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Major Group Officials of Government and Special Interest Organizations, Corporate Executives, Managers, Managing Proprietors and Supervisors Professional !ec"nicians and #ssociate Professionals Cler%s Service 'or%ers and S"op and Mar%et Sales 'or%ers )armers, )orestr* 'or%ers and )is"ermen !rades and ,elated 'or%ers Plant and Mac"ine Operators and #ssem.lers 0a.orers and 1ns%illed 'or%ers, Sales and Services, and ot"er Elementar* Occupations Special Occupation $ 1& 1( 1+ -1 -/ -$ 1 Page

Ma or Group !"" Officials of Government and Special-Interest Organizations# Corporate Executives# Managers# Managing Proprietors and Supervisors Officials of Government and Special - Interest Organization Government #dministrators 2including career executive Service Officers3 #dministrators, Government or agenc* 4 Commissioner 4 5irector, Government 5epartment of #genc* 0egislative Officials Senator4Congressman4Sangguniang Panlala6igan !raditional C"iefs and 7eads Of 8illages Senior Officials of Special9Interest Organizations Political Part* 20eaders, President,Senior Officials3 Emplo*er Organization 2President, Secretar*9General,Senior Official3 !rade 1nion 2President, Secretar*9General, Senior Official3 Corporate Executives and Specialized Managers 5irectors and C"ief Executives of Corporations 2President 48P4Exec: 8P3 Production and Operations Managers Production and Operation Managers, ;:E:C: Specialized Manager General Managers or Managing Proprietor General Managers4Managing9Proprietors General Managers, Managing9Proprietors, #griculture, )is"i.g, 7unting and )is"ing General Managers, Managing9Proprietors, Manufacturing General Managers, Managing in Construction Contractor General Managers, Managing9Proprietors, '"olesale and ,etail !rade General Managers, Managing9Proprietor, 7otel and ,estaurant General Managers, Managing9Proprietor in< #gricultural, 7unting, )orestr* = )is"ing, Manufacturing ,estaurant, !ransportation, Storage and Communication, >usiness Services, Personal care, Cleaning = ,elated Services, Manager Parlor, !ravel #genc*, ;:E:C:

Ma or Group !"" Supervisors Sc"ool Supervisors and Principal 5ivision Sc"ool Superintendent Cit* Sc"ool Superintendent 5istrict Supervisor 5ean Sc"ool Principal Principal #ssistant Principal 7ead !eac"er !ransport and Communication Service Sepervisors ,oad !ransport Services Supervisors, #ir !ransport Service Supervisor, Maritime !ransport Service !ransport, ,ail6a* Station Master, !rain 5ispatc"er, ,ail6a* Service Supervisor Postal Service Suvervisors Postal Inspection Postal Service Supervisors Postmaster Transportation $ Communication Services Supervisor# %&E&C& Production Supervisors and General )oremen Production Supervisors and General )oremen Sales Supervisors in '"olesale and ,etail !rade Sales Supervisors, '"olesale, ,etail !rade Ot"er Sales Supervisors Ot"er Supervisors ;:E:C: C"ief, Ste6ard, S"ip

Ma or Group )"" Professional P'(sical# Mat'ematical ang Engineering Science Professionals P"*sicist, C"emists and ,elated Professionals #stronomers P"*sicist 2General3 0ig"t and Optics P"*sicist #stronomical C"emist Meteorologist Meteorological Scientist Climatologist 'eat"er )orecastor C"emist 2General3 P"armaceutical C"emist Organic4Inorganic C"emist )orensic C"emist Geologist Geop"*sicist Oceanograp"er 8olcanologist Mat"ematiians, Statisticians and ,elated Professionals #ctuar* Operation ,esearc" #nal*st Mat"ematician Statisticians 5emograp"ic Computer Professionals S*stems #nal*sts S*stem 5esigners Soft6are 5esigners Computer S*stem Engineer Computer Programmer 5ata .ase Programmer Communication Programmer Computer #pplications Engineer

