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A Brief Introduction For Multi-Component Seismic Data Processing

Submitted by BGP Jakarta Data Processing Center

January 16, 2006

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1. Introduction
Since 1983 BGP has experimented and developed multi-component technology !his expertise has evolved into a series o" integrated techni#ues $hich have %een tested and have proved to %e relia%le suite o" exploration and development seismic services BGP Jakarta Data Processing Center is fully supported by Geophysical Research Institute (GRI) of BGP, China GRI is a reputed international Geophysical ser!ices co"pany ha!ing !ery sound research and de!elop"ent background in Geophysical industry It has e"ployed and de!eloped highly ad!anced technologies and therefore has beco"e a #orld le!el ser!ice and research co"pany in geophysical prospecting industry $he data #as processed using PR%&'(,G)%D)P$* and GRI+,+ as the "ain Geophysical application processing soft#are (!ersion - .), #hich #as de!eloped by GRI of BGP In addition to GB+,+ seis"ic processing soft#are for pre/stack ti"e "igration de!eloped by Globe Co"pany of *ouston 0+' is also a!ailable $he seis"ic application soft#are package is co"prised of se!eral geophysical data processing "odules, #hich are capable of undertaking full 1D and 2D interacti!e and batch processing functions

&ntegrated !echni#ues
' component processing ()* component processing

Statics Pre-stack noise attenuation Surface consistent processing Velocity analysis, NMO, stack Imaging

S wave statics CCP binning P-SV velocity analysis P-SV wave NMO P-SV wave imaging !traction of attributes

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S-$ave Statics

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PS. +,-

Super gather

Conventional +,-

+on-hyper%olic +,-

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1inal processing results

Gas-%earing sandstone

/ithology prediction using .p0.s ratio

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2. 3 Component Seismic Data Processing

