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CONTINUATION OF STRIKE So we have finished the requisites of strike waiting eriod was the !

ast one we took" The !ast requisite is the #o$ !ian#e with the dut% to #on#i!iate and $ediate under the aus i#es of the NC&'" A!right( for how !ong is a strike noti#e va!id) *%ou fi!e a strike noti#e then %ou #o$ !eted the waiting eriod( strike vote( %ou have #o$ !ied with a!! those and %et %ou ost oned going to strike" +o %ou have to go on strike or e!se %ou wi!! forfeit the right to go strike) Now( that is answered in arti#!e ,-. /f0 The de#ision sha!! 1e va!id for the duration of the dis ute 1ased on su1stantia!!% the sa$e grounds" ARTICLE 263. Strikes, picketing and lockouts. /f0 A de#ision to de#!are a strike $ust 1e a roved 1% a $a2orit% of the tota! union $e$1ershi in the 1argaining unit #on#erned( o1tained 1% se#ret 1a!!ot in $eetings or referenda #a!!ed for that ur ose" A de#ision to de#!are a !o#kout $ust 1e a roved 1% a $a2orit% of the 1oard of dire#tors of the #or oration or asso#iation or of the artners in a artnershi ( o1tained 1% se#ret 1a!!ot in a $eeting #a!!ed for that ur ose" The decision shall be valid for the duration of the dispute based on substantially the same rounds #onsidered when the strike or !o#kout vote was taken" The &inistr% $a%( at its own initiative or u on the request of an% affe#ted art%( su ervise the #ondu#t of the se#ret 1a!!oting" In ever% #ase( the union or the e$ !o%er sha!! furnish the &inistr% the resu!ts of the voting at !east seven da%s 1efore the intended strike or !o#kout( su12e#t to the #oo!ing*off eriod herein rovided" /As a$ended 1% 'atas 3a$1ansa 'i!ang 4.5( August ,4( 4674 and further a$ended 1% E8e#utive Order No" 444( +e#e$1er ,9( 467-0" So( if nothing has #hanged with res e#t to the ground of a strike %ou have not fi!ed an% #ase( vo!untar% ar1itration or #o$ u!sor% ar1itration" It has not 1een the su12e#t of an assu$ tion of 2urisdi#tion 1% the se#retar% of !a1or" It is sti!! there and %ou have #o$ !eted with a!! the require$entthen %our strike noti#e is sti!! good: The who!e va!idit% of the strike noti#e is de endent on these grounds whether it sti!! e8ist or is sti!! authori;ed" Su ose after #o$ !%ing with a!! the require$ents( the union withdraws the noti#e of strike" <hat is the effe#t) =as the union waived the right to go on strike for that arti#u!ar ground) *the answer is no: what has ha ened is the union has 2ust gone 1a#k to ;ero" If the ground for the strike sti!! e8ists( what does the union have to do if it has #hanged its $ind again and it wants to go on strike now) *it has to fi!e a new noti#e of strike 1e#ause the% have withdrawn the revious noti#e" And the% have to go through the requisites again" The% have to o1serve the #oo!ing off eriod( strike vote( waiting eriod et#a!! 1e#ause the% have withdrawn the revious strike noti#e" Now( when %ou sa% the union has gone on strike 1ut then after !aun#hing the strike and it has 1een in rogress for a #ou !e of da%s( the unions sends noti#e that the% are !ifting i#ket !ines and that the% are returning to work un#onditiona!!%" =u$an( ni ingon ang e$ !o%er na >ah: Ka$o% nagsugod,8 anang strike ha!a i ada%on nin%o na: ngano $a$a!ik $an $o diri: 3ada%on $o diha:? Is that ro er) *no: it is not ro er: The e$ !o%er is there1% gui!t% of i!!ega! !o#kout: And %ou know ver% we!! that the requisites of a !o#kout are the sa$e as the requisites of strike" There $ust 1e a noti#e of !o#kout( o1servan#e of #oo!ing of eriod /4@ da%s if 1ased on UA3( or .5 da%s if 1argaining dead!o#k0( and !o#kout vote" So( $anage$ent has no #hoi#e 1ut re#eive the workers that went on strike 1a#k to work: Bou know( the strike does not affe#t the e$ !o%er*e$ !o%ee re!ationshi " It does not even sus end the ER*EE re!ationshi : 'e#ause a strike is a statutor% right: the right of a union to go on strike to a#hieve its goa!s" Now( there is this #ase of 3AA vs Se#retar% Canuar% ,.