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Report: Obama administration released 68,000 convicted criminal aliens last year

12:00 AM 03/31/2014

Caroline May Political Reporter See All Articles Email Caroline May

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!#e $bama a%ministration is t#reatenin& public sa'ety by %eliberately #amperin& immi&ration la an% releasin& aliens it# criminal recor%s( accor%in& to a ne re)ie o' internal *mmi&ration an% Customs En'orcement %ata+ A Center 'or *mmi&ration Stu%ies report to be release% Mon%ay an% obtaine% in a%)ance by !#e ,aily Caller( 'oun% t#at last year *CE reporte% nearly -22(000 encounters it# ille&al or criminal immi&rants+ "ut *CE o''icers 'ile% immi&ration c#ar&es a&ainst less t#an 1./(000 aliens+ 0Accor%in& to *CE personnel( t#e )ast &ap bet een t#e number o' encounters reporte% an% t#e number o' aliens put on t#e pat# to remo)al e1ists because o''icers are not permitte% to 'ile c#ar&es a&ainst aliens #o %o not 'all into t#e a%ministration2s narro ly %e'ine% criteria 'or en'orcement( re&ar%less o' t#e criminal c#ar&es or t#e circumstances in #ic# t#e alien as i%enti'ie%(3 t#e report( aut#ore% by C*S %irector o' policy stu%ies 4essica 5au&#an( rea%s+ Since 4une 2011( #en t#e 'irst o' t#e $bama a%ministration2s 0prosecutorial %iscretion3 policies ere put in place( t#e report a%%s( interior *CE arrests #a)e %ecline% by 40 percent+ 0!#e $bama a%ministration an% anti6en'orcement acti)ist &roups #a)e trie% to portray t#e number o' %epartures as 7recor%6brea8in&2 an% in%icati)e o' robust immi&ration en'orcement+ !#ey #a)e trie% to support t#is claim by s#o in& t#at t#e number o' %epartures cre%ite% to *CE is #i&#er t#an e)er be'ore(3 t#e report rea%s+ 09o e)er( an in%epen%ent analysis o' *CE recor%s obtaine% in a la suit s#o e% t#at *CE as able to ac#ie)e t#ese 7recor%2 %epartures only because t#e a&ency as ta8in& cre%it 'or remo)in& a lar&e number o' in%i)i%uals #o ere appre#en%e%