Ma or Group )"" #rc"itect and ,elated Professionals >uilding #rc"itect Interior #rc"itect 0andscape #rc"itect !o6n Planner !raffic Planner Planner Cit* Planner Engineers and ,elated Professionals Civil Engineer Electrical ngineer Master Electrician Electronics and Communication Engineer Mec"anical Engineer C"emical Engineer Mining Engineer Geodetic Engineer Cartograp"er 0and Surve*or Industrial Engineer Ot"er Engineer = ,elated 6or%ers *ife Science and +ealt' Professionals 0ife Science Professionals >iologist >otanist #natomist >ioc"emist P"armacologist #nimal Scientist 7orticulturist >acteriologist #gronomist )orestersf Ecologist ?oologist Pat"ologist )arming #dviser Silviculturist

Ma or Group )"" 7ealt" Professionals 2except ;ursing3 Medical 5octors Opt"almologist P"*sician 5entist 8eterinarian p"armacist Ps*c"iatrist Surgeon ;utritionist 5ietician Optometrist Optician Medical !ec"nologist Osteopat" C"iropractor P"*siot"erapist Occupational !"erapist ,eflexologist ;ursing and Mid6ifer* Professionals Professional ;urses, etc: Professional Mid6ives Teac'ing Professionals College, 1niversit* and 7ig"er Education !eac"ig Professionals College 0ecturer 1nivercit* 0ecturer College Professor 1niversit* Professor !ec"nical, 8ocational and ,elated Instructor and !rainors !eac"er in Industr* #rts !eac"er in 7ome Industries !eac"er in !rade )lig"t Instructor

Ma or Group )"" Secondar* Education !eac"ing Professionals 0anguage !eac"er 0iterature !eac"er #ll !eac"ers in Secondar* level Elementar* Education !eac"ing Professional Prof: !eac"er, Primar* Education 0anguage !eac"er, Primar* #ll !eac"er in t"e Primar* 0evel Special Education !eac"ing Professionals ;urser* Sc"ool !eac"er @indergarden !eac"er Preparator* Sc"ool !eac"er ;on9)ormal Education !eac"er !eac"er for #dult literac* !eac"er for t"e >lind, 5eaf, Mentall* 7andicapped, P"*sicall* 7andicapped !eac"ing Professionals ;:E:C: Education Met"od #dviser curricular 5eveloper !eac"ing #ids Specialist Professional !utor Ot'er Professionals >usiness Porfessionals #ccountant #uditor Personnel Specialist 8oc4Guidance Counselor Occupational #nal*st 7uman ,esource 5evelopment Specialist Mar%et ,esearc" #nal*st #dvertising #ccount Executive 7ome Economist Pu.lic ,elations Officer Patent #gent

Ma or Group )"" 0egal Professionals 0a6*ers Prosecutor #ttorne* #dvocate Audges C"ief Austice Magistrate Austice Court #dministrator, Audicial and >ar Council ;otar* Pu.lic 0egal #dvisers 0egal Counsel 0i.rarian, #rc"ivists and Curators 0i.rarian #rc"ivist #rt Galler* = Museum Curator Computer 0i.rarian Social and ,elated Science Professionals Economist Econometrician #rc"acologist Et"nologist Geograp"er Sociologist #nt"ropologist P"ilosop"er 7istorian Political Scientist P"ilologist Interpreter !ranslator Ps*c"ologist Social 'or%er Communit* 5evelopment 'or%er

Ma or Group )"" 'riters and Creative or Performing #rtists #ut"ors Aournalist Cop*6riter Critic Editor Cartoonist Portrait Painter Commercial #rtist Sculptor Music Composer Orc"estra Conductor Instrumentalist Singer, C"oir C"oreograp"er >allet 5ancers #ctor Stage 5irector, etc: Ot"er Creative or Performing #rtist ,eligious Professionals Priest ,a..i Imam ,eligious Minister

