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1 Bharat Monga (100010061)
2 Dhananjay Sethi (100100052)

ech student to
work with

Experimental characterization of etching of Nickel
thin film
Constrained surface MSL for characterization of
biocompatible Scaffold material

Tanveer, Sagar

3 Raj Dhami (10D100002) Kalpak

Rane (10D100013) Prasanna
Raut (10D100017)
4 Jayesh Hiraman Deore
(11d100017) Sanket D Yadav
(11d100020) Ronak Gupta

Fabrication of a circular diaphragm using bulk


Fabrication and characterization of bistable


7 Shrikant Shelke (10100025)

Design of Two-Axis Fast Steering Mirror
Pratik Khandagale (10D100012)
8 Pikai Sarkar (10D100041)
Sandeep Yogi (10D100007)
Kumar Saumya (10D100037)

Analysis of stiction effects in overhanging beams

9 Vighnesh Vatsal(10D100009)
Puskhar Pandit (100100027).

Compliant mechanism for path generation with

reciprocating motion

SOI Mumps process study, Refer to Himani

Shah thesis, Mechanical probe station
Tanveer, Phadke study and some hands on, experiments to
carry out static displ measurement under
White light Interferometry.
Simple elastica beam with fixed slope
boundary condition and load in both x and
y direction. (finding multiple equilibria??) -
move on to finding Energies
Geometry generation for workable bistable
mechanism, 1 anchor and 2 structural
Rahul, Sagar
layers. May try using dimple principle to
avoid stiction
Literature surf about modeling aspects,
learn LDV and propose interfacing, using
experimental data model things, see if we
can cosider the modes of vibration as well.


Design of Passive suspension for Image
BARLA (10D100040)

11 Alap Kshirsagar (100100022)

Pradip Gatkine (100100023)
Mohit Chachada (100100024)
12 Utkarsh Raut (10D100018)

Adake, Tanveer, 2mm^2 size, 200micron ring, 500 micron

side, thickness lesser 30micron or so,

Mechanical probing of micro structures fabricated

by SOI MUMPS process

5 Shashank Nagrale (10D100028) Analysis of double flexure bistable micro-

Gagan Makhija (120100057)
6 Kiran Ghadge (123300017)
Pravin Kulkarni (123109002)

Design and analysis of micro shutter array with

electrostatic actuation

Pl discuss
2mm^2 size, 20-30 micron min size what is
Tanveer, Phadke the scaled structure? Some test fabrication
1 anchor and 2 structure (simple beam),



Overhanging beam in MSL

Sagar, Rahul

13 Kumar Keshav (10D100044)

Experimental release of X Y flexure nanostages
Prashant Chandra (10D100045) fabricated by PolyMumps process
14 Ishan Singh (08D10008)


Rushina Shah sanditi K

Subactivities and specs

Etch the slits and check under white light
interferometry tool
Single layer of HA + HDDA prepare and
form square of it and fire in furnace to burn
HDDA and get HA structure done. Control
process parameters to get good strength
structure. Testing by applying force using
mechanical probe station.

Tanveer, Ajit

Characterisation of modal frequencies and Quality factor

of micro-cantilevers fabricated using SOI mumps process
(devices available)
Spontaneous fabrication of grating patterns on PDMS with
thin film paint coating or gold coating

Modelthe system with raasonable

dimensions and simulate to get a passive
suspension designed such that even with
hand tremor there are no vibrations
transmitted to camear
Design other than what paper has with
single actuation. Silicon nitride: for support
Familiarity and training with MSL system.
Fabrication of some test structures and
based on them characterization of various
parameters like Emax. Plan for overhanging
beam modeling and parameter calculation.
Pl discuss
Familiarity and trainin on LDV and then
characterization of older cantilever devices.
Go through literature of cantilever modal
frequencies and mode shapes.
Pl discuss

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