( 4664 where the SC sa%s that if a noti#e of strike that is fi!ed is not #!assified as a noti#e of strike 1ut is downgraded for reventive $ediation( a##ording to the SC in that de#ision( the effe#t of that is if %ou #ontinue or if %ou insist as a union to go ahead with the strike then %ou did not #o$ !% with the requisites and therefore the strike is i!!ega!" Now( the ro1!e$ with this de#ision is that the union did not offer o osition" That $atters with the NC&' are rivi!eged in nature: That it #annot 1e e8a$ined: &anage$ent 2ust asserted that the noti#e of strike was downgraded: <ithout an% roof: The NC&' was not asked to attest to that a#t and %et 1e#ause it was !eft uno osed it was a##e ted 1% the #ourt as a fa#t" Kung ikaw ang union !aw%er %ou shou!d o12e#t" 'e#ause how do know that it was downgraded when that is the a#t of the NC&' and the NC&' #annot testif% to an% $atter that is #overed 1% its dut%" &ediator gud #%a: +i!i 2ud na #%a $uka$ i 1isan asa" So thatDs the ro1!e$ of this de#ision"

A#tua!!%( at the 1otto$ of this de#ision( the SC ronoun#ed that the a!!eged ground is not a ground for strike" And the% 2ust ointed as one of the eviden#es that it is a strike 1ased on none of the !ega! ground 1ut the% oint to the fa#t that NC&' downgraded the strike noti#e( fro$ strike noti#e to reventive $ediation" <hat is the so #a!!ed do#trine of the rivi!ege of good faith error) *that do#trine was enun#iated in 3NOC do#k%ard vs NARC ,64 s#ra ,.4 4667 #ase" The SC said there that a strike is va!id if the strikers 1e!ieved in good faith that the a#t of the e$ !o%er #onstitutes as UA3 a!though it was not" And that the strike was ne#essar% in order to arrest its evi! effe#ts of the said UA3" For e8a$ !e( union $anage$ent are under a dead!o#k in negotiations" And then a!! of a sudden $anage$ent announ#es that the union resident has 1een gui!t% of theft and so ter$inated: That he was a!read% under investigation for , weeks" And so the union sees that the $otive for the ter$ination was the dead!o#k and 1e#ause of the noti#e of strike fi!ed so what ha ens) !nder 263 "c # in case of dismissal from employment of union officers duly elected in accordance $ith the union constitution and by%la$s& $hich may constitute union bustin & $here the e'istence of the union is threatened& the ()%day coolin %off period shall not apply and the union may ta*e action immediately. And so the union $a% take a#tion i$$ediate!% and go on strike after fi!ing the noti#e of strike" =owever( !ater on it was found out that the union resident is rea!!% gui!t% of stea!ing and therefore is rightfu!!% dis$issed" ARTICLE 263. Strikes, picketing and lockouts. /#0 In #ase of 1argaining dead!o#ks( the du!% #ertified or re#ogni;ed 1argaining agent $a% fi!e a noti#e of strike or the e$ !o%er $a% fi!e a noti#e of !o#kout with the &inistr% at !east .5 da% 1efore the intended date thereof" In #ases of unfair !a1or ra#ti#e( the eriod of noti#e sha!! 1e 4@ da%s and in the a1sen#e of a du!% #ertified or re#ogni;ed 1argaining agent( the noti#e of strike $a% 1e fi!ed 1% an% !egiti$ate !a1or organi;ation in 1eha!f of its $e$1ers" =owever( in #ase of dis$issa! fro$ e$ !o%$ent of union offi#ers du!