Ma or Group -"" Tec'nicians and ,ssociate Professionals P'(sical Science and Engineering ,ssociate Professional P"*sical Science and Engineering !ec"nicians !ec"nician C"emistr* !ec"nician Geolog* !ec"nician, P"*sics Cler% 2Engineering3 Civil Engineering !ec"nician Electronics and !elecommunication !ec"nician Mec"anical Engineering !ec"nician C"emical Engineering !ec"nician Mining and Metallurgical Engineering !ec"nician 5raftsman Ot"er P"*sical Science and Engineering !ec"nician Computer #ssistant and Computer EBuipment Controllers Computer #ssistant Computer !ec"nician Operator E5P Industrial ,o.ot Controller Optical and Electronic EBuipment Controller P"otograp"er, General, Commercial Illustrator Operator, Motion Picture Camera, !elevision Camera Operator, ,adio !elep"one Operator, !ransmitting EBuipment Medical EBuipment Operator !ec"nician, Medical C9ra* EBuipment !ec"nician Co.alt Mac"ine !ec"nician, 1ltrasound Mac"ine Ot"er Optical and Electronic EBuipment Operation, ;:E:C:

Ma or Group -"" S"ip and #ircraft Controllers and !ec"nician S"ip Engineer S"ip Mastersea4Inland4'ater6a*s #ircraft Pilots )lig"t ;avigator4Engineer #ir !raffic Coordinator #ir !raffic Control Specialist: Station4!o6er #irport Control Operation #ir !raffic Safet* !ec"nician >uilding, Safet*, 7ealt" and Dualit* Inspectors >uilding and )ire Inspectors Safet* 7ealt" and Dualit* Inspector 28e"icles3 Inspector, Government 7ealt" Inspector, Dualit* )ire Inspector *ife and +ealt' ,ssociate Professionals 0ife Science !ec"nicians and ,elated #ssociate Professionals !ec"nician, >iological4Medical Science )arm !ec"nicians Ot"er 0ife Science !ec"nicians !ec"nician, )orestr*4#nimal 7us.andr*4#griculture 7ealt" #ssociate Professional 2except ;ursing3 Medical #ssistant 5ental #ssistant 8eterinar* #ssistant P"armaceutical #ssistant Ot"er 7ealt" #ssistant Professional 2except ;ursing3 !ec"nician Ort"opedic


Ma or Group -"" ;ursing and Mid6ifer* #ssociate Professionals #uxiliar* ;urse4Mid6ife !raditional Medicine Practitioners and )ait" 7ealer 7ealer, 5rugless !reatment )ait" 7ealer Teac'ing ,ssociate Professionals !eac"ing #ssistant4)ello6 !eac"er #ide !utor 2O6n #ccount3

.elated ,ssociate Professionals Salesman, Securities4,eal Estate 1nder6riter, Insurance >ro%er, Insurance ,ealtor Consultant !ravel Manufacturers #gent >u*er >u*er, Merc"andise4,etail !rade Purc"asing #gent #ppraiser #ssessor, Claims4Insurance Inspector, Claims #uctioneer Ot"er )inance and Sales #ssociate Professionals >usiness Services #gents and !rade >ro%ers !rade >ro%ers #gent, Cleaning4)or6arding 0a.or Contractors and Emplo*ment #gents #gentE Emplo*ment Placement Contractor, 0a.or Ot"er >usiness Service #gent and !rade >ro%er #gent, 0iterar*4Musical Performance4Sports4!"eater


Ma or Group -"" #dministrative #ssociate Professionals #dministrative Sec:4#ssistant #ssistant Correspondence ,eporter 8er.atim 0egal #ssistant Insurance #ssistant >ailiff Cler%, Court4Audge40a6 >oo%%eepers #ssistant Statistician4#ctuar*4#ccountant Ot"er #dministrative #ssociate Professional Customs, !axation, 0icensing, 'elfare and ,elated #ssociate Professional Customs and Immigration Inspector Officer, !ax4Passport C"ec%ing4Excise Officer, Pension4Social >enefits4Social Securit*, Claims Officer, 0icensing4Passport Issuing Ot"er Government #ssociate Professional )orest Guard Police Inspectors and 5etectives 5etective Police Investigator #gent Social 'or% #ssociate Professionals Social 'elfare #ssistant Social 'elfare #id


Ma or Group -"" #rtistic, Entertainment and Sports #ssociate Professional #rtistic, !attoist 5ecorator, Interior )as"ion 5esigner #nnouncer, ,adio4!8 Intervie6er, Media >and 0eader 5ancer, ;ig"tclu. Musician, Singer Clo6n Magician #t"lete >oxer Coac" 'restler ,eligious #ssociate Professionals Catec"ist 0a* Minister 0a* Preac"er 0a* Evangelist


