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YMPN Statement for the signing of Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB)

We, the Young Moro Professionals Network (YMPN), express our support for the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) on March 27 and its implementation towards the creation of the Bangsamoro region by 2016. On 2012, we expressed our warm support to the signing of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB) through the "Hijab Run for Peace" event on the eve of the signing; now we wish to express the same welcome for the CAB. Why do we support it? Because as youth who value our Bangsamoro socio-political identity, the CAB serves as the political settlement to address the Bangsamoro aspiration for right to self-determination in the Philippines. It is a milestone for people who value and ascribe to the Bangsamoro identity and historical heritage, that this peace deal is finally achieved after 17 years of peace negotiations between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and a century of historical background of the struggle. The CAB is a peace deal that aims to achieve just and lasting that gives cognizance to the legitimacy and legacy of our ancestors who struggled for our right to self-determination. While the Bangsamoro people regain our right to self-governance within the framework of autonomy in the Philippines, the signing and successful implementation of the agreement is largely a collective gain for all of us Filipino people. The CAB ushers the achievement of shared peace and progress -- never again to war that mire vulnerable communities to poverty. We now look forward to the benefits of peace that transcends our differences and diversity. It goes beyond our generation. What do we expect from it? We hope that through CAB, we can see the transformation of conflict-affected areas in Mindanao towards brighter future. The agreement is not the over-all solution to all socio-political and economic problems in the south, but it is crucial for ending the decades-old internal conflict and realizing genuine autonomy in the south. Given the religious and ethnic diversity of people in the south, among the shared expectation is that the future Bangsamoro region will build on the gains and lessons from the current ARMM; that the new Bangsamoro government will live up to the expectation of people for participatory governance, better access to social services, increased economic activities and livelihood, responsive and transparent institutions toward improved quality of life of the people. What needs to be done to help make it succeed? Despite that there are naysayers, we are confident that majority of Filipinos support the achievement of peace and progress in the south. Political will should be reflected and sustained by the national leaders, our President and the Congress composed of representatives of the Filipino people across the country. But the will and unity of the Bangsamoro people is the determining factor in the realization of the Bangsamoro region. Lets help with the simple act of raising awareness on the letter and spirit of the Bangsamoro agreement for the people to have a better understanding and appreciation of the Bangsamoro roadmap. This will enable them to truly participate and share in the aspiration for peace and prosperity. It is time to unite for peace and give people a chance for peace. The roadmap still has a long way to go with the legislation and ratification of the Bangsamoro Basic Law. Amid the challenges ahead, we, as a youth organization, express our commitment to contribute to its success and sustainability, ultimately for Gods glory and for the people. In Shaa Allah #

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