% e!e#ted in a##ordan#e with the union #onstitution and 1%*!aws( whi#h $a% #onstitute union 1usting( where the e8isten#e of the union is threatened( the 4@*da% #oo!ing*off eriod sha!! not a !% and the union $a% take a#tion i$$ediate!%" /As a$ended 1% E8e#utive Order No" 444( +e#e$1er ,9( 467-0" Is the strike rendered i!!ega!) *the SC said > rivi!ege of good faith error?" A1i g%ud sa union $e$1ers na gina destro% and i!ang union through ter$inating the union resident 1ut !itt!e do the% know na kawatan 2ud tong residente" In other words( the surrounding #ir#u$stan#es tend to $ake %ou 1e!ieve that there was rea!!% UA3 that is #a!!ed a rivi!ege( and that does not $ake the strike i!!ega!" That is the #ase of 3NOC vs NARC" This ru!ing has 1een su1sequent!% reiterated in su##eeding #ases" Now( $a% strikers 1e he!d !ia1!e for !i1e! due to derogator% a##usations of !a#ards and 1anners) *%ou know the one who wants to strike here is the hi!"nationa! 1ank e$ !o%ees asso#iation" The% wanted an in#rease 1ut $anage$ent does not want to give" And so $an% of their !a#ards sa%s >3CI 1ank 1ad a##ounts are now transferred to 3N'? now( kinsa $an ang nasuko diri) Ang 3CI 1ank ka% ngano gi a i!,8 si!a un%a $ao kana ang gisu!ti" Naa daw si!a 1ad de1ts gisu!od sa 3N'" So gikiha ni!a ang union what is the ru!ing of the #ourt) *the ru!ing of the #ourt is nothing doing" No1od% e8 e#ts to 1e!ieve hook !ine and sinker what the !a#ards sa%: Bou do not !i1e! an%one 1% #arr%ing derogator% !a#ards during a strike" 3rivi!ege $an na #%a" Singgit singgit $an 2ud nang strike" %ou #annot e8 e#t gent!e words kung na% strike: Now( this re$inds $e that during the ti$e of Ri#hard Ni8on and the <atergate in#ident wherein there was a !ot of #ari#atures that #a$e out( one of these drawings was that of a regnant Eir! S#out student se!!ing #ookies and the #a tion sa%s >Ni8onDs the one?" Now the one who was angered was the gir! s#outs of A$eri#a" The% fi!ed a #ase against the $aker of the oster for defa$ing the gir! s#outs: And the US Su re$e Court said( the gir! s#out of A$eri#a is so who!eso$e that it #annot 1e !i1e!!ed 1% this one sing!e drawing" +uring these ti$es of #risis( atta#ks and #ounter atta#ks there is no su#h thing as !i1e! 1e#ause satire is one of the !egiti$ate atta#ks in o!iti#s: /Father dis#ussed a1out Is!a$ and the freedo$ of s ee#h0 A!right( are strikers entit!ed to strike duration a%) =ow a1out those who did not 2oin the strike 1ut #annot #ross the i#ket !ines( are the% entit!e to strike duration a%) <a!a si!a% !a1ot ka% wa!a si!a sa 1argaining unit ero di si!a kasu!od sa tra1aho ka% na% nag i#ket" There are two de#ided #ases on this $atter" Car! 'rawner vs N+AU/)0 6, hi!" @F@ and +avao Free <orkers vs CIR -5 s#ra 957" *the su re$e #ourt said( strikers are not entit!ed to strike duration a%: Even those who did not 2oin the strike 1ut did not #ross the i#ket !ines: Even if the% are resent on that da% 1ut the% #annot work( the% are a!so not entit!ed to strike duration a%""" <h%) 'e#ause the two arties( the one stru#k against and the one striking are doing so$ething that is a!!owed 1% the !aw" The one striking is a!!owed 1% the !aw to go on strike" The one stru#k against is not under o1!igation to $ake an% #on#essions or agree to an% ro osa!" So 1oth are in the e8er#ise of their right" Now( when two are in the e8er#ise of their right and a !oss or da$age o##ursG the !oss of the e$ !o%ees* the sa!ar%( the !oss of

