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- LightSource Screenshots: images

- Metatron Cube
- Nuevos aportes a la Geometra Arcana
- Sacred Geometry
- Sacred Geometry, Crosses and Swastikas
- Sacred Geometry in the Quantum Realm
- Stones and the Sacred
- The Meaning of Numbers
- The Platonic Solids
- The Thirteen Sacred Geometry Forms
- Why Sacred Geometry?
Related Reports
- Harmonic Pyramids on Earth and Abroad

Stones of various kinds and sizes have been invested with sacredness from the earliest times. The worship of
stones can be found in most ancient cultures, while sacred stones can be found in most of the world's religions.
According to Pausanias (V, 24. 4) [see BBLOGRAPHY], n olden times all the Greeks worshipped unwrought
stones instead of images and describes thirty square stones near a spring sacred to Hermes [cf. Water and the
Sacred] at Pharae in Greece.
Beginning as early as 5000 BCE, large stones (megaliths -
Greek mega, great, and lithos, stone), either unwrought or
roughly worked were erected across prehistoric Europe to
stand in lines or in circles (such as at Stonehenge in
England), or otherwise arranged in conjunction with
earthworks usually identified as burial mounds (such as at
Newgrange in reland).

Little is known the purpose or meaning of these megalithic
constructions, but it is universally agreed that they mark or
embellish a sacred place in the landscape.
Examples of megalithism can also found in countries around the world, such as the Beforo monument near
Bouar in the Central African Republic, the Tatetsuki stone circles standing the summit of a tumulus at Okayama
in Japan, and the moai statues on ceremonial platforms on Easter sland [see Jean-Pierre Mohen in the
The moving and arranging of massive stones into a building or some other configuration in a sacred context also
characterizes many early cultures around the globe, from the nca in South America, to the Egyptians and
Smaller individual stones can also become invested with the sacred. The Stone of Scone, also known as the
Coronation Stone or the Stone of Destiny, until very recently rested on a shelf beneath the seat of the Coronation
Chair in Westminster Abbey in London (it has now been returned to Scotland [see The Stone of Destiny]. t is said
that the stone could identify a rightful ruler of the country by emitting a loud cry. Since the 13th century, every
British king or queen (except for the first Mary) has been crowned monarch while seated in this chair over this
stone. The stone had been brought to London by order of King Edward from Scotland in 1297. n Scotland the
stone had been kept at Scone Palace in Perthshire where 34 successive Scottish kings had been crowned while
seated upon it.

According to tradition, the stone had been brought to Scotland from reland where, up to that time the newly
crowned kings of reland had been crowned upon it on the Hill of Tara. Legend further explains that the stone had
come to reland from Judah in the 4th century BCE when the daughter of the last king of Judah married into the
rish royal family. Previously, the stone had been kept in the Temple of Jerusalem (cf Dome of the Rock) when
the kings of Judah had been crowned upon it. Traditionally, the stone is believed to be that which Jacob used as a
pillow when he had his dream of angels at Bethel.
Another example of a holy stone is the very sacred Black Stone (reddish black, with some red and yellow
particles ) inside the holy shrine of the Ka'ba [1. Ka'ba] at Mecca. t is thought that the Black Stone, now in pieces
(three large parts, with smaller fragments which are tied together with a silver band), may be a meteor, or a piece
of lava, or a piece of basalt. ts original diameter is estimated to have been 30 cm. Besides the Black Stone, built
into the western corner of the Ka'ba is less sacred Stone of Good Fortune.
Stones and rocks in Japan were initially seen as smbols of mononoke (supernatural forces which permeate
matter and space). Later, an abstract, undifferentiated mononoke was replaced by more definite animistic deities
which resided in the stones and rocks. These rock abodes are called iwakura. All over the precinct of the Shrine at
se are rocks and stones which are venerated as the abodes of deities, such as the subsidiary shrine at the Naiku
called Takimatsuri!no!kami. Elsewhere in Japan are many stones and stone arrangements representing the male
and female principle, such as the stone circle at Oyu in Akita Prefecture in Northeastern Japan. The emotional
attachment to natural stones, originally religion-inspired, has persisted in Japan and is manifest today in the
creation of richly symbolic and spiritual stone gardens.
Tiffiney Whitmire
"All things throughout our universe seem to follow the same fundamental blueprint or geometric patterns. These
geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its virational resonances. They are also
symbolic of the underlying metaphysical principle of the inseperable relationship of the part to the whole. t is this
principle of oneness underlying all geometry that permeates the architecture of all inseparability and union
provides us with a continous reminder of our relationship to the whole--a blueprint for the mind to the sacred
foundation of all things created."
We call this blueprint "Sacred Geometr".
Sacred Geometry is a term that is used by archaeologists, anthropologists,
and geometricians. t includes the religious, philosophical, and spiritual
beliefs that have surrounded geometry in many various cultures throughout
history. t covers Pythagorean geometry as well as the relationships between
organic curves and logarithmic curves.

The "sacred" aspect of geometry has evolved as a result of different cultures.
have provided five different views of how different cultures have made
geometry become sacred. Later, will explain the meaning of certain
numbers, as they play an important role in sacred geometry. A few examples
of sacred sites will also be provided. These examples will provide you with a
real sense of how sacred geometry is used in sacred sites.
Flower of "ife
1. The Ancient Greeks
The ancient Greeks used certain geometrically-derived ratios. n this culture the cube traditionally symbolized
kingship and earthy foundations. The Golden Section traditionally symbolized philosophy and wisdom. Therefore,
if a building was dedicated to a king it would bear traces of cubic geometry and a building dedicated to a heavenly
god would be constructed using Golden Section proportions.

The term "Golden Proportion" is historically the unique geometric proportion of two terms and it is designated by
the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet - phi. Phi was known by cultures much older than the Greek. The three-term
proportion is a:b :: b:c. That is, a is related to b as b is related to c.
However, within the three-term continuous proportion there is a special
sub-set where the third term is equal to the first term plus the second
term, a:b :: b:(a+b), so that only two terms, a and b, are found in the
three-term proportion.

This is called #hi, the Golden #roportion.
"The fact that it is a three-term proportion constructed from two
terms is its first distinguishing characteristic, and is parallel with
the first mystery of the Holy Trinity : the Three that are Two."
(Lawlor 45)
"The Golden Proportion represents indisputable proportional
evidence of the possibility of a conscious evolution as well as
of an evolution of consciousness." (Lawlor 47)
The Golden Proportion is not an ordinary ratio. t is found naturally in nature. ts specific ratio is 1.618. For
example, it describes the spiral of seeds in sunflowers and the shape of nautilus shells.
2. The Hindus
Before the Hindus erect any type of building, large or small, for religious purposes they first perform a simple
geometric construction on the ground. This means that they construct a square from establishing due East and
West. t is from this square that they lay out the entire building. The geometric construction is associated by
prayers and religious observances.
3. The Christians
The cross is used as the major emblem for the Christian religion. n geometrical terms the cross, elaborated in the
Medieval period, is the form of an unfolded cube. t was also associated with kingship. Many of the Gothic
churches were built by proportions derived from the geometry inherent in the cube or the double-cube. Many
Christian churches are still built in this form today.
. The Ancient !"yptians
The ancient Egyptians used regular polygons in their construction, but discovered that these polygons could be
increased while keeping the ratio of their sides by the addition of a strictly constructed area. This was named the
"gnomon" by the Greeks. The god Osiris was given the recognition for the concept of the ratio-retaining expansion
of a rectangular area. Egyptians also used the square as a symbol of kingship.
#. The $isco%ery of &ay Ham'id"e
&ay Ham'id"e was an art historian at Yale during the 1920's. He discovered that the spirals on the onic column
capitals of ancient Greek temples were laid out by the "whirling rectangle" method for creation of a logarithmic
spiral. He did not find any "sacred meaning" for the logarithmic spiral form of the onic column capital. However, he
did find that the Greek architects purposely constructed their temples according to "whirling rectangle" geometric
ratios. Click here for image.
"Mathematics, as the basis of all science, is itself a universal symbolism, a language into which all knowledge is
eventually translated and rendered communicable. The key to all knowledge is in the science of numbers."
(Sepharial 24)
One symbolizes manifestation, assertion, the ego, selfhood and isolation. n the philosophical sense, it represents
the synthesis and fundamental unity of things. n a religious sense, it represents the lord. n a material sense, it
represents the individual. t is the symbol of the Sun.
Two symbolizes plus and minus, active and passive, male and female, positive and negative and so on. t stands
for the dualism of manifested life-God and Nature. t denotes agreement and separation.
Three symbolizes the trinity of life, substance, and intelligence, of force, matter, and consciousness. The family-
father, mother, and child.
Four is the number of reality and concretion. t is the cube or the square. t symbolizes the cross, segmentation,
partition, order, and classification.
Five represents expansion. t symbolizes inclusiveness, comprehension, understanding, judgment, reason, and
Six is the number of cooperation. t symbolizes marriage, a link, and connection. Six is the inner action of the
spiritual and material. Six also represents art, music, dancing.
Seven is the number of completion. t represents time, space, duration, and distance. t also represents old age,
death, or endurance, and immortality.
Eight is the number of dissolution. t denotes the law of cyclic evolution, the breaking back of the natural to the
Nine is the number of regeneration. A new birth. t represents spirituality, premonition, and voyaging. t also
represents penetration, strife, energy, and anger.

The superficial equivalents of the sphere, cone and cube are the circle, the triangle, and the square. These figures,
used in symbolical thought, represent states of consciousness. These figures are related to the numbers 1, 3, 4,
which denote God, Humanity, and Nature. One Being is represented as spirit, soul and body.
All geometrical relations are expressions of numerical ratios. "...we give natural assent to the power of numbers on
which, in the Pythagorean concept, the universe is founded." (Sepharial 19)
The circles represents the sun and relates the natural aspects with the spiritual. There is only one sun and
therefore, one God who is the universal lord. (The number one.)
-um'ers are also associated )ith colors.
1 / White
2 / 0ello) or cream
3 / 1iolet
/ (ran"e or ruddy "old
# / 2ndi"o or dark 'lue
3 / Pale 'lue or tur4uoise
5 / +il%er or opalescence
6 / 7lack or deep 'ro)n
8/ Red or crimson
The Parthenon was created by the Greeks. The
Greeks believed that everything, form the human
body to the entire cosmos, was governed by an order
accessible to human reason.

The #arthenon was created as a temple for $thena
#arthenos. t is located at the top of the Acropolis of
Athens. t was built to house a huge gold and ivory
statue of the goddess Athena.
The #arthenon is known as a geometrical masterpiece. t is very pleasing to the eye due to the unique
architecture. The lines that are perceived as horizontals in fact are curved upward in the middle. The platform upon
which the columns of the temple stand is slightly curved on all four sides. All of the columns are tilted inward
slightly, and are placed closer together toward the corners of the building.
The geometrical aspect of the #arthenon is also very interesting. f you add the number of Columns on the front
and then multiply them by 2 and add 1 you will get the number of columns on each side. (8x2 = 16, 16+1 = 17)
This is said to be geometrically proportional. t is interesting that the number of columns chosen for the front was

Eight also represents the infinit smbol and looks like a spiral. The spiral is important when discussing aspects
of the Golden Mean because the spiral helps describe the Golden %ean logarithmic spiral. have previously
given the sunflower as an example. The sunflower has 55 clockwise spirals overlaid onto either 34 or 89
counterclockwise spirals. We recognize these numbers as part of the Fibonacci Series, which is generated by Phi.
-e)"ran"e9 2reland

Newgrange was built around 3,200 BCE. t is a circular
mound of earth and stone and is about 250 feet in diameter.

The interior is solid, but there is a single stone-lined
passage that is 62 feet long and 3 feet wide.

