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Container Consulting Services Quality Manual

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Container Consulting Service

The signatures below certify that this quality manual has been reviewed and accepted, and demonstrates that the signatories are aware of all the requirements contained herein and are committed to ensuring their provision. Name Prepared By Approved By Amendment Record Signature Position Date

Amendment Record
This quality manual is reviewed to ensure its continuing relevance to the systems and process that it describes. A record of contextual additions or omissions is given below: Page No Context Revision Date

Table of Contents
1. Management Responsibility
1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Procedure 1.3.1 Quality Policy 1.3.2 Organization 1.3.3 Resources 1.3.4 Management Representative 1.3.5 Management Review

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2. Quality System
2.1 Purpose 2.2 Scope 2.3 Procedure 2.3.1 Quality System Procedures 2.3.2 Quality Planning 2.3.3 Records

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Container Consulting Service

1. Management Responsibility
1.1 Purpose To define and document Container Consulting Services (CCS) quality policy and describe managements commitment and involvement to the quality system. 1.2 Scope

This section applies to all departments throughout CCS, particularly management and their responsibilities. 1.3 Procedure 1.3.1 Quality Policy CCS has established the following quality policy: It is the commitment of every Container Consulting Service employee to maximize our customers success by supplying the highest quality products and services on-time and within budget. This commitment is made by each employee at the time of their hiring and is reviewed each year at their performance review. A copy of this policy signed by all employees can be found in the lobby. The Management Team is responsible for establishing the structure, implementation and review of the quality system and in setting its objectives and commitment to quality. The Management Team consists of the General Manager and all Department Managers. In addition, other co-workers may be asked to attend meetings or participate in problem solving activities as needed 1.3.2 Organization The responsibility, authority and the interrelation of personnel who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality are listed on CCS organizational chart. Additional information for each position is contained within more detailed job descriptions maintained by the General Manager. All CCS personnel have the organizational freedom, authority and responsibility to initiate any action necessary to prevent the occurrence of non-conformities relating to the products, process and quality system. All CCS personnel have the organizational freedom and authority to identify and record any problems relating to the products, process and quality system. It is the Management Teams responsibility to ensure the recording of these problems and verify the implementation of a solution. All CCS personnel have the organizational freedom and authority to initiate, recommend, or provide solutions through designated channels. All CCS personnel have the organizational freedom and authority to control further processing, delivery or installation of nonconforming product until the deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been corrected. 4

Quality Manual 1.3.3 Resources CCS has identified resource requirements and provides adequate resources to ensure consistent quality in products and services. Adequate training is provided for management, performance of work and verification activities including internal quality audits. 1.3.4 Management Representative CCS executive management has appointed the Quality Manager as the Management Representative, who irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined authority for: Ensuring that a quality system is established, implemented and maintained based on ISO9001 standards. Reporting on the performance of the quality system to CCS Management Team for review and as a basis for improvement of the quality system. Liaison with external parties on matters relating to CCS quality system. 1.3.5 Management Review CCS Management Team, including the General Manager, Quality Managers and all Department Managers shall meet semi-annually to assess the overall status of the quality system, and review specific portions of the business manual. The President will attend each meeting as necessary or by request. Each section of this manual should be reviewed at each meeting to ensure its continued suitability and effectiveness in satisfying the requirements of CCS Quality Policy & Objectives. The agenda for each management review meeting includes the effectiveness of the business manual and results of corrective and preventive actions implemented since the last review. The following subjects may be addressed at each meeting (TBD) Purchasing audit Customer service audits Driver audits Warehouse audits On-Time Delivery audits Complaints & non-conformances and Review of Status of Corrective Action Projects (CAPs) Business & Quality Objectives Quality Policy Records Minutes of the meeting should provide an action plan for quality system initiatives. Minutes are created and maintained as quality records by the Management Representative and are distributed to the Management Team for implementation of the action plan items. 5

Container Consulting Service

2. Quality System
2.1 Purpose CCS has established, documented and maintains a quality system as a means of ensuring that CCS products conform to specified standards. This quality system is documented within the quality manual and is based on ISO 9001 standards. The manual includes and/or makes reference to the quality system procedures. The structure of the documentation is outlined under 2.2 Scope. 2.2 Scope

The scope of the quality system is defined in the following documents: Quality Manual Specific work instructions, process procedures and other internal standards, including standards of workmanship (e.g., shop floor samples) Product technical specifications and drawings 2.3 Procedure 2.3.1 Quality System Procedures CCS has prepared documented procedures guiding activities affecting quality. The range and detail of procedures depends on the complexity of the work performed, including methods, necessary skills and training needed. Documented procedures consistent with ISO9001 and CCS quality policy. All members of CCS management team and other co-workers who manage, perform and certify work affecting quality are responsible for implementing the quality system. The Quality Manager, as management representative, is responsible for coordinating, monitoring and auditing the system. Implementation of the quality system is assessed regularly by internal audits and management reviews. 2.3.2 Quality Planning CCS has defined and documented how the requirements for quality will be met. Quality planning is consistent with all other requirements of CCS quality system and are documented in a format to suit CCS methods of operation. The following topics are considered, as appropriate, in meeting the specified requirements for products, projects or contracts: The preparation of quality plans. The identification and acquisition of any controls, processes, equipment (including inspection and test equipment), fixtures, resources and skills that may be needed to achieve the required quality. Ensuring the compatibility of the design, the production process, installation, servicing, inspection and test procedures and the applicable documentation. 6

Quality Manual The updating as necessary of quality control, inspection and testing techniques, including development of new instrumentation, The identification of any measurement requirement involving capability that exceeds the known state of the art, in sufficient time for the needed capability to be developed. The identification of suitable verification at appropriate stages in the realization of product. The clarification of standards of acceptability for all features and requirements, including those which contain a subjective element, The identification and preparation of quality records. 2.3.3 Records Records produced as a result of quality planning are identified and documented in Section 4 Design Control of the Quality Manual. Methods for identification, collection, indexing, access, filing, storage, maintenance and disposition of these records are also addressed in Section 4.

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