CharDawn: The Come Back

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Title: CharDawn: The Come Back

Direk Jerry Lopez-Sineneng, one of the popular and mo t tanding director in how!iz indu try wa thinking a!out hi new pro"ect# $e% thinking of the deeper plotting that can defeat, or at lea t reach the one-eight percent of the ri ing tele erye , competing the other channel # $e% canning hi file at hi area for atlea t, get an idea on how to formulate# &nd it doe nt di appoint him# Seeing hi fa'ourite mo'ie of ()% *at hi drawer *the $ihintayin +ita Sa Langit on head# Then there, a fla h of cene in ide hi head tarted ,CharDawn Scene in at the end of the tory, $e ,-ichard., wa carrying her ,Dawn. on hi arm .# Together with the cene, $e% got into hi mind how great they are# -e'i'ing and formulating, the geniu director came up with a thee-generation lo'e tory, with the adaptation of the main tory of the aid mo'ie hit# &fter almo t an hour of reflecting, he already formulated the ca ting # /hich will !e perfect ,he think . for Coco 0artin, a the lead character*replacing -ichard*on the role ,way !ack.# Since from the tart, $e% !een watching o'er Julia 0onte act # &nd he can ay, he% a 'ery good actre at the young age# $e aid, three-generation lo'e team , that mean con idering CocoJulia and re'i'ing the ()% pride, CharDawn# The uppo e to !e fir t generation ,of the lo'eteam . were -ichard and Dawn !ut, omeone came up# The failed romance of the 1)% and 2)% tar , Su an -oce team-up with 3ddie 4utierez ,which he admit him a a fan., fla hed, making hi mind the three lo'e team , Coco 0artin and Julia 0onte , -ichard 4omez and Dawn 5ulueta and the fir t generation of lo'eteam, The 6eteran actor , Su an -oce and 3ddie 4utierez# $e contact hi colleague and friend ,a the ame time., Director 7rina Dayrit and Jo"o Saguin, to a k their a i tance ,or a co . to the tele erye that he% planning to# The director agreed to him and pro'ide a call to the manager ,and to the actor them el'e . a!out offering the pro"ect#

Talking to the ri ed tar, Coco 0artin wa ea y# The young actor wa pretty much e8cited a!out the upcoming mo'ie, e pecially, he% a fan of CharDawn mo'ie !efore# +nowing that he%ll replace -ichard% role9on the tory9 make him hi'er# $e knew -ichard a a great actor from the tart until now, and he cant imagine, e'en think replacing him in the fir t place# Direk 7rina Dayrit ,who% talking to him a!out the pro"ect. aid, :Direk Jerry ha a huge tru t in you Coco:, making him decide a %ye %#

Julia 0onte had a call from +athryn, who talk a!out their upcoming tele erye, ;rince and 7# Julia think, +ath wa o lucky to ha'e thi Daniel ;adilla with her# Daniel and Julia had !een friend and they once !ond# $e wa good looking that made her tea e +ath a!out him# +ath% mom wa like, con er'ati'e to her daughter, !ut +athryn, fortunately wa a mama% girl# &fter from +ath% , another phone call approach, :Julia, thi i Direk Jerry# 7 would like to offer you thi pro"ect of mine# <ou%ll !e playing the tar role# &nd you%ll !e with Coco 0artin#: The director wittily aid9knowing that he ha a cru h on

Coco# :<e direk# 7%ll accept it# Thank you#:# & mile drew from her lip #

Direk Jo"o Saguin, walk directly to 0 # Su an -oce % hou e ,knowing they were clo e family friend .# The 6eteran actre greeted him a good day and what% up to# The director didnt ha'e hi two way on e8plaining# $e traightly e8plain e'erything to the actre , filling her face with a toni hment, e pecially knowing the ca t # $er eye and face wa lightened more, when he aid to her, that the mo'ie wa the adaptation from the ()% $ihintayin +ita Sa Langit# She feel o e8cited ha'ing with the ri ing ca t in how!iz# :Tita, &ctually, yung role niyo po dito i together with 0r# 3ddie 4utierez# & the failed romance po#:# She topped for a moment and miled at him aying, :7 think it would !e great#:#

&fter Lunch, Direk Jerry made an appointment with 0r# 3ddie 4utierez from the other channel# Thi time wa a hard one, e pecially, they were not working in the ame channel# 0eeting him at the caf= wa an ea e# /hy> $e% a funny per on# :Sir 3ddie, let me get you to the point po# 7 wa planning thi pro"ect, a tele erye po# The adaptation of $ihintayin +ita Sa Langit# &nd 0r# -ichard and 0 # Dawn wa there too#:# $i look of intere t make him up all the way, knowing that there% a huge chance of a %ye %# :0ukhang, maganda ang pro"ect na %to Jerry# 7 ne'er ha'e a dou!t on you making the e#:# $e laugh a !it from the complement# :Thank you po# 7t i my profe ion ir# &nd? Sir, 0 # $elen 4am!oa and 0 # Su an -oce wa there too#: Like 0 # Su an% reaction, he top for a while !ut miled after on# :7%ll accept the pro"ect#:# $e miled :thank you ir#:

:@ice hot?: John complemented together with &n"o# They were at the firing range at their fa'ourite clu!hou e, omewhere in 0akati# $e remo'ed hi earmuff when hi 0anager, ;ia Campo called her# :;ia#:# :7 want to gi'e you to the point, direk Sineneng wanted to ha'e you to hi tele erye#:# ;ia wa a prank per on# :###you%ll !e with Dawn 5ulueta#:# $e top for a while# :-ichard, you till there>:# :Aw? Sorry, 7 wanted to read the cript#:# :&lright, 7%ll !e at your hou e later#: #:Thank you#:

Dawn wa ha'ing a on and daughter-mother !onding with &yi ha and Jaco!o at the hou e when 6i'ian arri'e# She% com!ing and pony-tailing her daughter% dark !rown hair# :Ah mare? @apadalaw ka> Dont you ha'e your golfing chedule today>: She a k while ha'ing a !u y time on meddling her ,daughter. hair# :Dawn, Direk Sineneng wa planning a mo'ie with you#:# She look at her# :Jerry Sineneng>:# 6i'ian nodded a few time # :<ep? &nd 0 # Su an -oce , 3ddie 4utierez, Coco 0artin, Julia 0onte were here# 3'en -ichard#:# %-ichard>% She thought# She work on &yi ha% hair again# :-ichard 4omez#: She completed, that made her top and look at her with un!elie'a!le look#

:$a>: She a k again, for clarification # :<ep# $eard me right# -ichard 4omez#:# She% into her deep thought of what her !e tfriend told her#

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