Ma or Group 0"" Cler/s Office Cler/s Secretaries and @e*.oard9Operating Cler%s Stenograp"ers !*pist Secretaries, Office40egal4Medical Cler%, 'ord Processors45ata Entr* Operators4Mac"ine Operator Cler%s, ;:E:C: ;umerical Cler%s Cler% #cctg4>oo%%eeping4'ages Cler%, )inances4Statistical4>ro%erage4Securities Material ,ecording and !ransport Cler% Stoc% Cler%s, Storeroom4Inventor* Production Cler% !ransport Cler%s, 5ispatc"er 0i.rar*, Mail and ,elated Cler%s 0i.rar* and )iling Cler%s Mail Carriers, Postman, Mail Sorter Coding, Proof9,eader, and ,elated 'or%ers Ot"er Office Cler%s Cler%s, 5irector*4Compilation Cler%s, ,ecords4Personnel Customer Services Cler/s Cas"iers, !ellers, and ,elated Cler%s Cas"iers, >an%4Office Cler%, 5is.ursing4!ic%et Issuing 2except !ravel3 !ellers, >an% Cler%, Post Office Counter Mone* C"anger >et >oo%ma%ers and Croupiers Card 5ealer, Mone* 0ender Collector, C"arit*45e.t, >ill, Cas" Client Information Cler%s !ravel #genc* Cler%s Cler%, !ic%et Issuing4!ravel Cler% !ravel4#irline4!ravel #genc* ,eceptionist, 7otel45ental4Medical !elep"one, S6itc".oard Operators


Ma or Group 2"" Service 1or/ers and S'op and Mar/et Sales 1or/ers Personnel and Protective Service Cler/s !ravel #ttendant and ,elated 'or%ers #ircraft #ttendant #irline Ste6ard and 7ostess )lig"t Ste6ardess S"ip Ste6ard >us Conductor Passenger Car Conductor !ravel Guide Sig"tseeing Guide 7ouse%eeping and ,estaurant Services 'or%ers 7ouse%eeper 2institutional3 7ouse%eeping 2Private Service3 7ouse Ste6ard 7ead Coo% Coo%, except Private Service4Private Service S"ip 'aiters, 'aitresses, >artenders Personal Care and ,elated 'or%ers C"ild Care 'or%ers ;ursemaid >a.* Sitter 5a* Care 'or%er ;urser* Sc"ool #ttendant Institution9>ased Personal Care 'or%er 7ospital #ttendant 7ospital #ide ;ursing #ide Personal Care ,elated 'or%ers ;:E:C: #strologers, )ortune 9 !ellers and ,elated 'or%er #strologer )ortune9!eller ;umerologist Palmist


Ma or Group 2"" ot"er Personal Service 'or%ers #ttendant9Sauna >at" >ar.er97airdresser >eautician4Manicurist4Pedicurist Companion Personal Maid )uneral 1nderta%er Em.almer Cremator Sepulturero Escort 7ostess 7ospitalit* Girls 1s"ers Protective Services )ire9)ig"ters )ireman )ire9Salvage Specialist )ire9>rigade4Mars"all Consta.le Patrolman, Police Patrol6oman, Police Police Officer Prison Guard >od*guard >ouncer 0ifeguard Securit* Guard 'atc"man


Ma or Group 2"" Models# Salesperson and 3emonstrator Model, #dvertising Model, #rtist Model, )as"ion Model, ManneBuin S"op Salespersons and 5emonstrators 5emonstrator Salesman4Sales 0ad* Salesperson, ,etail4'"olesale Esta.lis"ment Stall and Mar%et Salespersons Salesperson, @ios% Salesperson, Mar%et Salesperson, Street Stall


Ma or Group 6"" 4armers# 4orestr( 1or/ers and 4is'ermen /1F 4armers and Ot'er Plant Gro5ers