This passage terminates close to the center of the mound in
a main chamber with a corbelled vault 20 feet high and
three recessed chambers.
The entrance of Newgrange incorporates a "roof box" that allows the sun, at sunrise on the morning of the winter
solstice on December 21, to enter the interior. The sun penetrates the full length of the interior passage all the way
to the main chamber.
t is interesting to me that Newgrange was choosen to be a circle and that the sun plays a very important role in its
architecture. As have stated previously, The circle represents the sun and relates the natural aspects with the
spiritual. There is only one sun and therefore, one God who is the universal lord. This also represents the number

:top; photo"raph sho)in" sunli"ht shinin" throu"h the <roof 'o,<

:ri"ht; photo"raph sho)in" sunli"ht enterin" the main cham'er
+epharial,The Kabala of Numbers,California: Newcastle Publishing Co. nc.,1974.
=a)lor9 Ro'ert,Sacred Geometry, New York: Crossroad, 1982.
+chimmel9 Annemarie, The Mystery of Numbers, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Each lightSource image is fully animated and utilizes 6000 colors. At normal speed (suitable for meditation) it
takes about ten minutes for an image to unfold its full range of colors.
These thumbnails and screenshots are instant snapshots of the images captured in a single moment, and each is
displayed here in only 256 colors.
The +ri 0antra

2cosidodecahedron and Penta"onal
Golden Ratio +pirals

Tree of =ife superimposed )ith
+eed of =ife
Harmonics of >usic )ith 13 +trand
*lo)er of =ife )ith 2nd Harmonic
!lectroma"netic *ield of the
Human >erka'a
The !ndless ?not


>etatron@s Cu'e

Ankhs :ansate cross; and the +eed
of =ife
+acred Heart

1esica Piscis
Sacred Geometr is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. t is an ancient science that explores
and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of
Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one
or more geometric shapes.
As you enter the world of Sacred Geometr you begin to see as never before the wonderfully patterned beauty of
Creation. The molecules of our &N$, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond
crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we
breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating
these codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the inner
workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.
The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometr was essential to the education of the soul. They
knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of awareness.
To them the "sacred had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness
. the ultimate sacred wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in
the experience of self-awareness.
The gift of lightSource is that it actually allows you to experience that essential self within the designs of pure
Source energy. As the blueprints literally come to life before your eyes, you are propelled into ecstatic play with the
very the heart of Creation.

Each of the thirteen images featured represents a complex melding of sacred geometric elements with a state-of-
the-art media realization into complex, flowingly animated art. Exponential combinations of color palettes, images
and unlimited choices of music and sound create unique, unparalleled experiences.
Embedded in these experiences are the properties associated with each geometry. Also, there is always an
experiential and emotional aspect associated with every sacred geometrical form. These particular aspects
become more apparent over time. n the end, keep only what your personal experience validates.
+acred Geometry *orms Properties Associated )ith the *orm
1. Torus
The first shape to emerge out of the genesis pattern. t governs many aspects of life including the human heart
with its seven muscles that form a torus. The torus is literally around all life forms, all atoms, and all cosmic bodies
such as planets, stars and galaxies. t is the primary shape in existence.
2. 1esica Piscis
The crucible of the creating process. An opening to the womb from which all geometric forms are born. A symbol
of the fusion of opposites and a passageway through the world's apparent polarities. The geometric image through
which light was born. Also the geometry for the human eye.
3. *lo)er of =ife
The geometric power symbol, which activates energy coding in the mind, helping one to access their "light body. t
is the primal language of the universepure shape and proportion. This interlocking circle design has the ability to
unlock memories that are deep within our being because it is a primary energy/language pattern that has a
resonance with all things within us and around us. Shown here with a harmonic overlay.
. Tree of =ife and
+eed of =ife
The Tree of Life is one of the most ancient and profound teachings of the awareness of Universal life force
energies and the light body. Along with the Seed of Life it is part of the geometry that parallels the cycle of the fruit
tree. When these two forms are superimposed upon each other that relationship becomes apparent. The Tree of
Life is most widely recognized as the geometry that is the basis for the Kabalah, the ancient system of mystical
#. +eed of =ife and
Ankh Cross
Geometry of seven interconnected circles, the Seed of Life is considered to be the basic unit of information
necessary for the formation of all material substance. n this rendition, the Seed of Life is superimposed over the
geometry of an Ankh or Ansate cross, an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph signifying life, health and happiness. This
cross has been extensively used in the symbolism of the Coptic Christian church.
3. !lectro >a"netic
*ield of the Human
The Star Tetrahedron (a three dimensional Star of David) is the sacred geometry at the center of this form and is
the pattern of the etheric light grid that surrounds each human being. This grid is called the Merkaba and it is an
interdimensional vehicle used initially to incarnate spirit into human bodily form. The Universal energy of Love is
the fuel for this vehicle.
5. >etatronAs Cu'e
One of the most important informational systems in the universe and one of the basic creation patterns for all of
existence. Within it are found all five of the Platonic Solids, the building blocks of creation.
6. $eca"on )ith a
Penta"onal +tar
The Decagon emerges from the pentagon and shares its self-generating divine proportion, the golden mean. At
the center of this design is the Pentagonal Star, a powerful psychological icon symbolizing excellence, authority
and uprightness.
8. Golden >ean
The Golden Mean Spiral is the ideal and correlates to Source. t is the symbol of life's unfolding mysteries. With
each revolution the spiral reveals a complete cycle of evolution. t offers a wiser and more all-encompassing
perspective gleaned from growing by "learning all angles of each experience. With their continuous curves, spirals
are feminine in nature. Logarithmic spirals, like cochlea of the inner ear, reveal the intimate relationship between
the harmonics of sound and geometry.
1B. Harmonics of
and Thirteen
Like the Golden Mean Spiral, this geometric progression has no beginning and no end. t is from the Harmonics of
Music that all the laws of physics can be derived, reveling the potent nature of this form. Music is a powerful tool
for opening the charkas. This geometry artistically symbolizes this relationship, and as such, may be a particularly
good focus for meditation when listening to Enos Dream.
11. !ndless ?not
One of the eight sacred emblems of Tibetan Buddhism, this geometry forms ten enclosures and symbolizes the
endless cycle of death and rebirth until illumination. (The core Buddhist insight underlying this symbol is: addiction
and aversion lead to delusion, which is the ongoing source of all suffering.)
12. +acred Heart
s said to be primary source of spiritual intuition, and the seat of true wisdom. The purpose of which is to illuminate,
inspire and lead the mind, rather than be controlled by the mind.
13. +ri 0antra
A geometric power symbol. The ancient yogis of ndia considered it to be the most powerful of all known geometric
power symbols. Represents the geometric structure of the sound of creationOM.
Meditation on the Sri Yantra will bring enlightenment and that all the secrets of the universe will be revealed to the
person who meditates on it until its image is engraved in the mind. This form also has the ability to focus, balance
and increase the level of life force energy. The key is experiencing Sri Yantra as a "star gate to the Zero Point of
Source from which all manifestation ultimately comes.
by 2$TimeTra%eller
from 3rd$imension(n=ine We'site

>etatron@s Cu'e

The image you see above is the correct version of "%etatron's (ube", or the fruit of life with the 5 platonic solids.
made it with a 3D program and what you see are the actual edges of the platonic solids.
The dodecahedron and icosahedron actually have their "inner" corner points touching the star tetrahedron that fits
in a circle that is = 1/ x the circle connecting the corners of the outer cube.
Where ("phi") = 1.618 033 988 749 594 ...
The way to figure out drawing this is by beginning with the normal flower of life "grid" (of 5 non-intersecting inner
circles, or in this case: 7 intersecting full circles - left image):
Then draw a circle that is equal to 1/ x the outer circle.
For this, put the point of a compass on the middle of the vertical radius (in the centre of the second "flower" from
the top along the vertical axis) and draw a circle from where the horizontal axis (through the middle of the circle)
cuts the outer circle (see below);
The circle you can draw when you put one point of the compass in the centre of the grid, and draw a circle from
where the other circle cuts the vertical axis (through the middle of the circle), is a circle times smaller than the
outer circle:

After this, draw the appropriate startetrahedron(s) and you have found all the points necessary to draw the other
platonic solids.
Here are all the platonic solids the way they fit in %etatron's cube)
Tetrahedron +tar tetrahedron
Cu'e (ctahedron
$odecahedron 2cosahedron
All platonic solids
Not all solids can be (fully) seen, as some lines are hidden behind others.
All solids as in metatronAs cu'e9 seen from side
Here are all the solids of >etatronAs cu'e. This is )hat you see in
>etatronAs cu'e from the top9 'ut here it is seen from the :ri"ht; side.
Classic representation of dodecahdron in tetrahedron
This is a correct %ersion of a dodecahdron in a startetrahedron. 2tAs a
classic representation that is commonly done in a )ay that is incorrect.
The corners of the dodecahedron are found 'y dra)in" lines from the
corners of the 'i" startetrahedron to those of a startetrahedron that is C
times smaller. .

from +an"raal We'site
$ra)in" 'y $run%alo >elchiDedek

Perhaps you can see the rectangle with the triad on top and bottom. t is part of the cube nested within a cube.
%etatron's (ube is the incubator of 3D. t represents a box within a box or a cube nested within a cube.

The Tesseract represents a process in which one might peer into the fourth dimension. The drawings of the
Dodecahedron - Eve's Grid and the Tesseract are basically the same geometry except that the Tesseract is tilted
so you might better define the six sections.
Outlined in red is one of the six sections. The idea is to go into the outlined area and see it as a cube. Once you
have visualized being inside the cube, it represents the cube of 4D. Click on the Tesseract to get a larger image
The Tesseract
$ra)in" comes from a 'ook pu'lished in
1826 titled <Theosophy and the *ourth
$imension< 'y Ale,ander Horne.
for visualization.
t often takes a student several tries to actually get inside the 4D cube. The larger image works much better than
the small one. f you have difficulty after a couple of days, perhaps stop for a few days and try again. t took me
several attempts to see it the first time.
Seeing the cube within a cube dimensionally leads one to consider the nature of the Holographic model. t has
the nature of being exactly the same structure if you were to tear off a piece from the edge. The integrity of the
geometry would be maintained infinitely. The image below could be that of the corner you just ripped off the edge.
A'o%e9 )e see that the Tree of =ife is contained
in >etatronAs Cu'eEGrid. The %ie) a'o%e
comes from the +eed of =ife9 therefore
metaphorically9 the Tree is contained )ithin the
seed9 and is a fractal property from the
$ra)in" 'y $run%alo >elchiDedek
When considering the Flower of life Geometries, keep in mind that curved lines represent female characteristics
and straight lines represent male characteristics. The drawing depicts the holographic nature of the male and
female character of the grid work and a deeper, more "within" nature, of %etatron's (ube*
>erka'a *ield

