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Title: Way Back In 90's (CharDawn's Fun With Golfing

!i"ian arri"e at their house wearing those white shorts an# $olo%shirt& Those o$en%ca$s an# tennis shoes co'$letes the outfit& ()ou want coffee*( +he offers the cu$ of ca$$uccino on the ta,le- while she's seate# on the couch ,esi#e her& (.ice #ay for golfing eh*&&&( +he took a si$& (&&&This is goo#/( Co'$le'enting her coffee& (Who's with you*& Di# 0anna (!i"ian's highschool frien# got ho'e fro' states*( +he ask si$$ing on her 1att2& (.o$e/ That's on .e3t year& )ou're actually 4oining 'e to#ay&( &(h''& .ice ti'ing& 5ich's not here- he's on his ta$ing an# he #oesnt want 'e to co'e&( +he look at her for a 'o'ent an# say- (That's unusual&( +he no##e# an# look at the other #irection& ()eah& +o'ething's ,othering 'e a,out it&(& (6''&&& Forget a,out it& Go get change an# we'll take our chances/(& (7t the sa'e clu,house*(& +he no##e# as a res$once- (no other than&(& +o #i# she took her ,ath an# change her clothes with shorts- shirt an# a ca$- a##ing with tinte# sha#es& By the ti'e they arri"e at the $lace- they #o the $auseswing- hit an# look& (It's your turn Dawn&(& +he stoo# there an# was a,out to swing the clu, when so'eone hel# her han#& +he s'ile# knowing that she (!i"ian 4ust wante# to teach her the right thing& '+o'ething's wrng with !i"s&' +he thought& But then with the hel$ of !i"s- he's a,le to #o the swinging ang hitting thing right& (Thanks/( +he sai#- still staring at her hit& (7nything for 'y 1o"e&( The 'anly an# husky "oice fro' ,ehin# (at her right ear - sai#- that 'a#e her turn to face 6I8& +he's sur$rise seeing her ,oyfrien# ,ehin# her (now infront 9that she know was off for shooting9(sur$rise*( 6e ask s'iling& (I thought youre off to tagaytay*&&&(& (Were #one shooting since last week&(& (Why #i#nt you tell 'e*( +he's with her chil#ish "oice& (I wante# to sur$rise you&( 6e turn for a 'o'ent an# signale# the guy stan#ing o"er there with those ,lack sha#esthen he hel# her han# an# $ulle# her slowly an# carefully to the o$en s$ace- outsi#e the clu,house& There was a cho$$er there- which he hel# her to%insi#e&(& They ha"e the $ilot an# starte# to take off& +he's so e3cite# a,out his sur$rise (which he always u$ to & 7n# there- it #i#nt ,ring her #own& +eeing an islan# with the heart%sha$e# was on the "iew& +he took a $hoto of it ha$$ily an# hug 5ichar#& (I 1o"e you/ )ou always 'ake 'e sur$rise&&& 7n# cry/(& +he really is& 6e wi$e it with his thu', an# gi"e her a :uick $eck on the li$s an# on the forehea#& (I 1o"e )ou an# I'll ne"er get tire# to always gi"e you sur$rises&( +he's s'iling now& (6a$$y fourth 8onthsary 1o"e&(

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