Yes, Now You Can Correct Your Presbyopia ("Chaalees") With Custom Lasik

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Yes, now you can correct your Presbyopia (Chaalees) with custom Lasik.

Conventional LASIK procedure is extremely popular, and is here to stay. Its newer advancements, custom Lasik is ein! talked a out more and more in todays challen!in! scenario. "ere the treatment is desi!ned speci#ically to suit individual eye types and the persons visual demands. It is like wearin! a readymade suit, which #its very well #or a out $% to &% ' o# people vs specially desi!ned custom stitched suit, which is needed #or a out (% to )% ' o# people due to one or other reason. *here are many tupes o# custom Lasik, and one o# the latest is +res yLASIK. *his advanced Laser vision correction modi#ies the shape o# the cornea so as to create di##erent power ,ones #or di##erent distances. +res yopia is the naturally occurrin! a!e related chan!e that a##ects readin! capa ility. It a##ects those a ove the a!e o# )- yrs. and millions o# people are waitin! to !et rid o# this. +res yopia is classically treated with readin! !lassees, pro!ressive multi#ocal spectacles . contact lenses, multi#ocal I/Ls and now with +res yLASIK. *here are several approaches #or +res yLASIK. 0istance1center multi#ocal LASIK pro#ile can e est considered #or myopics and near1center approach #or hyperopes. +res yLASIK can also e used with modi#ied monovision, where it is per#ormed on one eye, . the other eye is corrected #or only distance. *he distance vision will certainly e sharper in the eye corrected #or distance, and one should not compare this with the distance vision component o# +res yLASIK eye.

0epth perception is not a##ected in modi#ied monovision pres yLasik. *olerance #or modi#ied monovision is tested e#ore a procedure is done. 2hereas strai!ht monovision typically provides only two #ocal points 3near and #ar4, one #or each eye, the modi#ied monovision with multi#ocal LASIK adds a third, intermediate #ocal point. +res yLASIK eye in modi#ied monovision can also e 5tuned5 to emphasi,e distance vision and leave intermediate vision unchan!ed. *his means near vision is sli!htly reduced, ut #ar vision is corrected in the pres yLASIK eye to a out -%6(% at distance. *his is desira le #or those who do lot o# drivin!, especially at ni!hts.

CUS !"#S$% L&S#' Custom LASIK is a mind o!!lin! technolo!ical advancement in re#ractive sur!ery. *he advanta!es and ene#its o# traditional LASIK sur!ery in improvin! eyesi!ht are well known today. 2hile the awareness o# the details o# over hal# a do,en types o# custom Lasik is less well known. Custom LASIK is desi!ned to treat oth lower order a normalities such as #ar si!htedness and asti!matism as well as hi!her order a normalities. *his e##ectively correts lurriness, halos, and other types o# vision issues related to hi!her order anomalies. +atients with lar!e pupils, sensitivity to low contrast and misshaped corneas will not e happy with standard Lasik. Low contrast sensitivity makes it di##icult to see details o# an o 7ect in dim li!hted situations. +eople with lar!e pupils have poor ni!ht vision, which is worsened with traditional LASIK. *his was reali,ed over a decade a!o, and we introduced wave#ront optimi,ed Lasik, which addressed several o# these issues. 8et those with speci#ic corneal shapes and vision de#ects cannot e corrected y the !enerali,ed optimi,ation. +resent day LASIK e9uipment track your eye movements much #aster than traditional methods. *he e9uipment Karthik :etralaya uses track the eye so #ast, even durin! the Lasik procedure, that inadvertent eye movement will not a##ect the procedure. +entacam analsyis o##ers a true (10 representation o# corneal contours, and #or those with si!ni#icant de#ects the map can e exported to the Laser system to per#orm a very uni9ue type o# custom Lasik. "ere the actual treatment is !uided y patients own corneal topo!raphical details. I# wave#ront anaysis is de#ective, a!ain the same can e exported to the Lasik system to per#orm a custom wave#ront !uided treatment. Lasik in hyperopes 3near si!htedness4 routinely needs customi,ation so as to en7oy their vision #ully. Custom procedures make it possi le hitherto not !ood candidates to e a le to en7oy Lasik corrected vision usin! newer technolo!y. Corneal asymmetry, visual axis decenterations and those who have had older type o# Lasik and are not happy with the results can now !et their a errations recti#ied. In#ection, dry eyes, ni!ht !lare, seein! halos or star ursts, etc. are thin!s o# the past. A custom procedure makes it possi le #or everyone to achieve -%6-% vision and even etter. Custom LASIK corrects visual acuity, as well as visual 9uality. Karthik :etralaya o##ers every kind o# Custom Lasik to suit your eye desi!n and your visual demand in this competitive world.

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