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-han. you for choosing !ell/ 0e woul1 appreciate your time to answer some 2uestions about your recent experience with !ell3s 4nsite 5ervice regar1ing !ispatch number: 6substitute46 on +ase number: 6substitute,6 for !ell service tag: 6substitute26. 7our can1i1 fee1bac. about this interaction will help !ell provi1e worl1-class customer satisfaction. 0hen you are finishe1 answering the 2uestions on each page8 please clic. the 35ubmit an1 +ontinue3 button at the bottom of the screen. -his survey shoul1 ta.e no more than 1# minutes to complete 9xtremely !issatisfie1 1 2 3 1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with your recent experience with !ell3s 4nsite 5ervice8 using a scale where 1 is 39xtremely !issatisfie13 an1 ' is 39xtremely 5atisfie13. :eutral 4 5 6 9xtremely 5atisfie1 7 8 9




Please confirm your level of satisfaction with your recent experience with !ell3s 4nsite 5ervice. 4verall was satisfie1 4verall was 1issatisfie1


0hat best 1escribes the primary reason you were not fully satisfie1 with your recent experience with !ell3s 4nsite 5ervice? 9xpecte1 arrival time of onsite technician not clearly communicate1 (a1 1iagnosis by tech support agent &ac. of up1ates from the onsite technician 4nsite technician 1i1 not arrive on time 4nsite visit was not sche1ule1 in accor1ance to my warranty agreement with !ell !elaye1 parts 1elivery >uality of replacement parts 4nsite technician lac.s technical expertise -otal time ta.en to resolve 4nsite technician 1amage1 my e2uipment Please provi1e any a11itional fee1bac. on why you were not fully satisfie1.



0hat coul1 we have 1one better?

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-han. you for the positive rating. Please let us .now what we 1i1 well.


?ow many times 1i1 you contact !ell about this problem? 4nce -wice ; times @ore than ; times !o you consi1er the issue resolve1? 7es :o


9xtremely !issatisfie1 1 2 3 '. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the time it too. to resolve your issue8 using a scale where 1 is 39xtremely !issatisfie13 an1 ' is 39xtremely 5atisfie1.3

:eutral 4 5 6

9xtremely 5atisfie1 7 8 9



1#. 0hat best 1escribes the primary reason your issue remains unresolve1? 4nsite technician 1i1 not arrive 4nsite technician lac.s technical expertise Aeplacement parts were faulty or 1amage1 Parts replace1 1i1 not resolve the problem expecte1 my personal 1ata8 applications an1 settings to be restore1 by the onsite technician 4ther (please specify)

9xtremely !issatisfie1 1 2 3

:eutral 4 5 6

9xtremely 5atisfie1 7 8 9

11. Please rate your satisfaction with the on-time arrival of the onsite technician at your location8 using a scale where 1 is 39xtremely !issatisfie13 an1 ' is 39xtremely 5atisfie13. 12. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the 4nsite technician3s level of expertise8 using a scale where 1 is 39xtremely !issatisfie13 an1 ' is 39xtremely 5atisfie13. 1;. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the professionalism of the 4nsite technician8 using a scale where 1 is 39xtremely !issatisfie13 an1 ' is 39xtremely 5atisfie13.







14. ?ow many times 1i1 an onsite technician visit your location to wor. on this problem? 4nce -wice ; times @ore than ; times

9xtremely :eutral !issatisfie1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1,. Please rate your overall satisfaction with your replacement parts. 1 2 ; 4 , <

9xtremely 5atisfie1 7 8 9 = * ' :/%

1<. 0hat best 1escribes the reason you were not fully satisfie1 with your replacement parts? !elivery time Part 2uality issue 0rong part receive1 4ther (please specify)

9xtremely Bnli.ely 1 2 3 1=. ?ow li.ely woul1 you be to recommen1 !ell to a frien1 or colleague? Please use a scale where 1 is 39xtremely Bnli.ely3 an1 ' is 39xtremely &i.ely3. 1 2 ;

:eutral 4 4 5 , 6 <

9xtremely &i.ely 7 8 9 = * '

1##) f you have a comment or 2uestion for !ell8 please visit: http://support.1ell.com8 where you can select your

geographic region from the 3Clobal 5upport 5ites3 1rop-1own menu on the left si1e of the screen. -o report a problem with this survey8 please e-mail: !ell5urvey?

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SMARTECH and Associates, LP

Dell Survey Acknowledgment

Tech ID: ___________________ I, , have read and understand the Dell Survey and Customer Leave Behind documents. I agree to supply every Dell customer with the Dell Leave Behind Document.

Technician s Signature


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