the e$ !o%er* rofits 1e#ause he #annot $ake the sa!e 1e#ause no rodu#tion" Now( If the !oss o##urs 1etween the #onf!i#t of two arties who are erfor$ing so$ething !ega!( the !aw wi!! !eave the$ where the% are to a1sor1 ea#h of there own !osses" That is the ru!ing of the #ourt" A!right: Aet us go to prohibited practices 3rohi1ited ra#ti#es is found in arti#!e ,-9" ARTICLE 26+. Prohibited activities. H /a0 No !a1or organi;ation or e$ !o%er sha!! de#!are a strike or !o#kout without first having 1argained #o!!e#tive!% in a##ordan#e with Tit!e III of this 'ook or without first having fi!ed the noti#e required in the re#eding Arti#!e or without the ne#essar% strike or !o#kout vote first having 1een o1tained and re orted to the &inistr%" No strike or !o#kout sha!! 1e de#!ared after assu$ tion of 2urisdi#tion 1% the 3resident or the &inister or after #ertifi#ation or su1$ission of the dis ute to #o$ u!sor% or vo!untar% ar1itration or during the enden#% of #ases invo!ving the sa$e grounds for the strike or !o#kout" An% worker whose e$ !o%$ent has 1een ter$inated as a #onsequen#e of an% un!awfu! !o#kout sha!! 1e entit!ed to reinstate$ent with fu!! 1a#kwages" An% union offi#er who knowing!% arti#i ates in an i!!ega! strike and an% worker or union offi#er who knowing!% arti#i ates in the #o$$ission of i!!ega! a#ts during a strike $a% 1e de#!ared to have !ost his e$ !o%$ent statusJ 3rovided( That $ere arti#i ation of a worker in a !awfu! strike sha!! not #onstitute suffi#ient ground for ter$ination of his e$ !o%$ent( even if a re !a#e$ent had 1een hired 1% the e$ !o%er during su#h !awfu! strike" /10 No erson sha!! o1stru#t( i$ ede( or interfere with( 1% for#e( vio!en#e( #oer#ion( threats or inti$idation( an% ea#efu! i#keting 1% e$ !o%ees during an% !a1or #ontrovers% or in the e8er#ise of the right to se!f*organi;ation or #o!!e#tive 1argaining( or sha!! aid or a1et su#h o1stru#tion or interferen#e" /#0 No e$ !o%er sha!! use or e$ !o% an% strike*1reaker( nor sha!! an% erson 1e e$ !o%ed as a strike*1reaker" /d0 No u1!i# offi#ia! or e$ !o%ee( in#!uding offi#ers and ersonne! of the New Ar$ed For#es of the 3hi!i ines or the Integrated Nationa! 3o!i#e( or ar$ed erson( sha!! 1ring in( introdu#e or es#ort in an% $anner( an% individua! who seeks to re !a#e strikers in entering or !eaving the re$ises of a strike area( or work in !a#e of the strikers" The o!i#e for#e sha!! kee out of the i#ket !ines un!ess a#tua! vio!en#e or other #ri$ina! a#ts o##ur thereinJ 3rovided( That nothing herein sha!! 1e inter reted to revent an% u1!i# offi#er fro$ taking an% $easure ne#essar% to $aintain ea#e and order( rote#t !ife and ro ert%( andKor enfor#e the !aw and !ega! order" /As a$ended 1% E8e#utive Order No" 444( +e#e$1er ,9( 467-0" /e0 No erson engaged in i#keting sha!! #o$$it an% a#t of vio!en#e( #oer#ion or inti$idation or o1stru#t the free ingress to or egress fro$ the e$ !o%ers re$ises for !awfu! ur oses( or o1stru#t u1!i# thoroughfares" /As a$ended 1% 'atas 3a$1ansa 'i!ang ,,F( Cune 4( 467,0" T=E 3RO=I'ITE+ 3RACTICES AREJ ,irst( striking without first 1argaining" ,-9 /a0 first aragra h" -econd( striking without first fi!ing a noti#e of strike" ,-9 /a0 first aragra h" Third( Striking without #ondu#ting a strike vote ,-9 /a0 first aragra h" ,ourth( striking after assu$ tion of the 2urisdi#tion or #ertifi#ation of dis ute 1% the se#retar%" ,-9 /a0 se#ond aragra h" ,ifth( striking after the dis ute is su1$itted to vo!untar% or #o$ u!sor% ar1itration" ,-9 /a0 se#ond aragra h" -i'th( o1stru#ting or i$ eding i#ket !ines" <ho nor$a!!