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Title: Way Back In 90's (CharDawn on A Bowl Of Sweetness)

Its their thir ay since the shootin! for "ihintayin #ita sa $an!it starte % yet the two were still ha&in! their Awkwar 'o'ents off(ca') She cant for!et when he kisse her at their secon ay 'et) That's why*Awkwar ) The +ro ,cer% -s) Ar'i a Si!,ion(.eyna notice the two% es+ecially she's s,ch an o/ser&ant +erson 'eanin!% they cant esca+e in her eyes) An she oesnt want that to ha++ene not only in concern to her 0il'% /,t for her (now) fa&o,rite lo&e tea'% that she +ersonally create ) "er coffee often !et col % only seein! an o/ser&in! the two% on how they recreate their sit,ation yet% she i nt see any si!n) Tho,!h she knew .ichar to /e '-AT1$IS' when it co'es to wo'en an its all new to her% seein! hi' oin! nothin!) An it see's that% so'eone can !et hi' off !,ar *e2ce+t fro' her 3ran 'a) She talk to Dawn an ask her a/o,t it% while she kee+s on enyin! it tho,!h she knows how wise +erson -s) Ar'i a was) 4C''on Anak) Tell 'e) Its 5,st not ,s,al an e&eryone can see that)4) Ar'i a sai whie hol in! Dawn's han % on to+ of it) Asha'e on the si e% she still 'ana!e to tell her a/o,t the c,rrent sit,ation% +artic,larly the 'kiss' thin!) Ins+ite of a &ices% an so'e other essential wor s that she can !i&e to her% -s) Ar'i a 5,st la,!h% not to her (or hi') /,t to their sit,ation awkwar thin!) Instea % she warne her) 4-a!(in!at ka kay .ichar % ear) -at,lis yan sa /a/ae)4 -akin! her reali6e how ' an!ero,s' +erson he was) 4B,t is see's like% nakahana+ na siya n! /a/aen! 'akaka+a/a!sak sakanya)4 She a e ) Dawn i nt !et that well) 4-s) Ar'i a% irek's callin! yo, +o)4 "e (.ichar ) sai r,shin! towar s the') She +atte .ichar 's /ack an sai 4'a!+aka/,so!4 /efore lea&in! the two of the' there alone) Another awkwar thin!) She tho,!ht) An another 'IWAS' will o) She stoo ,+ an saw .ichar stan in! there hol in! a /owl of fr,it sala ) She's kin a s,r+rise% that% where on earth of Batanes i he !et that7) By her s,r+rise% she i nt know her left /rows i &ol,ntarily raise ) 48akataas na na'an kilay 'o)4 he sai ) It's act,ally her 'annaris's to o the raisin! of /rows when talkin! es+ecially to not fa'iliar +eo+le) Well% is .ichar still a stran!er to her7) 4Why are yo, here)))4 $ookin! own at the /owl of sala ) 4)))An what is that74 Tho,!h she wante to !ra/ those an eat% she cant) "er +ri e ',st a ',st9) 41h'))) I 'a e this fr,it sala for yo,) If yo, ont 'in 74) She knew her an athlete +erson% an she cant eny that she instantly ha a cr,sh on hi' since fro' the first 'et) An she i nt know% that he o s,ch thin!s as cookin! or /akin!) The sala really looks y,''y an she wante to eat since its alrea y se&en an the foo 's not yet one) 41h'))) :eah74) "is eyes s+arkles ,+on hearin! her an she can see that) They sat /esi e each other while eatin! the sala ) She reali6e an a++reciate his /eein! sweet an carin!) "e e&en 'ake 'S1BO' to her only wante to 'ake her feel that he likes her% an he ne&er faile to) 4An! sara+ ha9 We sho,l o this 'ore often)4 She sai with her s'iles e2ten in! the ear% that 'ake hi' fall in lo&e with her 'ore) 4Dont worry) I o cook an /ake)4 "e +ro, ly anno,nce) Seein! the' there% -s) Ar'i a Si!,ion(.eyna can't eny the '0;;$S' that heatin! /etween the') Tho,!h She's so ha++y seein! the two with their sweetness% I won er how 'any c,+ of coffee i -s) Ar'i a let !et col )

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