Urban Bank Vs Peña: Read Case Digest Here

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on December 7, 2012

READ CASE DIGEST HERE. Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila SECOND DI ISION G.R. No. 145817 URBAN vs' MAGDALENO M. PEA, Respondent' ( ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * *( G.R. No. 145822 DELFIN vs' MAGDALENO M. PEA, Respondent' ( ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * *( G.R. No. 1#25#2 MAGDALENO vs' URBAN BANK, INC., TEODORO BORLONGAN, DELFIN C. GONZALEZ, JR., BENJAMIN L. DE LEON, P. SIER$O %. DIZON, ERIC L. LEE, BEN T. LIM, JR., CORAZON BEJASA, MANUEL, JR., Respondents' !" ARTURO Octobe! "#$ %&"" M. PEA, Petitioner$ C. Octobe! "#$ %&"" JR., BENJAMIN L. DE LEON, !" ERIC L. LEE, Petitioners$ Octobe! "#$ %&"" BANK, INC, Petitioner$


DECISION SERENO, J.: +hese consoli,ate, petitions be-an as a si.ple case fo! pa/.ent of se!vices !en,e!e, an, fo! !ei.bu!se.ent of costs' +he case spun a 0eb of suits an, counte!*suits because of1 2"3 the si4e of the

a0a!, fo! a-ent5s fee !en,e!e, in favo! of Att/' Ma-,aleno Pe6a 2Pe6a3 ) PhP%7$&&&$&&& ) !en,e!e, b/ the t!ial cou!t8 2%3 the cont!ove!sial e(ecution of the full 9u,-.ent a0a!, of PhP%:$;&&$&&& 2a-ent5s fee plus !ei.bu!se.ent fo! costs an, othe! ,a.a-es3 pen,in- appeal8 an, 2<3 the fin,in- of soli,a!/ liabilit/ a-ainst U!ban Ban=$ Inc'$ an, seve!al of its co!po!ate office!s an, ,i!ecto!s to-ethe! 0ith the conco.itant lev/in- an, sale in e(ecution of the pe!sonal 2even con9u-al3 p!ope!ties of those office!s an, ,i!ecto!s8 an, 273 the fact that assets 0ith ,ecla!e, conse!vative values of at least P&P181 M'(('o! 0hich$ to-ethe! 0ith those 0ith un,ecla!e, values coul, !each ve!/ .uch .o!e than such a.ount$ " 0e!e levie, o! sol, on e(ecution pen,in- appeal to satisf/ the PhP%:'; Million a0a!, in favo! of Att/' Pe6a' Inci,entall/$ t0o supe!se,eas bon,s 0o!th PhP:& Million 2%': ti.es the a.ount of the 9u,-.ent3 0e!e file, b/ U!ban Ban= an, so.e of its office!s an, ,i!ecto!s to sta/ the e(ecution pen,in- appeal' >a, the fou! atten,ant ci!cu.stances not afflicte, the o!i-inal case$ it 0oul, have been an open*an,*shut !evie0 0he!e this Cou!t$ appl/in- even 9ust the .ini.u. e?uitable p!inciple a-ainst un9ust en!ich.ent 0oul, have easil/ affi!.e, the -!ant of fai! !eco.pense to Att/' Pe6a fo! se!vices he !en,e!e, fo! U!ban Ban= if such ha, been o!,e!e, b/ the t!ial cou!t' +hat Att/' Pe6a shoul, be pai, so.ethin- b/ U!ban Ban= is not in ,ispute ) the Cou!t of Appeals 2CA3 an, the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t 2R+C3 of Ba-o Cit/$ a-!ee, on that' @hat the/ ,isa-!ee, on is the basis an, the si4e of the a0a!,' +he t!ial cou!t clai.s that the basis is an o!al cont!act of a-enc/ an, the a0a!, shoul, be PhP%:$;&&&$&&&8 0hile$ the appellate cou!t sai, that Att/' Pe6a can onl/ be pai, un,e! the le-al p!inciple a-ainst un9ust en!ich.ent$ an, the total a0a!, in his favo! shoul, onl/ a.ount to PhP<$&&&$&&&' In the e/es of the t!ial cou!t$ the cont!ollin- fin,in- is that Att/' Pe6a shoul, be believe, 0hen he testifie, that in a telephone conve!sation$ the p!esi,ent of U!ban Ban=$ +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$ a !espon,ent he!ein$ a-!ee, to pa/ hi. fo! his se!vices "&A of the value of the p!ope!t/ then 0o!th PhP%7&$&&&$&&&$ o! PhP%7$&&&$&&&' Costs an, othe! a0a!,s a,,itionall/ a.ount to PhP7$;&&$&&&$ fo! a total a0a!, of PhP%:$;&&$&&& acco!,in- to the t!ial cou!t' +o the Cou!t of Appeals$ such an a0a!, has no basis$ as in fact$ no cont!act of a-enc/ e(ists bet0een Att/' Pe6a an, U!ban Ban=' >ence$ Att/' Pe6a shoul, onl/ be !eco.pense, acco!,in- to the p!inciple of un9ust en!ich.ent$ an, that he shoul, be a0a!,e, the a.ount of PhP<$&&&$&&& onl/ fo! his se!vices an, !ei.bu!se.ents of costs' +he ,ispa!it/ in the si4e of the a0a!, -iven b/ the t!ial cou!t vis*B*vis that of the Cou!t of Appeals 2PhP%:$;&&$&&& v' PhP<$&&&$&&&3 .ust be place, in the conte(t of the se!vice that Att/' Pe6a p!ove, that he !en,e!e, fo! U!ban Ban=' As the !eco!,s bea!$ Att/' Pe6a5s se!vices consiste, of causin- the

,epa!tu!e of unautho!i4e, sub*tenants in t0ent/*th!ee co..e!cial establish.ents in an ente!tain.ent co.poun, alon- Ro(as Bouleva!,' It involve, the filin- of e9ect.ent suits a-ainst the.$ Pe6a5s pe!sonal ,efense in the counte!*suits file, a-ainst hi.$ his settle.ent 0ith the. to the tune of PhP"$;&&$&&&$ 0hich he a,vance, f!o. his o0n fun,s$ an, his !etention of secu!it/ -ua!,s an, e(pen,itu!e fo! othe! costs a.ountin- to .o!e o! less PhP"$;&&$&&&' +he!e is no clai. b/ Att/' Pe6a of an/ se!vice be/on, those' >e clai.s ,a.a-es f!o. the th!eats to his life an, safet/ f!o. the an-!/ tenants$ as 0ell as a ve(atious collection suit he ha, to face f!o. a c!e,ito!*f!ien, f!o. 0ho. he bo!!o0e, PhP<$&&&$&&& to finance the e(penses fo! the se!vices he !en,e!e, U!ban Ban=' At the ti.e the a0a!, of PhP%:$;&&$&&& b/ the t!ial cou!t ca.e out in "###$ the net 0o!th of U!ban Ban= 0as PhP%$%"#$C:"$"&7'% @hile the ban= 0oul, be close, b/ the Ban-=o Sent!al n- Pilipinas 2BSP3 a /ea! late! fo! havin- unilate!all/ ,ecla!e, a ban= holi,a/ cont!a!/ to ban=in- !ules$ the!e 0as no !eason to believe that at the ti.e such a0a!, ca.e out it coul, not satisf/ a 9u,-.ent of PhP%:$;&&$&&&$ a su. that 0as onl/ "A of its net 0o!th$ an, a .iniscule &'%A of its total assets of PhP""$#<<$<:<$D<&' < In fact$ no alle-ation of i.pen,in- insolvenc/ o! atte.pt to abscon, 0as eve! !aise, b/ Att/' Pe6a an, /et$ the t!ial cou!t -!ante, e(ecution pen,in- appeal' Inte!estin-l/$ Pe6a ha, inclu,e, as co*,efen,ants 0ith U!ban Ban= in the R+C case$ seve!al office!s an, boa!, ,i!ecto!s of U!ban Ban=' Not all boa!, ,i!ecto!s 0e!e sue,$ ho0eve!' @ith !espect to those inclu,e, in the co.plaint$ othe! than a-ainst +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$ Co!a4on Be9asa$ an, A!tu!o Manuel$ no evi,ence 0as eve! offe!e, as to thei! in,ivi,ual actions that -ave !ise to Att/' Pe6a5s cause of action ) the e(ecution of the a-enc/ cont!act an, its b!each ) an, /et$ these office!s an, ,i!ecto!s 0e!e .a,e soli,a!il/ liable b/ the t!ial cou!t 0ith U!ban Ban= fo! the alle-e, b!each of the alle-e, co!po!ate cont!act of a-enc/' E(ecution pen,in- appeal 0as also -!ante, a-ainst the. fo! this soli,a!/ liabilit/ !esultin- in the lev/ an, sale in e(ecution pen,in- appeal of not onl/ co!po!ate p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= but also pe!sonal p!ope!ties of the in,ivi,ual ban= office!s an, ,i!ecto!s' It 0oul, have been inte!estin- to fin, out 0hat ,!ove Att/' Pe6a to sue the ban= office!s an, ,i!ecto!s of U!ban Ban= an, 0h/ he chose to sue onl/ so.e$ but not all of the boa!, ,i!ecto!s of U!ban Ban=$ but the!e is nothin- on the !eco!, 0ith 0hich this anal/sis can be pu!sue,' Befo!e us a!e1 2a3 the Petitions of U!ban Ban= 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3 an, the De Feon E!oup 2E R' No' "7;:%%3 ?uestionin- the p!op!iet/ of the -!ant of e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ an, 2b3 the Petition of Att/' Pe6a 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3 assailin- the CA5s ,ecision on the substantive .e!its of the case 0ith !espect to his clai.s of co.pensation base, on an a-enc/ a-!ee.ent'

O!,ina!il/$ the final !esolution b/ the Sup!e.e Cou!t of an appeal f!o. a t!ial cou!t ,ecision 0oul, have auto.atic$ -ene!all/*un,e!stoo, conse?uences on an o!,e! issue, b/ the t!ial cou!t fo! e(ecution pen,inappeal' But this is no o!,ina!/ case$ an, the .a-nitu,e of the ,isp!opo!tions in this case is too .in,* bo--lin- that this Cou!t .ust e(e!t e(t!a effo!t to co!!ect 0hateve! in9ustices have been occasione, in this case' +hus$ ou! ,ispositions 0ill inclu,e ,etaile, inst!uctions fo! seve!al 9u,icial officials to i.ple.ent' At co!e$ these petitions can be !esolve, if 0e ans0e! the follo0in- ?uestions1 "' @hat is the le-al basis fo! an a0a!, in favo! of Pe6a fo! the se!vices he !en,e!e, to U!ban Ban=G Shoul, it be a cont!act of a-enc/ the fee fo! 0hich 0as o!all/ a-!ee, on as Pe6a clai.sG Shoul, it be the application of the Civil Co,e p!ovisions on un9ust en!ich.entG O! is it to be base, on so.ethin- else o! a co.bination of the le-al fin,in-s of both the R+C an, the CAG >o0 .uch shoul, the a0a!, beG %' A!e the office!s an, ,i!ecto!s of U!ban Ban= liable in thei! pe!sonal capacities fo! the a.ount clai.e, b/ Pe6aG <' @hat a!e the effects of ou! ans0e!s to ?uestions 2"3 an, 2%3$ on the va!ious !esults of the e(ecution pen,in- appeal that happene, he!eG F )*+ ( B ),-.o+!" o/ *&0 Co!*.o10.23 U!ban Ban=$ Inc' 2both petitione! an, !espon,ent in these t0o consoli,ate, cases3$ 7 0as a ,o.estic Philippine co!po!ation$ en-a-e, in the business of ban=in-' ; +he ei-ht in,ivi,ual !espon,ents in E' R' No' "D%;D% 0e!e office!s an, .e.be!s of U!ban Ban=5s boa!, of ,i!ecto!s$ 0ho 0e!e sue, in thei! official an, pe!sonal capacities'D On the othe! han,$ Ben9a.in F' De Feon$ Delfin C' Eon4ale4$ H!'$ an, E!ic F' Fee$ 2he!einafte! the ,e Feon E!oup3$ a!e the petitione!s in E' R' No' "7;:%% an, a!e th!ee of the sa.e ban= office!s an, ,i!ecto!s$ 0ho ha, sepa!atel/ file, the instant Petition befo!e the Cou!t' Petitione!*!espon,ent Att/' Ma-,aleno M' Pe6a 2Pe6a3 C is a la0/e! b/ p!ofession an, 0as fo!.e!l/ a stoc=hol,e!$ ,i!ecto! an, co!po!ate sec!eta!/ of Isabel Su-a! Co.pan/$ Inc' 2ISCI3' : ISCI o0ne, a pa!cel of lan,# locate, in Pasa/ Cit/ 2the Pasa/ p!ope!t/3' "& In "#:7$ ISCI lease, the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ fo! a pe!io, of "& /ea!s' "" @ithout its consent"% an, in violation of the lease cont!act$ "< the lessee sublease, the lan, to seve!al tenants$ 0ho in tu!n put up %< establish.ents$ .ostl/ bee! houses an, ni-ht clubs$ insi,e the co.poun,' "7 In "##7$ a fe0 .onths befo!e the lease cont!act 0as to e(pi!e$ ISCI info!.e, the lessee";an, his tenants"D that the lease 0oul, no lon-e! be !ene0e, an, that it inten,e, to ta=e ove! the Pasa/ p!ope!t/"C fo! the pu!pose of sellin- it'":

+0o 0ee=s befo!e the lease ove! the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ 0as to e(pi!e$ ISCI an, U!ban Ban= e(ecute, a Cont!act to Sell$ 0he!eb/ the latte! 0oul, pa/ ISCI the a.ount of PhP%7"$D"%$&&& in install.ents fo! the Pasa/ p!ope!t/'"# Both pa!ties a-!ee, that the final install.ent of PhP%;$&&&$&&& 0oul, be !elease, b/ the ban= upon ISCI5s ,elive!/ of full an, actual possession of the lan,$ f!ee f!o. an/ tenants' %& In the .eanti.e$ the a.ount of the final install.ent 0oul, be hel, b/ the ban= in esc!o0' +he esc!o0 p!ovision in the Cont!act to Sell$ thus$ !ea,s1 I+he SEFFER 2ISCI3 a-!ees that f!o. the p!ocee,s of the pu!chase p!ices of the sub9ect P!ope!t/ 2Pasa/ p!ope!t/3$ the BUJER 2U!ban Ban=3 shall 0ithhol, the a.ount of P>P %;$&&&$&&&'&& b/ 0a/ of esc!o0 an, 2& (( .0(0 20 *&'2 4o+!* *o *&0 SELLER o!(3 +5o! '*2 "0('10.3 *o *&0 BU6ER o/ *&0 /+(( !" )*+ ( 5o22022'o! !" )o!*.o( o/ *&0 S+780)* P.o50.*3, /.00 /.o4 *0! !*2, o))+5 !*2, 29+ **0.2 o. o*&0. 2*.+)*+.02 o. /.o4 !3 ('0!2, 0!)+47. !)02, 0 2040!*2 o. !3 o*&0. o72*.+)*'o! o.

'450"'40!* *o *&0 /.00 +20 !" o))+5 !)3 73 *&0 7+30. o/ *&0 2+780)* P.o50.*3 o. '*2 0:0.)'20 o/ *&0 .'-&*2 *o o;!0.2&'5 o10. *&0 2+780)* P.o50.*3 $ 0ithin a pe!io, of si(t/ 2D&3 ,a/s f!o. the ,ate of pa/.ent b/ the BUJER of the pu!chase p!ice of the sub9ect P!ope!t/ net of the a.ounts autho!i4e, to be ,e,ucte, o! 0ithhel, un,e! Ite. II 2a3 of this Cont!act' %" 2E.phasis supplie,3 ISCI then inst!ucte, Pe6a$ 0ho 0as its ,i!ecto! an, co!po!ate sec!eta!/$ to ta=e ove! possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/%% a-ainst the tenants upon the e(pi!ation of the lease' ISCI5s p!esi,ent$ M!' En!i?ue E' Montilla III 2Montilla3$ fa(e, a lette! to Pe6a$ confi!.in- the latte!5s en-a-e.ent as the co!po!ation5s a-ent to han,le the eviction of the tenants f!o. the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ to 0it1 %< MEMORANDUM +O1 Att/' Ma-,aleno M' Pena Di!ecto! KROM1 En!i?ue E' Montilla III P!esi,ent DA+E1 %D Nove.be! "##7 6o+ .0 &0.073 "'.0)*0" *o .0)o10. !" * ,0 5o22022'o! o/ *&0 5.o50.*3 o/ *&0 )o.5o. *'o!

2'*+ *0" * Ro: 2 Bo+(01 ." )o10.0" 73 TCT No. 5<82 o/ *&0 R0-'2*0. o/ D00"2 /o. P 2 3 C'*3 '440"' *0(3 +5o! *&0 0:5'. *'o! o/ *&0 )o!*. )* o/ (0 20 o10. *&0 2 '" 5.o50.*3 o! 2= No10470. 1==4' Ko! this pu!pose /ou a!e autho!i4e, to en-a-e the se!vices of secu!it/ -ua!,s to p!otect the p!ope!t/ a-ainst int!u,e!s' Jou .a/ also en-a-e the se!vices of a la0/e! in case the!e is a nee, to -o to

cou!t to p!otect the sai, p!ope!t/ of the co!po!ation' In a,,ition /ou .a/ ta=e 0hateve! steps o! .easu!es a!e necessa!/ to ensu!e ou! continue, possession of the p!ope!t/' 2s-,'3 P!esi,ent%7 On %# Nove.be! "##7$ the ,a/ the lease cont!act 0as to e(pi!e$ ISCI an, U!ban Ban= e(ecute, a Dee, of Absolute Sale%; ove! the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ fo! the a.ount a-!ee, upon in the Cont!act to Sell$ but sub9ect to the above esc!o0 p!ovision' %D +he title to the lan, 0as eventuall/ t!ansfe!!e, to the na.e of U!ban Ban= on &; Dece.be! "##7'%C On <& Nove.be! "##7$ the lessee ,ul/ su!!en,e!e, possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ to ISCI$ %: but the unautho!i4e, sub*tenants !efuse, to leave the a!ea' %# Pu!suant to his autho!it/ f!o. ISCI$ Pe6a ha, the -ates of the p!ope!t/ close, to =eep the sub*tenants out' <& >e also poste, secu!it/ -ua!,s at the p!ope!t/$<" se!vices fo! 0hich he a,vance, pa/.ents'<% Despite the closu!e of the -ates an, the postin- of the -ua!,s$ the sub*tenants 0oul, co.e bac= in the evenin-$ fo!ce open the -ates$ an, p!ocee, to ca!!/ on 0ith thei! businesses'<< On th!ee sepa!ate occasions$ the sub*tenants t!ie, to b!ea= ,o0n the -ates of the p!ope!t/$ th!e0 stones$ an, even th!eatene, to !etu!n an, inflict -!eate! ha!. on those -ua!,in- it' <7 In the .eanti.e$ a ce!tain Ma!il/n E' On-$ as !ep!esentative of ISCI$ fa(e, a lette! to U!ban Ban= ) a,,!esse, to !espon,ent Co!a4on Be9asa$ 0ho 0as then the ban=5s Senio! ice*P!esi,ent ) !e?uestinENRILUE E' MON+IFFA III

the issuance of a fo!.al autho!it/ fo! Pe6a' <; +0o ,a/s the!eafte!$ Ms' On- fa(e, anothe! lette! to the ban=$ this ti.e a,,!esse, to its p!esi,ent$ !espon,ent +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an' <D She !epeate, the!ein the ea!lie! !e?uest fo! autho!it/ fo! Pe6a$ since the tenants 0e!e ?uestionin- ISCI5s autho!it/ to ta=e ove! the Pasa/ p!ope!t/'<C In !esponse to the lette!s of Ms' On-$ petitione!*!espon,ent ban=$ th!ou-h in,ivi,ual !espon,ents Be9asa an, A!tu!o E' Manuel ) Senio! ice*P!esi,ent an, ice*P!esi,ent$ !espectivel/ ) a,vise, Pe6a <: that the

ban= ha, note, the en-a-e.ent of his se!vices b/ ISCI an, st!esse, that ISCI !e.aine, as the la0/e!5s p!incipal'<# +o p!event the sub*tenants f!o. fu!the! app!op!iatin- the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ 7& petitione!*!espon,ent Pe6a$ as ,i!ecto! an, !ep!esentative of ISCI$ file, a co.plaint fo! in9unction 7" 2the Ki!st In9unction Co.plaint3 0ith the R+C*Pasa/ Cit/'7% Actin- on ISCI5s p!a/e! fo! p!eli.ina!/ !elief$ the t!ial cou!t favo!abl/ issue, a te.po!a!/ !est!ainin- o!,e! 2+RO3$ 7< 0hich 0as ,ul/ i.ple.ente,'77 At the ti.e the Ki!st In9unction Co.plaint 0as file,$ a ne0 title to the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ ha, al!ea,/ been issue, in the na.e of U!ban Ban='7; On "# Dece.be! "##7$ 0hen Iinfo!.ation !eache, the 9u,-e that the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ ha, al!ea,/ been t!ansfe!!e, b/ ISCI to U!ban Ban=$ the t!ial cou!t !ecalle, the +RO an, issue, a b!ea=*open o!,e! fo! the

p!ope!t/' Acco!,in- to Pe6a$ it 0as the fi!st ti.e that he 0as app!ise, of the sale of the lan, b/ ISCI an, of the t!ansfe! of its title in favo! of the ban='M 7D It is not clea! f!o. the !eco!,s ho0 such info!.ation !eache, the 9u,-e o! 0hat the b!ea=*open o!,e! 0as in !esponse to' On the sa.e ,a/ that the +RO 0as !ecalle,$ petitione!*!espon,ent Pe6a i..e,iatel/ contacte, ISCI5s p!esi,ent$ M!' Montilla$ 0ho in tu!n confi!.e, the sale of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ to U!ban Ban=' 7C Pe6a tol, M!' Montilla that because of the b!ea=*open o!,e! of the R+C*Pasa/ Cit/$ he 2Pe6a3 0oul, be !ecallinthe secu!it/ -ua!,s he ha, poste, to secu!e the p!ope!t/' M!' Montilla$ ho0eve!$ as=e, hi. to suspen, the planne, 0ith,!a0al of the poste, -ua!,s$ so that ISCI coul, -et in touch 0ith petitione!*!espon,ent ban= !e-a!,in- the .atte!'7: Fate! that sa.e ,a/$ Pe6a !eceive, a telephone call f!o. !espon,ent Be9asa' Afte! Pe6a info!.e, he! of the situation$ she alle-e,l/ tol, hi. that U!ban Ban= 0oul, be !etainin- his se!vices in -ua!,in- the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ an, that he shoul, continue his effo!ts in !etainin- possession the!eof' >e insiste,$ ho0eve!$ on tal=in- to the Ban=5s p!esi,ent' Respon,ent Be9asa -ave hi. the contact ,etails of !espon,ent Bo!lon-an$ then p!esi,ent of U!ban Ban=' 7# +he facts !e-a!,in- the follo0in- phone conve!sation an, co!!espon,ences a!e hi-hl/*cont!ove!te,' I..e,iatel/ afte! tal=in- to !espon,ent Be9asa$ Pe6a -ot in touch 0ith U!ban Ban=5s p!esi,ent$ !espon,ent Bo!lon-an' Pe6a e(plaine, that the police.en in Pasa/ Cit/ 0e!e s/.pathetic to the tenants an, 0e!e th!eatenin- to fo!ce thei! 0a/ into the p!e.ises' >e e(p!esse, his conce!n that violence .i-ht e!upt bet0een the tenants$ the cit/ police$ an, the secu!it/ -ua!,s poste, in the Pasa/ p!ope!t/' Respon,ent Bo!lon-an suppose,l/ assu!e, hi. that the ban= 0as -oin- to !etain his se!vices$ an, that the latte! shoul, not -ive up possession of the sub9ect lan,' Neve!theless$ petitione!*!espon,ent Pe6a ,e.an,e, a 0!itten lette! of autho!it/ f!o. the ban=' Respon,ent Bo!lon-an acce,e, an, inst!ucte, hi. to see !espon,ent Be9asa fo! the lette!';& In the sa.e telephone conve!sation$ !espon,ent Bo!lon-an alle-e,l/ as=e, Pe6a to .aintain possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ an, to !ep!esent U!ban Ban= in an/ le-al action that .i-ht be institute, !elative to the p!ope!t/' Pe6a suppose,l/ ,e.an,e, "&A of the .a!=et value of the p!ope!t/ as co.pensation an, atto!ne/5s fees an, !ei.bu!se.ent fo! all the e(penses incu!!e, f!o. the ti.e he too= ove! lan, until possession 0as tu!ne, ove! to U!ban Ban=' Respon,ent Bo!lon-an pu!po!te,l/ a-!ee, on con,ition that possession 0oul, be tu!ne, ove! to the ban=$ f!ee of tenants$ not late! than fou! .onths8 othe!0ise$ Pe6a 0oul, lose the "&A co.pensation an, atto!ne/5s fees'

Fate! that afte!noon$ Pe6a !eceive, the ban=5s lette! ,ate, "# Dece.be! "##7$ 0hich 0as si-ne, b/ !espon,ents Be9asa an, Manuel$ an, is ?uote, belo01

T&'2 '2 *o )o!/'.4 *&0 0!- -040!* o/ 3o+. 20.1')02 B !,, 250)'/') ((3 *o &o("

2 *&0

+*&o.'>0" .05.020!* *'10 o/ U.7 ! 7o10) 5*'o!0" 5.o50.*3 ?P 2 3

!" 4 '!* '! 5o22022'o! o/ o+.

5.o50.*3@ !" *o 5.o*0)* *&0 2 40 /.o4 /o.40. *0! !*2, o))+5 !*2 o. !3 o*&0. 50.2o! ;&o .0 *&.0 *0!'!- *o .0*+.! *o *&0 2 '" 5.o50.*3 5.o50.*3 /o. !" '! o+. 70& (/. Jou a!e li=e0ise autho!i4e, to !ep!esent U!ban Ban= in an/ cou!t action that /ou .a/ institute to ca!!/ out the afo!e.entione, ,uties$ an, to p!event an/ int!u,e!$ s?uatte! o! an/ othe! pe!son not othe!0ise autho!i4e, in 0!itin- b/ U!ban NBOan= f!o. ente!in- o! sta/in- in the p!e.ises' ;% 2E.phasis supplie,3 On even ,ate$ ISCI sent U!ban Ban= a lette!$ 0hich ac=no0le,-e, ISCI5s en-a-e.ent of Pe6a an, co..it.ent to pa/ fo! an/ e(penses that .a/ be incu!!e, in the cou!se of his se!vices' ISCI5s lette! !ea,s1 +his has !efe!ence to /ou! p!ope!t/ locate, alon- Ro(as Bouleva!,$ Pasa/ Cit/ NPasa/ p!ope!t/O 0hich /ou pu!chase, f!o. Isabela Su-a! Co.pan/ un,e! a Dee, of Absolute Sale e(ecute, on Dece.be! "$ "##7' In line 0ith ou! 0a!!anties as the Selle! of the sai, p!ope!t/ an, ou! un,e!ta=in- to ,elive! to /ou the full an, actual possession an, cont!ol of sai, p!ope!t/$ f!ee f!o. tenants$ occupants o! s?uatte!s an, f!o. an/ obst!uction o! i.pe,i.ent to the f!ee use an, occupanc/ of the p!ope!t/ b/ U!ban Ban=$ ;0 & 10 0!- -0" *&0 20.1')02 o/ A**3. M -" (0!o M. P0B *o &o(" !" 4 '!* '! 5o22022'o! o/ *&0 5.o50.*3 !" *o 5.010!* *&0 /o.40. *0! !*2 o. o))+5 !*2 /.o4 0!*0.'!- o. .0*+.!'!- *o *&0 5.04'202. In vie0 of the t!ansfe! of the o0ne!ship of the p!ope!t/ to U!ban Ban=$ it .a/ be necessa!/ fo! U!ban Ban= to appoint Att/' Pe6a li=e0ise as its autho!i4e, !ep!esentative fo! pu!poses of hol,in-P.aintainin- continue, possession of the sai, p!ope!t/ an, to !ep!esent U!ban Ban= in an/ cou!t action that .a/ be institute, fo! the above.entione, pu!poses' I* '2 +!"0.2*oo" *& * !3 **o.!03C2 /002, )o2* o/ ('*'- *'o! !" !3 o*&0. )& .-02 o. 0:50!202 *& * 4 3 70 '!)+..0" .0( *'10 *o *&0 0:0.)'20 73 A**3. P0B o/ &'2 7o1040!*'o!0" "+*'02 2& (( 70 /o. *&0 ))o+!* o/ I2 70( S+- . Co45 !3 an, an/ loss o! ,a.a-e that .a/ be incu!!e, to thi!, pa!ties shall be ans0e!able b/ Isabela Su-a! Co.pan/' ;< 2E.phasis supplie,3 +he follo0in- na!!ation of subse?uent p!ocee,in-s is uncont!ove!te,' Pe6a then .ove, fo! the ,is.issal of ISCI5s Ki!st In9unction Co.plaint$ file, on behalf of ISCI$ on the -!oun, of lac= of pe!sonalit/ to continue the action$ since the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ sub9ect of the suit$ ha, !"Ao. '!*0./0.0 ;'*& 3o+. 5o22022'o! o/ *&0 2 '"

al!ea,/ been t!ansfe!!e, to U!ban Ban=' ;7 +he R+C*Pasa/ Cit/ ,is.isse, the co.plaint an, !ecalle, its ea!lie! b!ea=*open o!,e!';; +he!eafte!$ petitione!*!espon,ent Pe6a$ no0 in !ep!esentation of U!ban Ban=$ file, a sepa!ate co.plaint;D 2the Secon, In9unction Co.plaint3 0ith the R+C*Ma=ati Cit/$ to en9oin the tenants f!o. ente!in- the Pasa/ p!ope!t/';CActin- on U!ban Ban=5s p!eli.ina!/ p!a/e!$ the R+C*Ma=ati Cit/ issue, a +RO';: @hile the Secon, In9unction Co.plaint 0as pen,in-$ Pe6a .a,e effo!ts to settle the issue of possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ 0ith the sub*tenants' Du!in- the ne-otiations$ he 0as e(pose, to seve!al civil an, c!i.inal cases the/ file, in connection 0ith the tas= he ha, assu.e, fo! U!ban Ban=$ an, he !eceive, seve!al th!eats a-ainst his life';# +he sub*tenants eventuall/ a-!ee, to sta/ off the p!ope!t/ fo! a total consi,e!ation of PhP"$;&&$&&&'D&Pe6a a,vance, the pa/.ent fo! the full an, final settle.ent of thei! clai.s a-ainst U!ban Ban='D" Pe6a clai.s to have bo!!o0e, PhP<$&&&$&&& f!o. one of his f!ien,s in o!,e! to .aintain possession the!eof on behalf of U!ban Ban='D% Acco!,in- to hi.$ althou-h his c!e,ito!*f!ien, -!ante, hi. seve!al e(tensions$ he faile, to pa/ his loan 0hen it beca.e ,ue$ an, it late! on beca.e the sub9ect of a sepa!ate collection suit fo! pa/.ent 0ith inte!est an, atto!ne/5s fees' D< +his collection suit beca.e the basis fo! Att/' Pe6a5s !e?uest fo! ,isc!etiona!/ e(ecution pen,in- appeal late! on' On &C Keb!ua!/ "##;$ 0ithin the fou!*.onth pe!io, alle-e,l/ a-!ee, upon in the telephone conve!sation$ Pe6a fo!.all/ info!.e, U!ban Ban= that it coul, al!ea,/ ta=e possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/' D7 +he!e 0as ho0eve! no .ention of the co.pensation ,ue an, o0e, to hi. fo! the se!vices he ha, !en,e!e,' On <" Ma!ch "##;$ the ban= subse?uentl/ too= actual possession of the p!ope!t/ an, installe, its o0n -ua!,s at the p!e.ises'D; Pe6a the!eafte! .a,e seve!al atte.pts to contact !espon,ents Bo!lon-an an, Be9asa b/ telephone$ but the ban= office!s 0oul, not ta=e an/ of his calls' On %7 Hanua!/ "##D$ o! nea!l/ a /ea! afte! he tu!ne, ove! possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ Pe6a fo!.all/ ,e.an,e, f!o. U!ban Ban= the pa/.ent of the "&A co.pensation an, atto!ne/5s fees alle-e,l/ p!o.ise, to hi. ,u!in- his telephone conve!sation 0ith Bo!lon-an fo! secu!in- an, .aintainin- peaceful possession of the p!ope!t/' DD P.o)00"'!-2 o! *&0 Co45( '!* /o. Co450!2 *'o! On %: Hanua!/ "##D$ 0hen U!ban Ban= !efuse, to pa/ fo! his se!vices in connection 0ith the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ Pe6a file, a co.plaint DC fo! !ecove!/ of a-ent5s co.pensation an, e(penses$ ,a.a-es an, atto!ne/5s fees in R+C*Ba-o Cit/ in the p!ovince of Ne-!os Occi,ental' D: Inte!estin-l/$ Pe6a sue, onl/ si( out of the eleven .e.be!s of the Boa!, of the Di!ecto!s of U!ban Ban=' D# No !eason 0as -iven 0h/ the si( ,i!ecto!s 0e!e selecte, an, the othe!s e(clu,e, f!o. Pe6a5s co.plaint' In fact$ as pointe, out$ Att/'

Pe6a .ista=enl/ i.plea,e, as a ,efen,ant$ Ben J' Fi.$ H!'$ 0ho 0as neve! even a .e.be! of the Boa!, of Di!ecto!s of U!ban Ban=8 0hile$ Ben +' Fi.$ S!'$ fathe! an, na.esa=e of Ben J' Fi.$ H!'$ 0ho ha, been a ,i!ecto! of the ban=$ al!ea,/ passe, a0a/ in "##C' C& In !esponse to the co.plaint of Att/' Pe6a$ U!ban Ban= an, in,ivi,ual ban= office!s an, ,i!ecto!s a!-ue, that it 0as ISCI$ the o!i-inal o0ne!s of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ that ha, en-a-e, the se!vices of Pe6a in secu!in- the p!e.ises8 an,$ conse?uentl/$ the/ coul, not be hel, liable fo! the e(penses Pe6a ha, incu!!e,'C" On %: Ma/ "###$ the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ C% !ule, in favo! of Pe6a$ afte! fin,in- that an a-enc/ !elationship ha, in,ee, been c!eate, bet0een hi. an, U!ban Ban=' +he ei-ht ,i!ecto!s an, ban= office!s 0e!e foun, to be soli,a!il/ liable 0ith the ban= fo! the pa/.ent of a-enc/5s fees' +he t!ial cou!t thus o!,e!e, U!ban Ban= an, all ei-ht ,efen,ant ban= ,i!ecto!s an, office!s 0ho. Pe6a sue, to pa/ the total a.ount of PhP%:$;&&$&&& 2e(clu,in- costs of suit31 @>EREKORE$ p!e.ise, f!o. the fo!e-oin-$ 9u,-.ent is he!eb/ !en,e!e, o!,e!in- ,efen,ants to pa/ plaintiff 9ointl/ an, seve!all/ the follo0in- a.ounts1 "' P%7$&&&$&&& as co.pensation fo! plaintiff5s se!vices plus the le-al !ate of inte!est f!o. the ti.e of ,e.an, until full/ pai,8 %' P<$&&&$&&& as !ei.bu!se.ent of plaintiff5s e(penses8 <' P"$&&&$&&& as an, fo! atto!ne/5s fees8 7' P;&&$&&& as e(e.pla!/ ,a.a-es8 ;' Costs of suit' SO ORDERED'C< U!ban Ban= an, the in,ivi,ual ,efen,ant ban= ,i!ecto!s an, office!s file, a co..on Notice of Appeal$C7 0hich 0as -iven ,ue cou!se'C; In the appeal$ the/ ?uestione, the factual fin,in- that an a-enc/ !elationship e(iste, bet0een the ban= an, Pe6a'CD Althou-h the/ put up a sin-le ,efense in the p!ocee,in-s in the lo0e! cou!t$ U!ban Ban= an, in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants cont!acte, ,iffe!ent counsel an, file, sepa!ate B!iefs on appeal in the appellate cou!t' In its B!ief$CC U!ban Ban=C: assi-ne, as e!!o!s the t!ial cou!t5s !eliance on the pu!po!te, o!al cont!act of a-enc/ an, Pe6a5s clai.s fo! co.pensation ,u!in- the cont!ove!te, telephone conve!sation 0ith Bo!lon-an$ 0hich 0e!e alle-e,l/ inc!e,ible'

