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What your project must have: -Pop art style subject matter (can be found in notes), 3D form, smooth surface, great paint job, painted with an appropriate color pallet and made with effort. Rubric: 4 Craftsmanship (artistic control/s ill over tools an! materials throu"h !eliberation an! !etail#$
My wor was effecti!e and patiently done" #ery well crafted. ($mooth surface and the paint hold all the %ualities of a great paint job)

&ith a little more effort, my wor could ha!e been outstanding" lac ing some finishing touches. 'ac ed some control in media. ($ome of the surface areas are not smooth and the paint hold some of the %ualities of a great paint job) * ha!e demonstrated that * ha!e some nowledge of the pop art style and paper mache. * also e+pressed my idea in a semiorgani,ed and some what !isually understating manner.

My artwor was of a!erage craftsmanship" ade%uate, but not as good as it could ha!e been. ( bit careless. (( lot of surface areas are not smooth and the paint hold some of the %ualities of a o ay paint job)

My project was )o &or was below a!erage in turned in. craftsmanship, showed lac of pride in the finished project. ( (lmost all of the surface areas are not smooth and the paint holds no %ualities of a o ay paint job

Content/ Concept% applyin" art no&le!"e an! s ills to i!entify' e(press' an! evaluate i!eas throu"h art# (fits the pop art style ma!e out of paper mache$ )ffort/ *erseverance (&ill be &atchin" for this &hile stu!ents are &or in"$

* demonstrated comprehensi!e nowledge of the pop art style and paper mache. * also e+pressed my ideas in an organi,ed and !isually understanding manner.

* ha!e demonstrated that * might ha!e some nowledge of the pop art style and paper mache. * ha!e had some trouble e+pressing my idea in an organi,ed manner and there are some areas that are hard to understand !isually. * finished the project, but it could ha!e been impro!ed with more effort" * new how to do the project but * chose an easy path and wor ed carelessly

* ha!e )o &or was demonstrated that turned in. * ha!e no nowledge of the pop art style and paper mache. * also ha!e not been able to e+pressed my idea in any organi,ed manner. My project is hard to understand.

-he project was continued until it was as complete as * could ma e it, * ga!e effort far beyond that re%uired. * too pride in going well beyond the re%uirement combine with top

* wor ed hard to complete the project but with a little more effort it might ha!e been outstanding.

* completed the project with minimum effort.

)o &or was turned in.

....&or s will be put in the media center (library) to be displayed.....

State Standards:

---VAH1-1.3 Communicate ideas through the effective use of a variety of materials, techniques, and processes in wor s of visual art. ---VAH1-3.3 !elect and effectively use su"#ect matter, sym"ols, and ideas to communicate meaning through his or her artwor s. ---VAH1-1.$ Apply materials, techniques, and processes with s ill, confidence, and sensitivity sufficient to ma e his or her intentions o"serva"le in the artwor that he or she creates.

+earnin" ,oals /) -he learner will apply and create pop art sculpture with paper mache and painting techni%ues, and will ma e their intentions obser!able in the artwor that he or she creates. 0) -he learner will communicate ideas of pop art through the effecti!e use of a paper mache and painting techni%ues to create a sculptural piece of !isual art wor 3) -he learner will $elect and effecti!ely pop art subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning through his or her artwor s.

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