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Title: Sana'y Laging Makapiling (CharDawn on My Jelous Boy)

Its been a onth sin!e he a!te" !ol" to her# $ %irst& she !onsi"er it be!ause o% his known 'ob(a!ting# Due to )is he!ti! s!he"ule& he !an har"ly %in" ti e with their "ates an" 'together' ti es# She's also busy (not that busy like he's) "oing her o*ie& tea e" up with +ar"o ,erso-a& Sana'y Laging Makapiling& that will air ne.t week# But she's loosing her patien!e on this !ase o% the an" wante" to talk about it#

It was alrea"y passe" twel*e when he arri*e at the "ark an" "i house& that only the post light %ro outsi"e& gi*es hi the gui"e to insi"e# )e al ost tiptoe" trying not to wake her up# But the lights went on an" to his surprise& she's stan"ing there& still has her han" on the light swit!h& looking at hi # )er %a!e were !ol" an" e.pressionless# /hile& he's tire" an" pre(o!!upie"& he walk upstairs to their roo & passing her there# 0$nong nangyayari10# She su""enly ask out o% silen!e (well& e.!ept %or his %oot's soun")& that a"e hi stop (but ne*er %a!e her)# Making a sigh behin" her& 0I' tire"& Dawn#0 )e si ply sai"# 2a!ing hi was har" %or her in this situation& but she wante" this proble o*er# 03ou'*e been a!ting so !ol" on e# /hy is that10 She's 4uite terri%ie" %ir the & in asking# 0I' tire"& okay1 Let's 'ust talk about this to orrow#0 )e's %eet's atte ption to step %orewar" ha" been !alle"& when she surprisingly yelle" at hi # 0/hay !an't you 'ust tell e why150 )e see s pisse" an" also !arrie" by the tire" a bian!e %ro the set& he yelle" ba!k a her that a"e her win!h& not by the pain& but by the lou" *oi!e o% hi # 0$no ba'ng proble a o ha15 6anina ka pa ha5550 )e !ant !ontrol it any ore# She's ha" her %a!e "own with her tears "ripping %ro her eyes# )e's !o e ba!k to his senses an" !al ness& when he hear" her sobs# She's surprise that he !an yell her like that& both o% the "oes# )e hug her !loser to his !hest# 0Sorry###shh###0 )e kisse" her hair# )ugging her tighter& while her ar s aroun" his !hes& with her %a!e burrie" on it# 0/hy are you "oing this to e1 $ng sakit na#0 She proteste" between her sobs# 0Sorry& I' ### I' 'elous#0# 0Bakit1 6anino10 She ask while still on his hug# 06ay###0 She release" %ro the hug# 0Dont tell e& kay +ar"o10 )er *oi!e was ba!k to nor al# Those so%t *oi!e o% hers !a e ba!k# $n" her s ile was "rew on& when he re aine" silent a%ter the 4uestion ans !ant look at her eyes straight (whi!h she knew& its true)# 0/hy are you s iling10 )e ask# 0Be!ause y Babe's 'elous# )e really Lo*es e#0 She !rin!kles her nose& then he pin!h it# 0) 50# 0Let's go to sleep na#0# She no""e" like a ki" an" walk together& on the tra!k to their roo #

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