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Investigation 2

Title Notes Date : : : Eect of Noise on Transmission of waveforms over AWGN Channel This is an individual assignment to be done in either Matlab or Octave October 17, 2008

1. INVESTIGATION OBJECTIVE AND PROCEDURES In this series of experiments we will use Matlab/Octave as a simulation tool to recognize and appreciate how dierent line codes will perform in the presence of noise. We will vary dierent channel parameters and try to understand the inuence of these on dierent line codes. We will especially look at parameters such as the inuence of channel bandwidth on the transmitted waveform. We will use simple techniques such as eye diagrams to estimate the quantum of distortion in the waveform as it travels through the channel. Later we will use these waveforms with dierent modulation schemes to explorer the manner in which the impairments and their inuence on the transmitted information can be minimized. We can use either Matlab or Octave for this purpose. Below we provide you with some information related to the two programs. 2. PRELIMINARIES You will use some of the signals generated by you in the rst investigation to carry out the investigation 2. You can use the commtbx Matlab toolbox given to you with the last investigation. Use it with the parameter Experiment 2. 3. INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE Implement the following steps using the programming tool of your choice 1. Investigate and describe the manner in which the channel properties are characterized in tt channel.m le. 2. Generate a 10 bit random binary sequence and represent this waveform in polar NRZ signaling format. Use a 1 kbps data rate. 3. Determine the transmission bandwidth of this waveform. Use the values obtained from the last investigation if necessary) 4. Consider a base band data transmission channel with unity gain and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) where the noise power is 10 dBm (10 mW). Let us investigate what happens when the waveform is transmitted over this channel by displaying the channel input and output waveforms. We will do this exercise for several channel bandwidths. Channel BW is more than the signal BW by 10%, 25% and 50% Channel BW is less than the signal BW by 10%, 25% and 50% 5. Do the above for 0dBm power level. 6. Discuss and explain what you observe about the output waveform. 7. Would there be any dierence in your conclusion above if the channel gain could be adjusted? 8. For all the cases above, would you be able to detect the binary sequence without errors at the output of the channel? If not, explain the signicant factors which contributed to these errors. 9. Plot the PSD for all the cases above and comment. 10. We will quickly study the inuence of channel bandwidth on the transmission of the waveform by setting the noise power to zero. Then the inuence you see will only be due to the bandwidth availability of the channel. Carryout the investigation in item 4. under these circumstances and explain your observations. 11. Discuss item 8. under these circumstances and write your conclusions. 12. Carry out the same investigation for the following line code mechanisms too Unipolar NRZ Unipolar RZ Bipolar RZ Manchester 13. Plot the eye diagrams for all the cases above. Use the diagrams to support your conclusions made thus far.

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