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Town of akovo Grad akovo

Center of city

akovo Location of akovo in Croatia

akovo Location of akovo in Osijek-Baranja County


4 !"#$% #&!4#$'

Country County

Croatia Osijek-Baranja County

Government Mayor (oran )inkovi* +,D--B.

Area Town #/0 km1 +/0 s2 mi.


### m +"34 ft.

Population +10##.4#5 Town Density Urban 1/6/7& #308km1 +4108s2 mi. #76 0&

Time zone ummer !D T"

C'9 +:9C;#. C'-9 +:9C;1.

Postal #o$e Area #o$e %e&i#le re'istration

"#400 ;"& "# D<

Arable lan$ area (oreste$ lan$ area

#"6 0 =a 16044 =a



akovo (pronounced [d k v ]) is a town in the region of lavonia, !roatia" akovo is the centre of the fertile and rich akovo region (!roatian# akovtina)"

$ %eography & 'emographics

( )conomy * !ulture + ,nternational relations

o o o

+"$ -win towns . ister cities

/ 0eferences /"$ 1i2liography /"& 3otes

4 )5ternal links

akovo is located (4 km (&( mi) to the southwest of 6si7ek and (* km (&$ mi) southeast of 3a8ice9 elevation $$$ m" ,t is located near the motorway :+;)4(, at the intersection of the state road '4 to 6si7ek, the arterial roads '(< to =o>ega, '*/ to ?inkovci and the connecting road'+$+ to 3a8ice"

-here is a total of &4,4@< residents in the municipality (census &A$$), in the following individual settlements#[$]

1udrovci, population $,&/< akovo, population $@,+A< urBanci, population *&< ,vanovci %or7anski, population +4* Cu8evac, population $,A*$ 3ovi =erkovci, population &*( =i8korevci, population $,<<< elci akovaDki, population $,4@@ Eiroko =ol7e, population $,A$$

!hief occupations include farming, livestock 2reeding, leather and wool processing9 horse selection centre9 ma7or industries are wood processing (furniture), te5tiles, chemicals and food processing, 2uilding material, printing and tourism"


t" =eterFs !athedral, akovo

-he !athedral of t" =eter and t" =aul in akovo is the townFs most famous landmark and the most important sacral o27ect, not only in akovo 2ut also throughout the whole region of lavonia" -he !athedral was 2uilt $<//G$<<& under Hosip Hura7 trossmayer, then the !atholic 2ishop of akovo and ri7em" -he landscaped park from the $@th century near the 2ishopFs palace is a horticultural monument under special protection as well as the near2y mall =ark (Iali =ark) dating from the turn of the $@th;&Ath century" -he central traditional event is calledakovaki vezovi (akovo )m2roidery)" ,t is a folklore show of the regions lavonia and 1aran7a that is organiJed yearly in the 2eginning of Huly, and it presents traditional folk costumes, folklore dancing and singing groups, customs" -he !athedral hosts choirs, opera artists, and art e5hi2itions are organiJed in the e5hi2ition salon" -he horse and wedding wagon show is a special part of the program" 'uring the sports program, pureG2red white KipiJJaner horses can 2e seen on the racecourse" -hey come from the horseG2reeding centre in ,vandvor, which has 2een 2reeding horses ever since $+A/"


-he town and the surroundings offer many sports and recreation facilities, such as tennis courts, racecourse, gym, swimming pool, etc" -he lakes Ho8ava, Ilinac, 1orovik as well as fishponds, 2ackwaters and canals offer fine angling opportunities" Ligh and low game hunting is possi2le in the immediate surroundings or farther on the 'il7 and mountain to the southwest" -he traditional lavonian cuisine, famous for its meat specialities (kulin smoked sausage, kobasica sausages, smoked ham), venison and freshwater fish dishes are offered 2oth in akovo and its surroundings" 6f particular interest are the e5Muisite wines of the akovo region# Weiss2urgunder, -raminer and 0iesling"

,nternational relations[edit]
See also: List of twin towns and sister cities in Croatia

Twin towns Sister cities[edit]

akovo is twinned with#

Iakarska, !roatia in7, !roatia Ialgersdorf, %ermany Circhenthum2ach, %ermany

9=is artic@e nee$s a$$itional #itations for verifi#ation! A@ease =e@> im>rove t=is artic@e byadding citations to re@iab@e sources! :nsourced materia@ may be c=a@@enged and removed!(October 2012)


!resswell, =eter7on9 :tkins, ,smay9 'unn, Kily ($A Huly &AA/)" Time Out Croatia (First ed")" Kondon, 1erkeley N -oronto# -ime 6ut %roup Ktd N )2ury =u2lishing, 0andom Louse Ktd" &A ?au5hall 1ridge 0oad, Kondon ?$? & :" , 13 @4<G$G@A*@4<G4AG$" 0etrieved $A Iarch &A$A"



O Hump up to#a b P!ensus of =opulation, Louseholds and 'wellings &A$$, First 0esults 2y ettlementsP (L-IK)" Statistical Reports (in !roatian and )nglish) (Qagre2# !roatian 1ureau of tatistics) ($**$)" Hune &A$$" , A<G&/" 3 $((&GA&@4" 0etrieved &A$$G

)5ternal links[edit]
Bikimedia Commons =as media re@ated to akovo!

!ity of akovo (Croatian) akovo =rofile =age from the 6si7ekG1aran7a !ounty We2site ,nterestingGtouristicGamusing city we2 site )1 W G WiGFi 3etwork 'HWireless G '7akovo WiGFi !ity 3etwork '7acovoFs !athedral photos


) 9 '

ub$ivisions of *si+ek,-aran+a County

Be@i Canastir Be@iD*e akovo Cities an$ towns Donji Ci=o@jac %aDice Osijek +seat. )a@>ovo Entunovac Bi@je Muni#ipalities Bizovac Feminac

Fe>in Darda Donja CotiGina DraH Drenje urIenovac 'rdut 'rnestinovo JeriGanci Korjani <agodnjak KneHevi )inogradi KoDka Levanjska )aroD Cagadenovac Carijanci Aet@ovac Aetrijevci AodgoraG Aodravska Cos@avina Ao>ovac Aunitovci -atnica akovaGka -eme@jci -trizivojna Lodo@ovci 9rnava )i@jevo )iDkovci )@adis@avci )uka


=opulated places in 6si7ekG1aran7a !ounty akovo !ities and towns in !roatia


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