Mean0hile$ Ben9a.in F' ,e Feon$ Delfin Eon4ale4$ H!'$ an, E!ic F' Fee 2the De Feon E!oup3$ C# the petitione!s in the instant Petition ,oc=ete, as E' R' No' "7;:%%$ a!-ue, that$ even on the assu.ption that the!e ha, been an a-enc/ cont!act 0ith the ban=$ the t!ial cou!t co..itte, !eve!sible e!!o! in hol,inthe. ) as ban= ,i!ecto!s ) soli,a!il/ liable 0ith the co!po!ation' :& On the othe! han,$ +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$ Co!a4on M' Be9asa$ A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ Ben J' Fi.$ H!'$ an, P' Sie!vo >' Di4on 2the Bo!lon-an E!oup3 :" !eite!ate, si.ila! a!-u.ents as those of the De Feon E!oup$ a,,in- that the clai.e, co.pensation of "&A of the pu!chase p!ice of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ 0as not !easonable':% Pe6a !efute, all of thei! a!-u.ents:< an, p!a/e, that the t!ial cou!t5s Decision be affi!.e,' :7 Actin- favo!abl/ on the appeal$ the Cou!t of Appeals :; annulle, the Decision of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ an, !ule, that no a-enc/ !elationship ha, been c!eate,' Neve!theless$ it o!,e!e, U!ban Ban= to !ei.bu!se Pe6a fo! his e(penses an, to -ive hi. !easonable co.pensation fo! his effo!ts in clea!in- the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ of tenants in the a.ount of PhP<$&&&$&&&$ but absolve, the ban= ,i!ecto!s an, office!s f!o. soli,a!/ liabilit/' +he ,ispositive po!tion of the CA ,ecision !ea,s as follo0s1 @>EREKORE$ in vie0 of the fo!e-oin- consi,e!ations$ the Ma/ %:$ %&&& Decision NsicO an, the Octobe! "#$ %&&& NsicO Special O!,e! of the R+C of Ba-o Cit/$ B!anch D%$ :D a!e he!eb/ ANNUFFED AND SE+ ASIDE' %o;010., *&0 5( '!*'//D 550((00 ?P0B @ '! CA GR C$ No. #575# '2 ; ."0" *&0 4o+!* o/ P< M'(('o! 2 .0'47+.2040!* /o. &'2 0:50!202 2 ;0(( 2 .0 2o! 7(0 )o450!2 *'o! /o. &'2 0//o.*2 '! )(0 .'!- U.7 ! B !,C2 5.o50.*3 o/ +!( ;/+( o))+5 !*2. +he a0a!, of e(e.pla!/ ,a.a-es$ atto!ne/5s fees an, costs of suit a!e ,elete,$ the sa.e not havin- been sufficientl/ p!oven' +he petition fo! In,i!ect Conte.pt a-ainst all the !espon,ents is DISMISSED fo! utte! lac= of .e!it'

2E.phasis supplie,3

Pe6a ,ul/ file, a Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation of the unfavo!able CA Decision' :: +he appellate cou!t$ ho0eve!$ ,enie, his .otion':# +he CA Decision an, Resolution 0e!e appeale, b/ Pe6a to this Cou!t$ th!ou-h one of the th!ee consoli,ate, Rule 7; Petitions befo!e us 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3' E:0)+*'o! P0!"'!- A550 ( On &C Hune "###$ p!io! to the filin- of the notice of appeal of U!ban Ban= an, in,ivi,ual ban= office!s$#& Pe6a .ove, fo! e(ecution pen,in- appeal #" of the Decision !en,e!e, b/ the R+C*Ba-o Cit/$#% 0hich ha, a0a!,e, hi. a total of PhP%:$;&&$&&& in co.pensation an, ,a.a-es' #< In suppo!tin- his p!a/e! fo! ,isc!etiona!/ e(ecution$ Pe6a cite, the pen,in- sepa!ate civil action fo! collection file, a-ainst hi. b/ his c!e,ito!*f!ien,$ 0ho 0as ,e.an,in- pa/.ent of a PhP<$&&&$&&& loan'#7 Acco!,in- to Pe6a$ he ha, use, the p!ocee,s of the loan fo! secu!in- the ban=5s Pasa/ p!ope!t/' No o*&0. .0 2o! /o. *&0 5. 30. /o. 0:0)+*'o! 50!"'!- 550 ( ; 2 -'10! 73 P0B o*&0. *& ! *&'2 )o((0)*'o! 2+'*.#;

In opposition to the .otion$ U!ban Ban= counte!e, that the collection case 0as not a sufficient !eason fo! allo0in- e(ecution pen,in- appeal'#D On %# Octobe! "###$ the R+C*Ba-o Cit/$ th!ou-h Hu,-e >en!/ H' +!ocino$ #C favo!abl/ -!ante, Pe6a5s .otion an, issue, a Special O!,e! autho!i4in- e(ecution pen,in- appeal' #: In acco!,ance 0ith this Special O!,e!$ Att/' Hosephine Mutia*>a-a,$ the cle!= of cou!t an, e( officio she!iff$ issue, a @!it of E(ecution## on the sa.e ,a/' "&&+he Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution 0e!e ,i!ecte, at the p!ope!ties o0ne, b/ U!ban Ban= as 0ell as the p!ope!ties of the ei-ht in,ivi,ual ban= ,i!ecto!s an, office!s' On &7 Nove.be! "###$ affecte, b/ the t!ial cou!t5s -!ant of e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ U!ban Ban= "&" file, a Rule D; Petition 0ith the CA to en9oin the Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution issue, b/ the t!ial cou!t 0ith a p!a/e! fo! a +RO'"&% On &# Nove.be! "###$ the appellate cou!t favo!abl/ -!ante, the +RO an, p!eli.ina!il/ p!ohibite, the i.ple.entation of the Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution' "&< On "% Hanua!/ %&&&$ the CA eventuall/ -!ante, U!ban Ban=5s Rule D; Petition$ an, the R+C5s Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution$ 0hich pe!.itte, e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ 0e!e annulle,' +he appellate cou!t !ule,1"&7 @>EREKORE$ the instant petition is ERAN+ED' +he Special O!,e! an, 0!it of e(ecution$ both ,ate, Octobe! %#$ "###$ a!e ANNUFFED an, SE+ ASIDE' Respon,ents a!e ,i!ecte, to ,esist f!o. fu!the! i.ple.entin- the 0!it of e(ecution an, to lift the -a!nish.ent an, lev/ .a,e pu!suant the!eto'

On &% Keb!ua!/ %&&&$ Pe6a .ove, fo! the !econsi,e!ation of the CA5s Decision8 "&D 0hile petitione!s file, thei! co!!espon,in- Co..entPOpposition the!eto'"&C Du!in- the pen,enc/ of Pe6a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation$ U!ban Ban= ,ecla!e, a ban= holi,a/ on %D Ap!il %&&& an, 0as place, un,e! !eceive!ship of the Philippine Deposit Insu!ance Co!po!ation 2PDIC3' "&: In its A.en,e, Decision ,ate, ": Au-ust %&&&$ the CA "&# favo!abl/ -!ante, Pe6a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation$ an, !eve!se, its ea!lie! Decision to allo0 e(ecution pen,in- appeal' ""& +he appellate cou!t foun, that the ban= holi,a/ ,ecla!e, b/ the BSP afte! the p!o.ul-ation of its ea!lie! Decision$ PDIC5s !eceive!ship of U!ban Ban=$ an, the i..inent insolvenc/ the!eof constitute, chan-es in the ban=5s con,itions that 0oul, 9ustif/ e(ecution pen,in- appeal' """ On %# Au-ust %&&&$ U!ban Ban= an, its office!s .ove, fo! the !econsi,e!ation of the A.en,e, Decision'""% +he De Feon E!oup subse?uentl/ file, seve!al Supple.ental Motions fo!

Reconsi,e!ation'""< +he!eafte!$ !espon,ents +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an an, Co!a4on M' Be9asa also file, thei! sepa!ate Supple.ental Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation$""7as ,i, petitione! Ben +' Fi.$ H!'"";

On "# Octobe! %&&&$ the Cou!t of Appeals ,enie, the .otion fo! !econsi,e!ation fo! lac= of .e!it an, the othe! subse?uent Supple.ental Motions fo! Reconsi,e!ation fo! bein- file, out of ti.e' ""D +he appellate cou!t also o!,e!e, Pe6a to post an in,e.nit/ bon,' ""C +he A.en,e, Decision an, the Resolution 0e!e the sub9ects of seve!al Rule 7; Petitions file, b/ U!ban Ban= an, in,ivi,ual petitione!s 2E' R' Nos' "7;:"C$ "7;:": an, "7;:%%3' On the sa.e ,a/ the CA ,enie, its Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation$ the De Feon E!oup i..e,iatel/ .ove, fo! the sta/ of e(ecution pen,in- appeal upon the filin- of a supe!se,eas bon,' "": On <" Octobe! %&&&$ the CA""# -!ante, the sta/ of the e(ecution upon the filin- b/ the De Feon E!oup of a PhP7&$&&&$&&& bon, in favo! of Pe6a'"%& Pe6a .ove, fo! the !econsi,e!ation of the sta/ o!,e!' "%" In its Resolution ,ate, &: Dece.be! %&&&$ "%% the appellate cou!t ,enie, Pe6a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation an, a sta/ o!,e! ove! the e(ecution pen,in- appeal 0as issue, in favo! of the De Feon E!oup$ afte! the/ ha, file, thei! supe!se,eas bon,' "%< +he sta/ of e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ ho0eve!$ e(clu,e, U!ban Ban='"%7 On &: Dece.be! %&&&$ Pe6a poste, his in,e.nit/ bon, as !e?ui!e, b/ the CA' "%; As .entione, ea!lie!$ U!ban Ban=$ the De Feon E!oup$ an, the Bo!lon-an E!oup file, a!oun, Dece.be! %&&& sepa!ate Rule 7; Petitions in this Cou!t$ to assail the unfavo!able CA A.en,e, Decision an, Resolution that affi!.e, the e(ecution pen,in- appeal' +he ,etails of these Rule 7; Petitions 0ill be ,iscusse, in ,etail late! on' In the .eanti.e$ E(po!t an, In,ust!/ Ban= 2EIB3 sub.itte, its p!oposal fo! !ehabilitation of U!ban Ban= to the BSP$ an, !e?ueste, that the t!ouble, ban= be !e.ove, f!o. !eceive!ship of the PDIC' On "% Hul/ %&&"$ o! al.ost a /ea! afte! the Cou!t of Appeals a.en,e, its ,ecision to allo0 e(ecution pen,inappeal$ the !ehabilitation plan of U!ban Ban= 0as app!ove, b/ the Moneta!/ Boa!, of the BSP' "%D +hus$ the Moneta!/ Boa!, subse?uentl/ lifte, PDIC5s statuto!/ !eceive!ship of the ban=' "%C On "7 Septe.be! %&&"$ U!ban Ban=$ t!/in- to follo0 the lea, of the De Feon E!oup$ .a,e a si.ila! !e?uest 0ith the Cou!t of Appeals fo! app!oval of its o0n supe!se,eas bon,$ "%: fo! the sa.e a.ount of PhP7&$&&&$&&&$ an, p!a/e, that the e(ecution of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/5s Decision a-ainst it be sta/e, as 0ell'"%# So.eti.e in Septe.be! an, Octobe! %&&"$ U!ban Ban= be-an !eceivin- notices of lev/ an, -a!nish.ent ove! its p!ope!ties' Afte! it !eceive, Notice of the i.pen,in- public e(ecution sale of its sha!es in the +a-a/ta/ >i-hlan,s Inte!national Eolf Club$ "<& U!ban Ban= !eite!ate, its !e?uest fo! the app!oval of the supe!se,eas bon, 0ith the Cou!t of Appeals an, the issuance of the co!!espon,in- sta/ o!,e!' "<" +he appellate cou!t$ ho0eve!$ .e!el/ note, U!ban Ban=5s .otion on the -!oun, that the!e 0as no sho0in- 0hethe! a petition to the Sup!e.e Cou!t ha, been file, o! -iven ,ue cou!se o! ,enie,' "<%

Afte! the ,enial b/ the Cou!t of Appeals of U!ban Ban=5s .otion fo! app!oval of its supe!se,eas bon,$ so.e of the levie, p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= an, the othe! ban= office!s 0e!e sol, on public auction' +he table belo0 lists the p!ope!ties that appea! on !eco!, to have been levie, an,Po! sol, on e(ecution pen,in- appeal an, the app!o(i.ate value of so.e of these p!ope!ties' +he/ ,o not inclu,e p!ope!ties cove!e, b/ the Petition ,oc=ete, as E' R' No' "7;:":' T 7(0 o/ L01'0", G .!'2&0" !"Ao. E:0)+*0" P.o50.*'02 P0!"'!- A550 ( Owner/ Defendant Property Description T ree !lub " ares Ta#aytay $i# lands %nternational &olf !lub'(( T ree !lub " ares in .akati "ports, !lub, %nc- 1."!%2 3!o4ered by "tock !ertificate 5os- A6 '0+(, A67()8 and B69*7:'(8 Estimated Value or Price at Public Auction Total Amount Remarks

As of )* December '+++, one s are was sellin# at P'-* .illion-'(/ /,0)),))) As of )* December '+++, ."!% !lub " ares ;A< and ;B< were sellin# at P P*8),))) and P P9)),))), respecti4ely- '(* 7,))),)))'(9 T e i# est bid price obtained for t e condominium units was P P'. at t e time of t e e?ecution sale-'(+ 08,))),))) Atty- Pe=a was one of t e winnin# bidders in t e auction sale to#et er wit is creditor friend, Roberto %#nacio, and Atty- Ramon Ere=eta%nter4enor Unime#a purc ased t e ') condominium units in t e auction sale for P'. eac or a total of P') .-'/)

08 !ondominium Units in t e Urban Bank Pla>a, .akati !ity'(0 A '88 s@mcondominium unit, .akati !ity 1!!T 5o- 89*+92 '/'


A '7-8 s@mcondominium parkin# space 1Parkin# T ree, Unit P6/*2 in .akati !ity Estimates are based on 1!!T 5o- 89*+02'/( report of Urban Bank'/7 A */,*99 s@m- land in Ta#aytay !ity 1T!T 5o- 7)/9'2'// Value based on estimate of Urban Bank'/8


Urban Bank Teodoro Borlon#an

(8,897,(8) 5otice of "ale on E?ecution on Personal Property dated 78 Au#ust 7)))'/0

One !lub " are in Borlon#anAs club s are .anila Polo !lub 15o- was estimated to be 4alued (/((2'/* at P',))),)))-'/9 ',))),))) One !lub " are in One club s are was 8)),)))

"ubic Bay Bac t !lub'/+ One !lub " are in Ba#uio !ountry !lub'8'

estimated to be 4alued at P8)),)))-'8) As of )* December '+++, one s are was sellin# at P09),)))-'87 09),))) As of )* December '+++, ."!% !lub " ares ;A< and ;B< were sellin# at P P*8),))) and P P9)),))) respecti4ely- '8/ *8),))) 5o estimate a4ailable on record5otice of "ale on E?ecution on Personal Property dated 78 Au#ust 7)))'80

One !lub " are in ."!%'8( Real Property'88

One !lub " are in &on>alesA club s are was .anila Polo !lub 15o- estimated to be 4alued at (0'02'8* P/,))),)))-'89 /,))),))) One !lub " are in Ba#uio !ountry !lub-'8+ One !lub " are in Alaban# !ountry !lub 1.ember 5o88)2'*' (),808 s ares of stock in D- !&on>ales, Cr-, %nc-'*( Delfin !&on>ales, Cr&on>alesA club s are was estimated to be 4alued at P',)99,)))-'*) ',)99,))) &on>alesA club s are was estimated to be 4alued at P7,))),)))-'*7 7,))),)))

P7)-)) per s are'*/


/) " ares of stock in D- !- &on>ales, Cr-, %nc-'*8 P8)-)) per s are'** One !lub " are in .anila Polo !lub 1wit Associate .embers ip2 35o- )8+9:'*9 One !lub " are in ."!% 1"tock !ertificate 5o- A6 '982'9)

7,))) 5otice of "ale on E?ecution on Personal Property dated 78 Au#ust 7)))'*+

De EeonAs " are was estimated at P/ . for t e s are and P'-)8 . for t e associate members ip-'*0 8,)8),)))

De EeonAs s are was estimated at P/8),)))-'9'


BenDamin E- de Eeon

One !lub " are in Ba#uio !ountry !lub 1887(2'97

As of )* December '+++, one s are was sellin# at least P09),)))-'9( 09),))) 5o records a4ailable as to properties le4ied, #arnis ed or e?ecuted pendin# appeal-

P- "ier4o &Di>on

One !lub " are in .anila Polo !lub 17)(02'9/ One !lub " are in .anila &olf !lub, %nc-'99 One !lub " are in "ta- Elena &olf !lub, %nc- 1!lass ;A< " are2 '9+ Two !lub " ares in Ta#aytay $i# lands %ntAl &olf !lub, %nc- '0' One !lub " are in "ubic Bac t !lub'0/ *),989 " ares of stock in EFE Properties, %nc-'0*

EeeAsA club s are was estimated to be 4alued at P/,))),)))-'98 /,))),))) EeeAs club s are was estimated to be 4alued at P'8,98),)))-'90 '8,98),))) EeeAs club s are was estimated to be 4alued at P7,))),)))-'0) 7,))),))) EeeAs club s ares were estimated to be 4alued at P',))),)))-'07 ',))),))) EeeAs club s are was estimated to be 4alued at P8)),)))-'08 8)),)))

5otice of "ale on E?ecution on Personal Property dated 78 Au#ust 7)))'9*

5otice of "ale on E?ecution on Personal Property dated 78 Au#ust 7)))'0(

P7)-)) per s are


/) " ares of stock in EFE Properties, %nc- '09 P8)-)) per s are Eric E- Eee !as #arnis ed from BP% Account'00

7,))) ')),))) 5o records a4ailable as to properties le4ied, #arnis ed or e?ecuted pendin# appeal-

Ben T- Eim, Cr!ora>on BeDasa Arturo .anuel, Cr-, TOTAL VALUE Real Property'0+ Real Property'+) 5o estimated 4alue5o estimated 4alue181,919,190

+he su. of P&P181,=1=,1=E ,oes not inclu,e .an/ othe! p!ope!ties an, it is not ,ifficult to believe that the total value cove!e, !eache, .o!e than that' "#" In su..a!/$ the esti.ate, values an,Po! pu!chase p!ices at the auction sale of the p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= an, its office!s a.ounte, to no less than P&P181,=1=,1=E al!ea,/' +his a.ounts to al.ost si( ti.es the value of the a0a!, -iven b/ the t!ial cou!t' Othe!0ise state,$ Pe6a$ as 9u,-.ent c!e,ito!$ 0as ove!l/ secu!e, b/ the levie, an,Po! -a!nishe, p!ope!ties fo! the a.ount of PhP%:$;&&$&&&$ 0he!e the 9u,-.ent a0a!, 0as still sub9ect of !eve!sal on appeal'

On %% Octobe! %&&"$ U!ban Ban=$ 0ith !espect to its pen,in- Rule 7; Petition in this Cou!t$ .ove, fo! the app!oval of its PhP7&$&&&$&&& supe!se,eas bon, "#% an, !e?ueste, that the Cou!t sta/ the e(ecution pen,in- appeal'"#< Pe6a oppose, the .otion on the -!oun, that it ha, al!ea,/ been !en,e!e, .oot an, aca,e.ic b/ the sale of the p!ope!ties of the ban=' "#7 On %< Octobe! %&&%$ o! al.ost a /ea! afte! so.e of the con,o.iniu. units 0e!e sol, in a public auction$ EIB$ as the successo! of U!ban Ban=$ e(p!esse, to the she!iff of R+C*Ba-o Cit/ an intent to !e,ee. the sai, con,o.iniu. units'"#; +hus$ EIB ten,e!e, th!ee .ana-e!5s chec=s in the total a.ount of PhP%%$"&:$:&&"#D to !e,ee. the p!ope!ties that 0e!e p!eviousl/ un,e! the na.e of U!ban Ban='"#C Althou-h the t!ial cou!t note, the ban=5s Manifestation$ "#: the she!iff !etu!ne, the EIB5s .ana-e!5s chec=s' +hus$ on %# Octobe! %&&%$ EIB$ th!ou-h a .otion$ 0as p!o.pte, to tu!n ove! the chec=s to the t!ial cou!t itself'"## @hen U!ban Ban= suppose,l/ faile, to !e,ee. the con,o.iniu. units acco!,in- to the she!iff$ %&& final Ce!tificates of Sale 0e!e issue, in favo! of Uni.e-a on &7 Nove.be! %&&%' %&" Upon the latte!5s .otion$ R+C*Ba-o Cit/$ in its O!,e! ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&%$ o!,e!e, the Re-iste! of Dee,s of Ma=ati to t!ansfe! the Con,o.iniu. Ce!tificates of +itle to the na.e of Uni.e-a' %&% It has not been sho0n$ thou-h$ 0hethe! this O!,e! 0as follo0e,' +his Cou!t$ actin- on U!ban Ban=5s ea!lie! .otion to app!ove its supe!se,eas bon,$ -!ante, the sa.e in its Resolution ,ate, "# Nove.be! %&&"' %&< Pe6a .ove, fo! !econsi,e!ation of the app!oval$ %&7 but his .otion 0as subse?uentl/ ,enie, b/ the Cou!t'%&; Proceedings in the Supreme Court (G. R. Nos. 145 1!, 145 1 " 145 ##$ On %" Dece.be! %&&&$ U!ban Ban=$%&D !ep!esente, b/ its !eceive!$ PDIC$%&C file, a Rule 7; Petition 0ith this Cou!t 2,oc=ete, as E' R' No' "7;:"C3 to assail the CA5s A.en,e, Decision an, Resolution -!antine(ecution pen,in- appeal'%&: In !esponse$ Pe6a .ove, fo! the ,enial of the petition on the -!oun,s of lac= .e!it$ violation of the !ule a-ainst fo!u. shoppin-$ an, non*pa/.ent of ,oc=et fees$ a.on- othe!s' %&# In a sepa!ate Co..ent$%"& Pe6a also a!-ue, that the appellate cou!t ha, co..itte, no e!!o! 0hen it consi,e!e, the ban=5s Ii..inent insolvenc/M as a -oo, !eason fo! uphol,in- the vali,it/ of the e(ecution pen,in- appeal' On the othe! han,$ the Bo!lon-an E!oup %"" file, a sepa!ate Rule 7; Petition ?uestionin- the sa.e Decision an, Resolution$ ,oc=ete, as E' R' No' "7;:":' %"% +his Cou!t initiall/ ,enie, thei! petition on the -!oun, that it faile, to sufficientl/ sho0 that the CA co..itte, !eve!sible o!,e!' %"< +he Bo!lon-an E!oup t0ice .ove, fo! the !econsi,e!ation of the ,enial of thei! petition8 but the Cou!t nonetheless ,enie, both .otions fo! lac= of .e!it'%"7+his ,enial of the petition in E' R' No' "7;:": beca.e final an, e(ecuto!/$ 0ith the issuance of the Ent!/ of Hu,-.ent'%";

Mean0hile$ anothe! Rule 7; Petition 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3 %"D 0as file, b/ the De Feon E!oup$ assailin- the sa.e Decisions of the appellate cou!t' +he Cou!t also p!eli.ina!il/ ,enie, this petition on the -!oun, that the De Feon E!oup faile, to file the appeal 0ithin the !e-le.enta!/ pe!io, an, to pa/ ce!tain fees' %"C Despite the ,enial of the Rule 7; Petition in E' R' No' "7;:%% file, b/ the De Feon E!oup$ the Cou!t nonetheless o!,e!e, that the case be consoli,ate, 0ith U!ban Ban=5s o0n Rule 7; Petition in E' R' No' "7;:"C'%": +he Cou!t subse?uentl/ -ave ,ue cou!se to both of these petitions' %"# In co.pliance 0ith the Cou!t5s O!,e!$%%& U!ban Ban=%%" an, the De Feon E!oup%%% file, thei! !espective Me.o!an,a' As ,etaile, ea!lie!$ the Cou!t -!ante, an, app!ove, U!ban Ban=5s supe!se,eas bon, an, sta/e, the e(ecution pen,in- appeal' Consi,e!in- the favo!able sta/ of e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ EIB$ as the ne0 o0ne! an, successo! of U!ban Ban=$ i..e,iatel/ 0!ote to tell %%< the co!po!ate sec!eta!/ of MSCI not to effect the cancellation o! t!ansfe! of U!ban Ban=5s th!ee MSCI stoc= ce!tificates p!eviousl/ sol, in a public auction'

In !epl/$ MSCI

e(plaine, that since the!e 0as no in9unction o! sta/ o!,e!$ it ha, no othe! option but to co.pl/ 0ith the t!ial cou!t5s O!,e! fo! the t!ansfe!' Eventuall/$ ho0eve!$ it coul, not effect the t!ansfe! of one of the sha!es to Pe6a because a club sha!e ha, al!ea,/ been p!eviousl/ !e-iste!e, in his na.e$ an, the club5s b/la0s p!ohibite, a natu!al pe!son f!o. o0nin- .o!e than one sha!e' %%; Mean0hile$ one of the 0innin- bi,,e!s in the public auction sale of the MSCI sha!es 0!ote to the latte! to ,e.an, that the club sha!e p!eviousl/ o0ne, b/ U!ban Ban= be t!ansfe!!e, to hi.'%%D On &7 Keb!ua!/ %&&%$ consi,e!in- the conflictin- clai.s of U!ban Ban= 2th!ou-h EIB3 an, the 0inninbi,,e!s of the club sha!es$ MSCI file, a Motion fo! Cla!ification of the Cou!t5s Resolution sta/in- the e(ecution pen,in- appeal'%%C In its Motion fo! Cla!ification ,ate, &D Au-ust %&&%$ U!ban Ban= li=e0ise !e?ueste, cla!ification of 0hethe! the sta/ o!,e! suspen,e,$ as 0ell$ its !i-ht to !e,ee. the p!ope!ties sol, at a public auction'%%: +he cop/ of U!ban Ban=5s .otion fo! cla!ification inten,e, fo! Pe6a 0as .ista=enl/ sent to the 0!on- counsel' In its Resolution ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&%$ the Cou!t e(plaine, that its ea!lie! sta/ o!,e! p!ohibite, the MSCI f!o. t!ansfe!!in- the sha!es$ an, that the one*/ea! pe!io, fo! !e,e.ption of the ban=5s p!ope!ties 0as li=e0ise suspen,e,1 @>EREKORE$ the Cou!t he!eb/ RESOF ES to cla!if/ that as a conse?uence of its app!oval of the supe!se,eas bon,, *&0 .+!!'!- o/ *&0 o!0D30 . 50.'o" /o. 50*'*'o!0. U.7 ! B !, *o .0"004 *&0 5.o50.*'02 2o(" * *&0 5+7(') +)*'o!2 &0(" o! O)*o70. 4, 11 !" 25, 2EE1 2 ;0(( 2 *&0

)o!2o('" *'o! o/ *&0 *'*(02 '! / 1o. o/ *&0 7+30.2, '2 SUSPENDED OR STA6ED ' MSCI is also

p!ohibite, f!o. t!ansfe!!in- petitione! U!ban Ban=5s MSCI club sha!es to the 0innin- bi,,e!s in the e(ecution sale hel, on Octobe! ""$ %&&"'%%# 2E.phasis supplie,3 On &# Dece.be! %&&%$ Pe6a .ove, that the Cou!t5s Resolution be !ecalle,$ because he 0as not -iven an oppo!tunit/ to be hea!, on U!ban Ban=5s Motion fo! Cla!ification$ 0hich 0as sent to a ,iffe!ent counsel'%<&Inte!posin- its ob9ection$ the ban= a!-ue, that the e!!o! in .ista=enl/ sen,in- the Motion fo! cla!ification to a ,iffe!ent counsel 0as b/ shee! ina,ve!tence$ %<" but Pe6a 0as nonetheless a0a!e of the .otion$ an, that the Cou!t5s cla!ification ,i, not c!eate o! ,i.inish his !i-hts in an/ case' %<% +he Motion fo! Cla!ification file, b/ U!ban Ban=$ the Cou!t5s Resolution ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&% an, Pe6a5s O.nibus Motion p!a/in- fo! the !ecall of the sai, Resolution beca.e the sub9ect of an a,.inist!ative case 2A,.inist!ative Case No' D<<%3$ 0hich 0as t!eate, as a sepa!ate .atte! an, late! on ,e*consoli,ate, 0ith the instant Petitions' %<< +he Cou!t ha, even calle, fo! an e(ecutive session %<7 in 0hich Pe6a$ a.on- othe!s$ appea!e, an, 0as ?uestione, b/ the then .e.be!s of the Cou!t5s Ki!st Division$ na.el/ !eti!e, Chief Hustice >ila!io Davi,e$ Hustices Hose itu-$ Antonio Ca!pio an, A,olfo A4cuna'

Althou-h the Petitions ha, ea!lie! been assi-ne, to Hustice Ca!pio$ he has since ta=en no pa!t in the p!ocee,in-s of this case an, this !esulte, in the !e*!afflin- of the Petitions' +he t!ansfe! an, unloa,in- of the case b/ the subse?uentl/ assi-ne, Hustices as 0ell as Pe6a5s nu.e!ous .otions fo! inhibition an,Po! !e*!affle has li=e0ise cause consi,e!able ,ela/ in the ,isposition of the instant Petitions an, the A,.inist!ative Case' Uni.e-a$ 0hich 0as the 0innin- bi,,e! of so.e of the publicl/ e(ecute, con,o.iniu. units of U!ban Ban=$ .ove, to inte!vene in the case an, to have the Cou!t5s sa.e Resolution suspen,in- the one*/ea! pe!io, of !e,e.ption of the p!ope!ties be !econsi,e!e,' %<; Uni.e-a clai.e, that o0ne!ship of the ban=5s titles to the "& con,o.iniu. units ha, al!ea,/ been t!ansfe!!e, to the fo!.e! at the ti.e the Cou!t issue, the Resolution8 an,$ thus$ the!e 0as no .o!e e(ecution to be suspen,e, o! sta/e,' Onl/ U!ban Ban=%<D oppose, the .otion%<C of inte!veno! Uni.e-a on the -!oun, that the latte! 0as not a bu/e! in -oo, faith$ an, that the pu!chase p!ice 0as -!ossl/ ,isp!opo!tional to the fai! .a!=et value of the con,o.iniu. units'%<: +he Cou!t eventuall/ -!ante, the Motion to Inte!vene consi,e!in- that the inte!veno!5s title to the con,o.iniu. units pu!chase, at the public auction 0oul, be affecte,$ favo!abl/ o! othe!0ise$ b/ the 9u,-.ent of the Cou!t in this case' >o0eve!$ it hel, in abe/ance the !esolution of inte!veno!5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation$ 0hich .i-ht p!ee.pt the ,ecision 0ith !espect to the p!op!iet/ of e(ecution pen,inappeal'%<# +he!eafte!$ the ban= a,opte, its ea!lie! Opposition to the inte!vention as its ans0e! to Uni.e-a5s petition*in*inte!vention'%7& Also in ans0e! the!eto$ the De Feon E!oup a,opte, its ea!lie! Manifestation an, Co..ent'%7"

Inte!veno! Uni.e-a then !e?ueste, that a 0!it of possession be issue, in its favo! cove!in- the "& con,o.iniu. units sol, ,u!in- the public auction' %7% +he Cou!t !e?ui!e, the pa!ties to file thei! co..ents on the !e?uest'%7<+he Fi.%77 an, Bo!lon-an E!oups%7; .anifeste, sepa!atel/ that the/ 0oul, not be affecte, b/ a !esolution of the !e?uest of inte!veno! Uni.e-a$ since the latte! 0as not a.on- the conten,inpa!ties to the inci,ent' Pe6a si.ila!l/ inte!pose, no ob9ection to the issuance of the 0!it of possession'%7D In cont!ast$ U!ban Ban= oppose, the application of Uni.e-a on the -!oun, that the latte! 0as not entitle, to possession of the levie, p!ope!ties$ because the !ules of e(t!a9u,icial fo!eclosu!e 0e!e not applicable to e(ecution sales un,e! Rule <#$ an, that inte!veno! 0as also not a bu/e! in -oo, faith'%7C In a si.ila! vein$ the De Feon E!oup oppose, the application fo! a 0!it of possession$ an, fu!the! a!-ue, that the Cou!t ha, al!ea,/ suspen,e, the !unnin- of the one*/ea! pe!io, of !e,e.ption in the e(ecution sale'%7: Acco!,in-l/$ inte!veno! Uni.e-a counte!e, that the !i-ht of !e,e.ption of the levie, p!ope!ties ha, al!ea,/ e(pi!e, 0ithout havin- been e(e!cise, b/ the 9u,-.ent ,ebto!' %7# In su..a!/$ the Cou!t shall !esolve the substantial issues in the follo0in-1 2a3 the Petition of Pe6a 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3 assailin- the CA5s ,ecision on the substantive .e!its of the case 0ith !espect to his clai.s of co.pensation base, on an a-enc/ a-!ee.ent8 an, 2b3 the Petitions of U!ban Ban= 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3 an, the De Feon E!oup 2E R' No' "7;:%%3 ?uestionin- the p!op!iet/ of the -!ant of e(ecution pen,inappeal' OUR RULING I P0B '2 0!*'*(0" *o 5 340!* /o. )o450!2 *'o! /o. 20.1')02 .0!"0.0" 2 -0!* o/ U.7 ! B !,, 7+* o! *&0 7 2'2 o/ *&0 5.'!)'5(02 o/ +!8+2* 0!.')&40!* !" quantum meruit, !" !o* o! *&0 5+.5o.*0" o. ( )o!*. )*. +he Cou!t fin,s that Pe6a shoul, be pai, fo! se!vices !en,e!e, un,e! the a-enc/ !elationship that e(iste, bet0een hi. an, U!ban Ban= base, on the civil la0 p!inciple a-ainst un9ust en!ich.ent$ but the a.ount of pa/.ent he is entitle, to shoul, be .a,e$ a-ain$ un,e! the p!inciple a-ainst un9ust en!ich.ent an, on the basis of ?uantu. .e!uit' In a cont!act of a-enc/$ a-ents bin, the.selves to !en,e! so.e se!vice o! to ,o so.ethin- in !ep!esentation o! on behalf of the p!incipal$ 0ith the consent o! autho!it/ of the latte!' %;& +he basis of the civil la0 !elationship of a-enc/ is !ep!esentation$

the ele.ents of 0hich inclu,e the follo0in-1 2a3 the

!elationship is establishe, b/ the pa!ties5 consent$ e(p!ess o! i.plie,8 2b3 the ob9ect is the e(ecution of a 9u!i,ical act in !elation to a thi!, pe!son8 2c3 a-ents act as !ep!esentatives an, not fo! the.selves8 an, 2,3 a-ents act 0ithin the scope of thei! autho!it/' %;%

@hethe! o! not an a-enc/ has been c!eate, is ,ete!.ine, b/ the fact that one is !ep!esentin- an, actinfo! anothe!'%;< +he la0 .a=es no p!esu.ption of a-enc/8 p!ovin- its e(istence$ natu!e an, e(tent is incu.bent upon the pe!son alle-in- it'%;7 @ith !espect to the status of Att/' Pe6a5s !elationship 0ith U!ban Ban=$ the t!ial an, the appellate cou!ts .a,e conflictin- fin,in-s that shall be !econcile, b/ the Cou!t' On one en,$ the appellate cou!t .a,e a ,efinitive !ulin- that no a-enc/ !elationship e(iste, at all bet0een Pe6a an, the ban=$ ,espite the se!vices pe!fo!.e, b/ Pe6a 0ith !espect to the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ pu!chase, b/ the ban=' Althou-h the Cou!t of Appeals !ule, a-ainst an a0a!, of a-ent5s co.pensation$ it still sa0 fit to a0a!, Pe6a 0ith Ph<$&&&$&&& fo! e(penses incu!!e, fo! his effo!ts in clea!in- the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ of tenants' %;; On the othe! e(t!e.e$ the t!ial cou!t heavil/ !elie, on the sole telephone conve!sation bet0een Pe6a an, U!ban Ban=5s P!esi,ent to establish that the p!incipal*a-ent !elationship c!eate, bet0een the. inclu,e, an a-!ee.ent to pa/ Pe6a the &+-0 4o+!* o/ P&P24,EEE,EEE' In its ,efense$ U!ban Ban= insiste, that Pe6a 0as neve! an a-ent of the ban=$ but an a-ent of ISCI$ since the latte!$ as selle! of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ co..itte, to t!ansfe!!in- it f!ee f!o. tenants' Mean0hile$ Pe6a a!-ues on the basis of his successful an, peaceful e9ect.ent of the sub*tenants$ 0ho p!eviousl/ occupie, the Pasa/ p!ope!t/' B 20" o! *&0 01'"0!)0 o! .0)o."2 !" *&0 5.o)00"'!-2 70(o;, *&0 Co+.* )o!)(+"02 *& * U.7 ! B !, )o!2*'*+*0" A**3. P0B 2 '*2 -0!* *o 20)+.0 5o22022'o! o/ *&0 P 2 3 5.o50.*3. T&'2

