Programming A TI-86

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The input command makes you put in a number for a variable. The text that you use can be anything you wish. It is just optional though. If you leave it out, a question mark is automaticaly placed. Back to Table of ontents

The prompt command makes you put in a number for a variable. !hen you run the program, it looks like this" variable#$ %o text can be placed before the variable. Back to Table of ontents

The display command lets you display a number, word, or word & number. If you display a number, it will show up in the in the last column. If you display a word or a word & number, it will show up in the first column. If you make the number a string 'text( it will show up in the first column. '%ote" to combine a word and number, the number must be a string.( Back to Table of ontents

The display graph command lets you display the graph on the screen. It makes you go to the graph. Back to Table of ontents

The display table command lets you display the table on the screen. !hen you press enter, it returns to the program. Back to Table of ontents


The clear table command simply clears the table. Back to Table of ontents

The get command gets a variable from another calc. It is used in link games that are written in basic. Back to Table of ontents

The send command sends a variable to another calculator. It is also used in link games. Back to Table of ontents

The getkey command stores the button you press on the calculator to a variable. To see the key code number chart just click here. The getkey command must be used in a loop. Back to Table of ontents

The clear lcd command simply clears the screen. Back to Table of ontents

The quotes are used to display or make strings. Back to Table of ontents

The output command is used to put text or numbers at a certain place on the screen. There are ) rows and *+ columns. '%ote" to combine a word and number, the number must be a string.( Back to Table of ontents

The input string command is used to as for a string or text. The text that you use can be anything you wish. It is just optional though. If you leave it out, a question mark is automaticaly placed. Back to Table of ontents

The if command is used to compare two numbers. It is also used to compare a word to another word. Back to Table of ontents

The then command is used to start an if,then,end command. -verything inside the then and end is done before all other commands that follow the end. Back to Table of ontents

The else command is used in an if,then,else,end statement. It is used to do other command if the if statement is not true. Back to Table of ontents

The for command is used to start a counting. The begin is the number the counting begins at. The end is the number that number ends at. The variable is what each of the numbers that are hit are stored to. The step is used to tell the amount each number is skipped. The default is one and is optional to be used. It must be used, though, if the start number is greater than the end number. Back to Table of ontents


The end command is used to end an if,then statement. -very command that falls between the then and the end are done before any commands after the end. The end must be in place or the program will do strange things. Back to Table of ontents

!hen the while command is used, a set of commands will take place while the condition is true. Back to Table of ontents

!hen the repeat command is used, a set of commands will take place until the condition is true. The commands that are repeated must be seperated from the rest of the program using the end command. Back to Table of ontents

The menu command is used to create a menu on the bottom of the screen. .ou can have up to +/ options. The menu command can not be used inside of a loop. Back to Table of ontents

The label command is used to name a specific section of a program. It is mainly used to make loops between the label and the goto commands. Back to Table of ontents

The goto command is used to finish a loop. !hen it is encountered in a program, it will send the program to the label with the same variable name.

The I01 command is used to add one to the variable. If the answer is greater than the number, the next command is skipped. If the answer is less than or equal to the number, the next command is executed.

The DS< command is used to subtract one from the variable. If the answer is less than the number, the next command is skipped. If the answer is greater than of equal to the number, the next command is executed.

The pause command is used to pause the program until enter is pressed. If a number is added after the pause command, you can scroll that number until enter is pressed. Back to Table of ontents

The return command is used to return to a program to the program it came from. If there is no sub,program, you will return to your shell or to the home screen. Back to Table of ontents

The stop command is used to stop a program and return to the home screen. Back to Table of ontents

The delvar command lets you delete a variable without going to the 2em,3elete,4ll screen. Back to Table of ontents

The graph style command lets you chose the graph style for a selected function. The function number is the number after the y, for example, y+ would just be +. Back to Table of ontents

The 5oad 'or define( custom command lets you enter in what you want in your custom menu. .ou can have up to +/ positions. Back to Table of ontents

The insert space key lets you insert a new program line into the program. It will insert a blank line one row above the cursor. Back to Table of ontents

The delete space key lets you delete a line in the program. It will delete the line that is one row below the cursor. Back to Table of ontents

The undelete line key lets you undo the delete you just made. It will put the undeleted line in the same place that it was. Back to Table of ontents


The colon key lets you input a colon where the cursor is. .ou could technically make a program using only one beginning colon. .ou can input a command line after the colon without having to start a new line.

5bl T67 " l5 3 "6utpt'+,8,9:;-009 "2enu'+,9754.9,7,/,9<uit9,< "5bl < " l5 3 "=eturn "5bl 7 "randInt'+,88,1% ">,1T "5bl 75 "Input'9:uess " 9,: "If :?% "Then " l5 3 "T&+,1T

"6utpt'@,+,: "6utpt'@,A,9is too low9 ":oto 75 "-nd "If :1% "Then " l5 3 "T&+,1T "6utpt'@,+,: "6utpt'@,A,9is too high9 ":oto 75 "-nd "If : # #% "Then " l5 3 "T&+,1T "6utpt'+,B,9%I - :;-00C9 "6utpt'A,@,9It only took you9 "6utpt'A,+D,T "6utpt'/,8,9tries9 ":oto T67 "-nd

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