/11 )ield Crop )armers ,ice )armers, 1pland40o6land4,ainfed4Irrigated Corn )armer Sugarcane )armer 8egeta.le )armers, Except )ield 0egumes Ca..age4Eggplant4Pec"a*4,oot 8eg:4!omato )armer, Cotton4#.aca4Aute4Sisal4,amie )armer, S6eet Potato4Cassava4'"ite Potato4Ga.i )armer, So*.eans4Mongo >eans4Peanuts Ot"er )ield Crop )armer Garlic4Onion 2Ot"er spices3 >lac% Pepper Ginger !o.acco /1- Orc"ard )armers Cococnut )armers )ruit !ree )armers, Mango4>anana4Citrus4Papa*a !ree ;ut )armer, Cas"e64Pili ;ut4#frican Oil Palm4Castanas Coffee and Cacao )armers Ot"er Orc"ard )armers, , !ree4!ea4Grapevine4Passion /1 Ornamental and Ot"er Plant Gro6ers Orc"ird Plant Gro6er ;urser* Gro6er )oliage Propagator ,ose Gro6er Ot"er Plant Gro6er, Perfumer* Plant4Insecticidal and Medicinal


Ma or Group 6"" /-F ,nimal Producers

/-1 0ivestoc% and 5air* )armers Cattle and 5air* )armers 7og ,aising )armers Ot"er 0ivestoc% )armers, Goat4Cara.ao45eer /-- Poultr* )armers C"ic%en )armer 5uc% ,aiser Ot"er Poultr* )armer, Duial4!ur%e*4Geese /-$ Ot"er #nimal ,aisers #piar* )armers 2#piarist3 Sil%6orm )armer Eart"6orm )armer / F 4orestr( and .elated 1or/ers )orest !ree Planters Concessionaires and 0oggers 0oggers ! Inspector 0og Ma%er 0og Scaler ,after !ree )eller C"arcoal Ma%er and ,elated 'or%ers Extractor Operator C"arcoal Ma%er Minor )orest Products Gat"erers ,attan Gat"erers )ire6ood Gat"erer 'ild Orc"ids Gat"erer 'ild 7one* = >ees6ax Gat"erer


Ma or Group 6"" /&F 4is'ermen #Bua )arm Cultivators )irm9)arm Cultivators 2execluding pra6ns3 >angus )arm Cultivators Pra6n )arm Cultivators O*ster and Mussels )arm Cultivators See6eeds Cultivators Ot"er #Bua Products Cultivators )rog ,aiser )is" 7atc"er* 2;urser* )arm Operator3 #Buarium )is" )arm Operator 2Goldfis", Corals, etc:3 Inland and Coastal 'ater )is"ermen Coastal 'aters )is"errmen Inland 'ater )is"ermen 5eep9sea )is"ermen )is"ermen ;ot Else6"ere Classified Pearl 5iver O*ster 5iver )is" Cat"er for #Buarium Seamoss Gat"erer /(F +unters and Trappers 7unters and !rappers 7unters and !rappers ;ot Else6"ere Classified


Ma or Group 7"" Trades and .elated 1or/ers Mining, Construction and ,alated !rades 'or%ers

Miner Duarrier 1nderground !im.erman Sampler, Mine >lasters S"opfirer Carver, Stone Cutter, Stone Mason, Monument Splitter, Stone >uilding )rame Construction and ,elated !rades 'or%ers ;ipa 7ouse >uilder >ric%la*er, Construction Stonemason >loc% 0a*er and Setter Mason 2general3 Concrete )inis"er, General Plasterer, General Carpenter, General Aoiner S"ip6rig"t, 6ood 7ouse.uilder 2except tradional materials3 'ood and Sas" Ma%er Carpenter, ,oug" Carpenter, )inis" >uilding )rame and ,elated !rades 'or%ers ;:E:C: 5emolition 'or%er Scaffolder >uilding Maintenance Man >uilding Construction )inis"ers and ,elated !rades 'or%ers ,oofer, #sp"alt4MealSlate4tile ParBuetr* 'or%er Setter, Mar.le !ile Setter, General >uilding Exteriors, Cleaner4Sand.laster Insulator Insulation 'or%er, #ccoustical Glazier, Construction4,oofing48e"icle Plum.ers, Pipe )itters and Ot"er ,elated 'or%ers


