Owens Vs - Master Race - Unit 7 Worksheets - Reader 8: Reading Worksheet 1

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Owens vs.

Master Race - Unit 7

Worksheets - Reader 8

Reading Worksheet 1 The following passage consists of parts of a speech by Martin Luther King who was a Black American. Saddened by the unequal treatment meted out to the blacks in America he spoke about his feelings and his dream. Read on...... (refer to the glossary for meanings) Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the *Emancipation Proclamation. This came as a great light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity. But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the *manacles of *segregation and the chains of *discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still *languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an *exile in his own land. I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. Glossary Emancipation proclamation: was an order signed by American President Abraham Lincoln asking most of the African slaves to be freed manacles: chains segregation: division discrimination: viewing with a difference languishing: wasting away. exile: out cast

1a.Tick the correct meaning of the following phrases A. Flames of withering injustice: Unjust treatment towards the blacks by the White Americans. Flames that die down Freedom of the black Americans B. Joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity. A day filled with light after a long dark night wonderful freedom after years of slavery A day of joy. C. manacles of segregation something to hold on to. chains that were kept separately chains that held people away from the others D. languishing in the corners of American society living in American street corners neglected and ignored by society wasting time

E. exile in his own land. displaced in his own country living all alone living in ones country Worksheet 1b Complete the following

1. Abraham Lincoln ____________ the Emancipation Proclamation _________________ ago. 2. The sad truth was that the __________ was still not free from poverty and suffering. 3. King said that he dreamed that one day _________ and __________ Americans will live together as equals. 4. __________________________ came as a hope to millions of Negro slaves.

Worksheet 1c Answer the following questions with reference to the passage. 1. Who was the great American? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What did King dream about? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Name the state that was filled with injustice towards Blacks. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. How many children did King have and what did he want them to be judged by? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Structure and Usage Worksheet 2a 1. Complete the following sentences with suitable reflexive pronouns in the box
Pull yourself /hurt myself/ excused himself/ behave yourselves/ saw herself cried herself / enjoyed ourselves

1. The student was not feeling well so he _________________ and left the room. 2. They had painted her face when she was asleep. She screamed when she ______________________in the mirror. 3. We expect silence here. Please ___________________ 4. Dont be afraid. ____________________ up from the ditch. 5. We left in the morning and ____________________ at the park. 6. The child felt lonely. She _________________ to sleep. 7. The ground was uneven and I_________________________ while playing. 2b.Write the plural form of the following reflexive pronouns 1. herself __________________ 2. Yourself ________________ 3. Himself _________________ 4. Myself _________________

5. Itself ___________________

Words in Use Worksheet 3 Given below are a few phrasal verbs with their meaning. Select the right phrasal verbs and complete the sentences. You may have to change the tense according to the sentences. The first one has been done for you.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

drop out - quit hold on - hang on look out - search for look after - take care of ask for - enquire point out - show back out - withdraw step in - enter break down - stop working

a. My sister looked after me when my parents were out. b. Their truck ____________________ on the high way. c. The refugees __________________to their hopes of being d. provided shelter. e. When the teacher _________________ the classroom we stopped f. talking. g. Many people ___________________ of the competition h. I am _________________________ for my friend. i. The tourists ____________________ directions. j. My friend ___________________ of his promise to help me out with my home work. k. The child ________________________ to his father.

Punctuation Worksheet 4 Hyphenate the words wherever necessary.

1. My brother in law paid us a visit yesterday. 2. Meet A. R. Rehman the Oscar award winner. 3. The hikers sat down tired and exhausted. 4. The vice president will be presiding over the function. 5. It was a well planned outing. 6. Superman came to our rescue the great hero that he was. 7. They were the regular late comers. 8. Princess Diana looked lovely her gown swirling around her as she walked. 9. He cried aloud relief flooding his face. 10. The children plucked the sweet smelling flowers.

Writing Worksheet 5 Rewrite the following paragraphs in dialogue form. 1. Hitler asked his deputy who the black man was. His deputy replied that he was an American athlete and was here to compete with the master race. Hitler scoffed upon hearing this and stated that the poor man was in for a shock as he was sure to lose. Hitler: ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Deputy: _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Hitler ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Just as Jesse Owens was settling down to enjoy the rest of the Olympic games , his coach approached him and asked him to take part in the 4100 relay. Owens protested and said that he had won three gold medals already and asked the coach to give other athletes a chance. The coach replied that since he was in good form there was no harm in running for his country. His win would add on to the medal tally and help defeat the Germans further. Coach:___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Owens: ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Coach_______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Answer Key Worksheet 1: reading 1a.Tick the correct meaning of the phrases A. Flames of withering injustice: Unjust treatment towards the blacks by the White Americans. Flames that die down Freedom of the black Americans

B. Joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity. A day filled with light after a long dark night wonderful freedom after years of slavery A day of joy.

C. manacles of segregation something to hold on to. chains that were kept separately chains that held people away from the others

D. languishing in the corners of American society living in American street corners neglected and ignored by society wasting time

E. exile in his own land. displaced in his own country living all alone loving ones country

Worksheet 1b Complete the following 1. Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation a hundred years ago. 2. The sad truth was that the Negro/Black American was still not free from poverty and suffering. 3. King said that he dreamed that one day white and black Americans will live together as equals. 4. The Emancipation Proclamation/ proclamation came as a hope to millions of Negro slaves.

Worksheet 1c Answer the following questions with reference to the passage. 1. Who was the great American? The great American whom King is talking about is Abraham Lincoln 2. What did King dream about? King dreamed of equality for Black Americans. He wanted them to be a part of the American society where they would one day walk hand in hand with the White Americans as equals. 3. Name the state that was filled with injustice towards Blacks. The state of Mississippi was filled with oppression and injustice towards Black Americans. 4. How many children did King have and what did he want them to be judged by? King had four children and he wanted them to be judged by the content of their character Structure and Usage Worksheet 2: 1. The student excused himself and left the room. 2. She screamed when she saw herself in the mirror. 3. Please behave yourself. 4. Dont be afraid. Pull yourself up from the ditch. 5. We enjoyed ourselves at the park. 6. The child felt lonely. She cried herself to sleep. 7. I hurt myself while playing. Worksheet 2b 1. themselves/ 2.yourselves/ 3. themselves/ 4.ourselves/ 5. themselves. Worksheet 3 a. My sister looked after me when my parents were out. b. Their truck broke down on the high way. c. The refugees held on to their hopes of being provided shelter. d. When the teacher stepped into the classroom we stopped talking. e. Many people dropped out of the competition. f. I am looking out for my friend. g. The tourists asked for directions. h. My friend backed out of his promise to help me out with my home work. i. The child pointed out to his father.

Punctuation Worksheet 4 Hyphenate the words wherever necessary. 1. My brother-in-law visited paid us a visit yesterday. 2. Meet A. R. Rehman-the Oscar award winner. 3. The hikers sat down-tired and exhausted. 4. The vice-president will be presiding over the function. 5. It was a well-planned outing. 6. Superman came to our rescue-the great hero that he was. 7. They were the regular late-comers. 8. Princess Diana looked lovely-her gown swirling around her as she walked. 9. He cried aloud-relief flooding his face. 10. The children plucked the sweet-smelling flowers.

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