)o!)(+2'o!, &o;010., '2 !o* "0*0.4'! *'10 o/ *&0 7 2'2 o/ *&0 4o+!* o/ 5 340!* *& * 4+2* 70 4 "0 *o &'4 73 *&0 7 !,. T&0 )o!*0:* '! ;&')& *&0 4o+!* o/ )o450!2 *'o! A**3. P0B '2 0!*'*(0" *o. +he t!ansactional histo!/ an, conte(t of the sale bet0een ISCI an, U!ban Ban= of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ an, Att/' Pe6a5s pa!ticipation in the t!ansfe! of possession the!eof to U!ban Ban= p!ovi,e c!ucial lin=a-es that establish the natu!e of the !elationship bet0een the la0/e! an, the lan,o0ne!*ban=' +he evi,ence !eveals that at the ti.e that the Cont!act to Sell 0as e(ecute, on "; Nove.be! "##7$ an, even 0hen the Dee, of Absolute Sale 0as e(ecute, t0o 0ee=s late! on %# Nove.be! "##7$ as fa! as U!ban Ban= 0as conce!ne,$ Pe6a 0as no0he!e in the pictu!e' All ,iscussions an, co!!espon,ences 0e!e bet0een the P!esi,ent an, Co!po!ate Sec!eta!/ of U!ban Ban=$ on one han,$ an, the P!esi,ent of ISCI$ on the othe!' +he title to the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ 0as t!ansfe!!e, to U!ban Ban= on ; Dece.be! "##7' Inte!estin-l/$ Pe6a testifies that it 0as onl/ on "# Dece.be! "##7 that he lea!ne, that the lan, ha, al!ea,/ been sol, b/ ISCI to U!ban Ban=$ not0ithstan,in- the fact that Pe6a 0as a ,i!ecto! of ISCI' Pe6a 0as not as=e, to !en,e! an/ se!vice fo! U!ban Ban=$ neithe! ,i, he pe!fo!. an/ se!vice fo! U!ban Ban= at that point' -0!)3 ; 2 ).0 *0" ( 32 *&0 7 2'2 /o. *&0

ISCI un,e!too= in the Cont!act to Sell$ to ph/sicall/ ,elive! the p!ope!t/ to U!ban Ban=$ 0ithin D& ,a/s f!o. %# Nove.be! "##7$%;D un,e! con,itions of Ifull an, actual possession an, cont!ol Q$ f!ee f!o. tenants$ occupants$ s?uatte!s o! othe! st!uctu!es o! f!o. an/ liens$ encu.b!ances$ ease.ents o! an/ othe! obst!uction o! i.pe,i.ent to the f!ee use an, occupanc/ b/ the bu/e! of the sub9ect P!ope!t/ o! its e(e!cise of the !i-hts to o0ne!ship ove! the sub9ect P!ope!t/Q'M %;C +o -ua!antee this un,e!ta=in-$ ISCI a-!ee, to the esc!o0 p!ovision 0he!e PhP%;$&&&$&&& 20hich is a little ove! "&A of the value of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/3 0oul, be 0ithhel, b/ U!ban Ban= f!o. the total cont!act p!ice until the!e is full co.pliance 0ith this un,e!ta=in-' Appa!entl/ to ensu!e that ISCI is able to ,elive! the p!ope!t/ ph/sicall/ clean to U!ban Ban=$ it 0as ISCI5s p!esi,ent$ En!i?ue Montilla 0ho ,i!ecte, on %D Nove.be! "##7 one of its ,i!ecto!s$ Pe6a$ to i..e,iatel/ !ecove! an, ta=e possession of the p!ope!t/ upon e(pi!ation of the cont!act of lease on %# Nove.be! "##7'%;: Pe6a thus fi!st ca.e into the pictu!e as a ,i!ecto! of ISCI 0ho 0as constitute, as its a-ent to !ecove! the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ a-ainst the lessee as 0ell as the sub*tenants 0ho 0e!e occup/in- the p!ope!t/ in violation of the lease a-!ee.ent' %;# >e 0as able to obtain possession of the p!ope!t/ f!o. the lessee on the follo0in- ,a/$ but the unautho!i4e, sub*tenants !efuse, to vacate the p!ope!t/' It 0as onl/ on C Dece.be! "##7$ that U!ban Ban= 0as info!.e, of the se!vices that Pe6a 0as !en,e!info! ISCI' +he fa(e, lette! f!o. ISCI5s Ma!il/n On- !ea,s1 A**3. M -" (0!o M. P0B , ;&o & 2 700! 22'-!0" 73 I2 70( S+- . Co45 !3, I!)., *o * ,0 )& .-0 o/ '!250)*'!- *&0 *0! !*2 0oul, li=e to !e?uest an autho!it/ si.ila! to this f!o. the Ban=$ as ne0 o0ne!s' Can /ou please issue so.ethin- li=e this to,a/ as he nee,s this' %D& +0o ,a/s late!$ on # Dece.be! "##7$ ISCI sent U!ban Ban= anothe! lette! that !ea,s1 Dea! M!' Bo!lon-an$ I 0oul, li=e to !e?uest fo! an autho!i4ation f!o. U!ban Ban= as pe! attache, i..e,iatel/ ) 2 *&0 *0! !*2 .0 9+02*'o!'!- *&0 +*&o.'*3 o/ *&0 50o5(0 *&0.0 ;&o .0 &0(5'!- +2 *o * ,0 o10. 5o22022'o! o/ *&0 5.o50.*3' 2E.phasis supplie,3%D" It is clea! f!o. the above that ISCI 0as as=in- U!ban Ban= fo! help to co.pl/ 0ith ISCI5s o0n cont!actual obli-ation 0ith the ban= un,e! the te!.s of the sale of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/' U!ban Ban= coul, have i-no!e, the !e?uest$ since it 0as e(clusivel/ the obli-ation of ISCI$ as the selle!$ to ,elive! a clean p!ope!t/ to U!ban Ban= 0ithout an/ help f!o. the latte!' A full*bo,ie, an, confi,ent inte!p!etation of the cont!acts bet0een ISCI an, U!ban Ban= shoul, have le, the latte! to info!. the unautho!i4e, sub*tenants that un,e! its obli-ation as selle! to U!ban Ban=$ it 0as un,e! ,ut/ an, ha, continuin- autho!it/ to !ecove! clean possession of the p!ope!t/$ ,espite the t!ansfe!

of title' Jet$ 0hat unautho!i4e, sub*tenant$ especiall/ in the =in, of ope!ations bein- con,ucte, 0ithin the Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ 0oul, ca!e to listen o! even un,e!stan, such a!-u.entG U!ban Ban= thus chose to coope!ate 0ith ISCI 0ithout !eali4in- the =in, of t!ouble that it 0oul, !eap in the p!ocess' In an appa!ent atte.pt to allo0 the effo!ts of ISCI to secu!e the p!ope!t/ to succee,$ it !eco-ni4e, Pe6a5s !ole in helpin- ISCI$ but stoppe, sho!t of -!antin- hi. autho!it/ to act on its behalf' In !esponse to the t0o 0!itten !e?uests of ISCI$ U!ban Ban= sent this lette! to Pe6a on "; Dece.be! "##71 +his is to a,vise /ou that 0e have note, the en-a-e.ent of /ou! se!vices b/ Isabela Su-a! Co.pan/ to !ecove! possession of the Ro(as Bouleva!, p!ope!t/ fo!.e!l/ cove!e, b/ +C+ No' ;<:%$ effective Nove.be! %#$ "##7' I* '2 +!"0.2*oo" *& * 3o+. 20.1')02 & 10 700! )o!*. )*0" 73 !" 3o+. 5.'!)'5 ( .04 '!2 *o 70 *&0 I2 70( S+- . Co45 !3$ 0hich as selle! of the p!ope!t/ an, un,e! the te!.s of ou! Cont!act to Sell ,ate, Nove.be! %#$ "##7$ has co..itte, to ,elive! the full an, actual possession of the sai, p!ope!t/ to the bu/e!$ U!ban Ban=$ 0ithin the stipulate, pe!io,'

2E.phasis supplie,3

Up to this point$ it is un.ista=able that U!ban Ban= 0as sta/in- clea! f!o. .a=in- an/ cont!actual co..it.ent to Pe6a an, conve/e, its sense that 0hateve! !esponsibilities a!ose in !etainin- Pe6a 0e!e to be shoul,e!e, b/ ISCI' Acco!,in- to the R+C*Ba-o Cit/$ in the !eve!se, Decision$ Att/' Pe6a onl/ =ne0 of the sale bet0een ISCI an, U!ban Ban= at the ti.e the R+C*Pasa/ Cit/ !ecalle, the +RO an, issue, a b!ea=*open o!,e!1 IQ 0hen info!.ation !eache, the 2Pasa/ Cit/3 9u,-e that the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ ha, al!ea,/ been t!ansfe!!e, b/ ISCI to U!ban Ban=$ the t!ial cou!t !ecalle, the +RO an, issue, a b!ea=*open o!,e! fo! the p!ope!t/' Acco!,in- to Pe6a$ it 0as the fi!st ti.e that he 0as app!ise, of the sale of the lan, b/ ISCI an, of the t!ansfe! of its title in favo! of the ban='M%D< +he!e is so.ethin- cont!a,icto!/ bet0een so.e of the t!ial cou!t5s factual fin,in-s an, Pe6a5s clai. that it 0as onl/ on "# Dece.be! "##7 that he fi!st lea!ne, of the sale of the p!ope!t/ to U!ban Ban=' It is ,ifficult to believe Pe6a on this point consi,e!in-1 2"3 that he 0as a boa!, ,i!ecto! of ISCI an, a sale of this si-nificant an, valuable p!ope!t/ of ISCI !e?ui!es the app!oval of the boa!, of ,i!ecto!s of ISCI8 an, 2%3 that ISCI t0ice !e?ueste, U!ban Ban= fo! autho!it/ to be issue, in his favo! 2&C an, # Dece.be! "##73$ "% an, "& ,a/s befo!e "# Dece.be! "##7$ since it 0oul, be cont!a!/ to hu.an e(pe!ience fo! Pe6a not to have been info!.e, b/ an office! of ISCI befo!ehan, that a !e?uest fo! autho!it/ fo! hi. 0as bein- sent to U!ban Ban='

+he se?uence of fast*.ovin- ,evelop.ents$ e,-e, 0ith a sense of panic$ 0ith !espect to the ,ecision of the R+C*Pasa/ Cit/ to !ecall the te.po!a!/ !est!ainin- o!,e! an, issue a b!ea=*open o!,e! on "# Dece.be! "##7 in the Ki!st In9unction Co.plaint$ is hi-hl/ enli-htenin- to this Cou!t' Ki!st$ Pe6a alle-e,l/ calle, up the p!esi,ent of ISCI$ Montilla$ 0ho$ acco!,in- to Pe6a$ confi!.e, to hi. that the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ ha, in,ee, been sol, to U!ban Ban=' Secon,$ Pe6a alle-e,l/ tol, Montilla that he 2Pe6a3 0oul, be 0ith,!a0in- his -ua!,s f!o. the p!ope!t/ because of the b!ea=*open o!,e! f!o. the R+C*Pasa/ Cit/' +hi!,$ Montilla !e?ueste, Pe6a to suspen, the 0ith,!a0al of the -ua!,s 0hile ISCI -ets in touch 0ith U!ban Ban=' Kou!th$ appa!entl/ in vie0 of Montilla5s effo!ts$ Be9asa$ an office! of U!ban Ban= calle, Pe6a an, acco!,in- to the latte!$ tol, hi. that U!ban Ban= 0oul, continue !etainin- his se!vices an, fo! hi. to please continue 0ith his effo!t to secu!e the p!ope!t/' Kifth$ this state.ent of Be9asa 0as not enou-h fo! Pe6a an, he insiste, that he be enable, to tal= 0ith no less than the P!esi,ent of U!ban Ban=$ Bo!lon-an' At this point$ Be9asa -ave hi. the phone nu.be! of Bo!lon-an' Si(th$ i..e,iatel/ afte! the conve!sation 0ith Be9asa$ Pe6a calls Bo!lon-an an, tells Bo!lon-an that violence .i-ht e!upt in the p!ope!t/ because the Pasa/ Cit/ police.en$ 0ho 0e!e s/.pathetic to the tenants$ 0e!e th!eatenin- to fo!ce thei! 0a/ th!ou-h the p!ope!t/' At this point$ if in,ee, this conve!sation too= place$ 0hich Bo!lon-an contests$ 0hat 0oul, have been the !esponse of Bo!lon-anG An/ p!u,ent p!esi,ent of a ban=$ 0hich has 9ust pu!chase, a PhP%7&$&&&$&&& p!ope!t/ pla-ue, b/ unautho!i4e, an, un!ul/ sub*tenants of the p!evious o0ne!$ 0oul, have sou-ht to continue the possession of ISCI$ th!u Pe6a$ an, he 0oul, have a-!ee, to the !easonable !e?uests of Pe6a' Bo!lon-an coul, also have sai, that the p!oble. of havin- the sub*tenants e9ecte, is co.pletel/ ISCI5s an, ISCI shoul, !esolve the .atte! on its o0n that 0ithout bothe!in- the ban=$ 0ith all its othe! p!oble.s' But the specte! of violence$ especiall/ as ni-ht 0as app!oachin- in a ne0l/*bou-ht p!ope!t/ of U!ban Ban=$ 0as not so.ethin- that an/ publicl/*liste, ban= 0oul, 0ant publici4e,' +o the e(tent that the violence coul, be p!evente, b/ the p!esi,ent of U!ban Ban=$ it is e(pecte, that he 0oul, opt to have it p!evente,'

But coul, such !esponse e.b!ace the follo0in- le-al conse?uences as Pe6a clai.s to have a!isen f!o. the telephone conve!sation 0ith Bo!lon-an1 2"3 A cont!act of a-enc/ 0as c!eate, bet0een Pe6a an, U!ban Ban= 0he!eb/ Bo!lon-an a-!ee, to !etain the se!vices of Pe6a ,i!ectl/8 2%3 +his cont!act of a-enc/ 0as to be e.bo,ie, in a 0!itten lette! of autho!it/ f!o. U!ban Ban=8 an, 2<3 +he a-enc/ fee of Pe6a 0as to be "&A of the .a!=et value as Iatto!ne/5s fees an, co.pensationM an, !ei.bu!se.ent of all e(penses of Pe6a f!o. the ti.e he too= ove! the lan, until possession is tu!ne, ove! to U!ban Ban=' +his Cou!t conclu,es that the le-al conse?uences ,esc!ibe, in state.ents 2"3 an, 2%3 above in,ee, too= place an, that the facts suppo!t the.' >o0eve!$ the evi,ence ,oes not suppo!t Pe6a5s clai. that U!ban Ban= a-!ee, to Iatto!ne/5s fees an, co.pensationM of "&A of the .a!=et value of the p!ope!t/' U!ban Ban=5s lette! ,ate, "# Dece.be! "##7 confi!.e, in no unce!tain te!.s Pe6a5s ,esi-nation as its autho!i4e, !ep!esentative to secu!e an, .aintain possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ a-ainst the tenants' Un,e! the te!.s of the lette!$ petitione!*!espon,ent ban= confi!.e, his en-a-e.ent 2a3 F*o &o(" !" 4 '!* '! 5o22022'o!G of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/8 2b3 I*o 5.o*0)* *&0 2 40 f!o. fo!.e! tenants$ occupants o! an/ othe! pe!son 0ho a!e th!eatenin- to !etu!n to the sai, p!ope!t/ an,Po! inte!fe!e 0ith /ou! possession of the sai, p!ope!t/ fo! an, in ou! behalfM8 an, 2c3 *o .05.020!* *&0 7 !, '! !3 '!2*'*+*0" )o+.* )*'o! inten,e, to p!event an/ int!u,e! f!o. ente!in- o! sta/in- in the p!e.ises' %D7 +hese th!ee e(p!ess ,i!ectives of petitione!*!espon,ent ban=5s lette! a,.its of no othe! const!uction than that a specific an, special autho!it/ 0as -iven to Pe6a to act on behalf of the ban= 0ith !espect to the latte!5s clai.s of o0ne!ship ove! the p!ope!t/ a-ainst the tenants' >avin- stipulate, on the ,ue e(ecution an, -enuineness of the lette! ,u!in- p!et!ial$ %D; the ban= is boun, b/ the te!.s the!eof an, is sub9ect to the necessa!/ conse?uences of Pe6a5s !eliance the!eon' No a.ount of ,enial can ove!co.e the p!esu.ption that 0e -ive this lette! ) that it .eans 0hat it sa/s' In an/ case$ the subse?uent actions of U!ban Ban= !esulte, in the !atification of Pe6a5s autho!it/ as an a-ent actin- on its behalf 0ith !espect to the Pasa/ p!ope!t/' B/ !atification$ even an unautho!i4e, act of an a-ent beco.es an autho!i4e, act of the p!incipal' %DD Both si,es !ea,il/ a,.it that it 0as Pe6a 0ho 0as !esponsible fo! clea!in- the p!ope!t/ of the tenants an, othe! occupants$ an, 0ho tu!ne, ove! possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ to petitione!*!espon,ent ban='%DC @hen the latte! !eceive, full an, actual possession of the p!ope!t/ f!o. hi.$ it ,i, not p!otest o! !efute his autho!it/ as an a-ent to ,o so' Neithe! ,i, U!ban Ban= contest Pe6a5s occupation of the p!e.ises$ o! his installation of secu!it/ -ua!,s at the site$ sta!tin- f!o. the e(pi!/ of the lease until the p!ope!t/ 0as tu!ne, ove! to the ban=$ b/ 0hich ti.e it ha, al!ea,/ been veste, 0ith o0ne!ship the!eof' Ku!the!.o!e$ 0hen Pe6a file, the Secon, In9unction Co.plaint in the R+C*Ma=ati Cit/ un,e! the na.e of

petitione!*!espon,ent ban=$ the latte! ,i, not inte!pose an/ ob9ection o! .ove to ,is.iss the co.plaint on the basis of his lac= of autho!it/ to !ep!esent its inte!est as the o0ne! of the p!ope!t/' @hen he successfull/ ne-otiate, 0ith the tenants !e-a!,in- thei! ,epa!tu!e f!o. its Pasa/ p!ope!t/$ still no p!otest 0as hea!, f!o. it' Afte! possession 0as tu!ne, ove! to the ban=$ the tenants accepte, PhP"$;&&$&&& f!o. Pe6a$ in Ifull an, final settle.entM of thei! clai.s a-ainst U!ban Ban=$ an, not a-ainst ISCI' %D: In all these instances$ petitione!*!espon,ent ban= ,i, not !epu,iate the actions of Pe6a$ even if it 0as full/ a0a!e of his !ep!esentations to thi!, pa!ties on its behalf as o0ne! of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/' Its tacit ac?uiescence to his ,ealin-s 0ith !espect to the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ an, the tenants spo=e of its intent to !atif/ his actions$ as if these 0e!e its o0n' Even assu.in- a!-uen,o that it issue, no 0!itten autho!it/$ an, that the o!al cont!act 0as not substantiall/ establishe,$ the ban= ,ul/ !atifie, his acts as its a-ent b/ its ac?uiescence an, acceptance of the benefits$ na.el/$ the peaceful tu!nove! of possession of the p!ope!t/ f!ee f!o. sub*tenants' Even if$ ho0eve!$ Pe6a 0as constitute, as the a-ent of U!ban Ban=$ it ,oes not necessa!il/ p!eclu,e that a thi!, pa!t/ 0oul, be liable fo! the pa/.ent of the a-enc/ fee of Pe6a' No! ,oes it p!eclu,e the le-al fact that Pe6a 0hile an a-ent of U!ban Ban=$ 0as also an a-ent of ISCI$ an, that his a-enc/ f!o. the latte! neve! te!.inate,' +his is because the autho!it/ -iven to Pe6a b/ both ISCI an, U!ban Ban= 0as co..on ) to secu!e the clean possession of the p!ope!t/ so that it .a/ be tu!ne, ove! to U!ban Ban=' +his is an o!,ina!/ le-al pheno.enon ) that an a-ent 0oul, be an a-ent fo! the pu!pose of pu!suin- a sha!e, -oal so that the co..on ob9ective of a t!ansfe!o! an, a ne0 t!ansfe!ee 0oul, be .et' In,ee,$ the Civil Co,e e(p!essl/ ac=no0le,-e, instances 0hen t0o o! .o!e p!incipals have -!ante, a po0e! of atto!ne/ to an a-ent fo! a )o44o! *. !2 )*'o!'%D# +he a-enc/ !elationship bet0een an a-ent an, t0o p!incipals .a/ even be consi,e!e, e(tin-uishe, if the ob9ect o! the pu!pose of the a-enc/ is acco.plishe,'%C& In this case$ Pe6a5s se!vices as an a-ent of both ISCI an, U!ban Ban= 0e!e en-a-e, fo! one sha!e, pu!pose o! t!ansaction$ 0hich 0as to ,elive! the p!ope!t/ f!ee f!o. unautho!i4e, sub*tenants to the ne0 o0ne! ) a tas= that Pe6a 0as able to achieve an, is entitle, to !eceive pa/.ent fo!' +hat the a-enc/ bet0een ISCI an, Pe6a continue,$ that ISCI is to shoul,e! the a-enc/ fee an, !ei.bu!se.ent fo! costs of Pe6a$ an, that U!ban Ban= neve! a-!ee, to pa/ hi. a "&A a-enc/ fee is establishe, an, suppo!te, b/ the follo0in-1 Ki!st$ the initial a-enc/ !elationship bet0een ISCI an, Pe6a pe!siste,' No p!oof 0as eve! offe!e, that the lette! of %D Nove.be! "##7 of M!' Montilla of ISCI to Pe6a$ fo! the latte! Ito i..e,iatel/ !ecove! an, ta=e possession of the p!ope!t/ upon e(pi!ation of the cont!act of lease on %# Nove.be! "##7R 0as

te!.inate,' It is a(io.atic that the appoint.ent of a ne0 a-ent fo! the sa.e business o! t!ansaction !evo=es the p!evious a-enc/ f!o. the ,a/ on 0hich notice the!eof 0as -iven to the fo!.e! a-ent' %C" If it is t!ue that the a-enc/ !elationship 0as to be bo!ne b/ U!ban Ban= alone$ Pe6a shoul, have ,e.onst!ate, that his p!evious a-enc/ !elationship 0ith ISCI is inco.patible 0ith his ne0 !elationship 0ith U!ban Ban=$ an, 0as thus te!.inate,' Secon,$ instea,$ 0hat is on the !eco!, is that ISCI confi!.e, the continuation of this a-enc/ bet0een Pe6a an, itself an, co..itte, to pa/ fo! the se!vices of Pe6a$ in its lette! to U!ban Ban= ,ate, "# Dece.be! "##7 0hich !ea,s1 In line 0ith ou! 0a!!anties as the Selle! of the sai, p!ope!t/ an, ou! un,e!ta=in- to ,elive! to /ou the full an, actual possession an, cont!ol of sai, p!ope!t/$ f!ee f!o. tenants$ occupants o! s?uatte!s an, f!o. an/ obst!uction o! i.pe,i.ent to the f!ee use an, occupanc/ of the p!ope!t/ b/ U!ban Ban=$ ;0 & 10 0!- -0" *&0 20.1')02 o/ A**3. M -" (0!o M. P0B *o &o(" !" 4 '!* '! 5o22022'o! o/ *&0 5.o50.*3 !" *o 5.010!* *&0 /o.40. *0! !*2 o. o))+5 !*2 /.o4 0!*0.'!- o. .0*+.!'!- *o *&0 5.04'202. In vie0 of the t!ansfe! of the o0ne!ship of the p!ope!t/ to U!ban Ban=$ it .a/ be necessa!/ fo! U!ban Ban= to appoint Att/' Pe6a li=e0ise as its autho!i4e, !ep!esentative fo! pu!poses of hol,in-P.aintainin- continue, possession of the sai, p!ope!t/ an, to !ep!esent U!ban Ban= in an/ cou!t action that .a/ be institute, fo! the above.entione, pu!poses' I* '2 +!"0.2*oo" *& * !3 **o.!03C2 /002, )o2* o/ ('*'- *'o! !" !3 o*&0. )& .-02 o. 0:50!202 *& * 4 3 70 '!)+..0" .0( *'10 *o *&0 0:0.)'20 73 A**3. P0B o/ &'2 7o1040!*'o!0" "+*'02 2& (( 70 /o. *&0 ))o+!* o/ I2 70( S+- . Co45 !3 an, an/ loss o! ,a.a-e that .a/ be incu!!e, to thi!, pa!ties shall be ans0e!able b/ Isabela Su-a! Co.pan/' %C% 2E.phasis supplie,3 +hi!,$ Pe6a has neve! sho0n an/ 0!itten confi!.ation of his "&A a-enc/ fee$ 0hethe! in a note$ lette!$ .e.o!an,u. o! boa!, !esolution of U!ban Ban=' An a-enc/ fee a.ountin- to PhP%7$&&&$&&& is not a t!iflin- a.ount$ an, co!po!ations ,o not -!ant thei! p!esi,ents unilate!al autho!it/ to bin, the co!po!ation to such an a.ount$ especiall/ not a ban=in- co!po!ation 0hich is closel/ supe!vise, b/ the BSP fo! bein- a business se!iousl/ i.bue, 0ith public inte!est' +he!e is nothin- on !eco!, e(cept the self*se!vintesti.on/ of Pe6a that Bo!lon-an a-!ee, to pa/ hi. this a.ount in the cont!ove!te, telephone conve!sation' Kou!th$ 0hile o!,ina!il/$ uncont!a,icte, testi.on/ 0ill be acco!,e, its full 0ei-ht$ 0e cannot -!ant full p!obative value to the testi.on/ of Pe6a fo! the follo0in- !easons1 2a3 Pe6a is not a c!e,ible 0itness fo! testif/in- that he onl/ lea!ne, of the sale of the p!ope!t/ of "# Dece.be! "##7 0hen the acts of ISCI$ of U!ban Ban= an, his o0n up to that point all in,icate, that he .ust have =no0n about the sale to U!ban

Ban=8 an, 2b3 it is inc!e,ible that U!ban Ban= 0ill a-!ee to a,, anothe! PhP%7$&&&$&&& to the cost of the p!ope!t/ b/ a-!eein- to the a-enc/ fee ,e.an,e, b/ Pe6a' No p!u,ent an, !easonable pe!son 0oul, a-!ee to e(pose his co!po!ation to a ne0 liabilit/ of PhP%7$&&&$&&& even if$ in this case$ a !efusal 0oul, lea, to the Pasa/ Cit/ police.en an, unautho!i4e, sub*tenants ente!in- the -ua!,e, p!ope!t/ an, 0oul, possibl/ e!upt in violence' Pe6a5s account of an o!al a-!ee.ent 0ith U!ban Ban= fo! the pa/.ent of PhP%7$&&&$&&& is 9ust too .uch fo! an/ cou!t to believe' @hateve! .a/ be the a-!ee.ent bet0een Pe6a an, ISCI fo! co.pensation is not befo!e this Cou!t' +his is not to sa/$ ho0eve!$ that U!ban Ban= has no liabilit/ to Pe6a' It has' Pa/.ent to hi. is !e?ui!e, because the Civil Co,e ,e.an,s that no one shoul, be un9ustl/ en!iche, at the e(pense of anothe!' +his pa/.ent is to be .easu!e, b/ the stan,a!,s of ?uantu. .e!uit' Amount of Compensation A-enc/ is p!esu.e, to be fo! co.pensation' But because in this case 0e fin, no evi,ence that U!ban Ban= a-!ee, to pa/ Pe6a a specific a.ount o! pe!centa-e of a.ount fo! his se!vices$ 0e tu!n to the p!inciple a-ainst un9ust en!ich.ent an, on the basis of ?uantu. .e!uit' Since the!e 0as no 0!itten a-!ee.ent 0ith !espect to the co.pensation ,ue an, o0e, to Att/' Pe6a un,e! the lette! ,ate, "# Dece.be! "##7$ the Cou!t 0ill !eso!t to ,ete!.inin- the a.ount base, on the 0ell*establishe, !ules on ?uantu. .e!uit' A-enc/ is p!esu.e, to be fo! co.pensation'%C< Unless the cont!a!/ intent is sho0n$ a pe!son 0ho acts as an a-ent ,oes so 0ith the e(pectation of pa/.ent acco!,in- to the a-!ee.ent an, to the se!vices !en,e!e, o! !esults effecte,'%C7 @e fin, that the a-enc/ of Pe6a co.p!ise, of se!vices o!,ina!il/ pe!fo!.e, b/ a la0/e! 0ho is tas=e, 0ith the 9ob of ensu!in- clean possession b/ the o0ne! of a p!ope!t/' @e thus .easu!e 0hat he is entitle, to fo! the le-al se!vices !en,e!e,' A stipulation on a la0/e!5s co.pensation in a 0!itten cont!act fo! p!ofessional se!vices o!,ina!il/ cont!ols the a.ount of fees that the cont!actin- la0/e! .a/ be allo0e, to collect$ unless the cou!t fin,s the a.ount to be unconscionable'%C; In the absence of a 0!itten cont!act fo! p!ofessional se!vices$ the atto!ne/5s fees a!e fi(e, on the basis of %u&ntum meruit$%CD i.e.$ the !easonable 0o!th of the atto!ne/5s se!vices'%CC @hen an a-ent pe!fo!.s se!vices fo! a p!incipal at the latte!5s !e?uest$ the la0 0ill no!.all/ i.pl/ a p!o.ise on the pa!t of the p!incipal to pa/ fo! the !easonable 0o!th of those se!vices' %C: +he intent of a p!incipal to co.pensate the a-ent fo! se!vices pe!fo!.e, on behalf of the fo!.e! 0ill be infe!!e, f!o. the p!incipal5s !e?uest fo! the a-ents'%C#

In this instance$ no e(t!a*o!,ina!/ s=ills e.plo/in- a,vance, le-al t!ainin- no! sophisticate, le-al .aneuve!in- 0e!e !e?ui!e, to be e.plo/e, in e9ectin- %< sub*tenants 0ho have no lease cont!act 0ith the p!ope!t/ o0ne!$ an, 0hose onl/ autho!it/ to ente! the p!e.ises 0as unla0full/ -iven b/ a fo!.e! tenant 0hose o0n tenanc/ has clea!l/ e(pi!e,' +he %< sub*tenants ope!ate, bee! houses an, ni-htclubs$ o!,ina!/ !etail establish.ents fo! 0hich no sophisticate, st!uctu!e p!evente, eas/ ent!/' Afte! Pe6a succee,e, in loc=in- the -ate of the co.poun,$ the sub*tenants 0oul, open the pa,loc= an, !esu.e thei! businesses at ni-ht' In,ee,$ it appea!s that onl/ secu!it/ -ua!,s$ chains an, pa,loc=s 0e!e nee,e, to =eep the. out' It 0as onl/ the alle-e, connivance of Pasa/ Cit/ police.en that Pe6a5s abilit/ to !etain the possession 0as !en,e!e, insecu!e' An, ho0 .uch ,i, it ta=e Pe6a to ente! into a settle.ent a-!ee.ent 0ith the. an, .a=e all these p!oble.s -o a0a/G B/ Pe6a5s o0n account$ PhP"$;&&$&&& onl/' +hat .eans that each tenant !eceive, an ave!a-e of PhPD;$%"C'7& onl/' Su!el/$ the le-al se!vices of Pe6a cannot be .uch .o!e than 0hat the sub*tenants 0e!e 0illin- to settle fo! in the fi!st place' @e the!efo!e a0a!, hi. the e?uivalent a.ount of PhP"$;&&$&&& fo! the le-al an, othe! !elate, se!vices he !en,e!e, to e9ect the ille-all/ sta/in- tenants of U!ban Ban=5s p!ope!t/' +he Cou!t of Appeals co!!ectl/ !eve!se, the t!ial cou!t an, foun, it to have acte, 0ith -!ave abuse of ,isc!etion in -!antin- astoun,in- .oneta!/ a0a!,s a.ountin- to a total of PhP%:$;&&$&&& 0ithout an/ basis'%:& Ko! the lo0e! cou!t to have latche, on to the self*se!vin- clai.s of a telephone a-!ee.ent as sufficient suppo!t fo! e(ten,in- a .ulti*.illion peso a0a!, is hi-hl/ i!!e-ula!' Absent an/ clea! basis fo! the a.ount of the la0/e!5s co.pensation$ the t!ial cou!t shoul, have instinctivel/ !eso!te, to ?uantu. .e!uit$ instea, of insistin- on a fi-u!e 0ith ci!cu.stantial an, spu!ious 9ustification' @e cannot also a-!ee 0ith the Decision penne, b/ Hu,-e E,-a!,o F' Catilo cha!acte!i4in- Pena5s "&A fee as believable because it is nea!l/ con-!uent to the PhP%; Million !etention .one/ hel, in esc!o0 fo! ISCI until a clean ph/sical an, le-al tu!n*ove! of the p!ope!t/ is effecte,1 @e no0 co.e to the !easonableness of the co.pensation p!a/e, fo! b/ the plaintiff 0hich is "&A of the cu!!ent .a!=et value 0hich ,efen,ants clai. to be p!eposte!ous an, -la!in-l/ e(cessive' Plaintiff NPe6aO testifie, that ,efen,ant Bo!lon-an a-!ee, to such an a.ount an, this has not been ,enie, b/ +e, Bo!lon-an' +he te!. Icu!!ent .a!=et value of the p!ope!t/M is he!eb/ inte!p!ete, b/ the cou!t to .ean the cu!!ent .a!=et value of the p!ope!t/ at the ti.e the cont!act 0as ente!e, into' +o inte!p!et it in acco!,ance 0ith the sub.ission of the plaintiff that it is the cu!!ent .a!=et value of the p!ope!t/ at the ti.e pa/.ent is .a,e 0oul, be p!eposte!ous' +he onl/ evi,ence on !eco!, 0he!e the cou!t can ,ete!.ine the .a!=et value of the p!ope!t/ at the ti.e the cont!act of a-enc/ 0as ente!e, into bet0een plaintiff an, ,efen,ant is the consi,e!ation state, in the sales a-!ee.ent bet0een Isabela Su-a!

