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Title: 2014: PMPC Awards for Movies (CharDawn on Sweet Hosting)

Si !"# S$nda% of Mar&h '( the PMPC Star awards for Movies will )e helding the Solaire Hotel and *esort that was one of the "ost attra&tive and !o!$lar !la&e in the &o$ntr%# The to!i& was ra!idl% in&reasing over al"ost worldwide in so&ial networ+ing sites es!e&iall% Twitter( ,a&e)oo+( -nstagra" and even T$")lr# This was "orel% +nown and $!)ringed )% the t%&oon a&tors( and at the sa"e ti"e( ,avo$rite lovetea"( who will )e hosting the said .vent/The CharDawn# The event has the t%!i&al !arties and events have# 0ights and red &ar!ets# A t%!i&al as it is# -t1s nearl% seven and the a&tors starting to arrive with their ga"o$ro$s dresses and gowns fro" the &o$ntr%1s !ro"inent designers li+e( Pe!si Herrera( Car% Santiago and ,ran&is 0i)iran# The% ra"! on the red &ar!et feat$ring their fa&es and o$tfits#

*i&hard 2o"e3( finall% arrived( wal+ing on the red &ar!et with his s"iled (that "a+es the ladies fall in love with hi") and a )la&+ s$it and gre% !ants that &o"!letes his o$tfit# This "an of 44 %ears old( was $ne !e&ted to )e( still handso"e and a&5$ires a )od% to drool over# Three words of dis&ri!tion will do/Tall( Dar+ and Handso"e# The% do the interviews and !hoto shots fro" hi" and &ontin$ed his wa% inside#

-t was !assed seven and Dawn was still in her &ar (with her )estfriend6Manager( 7ivian)# She +ee!s on e%e8ing on her !hone to &he&+ the ti"e( +nowing the event will start in 9$st a half an ho$r# :;a+it !a +asi nga%on nag+a8Traffi&<: -t1s getting into his nerve and loosing her !atien&e( )la"ing the traffi& where the% were# :This won1t ta+e an ho$r na"an na# Dont worr%#: Her "anager said( tr%ing to &al" her down that she s$&&essf$ll% did( when she lean on the &ar1s seat#

He was standing at the )a&+stage waiting for his &o8host for tonight# Their hosting in the 2=th PMPC )efore was so a"a3ing# She1s s$&h a gla"o$r and a !ride at the sa"e ti"e# >ondrin1 "ind he has( thin+ing of what wo$ld she loo+ tonight# ?es( he +new her a wonderf$l and )ea$tif$l wo"an# And this is not their first hosting together )$t he &ant e !lain the feeling# He s&roll n his !hone( !osting those !hotos %esterda% (whi&h he forgot to $!load) on -nstagra"# ?esterda%( the% went driving ("otor) with his friends( that was $s$al ever% sat$rda%s# This was his wa% to !ass ho$r and also to &al" hi"self down#

:,inall%@: She too+ a dee! sigh $!on seeing the !ress and the red &ar!et( fro" )ehind the &ar1s tinted windshield# Her P#A# A!ened the &ar1s door( revealing her )la&+ slit gown(

and her $n&hanging( ethereal )ea$t% that "ade the !ress hold on their &a"era1s shot )$tton# She1s in a si"!le( %et &lass% wal+ on the red &ar!et on her tra&+ inside# Seeing *i&hard( standing there( holding his !hone( she wal+ towards hi" and give hi" a 1)eso1# :Antagal "o#:#:Sorr%( Traffi& eh#:# He nodded and offer his hand# :Shall we<:

The event started at al"ost nine when ever%)od%1s all set# As the sa"e *i&hard 2o"e3( he hold her hand to hel! her $! the stage# The two started it )% the greetings and so"e tal+s a)o$t the event#

