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through Bertha Dudde 7470

Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual real ....

!ou should "uite often a#andon $oursel%es to thoughts of eternit$& $ou should lea%e the earth and e%er$thing relating to it #ehind $ou at ti es and entall$ occup$ $oursel%es with the fact that e%er$thing is transient after all and "uestion what $ou should do in order to gain e%erlasting possessions which will last for eternit$. Further ore& $ou should consider $our relationship with God& whether it is the relationship of a child with the Father or whether God is still far awa$ and out of reach for $ou& to Who $ou onl$ rarel$ turn to with the right kind of pra$er. !ou should take a seriousl$ critical look at $oursel%es as to how $ou conduct $our life .... whether it co plies with God's will which is& after all& known to $ou( whether $ou li%e a life of lo%e& true to )is co and ents .... *n introspection like that will alwa$s #e a #lessing& e%en if $ou can onl$ spend a short ti e on it #ut e%er$ spirituall$ directed thought will #e taken hold of #$ the #eings of light and answered accordingl$ and $ou will alwa$s deri%e spiritual #enefit fro it. But $ou should not onl$ consider the world and its de ands. For its co odities are transient and will onl$ ser%e $our sense of well+#eing for a short ti e #ut the$ will not #ring $ou spiritual achie%e ent. )owe%er& the ti e is approaching its end and $ou all still ha%e to

do uch work to i pro%e $our souls& that is& $ou ha%e to discard $our own faults and weaknesses& for which a continuous #attle needs to #e waged and the strength it re"uires should constantl$ #e re"uested fro God. Therefore& $ou should pra$ ceaselessl$& i.e.& alwa$s direct $our thoughts hea%enwards and present all $our worries and concerns to the Father and appeal for )is #lessing. Whate%er $ou do& #e the$ spiritual or earthl$ tasks& shall #e done with God's #lessing& and the$ will alwa$s #enefit $our soul& for God onl$ re"uests $our #ond with )i in order to con%e$ )is strength to $ou which $ou re"uire for the work of i pro%ing $oursel%es. *nd a constant #ond with )i re"uires $ou to fre"uentl$ dwell with $our thoughts in the spiritual kingdo and a conscious turning awa$ fro the world. ,%er$ inute $ou withdraw into silence& e%er$ thought $ou send upwards& is one step higher to the goal& which $ou will then also surel$ reach. !ou should not -ust li%e an entirel$ unspiritual life& for then $our earthl$ life will #e a waste of ti e and will not result in spiritual achie%e ents .... )owe%er& $our #ond with )i will detach $ou e%er ore fro the world and tie $ou to the spiritual kingdo & into which $ou will withdraw e%en ore fre"uentl$ the ore insistentl$ the world approaches $ou& which soon will no longer attract $ou& #ecause once a soul has entrusted and -oined God )e will hold on to it. But it alwa$s in%ol%es an inner #attle& for the world keeps the person capti%e with its entice ents and attractions and it re"uires a serious will to resist these te ptations and to #e content with spiritual possessions& the true %alue of which cannot #e -udged #$ a person for as long as he li%es on earth. But one da$ he will #e happ$ a#out the treasures he ac"uired on earth& one da$ he will know that the$ alone are of %alue and that onl$ the soul with spiritual treasures at its disposal can consider itself happ$& for it will #e a#le to work with the in the spiritual real after e%er$thing of an earthl$ nature has fallen awa$ fro it and it has to relin"uish all transient possessions of the world.

Then it will #e wealth$ and #lissfull$ happ$& a worldl$ person& in contrast& will stand depri%ed and lonel$ at the gate to eternit$& for the possessions he ac"uired on earth do not follow hi into eternit$ and he will ha%e no spiritual possessions to show .... For this reason $ou should think often of death and $our spiritual state& and tr$ to gain spiritual possessions on earth& which one da$ will constitute the degree of light and #liss when $our soul lea%es the #od$ and enters the kingdo of the #e$ond ....

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.u#lished #$ friends of new re%elations of God / 0nfor ation& download of all translated re%elations& the e+#ooklets at( http( l 3 http(11en.#ertha+dudde.org1

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