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Directions: Identify the underlined part of speech as a noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, article, adverb, conjunction, preposition, or interjection.

1. English is my second language. 2. My father lives in Scarborough, Ontario. 3. After I got home yesterday, I took my dog for a walk. 4. The other day I saw a bear. 5. Although I am quite brave, that movie scared me. 6. I like hockey, but my brother likes basketball. 7. Toronto is the largest city in Ontario. 8. This is the ugliest fish in the lake! 9. My sister is a silly yet beautiful woman. 10. I love my pet lizard. 11. The stream bubbles merrily over tiny pebbles. 12. I work in Waterloo, yet live in Kitchener. 13. Driving in heavy traffic on King Street, I was horrified when my car stalled suddenly. 14. I laughed as I put the apples into a box. 15. "Oh! I didn't see you there!" 16. My brother owns two big turtles, and he keeps them in a glass aquarium. 17. My boyfriend has a tattoo; it is a red maple leaf. 18. I will be going to the Film Festival this weekend. 19. I wish I could be sitting on a beach right now! 20. The dictionary and the thesaurus are both valuable resources when writing an essay.

For each underlined word in the following sentences, identify and then write the part of speech on the line next to the number. Each part of speech is used at least once. Each correct answer earns 5 points. Use the following abbreviations:

nounN adverbADV pronounPRO prepositionPREP verbV conjunctionCONJ adjectiveADJ interjectionINT

1. They attended the concert last weekend. 2. Several cats ran into Robs garage. 3. The truck driver delivered the packages quickly. 4. Fast runners won all the awards at the track meet. 5. My friends and I walked home after school. 6. I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch yesterday. 7. She was counting the ballots during social studies class. 8. Hey ! That is my seat. 9. Will they fi nish the test on time? 10. The diagram was pretty complicated for us. 11. He will practice his musical piece soon. 12. Reggie saw the awesome sight from the air. 13. Her sister is the oldest member of the group. 14. Check the score, Tom. 15. Will the students be able to fi nd the answer by themselves ? 16. Are you sure of yourself ? 17. They slowly carried the couch down the stairs. 18. Can you see beyond the hills from the top of the tower? 19. Hurray ! Our team has fi nally scored a touchdown.

20. The troop had been scattered throughout the woods.

On the line next to the number, write the fi rst letter of the word indicated by the part of speech in the parentheses. Underline the indicated word within the sentence. If your consecutive letters are correct, you will spell out the names of four trees in items 1 through 12 and four fi rst names in items 13 to 25. Write these six names on the lines below the last numbered item. Each correct answer is worth 4 points. 1. ________ (preposition) He walked around the corner. 2. ________ (pronoun) Paul hopes that she will sing with the choir. 3. ________ (pronoun) Can Jerry help him with the science project? 4. ________ (noun) Have you seen the eraser? 5. ________ (noun) The lock was stuck. 6. ________ (noun) She purchased the margarine with him. 7. ________ (adjective) Older people tire more easily. 8. ________ (adjective) He is agile. 9. ________ (adjective) Kind people are often rewarded. 10. ________ (adverb) The police offi cer ran fast. 11. ________ (adverb) My sister answered the question intelligently. 12. ________ (adverb) You really should see this art exhibit, Kenny. 13. ________ (preposition) Reggie fell by the stairs. 14. ________ (preposition) Can you jump over the hurdle? 15. ________ (preposition) May I sit between you two? 16________(verb) Joke about it now. 17. ________ (verb) They overcharged me. 18. ________ (verb) Ozzie, eat up. 19. ________ (conjunction) I cannot go, for I have much to do. 20. ________ (conjunction) I like peanuts and potato chips. 21. ________ (conjunction) He wants to buy the house, yet he knows it is too expensive. 22. ________ (interjection) Jeepers! This is a great deal. 23. ________ (interjection) Ah! The sun is so warm.

24. ________ (interjection) No! I will never try that. 25. ________ (adverb) Georgette eventually walked her brother to the station. The four trees are , , ________________,________________,________________, , and . ________________. The four fi rst names are ________________, , ________________.________________ , and . ________________

Underline each noun in the following sentences. Then write the fi rst letter of each noun on the line next to the sentence. If your answers are correct, you will spell out the words of a quotationand the name of the famous American who said the quotation. Write the quotation and its authors name on the lines below sentence 15. 1. ________ Wendy located her housekeeper. 2. ________ Some answers on this test are about electricity. 3. ________ Her violin and easel were missing. 4. ________ Their rabbit that left the yard was returned by the offi cer. 5. ________ He used this umbrella in Alabama. 6. ________ After the rain, the electrician checked the box. 7. ________ The end of the afternoon arrived quickly. 8. ________ This group is funny. 9. ________ The ostrich and the orangutan are interesting. 10. ________ My doctor and my orthodontist are neighbors. 11. ________ In the evening, Archie likes to go boating. 12. ________ Unfortunately, he had a rash and an allergy. 13. ________ Her height and agility helped her win the match. 14. ________ Linda cared for the infant throughout the night. 15. ________ The garbage carton near the oven had licorice and noodles in it.

Twenty common nouns of people and things found in a classroom are hidden in this puzzle. Words are placed backward, forward, diagonally, up, and down. Circle the hidden nouns, and write those nouns on the lines below.

The nouns: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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