Co.pan/$ Inc' an, U!ban ban= 0hich is P%7"$D"%$&&&'&&' +en pe!cent of this a.ount is a !easonable co.pensation of the se!vices !en,e!e, b/ the plaintiff consi,e!in- the Ino cu!e$ no pa/M a!!an-e.ent bet0een the pa!ties an, the !is=s 0hich plaintiff ha, to un,e!ta=e' %:" In the fi!st place$ the Decision of Hu,-e Catilo .a=es Pe6a5s ,e.an, of an a-enc/ fee of PhP%7 Million$ an a,,itional bu!,en on U!ban Ban=' +he Decision ,oes not .a=e the !etention .one/ !esponsible fo! the sa.e$ o! ac?uit U!ban Ban= of an/ liabilit/ to ISCI if it pa/s the PhP%7 Million ,i!ectl/ to Pena instea, of ISCI' In the secon, place$ the a.ount of .one/ that is !etaine, b/ t!ansfe!ees of p!ope!t/ t!ansactions 0hile the t!ansfe!o! is un,e!ta=in- acts to ensu!e a clean an, peaceful t!ansfe! to the t!ansfe!ee ,oes not no!.all/ app!o(i.ate a one*to*one !elationship to the se!vices of e9ectin- un0ante, occupants' +he/ .a/ be inclusive of othe! costs$ an, not onl/ le-al costs$ 0ith enou-h allo0ances fo! contin-encies$ an, .a/ ta=e into consi,e!ation othe! liabilities as 0ell' +he a.ount can even be enti!el/ a!bit!a!/$ an, .a/ have been cause, b/ the p!actice follo0e, b/ U!ban Ban= as a,vise, b/ its office!s an, la0/e!s o! b/ in,ust!/ p!actice in cases 0he!e an e(pensive p!ope!t/ has so.e tenanc/ p!oble.s' In othe! 0o!,s$ Hu,-e Catilo5s state.ent is a non se?uitu!$ is cont!a!/ to no!.al hu.an e(pe!ience$ an, soun,s li=e an a!-u.ent bein- .a,e to fit Pe6a5s ,e.an, fo! a shoc=in- pa/*out' In an/ case$ "&A of the pu!chase p!ice of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ ) a sta--e!in- PhP%7$"D"$%&& ) is an +!)o!2)'o! 7(0 4o+!*$ 0hich 0e fin, !eason to !e,uce' Neithe! 0ill the Cou!t acce,e to the

settle.ent offe! of Pe6a to U!ban Ban= of at least PhP<:$&&&$&&& fo! alle-e, le-al e(penses incu!!e, ,u!in- the cou!se of the p!ocee,in-s$ %:% an a.ount that he has not substantiate, at an/ ti.e' Fa0/e!in- is not a business8 it is a p!ofession in 0hich ,ut/ to public se!vice$ not .one/$ is the p!i.a!/ consi,e!ation'%:< +he p!inciple of ?uantu. .e!uit applies if la0/e!s a!e e.plo/e, ;'*&o+* 5.')0 -.00"

+5o! /o. *&0'. 20.1')02, in 0hich case the/ 0oul, be entitle, to !eceive 0hat the/ .e!it fo! thei! se!vices$ o! as .uch as the/ have ea!ne,'%:7 In fi(in- a !easonable co.pensation fo! the se!vices !en,e!e, b/ a la0/e! on the basis of ?uantu. .e!uit$ one .a/ consi,e! facto!s such as the ti.e spent an, e(tent of se!vices !en,e!e,8 novelt/ an, ,ifficult/ of the ?uestions involve,8 i.po!tance of the sub9ect .atte!8 s=ill ,e.an,e,8 p!obabilit/ of losin- othe! e.plo/.ent as a !esult of acceptance of the p!offe!e, case8 custo.a!/ cha!-es fo! si.ila! se!vices8 a.ount involve, in the cont!ove!s/ an, the !esultinbenefits fo! the client8 ce!taint/ of co.pensation8 cha!acte! of e.plo/.ent8 an, p!ofessional stan,in- of the la0/e!'%:; >ence$ the Cou!t affi!.s the appellate cou!t5s a0a!, of PhP<$&&&$&&& to Pe6a$ fo! e(penses incu!!e, co!!espon,in- to the pe!fo!.ance of his se!vices' An a,,itional a0a!, of PhP"$;&&$&&& is -!ante, to hi. fo! the se!vices he pe!fo!.e, as a la0/e! in secu!in- the !i-hts of U!ban Ban= as o0ne! of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/'

II T&0 )o.5o. *0 o//')0.2 !" "'.0)*o.2 o/ U.7 ! B !, .0 !o* 2o('" .'(3 o. 50.2o! ((3 (' 7(0 ;'*& *&0'. 5.o50.*'02 /o. *&0 )o.5o. *0 (' 7'('*3 o/ U.7 ! B !, *o A**3. P0B . +he obli-ation to pa/ Pe6a5s co.pensation$ ho0eve!$ falls solel/ on U!ban Ban=' Absent an/ p!oof that in,ivi,ual petitione!s as ban= office!s acte, in ba, faith o! 0ith -!oss ne-li-ence o! assente, to a patentl/ unla0ful act$ the/ cannot be hel, soli,a!il/ liable to-ethe! 0ith the co!po!ation fo! se!vices pe!fo!.e, b/ the latte!5s a-ent to secu!e possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/' +hus$ the t!ial cou!t ha, in,ee, co..itte, -!ave abuse of ,isc!etion 0hen it issue, a !ulin- a-ainst the ei-ht in,ivi,ual ,efen,ant ban= ,i!ecto!s an, office!s an, its Decision shoul, be absolutel/ !eve!se, an, set asi,e' A co!po!ation$ as a 9u!i,ical entit/$ .a/ act onl/ th!ou-h its ,i!ecto!s$ office!s an,

e.plo/ees'%:D Obli-ations incu!!e, as a !esult of the acts of the ,i!ecto!s an, office!s as co!po!ate a-ents a!e not thei! pe!sonal liabilities but those of the co!po!ation the/ !ep!esent' %:C +o hol, a ,i!ecto! o! an office! pe!sonall/ liable fo! co!po!ate obli-ations$ t0o !e?uisites .ust concu!1 2"3 the co.plainant .ust alle-e in the co.plaint that the ,i!ecto! o! office! assente, to patentl/ unla0ful acts of the co!po!ation$ o! that the office! 0as -uilt/ of -!oss ne-li-ence o! ba, faith8 an, 2%3 the co.plainant .ust clea!l/ an, convincin-l/ p!ove such unla0ful acts$ ne-li-ence o! ba, faith' %:: M+o hol, a ,i!ecto!$ a t!ustee o! an office! pe!sonall/ liable fo! the ,ebts of the co!po!ation an,$ thus$ pie!ce the veil of co!po!ate fiction$ ba, faith o! -!oss ne-li-ence b/ the ,i!ecto!$ t!ustee o! office! in ,i!ectin- the co!po!ate affai!s .ust be establishe, clea!l/ an, convincin-l/'M%:# Pe6a faile, to alle-e an, convincin-l/ sho0 that in,ivi,ual ,efen,ant ban= ,i!ecto!s an, office!s assente, to patentl/ unla0ful acts of the ban=$ o! that the/ 0e!e -uilt/ of -!oss ne-li-ence o! ba, faith' Cont!a!/ to his clai.$ the Co.plaint%#& in the lo0e! cou!t neve! alle-e, that in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants ac?uiesce, to an unla0ful act o! 0e!e -!ossl/ ne-li-ent o! acte, in ba, faith' %#" Neithe! is the!e an/ specific alle-ation of -!oss ne-li-ence o! action in ba, faith that is att!ibutable to the in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants in pe!fo!.ance of thei! official ,uties' In an/ event$ Pe6a ,i, not a,,uce an/ p!oof that the ei-ht in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants pe!fo!.e, unla0ful acts o! 0e!e -!ossl/ ne-li-ent o! in ba, faith' Asi,e f!o. the -ene!al alle-ation that the/ 0e!e co!po!ate office!s o! .e.be!s of the boa!, of ,i!ecto!s of U!ban Ban=$ !o 250)'/') )*2 ;0.0 ((0-0" !" 5.o10" *o ; .. !* /'!"'!- o/ 2o('" .3 (' 7'('*3 ' At .ost$ petitione!s Bo!lon-an$ Be9asa an, Manuel 0e!e

i,entifie, as those 0ho ha, p!ocesse, the a-enc/ a-!ee.ent 0ith Pe6a th!ou-h thei! telephone conve!sations 0ith hi. an,Po! 0!itten autho!i4ation lette!' Asi,e f!o. Bo!lon-an$ Be9asa an, Manuel$ Att/' Pe6a in the co.plaint pointe, to no specific act o! ci!cu.stance to 9ustif/ the inclusion of Delfin C' Eon4ale4$ H!'$ Ben9a.in F' ,e Feon$ P' Sie!vo >' Di4on$

E!ic F' Fee$ an, Ben +' Fi.$ H!'$ e(cept fo! the fact that the/ 0e!e .e.be!s of the Boa!, of Di!ecto!s of U!ban Ban= at that ti.e' +hat the five othe! .e.be!s of the Boa!, of Di!ecto!s 0e!e e(clu,e, f!o. Pe6a5s co.plaint hi-hli-hts the peculia!it/ of thei! inclusion' @hat is .o!e$ the co.plaint .ista=enl/ inclu,e, B0! 6. L'4, J.'$ 0ho ha, not even been a .e.be! of the Boa!, of Di!ecto!s of U!ban Ban=' In an/ case$ his fathe! an, na.esa=e$ Ben +' Fi.$ S!'$ 0ho ha, been a ,i!ecto! of the ban= at that ti.e$ ha, al!ea,/ passe, a0a/ in "##C' In !ulin- fo! the soli,a!/ liabilit/ of the othe! ban= ,i!ecto!s$ the ,ecision of the t!ial cou!t hin-e, solel/ on the pu!po!te, a,.ission of A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ that the t!ansactions 0ith Att/' Pe6a 0e!e app!ove, b/ the Boa!, of Di!ecto!s1 In this case$ plaintiff testifie, as to the pe!sonal pa!ticipation of ,efen,ants +e, Bo!lon-an an, Co!a4on Be9asa in the sub9ect t!ansaction' On the othe! han,$ 0ith !espect to the othe! ,efen,ants$ it 0as the ,efen,ants the.selves$ th!ou-h 0itness A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ ;&o "4'**0" *& * (( *&0 *. !2 )*'o!2

'!1o(10" '! *&'2 ) 20 ;0.0 55.o10" 73 *&0 7o ." o/ "'.0)*o.2 ' +hus$ the cou!t has sufficient basis to hol, the ,i!ecto!s 9ointl/ an, seve!all/ liable 0ith ,efen,ant U!ban Ban=$ Inc' %#% 2E.phasis supplie,3 +he Decision of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ .ust be utte!l/ !e9ecte, on this point because its conclusion of an/ cause of action$ .uch less actual le-al liabilit/ on the pa!t of U!ban Ban=5s co!po!ate office!s an, ,i!ecto!s a!e sho!n of an/ factual fin,in-' +hat the/ assente, to the t!ansactions of the ban= 0ith !espect to Att/' Pe6a5s se!vices 0ithout an/ sho0in- that these co!po!ate actions 0e!e patentl/ unla0ful o! that the office!s 0e!e -uilt/ of -!oss ne-li-ence o! ba, faith is insufficient to hol, the. soli,a!il/ liable 0ith U!ban Ban=' It see.s absu!, that the t!ial cou!t 0ill hol, the i.plea,e, selecte, .e.be!s of the Boa!, of Di!ecto!s onl/$ but not the othe!s 0ho also pu!po!te,l/ app!ove, the t!ansactions' Neithe! is the !eason behin, the fin,in- of Isoli,a!inessM 0ith U!ban Ban= in such liabilit/ e(plaine, at all' It is voi, fo! co.pletel/ bein- ,evoi, of facts an, the la0 on 0hich the fin,in- of liabilit/ is base,' +he Cou!t of Appeals co!!ectl/ !e9ecte, the clai. of pe!sonal liabilit/ a-ainst the in,ivi,ual petitione!s 0hen it hel, as follo0s1 +he plaintiff*appellee5s co.plaint befo!e the cou!t a ?uo ,oes not point to an/ pa!ticula! act of eithe! one o! all of the ,efen,ants*appellants that 0ill sub9ect the. to pe!sonal liabilit/' >is co.plaint .e!el/ asse!ts that ,efen,ant Bo!lon-an an, Att/' Be9asa acte, fo! an, in behalf of U!ban Ban= in secu!in- his se!vices in p!otectin- the ban=5s ne0l/ ac?ui!e, p!ope!t/' >ence$ @e cannot allo0 the sa.e' %#< Pe6a ha, a!-ue, that in,ivi,ual ,efen,ant ban= ,i!ecto!s an, office!s shoul, be hel, pe!sonall/ an, soli,a!il/ liable 0ith petitione!*!espon,ent ban=$ since the/ faile, to a!-ue fo! li.ite, co!po!ate

liabilit/'%#7 +he t!ial cou!t subsc!ibe, to his !easonin- an, hel, that the failu!e to !eso!t to the sai, ,efense constitute, a 0aive! on the pa!t of in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants' %#; +he Cou!t is not pe!sua,e,' As the co.plainant on the t!ial cou!t level$ Pe6a ca!!ie, the bu!,en of p!ovin- that the ei-ht in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants pe!fo!.e, specific acts that 0oul, .a=e the. pe!sonall/ liable fo! the obli-ations of the co!po!ation' +his he faile, to ,o' >e cannot capitali4e on thei! alle-e, failu!e to offe! a ,efense$ 0hen he ha, not ,ischa!-e, his !esponsibilit/ of establishin- thei! pe!sonal liabilities in the fi!st place' +his Cou!t cannot sustain the in,ivi,ual liabilities of the ban= office!s 0hen Pe6a$ at the onset$ has not pe!suasivel/ ,e.onst!ate, thei! assent to patentl/ unla0ful acts of the ban=$ o! that the/ 0e!e -uilt/ of -!oss ne-li-ence o! ba, faith$ !e-a!,less of the 0ea=nesses of the ,efenses !aise,' +his is too basic a !e?ui!e.ent that this Cou!t .ust ,e.an, sufficient p!oof befo!e 0e can ,is!e-a!, the sepa!ate le-al pe!sonalit/ of the co!po!ation f!o. its offices' >ence$ onl/ U!ban Ban=$ not in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants$ is liable to pa/ Pe6a5s co.pensation fo! se!vices he !en,e!e, in secu!in- possession of the Pasa/ p!ope!t/' Its liabilit/ in this case is$ ho0eve!$ 0ithout p!e9u,ice to its possible clai. a-ainst ISCI fo! !ei.bu!se.ent un,e! thei! sepa!ate a-!ee.ents' III Co!2'"0.'!- *&0 72o(+*0 !+(('/') *'o! o/ *&0 *.' ( )o+.*C2 D0)'2'o!, *&0 5.o)00"'!-2 .'2'!- /.o4 *&0 0:0)+*'o! 50!"'!- 550 ( 7 20" o! *&0 2 '" D0)'2'o! '2 (',0;'20 )o45(0*0(3 1 ) *0". Since the t!ial cou!t5s .ain Decision a0a!,in- PhP%:$;&&$&&& in favo! of Pe6a has been nullifie, above$ the e(ecution pen,in- appeal atten,ant the!eto$ as a !esult$ no lon-e! has an/ le- to stan, on an, is thus co.pletel/ vacate,' +o !ecall$ p!io! to the filin- of U!ban Ban= of its notice of appeal in the .ain case$ %#D Pe6a .ove, on &C Hune "### fo! e(ecution pen,in- appeal %#C of the Decision$%#: 0hich ha, a0a!,e, hi. a total of PhP%:$;&&$&&& in co.pensation an, ,a.a-es'%## In suppo!tinhis p!a/e! fo! ,isc!etiona!/

e(ecution$ P0B )'*0" !o o*&0. .0 2o! *& ! *&0 50!"'!- 205 . *0 )'1'( - '!2* &'4 73

)*'o! /o. )o((0)*'o! /'(0"

).0"'*o.$ 0ho 0as ,e.an,in- pa/.ent of a PhP<$&&&$&&& loan' <&& Acco!,in- to hi.$ he

ha, use, the p!ocee,s of the loan fo! secu!in- the ban=5s Pasa/ p!ope!t/' <&" In opposition to the .otion$ U!ban Ban= counte!e, that the collection case 0as not a sufficient !eason fo! allo0in- e(ecution pen,inappeal'<&% Kavo!abl/ actin- on Pe6a5s .otion$ the R+C*Ba-o Cit/$ th!ou-h Hu,-e >en!/ H' +!ocino$ <&< issue, a Special O!,e! autho!i4in- e(ecution pen,in- appeal on the basis of Pe6a5s in,ebte,ness to his c!e,ito!* f!ien,'<&7 In acco!,ance 0ith this Special O!,e!$ Att/' Hosephine Mutia*>a-a,$ the cle!= of cou!t an, e(

officio she!iff$ e(pe,itiousl/ issue, a @!it of E(ecution on the sa.e ,a/' <&; +he t!ial cou!t5s Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution 0e!e the sub9ects of a Rule D; Petition file, b/ U!ban Ban= 0ith the CA' <&D Both the Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution a!e nullifie, fo! t0o !easons1 2"3 Since the Decision of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ is co.pletel/ vacate,$ all its issuances pu!suant to the Decision$ inclu,in- the Special O!,e! an, the @!it of E(ecution a!e li=e0ise vacate,8 an, 2%3 +he Special O!,e! autho!i4in- e(ecution pen,in- appeal base, on the collection suit file, a-ainst Att/' Pe6a ha, no basis un,e! the Rules of Cou!t$ an, the sa.e infi!.it/ thus afflicts the @!it of E(ecution issue, pu!suant the!eto' Since the 'ecision o( the R)C*+&go Cit, is -&c&ted, &.. orders &nd /rits pursu&nt thereto &re .i0e/ise -&c&ted. Consi,e!in- that the Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution 0as a !esult of the t!ial cou!t5s ea!lie! a0a!, of PhP%:$;&&$&&&$ the nullification o! co.plete !eve!sal of the sai, a0a!, necessa!il/ t!anslates to the vacation as 0ell of the p!ocesses a!isin- the!ef!o.$ inclu,in- all the p!ocee,in-s fo! the e(ecution pen,in- appeal' Consi,e!in- the unconscionable a0a!, -iven b/ the t!ial cou!t an, the un9ustifie, i.position of soli,a!/ liabilit/ a-ainst the ei-ht ban= office!s$ the Cou!t is vacatin- the Decision of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ Decision' +he t!ial cou!t e!!oneousl/ .a,e soli,a!il/ liable U!ban Ban=5s ,i!ecto!s an, office!s 0ithout even an/ alle-ations$ .uch less p!oof$ of an/ acts of ba, faith$ ne-li-ence o! .alice in the pe!fo!.ance of thei! ,uties' In a,,ition$ the t!ial cou!t .ista=enl/ ancho!e, its astoun,in- a0a!, of ,a.a-es a.ountinPhP%:$;&&$&&& on the basis of the .e!e account of Att/' Pe6a of a telephone conve!sation$ 0ithout even consi,e!in- the su!!oun,in- ci!cu.stances an, the shee! ,isp!opo!tion to the le-al se!vices !en,e!e, to the ban=' A voi, 9u,-.ent neve! ac?ui!es finalit/' <&C In conte.plation of la0$ that voi, ,ecision is ,ee.e, non* e(istent'<&:Luo, nullu. est$ nullu. p!o,ucit effectu.' <&# >ence$ the vali,it/ of the e(ecution pen,inappeal 0ill ulti.atel/ hin-e on the cou!t5s fin,in-s 0ith !espect to the ,ecision in 0hich the e(ecution is base,' Althou-h ,isc!etiona!/ e(ecution can p!ocee, in,epen,entl/ 0hile the appeal on the .e!its is pen,in-$ the outco.e of the .ain case 0ill -!eatl/ i.pact the e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ especiall/ in instances 0he!e as in this case$ the!e is a co.plete !eve!sal of the t!ial cou!t5s ,ecision' +hus$ if the ,ecision on the .e!its is co.pletel/ nullifie,$ then the conco.itant e(ecution pen,in- appeal is li=e0ise 0ithout an/

effect' In fact$ the Rules of Cou!t e(p!essl/ p!ovi,e fo! the possibilit/ of !eve!sal$ co.plete o! pa!tial$ of a final 9u,-.ent 0hich has been e(ecute, on appeal' <"& P!ecisel/$ the e(ecution pen,in- appeal ,oes not ba! the continuance of the appeal on the .e!its$ fo! the Rules of Cou!t e(plicitl/ p!ovi,e fo! !estitution acco!,in- to e?uit/ an, 9ustice in case the e(ecute, 9u,-.ent is !eve!se, on appeal' <"" Consi,e!in- that the Decision of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ has been co.pletel/ vacate, an, ,ecla!e, null an, voi,$ it p!o,uces no effect 0hatsoeve!' +hus$ the Special O!,e! an, its conco.itant @!it of E(ecution pen,in- appeal is li=e0ise annulle, an, is also 0ithout effect' Conse?uentl/$ all levies$ -a!nish.ent an, sales e(ecute, pen,in- appeal a!e ,ecla!e, null an, voi,$ 0ith the conco.itant ,ut/ of !estitution un,e! the Rules of Cou!t$ as 0ill be ,iscusse, late! on' In an/ case$ the t!ial cou!t5s -!ant of e(ecution pen,in- appeal lac=s sufficient basis un,e! the la0 an, 9u!isp!u,ence' @e !ule that the pen,enc/ of a collection suit b/ a thi!, pa!t/ c!e,ito! 0hich c!e,it 0as obtaine, b/ the 0innin- 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! in anothe! case$ is not a sufficientl/ -oo, !eason to allo0 e(ecution pen,inappeal as the Rules of Cou!t p!ovi,e' E(ecution pen,in- appeal is an e(t!ao!,ina!/ !e.e,/ allo0e, onl/ 0hen the!e a!e !easons to believe that the 9u,-.ent ,ebto! 0ill not be able to satisf/ the 9u,-.ent ,ebt if the appeals p!ocess 0ill still have to be a0aite,' It !e?ui!es p!oof of ci!cu.stances such as insolvenc/ o! atte.pts to escape$ abscon, o! eva,e a 9ust ,ebt' In Klo!en,o v' Pa!a.ount Insu!ance$ Co!p'$<"% the Cou!t e(plaine, that the e(ecution pen,in- appeal is an e(ception to the -ene!al !ule that e(ecution issues as a .atte! of !i-ht$ 0hen a 9u,-.ent has beco.e final an, e(ecuto!/1 As such e(ception$ the cou!t5s ,isc!etion in allo0in- it .ust be 2*.')*(3 )o!2*.+0" an, fi!.l/ -!oun,e, on the e(istence of -oo, !easons' FGoo" .0 2o!2,G '* & 2 700! &0(", )o!2'2* o/ )o450(('!)'.)+42* !)02 *& * 8+2*'/3 '440"' *0 0:0)+*'o! (02* *&0 8+"-40!* 70)o402 '((+2o.3. +he ci!cu.stances .ust be supe!io!$ out0ei-hin- the in9u!/ o! ,a.a-es that .i-ht !esult shoul, the losinpa!t/ secu!e a !eve!sal of the 9u,-.ent' Fesse! !easons 0oul, .a=e of e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ instea, of an inst!u.ent of solicitu,e an, 9ustice$ a tool of opp!ession an, ine?uit/' 2E.phasis supplie,3 In,ee,$ the p!esence o! the absence of -oo, !easons !e.ains the /a!,stic= in allo0in- the !e.e,/ of e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ 0hich shoul, consist of e(ceptional ci!cu.stances of such u!-enc/ as to out0ei-h the in9u!/ o! ,a.a-e that the losin- pa!t/ .a/ suffe!$ shoul, the appeale, 9u,-.ent be !eve!se, late!'<"< +hus$ the Cou!t hel, that even the financial ,ist!ess of the p!evailin- co.pan/ is not sufficient !eason to call fo! e(ecution pen,in- appeal1

In a,,!essin- this issue$ the Cou!t .ust st!ess that the e(ecution of a 9u,-.ent befo!e its finalit/ .ust be foun,e, upon -oo, !easons' +he /a!,stic= !e.ains the p!esence o! the absence of -oo, !easons consistin- of e(ceptional ci!cu.stances of such u!-enc/ as to out0ei-h the in9u!/ o! ,a.a-e that the losin- pa!t/ .a/ suffe!$ shoul, the appeale, 9u,-.ent be !eve!se, late!' Eoo, !eason i.po!ts a supe!io! ci!cu.stance that 0ill out0ei-h in9u!/ o! ,a.a-e to the a,ve!se pa!t/' In the case at ba!$ petitione! faile, to sho0 Ipa!a.ount an, co.pellin- !easons of u!-enc/ an, 9ustice'M Petitione! cites as -oo, !eason .e!el/ the fact that Iit is a s.all*ti.e buil,in- cont!acto! that coul, ill*affo!, the p!ot!acte, ,ela/ in the !ei.bu!se.ent of the a,vances it .a,e fo! the afo!esai, inc!ease, costs of ' ' ' const!uction of the N!espon,entSsO buil,in-s'M P0*'*'o!0.C2 ((0-0"(3 5.0) .'o+2 /'! !)' ( )o!"'*'o!, &o;010., '2 !o* 73 '*20(/ 8+.'25.+"0!*' ((3

)o450(('!- )'.)+42* !)0 ; .. !*'!- '440"' *0 0:0)+*'o!' +he financial ,ist!ess of a 9u!i,ical entit/ is not co.pa!able to a case involvin- a natu!al pe!son T such as a ve!/ ol, an, sic=l/ one 0ithout an/ .eans of livelihoo,$ an hei! see=in- an o!,e! fo! suppo!t an, .onthl/ allo0ance fo! subsistence$ o! one 0ho ,ies' In,ee,$ the alle-e, financial ,ist!ess of a co!po!ation ,oes not out0ei-h the lon- stan,in- -ene!al polic/ of enfo!cin- onl/ final an, e(ecuto!/ 9u,-.ents' Ce!tainl/$ a 9u!i,ical entit/ li=e petitione! co!po!ation has$ othe! than e(t!ao!,ina!/ e(ecution$ alte!native !e.e,ies li=e loans$ a,vances$ inte!nal cash -ene!ation an, the li=e to a,,!ess its p!eca!ious financial con,ition' 2E.phasis supplie,3 In Philippine Ban= of Co..unications v' Cou!t of Appeals$ <"7 the Cou!t ,enie, e(ecution pen,in- appeal to a 9u!i,ical entit/ 0hich alle-e,l/ 0as in financial ,ist!ess an, 0as facin- civil an, c!i.inal suits 0ith !espect to the collection of a su. of .one/' It !ule, that the financial ,ist!ess of the p!evailin- pa!t/ in a final 9u,-.ent 0hich 0as still pen,in- appeal .a/ not be li=ene, to the situation of a natu!al pe!son 0ho is ill$ of a,vance, a-e o! ,/in- as to 9ustif/ e(ecution pen,in- appeal1 It is si-nificant to st!ess that p!ivate !espon,ent Kalcon is a 9u!i,ical entit/ an, not a natu!al pe!son' E10! 22+4'!- *& * '* ; 2 '!"00" '! /'! !)' ( "'2*.022 !" o! *&0 10.-0 o/ / )'!- )'1'( o. 010! ).'4'! ( 2+'*2, *&0 '440"' *0 0:0)+*'o! o/ 8+"-40!* '! '*2 / 1o. 50!"'!- 550 ( ) !!o* 70 8+2*'/'0" 2 ) 20 o/ ! *+. ( 50.2o! ;&o 4 3 70 '(( o. 4 3 70 o/

F ()o!C2 2'*+ *'o! 4 3 !o* 70 (',0!0" *o "1 !)0"

-0. E10! *&0 " !-0. o/ 0:*'!)*'o! o/ *&0 )o.5o. *'o! ;'(( !o* 50. 20 8+2*'/3

"'2).0*'o! .3 0:0)+*'o! unless the!e a!e sho0in-s of othe! -oo, !easons$ such as fo! instance$ i.pen,in- insolvenc/ of the a,ve!se pa!t/ o! the appeal bein- patentl/ ,ilato!/' But even as to the latte! !eason$ it 0as note, in A?uino vs' Santia-o 2"D" SCRA ;C& N"#::O3$ that it is not fo! the t!ial 9u,-e to ,ete!.ine the .e!it of a ,ecision he !en,e!e, as this is the !ole of the appellate cou!t' >ence$ it is not

0ithin co.petence of the t!ial cou!t$ in !esolvin- a .otion fo! e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ to !ule that the appeal is patentl/ ,ilato!/ an, !el/ on the sa.e as its basis fo! fin,in- -oo, !eason to -!ant the .otion' Onl/ an appellate cou!t can app!eciate the ,ilato!/ intent of an appeal as an a,,itional -oo, !eason in uphol,in- an o!,e! fo! e(ecution pen,in- appeal 0hich .a/ have been issue, b/ the t!ial cou!t fo! othe! -oo, !easons$ o! in cases 0he!e the .otion fo! e(ecution pen,in- appeal is file, 0ith the appellate cou!t in acco!,ance 0ith Section %$ pa!a-!aph 2a3$ Rule <# of the "##C Rules of Cou!t' @hat is 0o!se$ onl/ one case 0as actuall/ file, a-ainst Kalcon an, this is the co.plaint fo! collection file, b/ Soli,ban=' +he othe! cases a!e Ii.pen,in-M$ so it is sai,' O*&0. *& ! 2 '" So('"7 !, ) 20, F ()o!C2 2+.1'1 ( 2 7o"3 )o.5o. *0 ) !!o* 70 *&.0 *0!0" 73 !*')'5 *0" ('*'- *'o! ' +his not0ithstan,in-$

an, even assu.in- that the!e 0as a se!ious th!eat to Kalcon5s continue, co!po!ate e(istence$ 0e hol, that it is not tanta.ount no! even si.ila! to an i.pen,in- ,eath of a natu!al pe!son' +he .ate!ial e(istence of a 9u!i,ical pe!son is not on the sa.e plane as that of hu.an life' +he su!vival of a 9u!i,ical pe!sonalit/ is clea!l/ out0ei-he, b/ the lon- stan,in- -ene!al polic/ of enfo!cin- onl/ final an, e(ecuto!/ 9u,-.ents' 2E.phasis supplie,3 In this case$ the t!ial cou!t suppo!te, its ,isc!etiona!/ -!ant of e(ecution base, on the alle-e, collection suit file, a-ainst Pe6a b/ his c!e,ito! f!ien, fo! PhP<$&&&$&&&1 It has been establishe, that the plaintiff secu!e, the loan fo! the pu!pose of usin- the .one/ to co.pl/ 0ith the .an,ate of ,efen,ant ban= to hol, an, .aintain possession of the pa!cel of lan, in Pasa/ Cit/ an, to p!event int!u,e!s an, fo!.e! tenants f!o. occup/in- the sai, p!ope!t/' +he pu!pose of the loan 0as ve!/ specific an, the sa.e 0as .a,e =no0n to ,efen,ant ban= th!ou-h ,efen,ant +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an' +he loan 0as not secu!e, fo! so.e othe! pu!pose' +!uth to tell$ the plaintiff acco.plishe, his .ission in clea!in- the p!ope!t/ of tenants$ int!u,e!s an, s?uatte!s$ lon- befo!e the ,ea,line -iven hi. b/ the ,efen,ant ban=' +he plaintiff 0as assu!e, b/ no less than the P!esi,ent of ,efen,ant ban= of the availabilit/ of fun,s fo! his co.pensation an, !ei.bu!se.ent of his e(penses' >a, he been pai, b/ ,efen,ant ban= soon afte! he ha, fulfille, his obli-ation$ he coul, have settle, his loan obli-ation 0ith his c!e,ito!' Defen,ants 0e!e benefitte, b/ the se!vices !en,e!e, b/ the plaintiff' @hile plaintiff has co.plie, 0ith the un,e!ta=in-$ the ,efen,ants$ ho0eve!$ faile, to pe!fo!. thei! obli-ation to the plaintiff' T&0 5( '!*'// 2* !"2 *o 2+//0. -.0 *(3 '/ *&0 )o((0)*'o! ) 20 - '!2* &'4 '2 !o* "".0220". F'.2*(3, 2 2&o;! '! E:&'7'* FCG, 5( '!*'//C2 *o* ( o7('- *'o! ;'*& Ro70.*o I-! )'o 2 o/ M 3 1=== '2

P&P24,1=2,EEE.EE. T&'2 4o+!*, '/ (0/* +!5 '", ;'(( )o!*'!+0 *o '!).0 20 "+0 *o '!*0.02* )& .-02

70'!- '45o20" 73 *&0 ).0"'*o. *o *&0 5.08+"')0 o/ 5( '!*'//. Secon,l/$ a p!eli.ina!/ attach.ent has al!ea,/ been issue, an, this 0oul, !est!ict the plaintiff f!o. f!eel/ e(e!cisin- his !i-hts ove! his p!ope!t/ ,u!in- the pen,enc/ of the case' In thei! opposition$ ,efen,ants clai. that plaintiff5s in,ebte,ness is a !use$ ho0eve!$ ,efen,ants faile, to a,,uce evi,ence to suppo!t its clai.' +he cou!t fin,s that the pen,enc/ of the case fo! collection of .one/ a-ainst plaintiff is a -oo, !eason fo! i..e,iate e(ecution' <"; +he .e!e fact that Att/' Pe6a 0as al!ea,/ sub9ecte, to a collection suit fo! pa/.ent of the loan p!ocee,s he use, to pe!fo!. his se!vices fo! U!ban Ban= is not an acceptable !eason to o!,e! the e(ecution pen,in- appeal a-ainst the ban=' Kinancial ,ist!ess a!isin- f!o. a lone collection suit an, not ,ue to the a,vance, a-e of the pa!t/ is not an u!-ent o! co.pellin- !eason that 0oul, 9ustif/ the i..e,iate lev/ on the p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= pen,in- appeal' +hat Pe6a 0oul, .a,e liable in the collection suit file, b/ his c!e,ito!*f!ien, 0oul, not !easonabl/ !esult in !en,e!in- illuso!/ the final 9u,-.ent in the instant action fo! a-ent5s co.pensation' Pe6a5s pu!po!te, ,ifficult/ in pa/in- the loan p!ocee,s use, to pe!fo!. his se!vices ,oes not out0ei-h the in9u!/ o! ,a.a-es that .i-ht !esult shoul, U!ban Ban= obtain a !eve!sal of the 9u,-.ent$ as it ,i, in this case' U!ban Ban= even asse!ts that the collection suit file, a-ainst Pe6a 0as a .e!e !use to p!ovi,e 9ustification fo! the e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ no .atte! ho0 fli.s/' <"D As ?uote, above$ the t!ial cou!t note, Att/' Pe6a5s total obli-ation to his c!e,ito!*f!ien, as of Ma/ "### 0as al!ea,/ the inc!e,ible a.ount of PhP%7$"#%$&&&'&&$ even 0hen the Co.plaint ,ate, &< Ap!il "### itself$ 0hich spa0ne, the collection suit inclu,e, onl/ a p!a/e! fo! pa/.ent of PhP<$;&&$&&& 0ith atto!ne/5s fees of PhP"&&$&&&' <"C It see.s absu!, that Att/' Pe6a 0oul, a-!ee to obtainin- a loan f!o. his o0n f!ien,$ 0hen the P!o.isso!/ Notes p!ovi,e, fo! a penalt/ of ;A inte!est pe! .onth o! D&A pe! annu. fo! ,ela/ in the pa/.ent' <": It soun,s .o!e li=e a c!eative 9ustification of the i..e,iate e(ecution of the PhP%:'; Million 9u,-.ent not0ithstan,in- the appeal' In fact$ the Cou!t of Appeals note, Att/' Pe6a5s a,.ission of sufficient p!ope!ties to ans0e! fo! an/ liabilit/ a!isin- f!o. the collection suit a!isin- f!o. his c!e,ito!*f!ien,' In initiall/ ,en/in- the e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ the appellate cou!t hel, that1 On the othe! han,$ p!ivate !espon,ent5s clai. that the onl/ 0a/ he coul, pa/ his in,ebte,ness to Robe!to I-nacio is th!ou-h the .one/ that he e(pects to !eceive f!o. petitione!s in pa/.ent of his se!vices is belie, b/ his testi.on/ at the hea!in- con,ucte, b/ the t!ial cou!t on the .otion fo! e(ecution pen,in-

appeal 0he!ein petitione!s 0e!e able to secu!e an a,.ission f!o. hi. that he has so.e assets 0hich coul, be attache, b/ Robe!to I-nacio an, that he 0oul, p!obabl/ have othe! assets left even afte! the attach.ent'<"# >ence$ to !ule that a pen,in- collection suit a-ainst Att/' Pe6a$ 0hich has not been sho0n to !esult in his insolvenc/$ 0oul, be to encou!a-e 9u,-.ent c!e,ito!s to in,i!ectl/ an, in,isc!i.inatel/ insti-ate collection suits o! cite pen,in- actions$ !elate, o! not$ as a I-oo, !easonM to !outinel/ avail of the !e.e,/ of ,isc!etiona!/ e(ecution'<%& As an e(ception to the -ene!al !ule on e(ecution afte! final an, e(ecuto!/ 9u,-.ent$ the !easons offe!e, b/ Att/' Pe6a to 9ustif/ e(ecution pen,in- appeal .ust be st!ictl/ const!ue,' Neithe! 0ill the Cou!t accept the t!ial cou!t5s unfoun,e, assu.ption that U!ban Ban=5s appeal 0as .e!el/ ,ilato!/$ as in fact$ the PhP%:$;&&$&&& a0a!, -iven b/ the t!ial cou!t 0as ove!tu!ne, b/ the appellate cou!t an, eventuall/ b/ this Cou!t' Mo!eove!$ at the ti.e the Special O!,e! of Hu,-e >en!/ +!oci6o of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ ca.e out in "###$ U!ban Ban= ha, assets 0o!th .o!e than PhP"" Billion an, ha, a net 0o!th of .o!e than PhP% Billion' +he!e 0as no !eason then to believe that U!ban Ban= coul, not satisf/ a 9u,-.ent of PhP%:$;&&$&&&$ a su. that 0as onl/ "A of its net 0o!th$ an, "P; of "A of its total assets of PhP""$#<<$<:<$D<&' <%" U!ban Ban= 0as even -iven a Solvenc/$ Fi?ui,it/ an, Mana-e.ent Ratin- of :%':# ove! "&& b/ no less than the BSP<%% an, !epo!te,l/ ha, li?ui, assets a.ountin- to PhP%$&<D$:C:' <%< In fact$ no alle-ation of i.pen,ininsolvenc/ o! atte.pt to abscon, 0as eve! !aise, b/ Att/' Pe6a an, /et$ the t!ial cou!t -!ante, e(ecution pen,in- appeal' Since the o!i-inal o!,e! -!antin- e(ecution pen,in- appeal 0as co.pletel/ voi, fo! containin- no 9ustifiable !eason$ it follo0s that an/ affi!.ance of the sa.e b/ the Cou!t of Appeals is li=e0ise voi,' +he Decision of the Cou!t of Appeals in the case ,oc=ete, as CA*E'R' SP No' ;;DDC$ fin,in- a ne0 !eason fo! -!antin- e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ i'e'$ the !eceive!ship of U!ban Ban=$ is li=e0ise e!!oneous$ not0ithstan,in- this Cou!t5s !ulin- in Fee v' +!ocino' <%7 In acco!,ance 0ith the subse?uent Resolution of the Cou!t in above.entione, case of Fee v' +!ocino$ <%; 0e ,i!ectl/ !esolve the issue of the insufficienc/ of the !easons that le, to the -!ant of e(ecution pen,in- appeal' In cases 0he!e the t0o o! .o!e ,efen,ants a!e .a,e subsi,ia!il/ o! soli,a!il/ liable b/ the final 9u,-.ent of the t!ial cou!t$ ,isc!etiona!/ e(ecution can be allo0e, if (( *&0 "0/0!" !*2 have been foun, to be insolvent' Consi,e!in- that onl/ U!ban Ban=$ an, not the othe! ei-ht in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants$ 0as late! on consi,e!e, b/ the Cou!t of Appeals to have been Iin ,an-e! of insolvenc/$M is not sufficient !eason to

allo0 e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ since the liabilit/ fo! the a0a!, to Pe6a 0as .a,e 2albeit$ .ista=enl/3 soli,a!il/ liable to-ethe! 0ith the ban= office!s' In Kle(o Manufactu!in- Co!p' v' Colu.bus Koo,$ Inc'$ an, Pacific Meat Co.pan/$ Inc'$ <%D both Colu.bus Koo,$ Inc'$ 2Colu.bus Koo,3 an, Pacific Meat Co.pan/$ Inc'$ 2Pacific Meat3 0e!e foun, b/ the t!ial cou!t the!ein to be soli,a!il/ liable to Kle(o Manufactu!in-$ Inc'$ 2Kle(o Manufactu!in-3 fo! the p!incipal obli-ation of PhP%$#;C$%C&'&&' +he lo0e! cou!t also -!ante, e(ecution pen,in- appeal on the basis of the insolvenc/ of Colu.bus Koo,$ 010! '/ P )'/') M0 * ; 2 !o* /o+!" *o 70 '!2o(10!* ' Affi!.in- the !eve!sal o!,e!e, b/ the Cou!t of Appeals$ this Cou!t !ule, that since the!e 0as anothe! pa!t/ 0ho 0as soli,a!il/ liable to pa/ fo! the 9u,-.ent ,ebt$ asi,e f!o. the insolvent Colu.bus Koo,$ the!e 0as no -oo, !eason to allo0 the e(ecution pen,in- appeal1 Re-a!,in- the state of insolvenc/ of Colu.bus$ the case of Philippine National Ban= v' Puno$ hel,1 I@hile this Cou!t in seve!al cases has hel, that insolvenc/ of the 9u,-.ent ,ebto! o! i..inent ,an-e! the!eof is a -oo, !eason fo! ,isc!etiona!/ e(ecution$ othe!0ise to a0ait a final an, e(ecuto!/ 9u,-.ent .a/ not onl/ ,i.inish but .a/ nullif/ all chances fo! !ecove!/ on e(ecution f!o. sai, 9u,-.ent ,ebto!$ @e a!e const!aine, to !ule othe!0ise in this pa!ticula! case' I! *&0 /o.0)'*0" ) 202, *&0.0 ; 2 0'*&0. o!(3 o!0 "0/0 *0" 5 .*3 o. 8+"-40!* "07*o. ;&o ; 2, &o;010., '!2o(10!* o. *&0.0 ;0.0 2010. ( 2+)& 5 .*'02 7+* (( ;0.0 '!2o(10!*, &0!)0 *&0 /o.02 '" . *'o! (0 /o. "'2).0*'o! .3 0:0)+*'o! ; 2 5.020!*. In the case at ba!$ it is un,ispute, that$ assu.in- MMIC is insolvent$ its co*,efen,ant PNB is not. I* ) !!o*, *&0.0/o.0, 70 5( +2'7(3 22+40" *& * *&0 8+"-40!* 4'-&* 70)o40 '((+2o.3H '/ MMIC ) !!o* 2 *'2/3 *&0 8+"-40!*, PNB ;'(( !2;0. /o. '* ' It 0ill be obse!ve, that$ un,e! the ,ispositive po!tion of the 9u,-.ent he!einbefo!e ?uote,$ the liabilit/ of PNB is eithe! subsi,ia!/ o! soli,a!/' T&+2, ;&0! *&0.0 .0 *;o o. 4o.0 "0/0!" !*2 !" o!0 '2 !o* '!2o(10!*, *&0 '!2o(10!)3 o/ "0/0!" !* '2 !o* -oo" .0 2o! *o 8+2*'/3 0:0)+*'o! 50!"'!)oD