La Geometra est presente por doquier en toda la naturaleza, est en el basamento de la estructura de todas las
cosas desde las molculas hasta las galaxias, desde los nfimos virus hasta los grandes elefantes. A pesar de
nuestra actual separacin del mundo natural, nosotros seres humanos seguimos ligados a las leyes naturales del
El trmino Geometr+a significa literalmente "medida o medici,n de la tierra".
Es una herramienta fundamental que est estrechamente ligada a todo aquello que sea hecho por las manos del
hombre y desde tiempos antiguos a todo lo que significan las mediciones, que en esos tiempos eran consideradas
como pertenecientes a una de las ramas de la %agia . En la antigedad la magia, la ciencia y la religin eran de
echo inseparables, constituyendo el fundamento del conocimiento de los sacerdotes.
La armona inherente a la geometra fue comprendida como una de las expresiones del plan divino que
basamenta al universo, un patrn metafsico que determina lo fsico. La realidad interna, trascendente a las
formas externas, ha permanecido a travs de la historia como la base de las estructuras sagradas. Hoy da es tan
valido construir un edificio moderno de acuerdo a los principios de la geometra sagrada como lo fue en el pasado
en estilos como el egipcio, griego, romnico, islmico, gtico o renacentista.
La proporcin y la armona se hallan ntimamente ligadas a la geometra sagrada, porque ella a su vez est ligada
metafsicamente a la estructura ntima de la materia.
=os principios de la GeometrGa +a"rada
Los principios que basamentan disciplinas tales como la geometra sagrada, la magia o an la electrnica estn
ligados a la naturaleza del universo. Las variaciones en la forma externa pueden estar influidas por
consideraciones religiosas o an polticas, mas los fundamentos operativos permanecen constantes. Un ejemplo
lo encontramos en una analoga elctrica. Para poder iluminar con una lmpara elctrica es necesario cumplir con
una serie de condiciones. Es necesario hacer circular por dicha lmpara una corriente elctrica de determinada
intensidad, para lo cual hay que aplicar una tensin elctrica por medio del circuito y las conexiones adecuadas.
Estas condiciones no son negociables, si algo se realiza incorrectamente la lmpara no ha de iluminar o se
quemar. Todo aqul que realice tales tareas debe adherir a estos principios fundamentales o fallar en su
intento. Tales principios son independientes de toda consideracin poltica o sectaria, el circuito ha de funcionar
ya sea bajo un rgimen dictatorial como bajo uno democrtico.
De manera anloga, los principios fundantes de la geometra arcana trascienden las consideraciones religiosas
sectarias. Como una ciencia que lleva a la reintegracin de la humanidad con el todo csmico, ella ha de obrar,
como en el caso de la electricidad, sobre todo aqul que rena los criterios fundamentales, sin importar de quin
se trate. La aplicacin universal de idnticos principios de geometra arcana en lugares separados por vastos
espacios de tiempo, lugar y creencia atestigua su naturaleza trascendental. Fue aplicada a las pirmides y
templos del $ntiguo -gipto, los templos maas, los tabern.culos de Jeho/., los 0igurat babilonios, las
me01uitas isl.micas y las catedrales cristianas. Como un hilo invisible los principios inmutables conectan estas
estructuras sagradas.
Uno de los principios de la geometra sagrada lo encontramos en la mxima hermtica "como es arriba2 as+ es
aba3o" y tambin en "auello ue se halla en el peue!o mundo, el microcosmos, refle"a lo ue se halla en el
gran mundo o macrocosmos". Este principio de correspondencia se halla en la base de todas las ciencias
arcanas, donde las formas del universo manifestado se reflejan en el cuerpo y constitucin del hombre.
En la concepcin bblica el hombre ha sido creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios, siendo l un templo dispuesto
por el Creador para albergar al espritu que eleva al hombre por encima del reino animal. Por ello, la geometr+a
sagrada no trata nicamente sobre las figuras geomtricas obtenidas a la manera clsica con comps y
escuadra, sino tambin de las relaciones armnicas del cuerpo humano, de la estructura de los animales y las
plantas, de las formas de los cristales y de todas las manifestaciones de las formas en el universo.
Desde tiempos remotos la geometr+a ha sido inseparable de la magia. An las arcaicas inscripciones en las
rocas siguen formas geomtricas. Debido a que las complejidades y abstractas verdades expresadas por las
formas geomtricas solamente pueden ser explicadas como reflexiones de las ms profundas verdades , fueron
consideradas como misterios sagrados del mayor nivel y fueron puestas fuera de los ojos profanos. Estos
profundos conocimientos pudieron ser transmitidos de un iniciado a otro por medio de smbolos geomtricos sin
que los ignorantes de ello siquiera tomaran nota que se efectuaba dicha comunicacin.
Cada forma geomtrica est investida de un significado simblico y psicolgico. De esta manera todo aquello
hecho por la mano del hombre que incorpore dichos smbolos deviene un vehculo para las ideas y conceptos
incorporados en su geometra. A travs de las edades las geometras simblicas han sido las bases para la
arquitectura sagrada y an profana. Algunas subsisten todava como potentes arquetipos de fe: el hexagrama
como smbolo del Judasmo, la cruz en el Cristianismo.
=as formas y fi"uras "eomHtricas
Unas pocas formas geomtricas constituyen la base de toda la diversidad de la estructura del universo.
Todas estas formas geomtricas bsicas pueden ser fcilmente realizadas por medio de dos herramientas que
los gemetras han usado desde los albores de la historia: la escuadra el comp.s. Como figuras universales,
su construccin no requiere de ninguna medida, ellas se dan tambin a travs de formaciones naturales en el
reino orgnico como en el inorgnico.
/ !l cGrculo
El crculo ha sido seguramente uno de los primeros smbolos dibujados por el hombre. Es simple de dibujar, es
una forma visible cotidianamente en la naturaleza, visto en el cielo como los discos del sol y la luna, en las formas
de animales y plantas y en las estructuras geolgicas. Muchas construcciones antiguas adoptaron esta forma, los
tipi americanos y los urt mongoles son los sobrevivientes de estas formas universales. Desde los crculos
neolticos britnicos y a travs de las formas megalticas de piedra circulares de los templos, la forma circular ha
imitado la redondez del horizonte visible, haciendo de cada construccin un pequeo mundo en s mismo.
El crculo representa la completura y la totalidad. En un antiguo tratado alqumico se lee:
"Haz un crculo del hombre y la mujer, y dibuja fuera de l un cuadrado, y fuera del cuadrado un tringulo. Haz un
crculo y tendrs la piedra de los filsofos".
El crculo ha sido empleado como s+mbolo de la -ternidad de la 4nidad.
Como eternidad porque no tiene principio ni fin y siempre retorna al mismo punto. Tambin por esta razn
simboliza el Universo, no hay punto donde comience ni punto donde tenga fin, entonces todo lo contiene y no hay
nada fuera de l, por ello tambin es smbolo de la Unidad, especialmente cuando en l se hace presente el
centro como smbolo de la primera manifestacin.
Tambin simboliza el Destino, Hado o Necesidad y la ley cclica porque a medida que la rueda de la vida gira los
ciclos retornan marcando en la naturaleza la repeticin y renovacin de los ciclos de vida y en la historia humana
el eterno retorno de los arquetipos.

/ !l cuadrado
Muchos templos antiguos fueron realizados bajo una forma cuadrada. Representando el microcosmos y con ello
la estabilidad del mundo, esta es una caracterstica saliente de las llamadas montaas del mundo, los #igurat, las
pir$mides y los stupas. Estas estructuras simbolizan el punto de transicin entre el cielo y la tierra, centradas
idealmente en el omphalos, el punto axial en el centro del mundo, su ombligo.
Puede ser dividido en cuatro cuadrados haciendo una cruz que automticamente define su centro. Orientado
hacia los cuatro puntos cardinales, en el caso de las pirmides egipcias con excepcional precisin, puede ser
adems biseccionado adems por diagonales, dividindolo en ocho tringulos. Estas ocho lneas, radiando del
centro, forman los ejes hacia las cuatro direcciones del espacio, y los cuatro rincones del mundo, la divisin
octuple del espacio. Esta divisin del espacio est emblematizada en el octuple sendero del Buddhismo y en
los cuatro caminos reales de Bretaa, sealadas en la Historia de los Reyes de Bretaa. Cada una de las ocho
direcciones en Tibet, estn bajo la guarda simblica de una familia, una tradicin similar a la de las ocho nobles
familias de Bretaa.
/ =a 1esica Piscis
La /esica piscis es la figura producida cuando dos crculos de igual tamao son dibujados hasta el centro del
otro. Ha representado el vientre de la Diosa Madre, el punto de surgimiento de la vida. Ha tenido una posicin de
primaca en la fundacin de construcciones sagradas. Desde los antiguos templos y crculos de piedra hasta las
grandes catedrales medievales, el acto inicial de fundacin ha estado relacionado a la salida del sol en un da
predeterminado. Este nacimiento simblico del templo con el nuevo sol es un tema universal, relacionado con la
tambin con la /esica piscis. La geometra de los templos hindes, as como los de Asia Menor, norte de frica y
Europa, tal como ha sido registrado, derivan directamente de la sombra de un gnom,n. Hay un antiguo texto
snscrito referido a la fundacin de templos, el %anasara Shilna Shastra, que detalla el plan para su orientacin.
El sitio ha de ser elegido por un practicante de la geomancia, clavndose all un gnom%n, alrededor del cual se
traza un crculo. Este procedimiento fija el eje este-oeste. Desde cada extremo de este eje se trazan arcos,
produciendo una /esica piscis, la que a su vez determina el eje norte-sur. De esta vesica inicial, se dibuja otra en
ngulo recto y de esta un crculo central y entonces un cuadrado dirigido a los cuatro cuartos de la tierra. El
sistema utilizado por los romanos para la fundacin de sus ciudades descrito en los libros de 1itru%io se muestra
idntico al sistema hind aqu descrito.

/ !l nImero de oro
El nmero de oro, o seccin de oro, es una relacin que ha sido usada en la arquitectura sagrada y el arte ya
desde el perodo del antiguo Egipto.
Las construcciones y los objetos sagrados de egipcios y griegos tienen geometras basadas en la divisin del
espacio obtenida por rectngulos raz y sus derivados. Los rectngulos raz son producidos directamente a partir
de un cuadrado por el simple dibujo con comps, entrando as a la categora de la geometra clsica, producida
sin mediciones.
Existe una serie de rectngulos raz que se hallan interconectados. El primero de ellos es un cuadrado, el
segundo es raz de 2, el tercero es raz de 3, el cuarto es el doble cuadrado y el quinto es raz de 5. Si bien los
lados de dichos rectngulos no son medibles en trminos numricos, los griegos decan que no eran realmente
irracionales porque eran medibles en trminos de cuadrados producidos de ellos. La posibilidad de medicin en
trminos de rea en lugar de longitud ha sido uno de los grandes secretos de los griegos.
Esto nos lleva a otro factor fundamental en diseo de arquitectura sagrada: la proporci,n la
conmensurabilidad. La msica lo demuestra admirablemente en sus armonas, y de hecho de ella se ha dicho
que es geometra convertida en sonido. La conmensurabilidad asegura completa armona a travs de una
construccin u obra de arte, es una integracin de todas las proporciones de las partes de tal manera que cada
una de ellas tiene una forma y tamao fijos. Nada puede ser aadido o removido sin alterar la armona del todo.
Ciertos rectngulos que son punto de partida de figuras geomtricas relacionadas constituyen las bases para
tales estructuras armonizadoras.
Los rectngulos con relaciones entre lados de 3:2, 5:4, 8:5, 13:6, etc. en los cuales las relaciones estn
expresadas en nmeros enteros se los ha llamado rectngulos estticos, mientras que rectngulos tales como los
rectngulos raz son llamados rectngulos dinmicos. Hay unos pocos rectngulos que combinan las propiedades
de lo esttico y lo dinmico: el cuadrado y el doble cuadrado. La diagonal de este es seguramente la forma ms
favorecida en las construcciones sagradas y es raz de 5, lo cual se halla directamente relacionado a la
proporcin de oro.
Esta importante razn, llamada por los griegos la Secci,n , la &i/ina #roporci,n por =uca Paccioli (1509), y
bautizada por =eonardo da 1inci y sus seguidores la Seccin Dorada o N5mero de 6ro , tiene propiedades
nicas que han cautivado a los gemetras desde tiempos egipcios.
Esta relacin existe entre dos objetos o cantidades cuando la razn entre la mayor y la menor es igual a la
existente entre la suma de las dos (la totalidad) y la mayor.

Es simbolizada por la letra #hi, en honor a *idias. Numricamente posee propiedades excepcionales, tanto
algebraicas como geomtricas, Phi=1,618, 1/Phi=0,618 y Phi al cuadrado=2,618. En toda progresin o serie de
trminos que tenga a #hi como la razn entre sus trminos sucesivos cada trmino es igual a la suma de los dos
que lo preceden.
En trminos numricos esta serie fue primeramente conocida en Europa por =eonardo *i'onacci, nacido en
1179. Viaj con su padre a Argelia donde los gemetras rabes le ensearon los secretos de la serie, pudiendo
tambin introducir los nmeros arbicos, revolucionando las matemticas europeas.
Esta serie ha sido reconocida como el principio de la estructura de los organismos vivientes y de la estructura del
El nmero de oro ha sido honrado a travs de la historia. PlatFn en su Timeo lo considera como la clave de la
fsica del cosmos y hasta el moderno arquitecto =e Cor'usier, padre de los edificios torre, dise un sistema
modular basado en dicha proporcin.
by Richard Ha)kins
(es necesario tener instalado 7uickTime #laer)

<click< en las fotos y espere 2 minutos apro,. para 4ue car"ue el archi%o.