1. "e#uired input data 3e #ill re4uest C%&P'5, #ith the follo#ing data6 1D 2C 7ield seis"ic tapes (!ibroseis correlated) and additional data (obser!er report, coordinates and ele!ations (+P+), uphole data) P/#a!e !elocity "odel fro" anisotropic pre/stack ti"e or depth "igration of P/P #a!e data (depth "aps, !elocity file, 8$I para"eters) 7inal processing results of P/P #a!e data 3ell data %ther data re4uired for data processing 2. Pre-Processing and Preparations 9 Data loading 2 +hot gathers and all near traces display 1 Geo"etry updating6 $he geo"etry can be defined #ith +P+ file $he linear 5&% and shot gathers displays #ill be perfor"ed to check the result of the defined geo"etry 2 Co"ponent separation6 8, *9, *1 : Construction of a 8p;8s (9/D) background "odel fro" 8+P and;or #ell log data 3. P-P $a%e Processing < = ? @ 9. 99 91 92 9: 9< 99= 9? 9@ 1. 19 11 )dit bad traces;shots, de/spiking ("anually and;or auto"atically) +hot gather display $he signal and noise a"plitude analysis at different ti"es )le!ation static correction, stack sections #ith the ele!ation static correction are applied to co"pare #ith refraction static correction 7irst break picking, Refraction +tatic Co"putation and Refraction +tatic 'pplication >C6 shot gathers and stack section using a preli"inary !elocity, before and after refraction static application +pherical di!ergence correction +hot gathers display +urface consistent a"plitude co"pensation +hot gather display In!erse > filter(optional) > #ill be calculated by esti"ating the spectral change #ith different ti"e +uited >C plots for testing and application +urface consistent decon!olution or predicti!e decon!olution ( para"eter tests, >C plots) C&P gathers sort 7old display 7irst pass !elocity analysis (at <.." inter!al) Preli"inary stack 7irst pass residual statics >C products +econd pass !elocity analysis +econd pass residual statics Airchoff pre/stack ti"e "igration( para"eter tests, >C plots) 5&% in!erse (second !elocity) $hird pass !elocity analysis Airchoff pre/stack ti"e "igration (third !elocity) 5&% in!erse (third !elocity) *igher order 5&%, "ute and +tack
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. Poststac' processing (for PP and PS) 12 1: 1< 11= 1? Decon!olution after stack >C products $i"e !ariant filter >C products 7A filter >C products 7/( decon!olution $i"e !ariant gain >C products Phase analysis, phase shift6 Bero/phasing filter to be deri!ed statistically or by "atching the seis"ic to a supplied #ell reflection series >C products 1@ Generation of final deli!erables !. P-S $a%e Processing 7or the processing of the horiBontal co"ponents, a "odification of the P/P #a!e processing #ill be applied Differently fro" P/P #a!e processing there are no restrictions of "aCi"u" offset or trace length (data as ac4uired shall be used) 'dditional steps or "odifications of steps are6 2. Restriction of "aCi"u" offset to < k" 29 5egati!e offset polarity re!ersal, re!erse trace analysis and correction +hot gathers and all near traces #ill be displayed &aps sho#ing the a"plitude of the signal and noise at !arious ti"es in the data set 21 Rotation analysis and tests >C products 22 P/#a!e and +/ #a!e static >C products 2: 7irst Break Picking ("anually and;or auto"atically), Refraction +tatic Co"putation and Refraction +tatic 'pplication >C products 2< Doop(s) of asy"ptotic binning, residual static co"putation, CCP !elocity analysis *p+*s ratio sections are t,e most important deli%era-le to ac,ie%e t,e pro.ect o-.ecti%e. /,erefore ade#uate steps + iterations ,a%e to -e performed to ac,ie%e t,is goal. >C products 2- CCP operations instead of C&P operations >C products 2= In!erse >s filter >s to be calculated by esti"ating the spectral change #ith different ti"e +uited >C plots for testing and application 2? %ffset separation (positi!e and negati!e offsets) prior to P+$& 2@ Airchoff pre/stack ti"e "igration( para"eter tests, >C plots) :. 5&% in!erse using Airchoff :9 P+$& !elocity analysis :1 Airchoff pre/stack ti"e "igration :2 5&% in!erse :: *igher order 5&%, "ute and +tack &. 0ptional + additional Processing :< ::= :? :@ <. <9 P+ D&% #ith 5 offset planes >C products *igher order non/hyperbolic 5&% corrections >C products $ri" statics >C products 7D &igration #ith P+ a!erage !elocities (1E8p8s;(8pF8s)) >C products Generation of +P+ Co"putation of !elocities fro" ra# uphole data and building of static "odel 5oise attenuation $he contractor is asked to propose a!ailable suited techni4ues and to pro!ide technical details C%&P'5, #ill choose the
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"ethod to be applied +uited >C products6 prestack and stack gathers before ; after <1 &ultiple attenuation $he contractor is asked to propose a!ailable suited techni4ues and to pro!ide technical details $his step includes sufficient !elocity analyses to generate an opti"u" filter C%&P'5, #ill choose the "ethod to be applied +uited >C products6 prestack and stack gathers before ; after <2 Posts/tack spectral #hitening >C6 before;after 1. Dept, Processing Pre-stac' Dept, Migration In our seis"ic data processing center, #e usually use GeoDepth soft#are (de!eloped by Paradig") to run the Pre/stack depth "igration Geodepth soft#are, a !elocity analysis and depth i"aging product, is designed to allo# interpreters and ti"e and depth processors to perfor" highly accurate ti"e/to/ depth con!ersion Geodeprh soft#are enables you to obtain a !erified depth;!elocity "odel of the subsurface together #ith a consistent depth i"age and depth "igrated gathers for the "ulti/line "arine and land sur!eys $he key data sources for GeoDepth soft#are are pre/stack C&P gathers and na!igation data for the 1D lines $he pre/stack gathers can be used after perfor"ing ti"e processing in another processing soft#are ,ou can also load ti"e and ti"e "igrated stacks, C&P gathers, !elocity sections, !elocity functions and interpretation picks 'lternati!ely, you can easily and accurately generate the" fro" GeoDepth soft#are It pro!ides a #ide !ariety of ad!anced, easy/to/use tools for data >C, !elocity analysis and ti"e and depth i"aging

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/,e Proposed Flo3 C,art of t,e 2D Seismic Data Processing 8 1 P-P 2ave Basic Processing Se#uence Demultiplexing Shot Gathers Display Geometry 3pdate Sort to .ertical Component 4dit %ad traces0shots) de-spi5ing 4levation Static Correction 1irst Brea5 Pic5ing) 6e"raction Static Correction Spherical Divergence Correction Sur"ace consistent amplitude compensation Sur"ace consistent deconvolution Sort to C,P gather 1irst pass velocity analysis 7every 899 m: and stac5 1irst Pass Sur"ace Consistent 6esidual Statics Correction Predictive Deconvolution or &nverse ;-"ilter Second pass velocity analysis 7every <89m: and stac5 Second Pass Sur"ace Consistent 6esidual statics Correction =irchho"" Pre-stac5 !ime ,igration +,- &nverse !hird Pass .elocity >nalysis =irchho"" Pre-stac5 !ime ,igration +,- &nverse and S4G* 6>2 PS!, Gather +,-) ,ute and Stac5