550 ( '/ *&0'. (' 7'('*3 +!"0. *&0

8+"-40!* '2 0'*&0. 2+72'"' .3 o. 2o('" .3' In this case$ Pacific 0as a,9u,-e, to be soli,a!il/ liable 0ith Colu.bus' +he!efo!e$ the latte! is not the onl/ pa!t/ that .a/ be ans0e!able to Kle(o' I*2 '!2o(10!)3 "o02 !o* 4o+!* *o -oo" .0 2o! *o -. !* 0:0)+*'o! 50!"'!- 550 (' 2E.phasis supplie,3

Si.ila!l/$ the t!ial cou!t in this case foun, U!ban Ban= an, all ei-ht in,ivi,ual ban= office!s soli,a!il/ liable to Att/' Pe6a fo! the pa/.ent of the PhP%:$;&&$&&& a0a!,' >ence$ ha, the 9u,-.ent been uphel, on appeal$ Att/' Pe6a coul, have ,e.an,e, pa/.ent f!o. an/ of the nine ,efen,ants' +hus$ it 0as a .ista=e fo! the Cou!t of Appeals to have affi!.e, e(ecution pen,in- appeal base, solel/ on the !eceive!ship of U!ban Ban=$ 0hen the!e 0e!e ei-ht othe! in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants$ 0ho 0e!e soli,a!il/ liable but 0e!e not sho0n to have been insolvent' Since U!ban Ban=5s co*,efen,ants 0e!e not foun, to have been insolvent$ the!e 0as no -oo, !eason fo! the Cou!t of Appeals to i..e,iatel/ o!,e! e(ecution

pen,in- appeal$ since Att/' Pe6a5s a0a!, coul, have been satisfie, b/ the ei-ht othe! ,efen,ants$ especiall/ 0hen the ,e Feon E!oup file, its supe!se,eas bon,' It see.s incon-!uous fo! Att/' Pe6a to be acco!,e, the benefit of e!!oneousl/ i.plea,in- seve!al ban= ,i!ecto!s$ 0ho ha, no ,i!ect han, in the t!ansaction$ but at the sa.e ti.e$ concent!atin- solel/ on U!ban Ban=5s inabilit/ to pa/ to 9ustif/ e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ !e-a!,less of the financial capacit/ of its othe! co*,efen,ants' @o!se$ he capitali4e, on the insolvenc/ an,Po! !eceive!ship of U!ban Ban= to lev/ o! -a!nish p!ope!ties of the ei-ht othe! in,ivi,ual ,efen,ants$ 0ho 0e!e neve! sho0n to have been incapable of pa/in- the 9u,-.ent ,ebt in the fi!st place' +he ,isposition on the e(ecution pen,in- appeal .a/ have been ,iffe!ent ha, Att/' Pe6a file, suit a-ainst U!ban Ban= alone .inus the ban= office!s an, the sa.e ban= 0as foun, solel/ liable fo! the a0a!, an, late! on ,ecla!e, un,e! !eceive!ship' In a,,ition$ a 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! of a ban=$ 0hich has been o!,e!e, b/ the BSP to be sub9ect of !eceive!ship$ has to fall in line li=e eve!/ othe! c!e,ito! of the ban= an, file its clai. un,e! the p!ope! p!oce,u!es fo! ban=s that have been ta=en ove! b/ the PDIC' Un,e! Section <& of Republic Act No' CD;<$ othe!0ise =no0n as the Ne0 Cent!al Ban= Act$ 0hich p!evaile, at that ti.e$ once a ban= is un,e! !eceive!ship$ the !eceive! shall i..e,iatel/ -athe! an, ta=e cha!-e of all the assets an, liabilities of the ban= an, a,.iniste! the sa.e fo! the benefit of its c!e,ito!s an, all of the ban=5s assets shall be consi,e!e, as un,e! custo,ial le-is an, e(e.pt f!o. an/ o!,e! of -a!nish.ent$ lev/$ attach.ent o! e(ecution'<%C In the Minute Resolution of the Moneta!/ Boa!, of the BSP$ U!ban Ban= 0as not onl/ p!evente, f!o. ,oin- business in the Philippines but its asset an, affai!s 0e!e place, un,e! !eceive!ship as p!ovi,e, fo! un,e! the sa.e la0' <%: In fact$ even Pe6a hi.self assu!e, the PDIC$ as !eceive! of U!ban Ban=$ that he 0oul, not sche,ule o! un,e!ta=e e(ecution sales of the ban=5s assets fo! as lon- as the ban= !e.ains in !eceive!ship'<%# Until the app!oval of the !ehabilitation o! the initiation of the li?ui,ation p!ocee,in-s$ all c!e,ito!s of the ban= un,e! !eceive!ship shall stan, on e?ual footin- 0ith !espect to ,e.an,in- satisfaction of thei! ,ebts$ an, cannot be e(ten,e, p!efe!!e, status b/ an e(ecution pen,inappeal 0ith !espect to the ban=5s assets1 Q NtOo e(ecute the 9u,-.ent 0oul, un,ul/ ,eplete the assets of !espon,ent ban= to the obvious p!e9u,ice of othe! c!e,ito!s' Afte! the Moneta!/ Boa!, has ,ecla!e, that a ban= is insolvent an, has o!,e!e, it to cease ope!ations$ the Boa!, beco.es the t!ustee of its assets fo! the e?ual benefit of all the ,eposito!s an, c!e,ito!s' Afte! its insolvenc/$ one c!e,ito! cannot obtain an a,vanta-e o! p!efe!ence ove! anothe! b/ an attach.ent$ e(ecution o! othe!0ise' U!*'( *&0.0 '2 ! 55.o10" .0& 7'('* *'o! o. *&0 '!'*' *'o! o/ *&0 ('9+'" *'o! 5.o)00"'!-2, ).0"'*o.2 o/ *&0 7 !, 2* !" o! 09+ ( /oo*'!- ;'*& .0250)* *o "04 !"'!-

2 *'2/ )*'o! o/ *&0'. "07*2,

!" ) !!o* 70

//o."0" 250)' ( *.0 *40!* 73

! 0:0)+*'o! 50!"'!-

550 ( ;'*& .0250)* *o *&0 7 !,C2 220*2.<<& 2E.phasis supplie,3 Mo!eove!$ assu.in- that the CA 0as co!!ect in fin,in- a !eason to 9ustif/ the e(ecution pen,in- appeal because of the supe!venin- event of U!ban Ban=5s closu!e$ the assu.ption b/ the EIB of the liabilities of U!ban Ban= .eant that an/ e(ecution pen,in- appeal can be -!ante, onl/ if EIB itself is sho0n to be unable to satisf/ Pe6a5s 9u,-.ent a0a!, of PhP%:$;&&$&&&' +hat is not at all the case' In 9ust one pa!ticula! sale on e(ecution he!ein$ EIB offe!e, to ans0e! in cash fo! a substantial pa!t of Pe6a5s clai.s$ as evi,ence, b/ EIB5s capacit/ an, 0illin-ness to !e,ee. the e(ecute, p!ope!ties 2con,o.iniu. units sol, to inte!veno! Uni.e-a3 b/ ten,e!in- .ana-e!5s chec=s fo! .o!e than PhP%% Million <<" 0hich is al!ea,/ CC';CA of Pe6a5s total a0a!, f!o. the t!ial cou!t' <<% +he fact that EIB5s offe! to ta=e ove! U!ban Ban= .eans it 0as able to satisf/ the BSP5s conce!n that all le-iti.ate liabilities of U!ban Ban= be ,ul/ ,ischa!-e,' As an e(ception to the -ene!al !ule that onl/ final 9u,-.ents .a/ be e(ecute,$ <<< the -!ant of e(ecution pen,in- appeal .ust pe!fo!ce be base, on I-oo, !easons'M +hese !easons .ust consist of co.pellin- o! supe!io! ci!cu.stances ,e.an,in- u!-enc/ 0hich 0ill out0ei-h the in9u!/ o! ,a.a-es suffe!e,$ shoul, the losin- pa!t/ secu!e a !eve!sal of the 9u,-.ent o! final o!,e!' <<7 +he ci!cu.stances that 0oul, !easonabl/ 9ustif/ supe!io! u!-enc/$ ,e.an,in- inte!i. e(ecution of Pe6a5s clai.s fo! co.pensation an,Po! ,a.a-es$ have al!ea,/ been settle, b/ the financial capacit/ of the ei-ht othe! co*,efen,ants$ the app!oval of the supe!se,eas bon,s$ the subse?uent ta=eove! b/ EIB$ an, the successo! ban=5s stable financial con,ition$<<; 0hich can ans0e! fo! the 9u,-.ent ,ebt' +hus$ Pe6a5s inte!est as a 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! is al!ea,/ 0ell*p!otecte,' @hile the!e is a -ene!al !ule that a final an, e(ecuto!/ 9u,-.ent in the .ain case 0ill !en,e! .oot an, aca,e.ic a petition ?uestionin- the e(e!cise of the t!ial cou!t5s ,isc!etion in allo0in- e(ecution pen,inappeal$ 0e fin, it necessa!/ to !ule cate-o!icall/ on this ?uestion because of the .a-nitu,e of the abe!!ations that atten,e, the e(ecution pen,in- appeal in the Decision of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/' 1rregu.&rities in the 2e-, &nd S&.e on E3ecution Pending 4ppe&. Assu.in- that the Special O!,e! -!antin- e(ecution pen,in- appeal 0e!e vali,$ issues have been !aise, on alle-e, i!!e-ula!ities that .a! the lev/ an, sale on e(ecution of the p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= an, its office!s an, ,i!ecto!s' Man/ of the facts have not been sufficientl/ liti-ate, befo!e the t!ial an, appellate cou!ts fo! us to full/ !ule on the issue$ neve!theless$ f!o. 0hat is on !eco!,$ the follo0in- a!e the obse!vations of this Cou!t1

Ki!st$ cont!a!/ to the -ene!al !ules on e(ecution$ no oppo!tunit/ 0as -iven to U!ban Ban= o! the othe! co* ,efen,ants to pa/ the 9u,-.ent ,ebt in cash o! ce!tifie, chec=' <<D Befo!e p!ocee,in- on the lev/in- an, -a!nishin- pe!sonal an, !eal p!ope!ties$ ,e.an, .ust be .a,e b/ the she!iff a-ainst the 9u,-.ent ,ebto!s$ U!ban Ban= an, the ei-ht othe! in,ivi,ual ban= office!s$ fo! the i..e,iate pa/.ent of the a0a!, sub9ect of the e(ecution pen,in- appeal' It has not been sho0n 0hethe! U!ban Ban= an, its office!s an, ,i!ecto!s 0e!e affo!,e, such an oppo!tunit/' Instea, of -a!nishin- pe!sonal p!ope!ties of the ban=$ the she!iff ine(plicabl/ p!ocee,e, to lev/ substantial !eal p!ope!ties of the ban= an, its office!s at the onset' Secon,$ assu.in- that U!ban Ban= an, its office!s ,i, not possess sufficient cash o! fun,s to pa/ fo! the 9u,-.ent ,ebt pen,in- appeal$ the/ shoul, have been -iven the option to choose 0hich of thei! p!ope!ties to be -a!nishe, an,Po! levie,' In this case$ U!ban Ban= e(e!cise, its option b/ p!esentin- to the she!iff va!ious pa!cels of lan,$ 0hose values a.ount to .o!e than PhPCD$::%$#%; an, 0e!e sufficient to satisf/ the 9u,-.ent ,ebt' <<C A.on- those p!esente, b/ the ban=$ onl/ the p!ope!t/ locate, in +a-a/ta/ 0as levie, upon b/ the she!iff' <<: No sufficient !eason 0as !aise, 0h/ the ban=5s chosen p!ope!ties 0e!e !e9ecte, o! ina,e?uate fo! pu!poses of secu!in- the 9u,-.ent ,ebt pen,in- appeal' @o!se$ the She!iff p!ocee,e, 0ith -a!nishin- an, lev/in- on as .an/ p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= an, its office!s$ in ,is!e-a!, of thei! !i-ht to choose un,e! the !ules' +hi!,$ the public auction sales con,ucte, in the e(ecution pen,in- appeal sol, .o!e p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= an, the ,i!ecto!s than 0hat 0as sufficient to satisf/ the ,ebt' In,ee,$ the conse!vative value of the p!ope!ties levie, he!ein b/ the she!iff a.ountin- to .o!e than P&P181,=1=,1=E$ consistin- of p!i.e con,o.iniu. units in the hea!t of the Ma=ati Business ,ist!ict$ a lot in +a-a/ta/ Cit/$ sha!es in e(clusive clubs$ an, sha!es of stoc=$ a.onothe!s$ 0as .o!e than sufficient to ans0e! fo!

the P&P28,5EE,EEE 9u,-.ent ,ebt si( ti.es ove!' Rathe! than stop 0hen the p!ope!ties sol, ha, app!o(i.ate, the .oneta!/ a0a!,$ the e(ecution sale pen,in- appeal continue, an, un,ul/ benefitte, Att/' Pe6a$ 0ho$ as 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! an,$ at ti.es$ the 0innin- bi,,e!$ pu!chase, .ost of the p!ope!ties sol,' Kou!th$ it 0as sup!e.el/ ,isconce!tin- ho0 U!ban Ban=$ th!ou-h its successo! EIB$ 0as un,ul/ ,ep!ive, of the oppo!tunit/ to !e,ee. the p!ope!ties$ even afte! p!esentin- .ana-e!5s chec=s <<# e?ual to the pu!chase p!ice of the con,o.iniu. units sol, at the e(ecution sale' No !eason 0as offe!e, b/ the t!ial cou!t<7& o! the she!iff<7" fo! !e9ectin- the !e,e.ption p!ice ten,e!e, b/ EIB in o!,e! to !ecove! the p!ope!ties e(ecute, an, sol, in public auction pen,in- appeal' Kinall/$ the Cou!t cannot tu!n a blin, e/e to the fact that the!e 0as al!ea,/ a sufficient supe!se,eas bon, -iven to ans0e! fo! 0hateve! .oneta!/ a0a!, 0ill be -iven in the en,' +o !ecall$ the De Feon E!oup ha, al!ea,/ ten,e!e, a supe!se,eas bon, of PhP7&$&&&$&&& in the Cou!t of Appeals to p!event e(ecution

pen,in- appeal ove! thei! p!ope!ties' In fact$ even U!ban Ban= ten,e!e, a sepa!ate supe!se,eas bon, of e?ual a.ount 0ith this Cou!t$ fo! a total of PhP:&$&&&$&&& to secu!e an/ 9u,-.ent to be a0a!,e, to Att/' Pe6a' +hat e(ecution sales ove! the p!ope!ties of 9u,-.ent ,ebto!s p!ocee,e, ,espite the th!ee*fol, value of secu!ities co.pa!e, to the a.ount of the a0a!, in,icates ba, faith$ if not .alice$ 0ith !espect to the con,uct of the e(ecution pen,in- appeal' Inas.uch as the R+C Decision has al!ea,/ been vacate, an, an in,epen,ent fin,in- has been .a,e b/ this Cou!t of the co.plete nullit/ of the o!,e! -!antin- e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ it follo0s that all acts pu!suant to such o!,e! an, its 0!it a!e also voi,' It ,oes not follo0 ho0eve!$ that the Cou!t5s Decision in Co v' Silla,o!$<7% is nullifie,$ inas.uch as an e?uall/*i.po!tant le-al ,oct!ine ) the i..utabilit/ of Sup!e.e Cou!t final ,ecisions ) is also to be consi,e!e,' In an/ case$ the factual ci!cu.stances an, the !ulin- on that case 0e!e li.ite, to the actions of She!iff Allan Silla,o! 0ith !espect to p!ope!ties levie, un,e! the sa.e Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution$ 0hich 0e!e sub9ect of thi!, pa!t/ clai.s .a,e b/ the spouses of +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$ Co!a4on Be9asa an, A!tu!o Manuel$ H!' <7< It ,oes not enco.pass othe! specific events an, acts co..itte, in the cou!se of the e(ecution pen,in- appeal that .a/ 0a!!ant a,.inist!ative o! ,isciplina!/ actions' >avin- sai, that$ this Cou!t leaves it to the pa!ties to e(plo!e avenues fo! !e,!ess in such a situation' +he obse!vation on the i!!e-ula!ities above*enu.e!ate, a!e .a,e fo! the pu!pose of co!!ectin- the in9ustice that has been co..itte, he!ein$ b/ allo0in- the Cou!t to pu!sue the ?uestion of 0ho 0as !esponsible fo! such -!oss violation of the !ules on e(ecution$ an, fo! the Cou!t to fin, .easu!es to i.p!ove the safe-ua!,s a-ainst abuse of cou!t p!ocesses' It is fo! this !eason that the Office of the Cou!t A,.inist!ato! 0ill be -iven a special tas= b/ the Cou!t on this .atte!' Hu,-e >en!/ +!ocino of R+C*Ba-o Cit/$ 0ho issue, the Special O!,e! an, ha, supe!viso!/ autho!it/ ove! the p!ocee,in-s of the e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ 0oul, have been inclu,e, un,e! such a,.inist!ative investi-ation b/ the Office of the Cou!t A,.inist!ato!$ 0e!e it not fo! his !eti!e.ent f!o. the 9u,icial se!vice' )he Court5s Suspension Order o( E3ecution Pending 4ppe&. Actin- on Att/' Pe6a5s O.nibus Motion ,ate, &# Dece.be! %&&% <77 an, Uni.e-a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation ,ate, "& Dece.be! %&&%<7; 0ith !espect to the Cou!t5s O!,e! ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&%<7D that cla!ifie, the ea!lie! sta/ o!,e! a-ainst the e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ <7C the Cou!t he!eb/ ,enies both .otions' +he Cou!t is full/ co!!ect in suspen,in- the pe!io, fo! the !unnin- of the !e,e.ption pe!io, of the p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= an, its office!s an, ,i!ecto!s that 0e!e levie, an, sub9ect of e(ecution sale to satisf/ the 9u,-.ent ,ebt in favo! of Att/' Pe6a$ the Cou!t havin- conclusivel/ ,ete!.ine, that the

supe!se,eas bon, file, 0as sufficient an, consi,e!in- the subse?uent fin,in- that the sai, e(ecution pen,in- appeal lac=s an/ sufficient -!oun, fo! the -!ant the!eof' As to the theo!/ of Att/' Pe6a that the actuations of Hustice Ca!pio$ the then ponente of this case$ in ,!aftin- the ?uestione, O!,e! shoul, positivel/ i.pact his .otion fo! !econsi,e!ation of the sa.e$ the Cou!t fin,s this a!-u.ent utte!l/ ,evoi, of .e!it' In the fi!st place$ that ?uestione, O!,e! 0as not the ,ecision of onl/ a sin-le .e.be! of the Cou!t$ Hustice Ca!pio$ but of the enti!e ,ivision to 0hich he belon-e,$ then co.pose, of !eti!e, Chief Hustice >ila!io Davi,e$ Hustices Hose itu-$ Consuelo Jna!es*Santia-o an, A,olfo A4cuna' +his O!,e! 0as affi!.e, b/

the sa.e Division as its ,ul/*p!o.ul-ate, o!,e!' In !elation to this$ the affi!.ation b/ the Division of this O!,e! ,e.onst!ates that the!e is no t!uth to Att/' Pe6a5s clai. that Hustice Ca!pio fab!icate, the O!,e!' In the secon, place$ Att/' Pe6a5s clai. of un,ue inte!est a-ainst Hustice Ca!pio specificall/ 0ith !espect to the latte! havin- the instant case t!ansfe!!e, to his ne0 Division$ is base, on i-no!ance of the s/ste. of assi-n.ent of cases in the Sup!e.e Cou!t' @hen a !eo!-ani4ation of the Cou!t ta=es place in the fo!. of a chan-e in the co.position of Divisions$ ,ue to the !eti!e.ent o! loss of a .e.be!$ the Hustices ,o not the!eb/ lose thei! case assi-n.ents but b!in- the latte! 0ith the. to thei! ne0 Divisions' <7: +he cases a!e then t!ansfe!!e, to the Hustices5 ne0 Divisions$ b/ 0a/ of the co!!espon,in- !e?uest f!o. each 9ustice' Each 9ustice is in fact$ !e?ui!e, to .a=e this !e?uest$ othe!0ise the !ollo of the cases of 0hich he is Me.be!*in*Cha!-e 0ill be !etaine, b/ a Division in 0hich he is no lon-e! a .e.be!' In,ee,$ Att/' Pe6a5s i.a-ination has -otten the bette! of hi.' +hi!,l/$ his insinuation 20hich he ,enies3 that Hustice Ca!pio .a/ have been b!ibe, because the latte! has a ne0 Me!ce,es Ben4 <7# is hi-hl/ offensive an, has no place 0he!e his points shoul, have been confine, to le-al !easons an, a!-u.ents' Inci,entall/$ Att/' Pe6a has voice, the fea! in the Fette! of Co.plaint file, in the Cou!t5s Co..ittee on Ethics an, Ethical Stan,a!,s$<;& 0hich he b!ou-ht a-ainst the ponente of this Decision$ that she 0ill supp!ess .ate!ial info!.ation !e-a!,in- the issuance of the O!,e! suspen,in- the !e,e.ption pe!io, because of he! close !elationship to Hustice Ca!pio' Cont!a!/ to this fea!$ this Decision is f!ontall/ ,isposin- of this clai. b/ statin- that the!e is no basis to believe that the ?uestione, O!,e! 0as an/thinthan the 9oint ,ecision of the five .e.be!s of the then Ki!st Division$ an, that his a!-u.ents in his .otion to !econsi,e! ,oes not pe!sua,e this Cou!t to va!/ in an/ fo!. the ?uestione, o!,e!' Mo!eove!$ ou! ,isposition of this case !en,e!s .oot his .otion to !econsi,e! the o!,e!' It .ust be e.phasi4e, that the p!olon-e, !esolution of the p!oce,u!al issue in the Petitions in E' R' Nos' "7;:"C an, "7;:%% on the e(ecution pen,in- appeal is ,ue in no s.all pa!t to the ,ela/s a!isin- f!o.

Pe6a5s peculia! penchant fo! filin- successive .otions fo! inhibition an, !e*!affle' <;" +he Cou!t cannot sanction Pe6a5s !epeate, !e?uests fo! volunta!/ inhibition of .e.be!s of the Cou!t base, on the sole -!oun, of his o0n self*se!vin- alle-ations of lac= of faith an, t!ust$ an, 0oul, li=e to !eite!ate$ at this point$ the polic/ of the Cou!t not to tole!ate acts of liti-ants 0ho$ fo! 9ust about an/ conceivable !eason$ see= to ,is?ualif/ a 9u,-e 2o! 9ustice3 fo! thei! o0n pu!pose$ un,e! a plea of bias$ hostilit/$ p!e9u,ice o! p!e9u,-.ent'<;% +he Cou!t cannot allo0 the unnecessa!/ an, successive !e?uests fo! inhibition$ lest it opens the floo,-ates to fo!u.*shoppin- 0he!e liti-ants loo= fo! a 9u,-e .o!e f!ien,l/ an, s/.pathetic to thei! cause than p!evious ones'<;< Restitution o( the +&n05s E3ecuted Properties +he Cou!t is still conf!onte, 0ith the supe!venin- acts !elate, to the e(ecution pen,in- appeal an, the !eve!sal of the a0a!, of ,a.a-es$ 0hich affect the !i-hts of the pa!ties as 0ell as of the inte!veno!s to the case$ specificall/$ inte!veno! Uni.e-a' In co.pletel/ !esolvin- the ,iffe!in- clai.s an, pe!fo!.in- its e,ucational function$ the Cou!t shall b!iefl/ encapsulate an, !estate the ope!ational !ules -ove!nine(ecution pen,in- appeal 0hen the!e has been a !eve!sal of the t!ial cou!t5s Decision on the a0a!, of ,a.a-es in o!,e! to -ui,e the pa!ties as 0ell as the bench an, ba! in -ene!al' +he necessit/ of .a=inthese ,etaile, inst!uctions is p!o.pte, b/ the .ost natu!al ?uestion an o!,ina!/ pe!son 0ith a sense of 9ustice 0ill as= afte! !ea,in- the facts1 >o0 can an obli-ation to pa/ fo! the se!vices of a la0/e! so that %< un0ante, tenants leave a co!po!ation5s p!ope!t/ lea, to the loss o! the i.pai!.ent of use of .o!e than P&P181 M'(('o! 0o!th of p!ope!ties of that co!po!ation an, of its office!s an, ,i!ecto!sG Obviousl/$ this Cou!t .ust un,e!ta=e co!!ective actions s0iftl/' +he !ule is that$ 0he!e the e(ecute, 9u,-.ent is !eve!se, totall/ o! pa!tiall/$ o! annulle, ) on appeal o! othe!0ise ) the t!ial cou!t .a/$ on .otion$ issue such o!,e!s of !estitution o! !epa!ation of ,a.a-es as e?uit/ an, 9ustice .a/ 0a!!ant un,e! the ci!cu.stances' <;7 +he Rules of Cou!t p!ecisel/ p!ovi,es fo! !estitution acco!,in- to e?uit/$ in case the e(ecute, 9u,-.ent is !eve!se, on appeal' <;; MIn an e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ fun,s a!e a,vance, b/ the losin- pa!t/ to the p!evailin- pa!t/ 0ith *&0 '45('0" o7('- *'o! o/ *&0 ( **0. *o .05 3 *&0 /o.40., '! ) 20 *&0 ; .".I<;D In ,isposin- of the .ain case sub9ect of these Petitions$ the Cou!t totall/ !eve!se, the sta--e!in- a.ount of ,a.a-es -iven b/ the t!ial cou!t$ an, li.ite, on a ?uantu. .e!uit basis the a-ent5s co.pensation to PhP7$;&&$&&& onl/' >o0eve!$ p!ope!ties of U!ban Ban= an, in,ivi,ual petitione!s have been -a!nishe, an, levie, upon in the a.ount of suppose,l/ .o!e than PhP:;$<##$<;&' <;C Appl/in- the fo!e-oin- !ules$ petitione!*!espon,ent ban= is entitle, to co.plete an, full !estitution of its levie, p!ope!ties$ sub9ect to the pa/.ent of the PhP7$;&&$&&&' Mean0hile$ petitione!s ban= office!s$ all of 550(( *0 )o+.* ) !)0(2 o. .0"+)02 *&0 4o!0* .3

0ho. have not been foun, in,ivi,uall/ o! soli,a!il/ liable$ a!e entitle, to full !estitution of all thei! p!ope!ties levie, upon an, -a!nishe,$ since the/ have been e(one!ate, f!o. co!po!ate liabilit/ 0ith !espect to the ban=5s a-enc/ !elationship 0ith Pe6a' Consi,e!in- the .oneta!/ a0a!, to Pe6a an, the lev/ on an, e(ecution of so.e of its p!ope!ties pen,inappeal$ U!ban Ban=$ no0 EIB$ .a/ satisf/ the 9u,-.ent in the .ain case an, at the sa.e ti.e full/ !ecove! all the p!ope!ties e(ecute, o0in- to the co.plete !eve!sal of the t!ial cou!t5s a0a!,e, ,a.a-es' It .ust i..e,iatel/ an, full/ pa/ the 9u,-.ent ,ebt befo!e the enti!e lot of levie, p!ope!ties$ sub9ect of the e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ is !esto!e, to it'<;: Due to the co.plete !eve!sal of the t!ial cou!t5s a0a!, fo! ,a.a-es$ 0hich 0as the basis of the Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution allo0in- e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ inte!veno! Uni.e-a an, othe! bi,,e!s 0ho pa!ticipate, in the public auction sales a!e liable to co.pletel/ !esto!e to petitione!*!espon,ent ban= all of the p!ope!ties sol, an, pu!chase, the!ein' Althou-h e(ecution pen,in- appeal is sanctione, un,e! the !ules an, 9u!isp!u,ence$ 0hen the e(ecute, ,ecision is !eve!se,$ the p!e.atu!e e(ecution is consi,e!e, to have lost its le-al bases' +he situation necessa!il/ !e?ui!es e?uitable !estitution to the pa!t/ p!e9u,ice, the!eb/'<;# As a .atte! of p!inciple$ cou!ts a!e autho!i4e, at an/ ti.e to o!,e! the !etu!n of p!ope!t/ e!!oneousl/ o!,e!e, to be ,elive!e, to one pa!t/$ if the o!,e! is foun, to have been issue, 0ithout 9u!is,iction'<D& As a pu!chase! of p!ope!ties un,e! an e(ecution sale$ 0ith an appeal on the .ain case still pen,in-$ inte!veno! Uni.e-a =ne0 o! 0as boun, to =no0 that its title to the p!ope!ties$ pu!chase, in the p!e.atu!e public auction sale$ 0as contin-ent on the outco.e of the appeal an, coul, possibl/ be !eve!se,' Until the 9u,-.ent on the .ain case on 0hich the e(ecution pen,in- appeal hin-es is !en,e!e, final an, e(ecuto!/ in favo! of the p!evailin- 9u,-.ent c!e,ito!$ it is incu.bent on the pu!chase!s in the e(ecution sale to p!ese!ve the levie, p!ope!ties' +he/ shall be pe!sonall/ liable fo! thei! failu!e to ,o so$ especiall/ if the 9u,-.ent is !eve!se,$ as in this case' <D" In fact$ if specific !estitution beco.es i.p!acticable ) such as 0hen the p!ope!ties pass on to innocent thi!, pa!ties ) the losin- pa!t/ in the e(ecution even beco.es liable fo! the full value of the p!ope!t/ at the ti.e of its sei4u!e$ 0ith inte!est' +he Cou!t has !ule,1 @hen a 9u,-.ent is e(ecute, pen,in- appeal an, subse?uentl/ ove!tu!ne, in the appellate cou!t$ the pa!t/ 0ho .ove, fo! i..e,iate e(ecution shoul,$ upon !etu!n of the case to the lo0e! cou!t$ be !e?ui!e, to .a=e specific !estitution of such p!ope!t/ of the p!evailin- pa!t/ as he o! an/ pe!son actin- in his behalf .a/ have ac?ui!e, at the e(ecution sale . I/ 250)'/') .02*'*+*'o! 70)o402 '45. )*') 7(0, *&0 (o2'!5 .*3 '! *&0 0:0)+*'o! 70)o402 (' 7(0 /o. *&0 /+(( 1 (+0 o/ *&0 5.o50.*3 * *&0 *'40 o/ '*2 20'>+.0, ;'*& '!*0.02*.