Ma or Group 7"" Painters and ,elated !rades 'or%ers Painter, Construction Structural Steel and S"ip Painter 'all Paper"anger Painter, Manufactured #rticles4#utomotive 8arnis"er, Manufactures #rticles 'ood )inis"er, )urniture Metal# Mac'iner( and .elated Trades 1or/ers Metal Molders, 'elders, S"eet9 Metal 'or%ers,Structural9Metal Prepares and ,elated !rade 'or%ers Corema%er Molder, Metal Casting4>enc"4)loor and )it >razer )lamecutter S"ielded Metal #rc 'elder Gas !ungsten #rc 'elder !insmit" #ir 5uct 'or%er S"eet9Metal 'or%er #uto >od* ,epairmen Erector, Structural Metal ,iveter Steelman 2,e.ar3 Iron 'or%s )a.ricator Structural Steel 'or%er ,igger ,igger, S"ip Sicer, Ca.le = ,ope >lac%smit"s, !ool9Ma%ers and ,elated !rades 'or%ers >lac%smit" 5rop97ammer 'or%er )orging9Press 'or%er 7ammer9smit" 5ie Ma%er 0oc%smit" !oolma%er Pattern9Ma%ers Setter9Operator, 5rilling Mac"ine4Metal 'or%ing Setter9Operator, Grinding Mac"ine4Metal 'or%ing 0atte Setter9Operator Milling Mac"ine Setter9Operator )inis"er, Metal Grinder, !ool and Cutter Polis"er, Metal


Ma or Group 7"" Mac"iner* Mec"anics, )itters and ,elated !rades 'or%ers Mec"anic, Small Engine4#utomotive 2lig"t dut*3 45iesel Engine4Motorc*cle )itter, Engine4#ircraft Mec"anic Engine4#ircraft 0u.rication Man S"ip )itters )itter, Engine Marine4Mining Mac"iner* Mec"anic, 7eav* EBuipment4)arm !ractor47*draulic 0oomfixers !ec"nician, Standard Manual !*pe6riter4#dding Mac"ine4 ,eprograp"ic EBuipment4Electric !*pe6riter Electricians, Electrical and Electronic EBuipment Mec"anics and )itters Electrician, >uilding 'iring4,ural4>aranga*4Industrial Mec"anic Electrical Electric Mac"ine ,e6inder Electric Motor ,epairman Electric Motor and Generator )itter )itter, Electronics4Computer EBuipment4Electronics4 !elecommunications EBuipment Computer Service4,epairman Erector, ,adioaerial #udio Electronics Service4,epairman 8ideo Electronics Service4,epairman Electronics >usiness Mac"ines !ec"nicians !elep"one Installer and ,epairman Central Office EBuipment Installer S6itc"man 2Central Office EBuipment !ec"nician3 P#>C !ec"nician Ca.le Slicers 0ineman4Electric Po6er 0ineman4!elep"one !elegrap"4Ca.le !8 Precison# +andicraft# Printing and .elated Trades 1or/ers Ma%er, Instrument4Meteorological4Instrument4Surgical4Ort"opedic #ppliances 'atc" and Cloc% ,epairman Ma%er, Instrument4Musical 2>rass, String4'ood6ind3 !uner, Musical Instrument Ae6elr* Ma%er 2Goldsmit", Silversmit"3 Ae6el Casters, .* "and and mac"ine Gem Cutter4)aceter


Ma or Group 7"" Potters, Glass9Ma%ers and ,elated !rades 'or%ers Caster, Potter* and Porcelain Modeller, Potter* and Porcelain Potter Mold Ma%er 5ecorators40azers Molder, >ric% and !ile Glass >lo6er4Cutter4)inis"er4Grinder Cutter, Cr*stal Glass Glass Engraver4Etc"er Enameller, Glass. Painter, 5ecorative Sign9Ma%er 7andicraft 'or%ers in 'ood, !extile, 0eat"er = ,elated Materials 7andicraft 'or%ers, ,eed 'eaving4Stone #rticles4'ooden #rticles 7andicraft 'or%ers, Carpets40eat"er4!extiles 0eat"er #ssem.ler Printing, >inding and ,elated !rades 'or%ers Printer !*pesetter Compositor, 7ot Metal4Cold !*pe Electrot*per and Stereot*per Engraver, Printing40it"ograp"ic Stone4Metal Plate Etc"er, Painting4Metal Plate P"oto9Engraver 5eveloper, )ilm Color ,epro9Cameraman >oo%.inder Em.osser, >oo% Cutter, Stencils4Sil%9Screen Printer, >loc%4Sil%9Screen4!extile Pressman 0etterpress and ,elated 'or%ers


