lease. 0ne more thing before you go. Ba$% to your &la$es.

)e'll do the rest of this $ha&ter ne3t time. )e'll finish this e3er$ise ne3t lesson. )e've run out of time, so we'll $ontinue ne3t lesson. )e'll $ontinue this $ha&ter ne3t Monday.

&. Homewor.

(. Good%ye

1his is your homewor% for tonight. -o e3er$ise 56 on &age 78 for your homewor%. +re&are the ne3t $ha&ter for Monday. 1here is no homewor% tonight. 2emember your homewor%. 1a%e a wor%sheet as you leave.

Goodbye, everyone. See you again ne3t )ednesday. See you tomorrow afternoon. See you in room 9 after the brea%. Have a good holiday. #n:oy your va$ation..

*. Lea/ing )e room

Get into a (ueue. ,orm a (ueue and wait for the bell. #verybody outside; All of you, get outside now; Hurry u& and get out; try not to ma%e any noise as you leave. Be (uiet as you leave. 0ther $lasses are still wor%ing.

*lassroom !anguage. Sim&le instru$tions

Here are some $ommon instru$tions whi$h the $lass $an easily understand.

*ome in. Go out. Stand u&. Sit down. *ome to the front of the $lass. +ay attention, everybody. /ou need &en$ils rulers. )e'll learn how to ... Are you ready? 0&en your boo%s at &age ... 1urn to &age ... !oo% at a$itivity five. "t's time to finish. Have you finsihed? !et's sto& now. Sto& now. !et's $he$% the answers.

Stand by your des%s. +ut your hands u&. +ut your hands down. Hold your boo%s &ens u&. Show me your &en$il. !isten to this ta&e. 2e&eat after me. Again, &lease. #verybody ... you have five minutes to do this. )ho's ne3t? !i%e this, not li%e that. Any (uestions? *olle$t your wor% &lease. +a$% u& your boo%s. Are your des%s tidy? -on't forget to bring your ... tomorrow.

A number of instru$tions $an be used at the beginning of a session, and as the semester $ontinues.

A number of instru$tions $an be used at the end of a session, and as the semester $ontinues.

"nstru$tions $an also be se(uen$ed.

,irst 'e3t After that

1hen ,inally

*om&rehension language.

Are you ready? Are you with me? Are you 04? 04 so far? -o you get it? -o you understand? -o you follow me?

)hat did you say? 0ne more time, &lease. Say it again, &lease. " don't understand. " don't get it. !i%e this? "s this 04?

*lassroom !anguage, 1he language of s&ontaneous situations

"f we use #nglish in s&ontaneous situations.

we relate the target language to the learner's immediate environment< we ta%e advantage of s&ontaneous situations to use the target language< we e3&loit $onte3ts whi$h are not dire$tly lin%ed to the syllabus =language in use>.

Here are some $ommon situations in whi$h s&ontaneous #nglish $an be used.

Ha&&y birthday;. Many returns =of the day>. ..... has his her 57th birthday today. ... is eleven today. !et's sing ?Ha&&y Birthday?. Best of lu$%. Good lu$%. " ho&e you &ass. *ongratulations; )ell done; )ho's not here today? )ho isn't here? )hat's wrong with ... today?

" ho&e you all have a good *hristmas. Ha&&y 'ew /ear; All the best for the 'ew /ear. Ha&&y #aster. Hard lines; 'ever mind. Better lu$% ne3t time..

-o you feel better today? Are you better now? Have you been ill? )hat was the matter? #3$use me for a moment. "'ll be ba$% in a moment. *arry on with the e3er$ise while "'m away. "'ve got to go ne3t door for a moment. "'m afraid " $an't s&ea% any louder. " seem to be losing my voi$e. " have a sore throat. " have a heada$he. "'m feeling under the weather. -o you mind if " sit down?

"'m sorry =about that>. Sorry, that was my fault. "'m terribly sorry.

#3$use me. *ould " get &ast &lease? /ou're blo$%ing the way. " $an't get &ast you. Get out of the way, &lease.

*lassroom !anguage, 1he language of $lassroom management

Here are some $ommon situations in whi$h s&ontaneous #nglish $an be used.

Ma%e grou&s of four. Move your des%s into grou&s of four &eo&le. 1urn your des%s around. Ma%e a horseshoe sha&e with your des%s. Ma%e a $ir$le with your des%s. Ma%e a line of des%s fa$ing ea$h other. Ma%e grou&s of four des%s fa$ing ea$h other. Sit ba$% to ba$%. )or% together with your friend ,ind a &artner )or% in &airs threes fours fives. )or% in grou&s of two three four. " want you to form grou&s. ,orm grou&s of three Here are some tas%s for you to wor% on in grou&s of four. #verybody wor% individually )or% by yourselves. )or% inde&endently. As% your neighbor for hel&. )or% on the tas% together. Have you finished? -o the ne3t a$tivity. Move on to the ne3t a$tivity.