@hile the t!ial cou!t .a/ have acte, 9u,iciousl/ un,e! the p!e.ises$ its action !esulte, in -!ave in9ustice to the p!ivate !espon,ents' It cannot be -ainsai, that it is incu.bent upon the plaintiffs in e(ecution 2A!an,as3 to !etu!n 0hateve! the/ -ot b/ .eans of the 9u,-.ent p!io! to its !eve!sal' A!" '/ 50.)& !)0 2o40 o/ *&0 5.o50.*'02 4'-&* & 10 5 220" o! *o '!!o)0!* *&'." 5 .*'02 2 & 550!0" '! *&0 ) 20 * 7 ., *&0 A. !" 2 .0 "+*3 7o+!" !o!0*&0(022 *o .0*+.! *&0 )o..025o!"'!- 1 (+0 o/ 2 '" 5.o50.*'02 2 4 !" *0" 73 *&0 R+(02' 2E.phasis supplie,3<D% In this case$ the !i-hts of inte!veno! Uni.e-a to the "& con,o.iniu. units bou-ht ,u!in- the public auction sale un,e! the Special O!,e! a!e !en,e!e, nu-ato!/ b/ the !eve!sal of the a0a!, of unconscionable ,a.a-es b/ the t!ial cou!t' It cannot clai. to be an innocent thi!,*pa!t/ pu!chase! of the levie, con,o.iniu. units$ since the e(ecution sale 0as p!ecisel/ .a,e pen,in- appeal' It cannot si.pl/ assu.e that 0hateve! inaction o! ,ela/ 0as incu!!e, in the p!ocess of the appeal of the .ain Decision 0oul, auto.aticall/ !en,e! the !e.e,/ ,ilato!/ in cha!acte!' <D< @hateve! !i-hts 0e!e ac?ui!e, b/ inte!veno! Uni.e-a f!o. the e(ecution sale un,e! the t!ial cou!t5s Special O!,e!s a!e con,itional on the final outco.e of the appeal in the .ain case' Unli=e in auction sales a!isin- f!o. final an, e(ecuto!/ 9u,-.ents$ both the 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! an, the thi!, pa!ties 0ho pa!ticipate in auction sales pen,inappeal a!e ,ee.e, to =no0in-l/ assu.e an, volunta!il/ accept the !is=s of a possible !eve!sal of the ,ecision in the .ain case b/ the appellate cou!t' +he!efo!e$ inte!veno! Uni.e-a is !e?ui!e, to !esto!e the con,o.iniu. units to U!ban Ban=' Althou-h the inte!veno! has cause, the annotation of the sale an, levie, on the titles to those units$ the titles have !e.aine, un,e! the na.e of the ban=$ o0in- to the supe!se,eas bon, it ha, file, an, the Cou!t5s o0n o!,e!s that ti.el/ suspen,e, the t!ansfe! of the titles an, fu!the! e(ecution pen,in- appeal' +he obli-ation to !esto!e the p!ope!ties to petitione!*!espon,ent ban= is$ ho0eve!$ 0ithout p!e9u,ice to the concu!!ent !i-ht of inte!veno! Uni.e-a to the !etu!n of the PhP"&$&&&$&&& the latte! pai, fo! the con,o.iniu. units$ 0hich Pe6a !eceive, as 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! in satisfaction of the t!ial cou!t5s ea!lie! Decision'<D7 Conse?uentl/$ inte!veno!5s ea!lie! !e?uest fo! the issuance of a 0!it of possession <D; ove! those units no lon-e! has an/ le- to stan, on' Not bein- entitle, to a 0!it of possession un,e! the p!esent ci!cu.stances$ Uni.e-a5s e( pa!te petition is conse?uentl/ ,enie,' Upon the !eve!sal of the .ain Decision$ the levie, p!ope!ties itself$ sub9ect of e(ecution pen,in- appeal .ust be !etu!ne, to the 9u,-.ent ,ebto!$ if those p!ope!ties a!e still in the possession of the 9u,-.ent c!e,ito!$ plus co.pensation to the fo!.e! fo! the ,ep!ivation an, the use the!eof' <DD +he obli-ation to !etu!n the p!ope!t/ itself is li=e0ise i.pose, on a thi!,*pa!t/ pu!chase!$ li=e inte!veno! Uni.e-a$ in cases 0he!ein it "'.0)*(3 5 .*')'5 *0" '! *&0 5+7(') +)*'o! 2 (0 $ an, the *'*(0 *o *&0 0:0)+*0" 5.o50.*3 & 2

!o* 30* 700! *. !2/0..0"' +he thi!,*pa!t/ pu!chase! shall$ ho0eve!$ be entitle, to !ei.bu!se.ent f!o. the 9u,-.ent c!e,ito!$ 0ith inte!est' Consi,e!in- the fo!e-oin- points$ the Cou!t a,opts 0ith .o,ification the !ules of !estitution e(poun,e, b/ !eti!e, Hustice Klo!en4 D' Re-ala,o in his se.inal 0o!= on civil p!oce,u!e$ <DC 0hich the appellate cou!t itself cite, ea!lie!'<D: In cases in 0hich !estitution of the p!e.atu!el/ e(ecute, p!ope!t/ is no lon-e! possible$ co.pensation shall be .a,e in favo! of the 9u,-.ent ,ebto! in the follo0in- .anne!1 a' If the pu!chase! at the public auction is the 9u,-.ent c!e,ito!$ he .ust pa/ the full value of the p!ope!t/ at the ti.e of its sei4u!e$ 0ith inte!est' b' If the pu!chase! at the public auction is a thi!, pa!t/$ an, *'*(0 *o *&0 5.o50.*3 & 2 (.0 "3 700! 1 ('"(3 !" *'40(3 *. !2/0..0" *o *&0 ! 40 o/ *& * 5 .*3 $ the 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! .ust pa/ the a.ount !eali4e, f!o. the she!iff5s sale of that p!ope!t/$ 0ith inte!est' c' If the 9u,-.ent a0a!, is !e,uce, on appeal$ the 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! .ust !etu!n to the 9u,-.ent ,ebto! onl/ the e(cess !eceive, ove! an, above that to 0hich the fo!.e! is entitle, un,e! the final 9u,-.ent$ 0ith inte!est' In su..a!/$ U!ban Ban= is entitle, to co.plete !esto!ation an, !etu!n of the p!ope!ties levie, on e(ecution consi,e!in- the absolute !eve!sal of the a0a!, of ,a.a-es$ upon the pa/.ent of the 9u,-.ent ,ebt he!ein a.ountin- to PhP7$;&&$&&&$ 0ith inte!est as in,icate, in the ,ispositive po!tion' @ith !espect to in,ivi,ual petitione!s$ the/ a!e entitle, to the absolute !estitution of thei! e(ecute, p!ope!ties$ e(cept 0hen !estitution has beco.e i.possible$ in 0hich case Pe6a shall be liable fo! the full value of the p!ope!t/ at the ti.e of its sei4u!e$ 0ith inte!est' @hethe! U!ban Ban= an, the ban= office!s an, ,i!ecto!s a!e entitle, to an/ clai. fo! ,a.a-es a-ainst Pe6a an, his in,e.nit/ bon, is best ventilate, befo!e the t!ial cou!t$ as p!esc!ibe, un,e! the p!oce,u!al !ules on e(ecution pen,in- appeal' I%EREFORE$ the Cou!t DENIES Att/' Ma-,aleno Pe6a5s Petition fo! Revie0 ,ate, %< Ap!il %&&7 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3 an,AFFIRMS IIT% MODIFICATION the Cou!t of Appeals5 Decision ,ate, &D Nove.be! %&&< havin- co!!ectl/ foun, that the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Ba-o Cit/ -!avel/ abuse, its ,isc!etion in a0a!,in- unconscionable ,a.a-es a-ainst U!ban Ban=$ Inc'$ an, its office!s' +he Decision of the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Ba-o Cit/ ,ate, %: Ma/ "### is hence $ACATED. Neve!theless$ U!ban Ban=$ Inc'$ is ORDERED to pa/ Att/' Pe6a the a.ount of PhP<$&&&$&&& as !ei.bu!se.ent fo! his e(penses an, an a,,itional PhP"$;&&$&&& as co.pensation fo! his se!vices$ 0ith inte!est at DA pe! annu. f!o. %: Ma/ "###$ 0ithout p!e9u,ice to the !i-ht of U!ban Ban= to invo=e pa/.ent of this su. un,e! a !i-ht of set*off a-ainst the a.ount of PhP%;$&&&$&&& that has been place, in

esc!o0 fo! the benefit of Isabela Su-a! Co.pan/$ Inc' +he Co.plaint a-ainst the ei-ht othe! in,ivi,ual petitione!s$ na.el/ +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an 2U3$ Delfin C' Eon4ales$ H!'$ Ben9a.in F' ,e Feon$ P' Sie!vo E' Di4on$ E!ic F' Fee$ Ben J' Fi.$ H!'$ Co!a4on Be9asa$ an, A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ is he!eb/ DISMISSED' +he P0*'*'o!2 /o. R01'0; o! C0.*'o. .' file, b/ petitione!s U!ban Ban= 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3 an, Ben9a.in F' ,e Feon$ Delfin Eon4ale4$ H!'$ an, E!ic F' Fee 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3 a!e he!eb/ GRANTED un,e! the follo0in- con,itions1 a' U!ban Ban=$ +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$ Delfin C' Eon4ale4$ H!'$ Ben9a.in F' ,e Feon$ P' Sie!vo >' Di4on$ E!ic F' Fee$ Ben J' Fi.$ H!'$ Co!a4on Be9asa$ an, A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ 2!espon,ent ban= office!s3 shall be !esto!e, to full o0ne!ship an, possession of all p!ope!ties e(ecute, pen,in- appeal8 b' If the p!ope!t/ levie, o! -a!nishe, has been sol, on e(ecution pen,in- appeal an, Att/' Ma-,aleno Pe6a is the 0innin- bi,,e! o! pu!chase!$ he .ust full/ !esto!e the p!ope!t/ to U!ban Ban= o! !espon,ent ban= office!s$ an, if actual !estitution of the p!ope!t/ is i.possible$ then he shall pa/ the full value of the p!ope!t/ at the ti.e of its sei4u!e$ 0ith inte!est8 c' If the p!ope!t/ levie, o! -a!nishe, has been sol, to a thi!, pa!t/ pu!chase! at the public auction$ an, *'*(0 *o *&0 5.o50.*3 & 2 !o* 700! 1 ('"(3 !" *'40(3 *. !2/0..0" *o *&0 ! 40 o/ *&0 *&'." 5 .*3 $ the o0ne!ship an, possession of the p!ope!t/ shall be !etu!ne, to U!ban Ban= o! !espon,ent ban= office!s$ sub9ect to the thi!, pa!t/5s !i-ht to clai. !estitution fo! the pu!chase p!ice pai, at the e(ecution sale a-ainst the 9u,-.ent c!e,ito!8 ,' If the pu!chase! at the public auction is a thi!, pa!t/$ an, *'*(0 *o *&0 5.o50.*3 & 2 (.0 "3 700! 1 ('"(3 !" *'40(3 *. !2/0..0" *o *&0 ! 40 o/ *& * 5 .*3 $ Att/' Pe6a .ust pa/ U!ban Ban= o!

!espon,ent ban= office!s the a.ount !eali4e, f!o. the she!iff5s sale of that p!ope!t/$ 0ith inte!est f!o. the ti.e the p!ope!t/ 0as sei4e,' +he O.nibus Motion ,ate, &# Dece.be! %&&% file, b/ Att/' Pe6a an, Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation ,ate, "& Dece.be! %&&% file, b/ Uni.e-a 0ith !espect to the Cou!t5s O!,e! ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&% is he!eb/ DENIED' +he Office of the Cou!t A,.inist!ato! is o!,e!e, to con,uct an investi-ation into the possible a,.inist!ative liabilities of Att/' Hosephine Mutia*>a-a,$ the then R+C*Ba-o Cit/5s Cle!= of Cou!t$ an, Allan D' Silla,o!$ the then Deput/ She!iff of Ba-o Cit/$ fo! the i!!e-ula!ities atten,in- the e(ecution pen,in- appeal in this case$ inclu,in- all 9u,icial office!s o! she!iffs in the va!ious places in 0hich e(ecution 0as i.ple.ente,$ an, to sub.it a !epo!t the!eon 0ithin "%& ,a/s f!o. !eceipt of this Decision'

+he Office of the Cou!t A,.inist!ato! is also ,i!ecte, to .a=e !eco..en,ations fo! the p!evention of abuses of 9u,icial p!ocesses in !elation to e(ecutions$ especiall/ those pen,in- appeal$ 0hethe! th!u a,.inist!ative ci!cula!s f!o. this Cou!t o! th!u a !evision of the Rules of Cou!t$ 0ithin <& ,a/s f!o. sub.ission of the !epo!t on a,.inist!ative liabilities a,ve!te, to above' Fet a cop/ of the Cou!t5s Decision in this case be sent to the Office of the Cou!t A,.inist!ato!' +he P!esi,in- Hu,-e of R+C Ba-o Cit/ shall .a=e a full !epo!t on all inci,ents !elate, to the e(ecution in this case$ inclu,in- all !etu!ns on the 0!it of e(ecution he!ein' Because so .uch suspicious ci!cu.stances have atten,e, the e(ecution in this case b/ the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Ba-o Cit/$ the p!ocee,in-s 0ith !espect to an/ !estitution ,ue an, o0in- un,e! the ci!cu.stances shall be t!ansfe!!e, to the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t in the National Capital Re-ion$ Ma=ati Cit/$ a cou!t 0ith venue to hea! cases involvin- U!ban Ban=PE(po!t an, In,ust!/ Ban= 0hose hea,?ua!te!s is locate, in Ma=ati Cit/' +he E(ecutive Hu,-e of the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Ma=ati Cit/ is o!,e!e, to inclu,e the e(ecution of the Decision an, the p!ocee,in-s fo! the !estitution of the case in the ne(t available !affle' +he Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Ma=ati Cit/$ to 0hich the case shall be !affle,$ is he!eb/ ,esi-nate, as the cou!t that 0ill full/ i.ple.ent the !esto!ative ,i!ectives of this Decision 0ith !espect to the e(ecution of the final 9u,-.ent$ !etu!n of p!ope!ties 0!on-full/ e(ecute,$ o! the pa/.ent of the value of p!ope!ties that can no lon-e! be !esto!e,$ in acco!,ance 0ith Section ;$ Rule <# of the Rules of Cou!t' +he pa!ties a!e ,i!ecte, to a,,!ess the i.ple.entation of this pa!t of the Decision to the sala to 0hich the case 0ill be !affle,' No p!onounce.ent as to costs' SO ORDERED. 6&ri& 2ourdes Sereno, J. 4rturo +rion, 6&rtin 7i..&r&m&, Jr., Jose 6endo8&, Este.& Per.&s*+ern&9e, JJ., concur.



A,,itional .e.be! vice H' Antonio +' Ca!pio pe! Raffle ,ate, C Hune %&"&'


A,,itional .e.be! vice H' Bienveni,o F' Re/es pe! Raffle ,ate, "C Octobe! %&""' A,,itional .e.be! vice H' Hose P' Pe!e4 pe! S'O' No' """7' +he actual ceilin- a.ount fo! the levie,$ -a!nishe, o! e(ecute, p!ope!ties pen,in- appeal is unce!tain



because of the ,ea!th of !eco!,s' It see.s that the fi-u!e coul, tu!n out to be ve!/ hi-h$ consi,e!in- that the enti!e U!ban Ban= Pla4a locate, in Sen' Eil Pu/at Avenue$ co!ne! Chino Roces Avenue$ Ma=ati Cit/ in the na.e of U!ban Ban= 0as app!aise, at a value of PhP%$:<&$;;#$&&& as of "D Ap!il %&&%' Since :; of the "D& o! al.ost half of the con,o.iniu. units of U!ban Ban= Pla4a 0e!e levie,$ it is !easonable to assu.e that .o!e than PhP"'7 Billion 0o!th of ban= p!ope!ties 0e!e sub9ect of e(ecution pen,in- appeal' 2App!aisal Repo!t as of "D Ap!il %&&% of the Cue!vo App!aise!s8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' %$ at "<#D* "7%<3

Repo!t of In,epen,ent Public Accountants ,ate, %; Keb!ua!/ %&&& b/ the S/cip Eo!!es W

ela/o$ Co'

2http1PP000'u!banban='infoPu!ban0ebPubiXfinancial'ht. last visite, &C Octobe! %&""3


I,' U!ban Ban= is a petitione! in E' R' No' "7;:"C8 0hile it is a !espon,ent in E' R' No' "D%;D%' U!ban Ban= 0as place, un,e! !eceive!ship b/ the Philippine Deposit Insu!ance Co!po!ation 2PDIC3$ an,

0as eventuall/ succee,e, b/ E(po!t an, In,ust!/ Ban= 2EIB3$ afte! the PDIC app!ove, the ban=5s !ehabilitation plan' 2BSP Minute Resolution No' <C ,ate, "% Hul/ %&&"8 !ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at :7<*:7;3

2"3 +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$ 2%3 Delfin C' Eon4ales$ H!'$ 2<3 Ben9a.in F' ,e Feon$ 273 P' Sie!vo >' Di4on$ 2;3

E!ic F' Fee$ 2D3 Ben +' Fi.$ H!'$ 2C3 Co!a4on Be9asa$ an, 2:3 A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'

Att/' Pe6a is the !espon,ents in both the Petitions ,oc=ete, as E' R' Nos' "7;:"C an, "7;:%%$ 0hile he

is the petitione! in the Petition ,oc=ete, as E' R' No' "D%;D%'


Re-ional +!ial Cou!t 2R+C3 ) Ba-o Cit/ Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol'

"$ at ;&D'

+he :$D%# s?ua!e .ete! pa!cel of lan, hoste, 0hat 0as then =no0n as the Pasa/ Inte!national Koo,

an, Ka!ao=e Club Co.poun,$ 0hich is alon- Ro(as Bouleva!,' 2E(hibit IK$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;:<3

+he Pasa/ p!ope!t/ 0as cove!e, b/ +!ansfe! Ce!tificate of +itle 2+C+3 No' +*;<:%$ un,e! the na.e of

ISCI' 2R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at "8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at C:3

+he Pasa/ p!ope!t/ 0as lease, to M!' E!nesto P' Ochoa f!o. %# Nove.be! "#:7 to %# Nove.be!

"##7' 2Cont!act of Fease ,ate, %# Nove.be! "#:78 !ollo NE'R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at %C:*%:&3

ISCI Co.plaint ,ate, &: Dece.be! "##7$ pa!' ;$ at <' 2E(hibit IE*%$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;C73 MSUBFEASE PRO>IBI+ED' +hat as ,istin-uishe, f!o. FESSEE5s NM!' OchoaO !ent*out ope!ations


above*.entione,$ the FESSEE NM!' OchoaO shall not assi-n$ ce,e o! conve/ this lease$ no! un,e!ta=e to

sub*lease the 0hole o! substantiall/ all of the lease p!e.ises NPasa/ p!ope!t/O to an/ sin-le thi!, pa!t/$ 0ithout the FESSOR5s NISCI5sO consent in 0!itin-8 QM 2Cont!act of Fease ,ate, %# Nove.be! "#:7$ pa!' ; at %8 !ollo NE'R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at %C#3

R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at "8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&;' MBein- the P!esi,ent$ I fin, it p!ope! to info!. /ou about the non*!ene0al of the lease bet0een /ou as


lessee an, ou! co.pan/ as lesso! ove! the co.pan/5s p!ope!t/ situate, at Pasa/ Cit/$ 0hen the lease e(pi!es on Nove.be! %#$ instant'M 2ISCI5s Fette! ,ate, &7 Keb!ua!/ "##78 !ollo NE' R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at %:<3

M@e 0oul, also li=e to ta=e this oppo!tunit/ to info!. /ou an, the othe! establish.ents that /ou

!ep!esent that the lease cont!act of M!' Ochoa on sai, p!ope!t/ NPasa/ p!ope!t/O 0ill e(pi!e on Nove.be! %#$ "##7' It .a/ even be te!.inate, ea!lie! because of continue, violations of an, non*co.pliance 0ith the te!.s an, con,itions of the cont!act' +he!eafte!$ 0e 0ill !ecove! possession of the p!ope!t/ an, all i.p!ove.ents the!eon shall belon- to ou! co.pan/ NISCIO'M 2ISCI5s Fette! ,ate, <" Ma/ "##78 !ollo NE' R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at %:;3

ISCI Co.plaint ,ate, &: Dece.be! "##7$ pa!' D$ at <' 2E(hibit IE*%$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;C73 MBOARD RESOFU+ION No' &&< Se!ies of "##7' BE I+ RESOF ES$ AS I+ IS >EREBJ RESOF ED


that the !eception of offe!s to bu/ the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ be cent!ali4e, an, the P!esi,ent be e.po0e!e, an, autho!i4e, to !eceive$ !evie0$ a,.it an, anal/4e all offe!s fo! the pu!chase of the Ro(as Bouleva!, p!ope!t/$ .o!e specificall/ Fot No' %%;" cove!e, b/ +C+ No' +*;<:%$ consistin- of an a!ea of :$D%# s?ua!e .ete!s$ .o!e o! less'M 2ISCI5s Sec!eta!/5s Ce!tificate ,ate, &7 Keb!ua!/ "##78 !ollo NE' R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at %:73

Cont!act to Sell ,ate, "; Nove.be! "##7' 2E(hibit I"D$M R+C !eco!,s N ol' 7O at :7D*:7#3 I,' I,' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&D' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at :8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;"%3' See also ISCI5s lette!





,ate, <" Ma/ "##78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at %:;'

ISCI5s fa( lette! ,ate, %D Nove.be! "##78 E(hibit I<$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :"&' Dee, of Absolute Sale ,ate, %# Nove.be! "##78 E(hibit ID*EM to ID*I$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :"C*:"#' Dee, of Absolute Sale ,ate, %# Nove.be! "##78 E(hibit ID*EM to ID*I$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :"C*:"#' +C+ No' "<77;" in the na.e of petitione! U!ban Ban= ,ate, &; Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit IA$M R+C




!eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;D7*;DC'


ISCI Co.plaint ,ate, &: Dece.be! "##7$ pa!' C$ at <8 E(hibit IE*%$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol'<$ at ;C7'


R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at "8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&;' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&D' I,' Pe6a alle-e,l/ pai, PhPD7"$;7C'7" to the Pe!. Secu!it/ an, Investi-ation A-enc/$ Inc'$ fo! secu!it/




se!vices !en,e!e, in -ua!,in- the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ f!o. <& Nove.be! "##7 to <" Ma!ch "##;' 2Fette! an, Ce!tification both ,ate, "# Nove.be! "##C8 E(hibits IAAM an, IAA*"$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at C;;*C;D3'

M+he scena!io continue, fo! ,a/s 0hen the -ates 0oul, be close, in the .o!nin- an, 0oul, be fo!ce,

open in the evenin- b/ the ope!ato!s of the ni-ht spots const!ucte, on the sub9ect p!ope!t/'M 2R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %8 !ollo NE' R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at ;&D3

ISCI5s Co.plaint ,ate, &: Dece.be! "##7$ pa!' "&$ at 7' 2E(hibit IE*<$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;C;3 MAtt/' Ma-,aleno M' Pe6a$ 0ho has been assi-ne, b/ Isabela Su-a! Co.pan/$ Inc'$ to ta=e cha!-e of


inspectin- the tenants 0oul, li=e to !e?uest an autho!it/ si.ila! to this f!o. the Ban= Npetitione! U!ban Ban=O$ as ne0 o0ne!s' Can /ou please issue so.ethin- li=e this to,a/ as he nee,s this'M 2ISCI5s lette! ,ate, &C Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit I"$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :&:3

MDea! M!' Bo!lon-an$ I 0oul, li=e to !e?uest fo! an autho!i4ation f!o. U!ban Ban= as pe! attache,

i..e,iatel/ ) as the tenants a!e ?uestionin- the autho!it/ of the people the!e 0ho a!e helpin- us to ta=e ove! possession of the p!ope!t/' 2S-,'3 MARIFJN E' ONEM 2ISCI5s fa( lette! ,ate, &# Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit I%$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :&#3

R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at :8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;"%' M+his is to a,vise /ou NPe6aO that 0e Npetitione! U!ban Ban=O have note, the en-a-e.ent of /ou!


se!vices b/ Isabela Su-a! Co.pan/ to !ecove! possession of the Ro(as Bouleva!, p!ope!t/ fo!.e!l/ cove!e, b/ +C+ No' ;<:%$ effective Nove.be! %#$ "##7' It is un,e!stoo, that /ou! se!vices have been cont!acte, b/ an, /ou! p!incipal !e.ains to be Isabela Su-a! Co.pan/$ 0hich as Selle! of the p!ope!t/ an, un,e! the te!.s of ou! Cont!act to Sell ,ate, Nove.be! %#$ "##7$ has co..itte, to ,elive! the full an, actual possession of the sai, p!ope!t/ to the bu/e!$ U!ban Ban=$ 0ithin the stipulate, pe!io,'M 2E.phasis supplie,8 petitione! U!ban Ban=5s lette! ,ate, "; Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit I7$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :""3

R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at :8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;"%' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&D' ISCI5s Co.plaint ,ate, &: Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit IEM to IE*D$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol'<$ at ;C%*;C:' ISCI5s Co.plaint fo! in9unction 0as ,oc=ete, as Civil Case No' #7*"%C;' 2I,'3 M@>EREKORE$ to p!event the .ain cause of action o! p!incipal !elief sou-ht b/ plaintiff 2ISCI3 f!o.





beco.in- .oot an, aca,e.ic$ the pa!ties he!ein a!e ,i!ecte, to .aintain the status ?uo .o!e

specificall/$ !est!ainin- ,efen,ants 2tenants3 an, all pe!sons actin- in thei! behaves 2sic3$ f!o. ha!assinan, th!eatenin- plaintiff5s pe!sonnel an, f!o. fo!cefull/ an, unla0full/ inte!fe!in- 0ith plaintiff5s possession of the p!ope!t/ until fu!the! o!,e!s f!o. this Cou!t' QM 2R+C O!,e! ,ate, "< Dece.be! "##7 in Civil Case No' #7*"%C;8 E(hibit IE*CR to IE*C*c$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;C#*;:%3

M+he Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Pasa/ Cit/ issue, a +e.po!a!/ Rest!ainin- O!,e! in favo! of plaintiff on

Dece.be! "<$ "##7 an, 0as i.ple.ente, on Dece.be! "C$ "##7'M 2R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at <8 !ollo NE' R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at ;&C3

+itle to the Pasa/ p!ope!t/ 2+C+ No' "<77;"3 0as issue, on &; Dece.be! "##7$ 0hich 0as fou! ,a/s

befo!e the Ki!st In9unction Co.plaint 0as file, 0ith the R+C Pasa/ Cit/ on &# Dece.be! "##7'

+his is acco!,in- to the Decision of R+C*Ba-o Cit/' 2R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at <8 !ollo NE R'

No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at ;&C3 +he !eco!,s of the case in R+C*Pasa/ cit/ a!e NO+ 0ith the Cou!t$ as none of the issues !aise, the!ein a!e befo!e Us'

Pe6a5s Petition fo! Revie0 ,ate, %< Ap!il %&&7$ at D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at "<' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at <8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&C' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&C*;&:' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&:' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at 7*;8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&:*;&#' Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Fette! ,ate, "# Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit IB$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol'<$ at ;D:' ISCI5s Fette! ,ate, "# Dece.be! "##7 si-ne, b/ >e!.an Ponce an, Hulie Aba,8 E(hibit I;$M R+C







!eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :"%'


ISCI5s U!-ent E(*pa!te MotionPNotice to Dis.iss ,ate, %" Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit IIM to II*%$M R+C

!eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;:D*;::'


R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' I at ;"&' Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Co.plaint ,ate, &7 Hanua!/ "##;8 E(hibit IHM to IH*D$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at



Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Co.plaint 0as ,oc=ete, as Civil Case No' #;*&%#' R+C*Ma=ati Cit/5s O!,e! ,ate, &D Hanua!/ "##;8 E(hibit IK$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;##' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;"&' I,' Receipt ,ate, %: Ap!il "##; issue, b/ Att/' Noel B' Mala/a f!o. Pe6a fo! the a.ount of PhP"$;&&$&&&8





E(hibit IBB$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' < at C;C'


+he PhP<$&&&$&&& loan of M!' Robe!to I-nacio to Pe6a is cove!e, b/ th!ee P!o.isso!/ Notes ,ate, <&

Nove.be! "##7$ %& Dece.be! "##7 an, %C Ap!il "##; fo! PhP"$&&&$&&& each' +he th!ee loans 0e!e all

,ue on <& Ma/ "##; 0ith an e(p!ess stipulation of five pe!cent 2;A3 inte!est fo! eve!/ .onth of ,ela/' 2Rollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at %:D*%::3

M!' I-nacio5s Co.plaint ,ate, &< Ap!il "### 2Civil Case No' ##*#<#;%38 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$

at %:"*%:;'

Pe6a5s lette! ,ate, &C Keb!ua!/ "##; to petitione! U!ban Ban=8 E(hibit IC$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;D#' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at D*C8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;"&*;""' Pe6a5s lette! ,ate, %7 Hanua!/ "##D8 E(hibit ID$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;C&' Pe6a5s Co.plaint ,ate, %: Keb!ua!/ "##D8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' " at "*D' CA A.en,e, Decision ,ate, ": Au-ust %&&&$ at %8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at ""' At the ti.e the co.plaint 0as file, in "##D$ the eleven .e.be!s of the Boa!, of Di!ecto!s of U!ban






Ban= inclu,e,1 2"3 +eo,o!o C' Bo!lon-an8 2%3 Ben9a.in F' ,e Feon8 2<3 Clau,io R' ,e Fu4u!ia-a$ H!'8 273 P' Sie!vo >' Di4on8 2;3 K!ancisco C' Ei4.en,i$ H!'$ 2D3 Delfin C' Eon4ale4$ H!'8 2C3 Noel A' Fa.an8 2:3 E!ic F' Fee8 2#3 Ben +' Fi. S!'8 2"&3 Hose P' Ma-no$ H!'$ 2""3 Ca!los C' Salinas' 2U!ban Ban= Fist of Me.be!s of the Boa!, of Di!ecto!s fo! Jea! En,in- "##;8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at :7&3

Co..ent ,ate, <& Ma!ch %&&; of Ben J' Fi.$ H!'$ an, P' Sie!vo >' Di4on8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at :&7*:"C'


Petitione!s5 Ans0e! 0ith Co.pulso!/ Counte!clai. ,ate, %: Octobe! "##D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at %7;*%;%'


+he Decision of the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ 0as then !en,e!e, b/ Hu,-e E,-a!,o F' Catilo' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C 3$ ol' "$ at "&"' Notice of Appeal ,ate, "; Hune "###8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$ at "&"D' R+C O!,e! ,ate, %< Hune "###8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$ at "&%%' +he appeal 0as ,oc=ete, in the Cou!t of Appeals as CA*E' R' C No' D;C;D' B!ief fo! Defen,ant*Appellant U!ban Ban=$ Inc'$ ,ate, %; Hanua!/ %&&%8 CA !ollo 2CA*E'R' C No'






D;C;D3$ ol' "$ at ""&*"C;'


+he Sin-son al,e4 W Associates Fa0 Office ente!e, its appea!ance fo! petitione! U!ban Ban=' 2Notice No' D;C;DO$ ol' "$ at ;C*;#3 Althou-h

of Appea!ance ,ate, &C Nove.be! %&&"8 CA !ollo NCA*E'R' C

petitione! U!ban Ban=5s p!evious counsel$ the Pobla,o! Bautista W Re/es Fa0 Office$ 0ith,!e0 its appea!ance$ it !e.aine, as counsel fo! the othe! in,ivi,ual petitione!s' 2@ith,!a0al of Appea!ance ,ate, &C Au-ust %&&"8 CA !ollo NCA*E'R' C No' D;C;DO$ ol' "$ at <D*<C3'

+he De Feon E!oup 0as !ep!esente, b/ the Abello Concepcion Re-ala W C!u4 Fa0 Office' De Feon E!oup5s Appellants5 B!ief ,ate, %: Hanua!/ %&&%8 CA !ollo 2CA*E'R' C No' D;C;D3$ ol' %$ at




+he Pobla,o! Bautista W Re/es Fa0 Office initiall/ !ep!esente, petitione! Bo!lon-an E!oup$ but 0as

!eplace, b/ the Chato Elea4a! Fa-.a/ W A!!e4a Fa0 Office' 2Ent!/ of Appea!ance ,ate, &; Ma/ %&&<8 CA !ollo$ NCA*E'R' C No' D;C;DO$ ol' %$ at "%&"*"%&<3 >o0eve!$ Ben9a.in J' Fi. an, P' Sie!vo >'

Di4on 2the Fi. E!oup3 !etaine, the Pobla,o! Bautista W Re/es Fa0 Office' 2@ith,!a0al of Appea!ance ,ate, "; Hanua!/ %&&<8 CA !ollo NCA*E'R' C No' D;C;DO$ ol' %$ at ""D7*""DD3

Petitione! Bo!lon-an E!oup5s B!ief fo! Appellants ,ate, ": Ap!il %&&%8 CA !ollo 2CA*E'R' C


D;C;D3$ ol' %$ at DC;*C<;'


Pe6a5s Appellee5s B!ief ,ate, &C Septe.be! %&&%8 CA !ollo 2CA*E'R' C

No' D;C;D3$

ol' %$ at :#%*


In a sepa!ate o!i-inal petition un,e! Rule C"$ Pe6a also as=e, that U!ban Ban= an, the in,ivi,ual

office!s an, ,i!ecto!s as 0ell as thei! counsel be cite, fo! in,i!ect conte.pt fo!$ a.on- othe!s$ 0ithhol,in.ate!ial info!.ation f!o. the appellate cou!t as 0ell as fo! .is!ep!esentin- the appea!ance of 0itnesses in the p!ocee,in-s belo0' 2Petition ,ate, &; Septe.be! %&&%8 CA !ollo NCA*E'R' SP No' C%D#:O$ ol' "$

at %*"73 +his petition fo! in,i!ect conte.pt 0as late! consoli,ate, 0ith the appeal of the .ain case' 2CA Resolution ,ate, %; Nove.be! %&&%8 CA !ollo NCA*E'R' SP No' C%D#:O$ ol' "$ at %#;3

+he Cou!t of Appeals5 Si(th Division 0as then co.pose, of CA Hustices Delilah i,allon*Ma-tolis$ Hose

F' Sabio$ H!'$ 2ponente3 an, >a=i. S' Ab,ul0ahi,'


+he ,ates of the t!ial cou!t5s o!,e!s appea!in- in the ,ispositive po!tion 0e!e late! co!!ecte, b/ the CA

an, no0 !ea,s Ithe Ma/ %:$ "### Decision an, the Octobe! %#$ %&&& Special O!,e!'M 2CA Resolution ,ate, &: Ma!ch %&&7$ at %8 !ollo NE' R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at :&3

CA Decision 2CA ER SP No' C%D#: W C

No' D;C;D3 ,ate, &D Nove.be! %&&<8 !ollo 2E'R' No'

"D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at :%*"""'


Pe6a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation ,ate, &7 Dece.be! %&&<8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$

ol' "$ at ;<<*


CA Resolution 2CA ER SP No' C%D#: W C NO' D;C;D3 ,ate, &: Ma!ch %&&78 !ollo 2E'R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at C#*:&'


Notice of Appeal ,ate, "; Hune "###8 R+C !eco!,s 2 ol' 3 at "&"D' Pe6a5s Motion fo! E(ecution ,ate, &C Hune "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at %CC*%C#8 see


Pe6a5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, "< Octobe! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at <C"*<CD'

R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C 3$ ol' "$ at "&"' PhP %7$&&&$&&& 2co.pensation3 U PhP<$&&&$&&& 2!ei.bu!se.ent3 U PhP"$&&&$&&& 2atto!ne/5s fees3 U


PhP;&&$&&& 2e(e.pla!/ ,a.a-es3 Y PhP%:$;&&$&&& 2e(clu,in- costs of suit3


+he Co.plaint file, a-ainst Pe6a 0as a civil action fo! collection of PhP<$;&&$&&& an, PhP"&&$&&&

atto!ne/5s fees$ 0hich 0as file, b/ M!' Robe!to R' I-nacio an, 0as ,oc=ete, as Civil Case No' ##*#<#;% 0ith the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Manila' 2Co.plaint ,ate, &< Ap!il "###8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:%%O$ at %"<*%"C3

ol' "$

M7' Plaintiff has been unable to pa/ his loan p!ecisel/ because ,efen,ants have not pai, hi. his fees'

Since' M!' I-nacio has been a lon- ti.e f!ien, of his$ he has been -!ante, seve!al e(tensions but on 7 Hune "###$ plaintiff !eceive, a su..ons issue, b/ the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Manila$ B!anch "D fo! a collection case file, Nb/O sai, M!' I-nacio' Q ID' Q It is i.pe!ative the!efo!e that this >ono!able Cou!t5s Decision be e(ecute, i..e,iatel/ so that he coul, settle the obli-ation 0hich he 0oul, not have cont!acte, ha, ,efen,ants not en-a-e, his se!vices'M 2Pe6a5s Motion fo! E(ecution ,ate, &C Hune "###$ at %8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at %C:3

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Opposition 2to Motion fo! E(ecution3 ,ate, "; Hune "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No'

"7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at %:#*<&&8 see Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, "% Octobe! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at <&#*<<"'

Petitione! U!ban Ban= ha, ea!lie! .ove, fo! the volunta!/ inhibition of Hu,-e Catilo' 2Petitione! U!ban olunta!/ Inhibition b/ the P!esi,in- Hu,-e ,ate, "; Hune "###8 !ollo NE'R' No'

Ban=5s Motion fo!

"7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at <&"*<&D3


R+C Special O!,e! ,ate, %# Octobe! "###8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at ::&*::#' @!it of E(ecution ,ate, %: Ma/ "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at ";%*";7' +he t!ial cou!t5s Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution 0e!e the sub9ects of a Rule D; Petition file, b/



U!ban Ban= 0ith the CA$ an, late! ,oc=ete, as CA*E' R' SP No' ;;DDC' 2U!ban Ban=5s Petition fo! Ce!tio!a!i an, P!ohibition ,ate, %# Nove.be! "###8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at <&C*<7;3

Petitione! U!ban Ban= 0as !ep!esente, in this Rule D; Petition b/ the Pobla,o! Bautista W Re/es Fa0


Respon,ent Pena5s Petition fo! Ce!tio!a!i an, P!ohibition 0ith Application fo! +e.po!a!/ Rest!aininol' "$ at

O!,e! an, @!it of P!eli.ina!/ In9unction ,ate, &7 Nove.be! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ <&C*<<:'

CA Resolution ,ate, &# Nove.be! "###' CA +0elfth Division co.pose, of Hustices Eo,a!,o A' Hacinto$ Ma!ina ' Bu4on 2ponente3 an,


E,-a!,o P' C!u4'


CA Decision ,ate, "% Hanua!/ %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at <7D*<;:' Pe6a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation ,ate, &% Keb!ua!/ %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at <;#*




Petitione!s5 Co..entPOpposition ,ate, "7 Ap!il %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at <:"*7&"' +he Ban-=o Sent!al n- Pilipinas 2BSP3 issue, Moneta!/ Boa!, Resolution No' %% placin- petitione!


