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MHS Tri-M 2013-2014


President: Ellen Liu | Vice President: Amy Buonpane | Treasurer: Olivia Losiewicz Secretary: Kelly Newton | Board: Kelly Li | Board: Bethany Somes | Board: Leina Xu Please dont hesitate to contact one of us or Mr. McGuire if you have any questions. *** Our primary mode of communication will be through Facebook. Those of you who indicated that you do not have a Facebook account will be contacted through email. You are responsible for keeping up to date on any information between full meetings. The Tri-M email address is

Attendance Policy
As a member of Tri-M, you are expected to be at all the full meetings throughout the school year. We understand that at times this might not be possible. In these situations, you should bring in a note signed by the appropriate adult (a coach or a parent/guardian) explaining why you were not able to attend the meeting. If you dont have this note by the end of the week of the meeting, the absence will be considered unexcused. If you miss a meeting, its your responsibility to find out what you missed from either Mr. McGuire, an officer, or a friend. You are allowed TWO unexcused absences before you will be asked to leave the honor society. *** We reserve the right to schedule meetings that may not be on the first calendar- you must listen to morning announcements and check your email/Facebook page to keep up to date.

Must perform (pun intended) 20 hours of music-related activities (see Hours System!) **As of the 2014-2015 school year, in order to receive a cord at graduation, Tri-M members must have been a part of the organization for AT LEAST TWO YEARS. You must perform at AT LEAST ONE Tri-M sponsored event

Hour System
In order to be inducted into Tri-M, you must participate in at least 20 HOURS of music related activities and service, at least 10 of which MUST BE THROUGH THE HIGH SCHOOL PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT. The following are MHS-sponsored hours available: Hour Selling tickets at lunch Creating flyers for events 1 Hour Perfect attendance Performing at an open mic night (excluding your performance credit) Bringing food in addition to working at an event Districts/SEMSBA/All-State Auditions Singing the National Anthem at a school event Hours Vary Working an event (depends on your report time and how long you stay) Performing at the talent show Performing in the spring musical Playing in the spring musical pit orchestra Districts/SEMSBA/All-State Festival Dates Cabaret Night Extra ensembles In cases (besides working a Tri-M event) when hours may vary, you will need to speak with an officer or Mr. McGuire. Examples of non-MHS sponsored events Mentoring students at the QMS, J/J, or Robinson Personal Project if you participate in an outside music-related activity that you believe deserves recognition, please write up a short summary of what you have done, how many hours you believe you should earn, and why, to be turned in to Mr. McGuire or an officer.

ALL TRI-M MEMBERS MUST PERFORM IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Holiday Open Mic Night Mansfields Got Talent Valentines Day Singing Grams Spring Open Mic Night Keep in Mind: You are earning HOURS, not single points. Most events are going to earn you more than one hour! There is a FIVE HOUR CAP per event. You cannot earn all 20 hours from one event or type of event! Dont forget your performance credit! It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you are available for one of those events! We will give you a calendar for the whole school year in advance! If participating in an open mic night is your only performance credit, you will only receive performance credit, NOT hours for that performance. (Performing in more than one of the events will earn you the hours!) Outside activities are subject to approval by Mr. McGuire or the officers. To seek approval for your outside service/music activity, please see us. You CAN earn all your hours through only MHS events

Signing Up for Events

Full meetings are scheduled for at least a week before a Tri-M sponsored event. Sign-up sheets to work and perform will be posted on the bulletin board outside the choir room immediately following every full meeting. Please note the following: If you sign up to work, it is essential for you to take note of the REPORT TIME of whatever job you are taking Sign up for times you know you can work for- no excuses will be accepted for being late If you sign up to work and find out you are unable to attend the event anymore, you must find someone to replace you and NOTIFY us. If you want to receive credit for bringing food, you must also sign up to work. If an event is canceled, credit will still be given to those who were signed up to work or perform.

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