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"Temporary Parody"

Much Ado About Nothing Day. - Ora

After my initial lip up, I can never do that again, believe you me! - Billy M.

It was only a temporary parody. - Billy M.

Pain doesn't always go wih parody. - Kelly

The beginning quote from Leo Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata...

- Kelly

Shakespeare's sonnet "in others false adulterate eyes." - Elaine

I am an unfallen Angel, I can not fall. - Billy M.

I also have a part on Earth that is human, my body only, but not my self. - Billy M.

I was very excited to learn I was an Angel. I was (like) remembering. - Billy M.

The method of being an Angel is just participating with other Angels and building confidence this way. - Billy M.

Papa, who is Robbie Pop is disappointed in me because I was being supercillious: I said to "Kill Michael M.!" in play. - Billy M

As an Angel I said "to dump him in the River," and I was just only pretending to be Macbeth. - Billy M.

I would never do such a thing. And, the Angels all know this. - Billy M.

I am a Liberal Ironist, and I believe, with Judith Sklar, that cruelty is the worst thing we can do. - Billy M.

Yet, I said these things and the Angels felt very bad that I said it, like the Angels in Ralph Waldo Emerson's poem "Uriel." - Billy M.

Murder is a bad and forbidden thing. - Billy M.

Davar is to say (to act), do, and a thing; "davar" is Hebrew for word. - Billy M.

Davar means to do good deeds by what good meaningful sayings you can say. - Billy M.

But, to say to "Kill Michael M.!" is not a good saying at all, and to say to "dump him in the River" is cant. - Billy M.

I felt horrible that I said it the next day. - Billy M.

I was not having any fun talking to my invisibily channeled Angel wives and Angel parents, and I was in bad pain waking up. - Bily M.

I had also a very bad dream that I was damned, and that zombies were my tormentors. - Billy M.

I screamed to wake myself up. - Billy M.

The ream had started out good, I was confident, a leader and happy. - Billy M.

But, like what happened to Saurtur at the end of David Lindsey's book, Voyag to Arcturus, things happened to me in a similar way in that dream. - Billy M.

I am feeling a little better now after talking it over and getting forgiveness from my Angels for having blurted out those bad sayings, which was a supercillious parody, but they say it might happen again that I stick my foot in my mouth again. - Billy M.

My confidence is coming back, and I will be a better Angel. - Billy M.


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