+acred Geometry9
Crosses and +)astikas
by &iri >ruDek
from Prehistoric+cienceArt We'site

While looking at the golden grid of the glyphic square from the inscription, began pondering the crosses and
swastikas, which can be isolated in this grid. The swastikas looked to me markantly unlike the nazi symbols.
Searching the web then produced confirmation for this impression.
Unlike the swastikas we see here, the official swastika of the Third Reich was built from seventeen identical
squares in a grid of 25 such squares.
The A'ydos Helicopter inscription emphasizes the golden grid of a square - a field of Golden Rectangles, and
corresponding squares.
The swastikas, as well as the crosses you see here conform to the Divine Proportion. would not be surprised, if
the dimensions of the cross, on which Jesus was crucified, had just happened to conform to the Divine Proportion
for the sake of the divine presence, and it may have looked much like the cross on the left, below.
The cross on the right is also made out of Golden Rectangles. Crosses, and swastikas are among the essential
sacred symbols, but their actual construction may vary between sacred, and ordinary.
The above swastikas from circa 1907 postcards seem to be constructed by the olden Section. They are the only
such old swastikas found on the net. Similarly, a Google search for the keywords 'swastika' and 'golden section'
produces only one complete hit - this page. t seems unbelievable that no one else has ever raised this important
copyri"ht 18B5 'y !. Phillips9 a K.+. card pu'lisher
The text on the card back reads: GOOD LUCK EMBLEM
"The +)astika" is the oldest cross and emblem in the world. t forms a combination of four "L's" standing for Luck,
Light, Love and Life. t has been found in ancient Rome, excavations in Grecian cities, on Buddhist idols, on
Chinese coins dated 315 B.C., and our own Southwest ndians use it as an amulet.
t is claimed that the Mound Builders and Cliff Dwellers of Mexico, Central America consider "The Swastika" a
charm to drive away evil and bring good luck, long life and prosperity to the possessor.

The above swastika from probably the same series misses its mark, as a good luck charm, no doubt. t certainly
did not help the nazis any. This is the one swastika, which shall for ever be tarnished as the symbol of Evil. Just
look at the 2/3 ratios on its sides.
2E3 L .333.. -eed 2 say moreM This is no divine life-giving proportion. This is no sacred swastika. Were
its proportions the main factor in Hitler's blessings for it as the official symbol of his state?
So, there is a difference between the 666 Swastika adopted by Hitler , and the 1.316 s)astika composed upon
the $i%ine Proportion and selected from the golden grid of a square. t was not in Hitler's power to undo the
sacred fundamental nature of this symbol, just like it was not in Stalin's power to diminish the sacred nature of the
5-pointed star.
Some interesting related reading on Fulcanelli
q t T tsh nb

3.1 AT=A-T!A- +!CR!T+ R!12+2T!$
As illustrated in our previous volume, a majority of the unified cosmological picture that we have been describing in
this book is provided in exquisite detail throughout the Vedic scriptures, which date themselves as being 18,000
years old. t is highly likely that the entire cosmology that we are discussing was well known by both the
Atlanteans and the Ramans during ancient times. Then, roughly 12,000 years ago, a worldwide cataclysm
caused the destruction of both civilizations. As the years passed, those who inherited the scientific knowledge
would have more and more difficulty seeing "the big picture.
Almost all sacred traditions, including those of the Vedas, insisted that there was a hidden order that unified all
aspects of the Universe, and that with sufficient study and visualization of the underlying geometric forms of this
order, the mind of the nitiate could be connected with the (neness of the Kni%erse, enabling great feats of
consciousness and mind-over-matter capability to occur. Some of these visualizations took the form of studying
mandalas, such as the +ri 0antra formation. Others preferred to engage in dances where the movements and
music were in tune with these geometric patterns. Still others preferred to assemble, sculpt and / or draw these
forms with a compass and straightedge, hence the importance of the main symbol of the >asonic fraternity,
which has the letter "G, symbolizing "God, "Geometry and the "Great Architect of the Universe, surrounded by a
compass above it and a straightedge below it. Pre-Masonic groups such as the ?ni"ht Templars chose to encode
these geometric relationships into their sacred structures, such as the stained-glass windows in cathedrals.

3.2 +ACR!$ G!(>!TR0 A-$ TH! P=AT(-2C +(=2$+
Hence, the cornerstone of knowledge for secret mystery schools regarding this hidden order in the Universe has
always been sacred "eometry. We have written extensively on this subject in both of our previous books, and the
reader is encouraged to refer back to them for greater understanding. n short, sacred geometry is simply another
form of vibration, or "crystallized music. Consider the following example:
First, we vibrate a guitar string. This creates "standing waves, meaning waves that do not move back and forth
across the string but remain stable in one place. We will see some areas where there is an extreme of vertical
movement, representing the top and bottom of the wave, and other areas where there is no vertical movement,
known as nodes. The nodes that are formed in any type of standing wave will always be spaced evenly apart from
each other, and the speed of the vibration will determine how many nodes will appear. This means that the higher
the vibration rises, the more nodes we will see.
n two dimensions, we can either use an oscilloscope or vibrate a flat circular "Chladni plate and see nodes
develop that will form common geometric forms such as the square, triangle and hexagon when connected
together. This work has been repeated many times by $r. Hans &enny, Gerald Ha)kins and others.
- f the circle has three equally spaced nodes, then they can connect to form a triangle
- f the circle has four equally spaced nodes, it can form a square
- f it has five nodes, it forms a pentagon
- Six nodes form a hexagon, et cetera
Though this is a very simple concept in terms of wave mechanics, Gerald Ha)kins was the first to establish
mathematically that such geometries inscribed within circles were indeed musical relationships. We may be
surprised to realize that he was led to this discovery by analyzing various geometric crop formations that would
appear overnight in the fields of the British countryside. This has been covered in both of our previous volumes.
The deepest, most revered forms of sacred geometry are three-dimensional, and are known as the Platonic
solids. There are only five formations in existence that follow all the needed rules to qualify, and these are the
eight-sided octahedron, four-sided tetrahedron, six-sided cube, twelve-sided dodecahedron and twenty-sided
icosahedron. Here, the tetrahedron is shown as a "star tetrahedron or interlaced tetrahedron, meaning that you
have two tetrahedra that are joined together in perfect symmetry:

*i"ure 3.1 N The fi%e 'asic Platonic +olids.

Here are some of the main rules for these "eometric solids:
- Each formation will have the same shape on every side:
equilateral triangle faces on the octahedron, tetrahedron and icosahedron
square faces on the cube
pentagonal faces on the dodecahedron
- Every line on each of the formations will be exactly the same length.
- Every internal angle on each of the formations will also be the same.
And most importantly,
- Each shape will fit perfectly inside of a sphere, all the points touching the edges of the sphere with no overlaps.
Similar to the two-dimensional cases involving the triangle, square, pentagon and hexagon inside the circle, the
Platonic +olids are simply representations of waveforms in three dimensions. This point cannot be stressed
strongly enough. Each tip or vertex of the Platonic +olids touches the surface of a sphere in an area where the
vibrations have canceled out to form a node. Thus, what we are seeing is a three/dimensional "eometric ima"e
of %i'ration E pulsation.
Both the students of 7uckminster *uller and his protg $r. Hans &enny devised clever experiments that
showed how the Platonic +olids would form within a vibrating / pulsating sphere. n the experiment conducted by
*uller's students, a spherical balloon was dipped in dye and pulsed with "pure sound frequencies, known as the
"$iatonic sound ratios. A small number of evenly-distanced nodes would form across the surface of the sphere,
as well as thin lines that connected them to each other. f you have four evenly spaced nodes, you will see a
tetrahedron. Six evenly spaced nodes form an octahedron. Eight evenly spaced nodes form a cu'e. Twenty
evenly spaced nodes form the dodecahedron, and twelve evenly spaced nodes form the icosahedron. The
straight lines that we see on these geometric objects simply represent the stresses that are created by the
"closest distance between two points for each of the nodes as they distribute themselves across the entire surface
of the sphere.
*i"ure 3.2 N $r. Hans &ennyAs Platonic +olid formation in spherical %i'ratin" fluid.

$r. Hans &enny conducted a similar experiment, a small part of which is pictured here in Figure 3.2, wherein a
droplet of water contained a very fine suspension of light-colored particles, known as a "colloidal suspension.
When this roughly spherical droplet of particle-filled water was vibrated at various "$iatonic musical frequencies,
the Platonic +olids would appear inside, surrounded by elliptical curving lines that would connect their nodes
together, as we see in the picture, where it is clear that there are two tetrahedrons in the central area. f the droplet
were a perfect sphere instead of a flattened sphere, then the formations would be even more clearly visible.

3.3 P=AT(-2C +(=2$+ A-$ O+0>>!TR0P 2- PH0+2C+
The mystery and significance of the Platonic +olids has not been completely lost to modern science, as these
forms fit all the necessary criteria for creating "symmetry in physics in many different ways. For this reason, they
are often seen in theories that deal with multi-dimensionality, where many "planes need to intersect in
symmetrical ways so that they can be rotated in a number of ways and always remain in the same positions
relative to each other. These multi-dimensional theories include ""roup theory, also known as ""au"e theory,
which consistently features various Platonic models for "infolded hyperdimensional space.
These same "modular functions are considered to be the most advanced mathematical tools available for the
study and understanding of "higher dimensions, and the "+uperstrin" theory is entirely built off of them. n short,
the Platonic +olids are already known to be the master key to unlock the world of "higher dimensions.
Remember that we have only briefly mentioned the above points, as they have been well-addressed in our
previous volumes, and the key is symmetry. When we keep in mind the symmetrical quality of the Solids as we
have indicated, $r. Wolff's words from Chapter 5 entitled On the mportance of Living in Three Dimensions should
make good sense to us:
Pg. 71 As your advisor in exploration, can tell you, "Whenever you see a situation of symmetry in a physical
problem, stop and think! Because you will nearly always find an easier way to solve the problem by using the
symmetry property. This is one of the rewards of playing around with symmetry. The ideas are neat.
n mathematics and "eometry, there is a need to be precise; so there symmetry is defined to mean that a
function or a geometric figure remains the same, despite:
1) a rotation of coordinates,
2) movement along an axis, or
3) an interchange of variables.
n physical science, which is our main concern, the existence of a symmetry usually means that a law of Nature
does not change, despite:
1) a rotation of coordinates in space,
2) movement along an axis through space,
3) changing the past into the future such that t becomes t,
4) an interchange of two coordinates such as exchanging x with y, z with z, etc. or,
5) the change of any given variable. [emphasis added]
The Platonic +olids have the "reatest "eometric symmetry of any shapes in existence, though $r. Wolff does
not call them by name here. n the next excerpt from $r. Aspden, he refers to the Platonic +olid forms in the
aether as "fluid crystals, and explains how they can have an effect similar to a solid, even while they are
appearing in a fluidlike medium.
.19th century physicists were puzzled by the aether because it exhibits some properties telling us it is a fluid and
some telling us it is a solid. That was the perception from a time when little if anything was known about 'fluid
crystals'. The displays in many pocket calculators use electrical signals and rely on the properties of a substance
that, like the aether, exhibits properties characteristic of both the liquid state and the solid state as a function of
electric field disturbances. [emphasis added]
This gives us a "solid explanation for why Tesla said that the aether "behaves as a liquid for matter, and as a
solid for light and heat". The Platonic +olids actually do act as if they were structural frameworks within the
aether, organizing the energy flows into specific patterns.
Hence, the Platonic +olids are the simple geometric forms of "crystalliDed music that )ill naturally form
themsel%es in the aether )hen it pulsates. Another important point to remember is that as the hierarchy of
Platonic +olids "grow into each other, the movement will always occur along spiral pathways, predominantly
rooted in the classic "phi ratio. Torsion )a%es have been seen to follow the "phi pattern as well, which shall be
more fully explored when we discuss the under-appreciated "pyramid power phenomenon and the "cavity
structural effect pioneered by $r. 1ictor Gre'enniko% in Chapter Seven.