Ma or Group 7"" Ot'er Craft and .elated Trades 1or/ers >utc"ers, )is"mongers and ,elated )ood Preparers >a%ers, Pastr*9Coo% and Confectioner* Ma%ers Ma%er, C"eese4>utter Expeller, Oil Preserver, )ood48egeta.les4)ruit )ood and >everage !asters and Graders !o.acco Prepares and !o.acco Products Ma%ers 'ood !reater, Ca.inet9Ma%ers and ,elated 'or%ers 'ood !reater Ma%ers, ca.inet4)urniture 'ood6or%ing9Mac"ine Setter and Setter Operators ,attan, >am.oo and ot"er 'ic%er )urniture Ma%ers Ma%er, >as%et4>rus" 27and34>room 27and3 !extile, Garment and ,elated !rades 'or%ers, 5ra6er, ,over, )i.er4!extile @nitter4Spinner4!"read 0oom4Carpet4Clot" 'eaver !ailors, 5ressma%er4Miller Cutter, Garment4Glove 7at and Cap9Pattern, Garment Pattern9Ma%er, Garment Se6ers, Em.roiderers, and ,elated 'or%ers 1p"olsterers and ,elated 'or%ers 0eat"er and S"oema%ing 'or%ers !anner S"oe >ag ,epairer 0eat"er Goods #ssem.lers S"oe Ma%er Pattern9Ma%er, )oot6ear


Ma or Group 8"" P*,%T ,%3 Mac'ine Operators and ,ssemblers Stationar( Plant Mineral-Processing Plant Operators Mining9 and9Mineral Processing Plant Operators Mining Plant Operators Mineral Ore and Stone Processing Plant Operators 'ell 5rillers and >orers and ,elated 'or%ers Metal Processing Plant Operators Ore and etal )urnace Operators Metal 5ra6ers and Extruders Glass, Ceramics and ,elated Plant Operators Glass and Ceramics @iln and ,elated Mac"ine Operators Glass Ceramic and ,elated Plant Operators not Else6"ere Classified 'ood Processing and Paperma%ing Plant Operators Operator, >and9sa64Sa6mill4'ood Processing Plant Press9Operator, Pl*6ood Mac"ine Operator, Grinding 'ood Operator, C"ipper4Paper Pulp4Paper Pulp Plant4Paperma%ing Plant4Supercalendar C"emical Processing Plant Crus"ing, Grinding and C"emical9Mixing Mac"iner* Operators C"emical 7eat !reating Plant Operators C"emical )ilter and Separating EBuipment Operators C"emical9Still and ,eactor Operators 2except Petroleum and ;atural Gas3 Petroleum and ;aturaE Gas ,efining Plant Operators C"emical9Processing Plant Operators ;:E:C: Po6er9Production and ,elated Plant Operators Operator, Electric Po6er Plant47*droelectric Po6er Plant4 ;uclear Po6er Plant4Solar Po6er Plant Operator, >oiler S"ip4Steam Engine4!ender >oiler Incinerator, 'ater !reatment and ,elated Plant Operators


Ma or Group 8"" #utomated #ssem.l*90ine and Industrial ,o.ot Operators Operator, #ssem.l*90ine4#utomated Operator, ,o.ot Mac'ine Operators and ,ssemblers Mac"ine !ool Operators Cement and Ot"er Mineral Products Mac"ine Operators P"armaceutical and !oiletr* Products Mac"ine Operators #mmunition and Explosive Products Mac"ine Operators Metal )inis"ing, Plating and Coating mac"ine Operators C"emical Products Mac"ine Operators ;:E:C: , and Plastic Products Mac"ine Operators Mac"ine Operator, Extruding ,u..er4Milling ,u..er4!ire Production Mac"ine Operator, Extruding Plastic4Molding Plastic4Plastic Production 'ood Products Mac"ine Operator Mac"ine Operator, Carving 'ood4)urniture Production4'ood Products4 'ood 'or%ing !extile and 0eat"er Products Mac"ine Operators ) Preparing, Spinning and 'inding Mac"ine Operators 'eaving and @nitting Macnine Operators Se6ing Mac"ine Operators >leac"ing, 5*eing and Cleaning Mac"ine Operators 0eat"er Preparing Mac"ine Operators S"oema%ing and ,elated Mac"ine Operators !extile and 0eat"er Products Mac"ine Operators ;:E:C: )ood and ,elated Products Mac"ine Operators Mac"ine Operators, )is" and Meat Processing Mac"ine Operators, 5air* Products4Pausteurizing Mil% Mac"ine Operators, Milling Grain4,ice4Spices