U!ban Ban= un,e! !eceive!ship of the Philippine Deposit Insu!ance Co!po!ation 2PDIC3$ consi,e!in- that the ban= 0as suffe!in- f!o. illi?ui,it/ an, its capital 0as ,eficient' 2Minutes of Boa!, Resolution No' %% ,ate, %D Ap!il %&&&8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at %<%3

CA Ko!.e! Special +0elfth Division$ Hustices Eo,a!,o A' Hacinto$ Robe!to A' Ba!!ios an, E,-a!,o P'

C!u4 2ponente3'

+his CA A.en,e, Decision is the sub9ect of petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Rule 7; Petition in E' R' No'

"7;:"C' 2Rollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at "&*%"3'


MIn the instant case$ althou-h petitione! Ban=5s i..inent insolvenc/ .a/ not have been consi,e!e, b/

the cou!t a ?uo in allo0in- i..e,iate e(ecution$ such -!oun,$ 0hich has in the .eanti.e a!isen$ .a/ be !elie, upon b/ this Cou!t in ,eci,in- the p!op!iet/ of the e(ecution pen,in- appeal'M 2CA A.en,e, Decision ,ate, ": Au-ust %&&&$ at :8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at "C3

Petitione!s5 Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation ,ate, %# Au-ust %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at 7&%*


Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Supple.ental Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation ,ate, %" Septe.be! %&&& 2!ollo ol' "$ at C#"*:";3 an, Secon, Supple.ental Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation ,ate, "" ol' "$ at :;"*:DC38 see also CA Resolution ,ate, "# Octobe!

NE' R' No' "7;:%%O$

Octobe! %&&& 2!ollo NE' R' No' "7;:%%O$

%&&&$ at " 2!ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at %<3'

Ben9a.in ,e Feon$ Delfin C' Eon4ales an, E!ic F Fee file, th!ee sepa!ate Supple.ental Motions fo!

Reconsi,e!ation on %% Septe.be! %&&&$ "" Octobe! %&&& an, "D Octobe! %&&&' 2CA Resolution ,ate, "# Octobe! %&&&$ at "8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at %<3

Petitione! Fi.5s Supple.ental Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation an, Application fo! +e.po!a!/ Rest!aininol' "$ at :":*

O!,e! an, @!it of P!eli.ina!/ In9unction ,ate, "<Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ :%7'

CA Resolution ,ate, "# Octobe! %&&& 2CA*E'R' SP No' ;;DDC38 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at %<*


MRespon,ent Ma-,aleno M' Pe6a is ,i!ecte, to post$ 0ithin five 2;3 ,a/s f!o. notice$ an in,e.nit/ bon,

in the a.ount of P";$&&&$&&&'&& to ans0e! fo! the ,a.a-es 0hich petitione!s .a/ suffe! in case of !eve!sal on appeal of the t!ial cou!t5s ,ecision'M 2CA Resolution ,ate, "# Octobe! %&&&$ at 78 !ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at %D3'

Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s E( Abun,anti Cautela U!-ent Motion to Sta/ E(ecution Pen,in- Appeal

Upon Kilin- of Supe!se,eas Bon, ,ate, "# Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at :D#*:C#'


+he Special Ko!.e! Special +0elfth Division 0as co.pose, of Hustices Bienveni,o F' Re/es$ Robe!to

A' Ba!!ios$ an, Pe!lita H' +!ia +i!ona 2ponente3'


CA Resolution ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&& 2CA*E'R' SP No' ;;DDC38 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at DD:*


Pe6a5s U!-ent Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation ,ate, &D Nove.be! %&&& an, Supple.ental Motion ,ate,

"< Nove.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at ##;*"&&:'

CA Resolution ,ate, &: Dece.be! %&&& 2CA*E'R' SP No' ;;DDC38 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$ at


Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Co.pliance 0ith Motion to App!ove Supe!se,eas Bon, ,ate, &:

Nove.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at ##&*##7'

CA Resolution ,ate, &: Dece.be! %&&& 2CA*E'R' SP No' ;;DDC38 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$ at


Pe6a5s Co.pliance ,ate, &: Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

ol' "$ at "&;:*"&D&38 see

Pe6a5s Co..ent ,ate, <& Ap!il %&&"$ at "%8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at ;%"'

BSP Minute Resolution No' <C ,ate, "% Hul/ %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at :7<*:7;' Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s U!-ent Motion to App!ove Supe!se,eas Bon, an, to Sta/ E(ecution Pen,in-


Appeal ,ate, %% Octobe! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at DD&*DDC'

Su!et/ Bon, 2MICO Bon, No' %&&"&77;D3 ,ate, "< Septe.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$

at C7&*C7"'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Co.pliance 0ith Motion to App!ove Supe!se,eas Bon, ,ate, "7 Septe.be!

%&&" in CA*E'R' SP No' ;;DDC8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at DC;*C&#'

Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %C Septe.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$ at C"7'


Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s U!-ent Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, &% Octobe! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No'

"7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at C"&*C"%'


CA Resolution ,ate, &; Octobe! %&&" in CA*E'R' SP No' ;;DDC8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$ at


Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %C Septe.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$ at C"7'


Luotes f!o. EEWA Club Sha!es an, Met!olan, >ol,in-s$ Co!p'$ ,ate, &D Dece.be! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' ol' "$ at C&:' 2At p!esent$ one sha!e in +a-a/ta/ >i-hlan,s Inte!national Eolf Club is

No' "7;:%%3$

sellin- at PhP;D&$&&& Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co.P last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O'3


Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, &< Octobe! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol'

"$ at C"C8 R+C O!,e!s all ,ate, "; Octobe! %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %#%<*%#%:'

Luotes f!o. EEWA Club Sha!es an, Met!olan, >ol,in-s$ Co!p'$ ,ate, &D Dece.be! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' ol' "$ at C&:' 2At p!esent$ Ma=ati Spo!ts Club Sha!es IAM an, IBM a!e no0 sellin- at

No' "7;:%%3$

P%&&$&&& an, P%<&$&&& !espectivel/ Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co.P last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

+0o MSCI IAM Club Sha!es at PhPD;&$&&& each an, one MSCI IBM Club Sha!e at PhPC&&$&&&' Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Real P!ope!t/ ,ate, &< Octobe! %&&"$ cove!in- Con,o.iniu.


Ce!tificates of +itle 2CC+3 Nos' ;D&<7*<#$ ;D&;%*D#$ ;D&::*;D"7C$ an, ;D";78 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at C":*C<#' See Ce!tifications ,ate, %D Octobe! %&&" an, <" Octobe! %&&" attestin- to the sale of the CC+s cove!in- units in Ma=ati Cit/ !e-iste!e, un,e! the na.e of U!ban Ban=8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at CD#*CC&'

Most of the con,o.iniu. units 0e!e sol, an/0he!e fo! as lo0 as PhP"&&$&&& to PhP"$&&&$&&&' +he

0hole lot of :; con,o.iniu.s units in U!ban Ban= Pla4a 0e!e sol, fo! a total of PhP%C$7&&$&&& onl/' 2cPf P!ope!ties levie, an, attache,8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at #CD*#:&3

+en Ce!tificates of Sale all ,ate, %; Octobe! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at "&&;*"&<;' Notice of Fev/ on E(ecution ,ate, &; Nove.be! "### an, Con,o.iniu. Ce!tificate of +itle No' ;CD#C


un,e! the na.e of U!ban Ban=8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$ at "<";*"<":'


U!ban Ban= P!ope!ties$ Anne( of U!ban Ban=5s Fette! ,ate, &# Nove.be! "###8 R+C !eco!,s$

ol' ;$

at "<"&'

Notice of Fev/ on E(ecution ,ate, &; Nove.be! "### an, Con,o.iniu. Ce!tificate of +itle No' ;CD#:

un,e! the na.e of U!ban Ban=8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$ at "<"#*"<%%'


Notice of Fev/ on E(ecution ,ate, &; Nove.be! "###8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$ at "<<%*"<<<' U!ban Ban= P!ope!ties$ Anne( of U!ban Ban=5s Fette! ,ate, &# Nove.be! "###8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$


at "<"&'

Fette! ,ate, &: Nove.be! "### of Manila Polo Club8 R+C !eco!,s$

ol' ;$ at "<"%8 R+C O!,e! ,ate,

"# Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;;&*%;;%'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in Manila Polo Club sells at PhPC Million' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

Rollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at 7%%'


R+C O!,e! ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

ol' %$ at %;7%*%;7<8 R+C A.en,e,

O!,e! ,ate, "< Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7D*%;7#8 see also Fee v' +!ocino$ E' R' No' "D7D7:$ &D Au-ust %&&:$ ;D" SCRA "C:'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in Subic Ba/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

Jacht Club sells at PhP";&$&&&' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

R+C O!,e! ,ate, %C Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7&*7"' Luotes f!o. EEWA Club Sha!es an, Met!olan, >ol,in-s$ Co!p'$ ,ate, &D Dece.be! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' ol' "$ at C&:' 2At p!esent$ one sha!e in Ba-uio Count!/ Club is sellin- at PhPD;&$&&&


No' "7;:%%3$

Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co.P last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O'3


R+C O!,e! ,ate, %C Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7&*7"8 Luotes f!o. EEWA Club Sha!es an, Met!olan, >ol,in-s$ Co!p'$ ,ate, &D Dece.be! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' ol' "$ at C&:' 2At p!esent$ Ma=ati Spo!ts Club Sha!es IAM an, IBM a!e no0 sellin- at


No' "7;:%%3$

P%&&$&&& an, P%<&$&&& !espectivel/ Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co.P last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

Co v' Silla,o!$ A' M' No' P*&C*%<7%$ <" Au-ust %&&C$ ;<" SCRA D;C' Fette! ,ate, &: Nove.be! "### of Manila Polo Club8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$ at "<"%8 R+C O!,e! ,ate,


"# Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;;:*%;D"'

ol' %$ at %;;&*%;;%8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, &# Ma!ch %&&"8

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in Manila Polo Club sells at PhPC Million' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

Rollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"CC3$ ol' "$ at 7%&' Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %% Septe.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3' ol' %$ at %;%D*%;%C8 R+C


ol' %$ at %;%&8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, "% Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ O!,e! ,ate, %7 Hanua!/ %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

ol' %$ at %;;7*%;;C8 see also U!ban Ban=5s

Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "C%%'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one sha!e in Ba-uio Count!/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

Club is sellin- at PhPD;&$&&& Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co.P last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O'3


Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, &# Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3' ol' ol' %$ at %;%:*%;%#8 see also

%$ at %;%<8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, ": Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "C%%'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ Alaban- Count!/ Club Sha!es IAM an, IBM a!e sellin- at PhP"'#; M an, PhP%'#;M$ !espectivel/ Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co.P last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O'3

Notice of Ea!nish.ent ,ate, %# Octobe! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;C"*%;C%8 Notice of

Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %& Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;<#8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7%*%;7<8 R+C A.en,e, O!,e! ,ate, "< Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7D*%;7#8 see also Fee v' +!ocino$ i,'

R+C O!,e! ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7%*%;7<' Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %& Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3' ol' ol' %$ at %;77*%;7;8 R+C


%$ at %;<#8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

A.en,e, O!,e! ,ate, "< Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7D*%;7#8 see also Fee v' +!ocino$ i,'

R+C O!,e! ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;77*%;7;' Fette! ,ate, &: Nove.be! "### of Manila Polo Club8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$ at "<"%8 R+C O!,e! ,ate,


"# Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;;:*%;D"'

ol' %$ at %;;&*%;;%8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, &# Ma!ch %&&"8

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in Manila Polo Club sells at PhPC Million' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

Rollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at 7%;' Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %% Septe.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$


ol' %$ at %;%%8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, %C Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7&*7"8 see also Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "C%"'


U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$


%$ at "C%"' 2At p!esent$ a Ma=ati Spo!ts Club Sha!e IAM is no0 sellin- at P%&&$&&& Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co.P last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %% Septe.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3'

ol' %$ at %;%"8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, %C Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7&*%;7"'

Luotes f!o. EEWA Club Sha!es an, Met!olan, >ol,in-s$ Co!p'$ ,ate, &D Dece.be! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' ol' "$ at C&:' 2At p!esent$ one sha!e in Ba-uio Count!/ Club is sellin- at PhPD;&$&&&

No' "7;:%%3$

Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co.P last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O'3


Fette! ,ate, &: Nove.be! "### of Manila Polo Club8 R+C !eco!,s$

ol' ;$ at "<"%8 R+C O!,e! ,ate,

"# Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;;:*%;D"'

ol' %$ at %;;&*%;;%8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, &# Ma!ch %&&"8

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in Manila Polo Club sells at PhPC Million' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

Rollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"CC3$ ol' "$ at 7%"' Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %% Septe.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3'


ol' %$ at %;"#8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, &7 Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;%;8 R+C O!,e! ,ate, %& Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;;<8 see also U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "C%%'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in Manila Eolf Club sells at PhP%D'; Million' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, &# Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3' ol' ol' %$ at %;<&*%;<"8 see also

%$ at %;%78 R+C O!,e! ,ate, ": Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "C%%'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in Sta' Elena


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

Club 2both IAM an, IBM3 sells at PhP%'< Million' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3


R+C O!,e! ,ate, "# Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

ol' %$ at %;;&*%;;%8 U!ban Ban=5s

Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "C%%'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in +a-a/ta/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

>i-hlan,s Int5l Eol, Club sells at PhP;D&$&&&' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

Rollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"CC3$ ol' "$ at 7%<*7%7' Notice of Sale on E(ecution of Pe!sonal P!ope!t/ ,ate, %& Octobe! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3' ol'


%$ at %;<:8 see also U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "C%%'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' ol' %$ at "C%"*"C%%' See also Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/


%&&7$ at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D' 2At p!esent$ one club sha!e in Subic Jacht Club sells at PhP";&$&&&' Nhttp1PP000'--aclubsha!es'co. last visite, "C Octobe! %&""O3

R+C O!,e! ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

ol' %$ at %;7%*%;7<8 R+C A.en,e,

O!,e! ,ate, "< Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7D*%;7#8 see also Fee v' +!ocino$ i,'

R+C O!,e! ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&&$ !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

ol' %$ at %;77*%;7;8 R+C A.en,e,

O!,e! ,ate, "< Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' %$ at %;7D*%;7#8 see also Fee v' +!ocino$ i,'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No'

"7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "C%%'


Co v' Silla,o!$ I,' I,' Base, on the App!aisal Repo!t as of "D Ap!il %&&% con,ucte, b/ Cue!vo App!aise!s$ Inc'$ sub.itte, b/



U!ban Ban= in thei! Opposition 2+o Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation 0ith Inte!vention3 ,ate, %# Ap!il %&&<$ the ten con,o.iniu. units alone pu!chase, b/ Uni.e-a fo! PhP"& Million 2Units %"*%$ %"*<$ %"*;$ %"*D$ an, %%*" to %%*D3 0as al!ea,/ 0o!th PhP"7D$:;"$#&&' Mean0hile$ the fai! .a!=et value of the enti!e lot of :; con,o.iniu. units sol, on e(ecution pen,in- appeal coul, !each as even as .uch as PhP"'7 Billion' 2App!aisal Repo!t8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' %$ at "<#D*"7%<3

Mala/sian Insu!ance Su!et/ Bon, 2MICO Bon, No' %&&"&77;D3 ,ate, "< Septe.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R'

No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at C7&*C7"


Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s U!-ent Motion to App!ove Supe!se,eas Bon, an, to Sta/ E(ecution Pen,in-

Appeal ,ate, %% Octobe! %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3' ol' "$ at DD&*DDC'

Pe6a5s Opposition ,ate, <" Octobe! %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at C;%*CD:' EIB lette! ,ate, %< Octobe! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "%CC' +he follo0in- .ana-e!5s chec=s 0e!e attache, to the Manifestation1 2a3 Mana-e!5s Chec= No' :&;C"



2PhP%%7$&&&38 2b3 Mana-e! Chec= No' :&;C% 2PhP"<$77&$&&&38 an, 2c3 Mana-e!5s Chec= No' :&;C< 2PhP :$77&$:&&3' 2Rollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' %$ at "%:"3

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation 0ith +en,e! of Pa/.ent of the Re,e.ption P!ice ,ate, %7

Octobe! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "%C:*"%:"'


R+C*Ba-o Cit/5s O!,e! ,ate, %: Octobe! %&&%8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "%:D' Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Motion 0ith Manifestation ,ate, %# Octobe! %&&%8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$


ol' %$ at "%:C*"%#"'

She!iff Silla,o!5s Affi,avits of Non*Re,e.ption both ,ate, &7 Nove.be! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' No'

"7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at "&C%*"&C7'


She!iff5s Ce!tificates of Kinal Sale both ,ate, &7 Nove.be! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$ at


R+C*Ba-o Cit/5s O!,e! ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at "&:D*"&:#' SC Resolution ,ate, "# Nove.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at C#7*C#;' Pe6a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation 2of the Resolution App!ovin- the Supe!se,eas Bon,3 ,ate, &C



Dece.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at :7D*:D%'


SC Resolution ,ate, %7 Septe.be! %&&<8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at "";"*"";%' Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s counsel$ the Pobla,o! Bautista W Re/es Fa0 Office$ 0as substitute, b/ the


Office of the Chief Fe-al Counsel of PDIC$ 0hich ha, beco.e the ban=5s !eceive! at that ti.e' 2Substitution of Counsel ,ate, %7 Nove.be! %&&&8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at %C*<&3

PDIC$ as !eceive! of petitione! U!ban Ban=$ 0as !ep!esente, b/ the On-=i=o Kala0 Manhit W Aco!,a

Fa0 Offices' 2Ent!/ of Appea!ance ,ate, %" Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at ":<*":;3

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Petition fo! Revie0 on Ce!tio!a!i ,ate, %" Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No'

"7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at ":D*%"<'


Pe6a5s Co..ent 0ith Motion to Cite fo! Conte.pt an, U!-ent Motion to Dis.iss ,ate, "% Hanua!/

%&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at <%*CC'


Pe6a5s Co..ent ,ate, <& Ap!il %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ at ;"&*;;;'


Petitione! Bo!lon-an E!oup$ co.p!ise, of in,ivi,ual ban= ,i!ecto!s an, office!s +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$

Co!a4on M' Be9asa$ A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ Ben J' Fi.$ H!'$ an, P' Sie!vo >' Di4on$ 0as then !ep!esente, b/ the Pobla,o! Bautista W Re/es Fa0 Offices'

Petitione! Bo!lon-an E!oup5s Petition fo! Revie0 on Ce!tio!a!i ,ate, %" Nove.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R'

No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at ::C*#;&'


MConsi,e!in- the alle-ations$ issues an, a!-u.ents a,,uce, in the petition fo! !evie0 on Ce!tio!a!i of

the a.en,e, ,ecision an, !esolution of the Cou!t of Appeals ,ate, Au-ust ":$ %&&& an, Octobe! "#$ %&&&$ !espectivel/$ as 0ell as !espon,ent5s co..ents the!eon$ the Cou!t fu!the! Resolves to DENJ the petition fo! failu!e of the petitione!s to sufficientl/ sho0 that the Cou!t of Appeals co..itte, an/ !eve!sible e!!o! in the challen-e, a.en,e, ,ecision an, !esolution as to 0a!!ant the e(e!cise b/ this Cou!t of its ,isc!etiona!/ appellate 9u!is,iction in this case'M 2SC Resolution ,ate, %# Hanua!/ %&&" in E' R' No' "7;:":8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at #;;*#;D3

SC Resolution ,ate, %; Hune %&&" in E'R' No' "7;:":8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at D%&*D%"' SC Ent!/ of Hu,-.ent ,ate, "" Ma/ %&&" in E'R' No' "7;:":8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at D;C*



Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Petition fo! Revie0 on Ce!tio!a!i ,ate, &D Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No'

"7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "7*C;'


SC Resolution ,ate, "< Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at #;;*#;D' SC Resolution ,ate, "% Nove.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at C#D' SC Resolution ,ate, %7 Septe.be! %&&<8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at "";"*"";%' I,' Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %: Hanua!/ %&&78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at






Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/ %&&78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

ol' "$ at


EIB lette! ,ate, "& Dece.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$ at :#D*:#C8 see also EIB lette!

,ate, %7 Octobe! %&&" 2!ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at #;D3 an, EIB lette! ,ate, &D Hune %&&% 2!ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at #<#3

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s th!ee sha!es in the Ma=ati Spo!ts Club 0e!e p!eviousl/ sol, in a public auction

last "" Octobe! %&&"$ con,ucte, b/ the she!iff of R+C*Ba-o Cit/' 2R+C O!,e!s all ,ate, "; Octobe! %&&"8 !ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at :#&*:#;3

MSCI5s lette! ,ate, %D Nove.be! %&&"8 Anne( ICM of MSCI5s Motion fo! Cla!ification8 !ollo 2E'R' No'

"7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at :C;*:##'


Att/' E!e6eta5s lette! ,ate, "D Hanua!/ %&&% 2!ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$

ol' "$ at :#:*:##38 Att/'

E!e6eta5s lette! ,ate, <& Ma/ %&&% 2!ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at :#:*#<:3' See also Att/' E!e6eta5s Motion to Cite in Conte.pt of Cou!t ,ate, %% Hul/ %&&% in Civil Case No' C;7 2!ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at #77*#7:3'

Ma=ati Spo!ts Club5s Motion fo! Cla!ification ,ate, &7 Keb!ua!/ %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at


Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Motion fo! Cla!ification ,ate, D Au-ust %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at

#C%*#C;' See also petitione! U!ban Ban=5s U!-ent Motion to Resolve ,ate, %" Octobe! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at #:%*#:C'

SC Resolution ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at #::*##&' Pe6a5s U!-ent O.nibus Motion ,ate, &# Dece.be! %&&% 2!ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at "&#&*


""&%38 see also Pe6a5s Supple.ent to the U!-ent O.nibus Motion ,ate, "# Dece.be! %&&% 2!ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at ""&D*"""&3

U!ban Ban= att!ibute, the .ista=e alle-e,l/ ,ue to the fact that in one of the Cou!t5s Resolution 2SC

Resolution ,ate, "< Keb!ua!/ %&&%3$ the ACCRA Fa0 Office 0as .entione, as the Icounsel of !espon,ent'M 2Opposition N+o U!-ent O.nibus Motion an, Supple.ent to U!-ent O.nibus MotionO ,ate, %: Keb!ua!/ %&&<$ at %*78 !ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' %$ at "%%&*"%%%3'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Opposition ,ate, %: Keb!ua!/ %&&<8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' %$ at "%"#*


SC Resolution ,ate, <" Au-ust %&""' SC Resolution ,ate, "C Keb!ua!/ %&&<8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' <$ at <%%&*<%%"' Inte!veno! Uni.e-a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation 0ith Inte!vention ,ate, "& Dece.be! %&&%8 !ollo



2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at ##"*"&&7'


Petitione! De Feon E!oup .anifeste, that Uni.e-a5s inte!vention 0as onl/ 0ith !espect to petitione!

U!ban Ban=5s p!ope!ties 2con,o.iniu. units3$ but oppose, the le-al an, factual conclusions of Uni.e-a insofa! as it ,ee.e, the titles to the e(ecute, p!ope!ties to be consoli,ate, in Uni.e-a5s na.e' 2Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Manifestation an, Co..ent ,ate, %7 Keb!ua!/8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' %$ at ""#"*"#D3

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Opposition 2to Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation 0ith Inte!vention3 ,ate, %# Ap!il

%&&<8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "<:D*"<#7'


Acco!,in- to petitione! U!ban Ban=$ the fai! .a!=et value of the con,o.iniu. units 2of va!/in- si4es3

pu!chase, b/ Uni.e-a$ inclusive of the pa!=in- lots attache, to the units$ a.ounte, to PhP"C;$:7#$:;&$ 0hich is -!ossl/ ,isp!opo!tional to the PhP"&$&&&$&&& pai, b/ Uni.e-a fo! all the "& units ,u!in- the

auction sale' 2Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Opposition ,ate, %# Ap!il %&&<$ at 78 !ollo$ NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' %$ at "<:#3

SC Resolution ,ate, &" Au-ust %&&;8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at "D%<*"D<&' Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Manifestation an, Motion ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&&;8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$


ol' %$ at "C"#*"C%;'

Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Manifestation ,ate, "% Septe.be! %&&;8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' %$ at


Inte!veno! Uni.e-a5s E( Pa!te Petition fo! the Issuance of a @!it of Possession ,ate, %: Hune %&&D8

!ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' %$ at "";D*""D#'


SC Resolution ,ate, &D Septe.be! %&&D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' %$ at ""C"*""C%' Petitione! Fi. E!oup5s Co.pliance an, Co..ent ,ate, %; Octobe! %&&D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$


ol' %$ at "":"*"":7'

Petitione! Bo!lon-an E!oup5s 2co.pose, of the hei!s of Bo!lon-an$ Be9asa an, Manuel$ H!'3

Co.pliance ,ate, <& Octobe! %&&D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' %$ at ""::*"":#'

Pe6a5s Co.pliance an, Co..ent ,ate, &C Hanua!/ %&&:8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$

ol' %$ at "%<<*


Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Opposition 2to E( Pa!te Petition fo! the Issuance of a @!it of Possession3 ,ate,

&: Nove.be! %&&D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' %$ at ""#D*"%&"'

Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Manifestation an, Co..ent ,ate, "C Nove.be! %&&D8 !ollo 2E' R' No'

"D%;D%3$ ol' %$ at "%&7*"%""'


Inte!veno! Uni.e-a5s Repl/PCo..ent 2to the Opposition of U!ban Ban= an, ManifestationPCo..ent of

Petitione!s Eon4ales$ H!'$ De Feon an, Fee3 ,ate, &C Keb!ua!/ %&&C8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' %$ at "%"%*"%%7'

Civil Co,e$ A!t' ":D:' icto!ias Millin- Co'$ Inc' v' CA$ E' R' No' ""C<;D$ "# Hune %&&&$ << SCRA DD<$ citin- Bo!,a,o! v' Fu4$


%:< SCRA <C7$ <:% 2"##C3'


Eu!otech In,ust!ial +echnolo-ies v' Cui4on$ E' R' No' "DC;;%$ %< Ap!il %&&C$ ;%" SCRA ;:7$ citin- :u

Eng Cho -. P&n 4meric&n ;or.d 4ir/&,s, 1nc.$ <:; Phil' 7;<$ 7D; 2%&&&3'

Jun K0an B/un- v' PAECOR$ E' R' No' "D<;;<$ "" Dece.be! %&&#$ D&: SCRA "&C$ citin- An-eles v'

Philippine National Rail0a/s$ ;&& SCRA 777$ 7;% 2%&&D3'


+uason v' >ei!s of Ra.os$ E' R' No' ";D%D%$ "7 Hul/ %&&;$ 7D< SCRA 7&:$ citin- icto!ias Millin- Co'$

Inc' v' CA$ <:# Phil' ":7$ "#D 2%&&&38 Fi. v' CA$ <%" Phil' C:%$ C#7$ 2"##;3'


M@>EREKORE$ in vie0 of the fo!e-oin- consi,e!ations$ the Ma/ %:$ %&&& Decision NsicO an, the

Octobe! "#$ %&&& NsicO Special O!,e! of the R+C of Ba-o Cit/$ B!anch D%$ a!e he!eb/ ANNUFFED AND SE+ ASIDE' >o0eve!$ the plaintiff*appellee in CA ER C No' D;C;D is a0a!,e, the a.ount of P< Million as !ei.bu!se.ent fo! his e(penses as 0ell as !easonable co.pensation fo! his effo!ts in clea!in- U!ban Ban=5s p!ope!t/ of unla0ful occupants' +he a0a!, of e(e.pla!/ ,a.a-es$ atto!ne/5s fees an, costs of suit a!e ,elete,$ the sa.e not havin- been sufficientl/ p!oven' +he petition fo! In,i!ect Conte.pt a-ainst all the !espon,ents is DISMISSED fo! utte! lac= of .e!it'M 2CA Decision NCA ER SP No' C%D#: W C No' D;C;DO ,ate, &D Nove.be! %&&<8 !ollo NE'R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at :%*"""3

@hen U!ban Ban= pai, the pu!chase p!ice less autho!i4e, !etention .one/ un,e! the Dee, of Absolute


Cont!act to Sell ,ate, "; Nove.be! "##7' 2E(hibit I"D$M R+C !eco!,s N ol' 7O at :7D*:7#3 ISCI5s fa( lette! ,ate, %D Nove.be! "##78 E(hibit I<$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :"&' MSUBFEASE PRO>IBI+ED' +hat as ,istin-uishe, f!o. FESSEE5s NM!' OchoaO !ent*out ope!ations



above*.entione,$ the FESSEE NM!' OchoaO shall not assi-n$ ce,e o! conve/ this lease$ no! un,e!ta=e to sub*lease the 0hole o! substantiall/ all of the lease p!e.ises NPasa/ p!ope!t/O to an/ sin-le thi!, pa!t/$ 0ithout the FESSOR5s NISCI5sO consent in 0!itin-8 QM 2Cont!act of Fease ,ate, %# Nove.be! "#:7$ pa!' ; at %8 !ollo NE'R' No' "D%;D%O$ ol' "$ at %C#3

ISCI5s lette! ,ate, &C Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit I"$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :&:' ISCI5s fa( lette! ,ate, &# Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit I%$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :&#' U!ban Ban=5s lette! ,ate, "; Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit I7$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :""' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at <8 !ollo 2E R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at ;&C' >o0eve!$ the !eco!,s of




the case in R+C*Pasa/ Cit/ 0ith !espect to the Ki!st In9unction Co.plaint file, b/ Pe6a on behalf of ISCI a!e NO+ 0ith this Cou!t$ as none of the issues !aise, the!ein a!e befo!e Us'

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s lette! ,ate, "# Dece.be! "##78 E(hibit IB$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol' <$ at ;D:' M+he ,ue e(ecution an, -enuineness of the lette! ,ate, Dece.be! "#$ "##7 sent b/ the ,efen,ant ol' %$ at


U!ban Ban= to the plaintiff8 QM2P!e*+!ial O!,e! ,ate, %< Septe.be! "##C$ at <8 R+C !eco!,s$ ;&"3

Cua v' Oca.po +an$ E' R' No' ":"7;;*;DW":%&&:$ &7 Dece.be! %&&#$ D&C SCRA D7;$

citin- :&sum& -. <eirs o( Ceci.io S. de 7i..&$ 7## SCRA 7DD$ 7C"*7C% 2%&&D3'

R+C5s O!,e! ,ate, &7 Nove.be! "##C$ .o,if/in- the P!e*t!ial O!,e! ,ate, %< Septe.be! "##C8 R+C

!eco!,s$ ol' %$ at ;"7*;"#'


MReceive, f!o. Att/' Ma-,aleno M' Pe6a the a.ount of One Million Kive >un,!e, +housan, Pesos

2PhP"$;&&$&&&3 !ep!esentin- full an, final settle.ent of ou! clai.s a-ainst U!ban Ban= Inco!po!ate,

a!isin- f!o. the closu!e of the Aust!alian Club locate, in the fo!.e! Inte!national Koo, Co.ple( alonRo(as Bouleva!,$ Pasa/ Cit/$ Met!o Manila'M 2Receipt ,ate, %: Ap!il "##;8 E(hibit IBB$M R+C !eco!,s$ ol'<$ at C;C3

M@hen t0o o! .o!e p!incipals have -!ante, a po0e! of atto!ne/ fo! a co..on t!ansaction$ an/ one of

the. .a/ !evo=e the sa.e 0ithout the consent of the othe!s'M 2Civil Co,e$ A!t' "#%;3

MA-enc/ is e(tin-uishe,1 Q 2;3 B/ the acco.plish.ent of the ob9ect o! pu!pose of the a-enc/8 Q'M

2Civil Co,e$ A!t' "#"#3


Civil Co,e$ A!t' "#%<' ISCI5s Fette! ,ate, "# Dece.be! "##7 si-ne, b/ >e!.an Ponce an, Hulie Aba,8 E(hibit I;$M R+C


!eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at :"%'


Civil Co,e$ A!t' ":C;8 cf' National B!e0e!/ W Allie, In,ust!ies Fabo! Union of the Phils' v' San Mi-uel

B!e0e!/$ Inc'$ E' R' No' F*":"C&$ <" Au-ust "#D<$ : SCRA :&;'

< A.' Hu!' %,' Z %7D$ citin- Mon!oe v' E!olie! Soc' of Fon,on$ %&: Cal' 77C$ %:" P' D&7$ D; A'F'R' #:#

2"#%#38 Cha.be!lain v' Abeles$ :: Cal' App' %, %#"$ "#: P'%, #%C 2%, Dist' "#7:3'

Rules of Cou!t$ Rule "<:$ Sec' %78 O!ocio v' An-uluan$ E' R' No' "C#:#%*#<$ <& Hanua!/ %&&#$ ;CC

SCRA ;<"'

MLuantu. .e!uit .eans that in an action fo! 0o!= an, labo!$ pa/.ent shall be .a,e in such a.ount as

the plaintiff !easonabl/ ,ese!ves'M 2>' F' Ca!los Const!uction$ Inc'$ v' Ma!ina P!ope!ties Co!p'$ E' R' No' "7CD"7$ %# Hanua!/ %&&7$ 7%" SCRA 7%:$ citin- Republic v' Cou!t of Appeals$ <;# Phil' ;<&$ D7& N"##:O3

Ra/os v' >e!nan,e4$ E' R' No' "D#&C#$ "% Keb!ua!/ %&&C$ ;"; SCRA ;"C8 Bach v' On-=i=o Kala0

Manhit W Aco!,a Fa0 Offices$ E' R' No' "D&<<7$ "" Septe.be! %&&D$ ;&" SCRA "#%'

+!anscontinental Un,e!0!ite!s A-enc/$ S' R' F'$ v' A.e!ican A-enc/ Un,e!0!ite!s$ D:& K'%, %#:$ <&&

2": Ma/ "#:%3$ citin- Mille! v' @ilson$ %7 Pa' ""7 2":;73'

I,' CA Decision ,ate, &D Nove.be! %&&<$ at %<8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at "&7' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %"8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at #D%' M"%' It is t!ue that Att/' Sin-son ha, been offe!in- the a.ount of P%; .illion to !espon,ent but the latte!




coul, not a-!ee to the sai, a.ount because his le-al e(penses alone since this case sta!te, in "##D 2an, consi,e!in- that it spa0ne, seve!al othe! case3 0oul, al!ea,/ have !eache, P"& .illion' In clea!in- the Ro(as Bouleva!, p!ope!t/$ he ha, to bo!!o0 P< .illion 2an a.ount 0hich ha, been ea!nin- inte!est since "##;3 f!o. his -oo, f!ien, M!' Robe!to I-nacio' @hen !espon,ent5s se!vices 0e!e en-a-e, b/ petitione!$ he 0as p!o.ise, ten 2"&A3 of the p!ope!t/5s value 0hich 0as at least P%; .illion' +hus$ even if !espon,ent a-!ee, to fo!e-o the inte!ests that ha, acc!ue, since "##D$ an, even if M!' I-nacio a-!ee, to

collect f!o. hi. onl/ the p!incipal loane, a.ount$ he 0oul, still be entitle, to at least P<: .illion' +o !espon,ent5s .in,$ the!efo!e$ P%; .illion 0as out of the ?uestion'M 2Pe6a5s Consoli,ate, Repl/ ,ate, &" Ap!il %&&<$ at D*C8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:%%O$ ol' <$ at <<;#*<<D&3

A,!i.isin v' Havie!$ A' C' No' %;#"$ &: Septe.be! %&&D$ ;&" SCRA "#%' Luilban v' Robinol$ A' C' Nos' %"77 W %":&$ "& Ap!il "#:#$ "C" SCRA CD:8 see +!a,e!s Ro/al Ban=


E.plo/ees Union$ v' NFRC$ E' R' No' "%&;#%$ "7 Ma!ch "##C$ %D# SCRA C<<'

Catl/ v' Nava!!o$ E' R' No' "DC%<#$ &; Ma/ %&"&$ D%& SCRA ";"$ citin- O!ocio v' An-uluan$ ;CC

SCRA ;<"$ ;;"*;;% 2%&&#3'


Fa.be!t Pa0nb!o=e!s an, He0el!/ Co!p'$ v' Bina.i!a$ E' R' No' "C&7D7$ "% Hul/ %&"&$ D%7 SCRA C&;' I,' K!ancisco v' Mallen$ H!'$ E' R' No' "C<"D#$ %% Septe.be! %&"&$ D<" SCRA "":$ citin- Section <" of the



Co!po!ation Co,e an, Ra.oso v' Cou!t of Appeals$ 7&& Phil' "%D& 2%&&&3'

Ma-alin- v' On-$ E' R' No' "C<<<<$ "< Au-ust %&&:$ ;D% SCRA ' MC' +he ,efen,ant URBAN BANK th!ou-h its P!esi,ent$ ,efen,ant +EODORO BORFONEAN$ an, the ice P!esi,ent CORA[ON BEHASA an, ICE


,efen,ants Boa!, NofO Di!ecto!s as 0ell as its Senio!