% does this) The e$ !o%er" -even( e$ !o%ing strike 1reakers or a!!owing ones se!f as a strike 1reaker" ,-9 /10 *now here %ou have to distinguish 1etween a strike 1reaker and a s#a1" A s#a1 is so$eone who is engaged 1% the #o$ an% to take the !a#e of the striking worker of the work !a#e" Now( what is rohi1ited 1% ,-9 /10 is a strike 1reaker" One who for#es his wa% through the i#ket !ines" Bou are a!so #onsidered a strike 1reaker if %ou do it 1% threat( #oer#ion( vio!en#e( or restraint" Now( there is no rohi1ition against a s#a1 1ut nor$a!!% %ou #annot 1e a s#a1 un!ess %ou are a strike 1reaker 1e#ause how wi!! %ou get in there) <hat is rohi1ited therefore is 1eing a strike1reaker" &u u!i ka sa tra1aho( strike1reaker una ka" 3ag tua na ka sa su!od( s#a1 ka na 'UT if %ou #an get into the work !a#e without 1reaking into i#ket !ines ka% gisaka% ka sa he!i#o ter or O!%$ i# o!e vau!ter ka( wede na: ka% wa $an ka gidi!i: Ang gidi!i ka% strike1reaker $an: Bou did not 1reak i#ket !ines $an" Ei ht& es#orting those who wi!! re !a#e the striking workers" That $eans es#orting the s#a1s( that is rohi1ited" The $i!itar% is in fa#t rohi1ited fro$ o##u %ing fro$ the strike ;one" +a at 455 $eters awa% fro$ the strike ;one si!a"

.ine( those who sha!! o1stru#t( i$ ede( interfere with 1% for#e( vio!en#e( threats( #oer#ion( inti$idation an% ea#efu! i#keting 1% the e$ !o%ees during an% !a1or #ontrover% or in the e8er#ise of the RTSO sha!! aide or a1ate su#h" Bou threaten the i#ket !ines( %ou do vio!en#e against the i#ket !ines" *Re$e$1er rohi1ited a#ts #an 1e rohi1ited #ri$ina!!%" Ten( whi!e i#keting( sha!! #o$$it an% a#t of vio!en#e" This ti$e itDs the i#keters who are doing a rohi1ited a#t 1% #o$$itting vio!en#e( #oer#ion( inti$idation( or o1stru#t the free ingress or egress fro$ the e$ !o%ers re$ises for !awfu! ur oses( or o1stru#t u1!i# thoroughfares" ThatDs arti#!e ,-9: Now( what is a R!.A/A0 -123) *the re$ises to whi#h the e$ !o%er under strike transfers his equi $ent in order to #ontinue o erations des ite the strike" if %ou do that( then the striking e$ !o%ees #an a!so i#ket %our runawa% sho : Su ose %ou transfer %ou equi $ent in %ou house( is that i!!ega!) No: there is no rohi1ition for a runawa% sho " 'ut the !a1or #ode a!so does not rohi1it the e$ !o%ees to i#ket %our house: Karon $u ingon ka na anghawa na $o ka% akong anak di $akatu!og: Ah: 'uang ka ka% gihi$o ni$ong runawa% sho i$ong 1a!a%: Re$e$1er a strike area in#!udes a runawa% sho : A!right( what is I43R25E 2,,ER 6ALL2TI.78 %that is found in arti#!e ,-@"

ARTICLE 265. Improved offer balloting. In an effort to settle a strike, the Department of Labor and Employment shall conduct a referendum by secret ballot on the improved offer of the employer on or before the 30th day of the strike. When at least a ma ority of the union members vote to accept the improved offer the strikin! "orkers shall immediately return to "ork and the employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the si!nin! of the a!reement. In case of a lockout, the Department of Labor and Employment shall also conduct a referendum by secret ballotin! on the reduced offer of the union on or before the 30th day of the lockout. When at least a ma ority of the board of directors or trustees or the partners holdin! the controllin! interest in the case of a partnership vote to accept the reduced offer, the "orkers shall immediately return to "ork and the employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the si!nin! of the a!reement. #Incorporated by $ection %&, 'epublic (ct )o. *+,-, .arch %,, ,/&/0.