Ma or Group 8"" #ssem.lers #ssem.ler, #ircraft4Mec"anical Mac"iner*48e"icle: #ssem.ler, Electrical EBuipment4Electronic EBuipment #ssem.ler, Metal4Plastic4, Products #ssem.ler, 'ood Products #ssem.ler, 0eat"er4Paper.oard4!extile Products Ot"er Mac"ine Operators and #ssem.lers #ssem.lers, Coposite Products Mac"ine Operator, 0a.elling4Pac%ing

3rivers and Mobile-Plant Operators 0ocomotive9Engine 5rivers and ,elated 'or%ers ,ail6a* >ra%ers, Signallers and S"unters Motor 8e"icle 5rivers 5ispatc"er, 5river Motorc*clist Car, !axi and 8an 5rivers >us 5rivers 5river, 7eav* !ruc% Operator, S"uttle Car4Mine #gricultural and Ot"er Mo.ile9Plant Operators Motorized )arm and )orestr* Plant Operators Eart"9Moving and ,elated Plant Operators Crane, 7oist and ,elates Plant Operators 0ifting9!ruc% Operators S"ipGs 5ec% Cre6s and ,elated 'or%ers >oatsman4Sailor4Seaperson


Ma or Group 9"" *aborers and :ns/illed 1or/ers Sales and Services .elementar( Occupations 8endor, 'et Mar%et4;e6spaper Stand45r* Goods Mar%et4Side6al% Stall 8endor, Street )ood4;e6spaper4Cigarette and Cand*4Peddler Salesperson, 5oor to door4Promo4Special Offer4Scrap >u*er S"oe polis"er4Cleaner, Car 'indo6 ,epairer, S"oe41m.rella Errand >o* 5omestic 7elpers and Cleaners and ,elated 'or%ers 7ousemaid47ouse.o* Cleaner, 5omestic 7elper, @itc"en Aanitor Cleaner, #ircraft47otel4Office 7and, 5r*cleaner40aunderer4Presser4Spotter >uilding Careta%ers, 'indo6 and ,elated Cleaners Careta%er, >uilding4Cleaning Concierge, >uildind Sexton Cleaner, 'indo6 'as"er, 8e"icle47and Messenger, Porters, 5oor%eepers and ,elated 'or%ers 5eliverer, ;e6spaper Messenger Poster, 0uggage Post ,unner Colector, !ic%et 5oor%eeper Golf Caddie Pin >o* Gar.age Collectors and ,elated 0a.orers


Ma or Group 9"" ,gricultural 4orestr(# 4is'er( and .elated *aborers Pic%er Sa%ada 0a.orer, 0ivestoc%4)arm 0a.orer, )orestr*4)is"er*47unting4!rapping Mining and Construction *aborers 0a.orer, 5igging4Duarr*4Mining Panner, Gold 7andler, Pan 0a.orer, Construction4Maintenance 0a.orer, Construction >ldg:45emolition Manufacturing 0a.orers >ottle Sorter 0a.orer, Manufacturing4#ssem.ling Pac%er, 7and !ransport 0a.orers and )reig"t 7andlers 7and or Pedal 5rivers 5river, #nimal95ra6n4#nimal !rain 8e"icle4,oad 7andler, )reig"t


Ma or Group "!" Special Occupations F1F ,rmed 4orces Officers Commanding Officers Staff Officers Professional, !ec"nical and ,elated Officers Officers ;:E:C: Enlisted Personnel Soldiers !ec"nician, S%illed, Semi9S%illed 'or%ers Service and ,elated 'or%ers Enlisted Personnel ;:E:C:


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