1here are too many in this grou&. *an you :oin the other grou&? 0nly three &eo&le in ea$h grou&. " as%ed for four &eo&le to a grou&.

As% other &eo&le in the grou& As% others in the $lass. "nterview someone else. As% everyone in the $lass. Stand u& and find another &artner.

*lassroom !anguage, !anguage of $lassroom management

Here are some &hrases that $an be used for $lassroom management. Organi0a ion Giving instru$tions


0&en your boo%s at &age @7 *ome out and write it on the board !isten to the ta&e, &lease Get into grou&s of four ,inish off this song at home !et's sing a song. #verybody, &lease. All together now. 1he whole $lass, &lease. " want you all to :oin in *ould you try the ne3t one? " would li%e you to write this down. )ould you mind swit$hing the lights on? "t might be an idea to leave this till ne3t time. )ho would li%e to read? )hi$h to&i$ will your grou& re&ort on? -o you want to answer (uestion 8?

,irst of all, today, ... 2ight. 'ow we will go on to the ne3t e3er$ise. Have you finished? ,or the last thing today, let's ... )hose turn is it to read? )hi$h (uestion are you on? 'e3t one, &lease. )ho hasn't answered yet? !et me e3&lain what " want you to do ne3t. 1he idea of this e3er$ise is for you to ... /ou have ten minutes to do this. /our time is u&. ,inish this by twenty to eleven. *an you all see the board? Have you found the &la$e? Are you all ready?


!oo% this way. Sto& tal%ing. !isten to what ... is saying. !eave that alone now. Be $areful. 2es&onding to (uestions

In erroga ion As%ing (uestions

)here's MinAsu? "s MinAsu in the %it$hen? 1ell me where MinAsu is. )hat was the house li%e? )hat do you thin%? How $an you tell?

/es, that's right ,ine. Almost. 1ry again. )hat about this word?

E-,1ana ion



)hat's the 4orean for ?doll?? #3&lain it in your own words. "t's s&elt with a $a&ital ?J?. *an anybody $orre$t this senten$e? ,ill in the missing words. Mar% the right alternative.

After they left the BSA, the Beatles ... 1he $hur$h was started in the last $entury. 1his is a &i$ture of a ty&i$ally #nglish $astle. "n the ba$%ground you $an see ... )hile we're on the sub:e$t, ... As " said earlier, ... !et me sum u&.

In era! ion Affe$tive attitudes

So$ial ritual

1hat's interesting; 1hat really is very %ind of you. -on't worry about it. " was a bit disa&&ointed with your efforts.

Good morning. *heerio now. God bless; Have a ni$e wee%end. 1han%s for your hel& Ha&&y birthday; Merry *hristmas;

*lassroom !anguage, 1he language of error $orre$tion

Here are some &hrases that $an be used when giving feedba$% to students.

Cery good 1hat's very good )ell done Cery fine 1hat's ni$e " li%e that Marvellous

/ou did a great :ob. Magnifi$ent 1errifi$ )ow; Jolly good Great stuff ,antasti$

2ight /es ,ine Duite right 1hat's right. 1hat's it. 1hat's $orre$t 1hat's (uite right. /es, you've got it. /ou've got the idea. /ou were almost right. 1hat's almost it /ou're halfway there /ou've almost got it /ou're on the right lines 1here's no need to rush 1here's no hurry )e have &lenty of time Go on. Have a try Have a go Have a guess

"t de&ends "t might be, " su&&ose "n a way, &erha&s Sort of , yes. 1hat's more li%e it 1hat's mu$h better 1hat's a lot better /ou've im&roved a lot

'ot really Bnfortunately not "'m afraid that's not (uite right /ou $an't say that, "'m afraid you $an't use that word here Good try, but not (uite right Have another try 'ot (uite right. 1ry again. 'ot e3a$tly

1here's nothing wrong with your answer. )hat you said was &erfe$tly all right. /ou didn't ma%e a single mista%e. 1hat's e3a$tly the &oint. 1hat's :ust what " was loo%ing for. /ou have good &ronun$iation. /our &ronun$iation is very good. /ou are $ommuni$ating well. /ou s&ea% very fluently. /ou have made a lot of &rogress.

-on't worry about your &ronun$iation. -on't worry about your s&elling. -on't worry, it'll im&rove Maybe this will hel& you -o you want a $lue =hint>? /ou still have some trouble with &ronun$ation. /ou need more &ra$ti$e with these words. /ou'll have to s&end some time &ra$tising this. /ou're getting better at it all the time. /ou've im&roved no end.

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