The event go on well( And their s!e&ial n$")er was there# ### P$t %o$r hand on "% sho$lder### Their seg"ent started# An her side( when the first word of the song was sang( her heart s+i!s a )eat# She re"e")er when the%1re at Davao that ti"e( aro$nd 1'2 to visit *i&hard1s 2rand"a# The night was !ea&ef$l and the ne t thing she +new( the% were dan&ing together( while he h$"s the song# ### B$st a Ciss 2oodnight( ;a)%### She &an see it in his e%es( that he1s thin+ing the sa"e thing# *i&hard dan&es in a !la%f$l wa%( his wa% to distra&t the" awa% fro" aw+wardness# ### ?o$ and - will fall in love### He !oint at her and He +new that she noti&e it( )% his stare# Thats wh%( he t$rn his )a&+ and wal+ to the other !art of the stage (that was not reall% on the !lan)( to avoid it again# She felt a )it of aw+wardness( )$t she still "anage to !$t on her s"ile( that "a+es the fans %ell "ore# ###P$t %o$r hand on "% sho$lder### The% sing in &hor$s( while he snea+ his ar"s aro$nd her waist( res$lting to &lose their ga!# The% started to swa% )a&+ and forth# ###whis!er in "% ear( "a%)e### She gentl% lean her head on his &hest( near the sho$lder and the fans started to $!roar again# She &an1t hide the h$ge grin( not onl% )e&a$se of the s$!!ort fro" the fans( )$t also )e&a$se of( she1s with hi"( again# ### >ords - want to hear( tell "e### She leaned her head again( feeling hi" &loser to her# She wanted to tell her the words# That words that she1s )een holding for al"ost over de&ades# The words that she wanted to sa% to hi" again( after a long %ears a!art# ### P$t %o$r head on "% sho$lder### -f its free( !ro)a)l% he did it sin&e the start of the seg"ent# Dow she1s here infront of hi"# He wanted to h$g and +iss her li+e )efore# ;$t no( he &ant# As the song started its end( his hands started to slid down fro" her sho$lder( down to her el)ow( )$t in a fast wa%# The% tra&+ their wa%s on the )oth sides of the stage( leaving their first song( !ro&eeding the ne t one# ### Dow - thin+ That -1ve )een o$t of "% head### She started# ### ?es - thin+ That -1ve )een o$t of "% head( over %o$### He loo+ at hi" together with the l%ri& 1?AE1 of the song# ### - want %o$( to want "e# - need %o$ so )adl%( - &ant thin+ of an%thing# ;$t %o$### That l%ri& was tr$e# She want hi" )a&+( even that was i"!ossi)le# She1s li+e( "issing hi" so "$&h# The% started to wal+ &loser to ea&h other again( when *i&hard started the song with( ###Ah( its 9$st so good to )e tr$e### She started to swa%( while wal+ing &loser to hi" on the &enter of the stage# ###&ant ta+e "% e%es off of %o$### He1s loo+ing ta her hand while his e tending as+ing for it# And she o)lig$e to# ###?o$ )e li+e heaven to to$&h### He !$lled her )$t she see"s didnt get it at first# ###oh - wanna go( so "$&h### He !$lled her &lose to hi" and !$tting his ar"s aro$nd

her waist and hers on hi"# He1s singing the song alone( while the% wal+ foreward# ##%o$re 9$st too good to )e tr$e( &ant ta+e "% e%es off of %o$### The% hold their hands together and started to wiggle their )od% slowl% in the rh%th"# ###going o$t of "% head over %o$# A$tta "% head( over %o$### Her t$rn again( he !la%s with his "i& while loo+ing at hi"# ### A$tta "% head( da% and night( night and da% and night### - 0ove %o$ )a)%( and if its 5$ite alright( i need %o$ )a)%### She !oint at hi"( li+e referring to hi"( reall%# And the% started to swa% their )od% again# ###oh !rett% )a)%( dont get "e down - !ra%### He wal+ fro" her )a&+ and have an e &hange !osition on the stage# ###oh !rett% )a)%# And now - fo$nd %o$ sta%( let "e love %o$ )a)%( let "e love %o$### The% were standing )eside ea&h other together with their hands# ### - want %o$( to want "e# - need %o$ so )adl%( &ant thin+ of an%thing( )$t %o$# 2et o$tta "% head over %o$# A$tta "% head over %o$### He held her hand and started to twirl her two ti"es and h$g again# ###and - &ant get %o$ o$tta "% head### And that ends their seg"ent and a )ow#

After the s$&&essf$l and wonderf$l event( Dawn de&ided to go ho"e# An the wa% o$t( she fo$nd o$t *i&hard standing there( see"s li+e waiting for so"eone# :Di&e 9o)( Dawn#: He !raised( then gave eavh other a 1)eso1# :Than+ %o$#: She whis!ered $!on his ear( $ntil &o"!letel% leaved the !la&e# The thing was so"ething foe Dawn( even for *i&hard# Ma%)e the%1re 9$st the Hosts# ;$t the% win so"ething for the night# And it is "ore than 9$st a "aterial thing( )$t a "e"or% that1ll adds their "e"ories in the"#

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