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1-( deconvolution Post-stac5 Deconvolution !ime variant "ilter Scaling 1inal 6esult

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8 < P-S 2ave Basic Processing Se#uence Demultiplexing Shot Gather and +ear -""set Display Geometry 3pdate 1irst Brea5 Pic5ing) 6e"raction Static Correction Sort to ?ori@ontal Component Construction o" a .p0.s +egative o""set polarity reversal) reverse trace analysis and correction 6otation analysis and tests PS static application 4dit %ad traces0shots) de-spi5ing 1= 1ilter at Shot06eceiver Domain7-ptional: Spherical Divergence Correct Sur"ace consistent amplitude compensation Sur"ace consistent deconvolution Sort to CCP CCP velocity analysis 7every 899 m: and stac5 st 1 Sur"ace Consistent 6esidual statics Correction Predictive Deconvolution or &nverse ;s-"ilter nd < velocity analysis 7every <89m: and stac5 nd < Sur"ace Consistent 6esidual statics Correction -""set separation 7positive and negative o""sets: prior to PS!, =irchho"" Pre-stac5 !ime ,igration +,- &nverse
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!hird Pass .elocity >nalysis =irchho"" Pre-stac5 !ime ,igration +,- &nverse and S4G* 6>2 PS!, Gather +,-) ,ute and Stac5 1-( deconvolution Post-stac5 Deconvolution !ime variant "ilter Scaling 1inal 6esult

4. 6e7 processing tec,ni#ues for Multi-Component Seismic Data Automatic *p+*s Pic'er Co-Sensor Interpolation Co-Sensor Sum Common Con%ersion Point (CCP) Binning Multi-Component Cross-8#uali9ation S-$a%e 2-Component "otation *p+*s Computation *p+*s Correlation *p+*s /ransform P-S% PS/M P-S% DM0 15. 6e7 Processing /ec,nic Description Common Con%ersion Point (CCP) Binning Pre/stack P/+ con!erted #a!e data are rebinned to co""on con!ersion point (CCP) location instead of co""on "idpoint (C&P) location for subse4uent processing )ach input trace is seg"ented into user/specified ti"e #indo#s that are indi!idually rebinned and output as ne# traces 8elocity "anager for"atted files of !elocities and of 8p;8s ratios are re4uired Multi-component Cross-8#uali9ation 7or land and "arine "ulti/co"ponent data, this "odule cross/e4ualiBes the a"plitude and phase spectra of the horiBontal detector co"ponents for opti"al !ector #a!efield processing, including co"bination (rotation) using the +/3a!e 1/co"ponent Rotation "odule $he !ertical detector co"ponent "ay be included in the co"putation and
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"ay also be corrected to re"o!e spurious +/#a!e energy S-$a%e 2-Component "otation 7or land and "arine "ulti/co"ponent data, the horiBontal detector co"ponents of shear/#a!e data are rotated to obtain the desired #a!efield $he data "ay be rotated to the source/detector direction, a co""on direction, or back to the original direction If the original field orientations of the horiBontal co"ponents are not kno#n, they "ay be calculated so that subse4uent rotation can be perfor"ed *p+*s /ransform +tacked co"pressional/#a!e, con!erted/#a!e, or shear/#a!e reflection data t#o/#ay tra!elti"es are transfor"ed to t#o/#ay tra!elti"es of a different type By correlating a transfor"ed !ersion of one #a!e type to a recorded !ersion of that #a!e type, an analysis of the ratio of co"pressional/#a!e !elocity (8p) to shear/#a!e !elocity (8s) can be "ade $his can aid in the interpretation of lithology and fluid properties fro" seis"ic data Input data is post/stack and trace selected as re4uired %utput can be a transfor"ed stack fro" a!erage 8p;8s function or a set of transfor"ed gathers, useful for 8p;8s correlation analysis ' co"plete input trace or a single #indo# of data can be transfor"ed P-S* DM0 P/+8 D&% is perfor"ed #ith a space/ti"e (C/t) Airchhoff algorith" $he input data are co""on/offset gathers #hich ha!e not been 5&% %utput obtained that consists of co""on/offset gathers #hich approCi"ate P/P data in an e4ui!alent !elocity "ediu" 'dditional processing, such as a residual 5&% correction, is typically re4uired after applying this process 11. Final Products +)G, tapes of the PP and P+ final stack and "igration +)G, tapes of final filtered Bero/phased PP and P+ "igration PP and P+ P+$& or D&% gather tapes in +)G, PP and P+ stacking and "igration !elocities in '+CII for"at +)G, tape of final 8p;8s sections 7inal report (2 paper copies plus 2 CDR%& PD7 file copies)

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