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Title: Walang Hanggan (EmilArco Proposal Scene)

It was already 8 of the Sat rday e!ening" still ha!ing their r sh ho r for the remaining scenes in Walang Hanggan for its last wee#$s airing% And the casts were too & sy" especially 'awn and (ichard for the proposal scene% And the more intimidating is" they two were not in good terms that can serio sly" ca se great impact on it% 'ire# )erry tal# to (ichard a&o t the case and how it can serio sly affect the act% The director as# and tal# him to ma#e it p to her and he o&liged%

The preparation of each cast was on*air% She$s at their tent+#nowing that they share in one tent+preparing for the scene% Her personal stylist" meddling on her hair" c rling it" while ,i!ian" her manager slash &estfriend was seated in the mini*co ch% -What happened.- ,i!ian as#" while 'awn was on her script" memori/ing it% -Siya naman #asi eh% He pro!o#ed me to% It$s not my pro&lem anymore%- She stood p" wal# and stopped &ehind 'awn+who was seated infront of the ma#e* p ta&le+loo#ing at her in the eyes" &y the mirror% -There yo go again% 'ear" sometimes" yo need to lower yo r pride% 0awawa naman y ng tao oh%- She disregarded her &estfriend" that she$s o&!io sly pissed off" and minded on her script% The door opened from &ehind and a familiar and a h s#y !oice spea#% -1am yo lea!e s for a while.- He said" closing the door% ,i!ian and her stylist o&liged to while she$s still re!iewing her script ne!er minding him% -'awn" can we tal#.- The moody mood is in the air and she$s ha!ing a silent treatment on him% -'awn%%%- He said again and she stood p intending to lea!e the room when he gra& her hand and ma#e her face him% -Please2 I want this o!er%- He calmly said while loo#ing directly in her eyes% She reali/ed his sincerity and calmed herself down% She stood there and too# a deep &reath &efore loo#ing at him straightly% -What.- At last" she tal#ed2 It was a relief for him &eca se she #new 'awn after all% -I$m sorry for those" yesterday%She crossed her arms and her left &row raised% -So" yo finally nderstand" dont yo .She said with her pride and tense started to & ild p% -3#ay na% I admit it% Sorry" o#ay.She cant resist him anymore% She h g him tightly% -Thats what ai wanted to hear from yo since yesterday% Than# yo %- He h g her &ac#" wearing their h ge grins on their lips% The door opened" !omiting 'ire# )erry who was o&!io sly s rprised in what he saw% They released the h g" gi!ing him the smile% He smile &ac# #nowing that they ma#e it p already%

Their act started from" Emily$s 'awn together with )ohanna of 4elissa" wal#ing inside the dar# place which only the moon (or the light effects) was present% She started her role% -)ohanna" &a#it tayo naandito.-% They were wal#ing together down the stairs%-parang" wala naman atang tao dito%- She added loo#ing aro nd trying to see atleast something% -Impossi&le" I called and told them for reser!ations%- )ohanna said% -Eh" parang sarado sila eh% Ag dilim dilim%- They stop and stood there% -Sandali" let me

chec#%- )ohanna said t rning aro nd% 5 t she stop her saying" -hindi hindi" wag wag%-%-&a#it.- She as# &ac#% -5a#a deli#ado eh" tsa#a" nasaan &a y ng sec rity natin" &a#it hindi sila na#as nod.-% -I ga!e them money para # main% Sandali" let me chec#%She wal# away% She tried to stop her again" -hindi hindi" sandali )ohanna%- 5 t she didnt stop% She followed her &y the stare% )ohanna open the light switch together with the people yelling" -s rprise2- 1alled her attention and ma#e her face them% -)ames.- She said and loo#ed at )ohanna &eside her wearing a smile% They started to wal# near them" -Perla.- She still wears her s rprised face% -4anang Henya.- She ch c#le seeing them all there% Then (ichard$s 4arco wal# and come o t lastly% -W i2 4arco" ano to. Hindi #o naman 5irthday ah.- She as# loo#ing at him weatng a grin% Then he started to tal#% -Emily" hindi mo sig ro naaalala" pero" mahalaga ang araw na ito% Ito ang araw na" na #itang na#itang nagtra&aho sa Hacienda%- She raised her left &row for a sec and loo# at him" still" with the smile% -Ito rin ang araw na%%% 6na #itang na#ilala at nilapitan% Ito rin ang araw na" na mo #ong sin pladahan%- 7ow the little &it of ch c#le from him and the others came o t% -%%%at tinali# ran%%%- He contin ed% -Per alam mo Emily" ito rin ang araw na%%%- He t rn to face the people -%%%sa harap ng mga mahal natin sa & hay%%% Itatanong #o sayo ang" isang napa#ahalagang &agay%- He stood there and get something from his hand% She left a sec of ch c#% The act contin es" when 4arco #neel infront of him opening the red small &o8 opening it% -Emily%%% 9or the nth time% Will yo mary me.- He as# sim ltaneo sly" holding the &o8 and a ring on it% The large grins from 'aniel and the others drew% -4arco" for the last time" yes" I will marry yo %- They all cheer p while he p t the ring on her left ring finger then" he stoop p% She wrap her hands aro nd his sho lder% The crowd started to proar in the lead of 1oco$s 'aniel saying" -#iss%%%#iss%%They &oth smile as she c p his face with her &oth hands% She can see him &itting his lower lip% 5 t she instead h g him with their faces compressed with each other wearing her f ll smile% He dig his face on her nec# h gging her so tight%

-1 t2- The director yelled% They all appla ded for a :o& well done% 'ire# )erry went praise" -:o& well done yo two%- -Than#s dire#2- She said and held their way to their tent together with their hands intertwined (which is a normal thing for them)% -;o did great2He complimented as they wal# inside their tent% -7o" we did great%- She smiled % -0aso%%%- That made her f rrowed her &rows as#ing him" -#aso.%%%- He loo# at her and contin ed -#aso" mas maganda sana # ng%%%- He po ted his lips together her eyes widen and slap his sho lder playf lly%-5aliw #a talaga2- With her matching la gh% He pinched her nose" which he always do &ac# then% -I missed that%- He said% -Pero masa#it%- While she$s to ching her nose that he pinched% He loo# serio sly and straightly" -oh.- She seems s rprise when he held her &oth sho lders% While he" he$s so despirate on her" he wanted to stop" & t he cant% He cant" especially that their faces were : st inch from each ther% While she" she cant ma#e it to p sh or a!oid him% 5eca se that will totally #ill her% And in : st a second" she already closed her eyes slowly" and his too% Witho t f rther ado" his lips met hers% The #iss that was not for on*cam" not as 4arco and Emily & t" the 0iss that was tr e" way &ac# &efore% At <=$s " where" they two were together% When he holds her face% It was all the same% The feelings is m t al% The feelings ne!er really went

away" nor changed% It$s : st #ept for almost two decades% The #iss comes on deeper" when he mo!ed his lips and started to roam aro nd" as#ing for an entrance% She o&liged and they were #issing torridly% He stopped and #iss her forehead and h g her%

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