It is a referendum by secret

ballotin! on the improved offer of the employer on or before the 30th day of the strike under the auspices of the D1LE to decide by at least a ma ority of the union members vote "hether or not to accept the improved offer. Let me point out to you that a strike vote must be the absolute majority of the bar ainin unit! Improve" offer ballotin #hi$h only happens in a "ea"lo$k% there is no improve" offer ballotin in &L' $ases! In "ea"lo$k% the employer% impoves his offer% pasakahan nya amay( then the )*LE #ill $on"u$t a votin by se$ret ballot to "etermine if the bar ainin unit a$$epts an" it only re+uires at least a majority of the union members, votes. -uorum ra! It2s a lesser ma ority "hich is re3uired. Why4 5ecause many times, once the strike is in pro!ress the union can hardly !et even a ma ority. .an!a"ala man na sila6 kay an! uban man!ita na man u! trabaho kay !utom na man7 8hat2s "hy a simple ma ority only is re3uired in improved offer ballotin!7 8ake note7 It is my submission that improved offer ballotin! does not apply to 9L:7 5ecause 9L: strikes cannot be compromised777

)o", prohibited practices, you can file an ille!al dismissal complaint and an ille!al strike complaint "ith the labor arbiter. 8hat is found in article %,+ letter a number -. ARTICLE 2./. Jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters and the Commission . #a0 E;cept as other"ise provided under this <ode, the Labor (rbiters shall have ori!inal and e;clusive urisdiction to hear and decide, "ithin thirty #300 calendar days after the submission of the case by the parties for decision "ithout e;tension, even in the absence of steno!raphic notes, the follo"in! cases involvin! all "orkers, "hether a!ricultural or non=a!ricultural> ,. 9nfair labor practice cases? %. 8ermination disputes? 3. If accompanied "ith a claim for reinstatement, those cases that "orkers may file involvin! "a!es, rates of pay, hours of "ork and other terms and conditions of employment? @. <laims for actual, moral, e;emplary and other forms of dama!es arisin! from the employer=employee relations? -. <ases arisin! from any violation of (rticle %*@ of this <ode, includin! 3uestions involvin! the le!ality of strikes and lockouts? and *. E;cept claims for Employees <ompensation, $ocial $ecurity, .edicare and maternity benefits, all other claims arisin! from employer=employee relations, includin! those of persons in domestic or household service, involvin! an amount e;ceedin! five thousand pesos #:-,000.000 re!ardless of "hether accompanied "ith a claim for reinstatement. #b0 8he <ommission shall have e;clusive appellate urisdiction over all cases decided by Labor (rbiters. #c0 <ases arisin! from the interpretation or implementation of collective bar!ainin! a!reements and those arisin! from the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies shall be disposed of by the Labor (rbiter by referrin! the same to the !rievance machinery and voluntary arbitration as may be provided in said a!reements. #(s amended by $ection /, 'epublic (ct )o. *+,-, .arch %,, ,/&/0.
Now( ,-9 rohi1ited ra#ti#es( %ou #an a!so fi!e a #o$ !aint under the !a1or ar1iter 1e#ause it is in#!uded in ,4F/a0 1ut if %ou want an in2un#tion( that it 1e sto ed ending !itigation on whether or not it is !ega! or i!!ega!( %ou have to go to the NARC: <h%) 'e#ause on!% the NARC #an grant an in2un#tion: The !a1or ar1iter #annot grant::: E8a$ !e( 1!o#king the ingressKingress( %ou want an in2un#tion to sto it( go to #aga%an de oro and ask for in2un#tion fro$ the NARC" =ow do %ou rove that) 3i#turan ni$o na gina 1!o#kingan ni!a ang !ugar un%a i akita da%on ni$o" 3ero ang $ga union $aro na si!a( tawag da%on na si!ag a1s*#1n ara i akita na wa!a si!a nag 1arri#ade: So( ati1a%an na !ng na ug eviden#e: <e wi!! #ontinue"EN+ /CS0

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