3. >2CR(C=K+T!R PH0+2C+
Just as we were finishing up the first half of this book, a new associate alerted us to the burgeoning new field of
"microcluster physics, which changes our entire view of the quantum world by presenting us with a whole new
phase of matter that does not obey the conventionally accepted "rules. >icroclusters are tiny "particles that
present clear and straightforward evidence that atoms are %orte,es in the aether that naturally assemble into
Platonic +olid formations by their vibration / pulsation. Furthermore, these new discoveries pose quite a
challenge for those who still believe that there must be single electrons orbiting a nucleus instead of standin"/
)a%e electron clouds of aetheric ener"y that assemble into geometric patterns. The story of "microclusters
first broke into the mainstream world in the December 1989 issue of Scientific American, in an article by >ichael
A. $uncan and $ennis H. Rou%ray:
Divide and subdivide a solid and the traits of its solidity fade away one by one, like the features of the Cheshire
Cat, to be replaced by characteristics that are not those of liquids or gases. They belong instead to a new phase of
matter, the micro cluster. They pose questions that lie at the heart of solid-state physics and chemistry, and the
related field of material science. How small must an aggregate of particles become before the character of the
substance they once formed is lost? How might the atoms reconfigure if freed from the influence of the matter that
surrounds them? f the substance is a metal, how small must this cluster of atoms be to avoid the characteristic
sharing of free electrons that underlies conductivity? [emphasis added]
Less than two years after this story broke in the mainstream, the science of microcluster physics was realized
in its own graduate-school textbook authored by Satoru Sugano and Hiroyasu ?oiDumi. >icrocluster Physics
was published by the respectable, mainstream Springer-Verlag corporation as volume 21 in a series of texts in the
field of materials science. All of the quotes from this text that we shall use are from its revised second edition,
which was released in 1998. n +u"ano and ?oiDumi's text, we are told that with the new discoveries of
microclusters, we can now arrange groupings of atoms into four basic categories of size, each with different
- Molecules: 1-10 atoms
- Microclusters: 10-1000 atoms
- Fine Particles: 1000-100,000 atoms
- Bulk: 100,000+ atoms
When we study the above list, we would initially expect that microclusters would have traits in common with
molecules and with fine particles both, but in fact they have properties that neither display, as +u"ano et al.
explain here:
>icroclusters consisting of 10 to 10^3 atoms exhibit neither the properties of the corresponding bulk nor those of
the corresponding molecule of a few atoms. The microclusters may be considered to form a new phase of
materials lying between macroscopic solids and microscopic particles such as atoms and molecules, showing both
macroscopic and microscopic features. However, research into such a new phase has been left untouched until
recent years by the development of the 4uantum theory of matter. [emphasis added]
As we continue reading, we learn that microclusters do not form randomly from any group of 10-1000 atoms; only
certain "magic numbers of atoms will gather together to form microclusters. The next quote describes how this
was first discovered, and when we read it we should remember that the "mass spectrum being mentioned
describes spectroscope analysis, which we covered in the last chapter. When "cluster beams are being
discussed, this means that atoms (such as Na, or sodium) are being blasted through a tiny nozzle to form into a
"beam that is then analyzed. Most importantly, as the atoms blast out of the nozzle, some of them spontaneously
gather into microclusters, which demonstrate anomalous properties:
The microscopic features of microclusters were first revealed by observing anomalies of the mass spectrum of a
Na [sodium] cluster beam at specific sizes, called magic numbers. Then it was experimentally confirmed that the
magic numbers come from the shell structure of %alence electrons. Being stimulated by these epoch-making
findings in metal microclusters and aided by progress of the experimental techniques producing relatively dense,
non-interacting microclusters of various sizes in the form of microcluster beams, the research field of
microclusters has developed rapidly in these 5 to 7 years [since the first 1991 edition of the book.] The progress
is also due to the improvement of computers and computational techniques.
The field of microclusters is attracting the attention of many physicists and chemists (and even biologists!)
working in both pure and applied research, as it is interesting not only from the fundamental point of view but also
from the viewpoint of applications in electronics, catalysis, ion engineering, carbon-chemical engineering,
photography and so on. At this stage of development, it is felt that an introductory book is required for beginners in
this field, clarifying fundamental physical concepts important for the study of microclusters. This book is designed
to satisfy such a requirement. t is based on series of lectures given to graduate students (mainly in physics) of the
University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo nstitute of Technology and Kyushu
University in the period of 1987-1990. [emphasis added]
Our next quote comes from the first area in +u"ano and ?oiDumi's book where specific details are given
regarding the highly anomalous physical properties of microclusters. Though they are only slightly smaller than
fine particles in terms of the number of atoms, they are much more stable. Here, the greater stability refers to the
fact that microclusters burn at a much higher temperature than molecules or fine particles of the same elements.
According to $a%id Hudson, (whom we shall discuss later,) Russian scientists were the first to discover that
microclusters must be burned for more than 200 seconds to reveal a color spectrum to be analyzed, whereas all
other known molecular compounds burn up in a maximum of about 70 seconds:
When we arrive at the fragment called microcluster with a radius of the order of 10 angstroms by further dividing
fine particles, we see that we have to use physics different from that for fine particles. The essential difference is
derived from the theoretical postulate, partly supported by experiments, that microclusters of a given shape and
size can, in principle, be extracted and their properties can be measured, even though this kind of measurement is
impossible for fine particles. This postulate may be justified by considering the fact that clusters of a "i%en
re"ular shape are %ery sta'le as compared with those of the other shapes, the number of which is rather small.
n contrast to this fact, fine particles of different shapes and a fixed size forming a big ensemble to allow a
statistical treatment are nearly degenerate in energy. This makes impossible the extraction of fine particles of a
given shape.
Clear-cut evidence has been obtained such that microclusters of alkali [1.8] and noble [1.9] metal elements in the
form of a cluster beam have a nearly spherical shape at the size of the so-called magic numbers. A magic number
means a specific size N [i.e. the number of atoms in the cluster] where anomalies of abundance in the mass
spectra are found. This indicates that microclusters of those sizes are relatively stable as compared with those of
neighboring sizes. [emphasis added]
The "nearly spherical shapes that are described above will be seen in later quotes as the Platonic +olids and
related geometries. Our next passage is probably too technical for most readers and can be skipped over, but it is
a clear-cut description of how the "cluster beams are being made and analyzed and what specific "magic
numbers of atoms emerged. Furthermore, we should note that the clusters that are formed become electrically
neutral, which is another anomalous and unexpected result:
As an example, we show the mass spectrum of the Na cluster beam in Fig. 1.5. The beam is produced by the
adiabatic expansion of a heated Na and Ar gas mixture through a nozzle. The Na clusters in the beam are
photoionized, mass analyzed by a quadrupole mass analyzer, and finally detected by an ion-detection system.
Detailed examinations of the experiment verify that the mass spectrum thus observed reflects that of [electrically]
neutral clusters originally produced by the jet expansion. The anomalies of abundance of the size N, being 8, 20,
40, 58 and 93 (Fig. 1.5), are regarded as the magic numbers of neutral Na clusters. [emphasis added]
Now pay very close attention to the next sentence, as its significance can easily be missed:
n what follows, we shall show that these magic numbers are associated with the shell structure of %alence
electrons moving independently in a spherically symmetric effective potential. [emphasis added]
What this is telling us is that the hypothetical "electrons are no longer bound to their individual atoms in
microclusters, but rather move independently throughout the entire cluster itself! Remember that in our new
quantum model, there are no electrons, only clouds of aetheric ener"y that are flowing in towards the nucleus
via the 7iefield/7ro)n effect. n this case, the microcluster acts as one single atom, with the center of the
cluster becoming akin to the positively-charged atomic nucleus where the negatively-charged energy is flowing in.
nterestingly, in keeping with the fluidlike behaviors of the aether, the next passage suggests that the
microclusters can have properties similar to a fluid as well as a solid:
[The symmetry of] metal microclusters seems to reveal that microclusters belong to the microscopic world like
atoms and molecules, whereas fine particles belong to the macroscopic world. This is true in some aspects, but
not so in every aspect. n Chap. 2 we shall discuss that, at finite internal temperatures, microclusters may reveal
the liquid phase as encountered in the macroscopic world... [emphasis added]
The next excerpt comes from a completely different study by 7esley et al., referenced at the end of this chapter,
entitled Theoretical Study of the Structures and Stabilities of ron Clusters. Obviously, their work builds directly off
of +u"ano and ?oiDumi's textbook and the findings that went into its production. Here, the key is that 7esley et
al.'s research points to anomalous electrical and magnetic properties possessed by microclusters that are not
seen either in molecules or in condensed matter:
Clusters are also of interest in their own right, since for small clusters there is the possibility of finite size effects
leading to electronic, magnetic or other properties which are quite different from those of molecules or condensed
matter. There has also been a considerable research effort into understanding the geometries, stabilities and
reactivities of gas phase bare metal clusters from a theoretical viewpoint. [emphasis added]
And now, as we skip ahead to page 11 of +u"ano et al.'s microcluster physics textbook, we come to section
1.3.1 entitled Fundamental Polyhedra. This is where the connection between microclusters and the geometry of
&ohnson's physics becomes readily apparent:
Recently, it has been discussed [1.12] that sta'le shapes of microclusters are given by Plato's five polyhedra;
the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, pentagonal dodecahedron, icosahedron, [i.e., the Platonic +olids]; and
?eplers' two polyhedra of rhombic faces; the rhombic dodecahedron and rhombic triacontahedron.
t is very important to note that tetrahedra are not space-filling, as shown in Fig. 1.9, and icosahedra, trigonal
decahedra and pentagonal dodecahedra with five-fold rotational symmetry are non-crystalline structures: they do
not grow into the periodic structure of the bulk. f the polyhedron is a non-crystalline structure, then the
microcluster has to undergo a phase transition to a crystalline structure on the way of growing into the bulk.
[emphasis added]
For one who has studied sacred "eometry for many years, it is amazing to consider that at a level far too tiny for
the naked eye, atoms are grouping together into perfect Platonic Solid formations. t is also interesting to consider
that some of these microclusters also ha%e fluidlike 4ualities, allowing them to flow from one type of geometric
structure into another. n their text, +u"ano and ?oiDumi have assumed that certain polyhedra such as the
icosahedron and dodecahedron are non-crystalline, and must therefore undergo a phase change before they
could become a larger crystallized object. However, later in this chapter we will present hard, irrefutable evidence
that the entire model of crystallography is flawed, and that under certain circumstances, formations very similar to
microclusters can be formed at larger levels of size, from two or more atomic elements grouped together.
mportantly, as the reader thumbs through the rest of +u"ano et al.'s textbook, scores of diagrams of atoms
grouped into Platonic +olids are seen. We learn that the "magic number groupings of atoms will, in every case,
form into one of the geometric structures mentioned above. f we took a tetrahedron, for example, and constructed
it out of a certain number of marbles that all had an equal width, then we would need an exact "magic number of
marbles to construct a tetrahedron of a given size. This is the same as 7uckminster *uller's model of "close-
packed spheres, and in its simplest form is expressed by seeing that if you put three marbles together into a
triangle and then place a fourth marble above it in the middle, you will see a tetrahedron form.
Even more interestingly, on page 18 of the Microcluster Physics textbook, +u"ano et al. have a photograph of a
gold cluster consisting of "about 460 atoms, where we can clearly see the close-packed sphere structure of the
atoms inside, forming unmistakable geometry. These images are taken by a scanning electron microscope at very
high magnification, and the structure of the cu'octahedron geometry [Fig. 3.3, L] is clearly visible in a series of
different angles. nterestingly, the cluster is seen to undergo different geometric changes from the cu'octahedron
to other forms in its structure from image to image, again su""estin" a fluidlike 4uality, and unseen "stresses in
the aether at work. Figure 3.3 is an artist-rendered diagram of how the "magic number of 459 spherical atoms will
pack together to form a cu'octahedron-shaped cluster, whereas 561 atoms will cluster into the form of an
*i"ure 3.3 / Cu'octahedral cluster of #8 atoms :=; and 2cosahedral cluster of #31 atoms :R;