P!esi,ent$ A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ ente!e, into an a-enc/ a-!ee.ent 0ith the plaintiff$ 0he!eb/ the latte! in behalf of ,efen,ant URBAN BANK$ shall hol, an, .aintain possession of the afo!e,esc!ibe, p!ope!t/$ p!event ent!/ of int!u,e!s$ inte!lope!s$ an, s?uatte!s the!ein an, finall/ tu!nove! peaceful possession the!eof to ,efen,ant URBAN BANK8 it 0as fu!the! a-!ee, that fo! the se!vices !en,e!e, as its a-ent$ ,efen,ant URBAN BANK shall pa/ plaintiff a fee in an a.ount e?uivalent to "&A of the .a!=et value of the p!ope!t/ p!evailin- at the ti.e of the pa/.ent'M 2Pe6a5s Co.plaint ,ate, %: Keb!ua!/ "##D$ at %8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' "$ at %3

Pe6a5s Petition ,ate, %< Ap!il %&&7$ at D"*D;8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at D:*C%' R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %<8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at #D7' CA Decision ,ate, &D Nove.be! %&&<$ at %7*%;8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' "$ at "&;*"&D' Pe6a5s Petition ,ate, %< Ap!il %&&7$ sup!a note "%D' MI.plea,e, as ,efen,ants in this case a!e the .e.be!s of the boa!, of ,i!ecto!s of U!ban ban= 0ho





0e!e sou-ht to be hel, liable in the sa.e .anne! as the ban=' +hei! failu!e to !aise the ,efense of li.ite, co!po!ate liabilit/ in thei! Motion to Dis.iss o! in thei! Ans0e! in conse?uence 0ith the p!ovision of Rule # of the "##C Rules of Civil P!oce,u!e constitute a 0aive! on thei! pa!t to b!in- up this ,efense' +hus$ this 0a!!ants the cou!t to hol, all the ,efen,ants in this case 9ointl/ an, seve!all/ liable 0ith U!ban Ban=$ Inc'$ +his p!onounce.ent fin,s basis in plaintiff5s -ene!al p!a/e! fo! such fu!the! o! othe! !elief as .a/ be ,ee.e, 9ust o! e?uitable'M 2R+C Decision %: Ma/ "###$ at %%*%<8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at #D<*#D73


Notice of Appeal ,ate, "; Hune "###8 R+C !eco!,s 2 ol' 3 at "&"D*"&"C' Pe6a5s Motion fo! E(ecution ,ate, &C Hune "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at %CC*%C#8 see


Pe6a5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, "< Octobe! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at <C"*<CD'

R+C Decision ,ate, %: Ma/ "###$ at %78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C 3$ ol' "$ at "&"' PhP %7$&&&$&&& 2co.pensation3 U PhP<$&&&$&&& 2!ei.bu!se.ent3 U PhP"$&&&$&&& 2atto!ne/5s fees3 U


PhP;&&$&&& 2e(e.pla!/ ,a.a-es3 Y PhP%:$;&&$&&& 2e(clu,in- costs of suit3


M7' Plaintiff has been unable to pa/ his loan p!ecisel/ because ,efen,ants have not pai, hi. his fees'

Since' M!' I-nacio has been a lon- ti.e f!ien, of his$ he has been -!ante, seve!al e(tensions but on 7 Hune "###$ plaintiff !eceive, a su..ons issue, b/ the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Manila$ B!anch "D fo! a collection case file, Nb/O sai, M!' I-nacio' Q ID' Q It is i.pe!ative the!efo!e that this >ono!able Cou!t5s Decision be e(ecute, i..e,iatel/ so that he coul, settle the obli-ation 0hich he 0oul, not have cont!acte, ha, ,efen,ants not en-a-e, his se!vices'M 2Pe6a5s Motion fo! E(ecution ,ate, &C Hune "###$ at %8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at %C:3

+he Co.plaint file, a-ainst Pe6a 0as a civil action fo! collection of PhP<$;&&$&&& an, PhP"&&$&&&

atto!ne/5s fees$ 0hich 0as file, b/ M!' Robe!to R' I-nacio an, 0as ,oc=ete, as Civil Case No' ##*#<#;% 0ith the Re-ional +!ial Cou!t of Manila' 2Co.plaint ,ate, &< Ap!il "###8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:%%O$ at %"<*%"C3

ol' "$

Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Opposition 2to Motion fo! E(ecution3 ,ate, "; Hune "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No'

"7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at %:#*<&&8 see Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, "% Octobe! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at <&#*<<"'

Petitione! U!ban Ban= ha, ea!lie! .ove, fo! the volunta!/ inhibition of Hu,-e Catilo' 2Petitione! U!ban olunta!/ Inhibition b/ the P!esi,in- Hu,-e ,ate, "; Hune "###8 !ollo NE'R' No'

Ban=5s Motion fo!

"7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at <&"*<&D3


M+he cou!t fin,s that the pen,enc/ of the case fo! collection of .one/ a-ainst plaintiff is a -oo, !eason

fo! i..e,iate e(ecution'M 2R+C Special O!,e! ,ate, %# Octobe! "###$ at C8 !ollo NE'R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at ::D3

@!it of E(ecution ,ate, %: Ma/ "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at ";%*";7' +he sai, Rule D; Petition in the Cou!t of Appeals 0as ,oc=ete, as CA*E' R' SP No' ;;DDC' 2Petitione!


U!ban Ban=5s Petition fo! Ce!tio!a!i an, P!ohibition ,ate, %# Nove.be! "###8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at <&C*<7;3

Na4a!eno v' Cou!t of Appeals$ E' R' No' """D"&$ %C Keb!ua!/ %&&%$ <C: SCRA %:' I,'



M+hat 0hich is a nullit/ p!o,uces no effect'M 2Maa-a, v' Maa-a,$ E' R' No' "C"CD%$ &; Hune %&&#$ ;::


Rules of Cou!t$ Rule <#$ Sec' ;' Silve!io v' Cou!t of Appeals$ E' R' No' F*<#:D"$ "C Ma!ch "#:D$ "7" SCRA ;%C' E' R' No' "DC#CD$ %& Hanua!/ %&"&$ D"& SCRA <CC' Diesel Const!uction Co.pan/$ Inc'$ v' Hollibee Koo,s Co!p'$ E' R' No' "<D:&;$ %: Hanua!/ %&&&$ <%<




SCRA :77'

Philippine Ban= of Co..unications v' Cou!t of Appeals$ E' R' No' "%D";:$ %< Septe.be! "##C$ %C#


R+C Special O!,e! ,ate, %# Octobe! "###$ at D*C8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at ::;*::D' M"C' Mo!e li=el/ than not$ the IM!' I-nacio caseM 0as a convenient !use e.plo/e, b/ P!ivate


Respon,ent NPe6aO' It shoul, be note, that M!' I-nacio state, in his co.plaint that I2P!ivate Respon,ent5s3 assu!ance that his client 2Petitione! Ban=3 0as -oin- to pa/ hi. befo!e 2<& Ma/ "##;3 0as 0hat in,uce, 2I-nacio3 to -!ant the loans in the fi!st place'M >o0eve!$ on <& Nove.be! "##7$ the ,a/ of the fi!st alle-e, IloanM of P"$&&&$&&&$ Petitione! Ban= 0as not even in the pictu!e /et' In fact$ Iit 0as onl/ 2on Dece.be! "#$"##73$ that plaintiff P!ivate Respon,ent he!ein3 0as app!aise, 2sic3 that the p!ope!t/ ha, al!ea,/ been sol, an, the title the!eto haN,O al!ea,/ been t!ansfe!!e, to U!ban Ban='M >o0 then coul, Petitione! Ban= have assu!e, pa/.ent to P!ivate Respon,ent b/ <& Ma/ "##;$ 0hich assu!ances 0e!e alle-e,l/ 0hat in,uce, the !elease of the loanG On the othe! han,$ if the <& Nove.be! "##7 loan 0as ta=en out because P!ivate Respon,ents 0as Iinst!ucte, b/ his !elativesM at ISCI to clea! the p!ope!t/ of occupants$ 0h/ in the 0o!l, 0oul, P!ivate Respon,ents have to ta=e out the loan 0ith his f!ien,$ in his o0n na.eGM 2Petition fo! Ce!tio!a!i an, P!ohibition ,ate, &7 Nove.be! "###$ at "7*";8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at <%&*<%"8 e.phasis supplie, an, citations o.itte,3

M@>EREKORE$ plaintiff !espectfull/ p!a/s that upon the filin- of this Co.plaint$ a 0!it of p!eli.ina!/

attach.ent be issue, e(*pa!te to cove! all of ,efen,ants5 p!ope!t/ an, that afte! ,ue p!ocee,in-s$ ,efen,ant be .a,e to pa/ the p!incipal a.ount of P<$;&&$&&&'&& plus inte!ests an, atto!ne/5s fees in the a.ount of P"&&$&&&'&&'M 2M!' Robe!to I-nacio5s Co.plaint ,ate, &< Ap!il "###$ at <*78 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' 7$ at #:<*#:73

MIt is un,e!stoo, that ,efault on ./ pa!t 0ill entitle pa/ee to ;A inte!est fo! eve!/ .onth of ,ela/'M ol'

2P!o.isso!/ Notes ,ate, <& Nove.be! "##7$ %& Dece.be! "##7$ an, %C Ap!il "##;8 R+C !eco!,s$ 7$ #:D*#::3

CA Decision ,ate, "% Hanua!/ %&&& in C' A'*E' R' SP No' ;;DDC$ at ""*"%8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$

ol' "$ at <;D*<;C'


MNEO(ecution pen,in- appeal .ust be st!ictl/ const!ue, bein- an e(ception to the -ene!al !ule' So$ too$

e(ecution pen,in- appeal is not to be availe, of an, applie, !outinel/$ but onl/ in e(t!ao!,ina!/ ci!cu.stances'M 2Co!ona Inte!national$ Inc'$ v' Cou!t of Appeals$ E' R' No' "%C:;"$ ": Octobe! %&&&$ <7< SCRA ;"%3

http1PP000'u!banban='infoPu!ban0ebPubiXfinancial'ht. last visite, &C Octobe! %&""' BSP Fette! ,ate, &7 Dece.be! "##:8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at D%%' Business @o!l, Special Repo!t$ +he Co..e!cial Ban=in- S/ste.$ Selecte, Balance Sheet Accounts



as of %C Septe.be! "###8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at D%7'

M@e a-!ee 0ith the appellate cou!t5s !atiocination in CA*E'R' SP No' ;;DDC that the!e is -oo, -!oun, to

o!,e! e(ecution pen,in- appeal' Reco!,s sho0 that on Ap!il %D$ %&&&$ U!ban Ban= ,ecla!e, a ban= holi,a/$ an, the Ban-=o Sent!al n- Pilipinas 2BSP3 o!,e!e, its closu!e' Subse?uentl/$ U!ban Ban= 0as place, un,e! !eceive!ship of the Philippine Deposit Insu!ance Co!po!ation 2PDIC38 five of its senio! officials$ inclu,in- ,efen,ants 2in the t!ial cou!t3 Bo!lon-an an, Be9asa$ 0e!e place, in the hol,*,epa!tu!e list of the Bu!eau of I..i-!ation an, Depo!tation pen,in- investi-ation fo! alle-e, ano.alous t!ansactions 2e'-' violation of the Sin-le Bo!!o0e!5s Fi.it p!ovision of Republic Act No' :C#"$ o! the Eene!al Ban=in- Fa0 of %&&&3 an, ban= f!au, 0hich le, to U!ban Ban=5s financial collapse' Ku!the!.o!e$ seve!al a,.inist!ative$ c!i.inal an, civil cases ha, been file, a-ainst U!ban Ban= officials$ 0ho a!e ,efen,ants in Civil Case No' C;7' Also$ in the Pe6a ,isba!.ent case$ the Cou!t foun, the e(istence of an a-enc/ !elation bet0een Pe6a an, U!ban Ban=$ the!eb/ entitlin- the fo!.e! to collection of fees fo! his se!vices' I.pen,in- insolvenc/ of the a,ve!se pa!t/ constitutes -oo, -!oun, fo! e(ecution pen,inappeal'M 2Fee v' +!ocino$ E'R' No' "D7D7:$ &D Au-ust %&&:$ ;D" SCRA "C:3

MNeve!theless$ in the inte!est of an o!,e!l/ an, 9u,icious a,.inist!ation of 9ustice$ 0e !esolve to a.en,

specific po!tions of ou! Decision 0hich ,o not affect in an/ si-nificant .anne! the inte-!it/ of ou! o!i-inal ,isposition of the case' +hus$ 0ith !e-a!, to 0hethe! o! not the!e e(ists an a-enc/ !elationship bet0een U!ban Ban= an, Pe6a$ the .atte! shoul, be left to the final ,ete!.ination of the Cou!t in E'R' No' "D%;D%' Anent the soun,ness of the lo0e! cou!t5s -!ant of e(ecution pen,in- appeal$ 0hich necessa!il/ settles the vali,it/ of the Special O!,e! an, @!it of E(ecution$ the ,ecision in E'R' No' "7;:%% .ust be a0aite,' Acco!,in-l/$ ou! o!i-inal ,ispositions !e-a!,in- U!ban Ban=5s liabilit/ to Pe6a an, fin,in- -oo, !easons fo! e(ecution pen,in- appeal a!e he!eb/ 0ith,!a0n in o!,e! to .a=e 0a/ fo! thei! !esolution in the othe! petitions pen,in- 0ith the Cou!t'M 2Fee v' +!ocino$ E'R' No' "D7D7:$ "# Hune %&&#$ ;#& SCRA <%3

E'R' No' "D7:;C$ "" Ap!il %&&;$ 7;; SCRA %C%'


M+he !eceive! shall i..e,iatel/ -athe! an, ta=e cha!-e of all the assets an, liabilities of the institution$

a,.iniste! the sa.e fo! the benefit of its c!e,ito!s$ an, e(e!cise the -ene!al po0e!s of a !eceive! un,e! the Revise, Rules of Cou!t but shall not$ 0ith the e(ception of a,.inist!ative e(pen,itu!es$ pa/ o! co..it an/ act that 0ill involve the t!ansfe! o! ,isposition of an/ asset of the institution1 P!ovi,e,$ +hat the !eceive! .a/ ,eposit o! place the fun,s of the institution in non*speculative invest.ents' +he !eceive! shall ,ete!.ine as soon as possible$ but not late! than ninet/ 2#&3 ,a/s f!o. ta=e ove!$ 0hethe! the institution .a/ be !ehabilitate, o! othe!0ise place, in such a con,ition so that it .a/ be pe!.itte, to !esu.e business 0ith safet/ to its ,eposito!s an, c!e,ito!s an, the -ene!al public1 P!ovi,e,$ +hat an/ ,ete!.ination fo! the !esu.ption of business of the institution shall be sub9ect to p!io! app!oval of the Moneta!/ Boa!,' QQQ 2%3 Q +he assets of an institution un,e! !eceive!ship o! li?ui,ation shall be ,ee.e, in custo,ia le-is in the han,s of the !eceive! an, shall$ f!o. the .o.ent the institution 0as place, un,e! such !eceive!ship o! li?ui,ation$ be e(e.pt f!o. an/ o!,e! of -a!nish.ent$ lev/$ attach.ent$ o! e(ecution' Q'M 2Republic Act No' CD;<$ Sec' <&3

M"' +o p!ohibit the ban= f!o. ,oin- business in the Philippines an, to place its assets an, affai!s un,e!

!eceive!ship in acco!,ance 0ith Section <& of R' A' No' CD;<8 QM 2Moneta!/ Boa!,5s Minute Resolution No' %% ,ate, %D Ap!il %&&&8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO $ ol' "$ at %<%3

MIn connection 0ith the above*!efe!ence, cases$ please be info!.e, that neithe! the un,e!si-ne,

NPe6aO no! the she!iff of R+C B!' D%$ Ba-o Cit/$ has initiate, e(ecution sale activities a-ainst the p!ope!ties an, assets of U!ban Ban= 2UB3 afte! the latte! 0as o!,e!e, close, b/ the Ban-=o Sent!al nPilipinas an, place, un,e! !eceive!ship of the PDIC' IAs the 9u,-.ent c!e,ito! in the afo!e.entione, cases$ I 0oul, li=e to assu!e /ou that no e(ecution sale of UB5s assets shall be sche,ule, o! un,e!ta=en fo! as lon- as the ban= !e.ains un,e! !eceive!ship'M 2Pe6a5s Fette! ,ate, "# Dece.be! %&&&8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at ;##3


ete!ans Ban= v' Inte!.e,iate Appellate Cou!t$ E' R' No' C<"D%$ %< Octobe! "#:#$ "C:


Petitione! U!ban Ban=$ th!ou-h EIB$ ha, p!eviousl/ e(p!esse, its intent to !e,ee. the "& con,o.iniu.

units sol, to inte!veno! Uni.e-a ,u!in- the public e(ecution sale'


+he R+C*Ba-o Cit/ in the Decision in the .ain case a0a!,e, Pe6a a total of PhP%:$;&&$&&& in

co.pensation an,Po! ,a.a-es8 EIB ten,e!e, th!ee .ana-e!5s chec=s totalin- PhP%%$"&:$:&& to !e,ee.

the "& con,o.iniu. units sol, to inte!veno! Uni.e-a$ an a.ount that is .o!e than th!ee*fou!ths of the a0a!, in the .ain case'

Klo!en,o v' Pa!a.ount Insu!ance Co!p'$ E' R' No' "DC#CD$ %& Hanua!/ %&"&$ D"& SCRA <CC$ citin-

Cit/ of Ili-an v' P!incipal Mana-e.ent E!oup$ Inc'$ 7;; Phil' <<;$ <77 2%&&<3'

St!on-hol, Insu!ance$ Co'$ Inc'$ v' Keli($ E' R' No' "7:&#&$ %: Nove.be! %&&D$ ;&: SCRA <;C$ citin-

>ei!s of Macaban-=it San-=a/ v' National Po0e! Co!po!ation$ 7:# SCRA 7&"$ 7"C 2%&&D3'

MUBI is e(pecte, to !eopen b/ en, of Au-ust %&""' Upon !eopenin- liabilities 2as p!ovi,e, in the

.e.o!an,u. of a-!ee.ent3 up to P;&&$&&& 2inclusive of the P"&&$&&& insu!e, ,eposit3 shall be pai, an, the balance pa/able in the ne(t th!ee 2<3 /ea!s 0ith the fi!st <&A se!vice, on the fi!st /ea!$ <&A on the secon, /ea! an, 7&A on the thi!, /ea!'M 2PDIC Fette! ,ate, "< Au-ust %&&" to Att/' Pe6a8 !ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at D;73

Rule <#$ Sec' # 2a3' Fette! ,ate, &# Nove.be! "###8 R+C !eco!,s$ ol' ;$ at "<&:*"<&#8 Petitione! U!ban Ban=5s ol' "$ at "%C&8 see also


Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %: Hanua!/ %&&7$ pa!' "%$ at 78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$

petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/ %&&7$ pa!' "'"%$ at D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' "$ at "%%D'

I,' +he follo0in- .ana-e!5s chec=s 0e!e attache, to the Manifestation1 2a3 Mana-e!5s Chec= No' :&;C"


2PhP%%7$&&&38 2b3 Mana-e! Chec= No' :&;C% 2PhP"<$77&$&&&38 an, 2c3 Mana-e!5s Chec= No' :&;C< 2PhP :$77&$:&&3' 2Rollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' %$ at "%:"3

R+C O!,e! ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&%8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at "&:D*"&:#' She!iff Silla,o!5s Affi,avits of Non*Re,e.ption both ,ate, &7 Nove.be! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' No'


"7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at "&C%*"&C7'


In that case$ She!iff Allan Silla,o! of R+C*Ba-o Cit/ levie, an, sol, on public auction suppose,l/

con9u-al p!ope!ties of +eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$ Co!a4on Be9asa an, A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ ,espite the thi!, pa!t/ clai.s asse!te, b/ thei! !espective spouse' +he Cou!t foun, She!iff Silla,o! a,.inist!ativel/ liable fo! his failu!e to co.pl/ 0ith the .an,ato!/ p!oce,u!es fo! the con,uct of the auction sale' 2A' M' No' P*&C* %<7%$ <" Au-ust %&&C$ ;<" SCRA D;C3

Afte! the R+C*Ba-o Cit/ -!ante, e(ecution pen,in- appeal in the .ain case$ 9u,-.ent obli-o!s

+eo,o!o Bo!lon-an$ Co!a4on Be9asa an, A!tu!o Manuel$ H!'$ !eceive, a notice of sale on e(ecution of !eal p!ope!ties involvin- thei! !espective lots' +hei! !espective spouses file, NoticesPAffi,avits of +hi!, Pa!t/ Clai. 0ith She!iff Allan Silla,o! an, clai.e, that the levie, p!ope!ties a!e inclu,e, in thei! con9u-al estates' +he sai, a,.inist!ative co.plaint 0as file, 0ith !espect to the i!!e-ula!ities atten,ant the auction

sale of these con9u-al p!ope!ties con,ucte, b/ She!iff Silla,o!' She!iff Silla,o! 0as foun, to foun, -uilt/ of si.ple ne-lect of ,ut/ an, suspen,e, fo! a pe!io, of " .onth 0ithout pa/ 0ith a ste!n 0a!nin- that a !epetition of the sa.e o! si.ila! acts 0ill be ,ealt 0ith .o!e seve!el/' 2Co' v' Silla,o!$ i,'3

Pe6a5s U!-ent O.nibus Motion ,ate, &# Dece.be! %&&% 2!ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$

ol' "$ at "&#&*

""&%38 see also Pe6a5s Supple.ent to the U!-ent O.nibus Motion ,ate, "# Dece.be! %&&% 2!ollo NE' R' No' "7;:"CO$ ol' "$ at ""&D*"""&3

Inte!veno! Uni.e-a5s Motion fo! Reconsi,e!ation 0ith Inte!vention ,ate, "& Dece.be! %&&%8 !ollo

2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at ##"*"&&7'


SC Resolution ,ate, "< Nove.be! %&&%8 !ollo 2E'R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at #::*##&' SC Resolution ,ate, "# Nove.be! %&&"8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at C#7*C#;' ME((ect o( reorg&ni8&tion o( 'i-isions on &ssigned c&ses. = In the !eo!-ani4ation of the .e.be!ship of



Divisions$ cases al!ea,/ assi-ne, to a Me.be!*in*Cha!-e shall be t!ansfe!!e, to the Division to 0hich the Me.be!*in*Cha!-e .oves$ sub9ect to the !ule on the !esolution of .otions fo! !econsi,e!ation un,e! Section C of this Rule' +he Me.be!*in*Cha!-e is the Me.be! -iven the !esponsibilit/ of ove!seein- the p!o-!ess an, ,isposition of a case assi-ne, b/ !affle'M 2Inte!nal Rules of the Sup!e.e Cou!t NA' M' No' "&*7*%&*SC$ as a.en,e,O$ Rule %$ Sec' #3

MP!ivate !espon,ent NPe6aO co.pose, hi.self an, t!ie, to !ecall if the!e 0as an/ pen,in- inci,ent 0ith

this >ono!able Cou!t !e-a!,in- the suspension of the !e,e.ption pe!io, but he coul, not !e.e.be! an/' In an effo!t to hi,e his ,isco.fo!t$ !espon,ent tease, Att/' Sin-son about b!ibin- the ponente to -et such an o!,e!' Much to his su!p!ise$ Att/' Sin-son ,i, not even bothe! to ,en/ an, in fact e(plaine, that the/ obviousl/ ha, to e(e!t e(t!a effo!t because the/ coul, not affo!, to lose the p!ope!ties involve, 2consistin.ainl/ of al.ost all the units in the U!ban Ban= Pla4a in Ma=ati Cit/3 as it .i-ht cause the ban= 2no0 E(po!t In,ust!/ Ban=3 to close ,o0n'M 2Pe6a5s U!-ent Motion to Inhibit an, to Resolve Respon,ent5s U!-ent O.nibus Motion ,ate, <& Hanua!/ %&&D$ at %*<8 see SC +SN ,ate, &< Ma!ch %&&%$ at ;;*;:3

Fette! Co.plaint ,ate, "D Septe.be! %&"" 2Re1 Hustices Ca!pio an, Se!eno3 file, 0ith the Cou!t5s e!/ U!-ent Motion fo! Re*Raffle

Co..ittee on Ethics an, Ethical Stan,a!,s8 see Supple.ent to the ,ate, %& Septe.be! %&""'

"' Pe6a5s Motion to Inhibit 2Re1 Hustice A!te.io

' Pan-aniban3 ,ate, "% Hanua!/ %&&"8 %' U!-ent

Motion to Inhibit 2Re1 Hustice A!tu!o Buena3 ,ate, %& Au-ust %&&"8 <' Fette! Co.plaint 2Re1 Hustice Buena3 ,ate, %: Octobe! %&&"8 7' Motion to Inhibit 2Re1 Hustice Pan-aniban3 ,ate, ": Keb!ua!/ %&&%8 ;' Repl/ 2Re1 Hustice Pan-aniban3 ,ate, "; Ma!ch %&&"8 D' U!-ent Motion to Inhibit 2!e1 ponente3 ,ate, <& Hanua!/ %&&<8 C' Motion to Inhibit 2Re1 Hustice Feona!,o A' Luisu.bin-3 ,ate, &: Hul/ %&&78 :' Motion to Inhibit 2Re1 Hustice Pan-aniban3 ,ate, %: Dece.be! %&&78 #' Motion to Inhibit 2Re1 Hustice E,ua!,o

Antonio B' Nachu!a3 ,ate, "C Dece.be! %&&C8 "&' Motion fo! Inhibition 2Re1 Hustice Pan-aniban3 ,ate, %: Dece.be! %&&78 ""' Reite!ato!/ Motion to Recuse ,ate, &< Ma!ch %&&D 2Re1 Hustice Pan-aniban38 "%' Motion to Inhibit 2Re1 Hustice Nachu!a3 ,ate, &C Hanua!/ %&&:8 "<' U!-ent Consoli,ate, Motion to Reite!ate Re?uest fo! Inhibition 2Re1 Hustice Antonio +' Ca!pio3 ,ate, &% Hune %&&:8 "7' U!-ent Motion fo! Re*Raffle 2Re1 Hustice P!esbite!o H' elasco3 ,ate, "& Hul/ %&&:8 ";' Supple.ent to the U!-ent Motion

fo! Re*Raffle 2Re1 Hustices Conchita Ca!pio Mo!ales an, Dante O' +in-a3 ,ate, &7 Au-ust %&&:8 "D' U!-ent Consoli,ate, Motion fo! Re*Raffle 2Re1 Hustices Ca!pio Mo!ales$ +in-a an, elasco3 ,ate, "7

Au-ust %&&:8 "C' U!-ent Consoli,ate, Motion fo! Re*Raffle 2Re1 Hustices A!tu!o D' B!ion$ Feona!,o A' Luisu.bin-$ Ca!pio Mo!ales$ +in-a$ elasco$ Luisu.bin-3 ,ate, %: Au-ust %&&:8 ":' Motion to Inhibit e!/ U!-ent Motion to Inhibit 2Re1 Hustices Ca!pio

2Re1 Hustice Ca!pio3 ,ate, %" Hanua!/ %&"&8 "#'

Mo!ales an, Ma' Fou!,es P' A' Se!eno3 ,ate, <& Ma!ch %&""8 %&' e!/ U!-ent Motion to Inhibit ,ate, %% Au-ust %&"" 2Re1 Hustice Se!eno38 an, %"' e!/ U!-ent Motion to Re*Raffle ,ate, &" Septe.be! %&""

2Re1 Hustices Ca!pio$ Hose Pe!e4 an, Se!eno3'


Pas!icha v' Don Fuis Dison Realt/$ Inc'$ E' R' No' "<D7&#$ "7 Ma!ch %&&:$ ;7: SCRA %C<' M@e a-!ee that 9u,-es have the ,ut/ of p!otectin- the inte-!it/ of the 9u,icia!/ as an institution 0o!th/ of


public t!ust an, confi,ence' But un,e! the ci!cu.stances he!e$ 0e also a-!ee that unnecessa!/ inhibition of 9u,-es in a case 0oul, open the floo,-ates to fo!u.*shoppin-' Mo!e so$ consi,e!in- that Hu,-e Ma-pale 0as not the fi!st 9u,-e that +AN ha, as=e, to be inhibite, on the sa.e alle-ation of p!e9u,-.ent' +o allo0 successive inhibitions 0oul, 9ustif/ petitione!s5 app!ehension about the p!actice of ce!tain liti-ants shoppin- fo! a 9u,-e .o!e f!ien,l/ an, s/.pathetic to thei! cause than p!evious ones' IAs hel, in Mateo$ H!' v' >on' illalu4$ the invitation fo! 9u,-es to ,is?ualif/ the.selves nee, not al0a/s

be hee,e,' It is not al0a/s ,esi!able that the/ shoul, ,o so' It .i-ht a.ount in ce!tain cases to thei! bein- !ec!eant about thei! ,uties' It coul, also be an inst!u.ent 0he!eb/ a pa!t/ coul, inhibit a 9u,-e in the hope of -ettin- anothe! .o!e a.enable to his pe!suasion'M 2Chin$ v' Cou!t of Appeals$ E' R' No' "77D":$ "; Au-ust %&&<$ 7&# SCRA %&D8 e.phasis supplie,3

Rules of Cou!t$ Rule <#$ Sec' ;' Fe-aspi v' On-$ E' R' No' "7"<""$ %D Ma/ %&&;$ 7;# SCRA "%%' Pilipinas Ban= v' Cou!t of Appeals$ E' R' No' #C:C<$ "% Au-ust "##<$ %%; SCRA %D:' Petitione! De Feon E!oup5s Me.o!an,u. ,ate, %& Hanua!/ %&&78 at ";*"D8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$




ol' "$ at "%<;*"%<D'


Rules of Cou!t$ Rule <#$ Sec' # 2a3' MFe-al solutions in pa!i .ate!ia a!e not 0antin-' Section % of Rule <# of the Rules of Cou!t autho!i4e fo!


-oo,s !easons$ the i..e,iate e(ecution of ,ecisions of the Cou!ts of Ki!st Instance ,u!in- the pen,enc/

of an appeal$ but then$ evi,entl/ to avoi, in9ustice$ Section ; of the sa.e Rule p!ovi,es1 \@hen the 9u,-.ent e(ecute, is !eve!se, totall/ o! pa!tiall/ on appeal$ the t!ial cou!t$ on .otion$ afte! the case is !e.an,e, to it$ .a/ issue such o!,e! of !estitution as e?uit/ an, 9ustice .a/ 0a!!ant un,e! the ci!cu.stances'5 I a. a0a!e of no bette! p!inciple than that un,e!l/in- this p!ovision that can be applie, to the case at ba!$ fo! he!e$ as in the case befo!e Us$ the o!,e! of i..e,iate e(ecution is conce,e,l/ autho!i4e, 0hen issue,$ but it is consi,e!e,$ in effect$ as losin- its le-al basis afte! the e(ecute, ,ecision is !eve!se, o! .o,ifie,$ hence the necessit/ of e?uitable !estitution to the pa!t/ p!e9u,ice, b/ the p!e.atu!e e(ecution'M 2Dissentin- Opinion of Hustice Antonio P' Ba!!e,o in Ja!cia v' Cit/ of Ba-uio$ E' R' No' F*%C;D%$ %# Ma/ "#C&$ << SCRA 7"#8 e.phasis supplie,3

M+he -ist of the appeal is that since the o!,e! fo! the ,is.issal of the case 0as issue, on Au-ust %&$

"#D&$ an, sai, ,is.issal ha, beco.e final$ the cou!t coul, no lon-e! issue its o!,e! of Dece.be! #$ "#D& ,i!ectin- the !etu!n of the p!ope!t/' +he a!-u.ent 0hile appa!entl/ co!!ect 0oul, be p!o,uctive of clea! in9ustice' As a .atte! of p!inciple cou!ts shoul, be autho!i4e,$ as in this case$ at an/ ti.e to o!,e! the !etu!n of p!ope!t/ e!!oneousl/ o!,e!e, to be ,elive!e, to one pa!t/$ if the o!,e! 0as foun, to have been issue, 0ithout 9u!is,iction' Autho!it/ fo! the !etu!n of the p!ope!t/ is e(p!esse, un,e! the p!ovision of Section ; of Rule <#$ Rules of Cou!t QM 2Esle! v' Ella.a$ E' R' No' F*":%<D$ <" Hanua!/ "#D7$ "& SCRA "<:3

MIt is no ,efense that$ p!io! to the finalit/ of the 9u,-.ent of the appellate cou!t$ the lan, an, its p!o,ucts

ha, been al!ea,/ ,ist!ibute, a.on- the hei!s of the late Cefe!ino Datoon' >is a,.inist!at!i($ appellant he!ein$ pe!sonall/ =ne0 of the clai. of appellee Salas8 she also =ne0$ an, 0as boun, to =no0$ that the 9u,-.ent of the Cou!t of Ki!st Instance ,is.issin- the co.plaint ha, been appeale,$ an, coul, be !eve!se,' It 0as$ the!efo!e$ incu.bent upon he! to !ese!ve the lan, an, its p!o,ucts f!o. ,ist!ibution a.on- the hei!s of Datoon until final 9u,-.ent 0as !en,e!e,$ an, she is pe!sonall/ ans0e!able fo! he! failu!e to ,o so$ apa!t f!o. the obli-ation of the hei!s the.selves not to p!ofit f!o. 0hat is not thei!s'M 2Salas v' Luin-a$ E' R' No' F*%&%#7$ <& Hanua!/ "#D;$ "< SCRA "7<3

A!an,a v' Cou!t of Appeals$ E' R' No' D<"::$ "< Hune "##&$ ":D SCRA 7;D$ citin- Po Pauco v' +an

Hunco$ 7# Phil' <7# 2"#%D3 an, >ila!io v' >ic=s$ 7& Phil' ;CD 2"#"#3'

MIt is sub.itte, that un,e! the p!e.ises .ovant*inte!veno! acte, in -oo, faith 0hen it p!ocee,e, to

pa!ticipate in the e(ecution sale ,espite the pen,enc/ of the appeal of the petitione! to this >ono!able Cou!t consi,e!in- that at the ti.e of the sale this >ono!able Cou!t have not /et acte, on the sai, appeal inspite of the fact that the sa.e 0as file, befo!e the sche,ule, e(ecution sale' In such case$ the .ovant* inte!veno! can assu.e in -oo, faith that the inaction on the appeal ta=in- into account the u!-enc/ of the

situation$ 0oul, .ean that the appeal 0as onl/ ,ilato!/ in cha!acte!'M 2Inte!veno! Uni.e-a5s Repl/ ,ate, %% Ma/ %&&<$ at %8 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:%%3$ ol' <$ at <;%73

MReco-er, o( price i( s&.e not e((ecti-e8 re-i-&. o( >udgment' T If the pu!chase! of !eal p!ope!t/ sol, on

e(ecution$ o! his successo! in inte!est$ fails to !ecove! the possession the!eof$ o! is evicte, the!ef!o.$ in conse?uence of i!!e-ula!ities in the p!ocee,in-s conce!nin- the sale$ o! because the 9u,-.ent has been !eve!se, o! set asi,e$ o! because the p!ope!t/ sol, 0as e(e.pt f!o. e(ecution$ o! because a thi!, pe!son has vin,icate, his clai. to the p!ope!t/$ he .a/ on .otion in the sa.e action o! in a sepa!ate action !ecove! f!o. the 9u,-.ent obli-ee the p!ice pai,$ 0ith inte!est$ o! so .uch the!eof as has not been ,elive!e, to the 9u,-.ent obli-o!$ o! he .a/$ on .otion$ have the o!i-inal 9u,-.ent !evive, in his na.e fo! the 0hole p!ice 0ith inte!est$ o! so .uch the!eof as has been ,elive!e, to the 9u,-.ent obli-o!' +he 9u,-.ent so !evive, shall have the sa.e fo!ce an, effect as an o!i-inal 9u,-.ent 0oul, have as of the ,ate of the !evival an, no .o!e'M 2Rules of Cou!t$ Rule <#$ Sec' <78 e.phasis supplie,3

Inte!veno! Uni.e-a5s E( Pa!te Petition fo! the Issuance of a @!it of Possession ,ate, %: Hune %&&D8

!ollo 2E' R' No' "D%;D%3$ ol' %$ at "";D*""D#'


Klo!en4 D' Re-ala,o$ Re.e,ial Fa0 Co.pen,iu. II :th e,' 2%&&%3$ at 7%7' Re-ala,o$ i,' at 7%7$ citin- Po Pauco v' +an Huco$ 7# Phil' <7# 2"#%D3' CA Resolution ,ate, "# Octobe! %&&&$ at <*78 !ollo 2E' R' No' "7;:"C3$ ol' "$ at %;*%D'



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