by t#e "or%er Patrol+ Suc# cases ma%e up t#e ma:ority o' *CE2s reporte% %eportations in 2013( but t#ey #a% ne)er been counte% t#at ay in pre)ious a%ministrations+3 *n%ee%( as t#e re)ie #i&#li&#ts( many aliens it# criminal con)ictions #a)e simply been release%+ *n 2013 some ;<(000 criminal aliens ere release% = or 3/ percent o' all criminal aliens *CE reporte% encounterin&( accor%in& to t#e report+ *CE 'iel% o''ices it# t#e #i&#est rates o' criminal releases ere San Antonio >-. percent?( @e Aor8 City >-1 percent?( Bas#in&ton( ,+C+ area >;4 percent?( an% @e ar8( @+4+ >;0 percent?+ 0!#ese 'i&ures su&&est t#at %espite claims o' a 'ocus on public sa'ety( t#e a%ministration2s prosecutorial %iscretion criteria are allo in& 'actors suc# as 'amily relations#ips( political consi%erations( or attention 'rom a%)ocacy &roups to trump criminal con)ictions as a 'actor lea%in& to %eportation(3 t#e report rea%s+ !#e %ata is sure to 'urt#er 'rustrate critics o' t#e $bama a%ministration2s immi&ration policies t#at muc# more( inclu%in& Alabama Republican Sen+ 4e'' Sessions #o says t#e 0C,epartment o' 9omelan% SecurityD is a %epartment in crisis3 an% is callin& on ,9S Sec+ 4e# 4o#nson to 0re:ect t#e Presi%ent2s %eman%s to ea8en en'orcement 'urt#er an% tell #im t#at #is %uty( an% #is o''icers2 %uty( is to en'orce t#e la E not brea8 it+3 0As 9omelan% Secretary( Mr+ 4o#nson is tas8e% it# ensurin& t#e public sa'ety an% t#e rule o' la + "ut Secretary 4o#nson is not meetin& t#ese %uties(3 Sessions sai% in a statement to !#e,C+ 0American citiFens #a)e a le&al an% moral ri&#t to t#e protections our immi&ration la s a''or% = at t#e bor%er( t#e interior an% t#e or8place+ !#e a%ministration #as strippe% t#ese protections an% a%opte% a &o)ernment policy t#at encoura&es ne arri)als to enter ille&ally or o)erstay )isas by a%)ertisin& immunity 'rom 'uture en'orcement+3 0Comments 'rom top A%ministration o''icials( suc# as Attorney General 9ol%er2s claim t#at amnesty is a ci)il ri&#t( or 5ice Presi%ent "i%en2s claim t#at t#ose #ere ille&ally are all H+S+ citiFens >apparently inclu%in& someone #ose )isa e1pire% yester%ay?( %emonstrate t#e a%ministration2s increasin& belie' in an open bor%ers policy t#e American public #as al ays re:ecte%(3 #e a%%e%+ Accor%in& to 5au&#an( Con&ress s#oul% initiate an o''icial loo8 into t#e impact o' t#e a%ministration2s prosecutorial %iscretion policies+ 0!#e $bama a%ministration2s %eliberate obstruction o' immi&ration en'orcement( in #ic# tens o' t#ousan%s o' criminal aliens are release% instea% o' remo)e%( is t#reatenin& t#e ell6bein& o' American communities(3 s#e sai%+ !o Sessions( #o e)er( it is Republicans #o must or8 to #ol% t#e a%ministration accountable 'or its re:ection o' t#e la +

0!#e A%ministration2s la less policies #a)e not only impaire% public sa'ety but increase% economic su''erin& 'or millions o' )ulnerable Americans by %epri)in& t#em o' t#eir :obs an% a&es(3 #e sai%+ 0Hn'ortunately( Con&ressional ,emocrats continue to empo er t#is la lessness+ Republicans must or8 to en% it+3 $t#er 8ey 'in%in&s in t#e re)ie inclu%e:
In 2013, ICE charged only 195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000 potentially deportable aliens they encountered. ost of these aliens ca!e to ICE"s attention after incarceration for a local arrest. ICE released #$,000 cri!inal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the cri!inal aliens encountered by officers. %he &ast !a'ority of these releases occurred because of the (ba!a ad!inistration"s prosecutorial discretion policies, not because the aliens )ere not deportable. ICE targeted 2$ percent fe)er aliens for deportation fro! the interior in 2013 than in 2012, despite sustained high nu!bers of encounters in the Cri!inal *lien and +ecure Co!!unities progra!s. E&ery ICE field office but one reported a decline in interior enforce!ent acti&ity. ICE reports that there are !ore than $70,000 aliens on its doc,et )ho ha&e been ordered re!o&ed, but )ho re!ain in defiance of the la). -nder current policies, an alien"s fa!ily relationships, political considerations, attention fro! ad&ocacy groups, and other factors not related to public safety can tru!p e&en serious cri!inal con&ictions and result in the ter!ination of a deportation case. .ess than 2 percent of ICE"s caseload )as in detention at the end of fiscal year 2013. *bout three/ fourths of the aliens ICE detained in 2013 had cri!inal and0or i!!igration con&ictions so serious that the detention )as re1uired by statute.

Rea% more: #ttp://%ailycaller+com/2014/03/31/report6obama6a%ministration6release%6;<0006 con)icte%6criminal6aliens6last6year/Ii1FF21ABt1FHt

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