Our next quote comes from section 3 of 7esley et al.'s study, which discusses the "jellium model and makes it
very clear that the individual nature of the atoms in a microcluster is lost in favor of a group behavior. Again we
will see the mentioning of magic numbers and of electrons moving through the entire structure instead of just
through their parent atom; we also see the hypothesis that "geometric shells of electrons are somehow formed in
the microcluster.
For small clusters of simple metals, such as the alkali metals, mass spectroscopic studies have indicated the
presence of preferred nuclearities or "ma"ic num'ers corresponding to particularly intense peaks. These
experiments led to the development of the (spherical) jellium model, wherein the actual cluster geometry (i.e. the
nuclear coordinates) are unknown and unimportant (perhaps because the clusters are molten or rapidly fluxional)
and the cluster %alence electrons are assumed to move in a spherically average central potential. The jellium
model therefore explains cluster magic numbers in terms of the filling of cluster electronic shells, which are
analogous to the electronic shells in atoms. For somewhat larger nuclearities (N ~ 100-1500 [total atoms in the
cluster,]) there are periodic oscillations in mass spectral peak intensities which have been attributed to the
bunching together of electronic shells into supershells.
The observation of long period oscillations in the intensities of peaks in the mass spectra of very large metal
clusters (with up to 10^5 atoms) has led to the conclusion that such clusters grow via the formation of 3-
dimensional geometric shells of atoms and that for these nuclearities it is the filling of geometric rather than
electronic shells that imparts extra cluster stability.
Certainly, the idea of "supershells of electrons suggests a fluidlike blending together of atoms in the quantum
realm. Again, it appears that the entire idea of electrons is flawed, since the next passage from 7esley et al., tells
us that the "jellium model where "particle electrons fill up into "geometric shells does not work for what are
known as transition metals. Since there can be no individual electrons at this point, 7esley et al. hypothesize the
existence of "explicit angular-dependent many-body forces. n short, a "fluid crystal aetheric 4uantum model is
essentially required to explain the forces that create microclusters:
For transition metals there is no clear evidence that the jellium model holds, even for low nuclearities. we would
hope that a model which introduces explicit angular-dependent many-body forces (as in the MM [>urrell/
>ottram] model that we have adopted) will fare better at explaining cluster structure preferences.
As we think through the results of these microcluster studies, we must not forget that the Platonic +olids are
very easily formed by vibrating a spherical area of fluid. t is quite surprising that the microcluster researchers do
not appear to have noticed this connection. The prevailing view of quantum mechanics as a particle phenomenon
has such a strong hold on the minds of scientific researchers that elaborate explanations involving "geometric
shells of electrons must be invoked. The key question that must be addressed is ho) and )hy this "eometry
)ould form and the idea of a vibrating, fluidlike quantum medium is by far the simplest answer. A microcluster
is simply a larger "aetheric atom in a perfect geometric form.

3.# $A12$ HK$+(- A-$ O(R>K+ !=!>!-T+P

?-(W- (R>K+ !=!>!-T+
Atomic -um'er
Cobalt 27
Nickel 28
Copper 29
Ruthenium 44
Rhodium 45
Palladium 46
Silver 47
Osmium 76
ridium 77
Platinum 78
Gold 79
Mercury 80
Ta'le 3.1 N ?no)n >etallic >icroclusters or O(rmusP !lements in $a%id HudsonAs patent.

Next, we introduce the work of $a%id Hudson, who discovered a substance that turned out to contain
microclusters in a goldmine on his property in the late 1970s. He spent several million dollars having these
mysterious materials analyzed and tested in various ways, and in 1989 Hudson patented his microcluster
discovery by naming them (r'itally Rearran"ed >onatomic !lements, or "(R>!s. [The name is usually
changed to "(rmus or ">/state elements when discussed online so as not to interfere with Hudson's
copyrights.] Hudson displays a broad knowledge of microcluster physics in his published lectures from the early
1990s, but his findings are more controversial than what we find in +u"ano et al.'s textbook or other published
mainstream sources. Hudson's patent focuses on the microcluster structures he found in the following precious
metal elements. (We should note here that +u"ano and ?oiDumi have established that microclusters have been
found in non-metallic elements as well.)
Hudson found that all of the above microcluster metals exist plentifully in sea water. Even more surprisingly,
Hudson discovered that these elements in the microcluster state may be up to 10,000 times more abundant on
Earth than in their common metallic state. Hudson's research demonstrated that these metallic microclusters are
found throughout many different biological systems, including many different plants, and that they form up to 5% of
the material in a calf's brain by weight. Furthermore,
they act as room-temperature superconductors,
have superfluid qualities and
levitate in the presence of magnetic fields, since no magnetic energy is able to penetrate through
their outer shells.
Their physical qualities match the descriptions of various materials in alchemical traditions from China, ndia,
Persia and Europe. Various people have volunteered to ingest "old microclusters or "monatomic "old, and
have reported experiencing the same psychic effects as the kundalini chan"es noted in the 1edic scriptures of
ancient ndia.
Even more controversial are Hudson's patented discoveries surrounding the heating of iridium microclusters.
As the material is heated, its weight is seen to increase by 300 percent or more. Even more surprisingly, as
microcluster iridium is heated to 850 degrees Celsius, the material disappears from physical view and loses all
of its weight. However, when the temperature is again reduced, the microcluster iridium will reappear and regain
most of its former weight. n Hudson's patent, he has a chart that was generated by thermo-gravimetric analysis
that shows this effect in action.
The idea of a material gaining weight, then spontaneously losing weight and disappearing from all physical view is
no longer out of place when we combine ?oDyre%'s findings with GinD'ur"'s changes to conventional relativity
equations and >ishin and Aspden's discoveries of multiple densities of aether. n the first chapter, ?oDyre%
showed how the heating or cooling of an object can affect its weight in subtle but measurable ways. We also saw
that these weight increases and decreases occur in sudden "quantized bursts, not in a smooth, flowing fashion.
$r. 1ladimir GinD'ur" suggested that an object's mass is converted into pure field as it approaches the speed of
light, and >ishin and Aspden's data suggests that the mass is actually moving into a higher density of aetheric
Thus, Hudson's observed and patented effects with microcluster iridium provide the first major proof in this
volume for the idea that an object can be completely displaced into a higher density of aetheric energy. n the case
of microcluster iridium, it would seem that the geometric structure of the microcluster allows for heat energy to
be harnessed much more efficiently. This harnessing of the vibrations of heat then creates extreme resonance at a
lower relative temperature, bringing the internal vibrations of the iridium past the speed of light. (These internal
vibrations may already be relatively close to the speed of light before such added resonance is introduced, due to
the speed at which aether flows through the atomic "%orte, of negative electron clouds and the positive nucleus.)
Then, when the threshold point of light-speed is finally reached, the aetheric ener"y of the iridium is displaced
into a higher density, thus causing it to disappear from measurable view. When the temperature is reduced, the
iridium again displaces back down into our own density, since the pressure that was holding it in the higher density
has now been eliminated.

3.3 A-(>A=2!+ (* CR0+TA= *(R>AT2(-
Now that we have covered the anomalous area of microclusters, we are ready to tackle the more conventionally
understood problems of crystal formation. Common table salt is a perfect example of how two different elements,
sodium and chloride, can bond together and form a Platonic +olid geometry, in this case the cube. Two hydrogen
atoms and one oxygen atom form together in the shape of a tetrahedron to create the water molecule, (which is
not a crystal in the liquid state but has a tetrahedral molecule,) and fluorite crystals form the octahedron. Crystals
that form with these properties will maintain the same orientation throughout themselves, and are symmetrical. A
more technical description is that crystals are "solids which have flat surfaces (facets) that intersect at
characteristic angles, and are ordered at a microscopic level. Our key question to remember here would be, "Why
do spherical energy vortexes end up joining together in these characteristic geometric angles and patterns? The
answer, of course, shall be found in our understanding of the Platonic +olids as "harmonic energy structures in
the aether.
Glusker & True'lood's classical definition for how crystals are formed is that they are produced by:
.a regularly repeating arrangement of atoms. Any crystal may be regarded as being built up by the continuing
three-dimensional translational repetition of some basic structural pattern. [emphasis added]
The term "translation means that we rotate a specific object by an exact number of degrees, such as 180, which
would form a "two-fold crystal since there are two such translations in a 360-degree circle. Thus, "translational
repetition means that that the basic structural element (atom or molecular group of atoms) making up a crystal
can be rotated again and again in the same way to form the repeated pattern. The technical term for such a
regular arrangement of atoms is periodicity, which means that a crystal is made up of "some basic structural unit
which repeats itself infinitely in all directions, filling up all of space within itself. The same structure (atom or group
of atoms) keeps repeating in the same, periodic way, hence the term periodicity.
n this classical theory of "periodic crystal formation, each atom retains its original size and shape and does not
affect any of the other atoms except for those it is directly bonded to.
t is important to realize that the model of periodicity worked very well in crystallography. Any type of crystal that
had been discovered could be analyzed with this method, and the angles between all of the facets could be
predicted based on simple geometric principles. Then in 1912, >a, %on =aue discovered a way to use X-rays to
illuminate the inner structure of crystals, creating what is known as a "diffraction diagram. The diagram appears
as an arrangement of single points of light on a black background. This led to a whole science of X-ray
crystallography that was formalized by William H. and William =. 7ra"", where the points of light are analyzed
geometrically in relation to each other in order to determine what the structure of the true crystal actually is. For
seventy years after this technology was developed, every diffraction diagram that had ever been observed by
mainstream scientists fit the periodicity model perfectly, which led to the inevitable and apparently quite simple
conclusion that all crystals were an arrangement of single atoms as structural units.
One of the periodicity model's most straightforward mathematical rules is that a crystal can only have 2-, 3-, 4-,
and 6-fold rotations (translations.) n this model, if you have a crystal that is indeed made of single atoms or
molecules in a repeating, periodic structure, the crystal cannot have a five-fold rotation or any rotation higher than
6. Atoms are "supposed to retain their own individual point-like identities and not merge with other atoms into a
larger whole. Nevertheless, in terms of pure geometry, the dodecahedron has 5-fold symmetry and the
icosahedron has 5- and 10-fold symmetry. These Platonic +olids fit all the requirements for symmetry as outlined
by $r. Wolff earlier in this chapter, but you simply cannot pack single atoms together to make either of these
shapes. So again, the dodecahedron and icosahedron have symmetry, but they do not have periodicity as crystal
formations. Therefore, there was no provision in science to believe that either of these forms would appear as a
molecular, crystalline structure it was "impossible. Or so they thought.
Now enter the infamous Ros)ell crash. According to former Groom =ake E Area #1 employee !d"ar *ouche,
molecular structures were found on the recovered hardware that did not fit the conventional model of crystalline
periodicity. These became known as "quasi-crystals, short for "quasi-periodic crystals. Both the icosahedron
and dodecahedron have appeared in these unique alloys. Similar to microclusters but on a larger level of size,
these quasi-crystals were discovered to have many strange properties, such as extreme strength, extreme
resistance to heat and being non-conductive to electricity, even if the metals involved in their creation would
normally act as conductors! (This will be explained as we progress.) Unlike microclusters, which only appear to
be able to be formed individually from "cluster beams, 4uasi/crystals can be grouped together into usable alloys.
*ouche states the following on his website, with our added emphasis:
've held positions within the USAF that required me to have Top Secret and 'Q' Clearances and Top Secret-
Crypto access clearances.
n the mess hall at [the top-secret] Groom [=ake facility,] heard words like =orentD *orces, pulse detonation,
cyclotron radiation, quantum flux transduction field generators, quasi-crystal energy lens and EPR quantum
receivers. was told that 4uasi/crystals were the key to a whole new field of propulsion and communication
To this day 'd be hard pressed to explain to you the unique electrical, optical and physical properties of 4uasi/
crystals and why so much of the research is classified.
Fourteen years of 4uasi/crystal research has established the existence of a wealth of stable and meta-stable
quasi-crystals with five-, eight-, ten- and twelve-fold symmetry, with strange structures [such as the
dodecahedron and icosahedron] and interesting properties. New tools had to be developed for the study and
description of these extraordinary materials.
've discovered that the classified research has shown that 4uasi/crystals are promising candidates for high
energy storage materials, metal matrix components, thermal barriers, exotic coatings, infrared sensors, high power
laser applications and electro-magnetics. Some high strength alloys and surgical tools are already on the market.
[Note: Wilcock was personally told in 1993 that Teflon and ?e%lar are both re%erse/en"ineered.]
One of the stories was told more than once was that one of the crystal pairs used in the propulsion of the
Ros)ell crash was a Hydrogen Crystal. Until recently, creating a Hydrogen crystal was beyond the reach of our
scientific capabilities. That has now changed. n one Top +ecret 7lack Pro"ram, under the $(!, a method to
produce hydrogen crystals was discovered, [and] then manufacturing began in 1994.
The lattice of hydrogen quasi-crystals, and another material not named, formed the basis for the plasma shield
propulsion of the Ros)ell craft and was an integral part of the bio-chemically engineered vehicle. A myriad of
advanced crystallography undreamed of by scientists were discovered by the scientists and engineers who
evaluated, analyzed and attempted to reverse engineer the technology presented with the Ros)ell %ehicle and
eight more vehicles which have crashed since then.
Arguably after 35 years of secret research on the Ros)ell hard)are, those who had recovered these
technologies still had hundreds if not thousands of unanswered questions about what they had found, and it was
deemed "safe to quietly introduce "4uasi/crystals to the non-initiated scientific world. There are now literally
thousands of different references to 4uasi/crystals on the nternet, completely separate from any mention of
microclusters. (Not a single scientific study that we have been able to find online mentions both microclusters
and 4uasi/crystals in the same document.) Many of the quasi-crystal references are from companies that are
government contractors, and it is very easy to see that they are being studied with widespread intensity. However,
they are almost never mentioned in the general media, even though they present such a unique challenge to our
prevailing theories of quantum physics. The research goes on, but it is with a very subdued excitement.
$an +chechtman was given the honor / duty of having "discovered (or being allowed to re-discover) 4uasi/
crystals on April 8, 1982 with an Aluminum-Manganese alloy (Al6Mn) that began in a molten liquid state and was
then cooled off very quickly. Crystals in the shape of an icosahedron were produced, as determined by the X-ray
diffraction diagram that was seen, similar to the image below. +chechtman's data was not even published until
November 1984! n the image to the right of Figure 3.4, we can clearly see a number of pentagons, indicating the
five-fold symmetry of the icosahedron:
<click< ima"e to see multimedia
*i"ure 3. N The 2cosahedron :=; and its Q/ray diffraction dia"ram from a 4uasi/crystal formation :R;.

As we said, with the advent of 4uasi/crystals, both the dodecahedron and icosahedron appear, along with
other unusual geometric forms, completing the appearance of all five of the Platonic +olids in the molecular realm
in some way. Both the dodecahedron and icosahedron possess elements of five-fold symmetry with their
pentagonal structures. Figure 3.5, from An Pan" Tsai of NRM in Tsukuba, Japan, shows an Aluminum-Copper-
ron 4uasi/crystal alloy in the shape of a dodecahedron and an Aluminum-Nickel-Cobalt alloy in the shape of a
deca"onal (10-sided) prism:
*i"ure 3.# N $odecahedral :=; and deca"onal prism :R; 4uasi/crystals created 'y An Pan" Tsai of -R2>.

The problem here is that you cannot create such crystals by using single atoms bound together, yet as we can see
in the photographs, they are very real. The key problem for scientists, then, is ho) to e,plain and define the
process by which these crystals are forming. According to A.=. >ackay, one of the ways to include five-fold
symmetry in a crystallographic definition is "Abandonment of Atomicity:
Fractal structures with five-fold axes everywhere require that atoms of finite size be abandoned. This is not a
rational assumption to the crystallographers of the world, but the mathematicians are free to explore it. [emphasis
What this suggests is that similar to microclusters, 4uasi/crystals appear to not have individual atoms anymore,
but rather that the atoms have merged into a unity throughout the entire crystal. While this may seem impossible
for crystallographers to believe, it is actually among the simplest of A.=. >ackay's four potential solutions to the
problem, as it involves simple three-dimensional geometry and correlates with our microcluster observations.
Again, since the crystals are very real, the only major hurdle to cross is our fi,ation on the 'elief that atoms are
made of particles.
Another related example is seen with the Bose-Einstein Condensate, which was first theorized in 1925 by Al'ert
!instein and +atyendranath 7ose, and was first demonstrated in a gas in 1995. n short, a Bose-Einstein
Condensate is a large group of atoms that behaves as if it were one single "particle, with each constituent atom
appearing to simultaneously occupy all of space and all of time throughout the entire structure. All the atoms are
measured to vibrate at the exact same frequency and travel at the same speed, and all appear to be located in the
same area of space. Rigorously, the various parts of the system act as a unified whole, losing all signs of
individuality. t is this very property that is required for a "superconductor to exist. (A superconductor is a
substance that conducts electricity with no loss of current.)
Typically, the Bose-Einstein condensate is only able to be formed at extremely low temperatures. However, we
seem to be observing a similar process occurring in microclusters and 4uasi/crystals, where there is no longer a
sense of individual atomic identity. nterestingly, yet another similar process is at work with laser light, known as
"coherent light. n the case of the laser, the entire light beam behaves as if it were one single "photon in space
and time there is no way to differentiate individual photons in the laser beam. t is interesting to note that lasers,
superconductors and 4uasi/crystals were all found in reco%ered !T technolo"ies since the 1940s.
This obviously introduces a whole new world of 4uantum physics to the discussion table. n time, it appears that
quasi-crystals and Bose-Einstein condensates will be much more widely used and understood as examples of how
we had gone astray in our "particle-based quantum thinking. Furthermore, British physicist Her'ert *roehlich
proposed in the late 1960's that living systems frequently behave as Bose-Einstein condensates, suggesting a
larger-scale order that is at work. We will discuss this in later chapters that will deal with aetheric 'iolo"y.
*i"ure 3.3 N $an WinterAs reprint of +ir William CrookesA "eometric Ta'le of the !lements.

Our next question concerns the "electron clouds that have been seen in the atom. Both Rod &ohnson and $an
Winter have noted that the teardrop-shaped "electron clouds in the atom will all fit perfectly together with the
faces of the Platonic +olids. Winter refers to the electron clouds as "vortex cones, and Figure 3.6 is an
unfortunately illegible copy of the Periodic Table of the Elements as originally devised by +ir William Crookes, a
well-known and highly respected scientist from the early 20th century who later became an investigator into the
field of parapsychology. At the bottom of the image, we see an illustration of how the "%orte, cones fit on each
face of the Platonic +olids.
(t appears that a more legible copy of Figure 3.5 may exist in one of Winter's earlier books. Some of the element
names can be made out when viewing the image at full size, and the others can be inferred by their position
relative to the known Periodic Table of the Elements. The chart is obviously read from the top down, and the first
element that is written out below the two circles in the center is Helium, and the line then moves to each
successive element. The scale to the left is a series of degree measurements, beginning with 0 at the top line and
counting by units of 10 for each line. The degree numbers written in on the scale are 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
350 and 400. This appears to indicate that +ir Crookes' theory involved set angular rotations or translations of the
elements in terms of their geometry as we move from one element to the next. We can see that the wave is mostly
straight, but at times there are "dips in the line that appear to correspond to larger angular rotations that must be
f we think back to what $r. Aspden wrote about Platonic +olids in the aether, he stated that they act as "fluid
crystals, meaning that they can behave as a solid and as a liquid at the same time. Thus, once we understand
that electron clouds are all being positioned by in%isi'le Platonic +olids, it becomes much easier to see how
crystals are being formed and even how 4uasi/crystals could be made. There are "nests of Platonic +olids in
the atom, one solid for each major sphere in the "nest, just as there are "nests of electron clouds at different
levels of valence that all co-exist. The Platonic +olids form an energetic structure and framework that the
aetheric ener"y must flow through as it rushes towards the low-pressure positive center of the atom. Thus, we
see each face of the Solids acting as a funnel that the flowing energy must pass through, creating what Winter
called "%orte, cones.
With the necessary context in place, &ohnson's concepts of Platonic symmetry within the structure of atoms and
molecules in the next chapter should not seem as strange to us now as they would to most people. Given what we
have seen with the comprehensive research that has gone on, especially with 4uasi/crystal engineering, it
appears that this information is already in use by humanity in certain circles.

1. Aspden, Harold. Energy Science Tutorial #5. 1997. URL:
2. Crane, Oliver et al. Central Oscillator and Space-Time Quanta Medium. Universal Expert Publishers, June
2000, English Edition. SBN 3-9521259-2-X
3. Duncan, Michael A. and Rouvray, Dennis H. Microclusters. Scientific American Magazine, December 1989.
4. Fouche, Edgar. Secret Government Technology. Fouche Media Associates, Copyright 1998/99. URL:
5. Hudson, David. (ORMUS Elements) URL:
6. Kooiman, John. TR-3B Antigravity Physics Explained. 2000. URL:
7. Mishin, A.M. (Levels of aetheric density) URL:
8. Winter, Dan. Braiding DNA: s Emotion the Weaver? 1999. URL:
9. Wolff, Milo. Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe. Technotran Press, Manhattan Beach, CA, 1990.
SBN 0-9627787-0-2. URL:
from >id/Atlantic Geomancy

f we want to talk with God8dess, experience has shown that it helps to be in the right environment. Spiritual
seekers from Mayans through Christians, Native Americans, Egyptians and Hindus to the Neolithic builders of the
stone rings in Britain and reland (and many more) found that by constructing their sacred places using certain
geometrical ratios - just a small handful of them - they could more easily connect with their %aker.
Yes, it is possible to speak with our Creator anytime. However, sacred geometry makes this easier, and different
ratios make different connections easier. The ratios have to do with different spiritual activities like healing,
foretelling the future, long!distance communication, le/itation and, most important, heightened ability to
communicate with our %aker. These ratios help us to vibrate at the appropriate frequency to aid us in
accomplishing the particular spiritual activity we have in mind.
Nearly every ancient archaeological site predating recorded history, from the #ramids of -gpt and %e9ico, to
Stonehenge and beyond, employs mysterious mathematical alignments throughout their design.
These architectural formulas, rarely used today, are considered sacred and have also been found in the way
they're arranged relation to each other and, most inexplicably, in the %onuments of (donia, and the Face on
When one looks at sacred enclosures globally, there is a group of five mathematical ratios that are found all over
the world from Japan's pagodas to Mayan temples in the Yucatan, and from Stonehenge to the Great Pyramid.
These ratios are:
Square Root of Two = 1.414...
Square Root of Three = 1.732...
Square Root of Five = 2.236...
Phi = 1.618...
#hi is the Golden Section of the Greeks. t was said to be the first section in which the (ne
became many.
Pi = 3.1416...
#i is found in any circle. f the diameter is 1, the circumference is 3.1416 (C = D).
These are all irrational numbers. #i can be taken to :;<< decimal places with no discernable pattern to it (is that
Chaos?). Let's take a closer look at each of these special numbers, and see how we can find them in the sacred
geometr used by geomancers around the world. All five of these numbers gain their meaning only when beaten
against the One. They are all ratios of 9):. The (ne is where it begins .
Pi / 3.113 . 1 / the Circle
#i (3.1416 : 1) is found in any circle. n sacred geometr, the circle represents the
spiritual realms.

A circle, because of that transcendental number pi, cannot be described with the
same degree of accuracy as the physical square.

The circle is in*
t is a good shape to do all kinds of spiritual activities in. t is good for groups to work
in circles. There are many examples of sacred spaces that are circular.
The Circle:
Radius (CD) = 1
Diameter (AB) = 2
Circumference = pi (3.1416) x
Rin" of 7rod"ar9 >ainland (rkney.
Most stone rings in the British isles are not actually circular.

$r Ale,ander Thom proved this with his pioneering work in the

Some of the true circles are %err %aidens in Cornwall,
Stonehenge and the =ing of Brodgar.
+4uare Root of T)o / 1.1 . 1 / the +4uare
n sacred geometr, the square represents the physical world.

t can be defined totally.

f its side is one, its perimeter is exactly four, and its area is one square -

The S1uare is ang*
The +4uare +ide :A7; L 1
$ia"onal :AC; L +4uare Root of T)o9 1.1
The +4uare +ide :A7; L 1
$ia"onal :AC; L +4uare Root of T)o9 1.1
The square was found was in the Holy of Holies (the
back room) of Solomon's Temple (G,H,F,E).

This was where the Hebrews kept the Ark of the
Covenant and other most sacred treasures. (&he
dimensions here are taken from the first part of the
'#ekiel (hapter 4)*)
On top of Glastonbur Tor sits an impressive stone tower.

The Tor and its tower dominate the Somerset "e/els.

This is a view taken from inside the tower looking upward.

+4uare Root of Three / 1.532 . 1 / 1esica Pisces
The >esica #isces is created by two identical intersecting circles, the circumference of one intersecting the center
of the other. The /ul/a!shaped space thus created is called the >esica #isces.
The >esica #isces)
Two Circles share a common radius (AB).
Radius AB = 1
The intersecting circles create a >esica #isces.
The minor axis of this Vesica Pisces (AB) = 1,
The major axis (CD) = the square root of three, 1.732

CB = AB = 1 ..... Therefore:
a + b = c
.5 + x = 1
x = .75
2 = .75
x = .8660 = CE
CE is 1/2 of the major axis CD
2 CE = CD
.8660 * 2 = CD
CD = 1.7320 = 3
This is the lid of the (halice ?ell designed by 7li"h 7ond in the early part of this

t covers one of the most powerful Holy Wells in Britain.

The (halice ?ell has numerous examples of vesicas.
Gothic arch on the to)er on the Glaston'ury
Tor. This site )as a hermita"e and retreat
for early Christian monks
Gothic arch in Gallilee of Glaston'ury
A''ey. -ote circular Romanes4ue arches
'ehind in the >ary Chapel.
The top half of the >esica #isces is
the Gothic Arch - see (hartres

t is the sacred geometric shape of
the #iscean $ge.
+4uare Root of *i%e / 2.233 . 1 / the $ou'le +4uare
The &ouble S1uare is found in some of the best known sacred
spaces in the world, from the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid
and Solomon's Temple in the Bible to the interior of (alendar @@2
an important underground stone chamber in Vermont, USA.
The diagonal of a double square is to the shorter side as the square
root of five is to one.

The square root of five = .618 + 1 + .618.
The $ou'le +4uare.
+hort +ide L 1
=on"er +ide L 2
$ia"onal L +4uare Root of *i%e9 2.233
:A7C$; $ou'le +4uare in +olomons Temple
Solomons temple provides numerous examples
of sacred geometry.

The holy place (EFCD) is the place where good Jews
who had been properly cleansed could go.

This space measures twenty cubits by forty cubits.
Another place where a double square is found is the (alendar @@ underground chamber site in central Vermont
in the USA. t measures ten feet by twenty feet.

Calendar 229 a drystone )alled under"round stone
cham'er in central 1ermont9 K+A.
The interior of the cham'er is 2B feet lon" 'y 1B feet
)ide 9 or 2 to 1. The cham'er is oriented to)ards the
Winter +olstice +unrise.
Phi / 1.316.1 / C / the Phi Rectan"le
The Golden +ection9 Phi9 1.316.
The shorter section on the ri"ht L 3
n the Beginning was the (ne. n order to observe itself, it cut part
of itself away to make 'Other'. This Golden Section is in beautiful
proportion. As the subdividing continued away from the (ne, they
continued in this phi ratio.

This can be used to go back to the (ne as well. t is in this sense
that three is farther away from the (ne than two is.
Have you ever noticed that it is easier mathematically to go away
The lon"er section L #

The shorter is to the lon"er
as the lon"er is to the )hole
3.# . . #.6
from One than to go towards it? n other words, it is easier to add
and multiply than it is to subtract and divide.
A); ) ) ;)B* This ratio indicates that it is part of this series: 1 . 2 . 3 . 5 . 8 . 13 . 21 . 34 . 55 . 89, and so on. This is
called the Fibonacci Series. Start anywhere in the series, add the number below, and you get the next number
(for example, 21 + 13 = 34). As one ascends up the series, any number in the series, when divided into the next
one up, gets closer and closer to (but never hits exactly) :*C:B2 phi2 the Golden Section.
On a line create square
(ABCD) where AB = 1
Divide lines (AD) and (BC) in half
at (F) and (E). (BC) = 1, (EC) = .5
Double square (ECDF) is thus
created with a diameter of (ED).
Using (ED) as a radius
swing arc from (D) downwards to 0
intersect the initial base line at (G).
Extend line (AFD), and create a
perpendicular to line (BECG) at (G)
so that it intersects line (AFD) at (H),
thus creating phi rectangle (ABGH).
The formula that shows this is:
Phi L : 1 R s4uare root of # ; di%ided 'y 2
(BE) = 1/2
(ED) = 5/2
.5 + 1.118 = 1.618
Extend arc (DG) through (A) to ().
Note the clear relationship between
phi and the square root of five.
Solomons Temple also contains phi. The Vestibule
(DCBA) measures twelve cubits by twenty cubits. 12
to 20 can be reduced to 6 to 10 and further to 3 to 5.

Three and five are two numbers in the fibonacci
series. 3/5 = 1.6, a close approximation to 1.618, or
(alendar @ was measured very carefully by the NEARA/ASD Earth
Mysteries Group in the early 80's.

Three measurements of the length were taken and averaged.

The same was done with the width. Upon dividing the length by the
width, the resultant ratio was 1.619 to 1. #hi (C) = 1.618 to 1.
The #arthenon is the Queen of Greek Temples, and personifies
their interest in Sacred Geometr. f the height of the Parthenon is
1, its width is phi (C) 1.618, and its length is root of 5= 2.236. And
1.618 + .618 = 2.236.
These are the 5 sacred geometrical ratios - Pi, (2),(3),(5) and #hi.
They are found in sacred spaces all over the world. Remember,
sacred geometry is basically simple. You must do it with your hands,
if you want to really know sacred geometr.
+4uarin" the Circle / The Great Pyramid
The square represents the physical. The circle represents the
spiritual. All sacred geometers have attempted the impossible: to
s1uare the circle (create a square who's perimeter is equal to the
circumference of a circle.)

Here is the first of two valiant attempts:
This squaring of the circle works with a right triangle that
represents the apothem (ZY) - (a line drawn from the base of the
center of one of the sides to top of the pyramid), down to the
center of the base (ZE), and out to the point where the apothem
touches the Earth (EY).
The Great Pyramid of !"ypt
:+phin, in fore"round;
Now let's look at this in 2D,
from directly above.
For the purpose of this exercise,
the side (AB) of the base equals 2.
(ABCD) is the base of the Great #ramid.
This is lettered similarly to the wire frame version (above).
For the purpose of this exercise,
the side (AB) of the base equals 2.
Construct square (i JKD),
thus creating double square (JKE f).
Create diagonal (EK)
which intersects (i D) at (l).
iD = 1,
therefore the diameter
of the circle is also 1.
(EK) = ( 5) = .618 + 1 + .618
Put the point of your compass at (E) and extend it along
the diagonal (EK) to point (m) where the circle intersects
(EK), and draw the arc downward to intersect (KD f C) at
f (EK) = ( 5), and (l m/l D) and l i = .5, the diameter of this
circle is 1.

This makes (E m) = .618 + 1, or 1.618.
(E m) is the apothem.
Draw (E n) which intersects (A i l D ) at (o).
Put compass point at (f) and extend it to (n). Again put your
point at (E) and draw the circle which happens to have the
radius (E o).
(f n) is the height of the Great #ramid.
This circle comes remarkably close to having the same
circumference as the perimeter of the base (ABCD).

Let's go back to the original right triangle (EYZ)
(EY) = .5
(YZ) = phi
(EZ) = ( phi)
EY = .5, The apothem is phi/1.618. This makes the 51 degree +
degree angle.
Using a + b = c, this makes the height the square root of phi.
+4uarin" the Circle / The !arth S the >oon
Create a square (ABCD) with (AB) = 11
Create diagonals (AC) and (BD) crossing at center point (E)
Construct a circle which is tangent to square (ABCD) at f
Construct two 3 . 4 . 5 right triangles, with the 4 . 5 angles at
(A) and (D).
Connect the 5 . 3 angles creating square (abcd) with side
(ab) = 3
{4 + 3 + 4 = 11, or side (AD) of square (ABCD)}
Create diagonals (ac) and (bd) centering at (e)
Create a circle that is tangent to square (abcd) at four
Draw line (Ee) which intersects side (AD) at (F)
(EF) = the radius of the larger circle and (eF) = the radius of
the smaller circle
The larger circle thus created is to the smaller circle as the
moon is to the -arthD
With your compass point at (E), create a circle with radius
This creates a circle whose circumference is equal to the
perimeter of square (ABCD)!

The >ath.

(AB) = 11
(EF) = 1/2 of (AB) = 5.5
(ab) = 3
(eF) = 1.5
Therefore 5.5 + 1.5 = 7
The circumference of a circle is equal to two
times the radius (the diameter) times pi
C= 14 x 3.1416
C= 43.9824
n Square (ABCD), (AB) = 11
The perimeter of a square is four times one
side. 11 x 4 = 44
According to the (ambridge 'nc+clopedia,
the equator radius of the -arth is 3963
miles. The equator radius of the %oon is
The claim is that the smaller circle (in square
abcd) is to the larger circle (in square
ABCD) as the %oon is to the -arth.
(EF) = 5.5
(F e) = 1.5
5.5 : 1.5 :: 3963 : 1080
5.5 / 1.5 = 3.66666
3963 / 1080 = 3.6694 - (if it had been 3960, it would have been exact!)

+acred Geometry
Geomancers are interested in sacred geometr because this is the study of the way that spirit integrates into
matter - by echoing and amplifying the geometry of nature and planetary movements, we help to align the
resonance of body/mind/spirit with the harmonic frequencies of the above and the below.
Geomancers are interested in sacred geometr because it has been found that certain spaces, with particular
ratios, enable the participant to resonate or vibrate at the appropriate rate that maximizes the possibility of
connection to the (ne.
A violin isn't built out of a cigar box! t is built with the proper wood with the proper shape and ratios, so that it
resonates correctly for the notes/frequencies it is expected to produce. These same principles are applied to
sacred spaces to maximize the possibility that whatever is being done there on spiritual levels will succeed.

T)o $imensions
've been a student of sacred geometry for over twenty-five years. While there has been recent interest in three-
dimensional sacred geometry based on the #latonic Solids and in sacred sites themselves, most sacred
geometrical documents 've read talk in only two dimensions - height and width.
Obviously there is a fourth dimension and others beyond it that are much more complex and sophisticated. But
why does the record left to us from geomancers of the past come primarily in two dimensions?
Two is closer to the (ne than three is. t's less complex. think one of the biggest mistakes Western geomancers
have made was to take something that is very simple and make it much more complex. The Chartres Labyrinth
strikes me as being an example of this. This stuff is simple. f you really gnow (that is, know both rationally and
intuitively) a handful of irrational ratios - pi ( ), phi (C) and the square roots of two, three and five, you've
basically got it all.
Three-dimensional sacred geometry just builds on this basic handful.
One aspect of Sacred Geometr is that it works with irrational numbers. To go to the spiritual, one must go
beyond the rational, and it appears that some of these ratios and numbers can lead us there. By being inside a
sacred space that has been constructed using one of a handful of these sacred geometrical ratios, the resonance
that has been set up can enhance the possibility of your making the spiritual connection you want to make.
So, what are these irrational numbers? Let's begin with the rational.
Rational -um'ers
A rational number is a number which can be expressed as the ratio of two integers (whole numbers), such as 1/3
or 37/22. All numbers which, when represented in decimal notation, either stop after a finite number of digits or fall
into a repeating pattern, are rational numbers.
2rrational -um'ers
An irrational number is one that cannot be represented as a ratio of any two whole-number integers, and
consequently it does not fall into a repeating pattern of any sort when written in decimal notation.
All of the Sacred Geometr ratios we will be working with, the square roots of two (1.414), three (1.732) and five
(2.238), phi (1.618) and pi (3.1416), are all irrational numbers.
Transcendental -um'ers
There are certain kinds of irrational numbers that are called transcendental numbers. Just like irrational numbers,
they are defined by what they are not (they aren't rational numbers), yet transcendental numbers are so identified
because they are not another sort of number, known as an algebraic number.
Any number which is a solution to a polynomial equation is an algebraic number. A polynomial equation is a sum
of one or more terms involving the same variable raised to various powers, for example:

5 :,#; R # :,3; R , L 135
Any Q for which any such equation is true is an algebraic number. Because the square root of two is a solution to
the polynomial equation,
,2 L 2
it is an algebraic number.
A transcendental number requires an infinite number of terms to be defined exactly. That's one way of thinking of
God8dess. There are special equations to derive transcendental numbers where the terms get smaller and smaller
as you go along, so you can keep adding them together to reach any level of accuracy you need, but the true
number cannot be reached e9actl . That is the beauty of transcendental numbers!
Pi ( = 3.1416...) is such a transcendental number. t is the only one we will be using here with Sacred Geometr.
One infinite equation which relates to the value of pi ( ) is this:
Pi E L 1 / :1E3; R :1E#; / :1E5; R :1E8; / :1E11; R :1E13; / :1E1#; R ...and so on into infinity.


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